12.1. Viewing information about license keys..........................................................176
12.2. Installing a new license key.............................................................................178
12.3. Creating and viewing the license key report...................................................180
ADMINISTRATION SERVER DATA.......................................................................181
13.1. Backup data copying task...............................................................................181
13.2. Backup data copying utility..............................................................................184
APPENDIX A. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS...............................................186
APPENDIX B. GLOSSARY.........................................................................................190
APPENDIX C. KASPERSKY LAB...............................................................................196
C.1. Other Kaspersky Lab Products........................................................................197
C.2. Contact Us ........................................................................................................202
APPENDIX D. LICENSE AGREEMENT ....................................................................203
centralized solution for most important administration tasks associated with
managing the corporate network anti-virus security system base d on Kaspersky
Lab’s applications included into Kaspersky Anti-Virus Business Optimal and
Kaspersky Corporate Suite . Kaspersky Administration Kit supports all network
configurations that use TCP/IP protocol.
Kaspersky Administration Kit is a tool for corporate network administrators an d
anti-virus security officers.
The application enables the administrator to:
• Deploy Kaspersky Lab applications
• Manage licenses
• Remotely manage Kaspersky Lab applications
Administration Kit is an application that is designed to provide a
across a network connection to computers running Windows. This feature enables the administrator to copy
the required set of Kaspersky Lab's applicat ions to a selected computer
and then deploy these applications on the network computers.
. This feature allows to install license keys to all installed
Kaspersky Lab's in a centralized way, monitor the observance of the License Agreement (that is, the conformity of the number of licenses to the
number of applications operating in the network) and the expiration date.
across a network connection to computers running Windows. This feature enables the administrator to create a multi-level anti-virus protection system and manage the
operation of all applications from a single administrator's workstation. This
is particularly important for larger companies that have a local network
consisting of a large number of computers that may cover several separate buildings or offices. This feature enables the administrator to:
•group computers into administration groups based o n the func-
tions performed by such computers and the set of applications
installed on them;
•configure the application settings in a centralized way by creat-
ing and applying group policies;
• configure individual settings of the application for individual
computers using the application settings.
•manage the operation of the applications in a centralized way
by creating and running group and global tasks.
Kaspersky® Administration Kit 7
•create individual patterns for the application's operation by cre-
ating and running tasks for a set of computers from different
administration groups.
• Automatically update the anti-virus database and applicati on modules on
computers. This features allows centralized updating of the anti-virus database for all installed Kaspersky Lab's applications without accessing the
Kaspersky Lab's internet updates server for each individual update. The
updating can be performed automatically according to the schedule set up
by the administrator. The administrator can monitor the installation of the
updates on the client computers.
• Receive report s using a de dicated system
. This feature allows centralized
collection of statistical information about the operation of all installed
Kaspersky Lab's applications, monitoring the correctness of the operation
of these applications and creating reports based on the information obtained. The administrator can create a cumulative net work report about
the operation of an application or reports about the opera tion of application installed on each computer.
• Use events notification s ystem. Mail notifica tion sending system
. This feature allows the administrator to create a list of events in the operation of
the applications about which her or she will receiv e notifications. The list
of such event may, for example, include detection of a ne w virus or an error that occurred when attempting to update the anti-virus database on a
computer, detection of a new computer in the network.
Kaspersky Administration Kit application consists of three major components:
•Administration server performs the function of centralized storage of in-
formation about Kaspersky Lab's applications installed in the corporate
network and about managing such applications.
•Network Agent coordinates the interaction between the Administration
Server and Kaspersky Lab's applications installed on a specific network
node (a workstation or a server). This component supports all applications
included in the Kaspersky Lab Business Optimal and Kaspersky Cor porate Suites.
•Administration Console provides a user interface to the administration
services of the Administration Server and Network Agent. The management module is implemented as the extension of the Microsoft Management Console (MMC).
8 Kaspersky Administration Kit
1.1.The purpose of the document
This Reference Book describes the purpose of Kaspersky Administration Kit and
contains a step-by-step discussion of all its functions. The basic concepts an d
the general operation scheme of the application are discu ssed in the Kaspersky
Administration Kit Administrator's Guide.
In order to review questions that our users often ask Kaspersky Lab' s support
specialists visit our website and follow the ServicesÆ Knowledge base link.
This section contains information about installation, configurat ion and functioning
of Kaspersky Lab's applications and about removal of most commonly spread
viruses and disinfection of infected files.
1.2.Conventions used in this book
Various formatting features and icons are used throughout this document
depending on the purpose and the meaning of the te xt. The table belo w lists the
conventions used in the text.
