Kawasaki LSI KE5B256B1CFP Datasheet

Ver. 1.2.1
64k-bit • 3-port type
Address Processor KE5B256B1
Table of Contents
1. Features
1.1 Introduction
1.3 Specifications
1.4 Register Names
2. Block Diagram
3. Pin Assignment and Pin Descriptions
3.1 Pin Assignment
3.2 Pin Descriptions
4. Port and Operation Mode Overview
4.1 Port Overview
4.2 Arbitration
4.3 Operation Modes Overview
4.4 External Arbitration
5. CAM Table
5.1 Entry and Segment
5.2 Table Configuration
5.3 Read/Write Segment Data
5.4 Search and CAM Table
6. Input Port
6.1 Input Port Configuration
6.2 IP Sequence Configuration
6.3 Selection of Channel and Start Sequence Num­ber
6.4 IP Sequence Operation
6.5 HHA Automatic Output
7. Output Port
7.1 OP Sequence Configuration
7.2 Selection of Channel and Start Sequence Num­ber
7.3 OP Sequence Operation
8. CPU Port
8.1 Access to Registers
8.2 Basic Operation through CPU Port
8.3 Search Operation through CPU Port
8.4 Search Result Output from CPU Port
8.5 HHA/HEA Register Operation
8.6 Automatic Increment Function
8.7 Table Maintenance
9. Cascading
9.1 Device ID Registration
9.2 Priority
9.3 Cascade Connection
9.4 Input Port in a Cascade System
9.5 Output Port in a Cascade System
9.6 CPU Port in a Cascade System
9.7 AC Characteristics in a Cascade System
9.8 Single Device Operation
10. Initialization
11. Examples
12. Command Descriptions
12.1 Command Functions
12.2 Conditions for Executing Commands
13. Register Descriptions
13.1 Overview
13.2 Register Addresses
13.3 Register Bit Maps
13.4 Conditions for Accessing Registers
14. Electrical Characteristics
14.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings
14.2 Operating Range
14.3 DC Characteristics
14.4 AC Characteristics
15. Package Outline
Address Processor KE5B256B1
1. Features
1.1 Introduction
KE5B256B1 is a 256k-bit CAM (Content Addressable Memory) device with a new architecture. The main func­tion of the LSI is fast searching of data on the search data table stored in CAM. User can define the row/column table size flexibility. The width of one entry in the search data table can be selected from 32 bits to 256 bits, in increments of 32 bits (1 segment). User can define the area to be searched in an entry freely in terms of the position and bit width. The search operation is executed for each segment, and the cycle time is 80ns with the fast operation charac­teristic of CAMs. KE5B256B1 provides 3 ports, an Input Port, Output Port and CPU Port. These ports are designed to have the most appropriate functionality. The Input Port, which is only used for inputting the key data, provides the programmable input data formatter and programmable sequencer. These capabilities enable the formatting of the incoming key data and flexible search operation with any table column as a pre-determined se­quence by writing into the Input Port. Therefore, user can execute complex search operations quickly. The search results can be output by flag pin and by register reading from the Output Port or the CPU Port. The Output Port is only used for outputting the search re­sults. Like the Input Port, it has a programmable se­quencer. The Output Port can output search results auto­matically according to a pre-determined sequence by read­ing from the Output Port.
The CPU Port is used for the definition of the search table, the table configuration/maintenance and the configuration of the Input Port and the Output Port . The CPU Port has registers and commands by which user can realize func­tions easily. The registers can be accessed with direct ad­dressing, and there are various effect commands for table maintenance. The input/output data bus is 16 bits in width. An endian function is supported to make it easy to access
the search table data of 32 bits. The upper 16 bits or the lower 16 bits of the segment can be read/written with the same address using the endian function. Multiple devices can be easily cascade-connected in order to increase the number of entries in the CAM table without external logic. The extended CAM realized by cascade connection can be treated as if it were one continuous table in one device, because priority control is done internally between devices. However, the number of segments forming one entry in the search data table must be the same in all devices (even if the devices are not cascade connected). This device must arbitrate between ports to protect against data destruction caused by simultaneous access from plu­ral ports. User can select two methods of arbitration. One is an internal arbitration mode which restricts the device to internal operation by port-dependent modes (CPU mode, IP mode, OP mode, IOP mode). In this case, the device determines whether the device receives operations from every port or not. The other is external arbitration. In this case, simultaneous access from every port is not permitted. However, user can decrease the execution cycles, because instead of external arbitration, mode restriction is not ap­plied. User can select either method according to the re­quired applications.
Address Processor KE5B256B1
1.2 Functional Overview
The KE5B256B1 (Address Processor: AP) provides the best solution to the fast and complex "Address Filtering" requirements of today's internetworking equipment with the following outstanding functions.
(1) Flexible search data table definition answering to vari­ous protocols.
• The entry size is configurable from 32 bits to 256 bits.
• The search operation of any width key data can be performed with data at any position in the table.
• All the CAM area can be accessed as RAM.
(2) 3-port architecture
• Optimized functionality for each port provides
fast data processing. (3) Programmable input data formatting and search se­quence
• The input data width can be selected as 32, 16, or
8 bits.
• Definition of data input and search start position.
• Masking by bit is possible.
• Search window set by byte unit.
• Maximum 8 step search sequence definition to any column of the table.
(4) Programmable output sequence
• Output sequence definition of any search
• Output sequence definition of any column of the hit entry.
(5) Multi-channel sequence
• A maximum of 16 kinds of IP sequences and OP sequences can be defined by indicating the channel/ number of the start sequence.
(6) Cascading
• No additional logic is required.
• A cascaded table acts as one integral search data.
(7) Commands
• Useful commands for the search table mainte­nance
1.3 Specifications
CA M core Capacit
256 kbits Access to table entry Random access to all data (RAM, CAM substitution) Configuration Configurable to control the entry width from 32 b its to 256 bits (Entry size) in units of 32 bits
32 bits x 8,192 entries
64 bits x 4,096 entries
96 bits x 2,728 entries
• 128 bit s x 2,048 en trie s
• 160 bit s x 1,636 en trie s
• 192 bit s x 1,364 en trie s
• 224 bit s x 1,168 en trie s
• 256 bit s x 1,024 en trie s
Cascad in
Up to 32 devices (adds table depth
Search Operatio n • Via C PU Port
• Via Inp ut Port (automatic)
• Masking by bit
• Search o peratio n by table segmen t (32 bits)
• AN D search f or mo re t ha n 32 bits of data
• H it accumulation using Access Bit
Result Ou tput • Via C PU Port
• Via Output Port (automatic)
• Hit result p in ( H O _)
• I ntermediate search result pins ( SH0_, SH1_)
• Hit add ress
• Entry data of hit address
Key data use d in se arch o pe ration
Address Processor KE5B256B1
Specifications (cont'd)
Ports I nput Port · Input data bl ock width is s electable (32, 16, or 8 bits
data input
· Multi-channel:
IP sequence of 2 channels (A/B) can be defined.
