The world-renowned developer and provider of information security software,
Kaspersky Lab Ltd., distributes its products via dis tributors, dealer s, and VARs (further in this guide—partners).
With each c opy of K aspersk y Lab’s s oftware pr oduct , deliver ed by a pa rtner to a n
end user, a unique key file (further in this guide—key) is enclosed.
The keys are gener ated in the Kaspersk y Lab Compan y. KL pr o vides each par tner
with a key for each c opy of a product fo r sale. The DOrder 1.0 f or Microsoft Windows program (fur t her in t h is guide — DOrd er ) is a to ol th at s implifies t he k e y ord ering process for the partners.
The DOrder program is a clie nt part of the ke ys generation s ystem. DOrder is installed locally on the computer, and is used by employees of the partner’s company
responsible for ordering and receiving the keys from Kaspersky Lab.
DOrder allows forming a key order, sending it to Kaspers ky Lab, where th e keys
are generated, and receiving the ready-to-use keys by email from Kaspersky Lab.
Each software pr oduct of Kas pe rs k y Lab cons ists of a fixed list of pro-
grams. When buying a product, a user can order certain programs from
this list. Only these programs will be includ ed in the product delivered t o
the user (princ iple of configurable software solution; see the current
product list of Kaspersky Lab). For each program included in the product, the number of licensed items (further in this guide—licenses) should
be specifie d. The number of licenses det ermines the number of items
legally protected by the product (accor ding to the license agreement).
A partner is entitled to distribute only a ce rtain list of Kaspersky Lab
software products. Each partner receives the product list file with names
and features of the software products for dist ribution from Kas persky
A typical wor kflow of an employee ordering a key from Kas persky
Lab using D Order include s the f ollowing ste ps :
1. Entering information necessary to make an order for a key with the
use of DOrder’s GUI.
• Each order for a key should include the following information:
- Name of the product f or which a key or keys will be gene rated;
- Lis t of the program names, selected by the employee with
the order of a certain produc t;
- The number of licenses for eac h program included in the
software pr oduct delivered to the end user;
Information about the end user ordering the product (or a
description of the distribution channel if the end user is unknown at the time of the order reseller);
2. Sending the order to Kaspersky Lab. The c ompleted or der is sent by
email directly from DOrder .
3. Short waiting period for the order to be received and e xec uted b y
Kaspersky Lab. The key delivery from Kaspersky Lab may take
some time. Kaspersky Lab will generate the ordered keys and send
them to you by email.
4. Ready key delivery fr om Kaspersky Lab by email. The generated
keys are the files with .ke y e xtens io n atta ched to the email.
You can order a set of keys for the selected programs of the pr oduct,
which may be legally used in several installations of the product. Such
keys are referred to as identical. The feature is available only for OEM
products, distributed in accordance with special programs of Kaspersky
Each product deli vered to a n end user is provid ed with the licens e infor -
mation that defines the rights and restrictions of the product use. For example, if a company has ordered the product, only this company may
use it. The license information is entered into the system during the key
order, and then is stored in the key file distributed to the end user.
There are two types of the k eys—personal a nd serial. A personal key
may be used only by a person or a c ompany for whom it has been ordered. A serial key is ordered if at the moment of sending the request for
the key a particular end user of this key is unknown to the partner. Some
products allow both the serial and pers onal keys, others only pers onal or
only serial.
1.2. Scope of Use
The DOrder pr ogram is a n internal non commercial sof tware product of Kaspersk y
Lab Ltd., whic h is distributed among its par tners to comp uterize the ke ys ordering
and receiving process.
The DOrder program may not be distributed:
As a component of any software product
• Without a proper license agreement with Kaspersky Lab Ltd.
1.3. Technical Support
Kaspersky Lab Lt d. provides free technical suppor t by either phon e or email to the
partners who order keys using the DOrder program. If you encounter any problems
during the DOrder installation or usage, please contact the technical support department of Kaspersky Lab Ltd., See Chapter 9.
1.4. What You Can Find in This Guide
This document is intended to help you become famili ar with the DOr der program. It
contains the informat ion you need t o install, configur e, and run DOrd er. This document describes release 1.0 of the DOrder program.
1.5. Document Conventions
To make th e guide more us er-friendly an d to underline its structur e, the following
typographic conventions are used (See Table 1):
Table 1. Legend
Designation Meaning
Enter value
From the Fil e menu, choose… GUI elements name
To open the window,
click the mouse.
