APPENDIX F. LICENSE AGREEMENT..................................................................... 135
Kaspersky® Administration Kit was developed specially for administrators of
corporate networks or anti-virus security officers. Using this toolkit, a network
administrator can manage anti-virus protection (i.e. install, configure, and update
the Kaspersky Anti-Virus
virus outbreaks) SIMULTANEOUSLY on all workstations of a corporate network
Administration Kit enables an administrator to:
• Remotely manage anti-virus settings across a corporate network. The
administrator can remotely manage anti-virus tools installed on other network computers from one location. Remote management is especially important for administrators of large networks that cover more then one
building or office.
• Remotely install (deploy) anti-virus software on workstations
facilitates creating of a unified anti-virus protection system across a network. The administrator downloads the Kaspersky Anti-Virus® package on
his computer (or a dedicated server) only once and then deploys it to the
workstations that are connected to the network.
• Remotely launch scheduled or on-demand scans
administrator to remotely launch scans on workstations and schedule the
scanning procedure to be automatically started at a specified time.
• Automatically update anti-virus databases on workstations. Updating of
anti-virus databases can be performed centrally: you do not need every
workstation to connect to the Kaspersky Labs web server. The updating
procedure can also be scheduled to run automatically on a regular basis.
• Receive the cumulative network report
detected by the anti-virus software on all protected workstations. The administrator can also request reports from individual workstations.
• Customize the notification system
define a list of events to be notified about by e-mail. For example, these
can be a detection of a virus on the protected network or an unsuccessful
attempt to update anti-virus databases on a workstation.
• Quarantine suspicious files.
cious files, encode them, and move them to the server quarantine. This
enables the administrator to maintain the highest level of anti-virus protec-
software, and also quickly and efficiently deal with
. This feature
. This feature allows the
. The network report logs all events
. This feature allows the administrator to
The administrator can centrally store suspi-
8 Kaspersky Administration Kit
tion because even if an infected file has been deleted, it can be easily restored from the quarantine.
• Control user access to anti-virus protection settings
. The administrator
can prevent users from accessing anti-virus protection settings. This feature substantially enhances anti-virus protection security.
• Group computers into logical groups and delegate administrative control
over specific groups to particular group administrators. This feature simplifies administration of the anti-virus protection of a large number of
1.1. What’s new in version 4.5?
Kaspersky® Administration Kit 4.5 has the following features not found in
previous versions:
• One installer
• Application of new settings can be delayed. Now the administrator can
define new settings for a workstation even if this workstation is not currently available on the network. The workstation can be merely switched
off at the moment. The changes are recorded in backup settings on the
primary server and are applied immediately after the workstation appears
on the network.
• Simultaneous customization of logical network objects
can simultaneously customize the anti-virus protection settings for several
workstations, servers, or groups.
• Network quarantine
minimizes the possibility of virus infection of the network.
• Extended search capabilities and a more easy-to-use interface
there are more criteria that can be used to find a computer on a logical
network. When adding a computer to the network, the administrator is
able to see the Microsoft network (not only the Kaspersky Anti-Virus
cal network).
• Detection of a virus attack
computers on the network. The administrator can customize the anti-virus
programs how to response to the outbreak.
• Network report
network objects and changes in the integrity of the logical network are
logged to a cumulative report.
for Kaspersky® Network Control Centre, Kaspersky Anti Server, Kaspersky Anti-Virus® Control Centre, and Kaspersky Anti Updater.
. The administrator
. Now quarantined files can be stored on servers. This
. Now
which is a simultaneous infection of several
. All events detected by the anti-virus software on logical
Kaspersky® Administration Kit 9
1.2. Software and hardware
To run the Kaspersky® Administration Kit software package, you need:
• A TCP/IP network
• A configured MS Windows network
• The MS Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP operating system. If installing on
a computer running MS Windows NT 4.0, the service pack 6 must be preinstalled.
The administrating station must have (for the KasperskyCentre program):
• 16 Mb of available RAM
• 10 Mb of available hard disk space
(for the Kaspersky AV Server program):
• MS Windows 2000/NT/XP.
• 5 Mb of available RAM.
• 1 Mb of available hard disk space and also the disk space required to
store the updates for your anti-virus database, the Kaspersky Anti-Virus®
package components, and downloaded software products.
