APPENDIX A. TABLE OF SUBSTITUTION MACROS ............................................. 160
APPENDIX C. GLOSSARY......................................................................................... 165
APPENDIX D. KASPERSKY LAB............................................................................... 170
D.1. Other Kaspersky Lab Products ........................................................................ 171
D.2. Contact Us ........................................................................................................ 179
APPENDIX E. LICENSE AGREEMENT..................................................................... 180
The main source of viruses today is the global Internet. Most virus infections
happen via e-mail. The facts that almost every computer has e-mail client
applications installed and that malicious programs are able to take a full
advantage of software address book in order to find new victims are favorable
factors for the distribution of malware. Without even suspecting it, the user of an
infected computer is sending infected e-mail messages to his or her contacts,
who, in turn, send new waves of infected messages and so on. It is not
uncommon when infected files, due to someone's negligence, enter commercial
mailing lists of large companies. In this case, the virus will affect not just five, but
hundreds or even thousands recipients of such mailings who then will send
infected files to dozens thousands of their contacts.
Apart from the threat of virus or malware infection, there is a problem of
unsolicited e-mail messages (SPAM) and misuse of the Internet resources.
Although not a direct threat, unsolicited e-mail messages increase the load on
the mail servers, fill mailboxes with unwanted messages, cause the loss of
working time and inflict serious financial losses.
Additionally, it is to be noted that the newest malicious programs use the socalled spamming technologies for efficient mass distribution and the methods of
social psychology to make the user open the message, etc. Therefore, SPAM
filtering is important not only for convenience, but also in order to protect your
computer against some new types of viruses.
It is now acknowledged that information has become an important asset. At the
same time, in order to gain profit through the use of the information, it has to be
available to the company's employees, clients and partners. This raises the issue
of data security and, as its important element, the issue of protection of the
corporate mail servers against the external threats, preventing virus outbreaks
within the corporate networks and filtering out the unsolicited correspondence.
1.1. Threats to the computer
There are a vast number of threats that could affect your computer today.
Reading this chapter will give you a general understanding of them.
This malicious program category largely exploits operating system vulnerabilities to spread itself. The class was named for the way the worms
8 Kaspersky Security 5.5 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
crawl from computer to computer, using networks, e-mail, and other data
channels. This feature gives many worms a rather high speed in spreading themselves.
Worms penetrate a computer, calculate the network addresses of other
computers, and send a burst of self-made copies to these addresses. In
addition to network addresses, worms often utilize data from e-mail client
address books. Some of these malicious programs occasionally create
working files on system disks, but they can run without any system resources at all (with the exception of RAM).
Programs that infect other programs, adding their own code to them to
gain control of the infected files when they are opened. This simple definition explains the fundamental action performed by a virus – infection.
Programs that carry out unauthorized actions on computers, such as deleting information on drives, making the system hang, stealing confidential
information, etc. These malicious programs are not viruses in the traditional sense of the term, since they do not infect other programs or data;
Trojans are not capable of independently penetrating computers. Their
users spread them under the guise of useful software. The damage that
they incur can exceed that done by traditional virus attacks by several
Recently, worms have become the most widespread type of malware, followed
by viruses and Trojans. Some malicious computer programs have characteristics
of two or even all three of the above categories.
Henceforth in the text of this Administrator’s Guide the term "virus" will
be used to refer collectively to viruses, Trojan Horses, and worms. A
particular type of malware will be mentioned only when it is required.
The following potentially dangerous types of malware have also become
Program code included in software, unbeknownst to the user, designed to
display advertisements. Adware is usually built into software that is distributed for free. The advertisement is situated in the program interface.
These programs often also collect personal data on the user and send it
back to their developer, change browser settings (start page and search
pages, security levels, etc.) and also create traffic that the user cannot
control. All this can lead to breach of the security policy and to direct financial losses.
Introduction 9
Potentially dangerous software that does not have a malicious function but
can be used by hackers as an auxiliary component for a malicious code,
since it contains holes and errors. Under certain conditions, having such
programs on your computer can put your data at risk. These programs include, for instance, some remote administration utilities, keyboard layout
togglers, IRC clients, FTP servers, and all-purpose utilities for stopping
processes or hiding their operation.