15 using keyboard
Strings entered by user from keyboard and
displayed on the screen, listings, commands, file names, names of catalogs.
Step by step instructions
Watch out! Never do…
Note that… Note
2. Installing and Uninstalling the
DOrder Program
2.1. The Distribution Pack
The DOrder distribution pack includes:
Program files (as zip archive)
• This User’s Guide
To work with the DOrder prog ram, you als o need the
file is sent by email.
Calcue.csl file
. This
2.2. Hardwar e and Software
R equirements
To run DOrder, you must have certain hardware and software installed on your
computer. The system requirements include:
• Any IBM-compatible machine with Microsoft Windows version 9.X/ NT/
2000 or later installed on it;
• Ethernet card plugged in your computer;
• Email client installed for Microsoft Windows
2.3. The DOrder program Installation
To install DOrder 1.0 for Microsoft Windows on your machine:
1. Locate the
Run the
(See Fig. 1). Please carefu l l y follo w the instr uc tions on the
file on you distribution medi a.
program. The setu p pro gr am then launches
Figure 1 . The Welcome window
2. After reading the message in the Welcome window, click the
button. The
Customer Information
window appears
on the screen (See Fig. 2).
Figure 2. The Customer Information window
3. In the User Name field, enter your name. In t he Company Name field, enter name of the company you work for. After filling in both the fields, click the Next butto n. The Choose Destination Location window is presented (Fig. 3).
Figure 3. The Choose Destination Location window
4. In this window, select the folder for DOrder files ins ta ll a tion . You
can accept the default folder off e red and click the Next button
immediately. Select another folder for the DOrder files.
To change the default folder name:
• Click the Brow se button. In the displayed standard
Choose Folder dialog, set the path to the folder you want
DOrder to be installed.
• Click the OK but ton. If necessary, the folder you set above
will be creat ed.
In the
Choose Destination Location
window dis-
played again. Click the Next button.
After clicking the Nex t button, the Select Program Folder
window will be presented (Fig. 4).
Figure 4. The Select Program Folder window
5. In the Select Program Folder window, select a n ame for
the DOrder menu comman d, whic h wil l be added to th e Wind o ws
Programs menu. You can accept the name offered by default,
enter a new name, or s elect an existing name.
• If you choose the name set by default, click Next.
• To set a new name, enter the name in the Program
Folders field, and then click the Next button.
• To select an existing name, click the corresponding item in
the Existing Folders list, then click Next.
After clicking the Next button, the Start Copying Files win-
dow appears (Fig. 5).
If you made any mistakes while enter ing inf ormation necessa ry for the
setup program, and have not noticed the m while review ing settings in
the Start Copying Files window, or you need for any reason to reinstall the DOrder program, r emove the current installation of the pro-
Figure 5. The Start Copying Files window
6. Configuration of the setup parameters is now complete. In the
Start Cop ying Files window, ensur e th at you have made al l
the settings correctly. If you want to cha nge any settin gs, return
to one of the windows described above by clicking the Back
button. If al l the settings are correct, click Next. The Setup Statu s window will be presented (Fig. 6). The setup program
will perform the f i les copying and system configuration and you
will not be able to change any settings after that.
gram from your computer, please see the item 1.4, then follow the setup
steps described above.
Figure 6. The Set up Status windows
7. The Setup Status window displays the file name cur rent ly be-
ing copied and the progress indicator showing the percentage of
the setup process that has been completed. Please wait for the
setup program to finish copying and configuring the program
files. Upon the co mpletion of the installation, the Set up Complete window is displayed (Fig. 7).
Figure 7. The Setup Complete window
8. Click the Finis h button to end the installation and to quit the
setup program.
2.4. Uninstall ing t he DOrder pro gram
To remove DOrder from your computer
1. Click the Start button on the Windo ws task ba r.
2. From the Windows menu, choose
click Control panel.
. On the next menu,
3. In the Control panel window, double click the Add/ Remov e Progr ams icon.
4. On the Add/Rem ove tab of the Add/Remove Programs
dialog, select
Kasper sky Lab Distribution Utility
click the Ad d/Rem ove... button.
5. If you are sure you would like to remove DOrder, c lic k Yes in the
confirmation window. To cancel the progr am un inst a ll in g, click
If you confirm th e uni ns ta lla tio n of DOr der , al l th e infor m a tion re garding DOrder will
be removed from the W indo ws system files and d irector ies. Af ter that, you can delete the DOrder directory from your computer.
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