• The possibility to send e-mail messages using the MAPI client or via the
SMTP protocol. This is necessary to enable the server to forward alerts
from the tasks running on the supervised workstations. After the installation of the MAPI client, you must configure the appropriate profile for the
server mail system. To do this, select the Mail icon in MS Windows Control Panel and define the mail system settings.
Network Control
For information on hardware and software requirements for workstations please refer to User Guide "Kaspersky Anti-Virus
Kaspersky® Administration Kit 4.5 is designed for local area networks
with domain structure.
for Worksta-
10 Kaspersky Administration Kit
1.3. Distribution kit
You can purchase Kaspersky Anti-Virus® Personal either from our distributors
(retail box) or online at one of our Internet shops (for example,
The retail box includes:
• A sealed envelope with an installation CD containing files for the software
• User Guide;
• A license key written on the installation CD;
• License agreement.
Before you unseal the envelope containing the CD, be sure to thoroughly review the license agreement.
If you buy Kaspersky Anti-Virus
file of the product from the Kaspersky Labs website. This installation file includes
this User Guide and the license key. The license key can be also sent to you by
e-mail after receiving your payment.
The License Agreement (LA) is a legal agreement between you and the
manufacturer (Kaspersky Labs Ltd.) describing the terms on which you may
employ the anti-virus product which you have purchased.
, the Buy online link).
Personal online, you download the installation
Make sure you read the License Agreement!
If you do not agree to the terms of this LA, you can return the unused product to
your Kaspersky Anti-Virus
with the CD is sealed.
If you unsealed the envelope, you have agreed to all the terms of the LA.
dealer for a full refund, making sure the envelope
1.4. Help desk for registered users
Kaspersky Labs offers a large service package enabling its legal customers to
enjoy all available features of Kaspersky Anti-Virus
If you register and purchase a subscription you will be provided with the following
services for the period of your subscription:
Kaspersky® Administration Kit 11
• new versions of this anti-virus software product provided free of charge;
• phone or e-mail advising on matters related to the installation, configura-
tion, and operation of this anti-virus product;
• information about new Kaspersky Labs products and about new computer
viruses (for those who subscribe to the Kaspersky Labs newsletter).
Kaspersky Labs does not provide information related to operation and
use of your operating system or various other technologies.
12 Kaspersky Administration Kit
1.5. Conventions
In this book we use various conventions to emphasize different meaningful parts
of the documentation. The Table below lists the conventions used in this User
Convention Meaning
Bold font
[key]— Function of the key.
Text of information
messages and the command line
To do this,
1. Step 1.
2. …
Task or example
Menu titles, commands, window titles, dialog
elements, etc.
Additional information, notes
Critical information
Actions that must be taken
Formulation of the problem or an example of
how to use the product.
A solution of the problem formulated
Command line keys
Text of configuration files, information
messages, and the command line.
2.1. The Kaspersky Anti-Virus®
logical network
The Kaspersky Anti-Virus® logical network (logical network) is a number of
computers interconnected into a local network and running the Kaspersky AntiVirus® package components managed by Kaspersky® Administration Kit.
Computers within a logical network can perform the following functions:
Kaspersky Anti-Virus
from viruses. The Kaspersky Anti-Virus
Centre component must be preinstalled on the workstation.
Kaspersky Anti-Virus
Server. This computer is used to store program installation files, update anti-virus
databases and package components, monitor for virus outbreaks (infection of
several workstations), and forward alerts from tasks (the Kaspersky Anti-Virus
components with pre-defined settings) performed on the supervised
workstations. These alerts, for example, may notify the administrator about a
virus detected on a workstation. Every server can control several workstations.
Logical group (group) is a defined number of servers and workstations controlled
by these servers. Several groups at a certain hierarchical level may constitute a
group of a higher level, etc. Each group must have at least one server.
Administrating stations are computers on which the Kaspersky® Network Control
Centre administration component is installed. From these administrating stations
the administrators can manage all the Kaspersky Anti-Virus® software
components installed on local network computers.
Logical network objects are workstations, servers, or groups of any hierarchical
workstation (workstation1) is a computer that is protected
Server (server2) is a computer running Kaspersky AV
package with the Kaspersky AV Control
Below the word “workstation” means a Kaspersky Anti-Virus workstation.
Below the word “server” means a Kaspersky Anti-Virus server.
