centralized solution for most important administration tasks associated with
managing the corporate network anti-virus security system base d on Kaspersky
Lab’s applications included into Kaspersky Anti-Virus Business Optimal and
Kaspersky Corporate Suite. Kaspersky Administration Kit supports all network
configurations that use TCP/IP protocol.
Kaspersky Administration Kit is a tool for corporate network administrators an d
anti-virus security officers.
The application enables the administrator to:
• Deploy or remove Kaspersky Lab applications
• Ensure remote centralized management of Kaspersky Lab applications
Administration Kit is an application that is designed to provide a
across a network connection to computers within the network. This feature enables the administrator to copy the required set of Kaspersky Lab's application s to a selected
computer and then deploy these applications on the network computers.
This feature enables the administrator to create a multi-level anti-virus
protection system and manage the operation of all applications from a
single administrator's workstation. This is particularly impor tant for larger
companies that have a local network consisting of a large number of
computers that may cover several separate buildings or offices. This feature enables the administrator to:
•group computers into administration groups based o n the func-
tions performed by such computers and the set of applications
installed on them;
•configure the application settings in a centralized way by creat-
ing and applying group policies;
• configure individual settings of the application for individual
computers using the application settings.
•manage the operation of the applications in a centralized way
by creating and running group and global tasks.
6 Kaspersky® Administration Kit
• create individual patterns for the application's operation by
creating and running tasks for a set of computers from different
administration groups.
• Automatically update the anti-virus database and applic ation modules on
computers. This feature allows centralized updating of the anti-virus database for all installed Kaspersky Lab's applications without accessing the
Kaspersky Lab's internet updates server for each individual update. The
updating can be performed automatically according to the schedule set up
by the administrator. The administrator can monitor the installation of the
updates on the client computers.
• Receive re ports using a dedicated s ystem
. This feature allows centralized
collection of statistical information about the operation of all installed
Kaspersky Lab's applications, monitoring the correctness of the operation
of these applications and creating reports based on the information obtained. The administrator can create a cumulative net work report about
the operation of an application or reports about the opera tion of application installed on each computer.
• Use ev ents not ification system. Mail n otification send ing system
. This feature allows the administrator to create a list of events in the operation of
the applications about which he or she will receive notifications. The list of
such event may, for example, include detection of a new virus or an error
that occurred when attempting to update the anti-virus database on a
computer, detection of a new computer in the network.
• Perform licens e management
. This capability supports centralized installation of license keys for all installed enterprise applicati ons, tracking of
compliance with the license agreement (number of lic enses should correspond to number of running applications) and license agreement expiration date.
• Cooperate with Cisco Network Admission Control (NAC). T his functionality provides a mapping between host antivirus protection cond itions and
Cisco NAC statuses.
Kaspersky Administration Kit application consists of three main components:
•Administration server performs the function of centralized storage of in-
formation about Kaspersky Lab's applications installed in the corporate
network and about managing such applications.
•Network Agent coordinates the interaction between the Administration
Server and Kaspersky Lab's applications installed on a specific network
node (a workstation or a server). This component supports all Windowsapplications included in the Kaspersky Lab Business Optimal and
Kaspersky® Administration Kit 7
Kaspersky Corporate Suites. Separate versions of Administration Agent
exist for Kaspersky Lab Novell and UNIX applications.
•Administration Console provides a user interface to the administration
services of the Administration Server and Network Agent. The management module is implemented as the extension of the Microsoft Management Console (MMC).
1.2. Software and Hardware
Administration Server
• Software requirements
• Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) version 2.8 and
•MSDE 2000 SP 3 or MS SQL Server 2000 SP 31 or higher or
MySQL version 5.0.22 (default code page UTF-8) or MS SQL 2-
-5 or higher or MS SQL 2005 Express or higher;
•Microsoft Windows 2000 SP 1 or higher; Micr osoft Windows XP
Professional SP 1 or higher; Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 and higher, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 or
higher; Microsoft Windows Server 2003x64 or higher Microsoft
Windows NT4 SP 6a or higher, Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows Vista x64..
• Hardware requirements:
• Intel Pentium III processor, 800 MHz or faster
• 128 MB RAM
• 400 MB available space o n hard drive
Administration Console
You can install MSDE from the package included in the Kaspersky Administration Kit
distribution package.
