Kaspersky Anti-Virus 4.00.02 for Novell Netware
User guide
Kaspersky Labs Ltd.
Edition date: September 2002
Table of contents
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION..........................................................................7
1.1. Purpose and Main Functions.............................................................................7
1.2. Supply Set.......................................................................................................... 9
1.2.1. What's in the Supply Set .............................................................................9
1.2.2. License agreement ...................................................................................... 9
1.2.3. Registration card........................................................................................ 10
1.3. What's in the Guide.......................................................................................... 10
1.4. Services for registered users...........................................................................10
CHAPTER 2. PROGRAM INSTALLATION .....................................................12
2.1. System requirements....................................................................................... 12
2.2. How to install Kaspersky Anti-Virus.................................................................12
CHAPTER 3. ANTI-VIRUS PROTECTION FOR SERVERS .........................21
3.1. Creating and Maintaining Anti-Virus Protection for Servers...........................21
3.2. Control Modules Interface ...............................................................................22
3.2.1. Control module interface for ConsoleOne ................................................22
3.2.2. Control module interface for NWAdmin .................................................... 24
3.3. Installing and Uninstalling Kaspersky Scanner (ConsoleOne).......................25
3.3.1. Installing Kaspersky Scanner on Server................................................... 25
3.3.2. Installing Kaspersky Scanner on Server Group .......................................27
3.3.3. Uninstalling Kaspersky Scanner from the Server or the Server Group...29
3.3.4. Upgrading Kaspersky Scanner .................................................................30
3.4. Loading Kaspersky Scanner ...........................................................................30
3.4.1. Loading via NWAdmin...............................................................................30
3.4.2. Loading via ConsoleOne ........................................................................... 32
3.5. Launching Kaspersky Scanner .......................................................................33
3.5.1. Three Modes of Operation ........................................................................33
4 Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Novell NetWare
Filter mode .................................................................................................33
3.5.3. On-demand Scanning ...............................................................................34
3.5.4. Scheduled Scanning..................................................................................35
3.6. Configuring Kaspersky Scanner...................................................................... 35
3.6.1. Kaspersky Scanner control module window.............................................35
3.6.2. Loading the program and viewing the program info. About tab page...... 36
3.6.3. On-demand scanning mode options. Manual Scanning tab page ..........38 Options list .......................................................................................... 38 Scan area ...........................................................................................38 Files to scan........................................................................................40 Heuristic Analyzer ..............................................................................41 Archive extracting engine................................................................... 42 Unpacking Engine for Processing Executable Modules...................43
3.6.4. Filter mode scanning options. Real-time Scanning tab page ..................44
3.6.5. Actions to take with infected and suspicious files. Actions tab page .......44
3.6.6. Notifying network users about found viruses. Alerts tab page.................47
3.6.7. Advanced options. Advanced tab page .................................................... 50 Specifying paths to working and "quarantine" directories.................50 Adjusting the load of a server with
Kaspersky Scanner running on it.......................................................51 Configuring the connection between control module and
Kaspersky AV server..........................................................................51 Specifying the number of scan requests ........................................... 52
3.6.8. Scheduled scanning options. Scheduled Scans tab page....................... 52 Scan area ...........................................................................................52 Files to scan........................................................................................54 Scheduling scanning .......................................................................... 54
3.6.9. Scanning result logs. Logging, Statistics tab pages ................................. 58 Configuring scanning result logs........................................................ 58 View scan results ...............................................................................62