Software that collects information about a particular user or organization
without their knowledge. You might never guess that you have spyware
installed on your computer. In general, the goal of spyware is to:
• trace user actions on a computer;
• gather information on the contents of the hard drive; in such
cases, this more often than not involves scanning several
directories and the system registry in order to compile a list of
the software installed on the computer;
• gather information on the quality of the connection, bandwidth,
modem speed, etc.
Software that does not do any direct damage but displays messages stating that damage has already been done or will be done under certain conditions. These programs often warn the user of dangers that do not exist,
such as messages that pop up about formatting the hard drive (although
no formatting actually takes place) or detecting viruses in uninfected files.
Programs that make modem connections with various pay-per-use websites, generally pornographic in nature.
Hack Tools
Software used by hackers to penetrate your computer for their own ends.
They include various illegal vulnerability scanners, password cracking
programs, and other types of programs for cracking network resources or
penetrating a system.
Other dangerous programs
Programs created to set up DoS attacks on remote servers, hacking into
other computers, and programs that are part of the development environment for malicious programs. These programs include hack tools, virus
10 Kaspersky Security 5.5 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
builders, vulnerability scanners, password cracking programs, and other
types of programs for cracking network resources or penetrating a system.
Although malicious programs are distributed mainly via email and the Internet, a
floppy disk or a CD can also be a source of infection. Therefore, the task of
comprehensive protection from potential threats now extends far beyond simple
regular scans for viruses, and includes the more complex task of real-time antivirus protection.
Another threat that e-mail users face daily is spam. Spam is anonymous junk email. Spam includes mailings that are marketing, political and provocative in
nature and e-mails asking for assistance. Another category of spam includes emails that ask one to invest large amounts of money or to get involve in pyramid
schemes, e-mails aimed at stealing passwords and credit card numbers, and emails that ask to be sent to friends (chain letters), etc. Spam significantly
increases the load on mail services and increases the risk of losing information
that is important for the user. Spam can be roughly divided into four categories:
• Formal messages – messages that are automatically generated and sent
to recipients by automated mail program functions (as, for example,
notifications of undeliverable messages or confirmation of the user's
registration at some Internet website);
• Probable SPAM - messages that can not be unambiguously identified as
SPAM, but that raise suspicions when checked (for example, some types
of mass mailing and advertising messages);
• Obscene messages– messages that contain obscene language;
• SPAM messages – message that definitely contain SPAM.
1.2. The purpose and major
functionality of the application
Kaspersky Security 5.5 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 (hereinafter referred
to as Kaspersky Security) is designed to ensure protection of mailboxes and
public folders located on Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 (hereinafter Microsoft Exchange Server) against malicious programs and unsolicited e-mail messages
Kaspersky Security performs the following functions:
• scanning and analyzing incoming and outgoing e-mail messages for the
presence of malicious objects. This analysis processes the bodies and
attachments of e-mail messages. Depending on the settings configured,
the application will disinfect or delete a malicious object or will add a
warning message to such objects;
Introduction 11
• scanning e-mail messages received by the Exchange server via SMTP
protocol for SPAM including the analysis of all attributes and attachments
of the message. Depending on the settings, the application will deliver the
message to the Inbox folder, move the message to the Junk E-mail
folder, block the message or delete it. In addition to the first two actions,
special markers can be added to the subject line of the message;
• saving backup copies of the message's objects before an attempt to
disinfect or delete such object (during an anti-virus scan) and copies of
messages before they are blocked or deleted (during an anti-spam scan);
copies are saved to a special storage for the consequent restoring which
prevents the loss of data. Configurable filters allow to easily locate the
original copies of objects;
• notifying the sender, the recipient and the system administrator about
messages that contain malicious objects or may contain SPAM.
• maintaining the event log and creating regular reports about the operation
of the application, the status of the anti-virus protection and anti-spam
protection. The application allows generation of reports using templates
with a preset level of detail and at a required interval;
• detecting virus outbreaks as they emerge and notifying about such events.
