KASPERSKY Endpoint Security for Linux 8.0 User Manual

Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8
for Linux
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Revision date: 5/13/11
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INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................ 8
General information about Kaspersky Endpoint Security ......................................................................................... 8
Real-time protection and on-demand scan ......................................................................................................... 9
Peculiarities in scanning of symbolic and hard links ........................................................................................... 9
About infected, suspicious objects and objects with the status "Warning" ........................................................ 10
About backup and quarantine ........................................................................................................................... 10
Programs detectable by Kaspersky Endpoint Security ..................................................................................... 11
Obtaining the information about Kaspersky Endpoint Security ............................................................................... 13
Sources of information for further research ....................................................................................................... 13
Contacting the Technical Support Service ........................................................................................................ 15
Discussion of Kaspersky Lab's applications in web forum ................................................................................ 15
STARTING AND STOPPING KASPERSKY ENDPOINT SECURITY .......................................................................... 16
MANAGING KASPERSKY ENDPOINT SECURITY TASKS ........................................................................................ 17
Creating an on-demand scan or update task .......................................................................................................... 17
Deleting an on-demand scan or update task .......................................................................................................... 18
Manual task management ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Automatic task management .................................................................................................................................. 18
Viewing task state ................................................................................................................................................... 19
Viewing task statistics ............................................................................................................................................. 20
UPDATING KASPERSKY ENDPOINT SECURITY ..................................................................................................... 21
Selecting an update source .................................................................................................................................... 22
Updating from local or network folder ..................................................................................................................... 22
Using the proxy server ............................................................................................................................................ 24
Last database update rollback ................................................................................................................................ 24
REAL-TIME PROTECTION .......................................................................................................................................... 25
Default protection settings ...................................................................................................................................... 25
Creating a protection scope .................................................................................................................................... 26
Restricting a protection area using masks and regular expressions ....................................................................... 27
Exclusion of objects from a protection area ............................................................................................................ 28
Creating a global exclusion area ....................................................................................................................... 28
Excluding objects from the protection area ....................................................................................................... 29
Exclusion of objects depending on user and group accounts accessing the objects ........................................ 29
Excluding objects by names of the threats detected in them ............................................................................ 30
Selecting interception mode ................................................................................................................................... 31
Selecting protection mode ...................................................................................................................................... 31
Using heuristic analysis .......................................................................................................................................... 32
Using scan mode depending on user and group accounts accessing the objects .................................................. 32
Selecting action to perform on detected objects ..................................................................................................... 33
Selecting actions depending on the threat type ...................................................................................................... 34
Scan optimization ................................................................................................................................................... 35
Compatibility with other Kaspersky Lab's applications ............................................................................................ 36
ON-DEMAND SCAN .................................................................................................................................................... 38
Default scan settings .............................................................................................................................................. 38
Quick scan of files and directories .......................................................................................................................... 39
A D M I N I S T R A T O R ' S G U I D E
Creating a scan area .............................................................................................................................................. 41
Restricting a scan area using masks and regular expressions ............................................................................... 42
Excluding objects from the scan area ..................................................................................................................... 42
Creating a global exclusion area ....................................................................................................................... 43
Excluding objects from the scan area ............................................................................................................... 43
Excluding objects by names of the threats detected in them ............................................................................ 44
Using heuristic analysis .......................................................................................................................................... 45
Selecting actions to perform on detected objects ................................................................................................... 45
Selecting actions depending on the threat type ...................................................................................................... 46
Scan optimization ................................................................................................................................................... 48
Selecting task priority ............................................................................................................................................. 48
ISOLATING SUSPICIOUS OBJECTS. DATA BACKUP .............................................................................................. 50
Viewing statistics of quarantined objects ................................................................................................................ 50
Scanning quarantined objects ................................................................................................................................ 51
Placing files to quarantine manually ....................................................................................................................... 52
Viewing object IDs .................................................................................................................................................. 52
Restoring objects .................................................................................................................................................... 53
Deleting objects ...................................................................................................................................................... 54
MANAGING LICENSES ............................................................................................................................................... 55
About the License Agreement ................................................................................................................................ 55
About Kaspersky Endpoint Security licenses.......................................................................................................... 55
About Kaspersky Endpoint Security key files.......................................................................................................... 56
Installing the key file ............................................................................................................................................... 57
Viewing information about a license prior to the key file installation ....................................................................... 57
Key file removal ...................................................................................................................................................... 58
Reviewing the license agreement ........................................................................................................................... 58
GENERATING REPORTS ........................................................................................................................................... 59
MANAGING KASPERSKY ENDPOINT SECURITY FROM THE COMMAND LINE .................................................... 60
Displaying Kaspersky Endpoint Security command help ........................................................................................ 63
Starting Kaspersky Endpoint Security .................................................................................................................... 64
Stopping Kaspersky Endpoint Security ................................................................................................................... 64
Restarting Kaspersky Endpoint Security ................................................................................................................ 64
Enabling events output ........................................................................................................................................... 64
Quick scan of files and directories .......................................................................................................................... 65
Rolling back the Kaspersky Endpoint Security database updates .......................................................................... 65
Commands for obtaining reports and statistics ....................................................................................................... 66
Viewing application information ......................................................................................................................... 66
Viewing reports on Kaspersky Endpoint Security operation .............................................................................. 66
Viewing reports on the most commonly encountered threats............................................................................ 68
Deleting Kaspersky Endpoint Security operation statistics ............................................................................... 69
Commands for managing Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings and tasks ........................................................... 70
Obtaining general Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings .................................................................................. 70
Modifying general Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings .................................................................................. 71
Viewing Kaspersky Endpoint Security task list .................................................................................................. 72
Viewing task state ............................................................................................................................................. 73
Starting the task ................................................................................................................................................ 75
Stopping the task .............................................................................................................................................. 75
Pausing the task ............................................................................................................................................... 75
Resuming the task ............................................................................................................................................ 76
Obtaining task settings ...................................................................................................................................... 76
Modifying task settings ...................................................................................................................................... 77
Creating a task .................................................................................................................................................. 78
Deleting tasks ................................................................................................................................................... 79
Obtaining task schedule settings ...................................................................................................................... 79
Modifying task schedule settings ...................................................................................................................... 80
Deleting the task schedule ................................................................ ................................ ................................ 81
Searching for scheduled events ........................................................................................................................ 81
Licenses management commands ......................................................................................................................... 83
Validating a key file prior to installation ............................................................................................................. 83
Viewing information about a license prior to the key file installation .................................................................. 84
Viewing information about the installed key files ............................................................................................... 85
Viewing the status of installed licenses ............................................................................................................. 85
Active key file installation .................................................................................................................................. 86
Supplementary key file installation .................................................................................................................... 86
Active key file removal ...................................................................................................................................... 86
Supplementary key file removal ........................................................................................................................ 87
Quarantine and backup storage management commands ..................................................................................... 87