Table of contents 5
4.1. Organizing Centralized Update Distribution.................................................... 66
4.2. Installing and Uninstalling Kaspersky Updater................................................67
4.2.1. System requirements.................................................................................67
4.2.2. Installing Kaspersky Updater.....................................................................67
4.2.3. Uninstalling Kaspersky Updater ................................................................ 68
4.2.4. Upgrading Kaspersky Updater..................................................................69
4.3. Kaspersky Updater Loading/Unloading ..........................................................70
4.4. Configuring and Launching Kaspersky Updater.............................................71
4.4.1. General information on program settings.
Kaspersky Updater in … dialog box..........................................................71
4.4.2. Configuring update retrieval settings. Settings tab page.......................... 73 Configuring updating from the network folder ...................................74 Configuring updating via the Internet................................................. 75 Configuring the mode for copying anti-virus bases...........................79
4.4.3. Connecting the control module with an Update server.
The Advanced tab page. ...........................................................................80
4.4.4. Scheduling the update retrieval by an Update server.
The Scheduler tab page. ........................................................................... 82
4.4.5. Creating a list of servers for distributing updates. Setting the
distribution modes. The About tab page. .................................................. 85 Creating and editing a list of servers for distributing updates ...........86 Setting the distribution mode .............................................................87 Loading/unloading Kaspersky Updater on the server....................... 88
4.4.6. Manual start of retrieving and distributing updates.
The Update tab page................................................................................ 89 Starting a session from an Update server.........................................89 Updating anti-virus bases from a workstation ...................................91
4.4.7. Configuring the log and viewing results. The Logging tab page. ............. 93 Configuring the log with updating results and distributing
anti-virus databases ...........................................................................93 Viewing the log ...................................................................................95
CHAPTER 5. UPDATING ANTI-VIRUS BASES (NWADMIN) .......................99
5.1. Launching the Updater ....................................................................................99
6 Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Novell NetWare
The purpose of Kaspersky AV Updater ........................................................ 100
5.3. Kaspersky AV Updater Interface................................................................... 100
5.3.1. Kaspersky AV Updater initial window......................................................100
5.3.2. The Connection window..........................................................................101 Configuring updating via Internet.....................................................102 Updating from the local folder .......................................................... 107 Choosing objects to be updated ...................................................... 108
5.3.3. The Options window................................................................................108
5.3.4. The Retrieving updates window..............................................................109
5.3.5. Updater wizard – task completed window .............................................. 110
APPENDIX A. KASPERSKY LABS LTD ......................................................... 112
APPENDIX B. INDEX .......................................................................................117
CChhaapptteerr 11..IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn
11..11.. PPuurrppoossee aanndd MMaaiinn FFuunnccttiioonnss
Kaspersky Anti-Virus 4.00.02 for Novell NetWare (Kaspersky AV) is an anti-
virus software package consisting of various modules (see table) that provide a high protection level for corporate networks running under Novell NetWare.
Kaspersky AV's implementation is based on a client-server technology. Server side consists of two modules—Kaspersky Scanner and Kaspersky Updater, The first module, Kaspersky Scanner, comprises functions of an anti-virus filter and scanner, that is, it enables users to check files when they are opened or copied, and provides an opportunity to check objects on demand or on certain schedule. The second module, Kaspersky Updater, provides an Internet-based updating. It allows the anti-virus databases used when searching for viruses to be renewed, and the updated version is expanded over all the protected servers
of the network. Kaspersky Updater can be configured for automatic scheduled updating; moreover, the program will receive the latest updates via Internet or a local network and distribute them to Kaspersky AV servers.
Update server
Update sever
Kaspersky AV server
Kaspersky AV server
Kaspersky AV server
Kaspersky AV server
Kaspersky AV server
Kaspersky AV server
Figure 1. Updating anti-virus bases on Kaspersky AV servers (process flow diagram).
Legend: "!" – distributing updates, "!!" – receiving updates.
Hereinafter, the servers that are the objects of protection are referred to as Kaspersky
AV servers; the servers whose functions are updating anti-virus databases, Update servers.
8 Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Novell NetWare
Figure 1 displays the situation when the first Update server retrieves anti-virus database updates via the Internet and then sends them to the first three Kaspersky AV servers. The second Update server retrieves updates from the network folder (saved here by the first server) and sends them to the rest of the Kaspersky AV servers.