The application identifies attempts of mass-mailing infected messages
both from the Internet and from the computers within the corporate
• configuring application settings depending on the intensity and the nature
of the traffic as well as the characteristics of the hardware installed
(amount of RAM, speed, number of processors, etc.);
• updating the anti-virus database and content filtration database
automatically or manually. The databases can be updated from the
Kaspersky Lab's FTP and HTTP web servers or from a local/network
folder that contains the latest set of updates;
• scanning old (previously scanned) messages for the presence of new
viruses each time your anti-virus database is updated or according to the
schedule. This task is performed as a background scan and does not
have any considerable effect on the performance of the mail server;
• creating the list of protected storage areas, which offers additional
flexibility in regards with license restrictions on the number of protected
• managing license keys.
Kaspersky Security 5.5 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 includes the
following components:
12 Kaspersky Security 5.5 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
• Security Server performs the scan of the mail traffic for viruses and
spam, updates the anti-virus database and content filtration database,
provides administrative services for remote management, configuring and
ensuring the integrity of the application and of the data stored.
• Management Console that provides the user interface for managing the
administrative services of the application and enables you to configure
settings and manage the server component. The management module is
implemented as the extension of the Microsoft Management Console.
1.3. Hardware system requirements
• Intel Pentium 300 MHz or higher;
• about 256 MB free RAM (recommended);
• 50 MB free disk space for the application files (in addition to the size of the
backup storage and other service folders).
1.4. Software system requirements
Requirements to protected server:
• Microsoft Windows Server 2000 with Service Pack 4 installed or higher /
Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server with Service Pack 4 and higher
installed or higher / Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition and
higher / Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition and higher;
• Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Enterprise Edition / Standard Edition.
Requirements to the computer from which the application management will
be performed:
• Microsoft Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 installed or higher /
Microsoft Windows XP / Microsoft Windows 2003;
• Microsoft Management Console (ММС) version 1.2 or higher.
1.5. Distribution kit
You can purchase the product from our dealers (retail box) or online (for
example, you may visit
The retail box package includes:
• a sealed envelope with the installation CD containing the application files;
• User's Guide
• a license key written on a special disk;
and follow the E-Store link).
Introduction 13
• License Agreement
Before you open the envelope with the CD make sure that you have
carefully read the license agreement.
If you buy Kaspersky Security online, you will download the application from the
Kaspersky Lab's website. In this case, the distribution kit will include this Guide
along with the application. The license key will be e-mailed to you upon the
receipt of your payment.
License Agreement is a legal contract between you and Kaspersky Lab Ltd. that
contains the terms and conditions on which you may use the anti-virus product
that you have purchased.
Read the License Agreement carefully!
If you do not agree with the terms of this License Agreement, you can return the
box with the software product to the dealer you purchased it from for a full refund
provided that the envelope with the installation CD remained sealed.
By opening the envelope containing the installation CD or by installing the
product on your computer you accept all terms and conditions of the License
1.6. Services provided for registered
Kaspersky Lab Ltd. offers to all legally registered users an extensive service
package enabling them to boost the performance of Kaspersky Security 5.5 for
Microsoft Exchange Server 2003.
After purchasing a subscription, you become a registered user and, during the
period of your subscription, you will be provided with the following services:
• you will be receiving new versions of the purchased software product;
• support on issues related to the installation, configuration and use of the
purchased software product. Services will be provided by phone or via
• information about new Kaspersky Lab products and about new viruses
appearing worldwide (this service is provided to users who subscribe to
the Kaspersky Lab's newsletter).
14 Kaspersky Security 5.5 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
Support on issues related to the performance and the use of operating
systems or other technologies is not provided.
1.7. Conventions
Various formatting features and icons are used throughout this document
depending on the purpose and the meaning of the text. The table below lists
adopted conventions used in the text.
Format feature Meaning/Usage
Bold font
In order to perform...,
1. Step 1.
2. …
Task, example
[key] – modifier name
Information messages and command
line text
Titles of menus, menu items, windows,
dialog boxes and their elements, etc.
Additional information, notes
Information requiring special attention
Description of the successive user's
steps and possible actions
Statement of a problem, example of the
demonstration of the application's
Command line modifier
Text of configuration files, information
messages and command line
Kaspersky Security 5.5 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 scans and, if it is
possible, disinfects all incoming and outgoing e-mail messages as well as
messages stored at the server. The application analyzes the body of the
message and attached files of any format.