14 Kaspersky Administration Kit
The structure of a logical network or the network configuration, i.e. information
about the hierarchical interconnections between groups, servers, and
workstations, is stored on one of the servers. This server is called the primary server of the logical network.
The same computer can function as a workstation, a server, and an
administrating station. The number of workstations, servers, and administrating
stations is unlimited but there must be only one primary server.
A workstation and a server can be added to the logical network only
once. If your computer network has several logical networks, you cannot add elements of one logical network to another logical network.
Figure 1 shows an example of the structure of a logical network.
Figure 1. An example of the structure of a logical network
2.2. Logical network addresses
Logical network objects (servers and workstations) are identified by network
addresses of computers on which the appropriate programs are installed. A
logical network object may have the following addresses (depending on network
• a static numerical IP address;
• a fully qualified domain name (FQDN);
• a computer name on the Microsoft network (NetBIOS name).
The first type of identification is available when the computer is assigned a static
IP address and is not available if the addresses are dynamically assigned by a
DHCP server.
The second type of identification is available if there is a DNS service and the
domain names are fixed and assigned to certain computers.
The third type is available if there is a WINS service.
building up anti-virus protection 15
Below all the above mentioned types of addresses are referred to as
the object address.
2.3. Creating a logical network
The process may be divided into the following stages:
1. Project your logical network: the logical network administrator (the
administrator) chooses the computers on which to organize administrating
stations, the primary server, servers, and workstations. Logical networks can
have various configurations. Below you can see general recommendations
on how to create a logical network:
• All computers with installed Kaspersky Anti-Virus
• Each segment of the network must have at least one server (usually one
server is enough). All workstations of this segment are connected to this
• It is advisable to set the primary server in the same network segment as
the administrating station (they may be configured on the same computer).
• If the projected logical network is too complicated to be controlled by a
single person, it is recommended that you divide it into groups containing
at least one server and the attached workstations.
• If required, you can assign particular group administrators and install the
software for administrating stations on their computers.
2. Install anti-virus software on your network computers:
• Install Kaspersky
Network Control Centre on the administrating station
(see subchapter 3.1 on page 20).
• Install Kaspersky AV Server on the computers reserved for the primary
server and other logical servers (see subchapter 3.1 on page 20).
• Install the workstation software on the selected computers (see subchap-
ter 6.3 on page 47).
3. Configure the logical network:
• Add servers to the logical network (see subchapter 6.2 on page 46).
• Attach workstations to the servers (see subchapter 6.3 on page 47).
• Set the server parameters (see subchapter 7.3 on page 74).
must be workstations.
16 Kaspersky Administration Kit
• Define alert-forwarding settings on the servers (alerts are generated by
tasks running on workstations) (see Chapter 7 on page 65).
• Customize anti-virus settings for workstations.
• Divide (if required) the logical network into groups (see subchapter 6.1 on
page 45).
4. Assign access rights to other users:
• Allow or prohibit users to access the Kaspersky AV Control Centre set-
tings on workstations (see subchapter 8.1 on page 96).
• Assign group administrators (see subchapter 8.2 on page 99).
A company owns several offices in different buildings that are located
far from each other. All computers of this company are connected to a
computer network. The task of an administrator is to protect the company network from viruses. The administrator installs the Kaspersky
Administration Kit and Kaspersky Anti-Virus
computers and creates and configures the logical network. After this,
the administrator is able to monitor the network for virus-like activities
from his administrating station.
packages on the network
2.4. Logical network administrators.
Access rights
The logical network administrator is a user who installed the Kaspersky®
Administration Kit software package on the network computers. The
administrator has full control over all servers and workstations of the logical
The group administrator is a user who is authorized to access the settings on
servers and workstations included in a certain group. Below, the logical network
administrator and group administrators are referred to as administrators. When
starting Kaspersky
defines the address of the primary server and specifies his or her user name and
password to access the program settings. Kaspersky® Network Control Centre
allows the administrator to:
• build the logical network by adding groups, servers, and workstations
(see Chapter 6 on p. 45);
• manage the Kaspersky Anti-Virus
Network Control Centre the first time the administrator
package components running on
building up anti-virus protection 17
• contol access to the settings of Kaspersky Anti-Virus
applications on
workstations (see subchapter 8.1 on page 96);
• assign administrators to the logical groups (see subchapter 8.2 on page
To configure a logical network, the administrator must know not only his or her
user name and password but also the network access passwords to the
workstations and servers to be added to the logical network. Network access passwords for workstations are defined when you install Kaspersky AV Control
Centre (see subchapter 6.3 on page 47). Network access passwords for servers
are defined when you install Kaspersky AV Server (see subchapter 3.1 on page
When a logical network is constructed, the administrator may allow/prohibit other
users from accessing the Kaspersky Anti-Virus
settings on workstations (see
subchapter 8.1.1 on page 96).