Client side is represented by two back-end control modules — NetWare Administrator (NWAdmin) module and similar ConsoleOne module. Both Kaspersky AV control modules allow users
to configure Kaspersky Scanner options,
to schedule program launching and define file checking options,
to perform remote program loading /unloading,
to start manual scanning and view checking results,
to specify the mode for transferring warning messages to the
administrator's computer—for example, messages about detected viruses present on the protected servers and/or switching an infected workstation off the local network.
Furthermore, ConsoleOne control module has the following additional options:
setting Kaspersky Updater module;
performing batch operations with servers, including install/uninstall
operations, loading/unloading Kaspersky Scanner, etc.
ability to operate a control module both on a workstation and a server.
In contrast to ConsoleOne control module, NWAdmin control module:
supports manual updating via Internet and does not support automatic anti-virus bases updating via Internet,
doesn't allow batch operations with servers (anti-virus base batch updating on multiple servers is not available),
works only on workstations.
The software package is equipped with an easy-to-use installation program that installs the product on a server and records all options in NDS.
Module Short name Comments
Kaspersky Scanner
Anti-virus filter and scanner
Introduction 9
Module Short name Comments
Front end: NWAdmin control module
Front end: ConsoleOne control module
Kaspersky AV users are provided with a day-and-night support service via phone and e-mail (in Russian and English).
Kaspersky Labs recommends Kaspersky AV as a reliable solution for providing anti-virus protection in Novell networks.
11..22.. SSuuppppllyy SSeett
Kaspersky Updater
NWAdmin control module
ConsoleOne control module
11..22..11.. WWhhaatt''ss iinn tthhee SSuuppppllyy SSeett
This product's supply set contains the following:
license agreement;
Automatic updating support module
Kaspersky Scanner
Kaspersky Scanner and Kaspersky Updater
sealed envelope with the installation CD (floppy disks) inside;
user guide;
registration card.
Before you open the sealed envelope with CD-ROM (diskettes) inside, read carefully the license agreement.
11..22..22.. LLiicceennssee aaggrreeeemmeenntt
License agreement is a legal agreement between you and Kaspersky Labs Ltd., specifying under which conditions you should use the purchased product.
10 Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Novell NetWare
Read the license agreement carefully!
If you don't accept the terms of this license agreement, you can return Kaspersky Anti-Virus retail box to your dealer and get back the subscription fee. If this occurs, please make sure the envelope with diskettes remains sealed.
By opening the sealed envelope with diskettes you confirm that you agree with the terms of this license agreement.
11..22..33.. RReeggiissttrraattiioonn ccaarrdd
Please fill in a detachable coupon of the registration card. If possible, give the most detailed contact information: first name, last name, full patronymic (middle) name, telephone number, e-mail address. Then send it to the dealer whom you purchased the product from.
If there are any changes to your postal/e-mail address or telephone number, please inform the organization where you sent the detachable coupon of the registration card.
The registration card is a document which gives you gain the status of our company's registered user. This entitles you to receive technical support and updates within the period of the validity of the subscription. Moreover, registered users receive information notifying about new software products released by Kaspersky Labs Ltd.
11..33.. WWhhaatt''ss iinn tthhee GGuuiiddee
This guide comprises the information used for installing and operating the product. The essential principles of the program, as well as operating methods, are described here. You will also find various recommendations concerning the program settings.
11..44.. SSeerrvviicceess ffoorr rreeggiisstteerreedd uusseerrss
Kaspersky Labs Ltd. provides registered users with a wide range of services that increase Kaspersky Anti-Virus efficiency.
Acquiring the subscription gives you the status of a registered program user. Within the period of its validity you receive the following services:
Introduction 11
daily updating of anti-virus bases;
provision of new versions of this product;
phone and e-mail consultations on matters which concern operating
this product;
notifying about new Kaspersky Labs products and new viruses detected in the world.
Consultations concerning functioning and using operating systems, as well as using various technologies, are not provided.