Numb er of start sequence can be selected. Input Port sequence Maximum 8-step input sequen ce co nf iguration and data
IP Sequence
formatting functions.
· Cut Through:
Any block selectable among 64 b locks in d ata stream
· Data Accumulation :
M ost recent 64 bit s can be temporarily stored
(Accu mulat io n Buf fer & Sub-accu mulation Buff er
· Search Window Set:
Key data selectable w ith 32-bit width among 64 b its of
accumulated data starting from n (n=0-3, n byte shift) byte
· Mask operation by bit
· Any segm en t can be searched in any order.
Output Port · 32 bits
Search result output
· Multi-channel
OP sequence of 2 channels (A/B) can be defined.
Numb er of start sequence can be selected. Output Port sequence Maximum 8-step output sequen ce co nf iguratio n
OP Sequence
· Search key data:
Key data a fter d ata fo rmatting used in the IP sequence
(CMP0 - CMP7 register
· Hit status:
Hit, m u lt i- hit, used cha n nel (HSTAT register
· Hit address:
Hit entry add ress w ith the highest priority (HHA register
· Contents of hit add ress (MEMHHA register
* Hit status can be output in combin a t io n with ot her search results CPU Port · 16-bit data, 8-bit addres s
· C o mm a n d ex ecut ion
· Regist er Rea d/Write
Sequence · SQRST_ (Pin
reset · SSQRST command (from CPU Port
Search resu lt · HO_: Result s of ea ch search operat io n output pins · SH0_, SH1_: Interm edia t e search results of specified step in the IP sequence Cycle time 80ns
I/F LVTTL compatible Supply voltage 3.3V ± 0.3V
T ech no lo
0.5µ m CMOS
Address Processor KE5B256B1
1.4 Register Names
Register names are described by the following abbreviations.
Abbreviations of Registers
Abbreviation Register Name COM Register Command Register CNTL Register Control Register DEVID Register Device ID Register DEVSTAT Register Device Status Register DEVSEL Register Device Select Register AR Register Address Register MEMAR Register Memory_AR Register MEMHHA Register Memory_HHA Register MEMHEA Register Memory_HEA Register CPUHS Register CPU HHA/HEA Segment Register MEMAR_AT Register Memory_AR Attribute Register MEMHHA_AT Register Memory_HHA Attribute Register MEMHEA_AT Register Memory_HEA Attribute Register SHASGN Register Sequence Hit Flag Assignment Register HHASGN Register HHA Automatic Output Assignment Register CUT Register Cut Register SS Register Search Start Register CS Register Channel Sequence Register MASK Register Mask Register AOC Register Automatic Output Control Register AOSC Register Automatic Output Sub Control Register CPUINP Register CPU Input Data Register CPUMASK Register CPU Mask Register CPUSRS Register CPU Search Segment Register CPUINP2 Register CPU Input Data 2 Register CPUMASK2 Register CPU Mask 2 Register CPUSRS2 Register CPU Search Segment 2 Register HSTAT Register Hit Status Register ESTAT Register Empty Status Register HHA Register Highest Hit Address Register HEA Register Highest Empty Address Register SH Register Sequence Hit Result Register CMP Register Comparand Register
Address Processor KE5B256B1
Fig. 2-1 Block Diagram
2. Block Diagram
Input Port (8, 16, 32 bits)
Data Formatter
Input Port Sequencer
32 bits
MASK 0 - 7
Comparison Logic
CAM Array
8,192 words 32bits
Empty Bit
Hit Flag
Access Bit
Priority Encoder
32 bits
Output Port Sequencer
A ch
B ch
A ch
B ch
32 bits
Output Port
32 bits
Control Status
Memory R/W
CPU Search
Table Status
16 bits
CPU Port
16 bits
8 bits
Flag Logic
16 bits
Address Processor KE5B256B1
Fig. 3.1.1 Pin Assignment
(144-pin PQFP type)
3. Pin Assignment and Pin Descriptions
3.1 Pin Assignment
Address Processor KE5B256B1
Table 3.1 Pin Assignment
Pin No. Signal Name I/O type Pin No. Signal Name I/O type
1 V DD - 41 ID<22> IN 2 OD<2> OUT 42 ID<23> IN 3 OD<1> OUT 43 ID<24> IN 4 OD<0> OUT 44 ID<25> IN 5 OE _ IN 45 ID<2 6> IN 6 PO _ OUT 46 ID<2 7> IN 7 PI_ IN 47 ID<28> IN 8 SH1_ OUT 48 ID<29> IN
9 SH0_ OUT 49 ID<30> IN 10 HO_ OUT 50 ID<31> IN 11 HI_ IN 51 IPBUSY _/OPACT_ OUT 12 FLO_ OU T 52 OPB US Y_/IPACT_ OUT 13 VDD - 53 WR IN 14 ID<0> IN 54 G ND ­15 ID<1> IN 55 G ND ­16 ID<2> IN 56 G ND ­17 GND - 57 SQRST_ IN 18 GND - 58 RST_ IN 19 GND - 59 RD_ IN 20 ID<3> IN 60 ADD<0> IN 21 ID<4> IN 61 ADD<1> IN 22 ID<5> IN 62 ADD<2> IN 23 ID<6> IN 63 ADD<3> IN 24 ID<7> IN 64 ADD<4> IN 25 ID<8> IN 65 ADD<5> IN 26 ID<9> IN 66 ADD<6> IN 27 ID<10> IN 67 ADD<7> IN 28 ID<11> IN 68 G ND ­29 ID<12> IN 69 R/W_ IN 30 ID<13> IN 70 CE_ IN 31 ID<14> IN 71 NC OPEN*1 32 ID<15> IN 72 V DD ­33 ID<16> IN 73 V DD ­34 ID<17> IN 74 DAT<0> IO 35 ID<18> IN 75 DAT<1> IO 36 VDD - 76 DAT<2> IO 37 VDD - 77 DAT<3> IO 38 ID<19> IN 78 DAT<4> IO 39 ID<20> IN 79 DAT<5> IO 40 ID<21> IN 80 G ND -
Address Processor KE5B256B1
*1 NC pins should be open. (Do not connect.)