Format feature Meaning/Usage
Bold font
1. Step 1.
2. …
In order to perform...,
Titles of menus, menu items, windows,
dialog boxes and their elements, etc.
Additional information, notes
Information requiring special attention
Description of the successive user's
steps and possible actions
Kaspersky® Administration Kit 9
Format featureMeaning/Usage
Task, example
[key] – modifier name
Information messages and
command line text
Statement of a problem, example of the
demonstration of the application's
Implementation of the task
Command line modifier
Text of configuration files, information
messages and command line
2.1. Starting the program and
connecting to the
administration server
In order to start the application,
select the Kaspersky Administration Kit item in the Kaspersky Administration Kit group of the standard Run\Programs menu. This pro-
grams group is created only on the administrator's workstations at the
time when the Administration Console is installed.
To connect to an Administration Server, select the Kaspersky
Administration Server (<Server name>) node in the console tree.
After this, the application tries to connect to the administration server. If
there are several administration servers on your network, the program
will connect to the last server it connected to during the previous
Kaspersky Administration Kit session. Upon the first launch of the
application, it is assumed that the administration server and
administration console are running on the same computer. Therefore,
the program will try to detect the administration server on this computer.
If the server is not found, you will be asked to specif y the server name
manually in the Logon dialog box (see Figure 1). Enter the required
server name in the Server address field. You can enter the IP-address
or NetBIOS name (computer name on the MS Windows network).
Communications between the Administration Server and Administration
Console are secured by SSL. If you want to disable the SSL protocol,
uncheck the Use SSL connection checkbox. However, this might
impair information security and data integrity.
To connect to the Administration Server through a port that
differs from the default one, enter <Server name>:<Port number> in the Server address field.
Click the Options button to show/hide the following advanced connection
Getting started11
•Use SSL connection. Select this checkbox to transmit data be-
tween the Administration Server and Administration Consol e via
SSL. Unselect this box if you do not want to communicat e via
SSL. However, this might impair the integrity and safety of the
data transmitted.
•Use proxy server. Select this checkbox if you want to connect
to the Administration Server via a proxy se rver. Enter the address for connecting to the proxy server in the Proxy server address field. Fill in the User name and Password fields if
user authorization is required on that proxy server.
Figure 1. Connecting to the Administration Server
Then the Administration Console verifies user rights to connect to the
Administration Server. If the connection is SSL-enabled, the
Administration Console authenticates the Administration Server before
verifying user rights.
If you connect to the server for the first time or the server certificate for
this session differs from your local copy, a request for con necting to this
server and receiving a new certificate will be displayed (see Figure 2).
Select one of the following:
•I want to connect to the server and download the certificate
from it – Select this option to connect to this Administration
Server and receive a new certificate.
•I want to specify the certificate file location – Select this op-
tion to specify the location of the certificate file. Click Browse…
12 Kaspersky Administration Kit
to browse for the certificate file. The file has the .cer extension
and is located in the Cert folder in the Kaspersky Administration
Kit directory on the Administration Server. The Console will attempt to authenticate the server using the certificate you specified.
You can copy the certificate file to a shared folder
or a floppy disk. This copy can be used to configure
access settings.
Figure 2. Request for connecting to the Administration Server.
User rights are verified using the Windows user authentication pr ocedure.
If the user is not authorized to access the Administration Server, i.e.
he/she has no logical network operator (KLOperators) or administrator
rights (KLAdmins), try logging on under another account (see Figure 3).
In the corresponding form, specify the user account (name and password)
that has a logical network operator or administrator rights.
Figure 3. Registering a user to access the Administration Server
Getting started13
If the connection is successful, the logical network structure and settings
appear in the console tree.
To disconnect from the Administration Server
select the Kaspersky Administration Server(<Server name>) node in
the console tree and select the Disconnect from the Administration Server command or use the analogous shortcut menu item in the Action
To connect to another Administration Server:
Select the Kaspersky Administration Server (<Server Name>) node i n
console tree of the Kaspersky Administration Kit main windo w and click
the Logon server option on the shortcut menu or on the Action menu. In
the Logon dialog box (see Figure 1), e nter the server name (see above)
and, if necessary, check the Use SSL connection checkbox to enable
secure connection.
If you have no logical network operator or administrator rights for the
selected network, access to the Administration Server will be denied.
If the connection to the server is successful, the contents of the
Kaspersky Administration Server (<Server name>) node is refreshed.
To add a new administration server to the console tree:
Select the Kaspersky Administration Server node in the Kaspersky
Administration Kit main window, open the shortcut menu, and click the
New/KAV Server command (or select this command from the Action
As a result, a new node named Kaspersky Administration Server (<Not connected>) will appear in the console tree. Use this no de to connect to
another server installed on your Windows network.
