KaVo ARCUSevo Instructions For Use Manual

Instructions for use ARCUSevo
Always be on the safe side.
KaVo Dental GmbH Bismarckring 39 D-88400 Biberach Tel. +49 7351 56-0 Fax +49 7351 56-1488
Kaltenbach & Voigt GmbH Bismarckring 39 D-88400 Biberach www.kavo.com
Instructions for use ARCUSevo
Contents ...........................................................................................................................................................
1 User instructions ............................................................................................................................................ 2
1.1 User guide ...............................................................................................................................................2
1.1.1 Abbreviations .................................................................................................................................. 2
1.1.2 Symbols .......................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1.3 Target group ...................................................................................................................................2
1.2 Service ....................................................................................................................................................3
1.3 Warranty provisions ................................................................................................................................. 4
1.4 Transportation and storage .....................................................................................................................5
1.4.1 Packaging ordinance of August 28,1998 ........................................................................................ 5
1.4.2 Transportation damage ..................................................................................................................5
1.4.3 Storage ...........................................................................................................................................7
2 Safety ............................................................................................................................................................8
2.1 Description of safety instructions ............................................................................................................. 8
2.1.1 Warning symbol .............................................................................................................................. 8
2.1.2 Structure .........................................................................................................................................8
2.1.3 Description of hazardous steps ......................................................................................................8
2.2 Proper use ...............................................................................................................................................9
2.2.1 General information ........................................................................................................................9
2.2.2 Product-specific ............................................................................................................................10
2.3 Safety ....................................................................................................................................................11
2.3.1 General information ......................................................................................................................11
3 Product description ...................................................................................................................................... 12
3.1 ARCUSevo ............................................................................................................................................12
3.2 Technical data .......................................................................................................................................13
3.3 Scope of delivery ...................................................................................................................................14
4 Operation ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
4.1 Adapting the facial bow .........................................................................................................................15
4.2 Mount the facial bow .............................................................................................................................16
4.3 Removing the facial bow .......................................................................................................................18
5 Preparation methods DIN EN ISO 17664 .................................................................................................... 19
5.1 Cleaning ................................................................................................................................................19
5.1.1 Manual cleaning ...........................................................................................................................19
5.1.2 Machine cleaning .........................................................................................................................19
5.2 Disinfection ............................................................................................................................................20
5.2.1 Manual disinfection ....................................................................................................................... 20
5.2.2 Automated disinfection .................................................................................................................20
5.3 Sterilisation ............................................................................................................................................21
6 Accessories .................................................................................................................................................22
7 Spare parts sheet ........................................................................................................................................23
Instructions for use ARCUSevo
1 User instructions | 1.1 User guide
1 User instructions
1.1 User guide
Requirement Read these instructions before the initial startup to prevent misuse and damage.
1.1.1 Abbreviations
Short form
GA Instructions for use PA Care instructions MA Assembly instructions TA Technician's instructions STK Safety check IEC International Electrotechnical Commission RA Repair instructions EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
1.1.2 Symbols
See the section Safety/Warning Symbols
Important information for users and technicians
CE mark (Communauté Européenne). A product with this mark meets the requirements
of the corresponding European directive, i.e., the applicable European standard. Action required
1.1.3 Target group
This document is for dentists and office personnel.