Obtaining brief quarantine or backup storage statistics .................................................................................... 87
Obtaining information about storage objects ..................................................................................................... 87
Obtaining information about one object in the storage ...................................................................................... 88
Restoring objects from the storage ................................................................................................................... 88
Placing an object in quarantine manually .......................................................................................................... 89
Deleting one object from the storage ................................................................................................................ 89
Exporting objects from the storage into a specified directory ............................................................................ 90
Importing previously exported objects into the storage ..................................................................................... 90
Clearing the storage .......................................................................................................................................... 91
Logs management commands ............................................................................................................................... 92
Obtaining the number of Kaspersky Endpoint Security events with a filter ....................................................... 92
Obtaining the information about Kaspersky Endpoint Security events .............................................................. 92
Viewing the time interval, during which the events will occur that are registered in the log .............................. 93
Event log rotation .............................................................................................................................................. 94
Removing objects from the event log ................................................................................................................ 94
Limiting selections using filters ............................................................................................................................... 95
Logical expressions .......................................................................................................................................... 95
Object parameters in quarantine / backup storage ........................................................................................... 96
Kaspersky Endpoint Security events and their settings .................................................................................... 99
KASPERSKY ENDPOINT SECURITY CONFIGURATION FILES' SETTINGS ......................................................... 107
Rules for editing Kaspersky Endpoint Security .ini configuration files ................................................................... 107
Real-time protection and on-demand scan tasks settings .................................................................................... 108
Update tasks settings ........................................................................................................................................... 123
Schedule settings ................................................................................................................................................. 127
Kaspersky Endpoint Security general settings ...................................................................................................... 130
Quarantine and backup storage settings .............................................................................................................. 132
Event log settings ................................................................................................................................................. 133
A D M I N I S T R A T O R ' S G U I D E
Viewing computer protection status ...................................................................................................................... 136
The "Application Settings" dialog box ................................................................................................................... 137
Creating and configuring tasks ............................................................................................................................. 137
Creating a task ..................................................................................................................................................... 137
The Local task creation wizard ............................................................................................................................. 138
Step 1. Entering general task settings ............................................................................................................ 139
Step 2. Selecting an application and defining task type .................................................................................. 139
Step 3. Configuring task settings .................................................................................................................... 139
Step 4. Scheduling the task ............................................................................................................................ 139
Step 5. Completing the wizard ........................................................................................................................ 140
Updating tasks settings......................................................................................................................................... 140
Creating a scan area ....................................................................................................................................... 140
Configuring security settings ........................................................................................................................... 141
Creating an excluded area ................................................................ ................................ .............................. 141
Selecting an update source............................................................................................................................. 142
Selecting the type of updates .......................................................................................................................... 143
Scheduling a task via Kaspersky Administration Kit ............................................................................................. 144
Creating a task start rule ................................................................................................................................. 144
Scheduling a task ............................................................................................................................................ 144
Creating and configuring policies .......................................................................................................................... 146
Creating a policy ............................................................................................................................................. 147
Configuring a policy ........................................................................................................................................ 147
Checking connection with Administration Server manually. The klnagchk utility .................................................. 147
Connecting to Administration Server manually. The klmover utility ...................................................................... 148
Tasks settings ....................................................................................................................................................... 149
Interception method ........................................................................................................................................ 150
Protection mode .............................................................................................................................................. 150
Heuristic analysis ............................................................................................................................................ 150
Action to perform on infected objects .............................................................................................................. 151
Action to be performed on suspicious objects ................................................................................................. 152
Actions to be performed on objects depending on the threat type .................................................................. 152
Excluding objects by name ............................................................................................................................. 153
Excluding objects by threat name ................................................................................................................... 153
Scan of compound files ................................................................................................................................... 154
Maximum object scan time.............................................................................................................................. 154
Maximum size of a scanned object ................................................................................................................. 154
Updates source ............................................................................................................................................... 154
FTP server mode ............................................................................................................................................ 155
FTP or HTTP server response wait time ......................................................................................................... 155
Using a proxy server to connect to update sources ........................................................................................ 155
Proxy server authentication............................................................................................................................. 155
Proxy server settings ...................................................................................................................................... 156
Directory for saving updates ........................................................................................................................... 156
Updates type ................................................................................................................................................... 156
KASPERSKY LAB ZAO ............................................................................................................................................. 156
INFORMATION ABOUT THIRD-PARTY CODE ........................................................................................................ 158
Program code ....................................................................................................................................................... 158
BOOST 1.39.0 ................................................................................................................................................ 160
DEJAVU SANS 2.31 ....................................................................................................................................... 160
DROID SANS FALLBACK .............................................................................................................................. 161
EXPAT 1.95.8 ................................................................................................................................................. 163
LIBACL 2.2.45-1 ............................................................................................................................................. 164
ATTR 2.4.38-1 ................................................................................................................................................ 164
LIBFONTCONFIG 2.8 ..................................................................................................................................... 164
LIBFREETYPE 2.3.11 ..................................................................................................................................... 164
LIBICE 1.0.6 .................................................................................................................................................... 167
LIBPNG 1.2.44 ................................................................................................................................................ 167
LIBSM 1.1.1 .................................................................................................................................................... 167
LIBUTF............................................................................................................................................................ 168
LIBX11 1.3.2 ................................................................................................................................................... 168
LIBXAU 1.0.5 .................................................................................................................................................. 179
LIBXCURSOR 1.1.10 ...................................................................................................................................... 179
LIBXDMCP 1.0.3 ............................................................................................................................................. 179
LIBXEXT 1.1.1 ................................................................................................................................................ 180
LIBXFIXES 4.0.4 ............................................................................................................................................. 182
LIBXI 1.3 ......................................................................................................................................................... 183
LIBXINERAMA 1.1 .......................................................................................................................................... 184
LIBXML2 2.6.32 .............................................................................................................................................. 184
LIBXRANDR 1.3.0 .......................................................................................................................................... 184
LIBXRENDER 0.9.5 ........................................................................................................................................ 185
LIBXSLT 1.1.23 ............................................................................................................................................... 185
LZMALIB 4.43 ................................................................................................................................................. 186
NET-SNMP 5.5 ............................................................................................................................................... 186
QT 4.6.3 ................................................................................................................................ .......................... 190
SQLITE 3.6.17 ................................................................................................................................................ 191
ZLIB 1.2.3 ....................................................................................................................................................... 191
Distributed program code ..................................................................................................................................... 191
REDIRFS 0.10 (MODIFIED) ........................................................................................................................... 191
Other information .................................................................................................................................................. 191
General information about Kaspersky Endpoint Security .................................................................................................. 8
Obtaining the information about Kaspersky Endpoint Security........................................................................................ 13
Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8 for Linux (hereinafter Kaspersky Endpoint Security or the application) provides protection for workstations running under the Linux operating system against malware penetrating computers through file exchange.
Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans the computer disks and other mounted devices. It can scan individual directories accessible over SMB/CIFS and NFS as well as remote directories mounted on the workstation using the SMB/CIFS and NFS protocols.
Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8 for Linux (hereinafter Kaspersky Endpoint Security or the application) provides protection for workstations running under the Linux operating system against malware that penetrates the file system through a network connection or a removable device.
The application can:
Scan file system objects located on the computer's local drives, as well as shared and distributed resources
accessed via the SMB / CIFS and NFS protocols.
File system objects can be scanned both in real-time or on demand.
Detect infected and suspicious objects.
If an object is found to contain code from a known threat, Kaspersky Endpoint Security assigns it the infected status. If it is not possible to determine for sure whether or not an object is infected, it is classified as suspicious.
Neutralize threats detected in files.
Depending on the type of threat, the application automatically selects the action required to neutralize it: disinfect infected object, move suspicious object to Quarantine, delete object or skip, i.e. leave object unchanged.
Move suspicious objects to Quarantine.
Kaspersky Endpoint Security isolates objects that it considers suspicious. The application places such objects to quarantine, i.e., it moves them from their original location into a special storage. After every database update, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically runs a scan of objects in Quarantine. Some of them can be considered not infected and restored from Quarantine.
Save backup copies of files before they are processed. Restore files from backup copies.
Manage tasks and their settings.
The application provides four types of user-controllable tasks: real-time protection, on-demand scan, scan of objects in Quarantine, and update. The tasks of other types are system tasks and are not intended to be managed by the user.
Generate statistics and reports about operational results.
Update Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases from Kaspersky Lab's update servers or from a user-specified
source by schedule or on demand.
The databases are used to find and treat infected files. Based on the records they contain, each file is scanned for threats: the code of the file is matched against code that resembles a particular threat.
Configure settings and control tasks both locally through the computer's standard operating system, or remotely
from any computer in a local network or across the Internet.
You can manage Kaspersky Endpoint Security:
through the command bar;
by modifying the application's configuration file;
using the Kaspersky Administration Kit.
The following functions can be used to ensure computer protection: real-time protection and on-demand scan.
Real-time protection
By default, the real-time protection task starts automatically along with Kaspersky Endpoint Security at the computer startup and keeps on running continuously in the background mode. Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans files when they are accessed.
Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans files for multiple types of threats (see section "Programs detectable by Kaspersky Endpoint Security" on page 11). When any application accesses a file on the computer (for example, reads or writes it), Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans files when they are accessed and intercepts the operation on the file. It checks the file for the presence of malware using its databases (see section "About infected, suspicious objects and objects with the status "Warning" "on page 10). If Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects a malicious program in the file, it will perform the actions you have specified for it, for example, it may attempt to disinfect the file or simply delete it. The program attempting to access the file may only do so if this file is not infected or has been successfully disinfected.
On-demand scan
On-demand scan involves one-time complete or selective scan of files on the computer for the presence of threats.
The following peculiarities in scanning of symbolic and hard links may be found during Kaspersky Endpoint Security.
Scanning symbolic links
The real-time protection and on-demand scan tasks of Kaspersky Endpoint Security scan symbolic links only if the file to which the symbolic link refers is included within scan area.
If the file, which is accessed using a symbolic link, is not included in the protection area of the task, it will not be scanned by the application trying to access this file. If such file contains malicious code, computer security will be at risk!
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Scanning hard links
When Kaspersky Endpoint Security processes a file with more than one hard link depending on actions to be taken with objects the following scenarios are available:
If Quarantine (move to quarantine) is selected, the processed hard link will be moved to quarantine, and other
hard links will not be processed;
if the Remove action is selected, the processed hard link is removed, other hard links is processed;
if the Cure action is selected – Kaspersky Anti-Virus either will disinfect the source file or it will replace the
processed hard link by the clean copy of the source file. The created copy will have the name of the processed hard link.
When restoring the file from quarantine or backup, a copy of the source file is created with the name of the quarantined hard link (backup). Connections to other hard links are not restored.
Kaspersky Endpoint Security contains a set of databases. Databases are files containing records that are used to detect the malicious code of hundreds of thousands of known potential threats in objects being scanned. These records contain information about the control sections of the threats' code and algorithms used for disinfecting the objects in which these threats are contained.
If Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects (in an object being scanned) sections of code that fully match the control code sections of a threat based on the information provided in the databases, it will consider such object infected.
Kaspersky Endpoint Security will assign the status "Warning" to the detected object if it contains a section of code that partially coincides with a control code section from a known threat (in accordance with certain conditions). At the same time, a false alarm may occur.
Kaspersky Endpoint Security assigns the suspicious status to objects detected by its Heuristic Analyzer. The Heuristic Analyzer detects malicious objects based on their behavior. The code in such an object cannot be said to partially or completely match the code of a known threat, but it does contain instructions or sequences of instructions that are peculiar to threats.
Kaspersky Endpoint Security isolates found infected and suspicious objects to secure the protected computer from their potential harmful effect.