2.2.Granting rights to users
In order to grant rights to users for working with the logical network of
the Administration Server:
14 Kaspersky Administration Kit
1. Select the node that corresponds to the Administration Server you
need in the main Kaspersky Administration Kit window, open the
shortcut menu and select the Properties command or use the
corresponding item in the Action menu.
2. Select the Security tab in the Properties: <Server name> window
that will open (see Figure 4).
Figure 4. Granting rights to access the Administration Server
The top part of the tab contains the list of users registered on the
computer where the Administration Console is installed. The bottom part contains the list of possible permissions:
• All.
• Reading:
o connecting to the Administration Server
Getting started15
oviewing the logical network structure (or administration
oviewing the values of application's policies, tasks, and set-
•Executing: starting and stopping existing group and global
ocreating a logical network, adding groups and client com-
puters to this logical network (or to an administration
oinstallation of the Network Agent component to the client
ocreating required installation packages for the Kaspersky
Lab's anti-virus applications and installing th em (along with
licenses keys to such applications) on the client computers;
oupdating the version of applications installed on the client
ocreating policies, tasks for groups and individual computers,
configuring application settings;
ocentralized management of applications, receiving reports
about their operation using services provided by the Administration Server, the Network Agent and the Administration Console components;
ogranting to users and groups of users access rights to the
functionality of Kaspersky Administration Kit.
In order to assign rights, select the required group of users and
check boxes next to the names of the permissions you wish to
grant. If you wish to check all boxes, check the All box.
You can add a new group or a new user by clicking the Add button.
You can add only users or groups of users that are registered on
the Administration Console computer.
1. After you are done with the settings, press the Apply or the OK
In order to grant rights for working with an administration group:
16 Kaspersky Administration Kit
1. Select the administration group you need in the console tree, ope n
the shortcut menu and select the Properties command or use the
analogous item from the Action menu.
2. Select the Security tab in the Properties: <Server name> window
that will open (see Figure xx). T his tab is similar to th e Security tab
of the Administration Server settings configuration window.
Figure 5. Granting access right to an administration group
Rights for working with the logical network and all objects included
into the structure of such network are configured in the Administration Server network.
In order to configure individual access rights for an administration
group that are different from those specified in the Administration
Server settings, uncheck the Inherit box.
1. After this configure the access rights you wish to grant to the us ers
and groups of users in the list. Right are granted the same way as for
the Administration Server.
2. After you are done with the settings, press the Apply or the OK
Getting started17
2.3. Viewing information about the
computer network IP
In order to view information about the computer network, received by
the Administration Server during a regular poll:
Select the Network node in the console tree.
In order to select a presentation method of the computer network while
viewing the Network folder,
select the Network node in the console tree and select a comman d from
the View group in the shortcut menu:
•Domains – to displa y the structure of the computer net work as
an hierarchy of folders that reflects the structure of domains and
workgroups of the Windows corporate network. Each of the
folders on the end level contains a list of computers of the respective domain or workgroup not included into the structur e of
the logical network.
•Active Directory - to display the hierarch y of folders that cor-
responds to the Active Directory structure.
•IP subnetworks – to display the computer network as IP sub-
In order to create a new IP subnetwork:
1. Select the Network node in the console tree, open the sh ortcut menu
and select the New/IP subnetwork command or use the analogou s
item from the Action menu.
The New/IP-subnetwork command is available only when displaying
the Network folder as IP-subnetworks.
2. In the New IP subnetwork window that will open (see Figure 6xx)
specify values for the following settings:
• subnetwork name;
• method of description of the subnetwork and values of settings
for the method selected;
18 Kaspersky Administration Kit
Select one of the following options:
oSpecify the IP subnetwork using address and the sub-
network mask; in this case you must specify the Subnetwork mask and Subnetwork address in the correspond-
ing entry fields.
oSpecify IP subnetwork using the start and the end ad-
dress; after this, enter the start and the end IP addresses.
The values of the settings are specified in the decimal notation.
•a time interval after which information about an inactive com-
puter will be deleted from the Administration Server database in the IP address validity period (hours).
Figure 6. Creating a new IP subnetwork
3. After you are done with configuring the settings, press the OK button.
In order modifying the IP subnetwork settings:
select the node that corresponds to the subnetwork you need in the Network folder, open the shortcut menu and select the Properties command
or use the corresponding item in the Action menu.
This will open dialog window Properties: <Subnetwork name> that in-
cludes the General and IP ranges tabs.