The administrator may assign administrators of the groups included in his or her
logical network at any hierarchical level. In addition, the administrator may
change rights of the subordinate administrators, regardless of who originally
defined these rights.
The logical network structure may be configured by any authorized administrator but several administrators cannot do it at the same time.
Only one administrator with full access rights can log on to Kaspersky
Network Control Centre at a time.
2.5. Maintaining a logical network
After you have created and configured your logical network, you must regularly
do the following:
• Review the network reports and performance reports of the anti-virus
software on workstations on a daily basis (see subchapter 9.1 on page
102). The reports contain details of the last start of the corresponding
task. For example, the Kaspersky AV Scanner report contains information
about the number of scanned sectors, files, directories, archives, and
packed executable modules, about viruses and virus bodies detected,
about disinfected, deleted, suspicious, and corrupted objects, and also
about the time spent by the program to scan for viruses in all predefined
18 Kaspersky Administration Kit
If the administrator fails to connect to a workstation (i.e. the connectionfailed message appears on the screen), and at the same time the computer is available on the local network, it is advisable to check whether
the Kaspersky Anti-Virus
it has been deleted or reinstalled by the user. For details see subchapter 9.4 on page 107.
• Check your mailbox and read alerts delivered from workstations (see sub-
chapter 9.6 on page 109).
For a complete list of alerts generated by the Kaspersky Anti-Virus
package components refer to their documentation. By configuring the
logical network using Kaspersky® Network Control Centre, you may
enable and disable various alerts (see the User Guide "Kaspersky AntiVirus® for Workstations"/ "Kaspersky Anti-Virus® for MS NT Server").
• Remotely perform the required tasks on workstations from the adminis-
trating station. For example, the administrator may disinfect files on a
workstation (see subchapter 9.7 on page 110).
• Update anti-virus databases of Kaspersky Anti-Virus
workstations. To update the anti-virus database, use the updating task
that is included in the list of tasks regularly performed on workstations.
Set the updates to be retrieved from the server (see subchapter 7.4 on
page 78). In this case, the updates will be copied from the updates storage on the supervising server. We recommend you to set your updates
storages on servers to be automatically updated from one server that will
retrieve the latest updates from the Internet.
software is still running on this workstation or
on supervised
2.6. Safety requirements. Joint
operation of administrators
To support the safety, integrity, and controllability of a logical network, the
administrators must follow these rules.
Administrators must not disclose to anyone their passwords to the network
If a group administrator forgets his password, he or she can obtain a
new one from the supervising administrator.
If the logical network administrator forgets the password, he or she will
be denied access to the network configuration. In this case, the entire
logical network must be redeveloped.
building up anti-virus protection 19
To avoid confusion, logical network administrators are not recommended to
change Kaspersky Anti-Virus
settings on the workstations supervised by
subordinate group administrators. If it is necessary to change the settings, the
supervising administrator must inform the subordinate administrator about this.
3.1. Installing Kaspersky® Network
Control Centre
In this subchapter we describe the step-by-step installation of Kaspersky®
Administration Kit on a computer that does not have preinstalled components
from this package. For instructions on how to reinstall, add or uninstall separate
components, see subchapter 3.2 on page 27.
The setup wizard will suggest you to install Kaspersky
and Kaspersky AV Server on the same computer. This is recommended if you
have just started creating your logical network. By doing this, you are creating
both the administrating station and the primary server.
If you need to install only Kaspersky AV Server or only Kaspersky
Control Centre, you must skip some of the steps described below. For details
see the description of the steps below.
Before you begin the installation, we recommend that you exit all running Kaspersky Anti-Virus® programs.
To install Kaspersky® Network Control Centre and/or Kaspersky AV
Server on your computer, follow these steps:
1. Start Setup.exe on the installation CD. The Kaspersky
Administration Kit setup wizard info box will appear on your screen.