8 Kaspersky® Administration Kit
• Software requirements:
• Microsoft Windows 2000 SP 1 or higher; Micr osoft Windows XP
Professional SP 1 or higher; Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 and higher, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 or
higher; Microsoft Windows Server 2003x64 or higher Microsoft
Windows NT4 SP 6a or higher, Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows Vista x64;
• Microsoft Management Console version 1.2 or higher
• When running under Microsoft Windows NT4 you need Micro-
soft Internet Explorer 6.0 installed.
• Hardware requirements:
• Intel Pentium II processor, 400 MHz or faster
• At least 64 MB RAM
• 10 MB of available hard drive space
Network Agent
• Software requirements:
• For Windows systems:
• Microsoft Windows 98; Microsoft Windows ME; Microsoft Win-
dows 2000 SP 1 or higher; Microsoft Windows NT4 SP 6a or
higher; Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 or higher, Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP 1 or higher, and Windows
Server 2003 or higher; Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x64 or
higher, Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows Vista x64;
• For Novell systems:
• Novell NetWare 6 SP or higher; Novell NetWare 6.5 SP3 or
• Hardware requirements:
• For Windows systems:
o Intel Pentium processor, 233 MHz or faster
o 32 MB RAM
o 10 MB available space on hard drive
• For Novell systems:
o Intel Pentium processor, 233 MHz or better
o 12 MB RAM
Kaspersky® Administration Kit 9
o 32 MB free (available) space on hard drive
1.3.Distribution kit
This software product is supplied free-of-charge with any Kaspersky Lab's
application included into the package of Kaspersky Anti-V irus Business Optimal
and Kaspersky Corporate Suite (retail box version) and also available for
download from Kaspersky Lab's corporate website at www.kaspersky.com
1.4.Help desk for registered users
Kaspersky Lab offers a large service package, enabling its legal users to enjoy
all available features of Kaspersky Lab's products.
Once you purchase a license for any Kaspersky Lab's product included into
Kaspersky Anti-Virus Business Optimal or Kaspersky Corporate Suite, you
become a registered user of Kaspersky Administration Kit. After this you will
receive the following services during the term of your license:
• New versions of the anti-virus software application;
• Consultations on matters related to the insta llation, configuration, and op-
eration of the anti-virus application by phone or based on requests sent
using a web form;
When sending a request to the Technical support service, make sure
you specify information about the license for Kaspersky Lab's
application used in conjunction with Kaspersky Administration Kit.
• Information about new Kaspersky Lab ap plications and about new computer viruses (for those who subscribe to the Kaspersky Lab newsletter).
Kaspersky Lab does not provide information related to operation and use of
your operating system or various other technologies.
1.5.The purpose of this document
This Guide contains a description of the installation of K aspersky Administration
Kit and remote installation of applications within a computer net work of simple
General concepts and application operation scheme are provided in the
Kaspersky Administration Kit Administrator's Guide; step-by-step description of
10 Kaspersky® Administration Kit
actions when using the application is provided in the Kaspersky Administratio n
Kit Reference Book.
In order to review questions that our users often ask Kaspersky Lab' s support
specialists visit our website and follow the Services ÆKnowledge base link.
This section contains information about installation, configurat ion and functioning
of Kaspersky Lab's applications and about removal of most commonly spread
viruses and disinfection of infected files.
Various formatting features and icons are used throughout this document
depending on the purpose and the meaning of the te xt. The table belo w lists the
conventions used in the text.
Convention Meaning
Bold font
To perform an action:
1. Step 1.
2. …
[modifier] – modifier name.
Information messages and
command line text
Menu titles, commands, window titles,
dialog elements, etc.
Additional information, notes.
Information you should pay special
attention to.
Description of the successive user's
steps and possible actions
Command line modifier
Text of configuration files, information
messages and command line
2.1. Schemes of deployment of antivirus protection on the
computers within the logical
There are two common scenarios that show how you can deplo y reliable antivirus protection using Kaspersky Administration Kit:
• You can remotely install applications on client computers across the log ical network from a single workstation. The installation and connection to
the remote management system proceed automatically, requirin g no interaction from the administrator and allowing to install the anti-virus software on any number of client computers.
