Kaspersky Lab AVP INSPECTOR FOR WEB SERVERS 1.0 User Manual

AVP Inspector
for WEB servers
User guide
December 1999
Copyright © 1999 Kaspersky Lab Ltd. All rights reserved.
No part of this document may be reproduced, changed or transmitted in any form or by any form by any means, electronic, mechanical or photographic, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Kaspersky Lab Ltd. and reference to this document.
All product names referenced herein are trademarks of registered trademarks of their respective owners. Kaspersky Lab disclaims proprietary interest in the marks and names of others. Although Kaspersky Lab makes every effort to ensure that this information is accurate, Kaspersky Lab will not be liable for any errors or omission of facts contained herein.
Kaspersky Lab reserves the right to modify specifications cited in this document without prior notice.
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Table of contents
1. AVP INSPECTOR FOR WEB- SERVERS................................ 6
1.1 Main Functions and Features.....................................................6
1.2 Distribution Kit...........................................................................6
1.2.1 Distribution Kit ......................................................................6
1.2.2 License agreement..................................................................7
1.2.3 Registration Card ...................................................................7
1.3 Information in the Book.............................................................7
1.3.1 Product Support......................................................................8
PROCEDURE....................................................................................... 9
2.1 System requirements..................................................................9
2.2 Installation Procedure.................................................................9
3.1 Tests Performed By AVP Inspector for Web Servers™..........22
3.2 Analysis Of Changes On Disk..................................................22
3.2.1 What to do if AVP Inspector for Web Servers™ reports
changes 23
WEB SERVERS™.............................................................................. 24
4.1 Launching AVP Inspector for Web Servers™ And Command
Line Options 24
4.2 AVP Inspector for Web Servers™ Main Window...................26
4.2.1 Menu Items ..........................................................................28
4.2.2 Toolbar.................................................................................29
4.3 AVP Inspector for Web Servers™ Profiles .............................29
4.3.1 The “Profiles” Tab...............................................................29
4.3.2 The “Startup” Tab................................................................31
4.4 The "AVP Inspector for Web Servers Configuration" Dialog
Box 32
4.4.1 The “Configuration” Tab .....................................................32
4.4.2 The “Extensions” Tab..........................................................34
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4.4.3 The “Files” Tab....................................................................37
4.4.4 The “Reports” Tab ...............................................................38
4.4.5 The “History” Tab................................................................39
4.4.6 The “AVP” Tab....................................................................41
4.4.7 The “Excludes” Tab.............................................................42
4.4.8 The “Backup/Restore” Tab..................................................43
5.1 First launch of AVP Inspector for Web Servers.......................46
5.2 Custom folder inspection .........................................................46
5.2.1 How To Create Folder List...................................................47
5.3 How To Create New Tables.....................................................48
5.4 The Disk Tests Summary Dialog Box......................................48
5.5 The View File/Directory List Dialog Box................................49
5.6 View Files.................................................................................50
5.7 View Test History ....................................................................51
5.8 Launching AVP Inspector for Web Servers™ as Windows NT
service. 51
VIRUS INFECTION............................................................................. 54
6.1 Warnings displayed upon completion of tests..........................54
6.2 Troubleshooting .......................................................................55
7. WARNING AND ERROR MESSAGES.................................. 56
7.1 Run-Time error messages.........................................................56
7.2 AVP Inspector for Web Servers™ Startup And Run-Time
Messages 57
7.3 Debugging registers test messages...........................................58
7.4 Other messages.........................................................................58
8. GLOSSARY.......................................................................... 60
9. KASPERSKY LAB LTD........................................................ 65
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Dear customer,
We are happy that you have chosen AntiViral Toolkit Pro (AVP), the world’s best anti-virus defense, for protecting your computer against computer viruses. Kaspersky Lab’s best anti-virus experts are working hard to provide you with this best-of-breed anti-virus solution and to face your strictest conditions. By choosing AVP you choose unbeatable anti-virus protection.
Kaspersky Lab always cares about their customers, providing them with an easy-to-use and high performance products with strong and comprehensive functionality. The highest possible level of anti-virus protection, highly intelligent heuristic code analyzer, support for the most wide-spread mail formats, virus detection inside archived and compressed files, powerful management tools – these are the main advantages you get with AVP. We provide you with the ultimate customer service: round the clock technical support, extensive information support, personal attention and immediate response to a new virus attack.
We appreciate the trust you have placed in our anti-virus products. We hope you will find our work effective and useful.
Kaspersky Lab. Team.
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1. AVP Inspector for Web-servers
1.1 Main Functions and Features
AVP Inspector for Web Servers™ is additional utility for unauthorized
changes on Web-site control which works under Microsoft Windows 95/98 Microsoft Windows NT
AVP Inspector for Web Servers™ registers changes to prevent data
structures on Web site from bad consequences. It can recover modified objects.