Instructions for use ARCUSevo
1 User instructions | 1.2 Service
1.2 Service
Service hotline: +49 7351 56-1600 Service.Zahntechnik@kavo.com Please indicate the product serial number in all requests. Additional information can be obtained at: www.kavo.com
Instructions for use ARCUSevo
1 User instructions | 1.3 Warranty provisions
1.3 Warranty provisions
The following warranty conditions apply to this KaVo medical device:
KaVo provides the end customer with a warranty of proper function and guarantees zero defects in respect of material and processing for a period of 12 months from data of invoice, subject to the following conditions: In case of justified complaints, KaVo will honour its warranty with a repair or free replacement. Other claims of any nature whatsoever, in particular with respect to compensation,
are excluded. In the event of default, gross negligence or intent, this shall only apply in the absence of mandatory legal regulations to the contrary. KaVo cannot be held liable for defects and their consequences that are or may be due to natural wear, improper handling, cleaning or maintenance, non-compliance with operating or connection instructions, calcination or corrosion, contaminated air or water supplies or chemical or electrical factors deemed abnormal or impermis‐ sible in accordance with KaVo's instructions for use or other manufacturer specifi‐ cations. The warranty does not usually cover lamps, light conductors made of glass and glass fibres, glassware, rubber parts and the colourfastness of plastic parts. Defects or their consequences that can be attributed to interventions on or changes made to the product by the customer or a third party not authorised by KaVo are excluded from the warranty. Service warranty claims will only be accepted if the product is submitted along with proof of purchase in the form of a copy of the invoice/delivery note. The dealer, purchase date, unit number or type and serial number must be clearly visible on this document.
Instructions for use ARCUSevo
1 User instructions | 1.4 Transportation and storage
1.4 Transportation and storage
1.4.1 Packaging ordinance of August 28,1998
Note Only applicable for the Federal Republic of Germany.
KaVo transport packaging must be disposed of and recycled by local disposal ser‐ vice providers and recycling companies in accordance with Dual System require‐ ments. For more information about disposal and recycling, and an up-to-date list of local disposal service providers and recycling companies, please visit the following In‐ ternet sites: http://www.umweltdatenbank.de http://www.quality.de KaVo will bring
KaVo transport packaging returned by the customer at the custo‐
mer's own cost to the appropriate recycling companies without reimbursement..
1.4.2 Transportation damage
In Germany
If external damage to the packaging is visible upon delivery, follow the procedure below:
1. The recipient must record the loss or damage in the notice of delivery. The re‐
cipient and employee of the transportation firm must sign the notice of delivery.
2. Leave the product and packaging unchanged.
3. Do not use the product.
4. Report damage to the shipping company.
5. Report damage to KaVo.
6. A damaged product cannot be returned before talking with KaVo.
7. Send the signed notice of delivery to KaVo.
If the product is damaged and there is no discernable damage to the packaging upon delivery, proceed as follows:
1. Report damage immediately or at least 7 days after the delivery to the delivery
company. .
2. Report damage to KaVo.
3. Leave the product and packaging unchanged.
4. Do not use a damaged product.
Note If the recipient does not follow one of the above instructions, the damage will be held to have occurred after the delivery
(according to ADSp. Art. 28)..
Instructions for use ARCUSevo
1 User instructions | 1.4 Transportation and storage
Outside of Germany
Note KaVo is not liable for damage arising from transportation. Immediately inspect the delivery after receipt!
If external damage to the packaging is visible upon delivery, follow the procedure below:
The recipient must record the loss or damage in the notice of delivery. The re‐ cipient and employee of the transportation firm must sign the notice of delivery. The recipient can only assert damages against the transportation company ba‐ sed on these records.
2. Leave the product and packaging unchanged.
3. Do not use the product.
If the product is damaged and there is no discernable damage to the packaging upon delivery, proceed as follows:
1. Report the damage immediately or at least 7 days after the delivery to the deli‐
very company .
2. Leave the product and packaging unchanged.
3. Do not use a damaged product.
Note If the recipient does not follow one of the above instructions, the damage will be held to have occurred after the delivery
(according to . CMR law , section 5, Art.
Instructions for use ARCUSevo
1 User instructions | 1.4 Transportation and storage
1.4.3 Storage
Note Keep the packaging for returning the product for service or repairs
The symbols printed on the outside are for transportation and storage, and have the following meaning:
Transport upright with the arrows pointing upwards
Fragile - protect against knocks
Keep dry
Maximum permitted stacking load
Temperature range
Air pressure
+ 19 hidden pages