• You c an locally install applications on every networked computer. In this
case, all required components and the administrator workstation are
manually installed. Connection settings are set during the installation of
the Network Agent. This deployment scenario is used only if centraliz ed
deployment is impossible.
Remote installation can be used for installation of any applications selected by
the user.
However, bear in mind that Kaspersky Administration Kit supports
administration of only Kaspersky Lab's application the distribution package of
which includes a specialized component - the application administration plu gin.
12 Kaspersky® Administration Kit
2.2. Building a centralized anti-virus
protection administration
The first step to building a system of centralized managem ent over an enterprise
network through Kaspersky Administration Kit is to design a logical network. At
this stage, you should make the following decisions:
1. Select isolated sections within the network and determine the
number of Administration servers that must be installed. The use of
hierarchy of administration servers will allow to considerably
decrease the load on the communication channels and increase
the system reliability.
2. Which computers in the corporate network structure will function as
the main Administration server, the slave servers administrator
servers, administrator's workstations, and client computers. Note
that all computers on which Kaspersky Lab applications are
installed will act as client computers.
3. Which criteria will be used to organize client computers in groups?
What will be the group hierarchy?
4. Which deployment scenario will be used: remote or local
During the next stage, the administrator has to build a logical net work, i.e., install
the following Kaspersky Administration Kit components on net worked computers,
1. Install the Administration Servers on computers within the
corporate network.
2. Install the Administration Console on computers from which the
administration will be provided.
3. Make decision regarding assigning of the logical network
administrators, determine which other user categories will interact
with the system and assign a list of functions to be performed to
each category.
4. Create lists of users and grant to each group access rights required
to perform functions assigned to this group and related to access
Typical Schemes of Deployment of anti-virus protection 13
After this, it is required to create a hierarchy of the Administration servers and for
each Server create a logical network structure as follows: create a hierar chy of
the administration groups and distribute computers among the corresponding
During the next stage, you should install the Network Agent and selected
Kaspersky Lab applications on client computers and install the corresponding
administration plugins on the administrator workstation.
If you use the remote installation option, the Network agent may be installed
together with any application, in this case no separate installation of the Ne twork
agent is required.
During the final step, you should configure the installed ap plications by a ssigning
and applying group policies and creating tasks.
Using the Quick Start Wizard, the administrator can easily build an anti-virus
protection system for his/her network and perform minimum configuration. Briefly
configuring the anti-virus protection system means creating a logical network
identical to the domain structure of the Windows network and the anti-virus
protection system based on versions 5.0 and 6.0 of Kaspersky Anti-Virus for
Windows Workstations.
Before starting the installation, make sure that the computer meets the so ftware
and hardware requirements to the Administration Server and the Administrator's
workstation (see section 1.3 on page 9).
MSDE (Microsoft Data Engine), MySQL server or Microsoft SQL server is used
to store the Administration Server information. If no MSDE or SQL server is
installed, you have to install one of them before installing the Administration
Server. In order to do it, you can use the distribution packages you have. In order
to install MSDE you can also use Kaspersky Administration Kit distribution
package. The MSDE installation procedure from the Kaspersky Administration Kit
is discussed in detailed below (see section 3.1 on page 15).
For installation of Kaspersky Administration Kit the local administrator' s right s are
required for the computer on which the installation is performed.
The setup wizard will offer you to install the application components of Kaspersk y
Administration Kit (the Administration Server and Administration Console) on the
computer on which the setup wizard is run. Such configura tion is recommended
at the initial stage of creating the centralized administration system.
All the required ports should be open on a host computer for installed applic ation
components to work properly. A listing of default ports used by Kaspersky
Administration Kit is given in Table 1.
Table 1
Port Num-
Protocol Description
Host Running Administration Server
13000 TCP and
SSL protocol is used:
• to receive data from clients;
• to connect to update agents;
• to connect to slave Administration Servers;
• to receive notification of host shutdown.