Table 3.1 Pin Assignment (cont'd)
Pin No. Signal Name I/O type Pin No. Signal Name I/O type
81 VDD - 121 OD<19> OUT 82 DAT<6> IO 122 OD<18> OUT 83 DAT<7> IO 123 OD<17> OUT 84 DAT<8> IO 124 OD<16> OUT 85 DAT<9> IO 125 GND ­86 DAT<10> IO 126 GND ­87 DAT<11> IO 127 GND ­88 DAT<12> IO 128 OD<15> OUT 89 DAT<13> IO 129 OD<14> OUT 90 GND - 130 OD<13> OUT 91 GND - 131 OD<12> OUT 92 GND - 132 V DD ­93 DAT<14> IO 133 OD<11> OUT 94 DAT<15> IO 134 OD<10> OUT 95 ISNM<0> IN 135 OD<9> OUT 96 ISNM<1> IN 136 OD<8> OUT 97 ISNM<2> IN 137 GND ­98 OPNS IN 138 OD<7> OUT 99 IPCH IN 139 OD<6> OUT
100 OPCH IN 140 OD<5> OUT 101 G ND - 141 OD<4> OUT 102 OD<31> OUT 142 OD<3> OUT 103 OD<30> OUT 143 NC OPEN*1 104 OD<29> OUT 144 V DD ­10 5 SP/TP_ IN 106 NC OPEN *1 107 FL I_ IN 108 V DD ­109 V DD ­110 OD<28> OUT 111 OD<27> OUT 112 OD<26> OUT 113 OD<25> OUT 114 OD<24> OUT 115 G ND ­116 OD<23> OUT 117 OD<22> OUT 118 OD<21> OUT 119 OD<20> OUT 120 V DD -
Address Processor KE5B256B1
3.2 Pin Descriptions
Pin name Attribute
CPU Port Data Bus
Input / Output
Tri-state LVTTL
CPU Port Address
Device Enable
Hardware Reset
Input Port
Data Bus
DAT<15:0> is a 16-bit, bidirectional data bus used to con­vey data, commands, and status to and from the Address Processor (AP). The direction is controlled by the state of R/W_. DAT<15:0> is enabled by a low level of CE_.
ADD<7:0> is an 8-bit address bus used to select registers.
CE_ is used for access from the CPU Port. R/W_, ADD, DAT inputs are latched on the falling edge of CE_.
R/W_ low selects a write cycle. R/W_ high selects a read cycle. The state of R/W_ is registered on the falling edge of CE_.
RST_ is a hardware reset signal. A low pulse of RST_ ini­tializes the AP. The minimum low hold time is 40ns.
ID<31:0> is a 32-bit data bus used to convey search data to the AP through the Input Port. The ID bus width can also be configured to 8 bits (ID<7:0>) or 16 bits (ID<15:0>).
Address Processor KE5B256B1
FunctionPin Name Attribute
Input Port
Write Pulse
Port Number
Port Sequence
Pointer Reset
Output Port
Data Bus
Output Port
Read Pulse
Output Port
Outpt Enable
WR controls the search operation through the Input Port. Users can select the polarity of WR. According to the cut through configuration, data on the ID bus is transferred on the falling edge (negative pulse) or the rising edge (positive pulse) of WR.
SP/TP_ controls the mode restriction for register access and command execution. When the SP/TP_ is pulled down, the use of independent triple ports and restricts some operations in the CPU mode. When the SP/TP_ is pulled up, the use of like a single port and reduces the re­striction.
SQRST_ is a Sequence Pointer Reset signal for the Input Port and Output Port. A low pulse of SQRST_ initializes the Input Port Sequence Pointer and Output Port Sequence Pointer. Low hold time requires more than 40ns.
OD<31:0> is a 32-bit data bus used to output the results of a search operation.
RD_ controls the read access through the Output Port. The Output Port read cycle starts on the falling edge of RD_. The OD bus outputs the results of the search operation ac­cording to the output sequence configuration.
OE_ enables the OD output. When OE_ is low, the OD output drivers are enabled. When OE_ is high, OD bus im­pedance becomes high.
Address Processor KE5B256B1
FunctionPin Name Attribute
Input Port Busy/
Output Port Active
Output Port Busy/
Input Port Active
Hit Flag Output
Hit Flag Input
IPBUSY_/OPACT_ is used to monitor the status of port operation. When the SP/TP_ pin is pulled down, this pin becomes a busy signal for the Input Port. This pin is low during the Output Port read cycle or CPU mode. On the other hand, when the SP/TP_ pin is pulled up, this pin be­comes an active signal for the Output Port. This pin is low during the Output Port read cycle.
OPBUSY_/IPACT_ is used to monitor the status of port operation. When the SP/TP_ pin is pulled down, this pin becomes a busy signal of the Output Port. This pin is low during the Input Port read cycle or CPU mode. On the other hand, when the SP/TP_ pin is pulled up, this pin be­comes an active signal for the Input Port. This pin is low during the Input Port write cycle.
HO_ is used to output search results. This pin is low when even one hit occurs in the search operation. This pin is high when no entry is hit. In a cascaded system, the hit signal of the cascade configuration appear the HO_ output of the lowest priority device (Last Device).
HI_ is used in the cascaded system. HI_ input is connected to the HO_ output of the adjacent higher priority device. This connection propagates hit information from a high priority device to a lower priority device. The HI_ pin of the highest priority device should be pulled up in a cas­caded system, and in a single system, the HI_ pin of the device should be pulled up.
Address Processor KE5B256B1
FunctionPin Name Attribute
SH0_, SH1_
Sequence Hit Flag
Open Drain
Priority Output
Priority Input
Full Flag Output
SH0_ and SH1_ are used to output the intermediate search results in a search sequence from the Input Port. When there are search results of a specified sequence number, this pin is low. On the other hand, when there is no hit, this pin has high impedance. SH0_ and SH1_ are programmably se­lected and output intermediate search results.
PO_ is used to propagate priority information of the device and to output multi-hit information. In a cascaded system, this pin propagates priority information (DEVID priority) of cascaded system to the lower priority device. This pin is also used as a multi-hit status flag. When this pin is low, multi-hit occurs. In a cascaded system, the PO_ pin of the lowest priority device (Last Device) outputs sys­tem multi-hit information.
PI_ is used in a cascaded system. The PI_ input is con­nected to the PO_ output of the adjacent higher priority de­vice. This connection propagates DEVID priority from a high priority device to a lower priority device. Multi-hit in­formation is also propagated by this connection. The PI_ pin of the highest priority device should be pulled up in a cascaded system, and in a single system, the PI_ pin of the device should be pulled up.
FLO_ is used to output search results. This pin is low when all entries in the CAM are filled with effective entries (full status) and there is no entry for new registration. In a cascaded system, the full signal of the cascade configu­ration appears at the FLO_ output of the lowest priority de­vice (Last Device).
