Kaspersky Inspector 3.5
for Windows
Kaspersky Labs Ltd.
Tel. +7(095)797-87-00 • Fax +7(095)948-43-31
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1. Kaspersky Inspector for Windows ....................... 8
1.1. Features and function............................................. 8
1.2. Features of Kaspersky Inspector™ under
MS Windows NT ................................................................ 10
1.3. New features of Kaspersky Inspector 3.5 ......... 10
1.4. Distribution kit ....................................................... 11
1.4.1. What is in your KAV distribution kit ........... 11
1.4.2. License agreement........................................ 11
1.4.3. Registration card ........................................... 12
1.5. Help desk for registered users ............................ 12
1.6. Information in the book ....................................... 13
2. Installing Kaspersky Inspector ........................... 14
2.1. Software and hardware requirements ............... 14
2.2. Running setup wizard........................................... 15
2.2.1. Installing
2.2.2. Reinstalling..................................................... 25
2.2.3. Removing........................................................ 27
2.3. The .KEY File.......................................................... 30
......................................................... 15
3. The program’s Operation Concept ..................... 31
3.1. Checks that Kaspersky Inspector performs ...... 32
3.2. Analysing changes on your disk.......................... 33
3.3. Searching for stealth viruses............................... 35
3.4. Deleting viruses using KAVI Cure Module™ ......36
3.4.1. KAVI Cure Module for Windows ..................36
3.4.2. KAVI Cure Module for DOS32 ......................37
3.5. Checking the OS parameters during the boot
(the KAVIBOOT.VXD driver).............................................38
4. Kaspersky Inspector Interface.............................39
4.1. Main window...........................................................39
4.2. Menu-bar.................................................................41
4.3. Tool-bar...................................................................42
4.4. Icon-bar...................................................................44
4.5. Work-area ...............................................................45
4.6. Status-bar ...............................................................46
4.7. Interface elements for programm settings........46
4.7.1. Settings’ tree
4.7.2. Controls ...........................................................47
4.7.3. Control indicators...........................................51
5. Starting Kaspersky Inspector............................... 54
5.1. How to start the program.....................................54
5.1.1. Starting the program using the MS Windows
Start menu ......................................................................54
5.1.2. Starting Kaspersky Inspector from the
command line.................................................................55
5.1.3. Starting Kaspersky Inspector using Control Centre 59
5.2. Starting the program the first time.....................59
5.3. Starting to check for changes on your disk.......60
5.3.1. Checking for changes on the disk ...............60
5.3.2. Creating new tables.......................................60
5.4. Starting to search for stealth viruses..................61
6. Customising Kaspersky Inspector.......................63
6.1. The Options work-area: Selecting general
options ................................................................................ 63
6.1.1. Using the wizard to define general settings
6.1.2. Defining the location of working files and
folders. Check modes ................................................... 69
6.1.3. File check parameters .................................. 71
6.1.4. These checks can be disabled..................... 78
6.1.5. Selecting options for Cure Module ............. 79
6.1.6. Selecting options for the anti-virus scanner
6.1.7. Selecting options for the performance report 82
6.2. The Objects work-area: Selecting options for
every drive to be checked................................................ 84
6.2.1. Defining check parameters for hard,
network and logical drives........................................... 84
6.2.2. Defining how to access a drive................... 85
6.2.3. Items to be checked on the drive............... 87
6.2.4. Defining how to calculate CRC values ....... 87
6.2.5. Checking for stealth viruses ........................ 88
6.2.6. Advanced settings......................................... 89
6.3. Saving and loading settings................................. 89
7. Viewing Check Results............................................ 91
7.1. The Statistics work-area: Viewing Kaspersky
Inspector performance statistics .................................... 91
7.2. The Disks work-area: Viewing changes detected
7.3. The Disks work-area: Working with modifications
detected.............................................................................. 95
7.4. The Disks work-area: Master Boot Record details