Installing Kaspersky Administration Kit 15
Port Num-
14000 TCP Used:
18000 HTTP Used by Administration Server to download data
Host Designated as Update Server
13000 TCP Used by clients to connect.
13001 TCP Use by client computers to connect if a host with
14000 TCP Used by clients to connect.
14001 TCP Use by client computers to connect if a host with
Client Running Administration Agent
15000 UDP Use to receive requests to connect to Administra-
Protocol Description
• to receive data from clients;
• to connect to update agents;
• to connect to slave Administration Servers.
from a Cisco NAC authentication server.
Administration Server is designated as update
Administration Server is designated as update
tion Server.
3.1. Installing MSDE from the
Kaspersky Administration Kit
distribution package
Before installing MSDE you must install Microsoft Data Access Components
(MDAC) 2.8 or higher (the distribution package is available Microsoft website).
Installation of MSDE from the Kaspersky Administration Kit distribution package
to a computer is performed locally.
16 Kaspersky® Administration Kit
To install MSDE:
1. Run the executable file in the MSDE2KSP3 directory on the
Kaspersky Administration Kit 5.0 installation CD. The installation
wizard will then suggest that you configure settings and run the
application. Follow the setup wizard’s instructions.
2. First steps are common and include un packing required files from
the distribution package and copying them to the hard drive of your
computer, verification of the required software, accepting the
license agreement and providing information about the user and the
3. Then define the following in the Installation folder dialog box:
• in the Application modules field - the folder for installation of
the MSDE application files. The default folder is:
<Disk:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server. If this folder
does not exist, it will be created automatically.
• in the Database field - a folder that will be used to store the
MSDE server database. The default folder is also
<Disk:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server.
To select the folders use the Browse button.
4. After this, in the SQL server name dialog box (see Figure Figure
1) specify the name that will be assigned to this server. By default
the name is not created and to address the server the name of the
computer on which the server is installed will be used. If you wish to
assign a different name, uncheck the By default box and enter a
new name in the SQL server name.
After you have configured the settings, you can review them and start the
installation. Once the installation is successfully completed, MSDE will be
installed on your computer.
Installing Kaspersky Administration Kit 17
Figure 1. Selecting the server name
Installing the Administration
Server and Administration
Console on Local Host
This section describes a local installation of Administration Server and/or
Console. If there is even a single Administration Server running on a network,
additional servers may be installed using forced installation under the remote
installation task. When creating the task, use an Administration Server
installation package
To install the Administration Server and / or the Administration Console on local
1. Run the setup.exe file in installation CD. The installation wizard will then
suggest that you configure settings Follow the setup wizard’s
2. First, the wizard will unpack required files from the distribution package
and copy them to the hard drive of your computer, offer yo u to accept th e
license agreement and provide information about the user and the
18 Kaspersky® Administration Kit
3. Then define the folder to be used to install the components. The default
folder is: <Disk:\Program Files\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Administration Kit. If this folder does not exist, it will be created
automatically. To change the folder, use the Browse button.
4. After this, select Kaspersky Administration Kit components that you wish
to install (see Figure 2):
•Administration Server. Under this option, it can be specified
whether standard Kaspersky Lab components to integrate with
Cisco NAC are to be installed. If installation is required, check
Kaspersky Lab Posture Validation Server for Cisco NAC.
Parameters for cooperation with Cisco NAC may be configured
under properties or Administration Server policies (cf. Kaspersky
Administration Server Reference Guide).
• Administration Console.
• Network Agent
Figure 2. Selecting components for installation
You can select either all components or the Administratio n Console only.
You cannot select installation of the Administration Server without
installation of the Console. The default option is to install all components.
Installing Kaspersky Administration Kit 19
A server version of the Network Agent will be installed with the
Administration Server. Their joint installation is impossible using a
regular version of the Network Agent. If this component is already
installed on your computer, remove it and reinstall the
Administration Server.
Pay attention to the information displayed in the wizard window:
• in the Description field in right section - about the component selected;
• in the bottom section - about the disk space required to install the se-
lected components and available disk space on the dr ive selected for the
If you selected only the Administration Console, n o further steps devoted
to configuring the installation settings will be required and you will switch
directly to the stage where you only review these settings and start the
5. If you selected installation of the Administration Server, define during the
next step under which account the Administration Server will be started
as a service on this computer (see Figure 3).