CChhaapptteerr 22..PPrrooggrraamm iinnssttaallllaattiioonn
22..11.. SSyysstteemm rreeqquuiirreemmeennttss
Kaspersky AV requires:
Server with installed Novell Netware system versions 4.11, 4.2, 5.x or 6.
Corresponding Support Pack installed:
for Novell NetWare 4.11 or 4.2: Support Pack 9 or higher; in
addition, it requires installed WinSock 2 and the server should support the TCP/IP protocol.
for Novell NetWare 5.0: Support Pack 6.а or higher;
for Novell NetWare 5.1: Support Pack 3 or higher;
for Novell NetWare 6: Support Pack 2 or higher;
Approximately 12 MB of available (free) server system memory.
Approximately 3.5 MB of free disk space on server volumes.
A workstation operating under Windows 95/98/Me with installed
NetWare Client32 version 3.x or higher; or a workstation operating under Windows NT/2000/SP with installed NetWare Client32 version
4.8x or higher.
ConsoleOne control module requires at least 128 MB of free memory; optimally, 256 MB.
22..22.. HHooww ttoo iinnssttaallll KKaassppeerrsskkyy AAnnttii--VViirruuss
Kaspersky AV is installed from a workstation running under Windows 9x/NT/2000/Me.
To install Kaspersky AV:
1. Insert the installation diskette 1 into the floppy drive A: of the workstation (or place the provided CD-ROM into the corresponding drive).
Program installation 13
2. Choose the Run item in the menu that appears when you click Start.
3. Launch setup.exe (installation file).
4. Click OK.
5. This launches the installation program. Follow the instructions carefully.
6. When you finish reading information in the Welcome window, click Next (see Fig. 2).
Figure 2. Starting installation.
7. Read the license agreement, then click Yes if you accept the terms of the license agreement. Otherwise, click No and abort the installation process (see Fig. 3).
14 Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Novell NetWare
Figure 3. License agreement.
8. In the Select Component dialog box (see Fig. 4), select components to install:
Indicate what module(s) should be installed using the keys
Kaspersky Scanner, Snapin for ConsoleOne, and Snapin for Netware Administrator;
Сlick Next button.
Figure 4. Selecting components to install.
9. If you chose installing Kaspersky Scanner on the server, the Choose Destination Server dialog box appears on the screen (see Fig. 5). The Connected servers list of this dialog box displays all
Program installation 15
the connected servers available at the moment of installation. Select a server on which you want to install Kaspersky Scanner and click Next.
This section describes installing Kaspersky Scanner on a single server. Using the ConsoleOne control module, you can install Kaspersky Scanner on several servers (see 3.3.2 on page 27).
Figure 5. Choosing server.
10. In the Choose Destination Location dialog box (see Fig. 6), select directories to use for installing the Kaspersky Scanner components selected (a group of items of a component is displayed in the box only if you have previously chosen this component at step 8):
if you install Kaspersky Scanner, specify the IP-address of the
server in the Server IP-address field and select an installation directory by clicking the Browse button located near the NLM Destination Directory field.
16 Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Novell NetWare
Figure 6. Selecting Directory.
select the required directory in the directory list located in the
Select Directory dialog box and click Select (see Fig. 7).
if you install Snapin for Netware Administrator program module
and/or Snapin for ConsoleOne, specify directory/directories where NWAdmin32 and/or Novell ConsoleOne are installed. You can select a directory by clicking the Browse button located near the Netware Administrator Directory or the ConsoleOne Directory fields, respectively. If you specify an invalid directory and then click Next to get to the next window, an error message will be displayed. You will be offered to change the directory name;
You can select a directory both on the server and workstation. Typically, a server directory is selected. Examples of typical directory names for server and workstation are given below:
NWAdmin on the server: SYS:\Public\win32 NWAdmin on the workstation: C:\Novell\win32
ConsoleOne on the server: SYS:\Public\mgmt\ConsoleOne\1.2 ConsoleOne on the workstation: C:\Novell\ConsoleOne\1.2
click Next in the Select Destination Location dialog box.
