GigabitCAM KE5BGCA128
• Read/Write CAM Memory
Read/write of the entry data is executed not by direct address indication, but by indirect address indication through
specific registers (MEMAR, MEMARAI, MEMAR_AT,
MEMHEA_AT). When writing through MEMAR,
kinds of mask conditions can be selected. Mask in the data
write operation means that the data of masked bit is not
changed by the write operation. There are two ways to select the mask condition from the 12 mask registers (MASK0
- MASK11). One way is to select it with 4 single pins,
MS<3:0> applied dynamically in data write. The other way
is to select by the definition in the CNTL1 register statically
The read/write of the CAM memory is basically the same as
the read/write of the registers. As shown in Fig. 4.2.1, the
mask condition in the write operation is selected by
MS<3:0>, the status of these select control signals is
latched by the rising edge of CLK while the PHASE signal is
low, and the data is written to the memory with Latency 2.
The read data is output from the CPU port with Latency 4.
(See Section 4.7 about Latency.)
• Read/Write CAM Data through the MEMAR
Read/write operation of the CAM word, whose address is
designated by the AR register, is executed by the MEMAR
register. Write through the MEMAR register changes the
attribute bits in the CAM word as follows:
• Empty Bit : 0 (Entry is valid.)
• Permanent Bit : Return to the default value defined
in the CNTL1 register
• Access Bit : Return to the default value defined in
the CNTL1 register.
•Read/Write CAM Data through the
MEMARAI register
Read/write operation of the CAM word, whose address is
designated by the AR register, is executed by the
MEMARAI register. One read/write to the MEMARAI register increments the value of the AR register automatically.
Write through the MEMARAI register changes the attribute bits in the CAM word as follows:
• Empty Bit : 0 (Entry is valid.)
• Permanent Bit : Return to the default value defined
in the CNTL1 register.
• Access Bit : Return to the default value defined in
the CNTL1 register.
•Read/Write CAM Data through the
MEMHHA register
Read/write operation of the CAM word, whose address is
designated by the HHA register, is executed by the
MEMHHA register. Read/write through the MEMHHA
register is prohibited when the address stored in the HHA
register is invalid, because this may cause an access to the
undesired CAM word and the data in it might be destroyed.
Read/write through the MEMHHA register does not
change the attribute bits in the CAM word.