Address Processor KE5B256B1
FunctionPin Name Attribute
Full Flag Input
Input Port
Input Port Start Sequence Number Select
Output Port
FLI_ is used in a cascaded system. The FLI_ input is con­nected to the FLO_ output of the adjacent higher priority device. This connection propagates full/empty information from a high priority device to a lower priority device. The FLI_ pin of the highest priority device should be pulled up in a cascaded system, and in a single system, the HI_ pin of the device should be pulled up.
IPCH determines the Input Port active channel when hard­ware channel selection is defined in the CNTL register. The state of IPCH is registered on the falling edge of the SQRST_ pulse or CE_ pulse of the SSQRST command. IPCH low selects channel "A" and high selects channel "B."
ISNM<2:0> is used to indicate the start search sequence number. When a hardware channel selection is defined in the CNTL register, this 3-bit field indicates the start IP sequence number directly. Signals on this fields are latched on the falling edge of the SQRST_ pulse or CE_ pulse of the SSQRST command.
OPCH determines the Output Port active channel when hardware channel selection is defined in the CNTL regis­ter. The state of OPCH is registered on the falling edge of the SQRST_ pulse or CE_ pulse of the SSQRST com­mand. IPCH low selects channel "A" and high selects channel "B."
Address Processor KE5B256B1
FunctionPin Name Attribute
Output Port
Start Sequence
Number Selection
OPNS is used to indicate the start output sequence number. This pin determines whether the OP start sequence number is "0" or a number indicated in the CNTL register. A Signal on the OPNS pin is latched on the falling edge of SQRST_ pulse or CE_ pulse of the SSQRST command. When this pin is low, the sequence number "0" is selected. On the other hand, when this pin is high, the sequence number pointed in the CNTL register is selected.
Power Supply: 3.3V ± 0.3V
Address Processor KE5B256B1
4. Port and Operation Mode Overview
4.1 Port Overview
KE5B256B1 has an Input Port, which is only used to input search key data, an Output Port, which is only used to out­put search results, and a CPU Port, which is used to control the device, for table configuration, and for table mainte­nance. An overview of each port is presented below.
Input Port
The 32-bit Input Port receives data for search opera­tions. The port width is 32-bit in width, but it can be configured to 16 or 8 bits. When 16 or 8 bits are configured, 16 or 8 bits on the LSB side of ID<31:0> are used, with 16 bits, ID<15:0> is effective. With 8 bits, ID<7:0> is effective. The data on the ID<31:0> is input into the device by applying a writing pulse (WR pulse) to the WR pin. A pre-defined search sequence (IP sequence) then executes. The polarity of the WR pulse is program­mable, and can be configured by the user to a negative or positive pulse. The WR pulse cycle is called the Input Port cycle.
A sequencer in the Input Port operates synchronously with the WR pulse. The sequence executes the following pro­cesses.
(1) Cut Through
Only desired data blocks as search keys are picked up from among the input data stream applied from the Input Port.
(2) Data Accumulation
The data blocks picked up in the Cut Through process are stored in an Accumulation Buffer and a Sub-accumulation Buffer in the device. The total number of bits which can be stored in the Accumulation Buffer and Sub-accumulation
Buffer is 64 bits.
(3) Search Window Setting
A 32-bit data block is selected as the search key data from among the 64-bit data block stored in the above two buff­ers. The position of the window can be set by byte.
(4) Mask Operation
The 32 bits of search key data selected can be masked by bit. Masked bits are not compared with the corresponding bits of the search key data.
(5) Selection of Search Segments
A column position (segment) in the search data table to be searched is selected.
(6) Execution of Search
These sequencer operation (IP sequence) is programmable. Each step of the search operation can be defined indepen­dently. Two sets of the IP sequence can be defined (2-chan­nel architecture). Each channel can contain a maximum of 8 steps. Two kinds of sequences can execute by changing these channels. Furthermore, user can use the sequencer dividing function. In this case, a maximum of 16 kinds in an IP sequence, which have various search mask definitions and search segment definitions, can be defined (multi-chan­nel). See Chapter 6 for a detailed discussion of IP sequence definitions.
Output Port
The 32-bit Output Port provides search results. The data is output synchronously with an RD_ pulse on the OD<31:0>. The cycle of the RD_ pulse is called the Out­put Port Cycle. There are several search results output from the Output Port as listed below.
Address Processor KE5B256B1
• Hit status (Hit, Multi-hit, etc.)
• Address of the hit entry
• Stored data of the hit entry
• Key data used in the IP sequence
Users can define which of the results are output and the numbers of which the results are output in the sequencer (OP sequence). The OP sequence is also constructed of two channels, and each channel can contain a maximum of 8 steps (as in the IP sequence). Users can use the sequencer dividing func­tion and define multi-channel sequences. See Chapter 7 for a detailed discussion of IP sequence definitions.
CPU Port
The CPU Port has a 16-bit data bus DAT<15:0> inter­facing with the host processor. The address ADD<7:0> determines which register is accessed in the device. Each operation through the CPU Port is executed synchro­nously with a CE_ low pulse. The CE_ pulse cycle is called the CPU Port Cycle. An R/W_ signal determines whether a cycle is a reading cycle or a writing cycle. All operations using the CPU Port are executed by reading or writing registers indicated by the Address Bus (ADD<7:0>). The processes executed by the CPU Port are presented below.
(1) Setting of Basic Device Operations
This setting is executed by writing the CNTL register. The contents of the setting are an Endian function (see Chapter
5) polarity of the WR pulse and a method of IP/OP channel selection (see Chapters 6, 7). A detailed discussion of the bit map of the CNTL register is presented in Section 13.3.
(2) Device ID Registration (only for cascaded systems)
With a cascaded system, the Device ID must be registered. A detailed discussion of Device ID registration is presented in Section 9.1.
(3) CAM Table Configuration
The column size (entry width) and row size (entry number) of the CAM table must be defined. This definition is called a table configuration. See Chapter 5 for a detailed discussion.
(4) IP/OP Sequence Definition
The search sequence of the Input Port (IP sequence) and the output sequence of the Output Port are defined. A method of input data formatting, mask operation, and the search segment can defined by setting the Cut register, SS register, CS register, and MASK register for the IP se­quence. See Section 6.2 for a detailed discussion. A pointing the search required results (Status, Address, Data) and output segment can defined by setting the AOC register and AOSC register. A detailed discussion is pre­sented in Section 7.1.
(5) CAM Table Creation and Maintenance
The creation and maintenance of the CAM table are ex­ecuted by accessing data in the CAM. This operation can be executed by both the former operation and also by using a maintenance command. See Chapter 8 for a detailed discus­sion.
(6) Command Execution
Commands can be executed by writing an OP-code into the COM register. Some commands are prepared for mode change, device reset, IP/OP sequence reset, and table main­tenance.