Figure 3. Selecting the account
You can select one of two options:
20 Kaspersky® Administration Kit
•Domain User account - the Administration Server will be started under
the user account included into the domain. In this case t he Administration
Server will initiate all operations using the rights of this account and during
the next stage you will be offered to specify the user whose account will
be used.
If a Windows domains structure has been created within the cor porate
network we recommend selecting the domain administrator's account in
order to start the Administration Server. In the future it will allow to avoid
configuring additional settings, for example, specif ying acc ount of a us er
who is granted with the domain administrator's rights when creating a
deployment (remote installation) task (see section 0 on page 53).
•Local System account - the Administration Server will be started under
the System account with all rights granted to this account. In this case
you do not select a user account and will switch directly to the stage
where you will have to specify the recourse to store the Administration
Server's information database .
For the correct operation of Kaspersky Administration Kit it is mandatory
that the account used to start the Administration Server is granted the
rights of the administrator for the resource used to store the Administration Server's information database.
6. If you selected a domain's user account to start the Administration Server
under, you will be offered to specify such user.
In order to do it, in the User name field in the wizard window (see Figure
4) select the user name using the Browse… button or enter this name
manually out of names registered within the current domain. After this,
enter the password used to register the user in the domain.
Installing Kaspersky Administration Kit 21
Figure 4. Selecting user
If you selected a user who does not have the domain administrator's
rights, the Administration Server will be launched under his account,
however the functionality of Kaspersky Administration Kit will be
somewhat restricted. For example, it may not have the rights required to
execute a deployment task using a launch scenario (see section 0 on
page 53) and polling some domains of the Windows network.
For the correct operation of the Administration server, the account used
to launch it must have the following rights:
• Log on as a service;
• Act as part of the operating system;
• Access this computer from the network;
• Replace a proc ess level token;
• Increase quotas/ Adjust memory quotas for a process.
If the user you selected is a domain administrator, but it does not have the
rights listed above, such rights will be granted to this user (see Figure 5).
22 Kaspersky® Administration Kit
Figure 5. Message about rights granted to the user.
7. During the next stage you will be offered to define resourse Microsoft SQL server (MSDE) or MySQL (see Figure 6), that will be used to store
the Administration Server information database.
Figure 6. Selecting the database
8. If during the previous stage you selecte d MSDE or Microsoft SQL server
and you are planning to use a server installed within the corporate
networ k t o wo r k wi t h K a sp e r s k y A dm in i stration Kit, indicate such server's
name in the SQL server name and specify the name of the database
that will be created to store the Administration Server data in the SQL
server database name (see Figure 7). The default database name is
Installing Kaspersky Administration Kit 23
Value (local) will be automaticall y assigned to the Server name field if an
SQL server is detected on the computer from which Kaspersky
Administration Kist is being installed. To display the list of all Microsoft
SQL servers installed in the network, press the Browse… button.
If the Administration Server will be started under the local administrator's
account or under the system account, the Browse button will not be
Figure 7. Selecting SQL server
If during the previous stage MySQL server was selected, specify in this
window (see Figure 8) its name in the MySQL server name field (by
default IP address of the computer onto which Kaspersky Administration
Kit is being installed will be used) and specify port to be used for
connection in the Port field (the default port is 3306). In the MySQL server database name field specify the database name that will be
created to store the Administration Server data (by default the database
will be created under name KAV).
If during the previous stage MySQL server was selected, specify in this
24 Kaspersky® Administration Kit
Figure 8. Selecting MySQL server
If there are no SQL servers in the network and you cannot use them, yo u
have to install one (see section 3.1 on page 15).
If you wish to install an SQL server on the computer from which you are
installing Kaspersky Administration Kit, you have to abort the installation
and restart it after you have installed the SQL server.
If you install Kaspersky Administration Kit onto a remote computer, it is
not required to interrupt the Kaspersky Administration Kit installation
wizard. Install the SQL server and return to the Kaspersky Administration
Kit installation.
9. During this step you have to define the authentication mode to be use d by
the Administration Server to connect to the SQL server.
For MSDE or Microsoft SQL server you can select of the following two
options (see Figure 9).
•Microsoft Windows Authentication Mode - in this case the
account used to start the Administration server will be used t o
verify the rights;
•SQL Server Authentication Mode - if you select this option,
the account specified below will be used to verify the rig hts. Fill
in the Account, Password and Confirm password fields.
