The KBV2 Series Drives are advanced versions of the KBN2 Series Drives. The
sensorless ux-vector operation mode provides over 200% torque down to 1 Hz.
Closed Loop ux vector operation is also available. Process
KBV2 Series (NEMA-1) • 1 – 30 HP • 230 and 460 VAC Line Input*
Optional Accessories
Description Part No. Rating
E2 DIN Rail Mounting Kit 14000 -
E2 RFI Filter 14010 230 V - 10 A
N2/V2-2102 RFI Filter 14020 230 V - 10 A
N2/V2-2202A RFI Filter (2 HP) 14030 230 V - 20 A
N2/V2-2202B RFI Filter (3 HP) 14040 230 V - 20 A
N2/V2-4103A RFI Filter (1, 2 HP) 14050 460 V - 10 A
N2/V2-4103B RFI Filter (3, 5 HP) 14060 460 V - 10 A
N2/V2-4203 RFI Filter (71/2, 10 HP) 14070 460 V - 20 A
N2/V2-4603 RFI Filter (15, 20, 25, 30 HP) 14080 460 V - 60 A
N2/V2 (1/2 - 5 HP) 3 Ft. Keypad Ext. Cable Kit 14090 -
N2/V2 (1/2 - 5 HP) 10 Ft. Keypad Ext. Cable Kit 14110 -
N2/V2 (7.5 - 30 HP) 3 Ft. Keypad Ext. Cable Kit 14120 -
N2/V2 (7.5 - 30 HP) 10 Ft. Keypad Ext. Cable Kit 14140 -
N2/V2 RS-232 Communication Kit 14150 -
N2 RS-485 Communication Kit 14160 -
Digital Products
Monochromatic and
Color LCD Touch
Screen Displays
A u t o m a t i o n a n d C o n t r o l
Description Part No. Rating
230 V - 1 HP Brake Resistor Kit 14170 200 Ω - 60 W
230 V - 2 HP Brake Resistor Kit 14080 100 Ω - 150 W
230 V - 3 HP Brake Resistor Kit 14190 70 Ω - 200 W
230 V - 5 HP Brake Resistor Kit 14200 40 Ω - 300 W
230 V - 71/2 HP Brake Resistor Kit 14210 25 Ω - 500 W
230 V - 10 HP Brake Resistor Kit 14220 20 Ω - 600 W
460 V - 1 HP Brake Resistor Kit 14230 750 Ω - 60 W
460 V - 2 HP Brake Resistor Kit 14240 400 Ω - 150 W
460 V - 3 HP Brake Resistor Kit 14250 250 Ω - 200 W
460 V - 5 HP Brake Resistor Kit 14260 150 Ω - 300 W
460 V - 71/2 HP Brake Resistor Kit 14270 100 Ω - 500 W
460 V - 10 HP Brake Resistor Kit 14280 80 Ω - 600 W
Programmable Relays
A u t o m a t i o n a n d C o n t r o l
Digital Inverters for 3-Phase
AC Induction Motors thru 30 HP
KBE2 Series (IP-20, NEMA-4) • 1/4 – 3 HP • 115, 230, and 460 VAC Line Input*
The KBE2 Series Drives are compact in size and easy to install and operate. The 3-digit LED display and
digital keypad facilitate programming. Remote control operation is achieved with isolated terminals
for Start/Stop, Forward/Reverse, and analog signal input/output. They provide a simple
low-cost solution for applications thru 3 HP. The KBE2 is available in IP-20 and NEMA-4
(indoor) enclosures.
KBN2 Series (NEMA-1) • 1/2 – 30 HP • 230 and 460 VAC Line Input*
The KBN2 Series are full featured drives rated thru 30 HP. The remote mountable
keypad with 4-digit LED display provides full programming features and custom
readouts. The KBN2 contains preset speeds, process timers, and sequence control
functions. The PC based RS-232/485 communications options
facilitate programming.
AC and DC 20 - 60 I/O PNP, NPN and Relay Programmable Logic Controllers
KB Electronics, Inc.
12095 N.W. 39th Street • Coral Springs, FL 33065-2516
954 346-4900 • Fax: 954 346-3377 • Outside Florida 800 221-6570
www.kbelectronics.com • Email: info@kbelectronics.com
Dist. By:
A42117 • DISG 1000
control is accomplished with the programmable
PID functions. Built-in RS-485 communication
along with DeviceNet, PROFIBUS, and LonWorks communication protocol adds to the KBV2
* Actual AC line input voltage operating range is listed in
general performance speci cations
KB Electronics, Inc.