Additionally, Kaspersky Security performs an anti-spam scan of all messages
received by Exchange server via SMTP protocol.
The detection of malicious programs, disinfection of infected objects and
detection of messages that contain any type of SPAM is performed based on the
records contained in the anti-virus and the content filtration databases. These
databases are updated by Kaspersky Lab on a regular basis and the updated
versions are uploaded to the Kaspersky Lab's website. Additionally, the
application uses a special analysis facility called a heuristic analyzer that allows
detecting new viruses that are not even known at the moment.
The application scans objects received by the server in the real-time format. The
user cannot open and view a new message before it is scanned.
E-mail messages stored at the server and the content of all public folders are
scanned each time the anti-virus database is updated or according to the
schedule. The scan may identify new viruses that were not described in the antivirus database at the time when previous scans were performed. This task is
performed in the background mode and does not have any effect on the
performance of the mail server. If the user requests a message that has not been
scanned with the updated database, such message will be re-scanned prior to
the delivery to the user. Thus, the user will always receive e-mail messages that
have been analyzed using the latest version of the database, no matter when a
particular message arrived to the server.
The application processes each object applying actions specified by the
administrator to objects of a particular type. For instance, an infected object can
be disinfected, deleted or replaced with a notification. The administrator may
select a mode in which the application will deliver messages with infected objects
to the user, although it will change the object's name (by adding information
about the virus) and the object's extension.
Before processing an object, the application can save a copy of this object to a
special backup storage for the consequent restoring or sending to Kaspersky Lab
for analysis.
16 Kaspersky Security 5.5 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
The application sends notifications about events occurred to the administrator,
the recipient and the sender of the infected message and also places a record
about this event into the Kaspersky Security application log file and into the
Microsoft Windows event log.
If the virus outbreaks detection facility is enabled, the application will register the
virus activity level and will send a notification about the virus outbreak threat or
place a corresponding record into the Microsoft Windows event log and into the
Kaspersky Security application log file.
2.1. Security Server architecture
The server component of the application, Security Server, consists of the
following subsystems:
• E-mail VSAPI Interceptor intercepts objects arriving to Microsoft
Exchange Server and forwards them to the anti-virus scan subsystem. It is
integrated into the Microsoft Exchange Server processes using VSAPI 2.5
• SMTP E-mail Interceptor intercepts objects arriving to Microsoft
Exchange Server via SMTP protocol and forwards them to the anti-spam
scan subsystem.
• Anti-spam Scan Subsystem scans e-mail messages for spam. This
feature is implemented as a Microsoft Windows service, which starts
automatically when a message that must be scanned arrives.
• Anti-virus Scan Subsystem performs anti-virus scan of objects. This
component includes several processes with one anti-virus kernel per
process. The anti-virus scan subsystem also includes storage of
temporary objects for scanning objects in RAM. The storage is located in
working folder Store that is created in the installation folder and must be
excluded from the scan scope of any anti-virus applications installed in the
corporate network.
• The Internal Application Management and Integrity Control Module is
launched in a separate process and is a Microsoft Windows service. This
service is launched automatically and does not depend on the state of
Microsoft Exchange Server (started, stopped) which allows configuring the
application even if Microsoft Exchange Server is stopped. For the correct
operation of the application, the Internal Application Management Module must always be running; stopping this service manually is not
Operation of the application 17
2.2. Server protection deployment
In order to create the system of mail servers protection against malicious programs and SPAM using Kaspersky Security 5.5 for Microsoft
Exchange Server 2003:
1. Install the Security Server component on all protected Exchange
servers. The installation shall be performed from the distribution kit
individually for each server.
2. Install the Management Console on a computer within the
corporate network. The Management Console provides a centralized
access to all network resources from a single administrator's
workstation; therefore, it can be installed on one computer only.
However, if several administrators are working together, the
Management Console can be installed to each administrator's
If the Management Console is not installed, the application will function within the default limitations and using
the default settings (see section 4.6, page 33).
The server protection against malicious programs and
SPAM will be enabled automatically when Microsoft Exchange Server is started.
