KASPERSKY KryptoStorage 1.0 User Manual

Kaspersky KryptoStorage 1.0
User Guide
Kaspersky Lab
CHAPTER 1. KASPERSKY KRYPTOSTORAGE OVERVIEW ...................................... 5
1.1. The Components of Kaspersky KryptoStorage .................................................... 6
1.2. Protected Objects ................................................................................................... 7
1.3. Rights of Access to Protected Objects .................................................................. 8
1.4. Password Recommendations. Using Password Hints ......................................... 8
CHAPTER 2. INSTALLING KASPERSKY KRYPTOSTORAGE ................................... 10
2.1. Hardware and Software Requirements ............................................................... 10
2.2. Installation ............................................................................................................. 11
2.3. Managing Licenses .............................................................................................. 13
2.4. Getting and Installing Licenses using an Activation Code .................................. 14
2.5. Updating the Product ............................................................................................ 16
CHAPTER 3. SYSTEM INTERFACE .............................................................................. 17
3.1. The Explorer Context Menu ................................................................................. 17
3.2. The Window of the Kaspersky KryptoStorage Manager .................................... 18
4.1. Protected Folders ................................................................................................. 20
4.1.1. Creating a Folder ......................................................................................... 21
4.1.2. Rules for Using Protected Folders .............................................................. 23
4.1.3. Attaching Protected Folders ........................................................................ 24
4.1.4. Detaching Protected Folders ....................................................................... 25
4.2. Protected Containers ............................................................................................ 25
4.2.1. Creating a Container .................................................................................... 25
4.2.2. Preparing a Container for Use ..................................................................... 28
4.2.3. Rules for Using Protected Containers ......................................................... 28
4.2.4. Attaching a Container .................................................................................. 28
4.2.5. Formatting a Container ................................................................................ 30
4.2.6. Detaching a Container ................................................................................. 31
4.2.7. Protecting Containers from Deletion ........................................................... 31
4.3. Protecting Disk Volumes and Removable Devices............................................. 31
4.3.1. Specific Features of Using Hard Disk Management Utilities ...................... 33
4 Kaspersky KryptoStorage 1.0
4.3.2. Encrypting Disk Volumes and Removable Disks ....................................... 33
4.3.3. Interrupting Encryption ................................................................................. 35
4.3.4. Resuming Encryption ................................................................................... 36
4.3.5. Rolling back to the Unencrypted State ........................................................ 36
4.3.6. Decrypting Objects ....................................................................................... 37
4.3.7. Starting up Using Protected System Volume and/or Boot Volume ............ 37
4.3.8. Attaching the Protected Volumes of Hard Disks and Removable Devices 38
4.3.9. Detaching the Protected Volumes of Hard Disks and Removable Devices
................................................................................................................................ 39
4.3.10. Disk Recovery ............................................................................................ 39
4.4. Wiping Protected and Unprotected Objects ........................................................ 41
CHAPTER 5. CONFIGURING SUBSYSTEMS .............................................................. 42
APPENDIX A. GLOSSARY ............................................................................................. 47
APPENDIX B. REFERENCE INFORMATION................................................................ 48
B.1. Contact Us ............................................................................................................ 48
B.2. License for the Windows Installer XML (WiX) Library ........................................ 48
Kaspersky KryptoStorage (hereafter Kaspersky KryptoStorage or the System) is a system for the cryptographic protection of confidential data stored on PC from unauthorized access.
The system is intended to protect the user’s confidential data against unauthorized access and to prevent data leakage when the operating system saves system information to disk or when the user’s files are not wiped.
Transparent encryption is used to encrypt information. The transparent encryption is a mechanism which enables the storage of
information in the encrypted form inside of a protected object. The protected data is processed in the following way: the data is automatically decrypted in RAM when requested and the uploaded data is encrypted.
Data is encrypted with the 128-bit AES algorithm. The algorithm is approved by the international cryptography community and represents a cryptographic standard. AES is approved by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (Standards and Technology (NIST) Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) PUB 197 26.11.2001).
The cryptographic key is generated from the user’s password. Thereby the length of this password can be limited by the local legal requirements.
The main functions of the System are listed below.
Protecting Data
With the System, you can:
create single protected NTFS virtual folders to store confidential data; create protected virtual volumes (the protected containers) to store
confidential data;
protect all data on disk volumes, including the system and the boot
volumes, on Flash drives, and other USB Mass Storage devices;
6 Kaspersky KryptoStorage 1.0
The components integrated into the Explorer shell
Create protected objects; enable use of the protected data, decrypting and wiping files and folders.