Address Processor KE5B256B1
(7) Search Operation
A search operation may be also executed through the CPU Port. However, automatic search operations cannot be defined in search operations through the CPU Port, (as with the IP sequence). The key data, mask data, or search segment number should be set up in the CPUINP, CPUMASK, or CPUSRS register prior to performing the SRCH command. A detailed discussion is presented in Chapter 8.
(8) Search Results
The results of the search operation can be output via the CPU Port by reading the registers (e.g. HSTAT, ESTAT, HHA, SH, and CMP) which store the hit status, hit address, and intermediate hit information of the IP se­quence. Stored data of the hit entry can be output by read­ing the MEMHHA register. For a detailed discussion, See Chapter 8.
In access to the CAM table of above-mentioned operations (3, 5, 7, and part of 6, 8), simultaneous access through the Input Port and Output Port is not permitted to protect the CAM table data against destruction. However, register ac­cess except for the CAM table and execution commands with no relation to CAM table manipulation can be ex­ecuted while the Input Port and Output Port are running, because is access will not cause CAM table destruction. A detailed discussion of operations which are not permitted simultaneously is presented in Table 4.3.1.
4.2 Arbitration
This device is not permitted to access through plural ports simultaneously to protect against the CAM data destruc­tion. Therefore, it is necessary to arbitrate operations through the three ports (CPU, Input, Output) using one of the two methods described below.
(1) Internal Arbitration
Internal arbitration restricts access simultaneous to the de­vice through plural ports according to the operation mode. The operation modes in internal arbitration include the CPU mode, in which a host processor mainly operates , the IP mode, in which the IP sequence is executed, the OP mode, in which the OP sequence is executed, and the IOP mode, which is a waiting mode for shifting to the IP or OP mode. An TC sub-mode for table definition and a DEVID sub-mode for Device ID registration are also included.
In internal arbitration, for example, in the CPU mode, the device is controlled so as not to execute operations through the Input Port (IP sequence) and the Output Port (OP se­quence). Therefore, a shift mode operation is necessary be­fore executing the required operations.
(2) External Arbitration
External arbitration is a method that restricts access simul­taneous to the device through plural ports external to the device. For example, when access signals to each port are created by the same clock, accesses to each port can be exclusive. In this case, the command for shifting modes can be omitted using external arbitration.
There is basically no mode concept in external arbitration. The only restrictions are on the operation modes that are related to the TC sub-mode for table definition and a DEVID sub-mode for Device ID registration.
The SP/TP_ pin determines which arbitration method is se­lected. When the SP/TP_ pin is pulled down, the internal arbitration is selected. If pulled up, external arbitration is selected.
Address Processor KE5B256B1
4.3 Operation Modes Overview
As mentioned above, during internal arbitration, operation of the device is restricted by the operation mode. A detailed discussion of each mode is given below.
CPU Mode
The CPU mode is used to access the device through the CPU Port. In this mode, accesses through the Input Port and Output Port become invalid. Transition to the CPU mode is executed by the device reset operation (applying a low pulse to the RST_ pin or issuing the SRST command) or issuing the SWCPUP and SWCPU_IM commands. Operation through the CPU Port is basically in the CPU mode, but there are operations which can be executed in the other modes. In internal arbitration, operations related to the CAM table can not be executed by shifting to the CPU mode. Operations which can be performed only in the CPU mode are discussed below for the internal arbitration.
• Writing the CNTL Register
The CNTL register is different from the CAM core, but this register cannot be written in the only CPU mode because the basic definitions of the CNTL register are important in­formation for accessing to the CAM table. Reading of the CNTL register can be executed in the other modes.
• Creating the CAM Table and Maintenance
Commands for read/write data of the CAM table can be executed to protect against data destruction due to simulta­neous access through the Input Port and the Output Port when only the CPU mode can be executed.
• Reading the CMP Register
The CMP register can also be accessed to protect against
data destruction due to simultaneous access through the In­put Port and Output Port when only the CPU mode can be executed.
When you execute the above operation, which can be ex­ecuted only in the CPU mode, be careful about mode shift­ing. A summary of the operations which are not permitted simultaneous access through the Input Port or Output Port is presented in Table 4.3.1.
DEVID Sub-mode
The DEVID sub-mode, which belongs to the CPU mode, is used to register a unique Device ID for every cascaded device. The following operations require to registration of a Device ID in the DEVID sub-mode.
• STR_DEVID command
• Read/Write to the DEVID register
• NXT_PR command
• END_DEVID command
Do not use the DEVID sub-mode except in Device ID reg­istration. In the case of a single device, the DEVID sub­mode is not necessary to use because Device ID registra­tion is not necessary. See Section 9.1 for a detailed discus­sion of Device IDÊregistration.
TC Sub-mode
In the TC sub-mode, which belongs to the CPU mode, user defines how many segments (1 segment = 32 bits) the CAM table has as one entry. This operation is called table con­figuration. In the TC sub-mode, only the following opera­tions which are necessary to configure the CAM table are performed.
• STR_TC command
• Read/Write AR register (pointing the CAM address)
Address Processor KE5B256B1
Table 4.3.1 Prohibited operations in simultaneous access through Input Port and Output Port
• Read/Write MEMAR register (Read/Write TC data)
• END_TC command
These commands cannot be used except in table configura­tion. Table configuration must be executed when user uses the device. A detailed discussion of table configuration is presented in Section 5.2.
IOP Mode
The IOP mode is the stand-by state for the IP mode or OP mode. The device moves the IOP mode from the CPU mode when an SWIOP command is executed. In this mode, the sequencer in the Input Port starts to operate automati­cally, and the mode of the device moves to the IP mode (Note 1). When the defined IP sequence ends, the mode returns to the IOP mode automatically.
When an RD_ pulse is applied in the IOP mode, the se­quence in the Output Port starts to operate and the mode of the device moves to the OP mode. When the defined OP sequence ends, the mode returns to the IOP mode. In the IOP mode, operations (e.g. accessing the CAM table through the CPU Port) which are permitted only in the CPU mode cannot be executed. When user wishes to ex­ecute these operation, it is necessary to change the CPU mode by issuing an SWCPUP command or SWCPUP_IM command.