3. Create the list of managed servers (see section 4.3, page 30)
4. Connect the Management Console to the servers (see section 4.4,
page 31).
5. Configure the protection system for each server:
• Configure the anti-virus database and content filtration
database updating settings (details see Chapter 5, page 38).
• Verify the correctness of the settings and of the application's
o using a test "virus" EICAR (see section 4.7.1, page 35).
o using a test message that contains spam attributes (see
section 4.7.2, page 36).
• Configure the notification system that issues notifications about
events registered during the application's operation (see
Chapter 10, page 86)
• Configure the event logs and reports (Chapter 12, page 100,
Chapter 13, page 111).
18 Kaspersky Security 5.5 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
• Configure the settings for detecting virus outbreaks and
notification about such events. (Chapter 11, page 93).
2.3. Server protection system
Maintaining the server protection system in the up-to-date state involves:
• periodic updating of the anti-virus and the content filtration databases;
• receiving and processing notifications about detection of objects
containing malware or SPAM and about threats of virus outbreaks;
• regular review of reports about the application operation and about the
state of the mail server protection;
• processing and cleaning of the backup storage.
2.4. Application’s operation on a
cluster of servers
Kaspersky Security 5.5 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 does not fully
support the cluster technology; however, it will function correctly on a cluster of
servers treating each node as a separate physical Exchange server.
A message arriving at a virtual Exchange server will be forwarded to one of the
cluster’s nodes. Streams of e-mail messages for each node may not intersect.
The application will process a message at the node to which this message had
been forwarded by the virtual Exchange server.
The scan results for each node of the cluster, namely,
• backup storage contents;
• information included into the reports;
• the group of events registered in the Microsoft Windows event log and in
the application’s log files;
• values of virus outbreak counters
will be provided only for those messages that had been forwarded to this node of
the cluster by the virtual Exchange server.
Operation of the application 19
In order to create protection of Microsoft Exchange Server, installed on
the cluster, against malware and SPAM:
1. Install the Security Server component on each node of the cluster.
The installation shall be performed from the distribution kit
individually for each server.
Specify a folder on a local disk of the server file system as
the installation folder.
Shared disks should not be used for this purpose as when
the Microsoft Exchange Server application is moved to a different node of the cluster, the shared disk will be moved
along with the application.
2. Install the Management Console on a computer within the
corporate network.
3. Create the list of managed servers by adding all cluster nodes as
servers (see section 4.3, page 30).
When adding managed servers and configuring connection
of Management Console to the Server, use the names of
physical servers on which the Security Server is installed.
The use of a virtual Exchange server name may cause an
addressing error when the Microsoft Exchange Server is
moved to a different node of the cluster.
4. Connect the Management Console to the servers (see section 4.4,
page 31).
5. Configure the anti-virus protection system for each server using
identical settings values taking into consideration the following:
• As the backup storage folder, select a folder located on the
physical server where the Security Server component is
installed (see section 9.7, page 83).
• As a folder to be used to store reports and logs, select folders
located on the physical server where the Security Server
component is installed (see section 12.1.2, page 107 and
section 13.2, page 114).
• The list of unprotected storage areas on all servers must match
(see section 14.5, page 122).
Before starting installation of the application, make sure that the software and
hardware of your computer meet the installation requirements (details see
section 1.4, page 12).
In order to install, update the version or remove Kaspersky Security 5.5
for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 from your computer, you will need
administrator privileges on the domain.
3.1. Installing the application
The installer is a Microsoft Windows setup wizard, which will guide you through
several dialogs (steps), which can be navigated using the Back and Next
buttons. The setup wizard will complete its work after clicking the Finish button.
The Cancel button can be used at any moment to exit the wizard.
The wizard will offer you to install the application components of Kaspersky
Security 5.5 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 (Security Server and
Management Console). This configuration is recommended at the initial stage of
creating the Exchange servers anti-virus protection system. You can select either
complete or custom installation of the application or repair an incorrect
installation of Kaspersky Security.
After the Management Console is installed, a group Kaspersky Security 5.5 for
Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 and an application icon will appear in
Run/Programs menuin your computer.