Moving objects to quarantine
Kaspersky Endpoint Security quarantines detected infected and suspicious objects by moving them from the original location to the quarantine or backup storage directory. Kaspersky Endpoint Security rescans quarantined objects after each update of Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases. Having scanned quarantined objects after databases update, Kaspersky Endpoint Security may acknowledge some of the objects to be not infected. Other objects can be found infected by Kaspersky Endpoint Security.
If you suspect that a certain file may contain a threat while Kaspersky Endpoint Security recognizes it as clean, you can manually place such object in quarantine to check it later using updated databases.
Backup copying of objects before disinfection or deletion
Kaspersky Endpoint Security places in the quarantine / backup directory copies of infected and suspicious objects prior to disinfecting or deleting them. Such objects may be missing in the original location if they were deleted, or they may be stored in a modified form if Kaspersky Endpoint Security disinfected them.
You can restore an object from the quarantine or backup directory at any moment to its original location or to any other directory specified on the computer. You may need to restore an object, for example, if the original infected file contained valuable data but Kaspersky Endpoint Security could not preserve its integrity during disinfection and the information inside became unavailable.
Restoring infected or suspicious objects may lead to computer infection.
Kaspersky Endpoint Security is capable of detecting hundreds of thousands of different programs that represent a threat to computer security, within the computer's file system. Some of those programs impose great menace to the user, others are only dangerous when specific conditions are met. After Kaspersky Endpoint Security detects a malicious program in an object, it will assign it a certain category characterized by a certain severity level (high, medium, or low).
Kaspersky Endpoint Security distinguishes the following categories of malicious programs:
viruses and worms (Virware);
Trojan programs (Trojware);
other malicious software (Malware);
pornographic software (Pornware);
advertising software (Adware);
potentially dangerous software (Riskware).
A brief description of the threats is provided below. For a more detailed description of malicious programs and their classification please visit the Kaspersky Lab Virus Encyclopedia (http://www.viruslist.com/en/viruses/encyclopedia).
Viruses and worms (Virware)
Danger level: high
This category includes classic viruses and network worms.
Classic viruses infect files of other programs or data. It adds its own code to such files in order to gain control when these files are being opened. Once a classic virus penetrates a system, it activates itself upon a certain event and performs its harmful operations.
Classic viruses differ depending on their environment and method they use for infecting other objects.
The term environment refers to areas of a computer, an operating system or an application, penetrated by the virus code. Based on the environment, file, boot, macro and script viruses are distinguished.
The term method of infection refers to various methods of implanting malicious code into the objects being infected. There are numerous types of viruses using various methods of infection. Overwriting viruses write their code over the code of the file being infected, thus erasing its content. The infected file stops working and cannot be restored. Parasitic viruses modify file code, leaving such files fully or partially operating. Companion viruses do not modify files, creating duplicates of them instead. When such infected file is launched, the control will be overtaken by its duplicate, which is the virus. There exist virus links as well as viruses infecting object modules (OBJ), compiler libraries (LIB), program source texts, etc.
The code of a network worm, after it penetrates the system, gets activated and performs its malicious action in a manner similar to that of the classic virus code. The network worm received its name due to its ability to tunnel from one computer to another - to send copies of itself through various information channels.
Propagation method is the main attribute used to differentiate between various types of network worms. Worms of various types can spread via email, instant messaging programs, IRC channels, file exchange networks, etc. Besides,
A D M I N I S T R A T O R ' S G U I D E
there are network worms spreading their copies within network resources. Malicious programs infect operating systems exploiting their internal vulnerabilities and security breaches in applications running in those systems; they also penetrate public resources or may accompany other threats.
Many network worms spread at a very high rate.
In addition to the damage they inflict to the infected computer, network worms discredit the owner of such computer, cause additional charges for network traffic, and clutter up Internet channels.
Trojan programs (Trojware)
Danger level: high
Trojan programs (Trojan, Backdoor, Rootkit and other classes) perform the actions not authorized by the users of computers, for example, they steal passwords, access Internet resources, download and install other malicious programs.
Unlike worms and viruses, Trojan programs do not create copies of themselves penetrating files and infecting them. They sneak into a computer, for example, via e-mail or using a web browser when the user visits an "infected" website. Trojan programs are started with the user's participation. They begin performing their malicious actions right after they are started.
However, Trojans may inflict far greater damage as compared to a regular virus attack.
Backdoor programs are considered to be most dangerous among Trojans. Their functionality resembles that of remote administration utilities. They install themselves in a computer secretly from the users and enable intruders to control the infected computer remotely.
Another type of Trojan is the Rootkit. Like other Trojan programs, Rootkits permeate the system without the user's knowledge. Although they do not perform any malicious actions, they camouflage other malware and its activities and thus extend the existence of such programs in the infected system. Rootkits may hide files or processes in the memory of an infected computer and also conceal intruder's access to the system.
Other malicious software (Malware)
Danger level: medium
Other malicious programs do not impose any threat to the computer on which they are executed, yet they can be used to organize network attacks on remote computers, hack other computers, create other viruses or Trojans.
Malicious software belonging to this category is very diverse. Thus, it includes programs performing network attacks (DoS (Denial-of-Service) class). send multiple requests to remote computers, which cause these servers to fail. Hoaxes (BadJoke, Hoax types) alarm users with virus-like messages: they can "detect" a virus in a clean file or display a message about disk formatting, which will not take place in effect. Encrypting programs (FileCryptor, PolyCryptor classes) encrypt other malicious programs to prevent them from being detected during an anti-virus scan. Constructors (Constructor class) allow to generate original texts of viruses, object modules, or infected files. Spam utilities (SpamTool class) collect email addresses on an infected computer or turn such computer into a spam-sending machine.
Pornographic software (Pornware)
Danger level: medium
Pornographic programs are included in a "not-a-virus" class of programs. They have functions, which may inflict damage to the user only if special conditions are met.
Such programs are concerned with the display of pornographic information to the user. Depending on the behavior of the programs, three types are distinguished: automatic dialers (Porn-Dialer), downloaders (Porn-Downloader), and tools (Porn-Tool). Porn dialers connect to pay-per-visit pornographic Internet resources using a modem, pornographic downloaders download pornography to the user's computer. Pornographic tools are programs related to the search and display of pornographic materials (for example, specials toolbars for browsers or special video players).