AVP Inspector for Web Servers™ reduces the time needed to scan a PC
for viruses. After it has run, the AVP scanner needs to check only new files and those that have changed. Main Features of AVP Inspector for Web Servers™
The main features of AVP Inspector for Web Servers™ are:
Works in Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows 98 or Microsoft
Windows NT environments;
True 32-bit multitasking GUI;
Maintains a database of the results of previous checks;
Supports OLE2 document structures (Word, Excel and Access
Ability of transmitting report by means of e-mail;
Ability of the editing of checking area;
Specific ab ilities for data ch ecking on Web s ite (for instanc e checking the
files with extensions .cg i , .asp etc);
Opportunity of starting AVP as Windows NT service.
Software and Hardware Requirements.
1.2 Di stri bution Kit
1.2.1 Dis t ri bution Kit
The AVP distribution kit contains the following components.
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License Agreement;
Sealed envelope containing AVP distribution diskettes;
User Guide;
Register card.
o Before you unseal the envelope make sure to thoroughly review
License Agreement.
1.2.2 License agreement
License Agreement is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and the manufacturer (Kaspersky Lab Ltd.) describing the terms on which you may employ the purchased by you antivirus product. Make sure to peruse License Agreement! If you do not agree to the terms of LA, Kaspersky Lab is not willing to license the software product to you and you should return the unused product to your AVP dealer for a full refund, but make sure the distribution diskette envelope to be sealed. If you unseal the envelope it means that you agreed to all the LA terms.
1.2.3 Regis t ration Card
To register please fill a detachable coupon of the register card (your full name, phone, e-mail address) and mail it to the dealer (the address is specified on your AVP kit box) you purchased the kit from. You may also e-mail your register information to sales@avp.ru. But in this case make sure to specify your message subject as «Registration». If your mail/e-mail address or phone number changed please notify the entity you have mailed the register coupon to. If registered you will become the AVP registered user and will be provided with the product support and the antivirus base updates for the period of your subscription. Besides Kaspersky Lab provides AVP registered users with information on the company new products.
1.3 Inform ati on i n the Book
This book contains information on how to install and manage AVP, explains basic concepts of the software product and the way it can be applied,
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recommends on how to manage and change settings. This book doesn’t describe installation procedure and operation concepts of the package.
1.3.1 Product Support
All the registered users are provided with the product support for the period of subscription. If you register and purchase the subscription you will be provided with the following services for the period of your subscription:
antivirus base weekly update;
new versions provision;
phone, e-mail or in-office advising on matters related to your AVP package;
provision of information on the AVP line new products and on the worldwide
newborn computer viruses. For more information on Kaspersky Lab services refer to your README.TXT
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2. AVP Inspector for Web servers installation procedure
2.1 S ystem requirements
The minimum s ystem require ments for AVP Inspector for Web Servers™
IBM PC (or 100% compatible) running MS Windows
8 Mb RAM or more (16 Mb recommended) for Windows
least 16 Mb RAM for Windows NT
At least 1 Mb free disk space on the hard drive.
(32 Mb recommended);
2.2 Installation Procedure
Before you begin installation we recommend that you make backup copies
of the original distribution diskettes and install AVP Inspector for Web Servers™ from these backup diskettes. Then if accidental damage to a diskette occurs you will be able to restore the damaged diskette from the original one.
Switch your PC on and boot Windows 95/98/NT.
95/98, at
Insert the distribution diskette (or its backup copy) into the floppy drive.
Run SETUP.EXE and follow the instructions on screen.
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The Welcome to the AVP Inspector for Web Servers Window
During the installation procedure you will be prompted for some
information that is necessary to set up AVP Inspector for Web Servers™ on your PC.
The installation program will prompt you to read the License Agreement.
Read it carefully and, if you agree to all its conditions, continue Setup by pressing the “Yes” button. If you do not agree press the “No ” but ton t o abort t he installation.
The License Agreement Window.
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User Information
for Web Servers™
last names, company name, registration number) into the corresponding fields. Your registration number is printed on the registration card enclosed with the
AVP Inspector for Web Servers™
. Next you must register your copy of
. To do you must enter the re quired information (first and
AVP Inspector
Registering your copy of AVP Inspector for Web Servers
Choose Destination Location
directory into which want to inst all default, press “ the directory into which you want to install the software.
AVP Inspector for Web Servers™
AVP Inspector for Web Servers™
” button. From the “
. Now you should select the destination
to a directory other than the
Choose Directory...
will be installe d. If you
” window select
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Choosing the destination directory for
Select Program Folder
AVP Inspector for Web Servers ™.
. This option lets you specify the name under
which the AVP Inspector for Web Servers™ program and documentation files can be accessed from the Windows Start menu. You c a n c h a n g e the group name by clicking on the input field and typing the desired name. You can place AVP Inspector for Web Servers into an existing program group by selecting the group name from the list.
