Installation Instructions for
KC 7305 Light Mounting Brackets
Thanks for choosing a KC HiLiTES product. We take pride in building the highest quality,
best engineered systems possible. Your satisfaction with our product is important, so if you
have any questions, please call our customer service line at 800-528-0950.
Parts Included:
2 - Brackets 6 - M6 U-nuts
6 - M6 bolts 6 - M6 flat washers
NOTE - These brackets were designed for KC lights and these instructions were written with the
assumption you have already purchased the lights.
1. Notice the large opening in the front bumper. Your new driving lights will fit nicely in this opening on
each side of the license plate.
2. If you are replacing your factory driving lights, remove the lights and brackets. Your new light brackets will
be mounted in much the same way.
3. If your truck was not equipped with factory driving lights, locate the holes in the bumper lip on the inside
of the bumper opening that match your new brackets. NOTE - Your new light brackets are positioned with
the two holes at the top and the KC logo facing forward.
4. The bracket labeled DRIVERS SIDE will mount on the
drivers side of the truck. The other on the passenger side.
5. Slide the supplied U-nuts over the matching holes of the
bumper lip with threads facing forward (2 on each top side,
1 on each lower side). Your new brackets will mount on the
back side of the bumper lip. NOTE - If your truck had
factory lights, the U-nuts will already be in place.
6. Mount the light to the bracket as shown and tighten the
light mounting hardware. The light will mount to the hole
in the center of your new bracket.
7. Align the bracket (with the light mounted) with the U-nuts in the bumper and begin threading the 3 bolts
into place. Repeat for the other bracket and light. Tighten all 6 bolts.
You’re DONE! - - - Thanks again for choosing KC products.
23 Year Warranty
See details on our website at
KC HiLiTES, Inc. 2843 W. Avenida de Luces, Williams, Arizona 86046-0155 * 800-528-0950 * www.kchilites.com KC3263A - rev 020906