Advertising software (Adware)
Danger level: medium
Adware programs are included in a "not-a-virus" class. They are built-in into other programs without the user's knowledge to display advertising messages in their interface. In many cases adware programs, in addition to displaying advertising messages, gather users' personal information and send it to their developer, change browser's settings (browser home page, search page, security levels, etc.) and create traffic that is not controlled by the user. In addition to the violation of security rules, activities of adware may cause direct financial losses.
Danger level: low
Potentially dangerous applications are included in a "not-a-virus" class of programs. Such programs may be legally purchased and used in daily operations by the users, for example, system administrators.
Some remote management programs, such as Remote Administrator, and programs for obtaining network information are considered potentially dangerous.
Kaspersky Lab provides various sources of information about Kaspersky Endpoint Security. Select a source most convenient for you depending on the importance and urgency of your question.
If you already purchased Kaspersky Endpoint Security, contact the Technical Support service. If your question does not require an immediate answer, you can discuss it with the Kaspersky Lab experts and other users in our forum at
The following sources of information about Kaspersky Endpoint Security are available:
Kaspersky Endpoint Security page at the Kaspersky Lab website;
manual pages.
Page at the Kaspersky Lab website
This page contains general information about the application, its functionality and peculiarities. You can purchase Kaspersky Endpoint Security or extend the period of its use in our online store.
Installation Guide describes the purpose of Kaspersky Endpoint Security, requirements to the hardware and
software for the installation and operation of Kaspersky Endpoint Security, instructions for its installation, verification of its operability and initial setup.
Administrator Guide includes information on how to manage Kaspersky Endpoint Security using command line utility and Kaspersky Administration Kit.
A D M I N I S T R A T O R ' S G U I D E
These documents are supplied in PDF format in Kaspersky Endpoint Security distribution package. Alternatively, you can download the documentation files from the Kaspersky Endpoint Security page at Kaspersky Lab website.
Manual pages
The following manual page files contain information about specific aspects of Kaspersky Endpoint Security:
manage Kaspersky Endpoint Security from the command line:
Configuring general Kaspersky Endpoint Security settings:
configuring the real-time protection task:
configuring on-demand scan tasks:
configuring update tasks:
configuring the storage of quarantined objects and the storage of objects backed up before disinfection or
configuring the event repository:
description of utility which changes settings for connection with the Kaspersky Administration Kit Administration
description of utility which checks settings for connection with the Kaspersky Administration Kit Administration
If you have already purchased Kaspersky Endpoint Security, you can obtain information about it from the Technical Support service by phone or via Internet.
Technical Support Service will answer your questions about installing and using the program. If your computer has been infected, they will help eliminate the consequences of malicious programs.
Before contacting the Technical Support service, please read the Support rules for Kaspersky Lab’s products (http://support.kaspersky.com/support/rules).
Email request to the Technical Support Service
You can ask your question to the Technical Support Service specialists by filling out the Helpdesk web form of Request to Kaspersky Lab Technical Support (http://support.kaspersky.com/helpdesk.html).
You can send your inquiry in Russian, English, German, French or Spanish. In order to send an email message with your question, you must indicate the client number obtained from the
Technical Support website during registration along with your password.
If you are not yet a registered user of Kaspersky Lab applications, you can fill out a registration form (https://support.kaspersky.com/ru/personalcabinet/Registration/Form/?LANG=en). When registering, indicate the application activation code or key file name.
The Technical Support service will reply to your request in your Personal Cabinet (https://support.kaspersky.com/en/PersonalCabinet) and to the email address you have specified in your request.
Describe the problem you have encountered in the request web form providing as much detail as possible. Specify the following information in the mandatory fields:
Request type. Select the topic, which is the closest to the problem you have encountered, e.g.: "Product
installation / removal problem", or "Virus scan / removal problem". If you do not find an appropriate topic, select "General Question".
Application version name and number.
Request text. Describe the problem you have encountered providing as much detail as possible.
Customer ID and password. Enter the customer ID and password received during registration at the Technical
Support Service website.
Email address. The experts of the Technical Support Service will send their reply to your inquiry to that
Technical support by phone
If an urgent problem has occurred, you can call the Technical Support Service in your city. Before contacting to the Russian-speaking (http://support.kaspersky.ru/support/support_local) specialists or international (http://support.kaspersky.com/support/international) technical support, please gather the information (http://support.kaspersky.com/support/details) on your computer and set it on antivirus software. This will allow our specialists to help you more quickly.
If your question does not require an immediate answer, you can discuss it with the Kaspersky Lab experts and other users in our forum at http://forum.kaspersky.com. In this forum you can view existing topics, leave your comments, create new topics and use the search engine.
A D M I N I S T R A T O R ' S G U I D E
Before taking the actions or using the commands described above, make sure that the kes4lwks-supervisor service is running on the computer!
By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security starts automatically at the operating system startup (on default run levels for each operating system). Kaspersky Endpoint Security runs all predefined and custom tasks, schedule settings (see section "Schedule settings" on page 127) which is set to run PS.
If you stop Kaspersky Endpoint Security, execution of all tasks will be interrupted. After Kaspersky Endpoint Security restart, interrupted custom tasks will not be resumed automatically. Only those custom tasks in the schedule settings (see section "Schedule settings" on page 127) which is set to launch PS, will be launched again.
To run the Kaspersky Endpoint Security, execute the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control --start-app
To stop Kaspersky Endpoint Security, execute the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control --stop-app
To restart the Kaspersky Endpoint Security, execute the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control --restart-app
Creating an on-demand scan or update task .................................................................................................................. 17
Deleting an on-demand scan or update task ................................................................................................................... 18
Manual task management ............................................................................................................................................... 18
Automatic task management ........................................................................................................................................... 18
Viewing task state ........................................................................................................................................................... 19
Viewing task statistics ..................................................................................................................................................... 20
Task is a Kaspersky Endpoint Security component, implementing part of the program functionality. For example, the real­time protection task implements protection of the computer files in real time, the update task downloads and installs Kaspersky Endpoint Security database updates, etc .
To obtain the lists of tasks of Kaspersky Endpoint Security, execute the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control --get-task-list
The user can manage the following types of tasks (see page 18):
OAS, real-time protection tasks;
ODS, on-demand scan tasks;
QS, tasks which scan quarantined objects;
Update, update tasks.