Selecting of program folder for AVP Inspector for Web Servers ™.
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Setup Type
for Web Servers™
installation you will be prompted only for the destination directory into which
change other settings during installation.
– recommended for most users. If you select Typical install
AVP Inspector for Web Servers ™
Next you will be prompted for the type of
is to be installed.
– recommended for advanced users. This option allows you to
AVP Inspector
Selecting the AVP Inspector for Web Service Setup Type.
Start Copying Files
prompted for anything else. The installation program will now complete the installation of settings in the following window.
AVP Inspector for Web Servers™
. If you selected
installat ion you will not be
. You will see the current
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Current settings of A
AVP Inspector for Web Servers Configuration
Custom installation you must complete four more steps to define configurations you need.
. This step allows you to define:
Run AVP Inspector for Web Servers™ automatically: set up AVP
Inspector for Web Servers™ to launch automatically once a day
during Windows start-up. This setting may be changed later, if required.
Add an AVP Inspector for Web Servers™ icon to the Desktop: this
provides quick and convenient access to the program.
Change the name of the AVP Inspector for Web Servers™ executable
(AVPIWEB.EXE): enter the filename you wish to use in the corresponding input field. (The filename you choose must have the extension EXE.)
VP Inspector for Web Servers ™
. If you selected
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Configuration Setup 1
.You can set the path to table file and change its name.
Path to table files: the location where the table for the AVP Inspector
for Web Servers™ is placed . If t his f ield is lef t empty the table will be
placed in the root directory of the C: drive;
Name of table file for AVP Inspector for Web Servers™.
Table filename must not exceed 7 characters in length.
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Configuration Setup 2
. In following window you can set the list of folders to be checked
with AVP Inspector for Web Servers™. Click the ADD button to add a folder to the list or the Remove button to delete it.
Configuration Setup 3
. Next you set the backup options by checking the “Enable Backup­Restore” box and define the folder to save the backup information in. To restore changed files and delete new ones automatically check the appropriate box. You
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can check the following box to the program ask your confirmation before restoring or deleting of files.
Configuration Setup 4
. In following window you should select the mode of start of AVP Inspector for Web Servers™ as system service.
Starting of AVP for Web Servers as system service
If you check the box AVP Inspector for Web Servers will start up automatically before registration procedure and work independently of the user’s rights. In the other case you can start system service manually from the program
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menu and you must to have the administrator’s right in this case.
.You should enter username, password and domain to start AVP
Inspector for Web Servers™ system service. If you leave all the fields blank then service will be installed as LocalSystem account with some functions unavailable. You can change the account later with Windows NT service manager.
Enter username, password and domain
On completion of these steps the software is ready to be installed on your compute r. You will se e the “Start Copying Files” window. After you press the “Next” button, t he installat ion program will begin copying program files to your computer.
NOTE: Up to t his point, if you wish to change a setting you may do so by
pressing the “Back” button, which will take you back to the previous page of the installation settings. You can interrupt the installation any time by pressing the “Cancel” button. If you do this a warning message is displayed: Are you sure you want to cancel installation? If you press the “Yes” button the installation procedure will be cancelled. If you press “No”, installation will continue.
If there is not enough free space on the destination drive to install the softwar e the ins tallatio n progra m will display a warning me ssage. If t his occurs , you may either abort the installation by pressing the “Cancel” button or free some space using Windows Explorer or a similar utility program and then resume the installation.
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Setup Need s The Next Disk
file or press “ with key extension. It is your own key where you may find all auxiliary information necessary for operating of
” button and select necessary directory. The key file is a file
Here you should specify the path to key
AVP Inspector for Web Servers™.
Defining of the key file path.
The key file contains several data.
1. Address, company name and phone of distributor of current version.
2. Support information.
3. Date of release.
4. Name and number of license.
5. Table of functionality of different components.
6. Period of availability of the license.
If you haven’t this file in common folder of
then program will operate as demo version.
Select AVP Inspector for Web Servers key file
button select necessary key file. Moving cursor through the list you may see information about highlighted key file at the bottom of the window. If no key file is found then list will empty.
AVP Inspector for Web
By clicking left
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Selecting the key file
After selecting of the key file click the “Next” button.
Setup Complete. I n the f ollow window you will see window that offers to
you to read file Readme and to launch the program after installation finish.
Check the corresponding box to view Readme file.
Check the box to start AVP Inspector for Web Servers ™ after
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Finishing of installation of AVP Inspector for Web Servers ™
Press the “ AVP.KEY File
The AVP.KEY file is a software key containing data that is required for the software to operate, such as:
the sof tware will behave as a demonstratio n version and so me features will be disabled.
” button to close the installation program.
Dealer information; Support information; Product release date; Proof of registration; License validity period.
If this file is absent from the software’s working folder,
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+ 48 hidden pages