Click the Next button to proceed or the Cancel button to cancel the
installation. Every dialog box of the setup wizard contains these
buttons and the Back button that allows you to return to the
previous wizard box.
2. The license agreement box will appear on your screen. Review all
the agreement terms. If you agree to all the terms of the
agreement, click Yes to proceed. Otherwise, click No to abort the
3. After this, the user detail wizard box will appear on your screen.
Enter the required information in the User Name and the Company Name fields (make sure to fill in both fields; otherwise you will not
be able to proceed with the installation).
Network Control Centre
Installing the software package 21
4. The destination folder wizard box will appear on your screen. The
Destination Folder info field displays the default destination
directory. To install the component to a different folder, click
Browse and select a folder into which you want to install
Kaspersky Anti-Virus® components.
5. The program group wizard box will appear on your screen. The
Program Folders input field displays the default program group.
Select an existing program group in the Existing Folders list to
add the program icon or enter the name of a new group in the
Program Folders input field.
6. The Select Components wizard box will appear on your screen
(see Figure 2). By default, both components will be installed.
• If you want to install only Kaspersky
uncheck the Kaspersky Anti-Virus
Network Control Centre,
Server box (all dependent
components will also be unchecked).
• If you want to install only Kaspersky AV Server, uncheck the
Network Control Centre box. The Kaspersky Anti-
Updater and Kaspersky® Control Centre boxes are
checked by default. These components are required for successful operation of servers but they are also included in the
Kaspersky Anti-Virus
package for workstations. If these components are already installed on this computer, their boxes may
also be unchecked.
Figure 2. Selecting the components to be installed
22 Kaspersky Administration Kit
7. The Start Copying Files wizard box (see Figure 3) will appear on
your screen. This box displays the details you entered in the
previous box. Review the information before proceeding. If some
data are not correct, use the Back button to return to one of the
previous wizard boxes and correct the mistake.
8. The Report Viewer Settings wizard box will appear on your
screen (see Figure 4). Use the Report file type check boxes to
select the files to be handled by the Report Viewer program: *.rep
and/or *.rpt. The Destination Folder field displays the default
location for the program report files. To change the directory, click
Browse and select the required directory in the MS Windows
standard dialog box.
9. If you are installing Kaspersky AV Server, after the files are copied
onto the hard disk the password selection wizard box will appear on
your screen (see Figure 5). This password is required to
administrate the logical network server. Enter the password into the
Assign new password input field and confirm it in the Confirm
new password input field.
10. If you are installing Kaspersky AV Server on a computer running
MS Windows NT/2000/XP, the Kaspersky AV Server service
account box will appear on your screen (see Figure 6).
Figure 3. The Start Copying Files box.
Installing the software package 23
Figure 4. The Report Viewer Settings box
Figure 5. Assigning a password for administrating a server via network
24 Kaspersky Administration Kit
Figure 6. Setting a server service account
Using the option buttons in this dialog box, specify whether the
server will be started under the system account or under a userdefined account. If you choose the user-defined account, enter the
account name, a password, and password confirmation in the
corresponding input fields. It is advisable for the service to be
started under the system account (but keep in mind that in this
case the message forwarding via MAPI is not available).
11. If you are installing Kaspersky AV Server, use the next dialog box
to specify folders for storing anti-virus database updates, program
updates, and quarantined files. In most cases, it is convenient to
choose the default paths to storage areas (see Figure 7). To
change the folder, click Browse and select a new directory in the
MS Windows standard dialog box.
12. If you choose to install Kaspersky AV Control Centre, the network
access password box will appear on your screen (see Figure 8).
Enter a password and confirm it in the corresponding input fields.
Installing the software package 25
Figure 7. Selecting storage folders
13. After the selected component files are copied onto the hard disk,
the wizard will open the Key File dialog box (see Figure 9). By
default, the dialog box list contains the key file (files) that comes
with the installation CD. To add other files to this list, click Add and
select the required file in the MS Windows standard dialog box. To
remove an unwanted file from the list, select it and click Remove.
14. The Completing the Setup dialog box will appear on your screen.
Select the
restart your system immediately, or the
Yes, I want to restart my computer now option to
No, I will restart my
computer later option to postpone the restart. Note that to
correctly complete the installation, you must restart your system.