The tasks of other types are system tasks and are not intended to be managed by the user. You can only modify their operation settings.
The Kaspersky Endpoint Security installation creates one task of each type. You can create custom on-demand scan and update tasks (see section "Creating a task" on page 78).
To create an on-demand scan task, execute the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control \
--create-task <task name> --use-task-type=ODS \
[--file=<configuration file name>] [--file-format=<INI|XML>]
The settings for the created task are as follows:
all local and mounted objects will be scanned;
A D M I N I S T R A T O R ' S G U I D E
scan will be done with default settings (see section "Default scan settings" on page 38).
You can create an on-demand scan task with the required set of parameters. To do that, specify the full path to the file containing the task settings, using the --file key of the --create-task command.
To create an update task, execute the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control \
--create-task <task name> --use-task-type=Update \
--file=<path to the file containing the task settings>
You can delete update tasks and on-demand scan tasks (except Quarantine scan (ID=10) and On-Demand Scan (ID=9) and Custom Scan (ID=15) tasks).
You cannot delete the real-time protection task.
To delete the task, execute the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control --delete-task <task ID>
The actions described in this section are available for the OAS, ODS, QS, and Update task types.
You can pause and resume any task except for update tasks.
You can run several on-demand scan tasks simultaneously.
To start a task, execute the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control --start-task <task ID>
To stop a task, execute the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control --stop-task <task ID>
To pause a task, execute the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control --suspend-task <task ID>
To resume a task, execute the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control --resume-task <task ID>
In addition to managing Kaspersky Endpoint Security tasks manually, you can use automatic task management. To do so, create a task schedule.
Task schedule is a set of rules that specify the start time and duration of the task.
The following types of tasks support automatic management:
real-time protection;
Name: On-demand scan
Id: 9
Class: ODS
State: Stopped
on-demand scan;
databases update.
To configure task schedule using the configuration file:
1. Save the task scheduling settings to a file using the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control --get-schedule <task ID> \
--file=<full path to the file>
2. Configure the schedule settings (see page 127).
3. Import the schedule settings into the task:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control --set-schedule <task ID> \
--file=<full path to the file>
One of the aspects of task management is monitoring the task state.
Kaspersky Endpoint Security tasks may have one of the following states:
Started – the task is in progress;
Starting – the task is starting;
Stopped – the task is stopped;
Stopping – the task is stopping;
Suspended – the task is suspended;
Suspending – the task is suspending;
Resumed – the task has been resumed;
Resuming – the task is resuming;
Failed – the task has terminated with an error;
Interrupted by user – the task execution was interrupted by the user.
To view the task state, execute the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control --get-task-state <task ID>
The following example displays the command output:
A D M I N I S T R A T O R ' S G U I D E
You can obtain the operating statistics for Kaspersky Endpoint Security tasks. Viewing statistics is available for the following task types:
Application – general operating statistics for Kaspersky Endpoint Security;
Quarantine – quarantine statistics;
OAS – statistics for the real-time protection task;
ODS – statistics for the on-demand scan tasks;
Backup – backup storage statistics;
Update – statistics for update tasks.
For the ODS and Update task types, it is necessary to specify the task ID. If the task ID is not specified, general statistics for the selected task type will be provided.
To view task statistics, execute the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control \
--get-stat <task type> [--task-id <task ID>]
You can specify the period, for which statistics is displayed.
The date and time of the beginning and end of the period are specified in format [YYYY-MM-DD] [HH24:MI:SS].
To obtain statistics for a specific period, execute the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control \
--get-stat <task type> --from=<beginning of period> --to=<end of period>
If the value of the <beginning of period> setting is not specified, statistics will be collected since the task start. If the value of the <end of period> setting is not specified, statistics will be collected until the present moment.
You can save task statistics to files in two formats: HTML and CSV. By default, the file format is set by the file extension.
To save statistics to a file, execute the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control \
--get-stat <task type> [--task-id <task ID>] --export-report=<full path to the file>
During the license period you can download updates for the databases of Kaspersky Endpoint Security.
Databases are files containing records that are used to detect the malicious code of known threats in scanned objects. These records contain information about the control sections of the threats' code and algorithms used for disinfecting the objects in which these threats are contained.
Virus analysts at Kaspersky Lab detect hundreds of new threats daily, create records to identify them, and include them in database updates. Database updates are one or several files, which contain records identifying threats that have been detected since the previous update had been released. To minimize the risk of infecting the computer, we recommend that you receive database updates regularly.
Kaspersky Lab can also release update packages for Kaspersky Endpoint Security application modules. Update packages are classified as urgent (or critical) or routine. Urgent update packages remove vulnerabilities and fix errors; routine updates add new functions or improve existing ones.
Within the validity period of your license you can download updates from the web site of Kaspersky Lab and install them manually.
You can also automatically set module updates for other Kaspersky Lab applications.
Database updates
During installation the Kaspersky Endpoint Security has retrieved the current databases from an Kaspersky Lab's HTTP server; if you have configured automatic database update, Kaspersky Endpoint Security starts the update according to the schedule (once every 30 minutes) using the predefined update task (ID=6).
You can configure the preinstalled update task and create user-defined update tasks.
If update downloading is interrupted or terminates with an error, Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically switches to using databases with previously installed update. If Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases get corrupted, you can roll them back to the previously installed updates.
By default, if Anti-Virus databases have not been updated within a week since Kaspersky Lab had released previous database updates, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will log the Databases are outdated (AVBasesAreOutOfDate) event. If the databases have not been updated within two weeks, it registers the event Databases are obsolete (AVBasesAreTotallyOutOfDate).
Copying database and module updates. Distributing updates
You can download updates to each protected computer or use one computer as an intermediary by copying all updates onto it and then distributing them to the computers. And if you use Kaspersky Administration Kit application for the centralized administration of computer protection in an enterprise, you can use Kaspersky Administration Kit administration server as an intermediary for updates distribution.
To save database updates on an intermediary computer without applying them, configure updates distribution in the update task.
A D M I N I S T R A T O R ' S G U I D E
Selecting an update source ............................................................................................................................................. 22
Updating from local or network folder .............................................................................................................................. 22
Using the proxy server .................................................................................................................................................... 24
Last database update rollback ........................................................................................................................................ 24
Update source (see page 154) is a resource containing updates for Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases. Update sources can be HTTP or FTP servers, or local or network folders.