The Security Server will be installed on your computer as a service with a set of
attributes as follows:
• name – Kaspersky Security 5.5 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003;
• startup type – automatic;
• account – Local system.
The properties of the Security Server can be viewed and its operation can be
monitored using standard Microsoft Windows administration tools - Computer Management/Services. Information about the operation of the Security Server
Installing, updating and removing the application 21
is registered and saved in the Microsoft Windows event log on the computer on
which the Security Server is installed.
3.1.1. First-time installation
In order to install Kaspersky Security into your computer run the executable file
on the installation CD included into the distribution package. The installation
process will be facilitated by the setup wizard. Setup wizard will offer you to
configure the installation parameters and start the installation. Following below is
a detailed discussion of each step of the application installation.
The procedure used to install the application from the distribution kit
downloaded from the internet is identical to the procedure used for application installation from the installation CD.
Step 1. Verifying the installed operating system version
Prior to the installation, a check will be performed to determine whether your
operating system, mail application(s) and the Service Packs installed meet the
software requirements of Kaspersky Security 5.5 for Microsoft Exchange Server
If Microsoft Exchange Server is not installed on your computer or if its version
does not meet the software requirements, a warning will be displayed on your
screen. In this case, you can proceed with the installation, but you will only be
able to use one of the application components – the Management Console.
In order to install the full version of Kaspersky Security, abort the installation
process, install or update your software as per the software requirements and
reinstall Kaspersky Security.
Step 2. Searching for other anti-virus software
This step involves searching for other installed anti-virus products for Microsoft
Exchange Server, which may conflict with Kaspersky Security.
• If an incorrect registration of an anti-virus application for Microsoft
Exchange Server is detected, the installation program will display a
warning message with a suggestion to remove the registration detected.
In order to proceed with the installation of Kaspersky Security, agree to
remove the incorrect registration.
• If other vendors' anti-virus software for Microsoft Exchange server is
detected installed on your computer, a message will be displayed with a
recommendation to remove such existing application before installing
22 Kaspersky Security 5.5 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
Kaspersky Security. Remove the existing program and then run the
installer of Kaspersky Security again.
• If the setup detects that Kaspersky Security 5.5 for Microsoft Exchange
Server 2003 (release version, MP1) is installed on the computer, it will
suggest upgrading the application to Kaspersky Security 5.5 for Microsoft
Exchange Server 2003 MP2 (see section 3.3, page 25).
• If the setup detects that Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Microsoft Exchange is
installed, it will display a warning. Then you will have to remove the earlier
version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus to install Kaspersky Security. Then run
again the installer from the distribution package of Kaspersky Security.
Step 3. Greeting and License Agreement
As soon as the installer completes checking conformity of software requirements
and searching for installed anti-virus applications, it will display a greeting window
and a window containing the License Agreement.
Read the text of the License Agreement and accept the terms and conditions
contained therein to proceed with the installation.
Step 4. Selecting the type of the installation
In the dialog for setup type selection, specify whether both application
components (Security Server and Management Console) should be installed
(complete installation) or just one of them (custom installation).
If you run installation from the Exchange server that needs to be protected and
you plan to manage the application from this computer, select the complete
installation option. The application will be installed into the default folder
(…\Program files\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Server).
If you wish to install only one component of the application (either the Security
Server or the Management Console) or to change the default installation folder,
use the custom type of the installation.
Step 5. Selecting application components to be installed
If you selected the custom installation at the previous step, you will have to
specify which application components must be installed on your computer in the
dialog box shown on Figure 1. You can also change the default destination
If the computer, from which the installation is performed, is a protected Exchange
server, select the Security Server component.
Installing, updating and removing the application 23
If this computer is the administrator's workstation and you plan to manage the
protection of the Exchange servers from this computer, select the Management Console.
Note that the setup wizard will display reference information about the selected
component and the disk space required for its installation.
By default, the application components will be installed to the Program files\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Security for Microsoft Exchange Server
folder. You can change the default installation folder using the Browse button.
Figure 1. Selecting components for the installation
Step 6. Enabling server protection
In the Server protection window, you will be offered to enable automatically the
anti-virus protection and server protection against spam immediately after the
wizard completes its work. You can do that manually using the application
Management Console (see section 6.2, page 51).