Kaspersky KryptoStorage manager
Enables activating the program, managing licenses, configuring Kaspersky KryptoStorage subsystems, creating protected objects, recovering protected disks
The protection of system disk allows you to keep the following confidential:
RAM contents which are saved to a hard disk when the system
crash dump data which is saved to a hard disk when a fatal error
data of temporary files and swap files.
Handling protected data
With the System, you can:
delimit access to protected information using password authorization; store protected objects inside other protected objects with any nesting
prevent accidental or intended deletion of protected objects by limiting
access to these objects;
use protected folders, containers and volumes which are located on
the user’s computer;
move protected objects together with the physical carrier to another
computer where the System is installed. At the same time the objects can be used;
wipe files and folders.
1.1. The Components of
Kaspersky KryptoStorage
The components of Kaspersky KryptoStorage are listed in the table.
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Kaspersky KryptoStorage Help
A file containing .CHM help topics
1.2. Protected Objects
The protected objects are any objects encrypted with Kaspersky KryptoStorage which are intended to store data.
There are the following types of protected objects.
A protected folder is a special NTFS folder created by a user on the user’s
computer with Kaspersky KryptoStorage. After the folder is attached using Kaspersky KryptoStorage, you can use it as a common NTFS folder.
A protected container is a special file created by a user on the user’s
computer with Kaspersky KryptoStorage. After the container is attached using Kaspersky KryptoStorage, you can use it as a virtual disk. Also, container files can be copied, recorded to CD or DVD, emailed and moved to another computer where the System is installed. At the same time the containers can always be attached.
A protected volume is created by converting (encrypting) an existing hard
drive volume which contains data using Kaspersky KryptoStorage. This operation also includes protecting the system and/or the boot volumes and USB Mass Storage devices (Flash drives, USB storages, etc). After the protected volume is attached using Kaspersky KryptoStorage, you can use it as a common volume.
All data placed to a created protected object is automatically protected, i.e. encrypted. When you copy data from a protected object into an unprotected area, the data is placed in the decrypted (unprotected) form.
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1.3. Rights of Access to
Protected Objects
A user must be authorized to access protected objects. It prevents unauthorized operations on the objects.
The authorization is required to:
Attach protected objects; Change password; Decrypt volumes, interrupt and continue encrypting, decrypting and also
rolling the protected volumes back to a previous state.
To be authorized, you must type your password for accessing the protected.
If you type an incorrect password (for example, if you forgot the password), the System displays the message that access is denied and a password hint, if you specified the hint while selecting the password.
1.4. Password
Recommendations. Using Password Hints
All protected objects are accessed upon authorization only. Password is the mandatory authorization parameter. Follow the recommendations for selecting a password:
a password should be made up of 7 characters or more; a password can contain digits, English characters, space and special
characters («.», «,», «?», «!», «<», «>», «», etc.);
it is highly advised to create a password which includes a combination
of upper- and lower-case alphabetic letters and digits.
You must not use in the password:
words found in a dictionary or set expressions; any easy-to-guess sequence like: qwerty, 123456789, qazxsw, etc.
9 Kaspersky KryptoStorage 1.0
personal data: first and last names, addresses, passport numbers,
social security numbers, etc.
It is strongly advised not to reuse the passwords which you use to run
other programs (e-mail, databases, etc).
If you lose the password to a protected object, the object’s contents cannot be
You can use password hints. A password hint is a character string which is displayed in the special field. The password hint is specified by the user when the user selects a password. If the hint has been specified and you type an incorrect password, the System displays the hint after denying access to an object. The password hint can contain certain information to help you recall your password.
When you specify a password hint for your password, you must remember that the password hint will be displayed to every user who tries to attach the object. Therefore, the password hint must not contain the explicit description of your password.
This chapter contains hardware and software requirements and describes how to install and update the Product, and manage its licenses.
2.1. Hardware and Software
Your computer must meet the following hardware and software requirements to run Kaspersky KryptoStorage.
Hardware requirements:
processor Intel Celeron 1 GHz or higher; RAM 256 MB; 10 MB free disk space to install the application.
Software requirements:
Any of the listed operating systems:
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional (Service Pack 4 + all
updates); Microsoft Windows XP (Service Pack 2); Microsoft Windows Vista (Service Pack 1); Microsoft Windows 7.
System supports operating systems on both x86 and x64 platforms.
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2.2. Installation
You must have administrator rights to the computer to install Kaspersky KryptoStorage.