The main updates source is Kaspersky Lab's update servers. These are special Internet sites which contain updates for databases and application modules for all Kaspersky Lab products.
To select Kaspersky Lab's update servers as your update source,execute the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control \
--set-settings <update task ID> \
To select Kaspersky Administration Kit server as an update source, execute the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control \
--set-settings <update task ID> \
To reduce Internet traffic, you can configure Kaspersky Endpoint Security database update from the local or network folder (see page 22).
The procedure of retrieving updates from a local folder is arranged as follows:
1. One of the computers on the network retrieves the Kaspersky Endpoint Security update package from Kaspersky Lab's update servers, or from a mirror server hosting a current set of updates.
2. The retrieved updates are placed in a shared folder.
3. Other computers on the network access the shared folder to retrieve Kaspersky Endpoint Security database updates.
To download updates for Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases to a shared folder on one of the network
computers, perform the following steps:
1. Create a folder, to which Kaspersky Endpoint Security will download database.
2. Provide shared access to the created folder.
3. Create a configuration file that contains the following setting values:
RetranslationFolder="<full path to the created directory>"
4. Import the settings from configuration file into the task using the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control \
--set-settings <update task ID> \
--file=<full path to the file>
5. Start the task using the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control --start-task <update task ID>
Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases will be downloaded to the shared folder.
To specify the shared folder as an update source for other network computers, perform the following steps:
1. Create a configuration file that contains the following setting values:
A D M I N I S T R A T O R ' S G U I D E
2. Import the settings from configuration file into the task using the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control \
--set-settings <update task ID> \
--file=<full path to the file>
If you use a proxy server to connect to the Internet, you must configure its settings.
To enable using a proxy server to access Kaspersky Lab's update servers,execute the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control \
--set-settings <update task ID> \
CommonSettings.UseProxyForKLServers=yes \
CommonSettings.ProxyBypassLocalAddresses=yes \
CommonSettings.ProxyServer=proxy.company.com \
To enable using a proxy server to access custom update sources, execute the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control \
--set-settings <update task ID> \
CommonSettings.UseProxyForCustomSources=yes \
CommonSettings.ProxyBypassLocalAddresses=yes \
CommonSettings.ProxyServer=proxy.company.com \
To specify authentication settings for connection to the proxy server, execute the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control \
--set-settings <update task ID> \
CommonSettings.ProxyAuthType=Plain \
CommonSettings.ProxyAuthUser=user \
The Kaspersky Endpoint Security creates backup copies of the original databases before it applies updates. If an update procedure gets interrupted or fails, the Kaspersky Endpoint Security automatically reverts to the previous database version containing updates installed earlier.
If you encounter problems after database update, you can roll back the databases to the previous version. To do this, use the roll back to the previous Kaspersky Endpoint Security databases task.
To roll back to the previous databases, execute the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control --start-task 14
R E A L -T I M E P R O T E C T I O N
Default protection settings ............................................................................................................................................... 25
Creating a protection scope ............................................................................................................................................ 26
Restricting a protection area using masks and regular expressions ............................................................................... 27
Exclusion of objects from a protection area..................................................................................................................... 28
Selecting interception mode ............................................................................................................................................ 31
Selecting protection mode ............................................................................................................................................... 31
Using heuristic analysis ................................................................................................................................................... 32
Using scan mode depending on user and group accounts accessing the objects .......................................................... 32
Selecting action to perform on detected objects .............................................................................................................. 33
Selecting actions depending on the threat type ............................................................................................................... 34
Scan optimization ............................................................................................................................................................ 35
Compatibility with other Kaspersky Lab's applications .................................................................................................... 36
A real-time protection task allows to prevent computer file system infection. By default, the real-time protection task runs automatically at the start of Kaspersky Endpoint Security. The task runs in the computer's RAM, scanning all files that are opened, saved, or executed. You can stop, start, pause and resume it.
You cannot create custom real-time protection tasks.
In Kaspersky Endpoint Security for real-time protection task the following default settings are configured.
ProtectionType="Full" TotalScanners=4 [ScanScope] UseScanArea=yes AreaMask="*" UseAccessUser=no AreaDesc="All objects" [ScanScope:AreaPath] Path="/" [ScanScope:AccessUser] [ScanScope:ScanSettings] ScanArchived=no ScanSfxArchived=no
A D M I N I S T R A T O R ' S G U I D E
ScanMailBases=no ScanPlainMail=no ScanPacked=yes UseTimeLimit=yes TimeLimit=60 UseSizeLimit=no SizeLimit=0 ScanByAccessType="SmartCheck" InfectedFirstAction="Recommended" InfectedSecondAction="Skip" SuspiciousFirstAction="Recommended" SuspiciousSecondAction="Skip" UseAdvancedActions=yes UseExcludeMasks=no UseExcludeThreats=no ReportCleanObjects=no ReportPackedObjects=no UseAnalyzer=yes HeuristicLevel="Recommended" [ScanScope:ScanSettings:AdvancedActions] Verdict="Riskware" FirstAction="Skip" SecondAction="Skip"
Note the peculiarities in scanning of symbolic and hard links (see page 9).
By default, the real-time protection task scans all files that are opened, modified, and saved within the local computer file system.
You can extend or narrow down the protection area by adding or removing objects to be scanned, or by changing the type of files to be scanned (see page 27).
Kaspersky Endpoint Security will scan objects in the specified scan areas in the order in which the areas are listed in the configuration file. If you wish to configure different security settings for child and parent directories, place the subdirectory in the list higher, than its parent directory.
To extend a protected area, perform the following steps:
1. Save the protection task settings to a file using the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control \
--get-settings 8 --file=<full path to the file>
2. Add the following sections to the created file:
[ScanScope] which contains the following settings:
R E A L -T I M E P R O T E C T I O N
AreaMask which defines the name mask of objects to be scanned;
UseAccessUser which enables the scan mode depending on user and group accounts accessing the
objects (see page 32);
AreaDesc which defines the name of protection area.
[ScanScope:AreaPath] which contains the Path setting.
[ScanScope:AccessUser] which contains settings that define accounts whose file operations will be
intercepted by the real-time protection task.
[ScanScope:ScanSettings] which contains scan settings for the area to be added.