You can do the following in the General tab (see Figure 7):
Getting started19
Figure 7. Viewing IP subnetwork settings
The General tab
• change the subnetwork's name;
• determine the whether the A dministration Server will automati-
cally move new computers added to the subnet work to include
them to the structure of the logical network. In order to do this,
check the Move computers into group and select the required
administration group using the Select button.
•change the value of the time interval after which information
about an inactive computer will be deleted from the Administration Server database - in the IP address lifetime (hours).
•permit or cancel polling of the computers in this subnetwork by
the Administration Server when performing a regular polling of
the computer network. If you do not want the Administration
Server to poll the computers during the next poll, uncheck the
Allow IP subnetwork scanning box.
You can add or delete IP ranges that define the subn etwork and change
the alter their settings in the IP ranges tab (see Figure 8).
• start and end IP addresses of the range;
• subnet work mask and address .
20 Kaspersky Administration Kit
In order to add an IP range that defines the subnet work press the Add
button. In the IP range window that will open (see Figure xx) specify the
method of the range description and enter the values for the method selected. Select one of the following options:
•Specify the IP subnetwork using address and subnetwork
mask; in this case you must specify the Subnetwork mask and
Subnetwork address in the corresponding entry fields.
•Specify IP subnetwork using the start and the end IP address; after this, enter the start and the end IP addresses.
The values of the settings are specified in the decimal notation.
Figure 8. Viewing IP subnetwork settings
The IP ranges tab
Getting started21
Figure 9. Adding an IP range
2.4.Quick Start Wizard
To create a system of centralized management of antivirus protection:
1. In the console tree of the Kaspersky Administration Kit main window,
select the Kaspersky Administration Server (<Server Name>)
node and open the shortcut menu for this node. Click Quick Start Wizard on the shortcut menu or on the Action menu.
2. During the first stage the polling of the computer network and
identifying of computers within this network take place (see Figure
10). Based on the results of such polling, a service group Network
and the structure of the Network folder is formed. The information
obtained will be used for the automatic creation of the l ogical n et work.
In order to view the structure of the computer network use the View the network scanning results hyperlink.
22 Kaspersky Administration Kit
Figure 10. Polling the computer network
3. At this stage you will have to specify the method for creating a logical
network (see Figure 11). You can select one of the following options:
Selecting a method for creating a logical network
Figure 11. Quick Start Wizard.
Getting started23
•I want to create logical network tree based on the Windows
domain structure – Create a logical network automatically
based on the structure of Windows domains and user groups
displayed in the Unassigned group folder.
If a computer is not available in the Unassigned
mode when you are creating a logical network
(switched off or disconnected from the network), the
wizard will not add this computer to the logical
network. You can add this computer later when
manually configuring the logical network (see
section 3.5 on page 47).
Creating a logical network using the Quick Start
Wizard does not disturb network integrity: new
groups are added; they do not replace the existing
groups. A client computer that has been already
assigned to an existing group will not be added t his
time because the Unassigned group displays only
computers that are not included in the logical
•I want to create logical network tree manually – Create a
logical network later.
•I want to import logical network tree from the previous version of Kaspersky Administration Kit – Use the logical net-
work structure as it existed in the previous versions of Kaspersky Administration Kit. The restored structure will be as follows:
servers and administration groups will be imported as administration groups, and workstations attached to each server will
be added as members of the corresponding administration
To restore and import the structure of the previous logical network, the application uses data stored on the main server in the
configuration file ncd.dat. The file is located in a folder NCD in
the Kaspersky Administration Server installation folder. If the
Administration Server is now installed on the same computer
where the main server was previously installed, the configuration file will be found automatically. If the Administration Server
is unable to find the ncd.dat file, select it manually using the
Browse button.
4. In the next wizard box ( Figure 12), configure settings for sending
alerts via e-mail and NET SEND generated by Kaspersky Lab
applications and specify the template for alert messages (for more
details, see section 6.2 o n page 91). These settings will be used as
default settings for application policies.
24 Kaspersky Administration Kit
5. In the next stage, you should configure the system of anti-virus
protection (Figure 13).
Figure 12. Configuring the notifications forwarding settings
Figure 13. Quick Start Wizard.
Configuring the anti-virus protection system
Getting started25
Quick Start Wizard creates a system of anti-virus protection for
logical network clients using Kaspersky Anti-Virus 5.0 for Windo ws
Workstations. In this case, the Administration Server creates a
policy and defines a minimum set of tasks for the highest
hierarchical level of Kaspersky Anti-Virus 5.0 for Windows
Workstations. It also configures a global task of retrievin g updates
for the Administration Server.
When forming a system of anti-virus protection for logical network
clients using Kaspersky Anti-Virus 5.0 for Windows Workstations.