Program installation 17
Figure 7. Selecting Directory.
11. Read the installation information in the Start Copying Files dialog box. To continue installation, click Next button (see Fig. 8).
Figure 8. Installation information.
12. In the Install Key File dialog box (see Fig. 9), click Install Key and specify a key file (*.key) for this very installation in the dialog box that appears (see Fig. 10):
18 Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Novell NetWare
The key file is your own "key" containing the housekeeping information necessary for proper running of the program, namely
Information on support (who provides support and where it
may be obtained);
License title, number, and expiration date.
Without the key file, the program runs as a demo Demo mode), when only detection of infected files is available without "healing" them.
Figure 9. Installing key file.
Figure 10. Choosing key file.
if you don't specify a key file, the program will run as a demo
(Demo mode);
to continue installation, click the Next button.
Program installation 19
13. At this moment, the program starts copying files to the server and storing settings in NDS.
During the installation, the NDS scheme is being changed in the following way: a new "AVP" class is created, serving as a basis for the new "Kaspersky Anti-Virus (<server_name>)" object where <server_name> is a name of the server where Kaspersky Scanner is installed.
Figure 11. Copying files.
14. Click Next upon completion of the installation process.
15. If you want Kaspersky Scanner to run automatically every time the server is started, mark the Yes, I want to modify the AUTOEXEC.NCF file now checkbox in the Setup Complete window. To run the program automatically upon completion of installation, mark the Load Kaspersky Scanner after installation checkbox. Click Finish (see Fig. 12).
Figure 12. Installation complete.
20 Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Novell NetWare
16. If you chose installing Snapin for Netware Administrator <see Step 8>, the installation process will continue (see Fig. 13). Click Next to install the required ActiveX components, then installation will be completed.
Figure 13. Installing ActiveX components.
CChhaapptteerr 33..AAnnttii--VViirruuss PPrrootteeccttiioonn ffoorr
33..11.. CCrreeaattiinngg aanndd MMaaiinnttaaiinniinngg AAnnttii--VViirruuss PPrrootteeccttiioonn ffoorr SSeerrvveerrss
To ensure an effective protection for local network servers, administrator should perform the following steps:
1. Install control module for NWAdmin and/or ConsoleOne.
2. Select Kaspersky AV servers to act as protection units. Install
Kaspersky Scanner on these servers. Use control module to adjust Kaspersky Scanner settings.
3. Choose Update servers that will update anti-virus databases on Kaspersky AV servers. Install Kaspersky Updater on these servers. Use control module to adjust Kaspersky Updater. (For ConsoleOne only.)
Kaspersky AV servers located in the NDS tree can receive updates only from the Update server which is located in the same NDS tree. Therefore, for each NDS tree with servers subject to anti-virus protection at least one Update server should be created. One and the same computer can be a Kaspersky AV server and an Update server as well. (For ConsoleOne only.)
Supporting the created anti-virus protection server system consists in the following:
receiving and processing messages about the viruses found and
regular checkout of the reports on receiving and distributing
22 Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Novell NetWare
33..22.. CCoonnttrrooll MMoodduulleess IInntteerrffaaccee
33..22..11.. CCoonnttrrooll mmoodduullee iinntteerrffaaccee ffoorr CCoonnssoolleeOOnnee
In the left panel of the Novell ConsoleOne main window, the resources of your local network as well as other added items are displayed as a set of objects headed by primary tree items with the "My World" item as a root object (see Fig.
14). Upon installing ConsoleOne control module, the Kaspersky Anti-Virus
primary item with the corresponding
Figure 14. Novell ConsoleOne window upon installation of the control module
icon appears in the items set.
Kaspersky Anti-Virus primary tree item contains the item hierarchy listed below. Each item included into the Kaspersky Anti-Virus primary item has context menu that enable users to perform different operations with these items.