15. Click Finish to complete the installation.
26 Kaspersky Administration Kit
Figure 8. The Kaspersky AV Control Centre network access password box
Figure 9. Defining a list of key files
Installing the software package 27
3.2. Adding, reinstalling and/or
uninstaling separate
To add, uninstall, or reinstall any of the Kaspersky® Administration Kit
components, run the setup wizard as described in subchapter 3.1 on page 20.
However, the installation procedure will differ from that described for the first
installation of Kaspersky
After the installation wizard info box, the installation mode wizard box will appear
on your screen (see Figure 10).
Administration Kit.
Figure 10. Selecting the installation mode
In this dialog box, select Modify if you want to add or remove a component,
Repair if you want to reinstall all the preinstalled components, or Remove if you
want to completely remove Kaspersky
If you select the Modify option, the Select Components dialog box will appear
on your screen. Check the components to be installed on your computer and
uncheck those to be removed. The remaining steps of the installation procedure
are similar to those described above.
If you do not have the installation CD, you can launch the Kaspersky
Administration Kit setup wizard to remove individual (or all) components of the
program. To run the Kaspersky® Administration Kit setup wizard, select
Add/Remove Programs in MS Windows Control Panel, select Kaspersky
Administration Kit program in the list of programs, and click Add/Remove.
Administration Kit from your computer.
This chapter briefly describes how to start working with Kaspersky®
Administration Kit after it is installed on your computer. It also discusses how to
create and start working with a simple logical network. We assume that the user
is familiar with the basics of the standard MS Windows graphic interface.
In the following chapters, we describe in detail the Kaspersky
Centre user interface and provide step-by-step instructions on how to create,
modify, and configure a logical network. If the information in this chapter is too
brief, please refer to the chapters below.
Below it is assumed that the required software is already installed on computers:
Network Control Centre is installed on an administrating station,
Kaspersky AV Server, Kaspersky AV Control Centre, and Kaspersky AV Updater
are installed on a server, and Kaspersky Anti-Virus® (including Kaspersky AV
Control Centre) is installed on a workstation. In the example below all the
components can be installed on the same computer.
To create a simple logical network, you should:
1. Start Kaspersky
Network Control Centre.
2. Define the primary server and create an empty logical network.
3. Add a server to the logical network.
4. Add a workstation to the logical network by attaching it to the
After the above steps are completed, you will be able to get acquainted with the
features of the Kaspersky Anti-Virus
Thus, let us create a simple logical network.
Network Control
Start Kaspersky
Network Control Centre. To do this:
1. Press the Start button on the MS Windows taskbar.
2. Point to Programs.
3. Point to Kaspersky Anti-Virus
and then to Administrative
Getting started 29
4. Point and click Kaspersky® Network Control Centre. The
Network Control Centre Login dialog box will
appear on your screen (see Figure 11).
Figure 11. Entering Kaspersky® Network Control Centre
5. Enter the primary server address in the Primary Kaspersky AV Server address text field. Kaspersky AV Server must be
preinstalled and started on the defined computer.
6. Enter your user name in the User text field and the network
administrator password in and Password text field.
When Kaspersky
a new user name and a password, which you can use in future.
Network Control Centre is started the first time, enter
In future, you will be able to change the administrator name and password
(see subchapter 10.1 on page 113).
7. To be able to configure the logical network you are creating, check
the Full access mode box.
Two administrators cannot simultaneously change the logical network
configuration. For that reason, if an administrator is starting the program
at a time when another administrator has already logged on to the program in the full access mode, the first administrator will access Kasper-
Network Control Centre in the read only mode. In this mode, the
administrator is able to change settings of the existing logical network
objects but is unable to add or remove the logical network objects.
8. Click OK. When started the first time, the program will open the New Network Configuration dialog box. In this dialog box, define
the method of creating your logical network (see Figure 12):
! Create an empty network configuration - Create an empty
logical network. Select this option when you start creating your
logical network.
30 Kaspersky Administration Kit
! Import network configuration from local file – Import the
logical network configuration from a file. Select this option if you
have an existing network configuration file. This file can be created by exporting your previous logical network to a file (see
subchapter 7.7.1 on page 94). Enter the complete file name in
the text field below or select it using the button
Figure 12. Creating a new logical network configuration
9. After you have selected the required option, click OK. The program
main window will appear on your screen (see Figure 13).
Figure 13. The Kaspersky® Network Control Centre main window
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