“The Right Control For Your Application”

StandardFeaturesAndSpeci cations
Description KBE2 Series KBN2 Series KBV2 Series
Enclosure Type IP-20 & NEMA-4 NEMA-1 NEMA-1
LED Digital Display with Keypad (Number of Digits) 3 4 4
Multifunction Control Inputs (Number of Inputs) 2 3 3
Preset Speeds and Jog (Number of Speeds) 3 7 7
Isolated Remote Signal Inputs
Manual or Automatic Start
Regenerative and DC Injection Braking
Preset V/Hz Curves with Program Modification
Diagnostics with Fault Codes
Output Relay
DIN Rail Mounting
3-Wire Remote Start/Stop
Remote Mountable Keypad
Multifunction Output Signal (Open Collector)
Windows 95/98 Based Software for PC/Inverter Communications
Custom Readouts
Process Control with PID Loop
DeviceNet, PROFIBUS and LonWorks Communication Protocol
Sensorless and Closed Loop Flux Vector Control
Auto Tuning/Motor Characteristics
Process Timers
Overvoltage/Undervoltage Protection
Regeneration Protection
Stall Protection
Phase-to-Phase Short Circuit Protection
Phase-to-Ground Short Circuit Protection
I2t Motor Overload Protection
Overtemperature Protection
Horsepower Range (HP, (kW)) 1/4 - 3 (0.18 - 2.3) 1/2 - 30 (0.37 - 23) 1 - 30 (0.75 - 23)
Frequency Range (Hz) 0.1-200 0.1-400 0.5-400
Switching Frequency Range (kHz) 4-16 1-12 2-16
Frequency Resolution (Hz) 0.1 0.01 0.01
Accel/Decel Range (Seconds) 0.1-999 0.1-3600 0.1-3600
Overvoltage Trip Point @ 230 VAC, @ 460 VAC (VAC)
Undervoltage Trip Point @ 230 VAC, @ 460 VAC (VAC)
Maximum Vibration (G) 1 0.5 0.5
AC Line Input Voltage Range (VAC) 115 and 208/230 (+/- 15%), 380-460 (+/- 10%)
Input Line Frequency Range (Hz) 48-62
Output Waveform Sine Coded PWM
Overload Rating (%) 150% for 1 Minute
Operating Temperature Range (0C) -10 to 50
General Performance Specifications Protection Features Standard Features
Humidity (Relative %) 0-95 (Non Condensing)
Remote Analog Signal Input 0-10 VDC, 4-20 mADC, 0-20 mADC
Output Relay Contact Rating 1 Amp @ 30 VDC, 250 VAC
Analog Output Voltage (VDC) 0-10
Approvals CE, cULus, N998 (C-Tick), ISO-9002
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290, 580 300, 600 300, 600
140, 280 140, 280 140, 280
Panel Mount IP-20
KBE2 Series Drives
KBN2 Series Drives
KBV2 Series Drives
Notes: 1. Requires optional DIN Rail Mounting Kit. 2. Requires remote keypad adaptor and extension cable. 3. KBN2 Series Drives require optional RS-232
or RS-485 Communication Kit. KBV2 Series Drives have RS-485 built-in (requires optional RS-232 Communication Kit). 4. Based on 115/230 Volts AC or 230/460
Volts nominal AC line input voltage.
Dimensions (W X H X D)
Ref. Code Inches mm
A 2.83 x 5.20 x 4.65 72 x 132 x 118
B 4.65 x 5.63 x 6.77 118 x 143 x 172
C 5.55 x 8.50 x 7.01 141 x 216 x 178
D 4.21 x 6.38 x 5.51 107 x 162 x 140
Ref. Code Inches mm
E 5.87 X 7.24 X 6.22 149 X 184 X 158
F 7.28 X 8.46 X 6.57 185 X 215 X 167
G 7.87 X 11.81 X 7.83 200 X 300 X 199
H 9.84 X 15.75 X 9.45 250 X 400 X 240
Notes: 1. Model KBE2 is available with optional built-in Class A Industrial Standard RFI Filter. Add suffix “F” to model number (example: KBE2-2101-PF). See Optional Accessories table for Class B Residential Standard RFI Filter. 2. The KBE2 NEMA-4 models are available with an option package which contains an On/Off AC Switch, a Forward/
Reverse Switch, and a Main Speed Potentiometer. Add suffix“S” to model number (example: KBE2-2101-4S). 3. Models KBN2 and KBV2 are also available in NEMA-4
enclosures (indoor use only). *Models available approximately June, 2002.