The Administration Server creates the following:
• In the Policies folder of the Groups group, it creates a policy
for Kaspersky Anti-Virus 5.0 for Windows Workstations. This
policy is titled the Policy for Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Win-dows Workstations and has default settings.
• In the Global Tasks node of the console tree, there is a global
task for updating the Administration Server. This policy is called
Download updates task and has default settings.
•The task of the backup copying of data of the Administration
Server in the Global Tasks node of the console tree with the
name Backup copying of Administration Server data and
default settings.
• In the Tasks folder of the Groups task, the updating task for
Kaspersky Anti-Virus 5.0 for Windows Workstations is created.
This task is called Update task for Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations and has default settings.
• In the Tasks folder of the Groups group, the on-demand scan
task is created for Kaspersky Anti-Virus 5.0 for Windo ws Workstations. This task is titled Full scan task and has default settings.
A policy for Kaspersky Anti-Virus 5.0 for Windows
Workstations is not created if a policy for this
application already exists in the Groups folder.
If group tasks for the Groups group and the global
updating task with these names have been already
created, these tasks will not be formed at this time.
If necessary, you can customize updating options. T o do this, click
the Updater settings… button and specify the required values in
the dialog box that appears on your screen (for more details, see
section 9.2 on page 154).
Click Next. The wizard window displays the process of creating the
tasks and policy. If errors occur, you will see an error message.
26 Kaspersky Administration Kit
6. In the final window of the wizard you will be offered to launch the Deploy wizard. You can use this wizard to install the Net work Agent. If
you do not wish to install the application immediately after the Quick
Start Wizard is completed, uncheck the Launch the Deploy Wizard
3.1. Viewing the logical network
To view information about the structure of a group that is a part of the
logical network group:
Select the desired group folder in the Groups folder. A list of objects
included in this group will be displaye d in the details panel (you can als o
expand the corresponding branch of the console tree).
•To view information about group policies, select the Policies
folder. If policies are applied to the selected group, they will be
displayed in the details panel; otherwise the details panel is
•To view information about group tasks, select the Tasks folder.
If tasks are defined for the selected group, they will be displayed in the details panel; otherwise the details panel is empty.
• To work with the logical network of the slave Administration
Server, select the Servers folder.
•A list of clients included in the selected group is displa ye d in the
details panel.
In order to view the group’s setting and settings of the interaction of the
Administration Server with the client computers that are a part of the
select a folder with the name of the group you need in the Groups folder
and then use the Properties command from the shortcut menu or from
the Action menu. This will open the <Group name>Properties dialog
box with two tabs: General and Computers.
28 Kaspersky Administration Kit
The General tab (Figure 14) displays the following informat ion:
Figure 14. Viewing group properties. The General tab
• Group name
• Parent group name (if there are no par ent groups for this gro up,
the value is Groups)
• Statistic information about the group structure – number of
nested groups and total number of clients, including clie nts in
the nested groups
• Creation date
• Date when the name or attributes of the group were last modi-
fied (if the group name and group properties have not chan ged,
the value is <Unknown>)
Click Reset virus counter to reset a virus detection counter for all clients in the
The Computers tab (Figure 15) displays the following information:
Viewing, creating, and configuring a logical network 29
Figure 15. Viewing group properties. The Computers tab
• The New computer detected section shows what installation packages
are used to remotely install Kaspersky Lab applications on the new client
computers added to the group.
For the Unassigned group properties (see Figure 32), the New com-puter detected section contains the Add computer to group checkbox.
If this checkbox is checked, new computers on the Windows network will
be automatically included in the logical net work group specif ied in the text
field below.
• The Computer activity text box shows the actions to be applied to clients
not responding over a specified time interval (for example, notifying
logical network administrators or removing the clients from the group).
The Computer status tab contains the criteria for the diagnostics of the
status of the client computers based on the information about the status
of the anti-virus protection for this computer and about the activity of the
client computer in the network. Based on these conditions, the client
computer will be assigned one of the statuses: Critical or Warning. If the
client computer does not meet any of the above c onditions, its status will
be OK.
30 Kaspersky Administration Kit
Figure 16. The Computer status tab
You can change the threshold values for some of the conditions. In order
to do this, select the required condition in the Cond ition column and double-click it to open the editing window (see Figure 117).
For example, you can establish the maximum number of days during
which the client computer will not connect to the Administration Server.
After this period of time is elapsed, the computer will be assigned the
Critical status.
If the computer status is OK, then a green icon -
will appear. If the
computer status is Warning, a yellow icon - will be displayed. If the
computer status is Critical, a red icon -
will be displayed.
Figure 17. The Computer status tab
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