GigabitCAM KE5BGCA256
Access Bit set while searching
When a hit occurs in the CAM word while searching, the hit
result of the entry can be stored as the Access Bit data.
This means the past career of the hit results can be man-
aged. For every 12 MASK registers, the determination of
whether the search result is stored in the Access Bits or not
(whether the Access Bits must be set according to the hit
result) can be done using the SCONF register. (Refer to
Chapter 7 for more details.)
Search Result
Flag pins (PHON, PMON, SHON, SMON)
The PHON and SHON pins indicate if the Hit word (the
CAM word which is hit) exists. A high level on the PHON
pin indicates that a single hit does not exist and a low level
on this pin indicates that a single hit exists and multi-hit
does not exist. A high level on the SHON pin indicates that
no hit exist and a low level on this pin indicates that a single
hit or Multi-Hit exist. The PHON pin goes to an unknown
status when the search operation starts, and it outputs high
or low level according to the search result. The PHON pin
outputs the search results asynchronously with the CLK.
The SHON outputs the corresponding search result syn-
chronously with CLK. (See Fig. 4.4.2. Refer to Chapter 5 for
more details)
The PMON and SMON pins indicate if Multi-Hit entries
exist. A high level of these pins indicates that a multi-hit
does not exist and the low level of this pin indicates that a
multi-hit exists. The PMON and SMON pin goes to an un-
known status when the search operation starts, and it out-
puts high or low level according to the search result The
PMON pin outputs the search results asynchronously with
the CLK. The SHON outputs the corresponding search re-
sult synchronously with CLK. (See Fig. 4.4.2.)
HHA register
The HHA register stores the address of the CAM word that
is hit by the search operation. The HHA register has the
valid bit that indicates the validity of the data stored in the
HHA register. This valid bit becomes 0 if single hit (no
multi-hit word exist) exists. If a multi-hit or no hit exists, the
valid bit becomes 1 , invalid. The HHA register also
stores the data output to the PHON and PMON pins accord-
ing to the search result, namely Hit and Multi-Hit flag data
(Labeled SYH and SYM in section 7.3 Register Bit Maps). In
a cascaded system in which multiple devices are intercon-
nected, the Last Device in the chain holds the Hit and Multi-
Hit flags of the total system.
Careful consideration is required for the HHA register, be-
cause the HHA (Highest Hit Address) becomes invalid data
when a multi-hit exists. The search configuration register,
SCONF, allows the user to set the Access Bit according to
the search operation results. Even though a multi-hit is set
as invalid, all the Access Bits of Hit words are still set.
Hit and Multi-Hit status of the total system is valid only
when the HHA register in the Last Device is accessed with
the timing which considers the propagation delay between
the devices.
MEMHHA register
The MEMHHA register is used to read and write the hit
CAM. The mask condition in the 12 MASK registers is also
used for a partial write to modify part of the hit CAM word.
The write through the MEMHHA register is prohibited
when the address stored in the HHA register is invalid, be-
cause this may cause access to the undesired CAM word
and the data in it might be destroyed.