IP Mode
The Input Port is active in the IP mode. When a WR pulse is applied to the Input Port in the IOP mode, the mode of the device moves the IP mode and the search operation starts according to the defined sequence. The search opera­tion is executed synchronously with the WR pulse, and the
Operations Content of operation
Register access to CAM table MEMAR regi ster Read/Write
MEMHHA register Read/Write MEMHEA register Read/Write M EM A R _AT register R ea d MEMHHA_ AT register Read MEMHEA_AT register Read
Command to CAM table SRCH command GEN_HI T command
SRCH2 command NXT_HE command PRG_ AL command GEN_FL c ommand PRG_ NAC command APPEND command PRG_AC command APPEND_NHE command RST_AC command RESTORE command PRG_NACW H c o mmand STMP_AR command PRG_ACWH command STMP2_AR command RST_A C WH co mmand ST MP_ HH command PRG_HH command STMP2_HH command PRG_AR command STMP_HE command NXT_H H command STMP2_HE command
Secondary register a ccess to CA M ta ble CN TL register Write
CMP register Read
Address Processor KE5B256B1
sequence is processed step by step. The IP sequence pointer increases with each step. When the pointer arrives at the step which is defined as the end of the sequence, the pointer stops and the mode returns to the IOP mode auto­matically. However, when the mode returns to the IOP mode, the IP sequence will not operate even when a WR pulse is input, because the sequence pointer is stopped. If user wishes to start the IP sequence again, it is necessary to initialize the stopped pointer. Inputting an SQRST_ low pulse or issuing an SSQRST command initializes the pointer. In the IP mode, an output operation through the Output Port and the operations (e.g. accessing the CAM table through the CPU Port) which are permitted only in the CPU mode cannot be executed.
When interrupt commands (SWCPUP, CWCPUP_IM, SWCPUP_SQE command) are executed before the end of the IP sequence, the device moves the CPU mode accord­ing to the timing of the command specification. A detailed discussion of interrupt commands through the CPU Port is presented in a later section.
OP Mode
The Output Port is active in the OP mode. When an RD_ pulse is applied to the Output Port in the IOP mode, the mode of the device moves to the OP mode and the output operation starts according to the defined sequence. The output operation is executed synchronously with the RD_ pulse and the sequence is processed step by step. The OP sequence pointer with each step. When the pointer arrives at the step which is defined as the end of the sequence, the pointer stops and the mode returns to the IOP mode auto­matically. When the mode returns to the IOP mode, the OP sequence will not operate when an RD_ pulse is input, be­cause the sequence pointer is stopped. Users who wish to restart the OP sequence should initialize the stopped pointer using the sequence pointer reset operation.
In the OP mode, the search operation through the Input Port and the operations (e.g. accessing the CAM table through the CPU Port) which are permitted only in the CPU mode cannot be executed. When the interrupt com­mands are executed before the end of the IP sequence, the device moves the CPU mode according to the timing of the command specification. (Note 1) The sequence pointer reset operation with chang­ing to the IOP operation is necessary to start the sequence.
Address Processor KE5B256B1
Mode Transition and Command
Mode transition is shown in Fig. 4.3.1 when the SP/TP_ pin is pulled down (in internal arbitration). The mode transition is controlled by the WR, RD_ pulses or command. A de­tailed discussion is presented below.
CPU mode => IOP mode
The transition of the IOP mode from the CPU mode is ex­ecuted basically by executing the SWIOP command. Some of the commands which are executed in the CPU mode have the SWIOP command function. After these com­mands execute, the device can return to the IOP mode im­mediately. This function is called the automatic SWIOP function. Users can determine whether to use the automatic SWIOP function or not by setting the CPUHS register. This function omits issuing of the SWIOP command, and can make processes more efficient. The following 8 com­mands have the automatic SWIOP function. See Chapters 8 and 12 for a detailed discussion of each command.
• Append commands APPEND command APPEND_NHE command
• Stamp commands STMP_AR command STMP_HH command STMP_HE command STMP2_AR command STMP2_HH command STMP2_HE command
IOP mode => IP mode
The transition to the IP mode from the IOP mode is ex­ecuted by inputting a WR pulse. However, when the se­quence pointer stops, the WR pulse is not received and the mode transition is not executed. If user wishes to move the
IP mode (starting IP sequence), the sequence pointer reset operation must be executed beforehand. The sequence pointer reset operation can be executed before the SWIOP command.
IP mode => IOP mode
When a predefined IP sequence ends, the mode of the de­vice returns to the IOP mode. When the sequence pointer reset operation is executed in the IP mode, the mode re­turns to the IOP mode without waiting for the end of the IP sequence. Users who wish to have the mode return to the IOP mode in the middle of an IP sequence should use, the sequence pointer reset operation. (See Chapter 14.)
IOP mode => OP mode
The transition to the OP mode from the IOP mode is ex­ecuted by inputting an RD_ pulse. However, when the se­quence pointer stops, the RD_ pulse is not received and the mode transition is not executed. If user wishes to move the OP mode (starting OP sequence), the sequence pointer re­set operation must be executed beforehand. The sequence pointer reset operation for the OP sequence is not neces­sary if the sequence pointer reset operation is executed be­fore the IP sequence which corresponds to the OP se­quence, because the sequence pointer reset operation ini­tializes both the IP sequence pointer and the OP sequence pointer.
OP mode => IOP mode
When a predefined OP sequence ends, the mode returns to the IOP mode. When the sequence pointer reset operation is executed in the OP mode, the mode returns to the IOP mode without waiting for the end of the OP sequence. Us­ers who wish to have the mode return to the IOP mode in middle of an OP sequence should use, the sequence pointer reset operation. (See Chapter 14.)
Address Processor KE5B256B1
* Device reset RST_pulse or SRST command ** Sequence pointer reset SQRST_pulse or SSQRST command
Power ON *SP/TP_
ull down
Device Reset
DEVID sub-mode
CPU mode
IOP mode IP modeOP mode
· RD_pulse · WR pulse
Normal operation state
TC sub-mode
· STR_DEVID command
· END_DEVID command
· STR_TC command
· END_TC command
· Sequence pointer reset **
· End of OP sequence
· Sequence pointer reset **
· End of IP sequence
· End of OP sequence after SWCPUP, SWCPUP_SQE command execution
· End of OP cycle after SWCPUP_IM command execution
· SWIOP command
· Stamp, Append command with automatic SWIOP command
· End of IP sequence after SWCPUP, SWCPUP_SQE command execution
· End of IP cycle after SWCPUP_IM command execution
· SWCPUP command
· SWCPUP_IM command
Fig. 4.3.1 State Diagram in internal arbitration
Table 4.3.2 IPBUSY_/OPACT_, OPBUSY_/IPACT_ in internal arbitration
CPU m o d e L L
(including DEVID sub-mode and TC sub-mode)
IP mode H L
OP mode L H
IOP mode H H
Address Processor KE5B256B1
IOP mode => CPU mode
The SWCPUP command or SWCPUP_IM command is is­sued to move the mode to the CPU mode from the IOP mode.