Anti-Virus Protection for Servers 23
The primary tree item comprises the list of NDS trees, each indicated by the
An NDS tree contains the list of anti-virus software products that can be installed on
servers included in this tree. The list contains two software products: an anti-virus scanner represented by the Kaspersky Scanner line
with the
icon and an automatic updating program represented by the Kaspersky Updater line with the
Kaspersky Scanner item always contains all
servers from the NDS tree. However, the icon indicates the servers with installed
Kaspersky Scanner, while the servers where this program has not been
icon, those
The server icon turns gray
if the server is turned off and becomes colored
if the server is turned on. The server icon is marked with a red circle if
another user blocks the access to Kaspersky Scanner.
The umbrella icon turns red
if the server has an old version of the program installed. You cannot launch any old version of the program and should update it.
The umbrella icon turns gray if Kaspersky Scanner is turned off, and green, if it is turned on.
Using the context menu, you can install the Kaspersky Scanner module on server, update, delete, or load it or access the control menu box for configuring, loading, or launching this program (see 3.33.6 on pages 25–35). You can access Kaspersky Scanner control module window by choosing the Properties item in the context menu.
24 Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Novell NetWare
The Kaspersky Updater item comprises the names of only those tree servers where Kaspersky Updater has been installed. These items are indicated by the icon depicting the
globe with tools:
This served icon is marked with a red circle is another user blocks the access to Kaspersky Updater.
The globe icon turns red if an old version of the program is installed on the server. The old version cannot be launched and should be updated.
The icon turns gray if Kaspersky Updater is turned off; green, if it is turned on.
Using the context menu, you can install Kaspersky Updater module on servers, delete it or access the control menu box for configuring or launching this program (see details in Chapter 4). To access Kaspersky Updater control module, choose the Properties item in the server's context menu.
33..22..22.. CCoonnttrrooll mmoodduullee iinntteerrffaaccee ffoorr NNWWAAddmmiinn
As the NWAdmin control module is installed, the Kaspersky Anti-Virus item with the corresponding icon appears in the Netware Administrator items set (see Fig. 15).
Figure 15. Netware Administrator program window after the control module was installed.
Anti-Virus Protection for Servers 25
You can access the Kaspersky Scanner for NWAdmin control module window by double clicking on the item or by choosing Details in the context menu of the item.
33..33.. IInnssttaalllliinngg aanndd UUnniinnssttaalllliinngg KKaassppeerrsskkyy SSccaannnneerr ((CCoonnssoolleeOOnnee))
33..33..11.. IInnssttaalllliinngg KKaassppeerrsskkyy SSccaannnneerr oonn SSeerrvveerr
Kaspersky Scanner is installed from the workstation where the ConsoleOne
control module has been installed.
You can install Kaspersky Scanner on a single server using the Kaspersky AV installation program (see 2.2 on page 12).
To install Kaspersky Scanner on a server,
1. Expand the Kaspersky Anti-Virus primary item in the left panel of the Novell ConsoleOne window.
2. In the list of NDS trees, choose the name of the tree with the server, which you want to install Kaspersky Scanner on.
3. Expand the NDS tree and choose Kaspersky Scanner from the list of anti-virus products.
4. Expand the server list of the Kaspersky Scanner tree and select the required server.
5. By clicking right mouse button on the selected server, open the context menu and choose the Install line.
6. The name of the selected server is displayed in the Select servers
to install to list of the Installation Kaspersky Scanner for Novell Netware dialog box (see Fig. 16).
26 Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Novell NetWare
Figure 16. Installing Kaspersky Scanner for Novell NetWare dialog box.
7. If required, change the destination volume and directory names in the Select destination directory field.
8. Select a key. To do this, click the Install Key button and specify the key file in the Select dir and keyfiles dialog box that appears (see Fig. 17).
Figure 17. Select dir and KeyFiles dialog box.
9. Click the Install button.
10. Wait until the Installation Kaspersky Scanner for Novell Netware dialog box closes, indicating the installation completion.