Nominal AC Line
Input Voltage
(Volts AC - 50/60 Hz)
Maximum Continuous
Output Load Current
(RMS Amps/Phase)
Model No. Part No.
.25 .18 115 1 1.4 KBE2-1125-P 11000
.50 .37 115 1 2.3 KBE2-1150-P 11010
1 .75 115 1 4.0 KBE2-1101-P* 11016
.25 .18 230 1 1.4 KBE2-2125-P 11020
.50 .37 230 1 2.3 KBE2-2150-P 11030
1 .75 230 1 4.2 KBE2-2101-P 11040
2 1.5 230 1,3 7.5 KBE2-2202-P 11050
3 2.3 230 1,3 10.5 KBE2-2203-P 11060
1 .75 460 3 2.3 KBE2-4301-P 11070
2 1.5 460 3 3.8 KBE2-4302-P 11080
3 2.3 460 3 5.2 KBE2-4303-P 11090
.50 .37 115 1 2.3 KBE2-1150-4* 11510
1 .75 115 1 4.0 KBE2-1101-4* 11516
1 .75 230 1 4.2 KBE2-2101-4* 11540
.50 .37 230 1,3 3.1 KBN2-2250-1 12000
1 .75 230 1,3 5.0 KBN2-2201-1 12010
2 1.5 230 1,3 7.5 KBN2-2202-1 12020 E
3 2.3 230 1,3 10.5 KBN2-2203-1 12030
5 3.8 230 3 17.5 KBN2-2305-1 12040
7.5 5.6 230 3 26.0 KBN2-2307-1 12050
10 7.5 230 3 35.0 KBN2-2310-1 12060
15 11 230 3 49.0 KBN2-2315-1 12070
30 23 230 3 87.0 KBN2-2330-1 12090
1 .75 460 3 2.3 KBN2-4301-1 12100
2 1.5 460 3 3.8 KBN2-4302-1 12110
3 2.3 460 3 5.2 KBN2-4303-1 12120
5 3.8 460 3 8.8 KBN2-4305-1 12130
7.5 5.6 460 3 13.0 KBN2-4307-1 12140
10 7.5 460 3 17.5 KBN2-4310-1 12150
15 11 460 3 25.0 KBN2-4315-1 12160
20 15 460 3 32.0 KBN2-4320-1 12170
30 23 460 3 48.0 KBN2-4330-1 12180
1 .75 230 3 5.0 KBV2-2201-1 13010
2 1.5 230 3 7.5 KBV2-2202-1 13020
3 2.3 230 3 10.5 KBV2-2203-1 13030
5 3.8 230 3 17.5 KBV2-2305-1 13040
7.5 5.6 230 3 26.0 KBV2-2307-1 13050
10 7.5 230 3 35.0 KBV2-2310-1 13060
15 11 230 3 49.0 KBV2-2315-1 13070
20 15 230 3 64.0 KBV2-2320-1 13080
25 19 230 3 76.0 KBV2-2325-1 13090
30 23 230 3 87.0 KBV2-2330-1 13100
1 .75 460 3 2.3 KBV2-4301-1 13110
2 1.5 460 3 3.8 KBV2-4302-1 13120
3 2.3 460 3 5.2 KBV2-4303-1 13130
5 3.8 460 3 8.8 KBV2-4305-1 13140
7.5 5.6 460 3 13.0 KBV2-4307-1 13150
10 7.5 460 3 17.5 KBV2-4310-1 13160
15 11 460 3 25.0 KBV2-4315-1 13170
20 15 460 3 32.0 KBV2-4320-1 13180
25 19 460 3 40.0 KBV2-4325-1 13190
30 23 460 3 48.0 KBV2-4330-1 13200
Ref. Code
H20 15 230 3 64.0 KBN2-2320-1 12080