7.5. The Disks work-area: Boot Record details.........99
7.6. The Registry work-area: Viewing modifications in
registry files ......................................................................101
7.7. Disks and Registry work-areas:
Allowing/prohibiting to change KAVI tables ................104
8. Running KAVI Cure Module for DOS32 ...........106
8.1. KAVI Cure Module for DOS32 ............................106
8.2. Launching KAVI Cure Module for DOS32.........107
8.3. Creating Cure diskette ........................................108
9. Messages about Suspicious Changes............... 110
9.1. Messages: when the check is completed.........110
9.1.1. Boot or Master Boot record changed........112
9.2. New bad clusters appeared................................113
9.3. Stealth virus detected .........................................113
9.4. Troubleshooting ...................................................115
10. Warnings and Error Messages........................116
10.1. Messages: launching or running Kaspersky
Inspector ...........................................................................118
10.2. Messages: checking Master Boot and Boot records 119
10.3. Messages: checking debug registers ............119
10.4. Messages: launching Kaspersky Inspector ..120
10.5. Messages of the KAVIBOOT.VXD driver.......121
11. Kaspersky Labs Ltd.............................................125
11.1. About Kaspersky Labs.....................................125
11.2. Other Kaspersky Labs Products....................126
11.3. Kaspersky Labs Contact Information............131
Dear Customer,
Thank you for choosing Kaspersky Anti-Virus to protect your computer
from viruses. We have worked hard to make this product meet the
highest possible standards and feel sure that you will find it efficient and
effective. By choosing our software, you acquire the unbeatable
protection against viruses.
Our company always seeks to make the software products more friendly
and easy-to-use while keeping their functionality at the same level.
Kaspersky Anti-Virus provides its users with the highly reliable anti-virus
protection, heuristic code-analyser, ability to check for viruses in all the
commonly used mail formats and compressed files, easy-to-use anti-
virus managing tools. Furthermore the user is provided with round-the-
clock technical support, information service, personal attention to every
client and immediate response to new viruses.
We highly appreciate your confidence in our product and hope you'll find
it fairly efficient and useful.
Kaspersky Labs
1. Kaspersky Inspector for Windows
What is Kaspersky Inspector for Windows? Distribution kit.
1.1. Features and function
Kaspersky Inspector™ (KAVI) is an integrity checker running under Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME NT/2000
Kaspersky Inspector checks disks for modifications in files and directories. The program can be used as a supplementary anti-virus program to monitor changes on the disk.
The program reduces the time you need to check your computer using the KAV scanner, since now, your Kaspersky Inspector will provide the scanner with information about the files that have been changed or created, and the scanner will check for viruses in those files only.
or Microsoft Windows
While checking for changes on your disk the program collects the data and saves it to the table. This table contains images of your Master Boot and Boot records, the list of bad clusters, the schema of your directory tree and information about every controlled file.
Kaspersky Inspector accesses your disks directly via the IOS (Input-Output Supervisor) driver without using the conventional methods (the 21h and 13h interrupts). This feature allows the program to detect and kill even the most dangerous stealth viruses that settle themselves in the computer memory and process those vital for your computer interruptions.
Besides, Kaspersky Inspector remembers and, when started again, checks the size of available DOS memory (most boot viruses change the size of random access memory), and the quantity of hard drives installed.
The main features of Kaspersky Inspector are the following:
accesses the disks directly via the IOS (Input-Output
Supervisor) driver, bypassing DOS resident viruses (boot viruses in particular, since they intercept the 13h interruption when the computer is booted).
allows to recover boot sectors on the disks.
allows to check network and compressed drives.
allows to read FAT12, FAT16, VFAT32, NTFS file systems
without using the corresponding OS functions.
analyses files while searching for the identical change in their
processes OLE2 documents (the Word, Excel and Access
allows to recover DOS and Windows 95/98/NT executable files
(KAVI Cure Module provides this possibility).
allows to detect stealth viruses in the wild.
1.2. Features of Kaspersky
Inspector™ under MS Windows NT
Due to architectural features of Microsoft Windows NT®, while running in this environment Kaspersky Inspector does not check:
debug registers;
size of the available DOS memory.
Other functions of Kaspersky Inspector are performed under Microsoft Windows in corpora.