Installing Kaspersky Administration Kit 25
If Administration Server Database is on another computer,
you need to choose SQL server authentication mode when
installing or updating an Administration Server.
Figure 9. SQL server authentication mode
For MySQL server indicate the account and the password (see Figure
Figure 10. MySQL server authentication mode
26 Kaspersky® Administration Kit
10. After this (see Figure 11), specify the location to store the shared folder
that will be used:
•to store files required for remote installation o f applic atio ns (files
will be copied to the Administration Servers when installation
packages are created);
• to store the updates copied from the updates source to the
Administration server.
This resource will be public to all users for reading only.
Figure 11. Creating a shared folder
You can select one of the following two options:
•Create new shared folder - to create a new folder; you will
have to specify path to the folder in the field below.
•Select existing shared folder - in order to select a shared
folder from the list of existing shared folders.
A public shared folder can be stored either locall y, on the computer from
which the installation is performed or remotely, on any of the computers
included into the corporate network. A shared folder can be specifi ed bot h
using the Browse button, and manually by entering a UNC path (for
example, \\server\KLShare
) in the appropriate field.
Installing Kaspersky Administration Kit 27
By default a local folder KLShare will be created in the folder specified for
installation of the Kaspersky Administration Kit application components.
11. Use the next wizard dialog to specify Administratio n Server address (cf.
Figure 13) by setting:
•DNS name. This option is used when there is a DNS server on
the network which clients can use to obtain Administration
Server address.
• NetBIOS name. This option is used where clients obtain
Administration Server address through the NetBIOS protocol or
if there is a WINS server on the network.
•IP address. This option is used where the Administration Server
has a static IP address which will not subsequently change .
If required, check Allow NetBIOS Name Service in Kaspersky Antivirus 6.0 Anti-Hacker. This will open UDP port 137 in Kaspersky
Antivirus 6.0 Anti-Hacker installed on the host. This port is used to obtain
Administration Server IP address.
Figure 12. Administration Server Address
12. After this configure settings to be used for connection to the
Administration Server (see Figure 13);
28 Kaspersky® Administration Kit
• port number that will be used to connect to the A dministration
Server. By default port 14000 will be used. If it has been
assigned, you can change it.
•SSL port number that will be used for secure connection to the
Administration Server u sing SSL protocol. By default port
13000 port is used.
If the Administration Server is running Microsoft Windows XP
SP 2, then the in-built firewall will block TCP port under
numbers 13000 and 14000. Therefore, in order to ensure
access, these ports must be opened manually on the host
running the Administration Server.
Figure 13. Settings used to connect to the Administration Server
13. In this wizard window (see Figure 14), indicate the method for creation
the certificate to be used for authentication of the Administration Server
being installed.
Two options are provided:
•Create new certificate - select this option if you are installing a
new Administration Server. Save a backup copy of the
certificate so that later, if required, it would be easier for you to
restore the date and structure of the logical network of this
Installing Kaspersky Administration Kit 29
Server. In order to do it, check the Create a backup copy of
the certificate box.
•Restore certificate - select this option if you are restoring the
Administration server with no backup copy available. In this
case you can restore the data and the structure of the logical
network of the previous Administration Server.
Figure 14. Selecting the method to be used to receive the Administration Server certificate
14. If during the previous stage you selected creation of a new certificate and
saving its backup copy, specify the following in the corresponding
window (see Figure 15):
• folder for saving the backup copy of the certif icate file;
• pass word that will be use for encryption when creating a new
certificate and its decryption during its restoration from a
backup copy;
• password confirmation.
In order to be able to restore the data of the Administration
Server later, you must save the Server's certificate.
When restoring the certificate you must enter the same password that was used for backup copying. If you enter an incorrect password, the certificate will not be restored.
30 Kaspersky® Administration Kit
Figure 15. Selecting folder for saving the backup copy of the certificate
If during the previous stage you select the option of restor ing the Server's
certificate from a backup copy, specify the following in the corresponding
window (see Figure 16):
• folder in which the backup cop y of the certificate file is saved;
• password that was used for encryption when creating a backup
copy of the certificate.
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