All settings must be assigned in the [ScanScope:ScanSettings] section.
3. Import settings from file to the real-time protection task using the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control \
--set-settings 8 --file=<full path to the file>
To narrow down a protected area, perform the following steps:
1. Save the real-time protection task settings to a file using the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control \
--get-settings 8 --file=<full path to the file>
2. Delete from the created file the following sections, defining protection area:
3. Import settings from file to the real-time protection task using the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control \
--set-settings 8 --file=<full path to the file>
By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans all objects within a protected area.
You can specify templates for the names or paths of the files to scan. In this case, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will scan files or directories from the protection area that are specified using Shell masks or ECMA-262 regular expressions.
You can use Shell masks to specify a file name template to be scanned by Kaspersky Endpoint Security.
You can also use regular expressions to specify a template for the file path which Kaspersky Endpoint Security should scan. A regular expression cannot contain the name of the folder which defines the scan or protection area.
A D M I N I S T R A T O R ' S G U I D E
To specify file name or path templates for the files to be scanned, perform the following steps:
Creating a global exclusion area ..................................................................................................................................... 28
Excluding objects from the protection area ..................................................................................................................... 29
Exclusion of objects depending on user and group accounts accessing the objects ...................................................... 29
Excluding objects by names of the threats detected in them........................................................................................... 30
1. Save the real-time protection task settings to a file using the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control \
--get-settings 8 --file=<full path to the file>
2. Specify the value of the AreaMask setting in the [ScanScope] section which defines the protection area.
3. Import settings from file to the real-time protection task using the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control \
--set-settings 8 --file=<full path to the file>
By default, the real-time protection task scans all objects that are included in protection areas defined for this task.
You can exclude several objects from the scan. To do that, you can create four types of exclusions:
exclusion of objects from a protection area: in this case the specified objects will only be excluded from the
selected protected area;
global exclusion of objects: in this case the specified objects will be excluded from all protection areas defined
for the task;
exclusion of objects depending on user and group accounts accessing the objects: in this case the objects will
be excluded from the protection area when they are accessed by specific accounts;
exclusion of objects by the name of the threat detected in them.
You can create a global exclusion area. Objects included in this area will be excluded from all areas defined for the real­time protection task.
To create a global exclusion area, perform the following steps:
1. Save the real-time protection task settings to a file using the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control \
--get-settings 8 --file=<full path to the file>
2. Add the following sections to the created file:
[ExcludedFromScanScope], which contains the following settings:
AreaMask, which defines templates of object names to be excluded from the scan;
R E A L -T I M E P R O T E C T I O N
UseAccessUser, which enables the exclusion mode depending on user and group accounts
accessing the objects;
AreaDesc, which defines a unique name for exclusion area;
[ExcludedFromScanScope:AreaPath], which contains the Path setting that defines the path to the
objects to be excluded from the scan.
[ExcludedFromScanScope:AccessUser], which contains settings that define accounts whose file
operations will be excluded from the scan.
3. Import settings from file to the real-time protection task using the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control \
--set-settings 8 --file=<full path to the file>
By default, Kaspersky Endpoint Security scans all objects within a protected area.
You can define name and path templates that are excluded from the protection area. In this case, Kaspersky Endpoint Security will not scan files or directories from the protection area that are specified using Shell masks or ECMA-262 regular expressions.
You can use Shell masks to specify a file name template excluded from scanning by Kaspersky Endpoint Security.
You can also use regular expressions to specify a template for the paths to files which Kaspersky Endpoint Security should not scan. The regular expression should not contain the name of the directory containing excluded object.
To exclude objects from the protection area, perform the following steps:
1. Save the real-time protection task settings to a file using the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control \
--get-settings 8 --file=<full path to the file>
2. Open the created file for editing.
3. Assign the value yes to the UseExcludeMasks setting in the [ScanScope:ScanSettings] section.
4. Specify file name or path templates using the ExcludeMasks setting in the [ScanScope:ScanSettings] section.
To specify several file name or path templates, repeat the ExcludeMasks setting value the required number of times.
5. Import settings from file to the real-time protection task using the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control \
--set-settings 8 --file=<full path to the file>
Kaspersky Endpoint Security allows excluding of objects from the protection area if they are accessed by applications running under the specified user or group accounts.
A D M I N I S T R A T O R ' S G U I D E
To exclude objects from the protection area depending on user and group accounts accessing the objects, perform
the following steps:
1. Save the real-time protection task settings to a file using the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control \
--get-settings 8 --file=<full path to the file>
2. Open the created file for editing.
3. Assign the value yes to the UseAccessUser setting in the [ExcludedFromScanScope] section;
4. Specify the user name, under which file operations will not be scanned, using the UserName setting in the [ExcludedFromScanScope:AccessUser] section;
5. Specify the group name, under which file operations will not be scanned, using the UserGroup setting in the [ExcludedFromScanScope:AccessUser] section.
If you wish to specify several user names or group names, specify values for the UserName and UserGroup settings the required number of times in one section.
6. Import settings from file to the real-time protection task using the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control \
--set-settings 8 --file=<full path to the file>
If Kaspersky Endpoint Security considers a scanned object to be infected or suspicious, it performs the action on this object specified in the task. If you consider this object to be harmless for the protected computer, you can exclude it from the scan scope by the name of threat detected in it. In this case Kaspersky Endpoint Security considers such objects as not infected and does not scan them.
The full name of the threat may contain the following information: <threat class>:<threat type>.<brief name of operating system>.<threat name>.<threat modification code>. For
example, not-a-virus:NetTool.Linux.SynScan.a.
You can find the full name of the threat detected in an object in the Kaspersky Endpoint Security log.
You can also find the full name of the threat detected in a software product at the Virus Encyclopedia web site (see the Virus Encyclopedia section at http://www.viruslist.com). To find the type of a threat, enter the name of the product in the Search field.
When specifying threat name templates, you can use Shell masks and ECMA-262 regular expressions.
To exclude objects by the name of detected threat, perform the following steps:
1. Save the real-time protection task settings to a file using the following command:
/opt/kaspersky/kes4lwks/bin/kes4lwks-control \
--get-settings 8 --file=<full path to the file>
2. Open the created file for editing.
3. Assign the value yes to the UseExcludeThreats setting in the [ScanScope:ScanSettings] section.
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