IP mode/OP mode => CPU mode (CPU interrupt)
When the CPU interrupt commands (SWCOUP, SWCPU_IM, SWCPUP_SQE) are issued, user can move the mode to the CPU mode from the IP mode/OP mode without using the IOP mode. A detailed discussion of CPU interrupt commands is presented below.
• SWCPUP Command
When a SWCPUP command is issued during an IP se­quence/OP sequence, the CPU interrupt is reserved and the device moves to the CPU mode without passing through the IOP mode after the end of the sequence being executed. When a SWCPUP command is issued in the IOP mode, the device moves to the CPU mode immediately.
• SWCPUP_SQE Command
A SWCPUP_SQE command also moves the mode to the CPU mode after the end of the IP sequence/OP sequence. However, when the command is issued in the IOP mode, the interrupt is only reserved and the device does not move to the CPU mode immediately. This point is different from the SWCPUP command. In this case, the transition to the CPU mode is also executed after the end of the IP se­quence/OP sequence.
• SWCPUP_IM Command
When an SWCPUP_IM command is issued during an IP sequence/OP sequence, the CPU interrupt is reserved im­mediately and the device moves to the CPU mode without waiting for the end of sequence being executed. The input Port cycle/Output Port cycle, which is executed when an
SWCPUP_IM command is issued, continues to operate and the device moves to the CPU mode at the end of the cycle. When an SWCPUP_IM command is issued in the IOP mode, the device moves to the CPU mode immedi­ately.
The IP sequencer/OP sequencer detects the issuance of the above-mentioned CPU interrupt commands at the edge of the WR/RD_ pulse. (See Chapter 14, CPU interrupt in the IP mode/OP mode.) When the timing shown in Chapter 14 is not observed, the command is not detected until the next edge of the WR/RD pulse, and the transition to the CPU mode is executed late. The transition to the CPU mode can be confirmed by the DEVSTAT register or the IPBUSY_/ OPACT_ pin and OPBUSY_/IPACT_ pin.
If there is no WR/RD_ pulse for some reason, the interrupt command is not detected and the transition to the CPU mode is not executed. In this case, the SWCPUP command can move the device to the CPU mode after the IP/OP se­quence is stopped by a sequence pointer reset operation.
CPU mode <=> DEVID sub-mode
Normal transition to the DEVID sub-mode from the CPU mode is executed by issuing an STR_DEVID command. The END_DEVID command is issued to return to the CPU mode after Device ID registration.
CPU mode <=> TC sub-mode
Normal transition to the TC sub-mode from the CPU mode is executed by issuing an STR_TC command. The END_TC command is issued to return to the CPU mode after table configuration.
Users can confirm the mode of the device by reading the DEVSTAT register or the IPBUSY_/OPACT_ pin and OPBUSY_/IPACT_ pin. The IPBUSY_/OPACT_ and OPBUSY_/IPACT_ pins be-
Address Processor KE5B256B1
come busy signals in internal arbitration, as shown in Table 4.3.2.
Both the IPBUSY_/OPACT_ and OPBUSY_/IPACT_ pins become low and indicate "Busy" to the Input Port/ Output Port in the CPU mode (including the DEVID sub­mode and TC sub-mode).
The OPBUSY_/IPACT_ pin becomes low to prohibit op­eration through the Output Port and indicates "Busy" of the Output Port. The IPBUSY_/OPACT_ pin becomes low to prohibit operation through the Input Port and indicates "Busy" of the Input Port. The IPBUSY_/OPACT_ and the OPBUSY_/IPACT_ pins become high to indicate a ready status to the IP sequence or the OP sequence in the IOP mode.
The CPF bit of the DEVSTAT register is a flag which indi­cates that the mode is the CPU mode in internal arbitration. The IPF bit of the DEVSTAT register is a flag which indi­cates that the mode is the IP mode in the internal arbitra­tion. The OPF bit of the DEVSTAT register is a flag which indicates that the mode is the OP mode in the internal arbi­tration. See Chapter 13 for a detailed discussion of the bit map of the DEVSTAT register.
Examples of typical use in the internal arbitration are pre­sented below.
When the device reset operation by an RST_ signal (or the SRST command) is executed, the device moves to the CPU mode automatically. After Power ON, a device reset opera­tion by a low pulse of the RST_ signal must be executed. The device reset operation initializes many registers. The initialized values are shown in Chapter 13. Registers for the IP sequence/OP sequence have pre-determined initial values.
Register the Device ID in every device by moving the DEVID sub-mode after the device reset operation in a cas­caded system. After Device ID registration, the transition
back to the CPU mode is executed by an END_DEVID command. See Chapter 9 for a detailed discussion of De­vice ID registration. In the case of a single device, Device ID registration is not necessary.
First, execute a designation of the device operation by setting the CNTL register in the CPU mode after the device reset operation (Device ID registration in a cascaded sys­tem). (A detailed discussion of the CNTL register is pre­sented in Chapter 13.)
Second, execute a table configuration by moving to the TC sub-mode. When the table configuration of all CAM words ends, the transition back to the CPU mode is executed by the END_TC command.
Third, execute the create table operation (writing table data). See Chapter 8 and 12 for a detailed discussion of the command set for accessing and maintenance of the CAM table.
Execute IP sequence/OP sequence definition by setting the CUT register, SS register, CS register, MASK register, AOC register, and AOSC register. A detailed discussion is presented in Section 6.2 and 7.1.
After all the above processes have been executed in the CPU mode, the device can be activated. When the SWIOP command is issued at this time, the CPU mode ends and the device moves to the IOP mode.
When the WR pulse is input after a sequence pointer reset operation in the IOP mode, the device moves to the IP mode and executes the IP sequence according to the defini­tion. When the IP sequence ends, the mode moves to the IOP mode automatically.
At this time the device moves to the OP mode when an RD_ pulse is input, and user can fetch the results of the IP sequence using the OP sequence. When the OP sequence
Address Processor KE5B256B1
ends, the device returns to the IOP mode.
When modifying/appending data in the CAM table after an IP sequence or OP sequence, issue the above CPU inter­rupt command and move the device to the CPU mode. Af­ter modifying/appending data in the CAM table, the device is moved to the IOP mode by a SWIOP command. If a sequence pointer reset operation is not executed, the device is not moved to the waiting state for the transition to the IP mode. The sequence pointer reset operation can be also executed in the CPU mode or after the transition to the IOP mode.
4.4 External Arbitration
As described in Section 4.2, external arbitration is a method outside the device which prohibits simultaneous access to the device through plural ports.
For example, when accessing signals to plural ports (WR, RD_, and CE_) are given from the same system clock and only one becomes active, a sufficient interval for all signals can be secured because only one signal always accesses the device. When the interval for accessing from every port is guaranteed to obtain a determined time width outside the device, external arbitration can be defined.