If the application performance at the level and with the parameters applied by
default (see section 4.6, page 33) meets the requirements of your server, we
advise to accept the option of automatic anti-virus protection startup after
completion of the setup wizard.
Please keep in mind that by default all mailbox storage areas created on the
server will be selected as protected storage areas. If the maximum number of
protected mail accounts quoted by the license you have purchased is less than
24 Kaspersky Security 5.5 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
the number of storage areas created on the server, you must remove anti-virus
protection from some of these areas before the protection is started (see
section 14.5, page 122).
If you wish to adjust the application settings first, disable automatic activation of
anti-virus and anti-spam protection in the respective checkboxes.
Step 7. Copying files
In order to proceed with the setup, press the Install button in the wizard window.
This will start the process of copying the application files to your computer.
Step 8. Installing the license key
After the installation is complete, press the Finish button in the final window of
the setup wizard.
If you installed the Security Server component, a window prompting you to add a
license key will be displayed after the installation is complete.
The license key is your personal "key" that contains all service information
required for the full-featured functionality of the application, namely:
• support information (who is providing support and how you can get help);
• restriction on the number of mailboxes;
• the license name, number and expiration date.
Install the key to ensure full functionality of the application. In order to do this,
press the Add button and select the key file in the standard Microsoft Windows
File Select dialog box.
If, at the time of the installation, you still do not have the license key (for example
you ordered it from Kaspersky Lab via internet but have not received it yet), you
can install it later when you run the application for the first time using the
Management Console.
You can also install a backup license key that will be activated automatically
upon the expiry of the current license key.
3.1.2. Reinstalling the application
Reinstallation of Kaspersky Security is performed if the initial installation of the
application was incorrect or during program operation the integrity of executable
files was broken.
Installing, updating and removing the application 25
In order to reinstall the application, run the executable file from its distribution
package and select the Repair option in the wizard window. This will reinstall
Kaspersky Security using the settings of the previous installation. For example, if
the previous installation was a custom installation, then the reinstallation initiated
by the Repair button will also be a custom type installation.
3.2. Removing the application
You can remove Kaspersky Security from your computer using standard
Microsoft Windows Add/Remove Programs tool or the application distribution kit.
This will remove all installed application's components (i.e. both the Security
Server and the Management Console) from your computer.
During the uninstallation process, a prompt will be displayed asking you to
confirm stopping the Microsoft Exchange Information Store and the Microsoft
Internet Information services. Agree to stop these services to let the uninstallation
process complete its work correctly. Once the uninstallation process is complete,
the initial status of these services will be automatically restored.
3.3. Upgrading from a previous
If the installer detects that your business is running Kaspersky Security 5.5 for
Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 (release version, MP1), you can upgrade it to
Kaspersky Security 5.5 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 MP2.
You are advised to process objects in the Backup before upgrading.
In order to upgrade, run the setup executable file from the distribution package of
Kaspersky Security. During the installation of Kaspersky Security, the wizard will
ask you to confirm removal of previously installed application. It will be
uninstalled automatically.
During an upgrade of the application, the installer will automatically preserve the
current settings for further use.
4.1. Starting the application
The server component of the application is started automatically at the operating
system startup. If the anti-virus protection of the server and the anti-spam
protection features are enabled, they will start functioning immediately after the
Microsoft Exchange Server is launched.
The operation of the application is controlled from the administrator's workstation
– a computer where the Management Console is installed.
In order to start the Management Console
select the Management Console item in the programs group Kaspersky
Security 5.5 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 from the standard
Start / Programs Microsoft Windows menu. This programs group is cre-
ated only on the administrator's workstations when the Management Console is installed.
4.2. Application interface
The user interface of the application is provided by the Management Console
component. The Management Console is a dedicated isolated facility integrated
into MMC.
4.2.1. Main application window
The main application window (see Figure 2) contains a menu, a toolbar, a view
pane and a results pane. The menu provides the files and windows management
functions as well as the access to the help system. The set of buttons on the
toolbar ensures the direct access to some frequently used items of the main
menu. The view pane displays the Kaspersky Security 5.5 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 namespace in the form of the console tree, the results
pane displays the list of all elements of the object chosen in the tree.