The installation starts with the installation wizard. Each window contains a set of buttons to control the installation process. The buttons provide the following operations:
Next – accept the action and go to the next step of the installation
procedure. Back – return to the previous step. Cancel – cancel the installation.
See below the step-by-step description of the System installation procedure.
Step 1. Start the Installation
Insert the Kaspersky KryptoStorage setup disk into the CD-ROM drive or run the installation file kksVVVen.exe.
The VVVV letters in the name of the installation file stand for the version of the Product.
You can download an update of the Kaspersky KryptoStorage software product at
The Welcome to the Kaspersky KryptoStorage Setup Wizard screen opens. Click Next to proceed to the next step. Or click Cancel to cancel the installation.
Step 2. Accept License Agreement
You must accept the terms of the license agreement to continue the installation and click Next.
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Step 3. Select the Installation Directory
The default path to the directory where Kaspersky KryptoStorage will be installed is specified in the input field of the Destination Folder screen.
You can change the installation directory. Click Change… and select a directory in the standard window for selecting the directory, or type the path to the directory in the appropriate input field.
Click Next to proceed to the next step.
Step 4. Complete the Installation
After proceeding to the Ready to install Kaspersky KryptoStorage screen, click Install, to install Kaspersky KryptoStorage.
Follow the installation wizard instructions to complete the installation of Kaspersky KryptoStorage.
When the installation is complete, you will be asked to activate the product. You can select one of the following options:
Activate 30-day trial version. Activate full version.
To activate the full version, you must get and install a license using an activation code. See information on the procedure for getting and using a license key in Item 2.4 on Page 14. After the type of activation is selected, click Next.
Restart the computer to finish the installation. The corresponding notification is displayed.
It is strongly advised not to turn off computer’s power supply when restarting
(when Microsoft Windows is shutting down). It may cause an error while the operating system is starting up.
If the power supply fails, keep hitting the F8 key when restarting. In the Windows Advanced Options Menu, select the Last Known Good Configuration option. After that, reinstall Kaspersky KryptoStorage.
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2.3. Managing Licenses
You must get and register a commercial license to make Kaspersky KryptoStorage fully functional.
With the activated trial license, you can use the full-featured Kaspersky KryptoStorage for 30 days. The password length is limited by 1 character.
When trial license expires, the functionality of the product is partially limited. You can use the existing (protected) objects. Specifically, you can access your information and decrypt the data. But you cannot create new protected objects, or get technical assistance.
You can manage licenses using the Kaspersky KryptoStorage manager.
To run the Kaspersky KryptoStorage manager:
1. From the Start menu, select Programs Kaspersky KryptoStorage Kaspersky KryptoStorage.
2. In the opened window, click Licenses.
The Licenses dialog window will be displayed (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Licenses
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This window contains a list of installed licenses and detailed information on each license: type, serial number, current status and validity period.
To add a license to the list, click Add license…. In the opened dialog window, specify the path to a license file and click Open.
The added license must be given to the same user who owns all other licenses in the list. Otherwise you cannot add a license.
To remove a license from the list, select the license and click Remove license.
You cannot remove the Trial license from the license list.
It is strongly not advised to remove the valid commercial license from the list. Otherwise the functionality of the Product will be limited in a way similar to the expired trial license.
To get and install a license using an activation code, click Activate…. Activating a license using an activation code is covered in Item 2.4 on Page 14.
When you finish editing the list of installed licenses, click Exit to close the window.
2.4. Getting and Installing
Licenses using an Activation Code
You can use an activation code to get and install a license while installing the Product or after the Product is installed, when managing licenses (see Item 2.3 on Page 13).
When using an activation code, your computer must be connected to the Internet to get a license from the license service.
To get a license, type a product code consisting of five parts. Each part of the code contains five characters (Figure 2). The code contains digits (except zero) and upper-case English letters.
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Figure 2 Activating the Product
Then, in the customer information pane, specify your country. You can also specify your name and e-mail address as additional information. Click ОК.
After that the license is acquired and installed automatically.
Only one license is given for each activation code. Keep your product activation code secret.
Copy the license file to another hard disk or removable device. This copy will be needed to restore the System after a failure.
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2.5. Updating the Product
You can download updates of the Kaspersky KryptoStorage software product at
To update the Product to a newer version, run the setup program of the update.
You cannot update an older version to an earlier version. To install an earlier version, you must first uninstall the existing version of the Product (see Chapter 6 on Page 45).
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