1.3. New features of Kaspersky
Inspector 3.5
In this version we introduce new user interface (see chapter Ошибка! Источник ссылки не найден.). This interface solution allows you to understand more clearly both the hierarchy of general settings (see subchapter 6.1) and the hierarchy of settings for various drive types (see subchapter 6.2).
1.4. Distribution kit
1.4.1. What is in your KAV distribution kit
Your KAV distribution kit contains the following items:
license agreement;
sealed envelope with diskettes (or CD) containing the
program installation files;
Kaspersky Inspector 3.5 User Guide;
registration card.
Before you unseal the envelope with diskettes (or CD)
make sure to review thoroughly the license agreement.
1.4.2. License agreement
License Agreement is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and the manufacturer (Kaspersky Labs LTD) describing the terms on which you may employ this anti-virus product.
Make sure to peruse this LA!
If you do not agree to terms of this LA, Kaspersky Labs is not willing to license the software product to you and you should return the unused product to your KAV dealer for a full refund, but make sure the envelope with CD (or diskettes) is sealed.
1.4.3. Registration card
To register you must fill the detachable coupon of your registration card (your full name, phone and e-mail address) and mail it to the Kaspersky Labs legal dealer that sold this kit to you.
If your mail/e-mail address or phone number changed please notify the entity to which you mailed the coupon.
When registered you obtain the status of Kaspersky Labs legal customer and will be provided with the product support and anti­virus database updates for the period of your subscription. Furthermore Kaspersky Labs provides Kaspersky Anti-Virus registered users with information about the new products released by the company.
1.5. Help desk for registered
Kaspersky Labs offers a large service package enabling its legal customers to employ Kaspersky Inspector efficiently.
If you register and purchase a subscription you will be provided with the following services for the period of your subscription:
anti-virus database WEEKLY updates;
new versions of the Kaspersky Labs anti-virus software
provided on the FREE basis;
PHONE, E-MAIL or IN-OFFICE advising on matters related to the operation of our anti-virus software;
information about the Kaspersky Labs new products and about new computer viruses.
For more information about our services refer to your
Kaspersky Labs does not provide information related to
operation and use of your operation system, and various technologies.
1.6. Information in the book
This book contains information on how to install, customise and manage the software product, explains its basic concepts and the way they can be applied, recommends how to manage and change settings.
2. Installing Kaspersky Inspector
Installing the program. The KEY file.
2.1. Software and hardware
In order to install Kaspersky Inspector you need a system that meets the following requirements:
IBM PC (or 100% compatible computer) with the MS Windows
minimum 16Mb of RAM (32 Mb is advisable) for Windows is advisable) for Windows NT
minimum 5 Mb of free space on the hard disk.
95/98/NT operation system pre-installed on
95/98, and minimum 32 Mb of RAM (64 Mb
2.2. Running setup wizard
2.2.1. Installing
To install the Kaspersky Inspector program on your
file server, follow the steps:
1. Insert the supplied CD into the CD-ROM drive of your computer.
2. Start the Setup wizard program - setup.exe.
3. The Setup wizard will start (figure 1 and 2). Follow instructions on your screen.
Figure 1. The InstallShield Wizard progress box
Figure 2. The Welcome wizard window
4. Read the window message and click the Next button to continue the installation. The License Agreement wizard window will appear on your screen (figure 3).
Figure 3. The License Agreement wizard window
5. Review all the agreement terms. If they are
acceptable click the Yes button to continue the installation. Click No to abort the installation if the terms are not acceptable. If you accepted the terms, the Customer Information wizard window will appear on your screen (figure 4).
Figure 4. The Customer Information wizard window
6. Enter your name and your company name into the User Name and Company Name text fields. Then click the Next button. The Choose Destination Location wizard window will appear on your screen (figure 5).
Figure 5. The Choose Destination Location wizard window
7. In this window you must select the destination location for your Kaspersky Inspector software to be installed into:
Click the Browse button and use the Choose Folder wizard window (figure 6) to
choose the folder.
Click ОК.