Anti-Virus Protection for Servers 27
After that, Kaspersky Scanner will be installed on the specified server and the
icon will change to the Fig. 18).
Figure 18. Installing Kaspersky Scanner has been finished.
icon in the corresponding namespace line(see
33..33..22.. IInnssttaalllliinngg KKaassppeerrsskkyy SSccaannnneerr oonn SSeerrvveerr GGrroouupp
Kaspersky Scanner is installed from a workstation or a server where the
ConsoleOne control module has been installed.
To install Kaspersky Scanner on a server group,
1. Expand the Kaspersky Anti-Virus primary item in the left panel of the Novell ConsoleOne window.
2. In the list of NDS trees, choose the name of the tree with the servers that you want to install Kaspersky Scanner on.
3. Expand the NDS tree and choose Kaspersky Scanner from the list of anti-virus products.
28 Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Novell NetWare
4. Right-click the product chosen to open the context menu and select the Install line.
5. Select the names of the required servers in the Select servers to
install to list of the Installation Kaspersky Scanner for Novell Netware dialog box (see Fig. 19).
6. Names of the volume and directory used for installing Kaspersky Scanner on servers of the selected NDS tree are displayed in the Select destination directory field.
Figure 19. Installing Kaspersky Scanner for Novell Netware for several servers dialog
7. Select a key. To do this, click the Install Key button and specify the key file in the Select dir and keyfiles dialog box that appears (see Fig. 17).
8. Click the Install button.
9. Wait until the Installation Kaspersky Scanner for Novell NetWare dialog box closes, indicating installation completion.
After that, Kaspersky Scanner will be installed on servers of the specified NDS
tree and the
icon will change to the icon in the corresponding namespace
Anti-Virus Protection for Servers 29
33..33..33.. UUnniinnssttaalllliinngg KKaassppeerrsskkyy SSccaannnneerr ffrroomm tthhee SSeerrvveerr oorr tthhee SSeerrvveerr GGrroouupp
To uninstall Kaspersky Scanner from the server,
1. Expand the Kaspersky Anti-Virus primary item in the left panel of the Novell ConsoleOne window.
2. In the list of NDS trees, choose the name of the tree with the server you want to uninstall Kaspersky Scanner from.
3. Expand the NDS tree and select the Kaspersky Scanner item.
4. Expand the Kaspersky Scanner item and choose a server you want to uninstall Kaspersky Scanner from.
5. Open the context menu and choose the Uninstall line.
6. Click Yes in the appearing Uninstaller uninstall request dialog box (see Fig. 20).
Figure 20. Request for uninstalling Kaspersky Scanner.
To uninstall Kaspersky Scanner from the server group,
1. Expand the Kaspersky Anti-Virus primary item in the left panel of the Novell ConsoleOne window.
2. In the list of NDS trees, choose the name of the tree with the servers you want to uninstall Kaspersky Scanner from.
3. Expand the NDS tree and select the Kaspersky Scanner item.
4. Open the context menu and choose the Uninstall line.
5. Click Yes in the appearing Uninstaller uninstall request dialog box.
30 Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Novell NetWare
33..33..44.. UUppggrraaddiinngg KKaassppeerrsskkyy SSccaannnneerr
If you have Kaspersky Scanner version lower than 4.00.02 installed on your server, you have to upgrade the program.
The servers on which the program should be upgraded are indicated in the
Kaspersky Anti-Virus primary item by the red umbrella icon ­page 22).
To upgrade Kaspersky Scanner on the server, choose the Upgrade Version item in the context menu (see Fig. 21).
(see 3.2.1 on
Figure 21. Upgrading Kaspersky Scanner version on the server.
33..44.. LLooaaddiinngg KKaassppeerrsskkyy SSccaannnneerr
33..44..11.. LLooaaddiinngg vviiaa NNWWAAddmmiinn
Kaspersky Scanner is loaded from a workstation that works in Windows 9x/NT/2000/Me environment or from a server console, for instance, LOAD AVKERNEL.
+ 87 hidden pages