When external arbitration is defined, the mode restriction for all operations disappears and the issuing of commands (SWIOP, SWCPUP, SWCPU_IM, SWCPUP_SQE) for mode transition is not necessary. Therefore, process cycles can be decreased when much accessing of the CAM table through the Input Port and Output Port and modification of the CAM table through the CPU Port are required. How­ever, the TC sub-mode for table configuration and the DEVID sub-mode for DEVICE ID registration is neces­sary to move the device to the sub-mode. A comparison with mode transition in internal arbitration is shown in Fig.
The external arbitration operations are described below.
The device reset operation is also necessary in external ar­bitration after Power ON. The device should then be moved to the DEVID sub-mode using a STR_DEVID command in cascaded systems and the Device ID should be registered. After Device ID registration, execute an END_DEVID command.
After setting the CNTL register, move the device to the TC sub-mode using a STR_TC command and execute table configuration. After table configuration, exit the Device from the TC sub-mode using an END_TC command.
After writing the table data or the IP/OP sequence configu­ration, the IP sequence or OP sequence can start without an SWIOP command if the sequence pointer reset operation is executed. In modification/appending of the table data ( entry) after the end of the IP sequence or OP sequence, the mode transition using an CPU interrupt command is not necessary. Therefore SWIOP, SWCPUP, SWCPUP_IM, and SWCPUP_SQE commands are completely unneces­sary. However, the user should control the device from the outside to maintain the timing specifications between the WR and the RD_, WR and CE_, RD_ and CE_ signals. If the operations through the CPU Port by the CE_ are not related to the CAM table (other than in Table 4.3.1), there is no timing restriction between the CE_ pulse and WR, RD_ pulses.
Address Processor KE5B256B1
If user observes the above-mentioned timing restrictions among signals, mode transition is not necessary except for the transition to the TC sub-mode for table configuration and transition to the DEVID mode for Device ID registra­tion. The OP sequence can start during the IP sequence (before finishing the IP sequence completely), and the IP sequence can continue to execute again. That is, both the IP sequence and OP sequence can run simultaneously. How­ever, adequate care should be used in sequence configura­tion.
In external arbitration, there is no mode concept. The CPF bit of the DEVSTAT register is set to "1" after a device reset operation and indicates the same status as in the CPU mode. However, this bit does not change there after. The IPF and the OPF bits of the DEVSTAT register are initial­ized to "0," and these bits become "1" when the IP se­quence/OP sequence is running.
The OPBUSY_/IPACT_ pin is not a busy signal for the Output Port, but becomes a port active signal which indi­cates whether the Input sequence is running or not. The IPBUSY_/OPACT_ pin is not a busy signal for the Input Port, but becomes a port active signal which indicates whether the Output sequence is running.
The above discussion is summarized in Table 4.4.1. After the sequence pointer reset operation, both the OPBUSY_/ IPACT and the IPBUSY_/OPACT_ pins become high, and indicate that both the IP sequence and the OP sequence do not start. When the IP sequence starts due to a WR pulse, the OPBUSY_/IPACT_ pin becomes low, and indicates that the IP sequence is running. The OPBUSY_/IPACT_ pin becomes high when the sequence ends.
On the other hand, when the OP sequence starts due to a RD_ pulse, the IPBUSY_/OPACT_ pin becomes low. The IPBUSY_/OPACT_ pin becomes high, when the sequence ends. When both the IP sequence and the OP sequence are running, both the OPBUSY_/IPACT and the IPBUSY_/ OPACT_ pins become low. However, both pins are high in
the initial state after a device reset operation, because nei­ther sequence is being executed. Thus, the attributes and indications of the OPBUSY_/IPACT and the IPBUSY_/ OPACT_ pins change depending on the arbitration method. Therefore, use careful with regard to the differences shown in Table 4.3.1 and Table 4.4.1.
Address Processor KE5B256B1
Table 4.4.1 IPBUSY_/OPACT_, OPBUSY_/IPACT_ in external arbitration
* Device reset RST_pulse or SRST command ** Sequence pointer reset SQRST_pulse or SSQRST command
Power ON *SP/TP_
ull u
Device Reset
DEVID sub-
Waiting state for IP/OP sequence
(No CPU, IP, OP, and IOP modes)
IP sequence
· RD_pulse · WR pulse
· Sequence pointer reset**
· End of OP sequence
Normal operation state
· Sequence pointer reset**
· End of IP sequence
TC sub-mode
· STR_DEVID command
· END_DEVID command
· STR_TC command
· END_TC command
Fig. 4.4.1 State Diagram in external arbitration
Both IP seq uen ce and OP sequ en ce are no t run n ing
(Init ia l stat e af t er device reset) H H
IP sequence running H L
OP sequence running L H
Both IP seq uen ce and OP sequ en ce are run n in g
Address Processor KE5B256B1
Fig. 5.1.1 Word structure of CAM
5. CAM Table
The KE5B256B1 has a 256-kbit CAM and stores the data table the searched in the CAM. This chapter discusses the data table (CAM table) construction and relation between searches and the CAM table.
5.1 Entry and Segment
The CAM table is made up logically of many entries. In searching, part or all data of the entries are compared si­multaneously with all entries in the CAM. As a device feature, the width (data bit of the entry) and number of the entries can be set flexibly. The entry is made up of 32-bit segments. Accessing the CAM table and searching operation are executed by segment unit.
Physically, one segment corresponds to one CAM_word. The device has 8k (8,192)-CAM_words and can store 256k-bit (32 x 8k) of entry data. Each CAM word is as­signed an absolute address (CAM address) of 0H~1FFFH (0~8192), and not only has segment data space for storing the entry data, but also has circuit elements for realizing some functions. Fig. 5.1-1 shows all the elements comprising a segment. A detailed discussion is presented below.
Segment Data
The segment data stores the entry data. The width of one segment datum is 32 bits. The segment data can be used for CAM or RAM. The segment data operates as CAM in the search operation. In table read/write, table maintenance, and outputting of search results, the segment data operates as RAM. A definition of the distinction of CAM/RAM is not required.
The methods of addressing when reading/writing segment data are (1) used the CAM address (absolute address indi­cation) and (2) indication of the address by the segment number in the entry, using the entry address shown in the HHA or HEA register (discussed below) as an index.
Boundary Bit
The Boundary Bit is used for segment numbers (discussed below) and Table Configuration, and can be read or written only in the TC sub-mode.
Segment Number
The 3-bit width segment number indicates the number of the segment in the entry. The segment data can be read or written only in the TC sub-mode.
32 bits
Boundary Bit
Empty Bit
Segment data
1 bit 1 bit
Segment number
Access Bit
Hit Flag
1 bit 1 bit 3 bits
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