In the Choose Destination Location wizard
window click the Next button to continue the installation.
Figure 6. The Choose Folders wizard window
8. In the Select Program Folder wizard window
(figure 7) you must select the Kaspersky Inspector program group in the Windows Start menu. When done, click the Next button to continue the installation.
Figure 7. The Select Program Folder wizard window
9. In the Key File wizard window (figure 8) you must
choose the name of your key file (see subchapter 2.3) and the path to it. If the file is located in the folder you are installing from, it will be displayed in the List of key files to install list. If the file is located in some other folder, click the Add button and select your file in the Select Key File wizard window (figure 9). If necessary, you can use more than one key file at a time. After you specified all the key files that you want to install, press the Next button to continue the installation.
Figure 8. The Key File wizard window
Figure 9. The Select Key File wizard window
10. In the Start Copying Files wizard window (figure 10)
on your screen review and check current settings of your Setup wizard. Click Next for the Setup wizard to start copying files on your server, and then wait a minute or two while the installation proceeds (figure 11).
Figure 10. The Start Copying Files wizard window
Figure 11. The Setup Status wizard window
11. After the Kaspersky Inspector software has been
copied to your hard disk the InstallShield Wizard Complete (figure 12) wizard window will be displayed. For the software to be correctly installed on your computer, check the Yes, I want to restart my computer now check box and click the Finish button.
Before you click the Finish button, make sure to exit all
Windows applications that are currently running.
Figure 12. The InstallShield Wizard Complete wizard window
2.2.2. Reinstalling
If when running the installation wizard finds a copy of Kaspersky Inspector on your computer, the Welcome wizard window (figure 13) with the following option buttons will appear on your screen:
Modify — adds new components to the package
components that have been installed on your computer before.
Repair — reinstalls all the package components.
Remove — removes the Kaspersky Inspector copy
from your computer (see subchapter 2.2.3).
To select one of the options you must enable the corresponding option button and click the Next button.
Figure 13. The Welcome wizard window
If you selected to Modify the installed package and clicked the Next button the Select Components wizard window (figure 14) allowing you to choose exactly which components to install will appear on your screen.
Select the components by checking the appropriate check boxes and click the Next button. The following wizard windows will appear on your screen one after another: Setup Status (see figure 11) and InstallShield Wizard Complete (see figure 12). To move from one wizard window to another click the Next button.
Figure 14. The Select Components wizard window
If you selected to Repair the installed package and clicked the
Next button the Setup Status (see figure 11) and InstallShield Wizard Complete (see figure 12) will appear on your screen one
after another. You can choose this mode if you accidentally deleted some files belonging to Kaspersky Inspector
2.2.3. Removing
If by some reasons you want to remove Kaspersky Inspector from your computer, select the Remove option button in the Welcome wizard window (see figure 13) and click the Next button.
The wizard window asking you to confirm the removal (figure 15) will appear on your screen. To start the process click the ОК button
in this window. The installation wizard will start removing files of Kaspersky Inspector from your hard drive (figure 16).
If during the process of removal the wizard detects a file that can be used by some other program on your computer, the wizard window asking you to confirm deletion of this file will appear on your screen (figure 17). To delete the given file click the Yes button in the window.
Figure 15. The wizard window asking to confirm the program
Figure 16. The Setup Status wizard window
Figure 17. The wizard window asking to confirm the file deletion
2.3. The .KEY File
The file with .KEY extension is supplied with the Kaspersky Inspector distribution kit. This file is a kind of your personal key that contains the following housekeeping data which is required in order for your Kaspersky Inspector to work correctly:
contact information of your Kaspersky Inspector vendor
(company name, address, phone numbers);
contact information of the Help Desk;
the software product release date;
validation that the program is a registered copy;
expiry date of your Kaspersky Inspector user license.
If no *.KEY file present in the directory where you installed
Kaspersky Inspector, the program will be running as a demo version, what means that it will be not able to delete viruses from infected files.
You must keep your *.KEY file safe. In order to protect
your *.KEY file it is strongly recommended that you back it up.
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