Starting using the application 27
The Kaspersky Security 5.5 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 namespace
may contain several nodes with the names of the servers managed via the
console. The namespace does not contain any elements immediately after the
installation of the Management Console.
Figure 2. Main application window
After a new server is added (see section 4.3, page 30), it is displayed in the
console tree as a node <Server Name>. When the server is selected in the
console tree (see Figure 2) the results pane will display hyperlinks, which can be
used for application control and configuration.
• General settings
– used for viewing general application's operation
settings, license details and information about installed license keys,
renewing the license and configuring the application operation diagnostics
• Anti-virus protection
– used for viewing and configuring the managed
server's anti-virus protection settings
• Anti-Spam protection
– used for viewing and configuring the settings of
the server protection against unsolicited correspondence (SPAM).
• Updates
– used to configure settings for the anti-virus and content
filtration database update service, to set up an automatic update schedule
and to update databases manually.
If the connection to the server has been established the node will include nested
folders; each of these folders is intended for management of a specific
application feature:
28 Kaspersky Security 5.5 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
• Notification templates – for configuring notifications about infected or
suspicious objects and messages containing spam detected during the
• Backup storage – for working with the backup storage where backup
copies of objects are stored; includes the list of objects stored in the
backup storage.
• Report templates – for managing reports; contains a list of report
templates used to create reports about the program operation and the
status of the server protection.
• Virus outbreak counters – for configuring the criteria for identifying virus
outbreaks and settings used in notification about detected outbreaks.
4.2.2. Shortcut menu
Each category of objects in the console tree has its own shortcut menu that
opens after right-clicking an object with the mouse.
In addition to standard MMC commands, this shortcut menu contains commands
used for handling a particular object. The list of objects and the corresponding set
of commands accessible via the context menu are provided in the table below.
Object Command Purpose
Security 5.5 for
Server 2003
<Server name>
Add a new Exchange server with the
Add server
Disconnect from
the server
Connect to the
Remove the
server from the
console tree
Security server installed to be
managed via the console.
Disconnect from the currently selected
Establish a connection with the
currently selected server.
Remove the selected server from the
view pane.
Starting using the application 29
Create and configure a new notification
New notification
New filter
template about infected and suspicious
objects revealed by a scan and about
messages containing spam.
Create and configure a new filter used
to search for objects located in the
backup storage.
Configure general Backup parameters.
New report
Virus outbreak
Additional shortcut menu commands are also provided for report templates and
for the backup storage objects.
Using the Create a report command you can create a report based on the
selected template.
The Get file command allows you to obtain the original copy of the object that
had been saved before it was processed by the application. Send file for analysis – send an object from the Backup storage to Kaspersky Lab for
analysis (the action is possible for infected or suspicious objects only).
Send message to recipients – send the message that was deleted or rejected
by the spam scan to recipients.
Clear report
New counter
Create a new report template.
Configure general parameters of report
Delete contents of the statistical
database on program operation used
for creating reports.
Create and configure a new criterion to
be used for identifying a virus outbreak
and settings to be used for notification
about such outbreak.
30 Kaspersky Security 5.5 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
4.3. Creating the list of managed
In order to be able to control the application via the console, the Exchange
server, where the Security Server component is installed, must be added to the
list of managed servers. You can add either a local computer or any Exchange
server within the network to this list. Adding a server may be accompanied by
establishing a connection between the Management Console and the Kaspersky
Security application.
In order to add a server to the list of managed servers:
1. Select Kaspersky Security 5.5 for Microsoft Exchange Server
2003 node in the console tree, open the shortcut menu and select
the Add server command or a similar item from the Action menu.
This will open the Add server window (see Figure 3).
Figure 3. The Add server dialog box
2. Specify a computer with the Security Server component installed. If
the server component is installed on the same computer as the
Management Console, select Local computer. In order to add an
Exchange server from the computers installed in the network, select
Remote computer and specify the computer name in the entry
field. You can enter the name manually; to do this, specify one of
the following:
• IP address;
• full domain name (FQDN in the following format <Computer
name>.<DNS-domain name>);
• computer's name in the Microsoft Windows network (NetBIOS
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