Kaspersky® Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations 6.0
User Guide
© Kaspersky Lab
Revision date: September 2008
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1. THREATS TO COMPUTER SECURITY............................................... 11
1.1. Sources of Threats .............................................................................................. 11
1.2. How threats spread ............................................................................................. 12
1.3. Types of Threats.................................................................................................. 14
1.4. Signs of Infection ................................................................................................. 17
1.5. What to do if you suspect infection ..................................................................... 18
1.6. Preventing Infection............................................................................................. 19
2.1. What’s new in Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations 6.0................. 21
2.2. The elements of Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations Defense..... 24
2.2.1. Protection components................................................................................. 24
2.2.2. Virus scan tasks............................................................................................ 26
2.2.3. Program tools................................................................................................ 27
2.3. Hardware and software system requirements ................................................... 28
2.4. Software packages.............................................................................................. 29
2.5. Support for registered users................................................................................ 30
WORKSTATIONS 6.0................................................................................................ 31
3.1. Installation procedure using the Installation Wizard........................................... 32
3.2. Setup Wizard ....................................................................................................... 36
3.2.1. Using objects saved with Version 5.0 .......................................................... 36
3.2.2. Activating the program.................................................................................. 37 Selecting a program activation method................................................. 37 Entering the activation code .................................................................. 38 Obtaining a key file................................................................................. 38 Selecting a license key file..................................................................... 38 Completing program activation.............................................................. 39
3.2.3. Selecting a security mode ............................................................................39
3.2.4. Configuring update settings.......................................................................... 40
3.2.5. Configuring a virus scan schedule ............................................................... 40
4 Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations 6.0
3.2.6. Restricting program access.......................................................................... 41
3.2.7. Configuring Anti-Hacker settings.................................................................. 42 Determining a security zone’s status .................................................... 42 Creating a list of network applications................................................... 43
3.2.8. Finishing the Setup Wizard .......................................................................... 44
3.3. Installing the program from the command prompt .............................................44
3.4. Procedure for installing the Group Policy Object................................................ 45
3.4.1. Installing the program ................................................................................... 45
3.4.2. Upgrading the program ................................................................................ 46
3.4.3. Uninstalling the program............................................................................... 46
3.5. Upgrading from 5.0 to 6.0 ................................................................................... 47
CHAPTER 4. PROGRAM INTERFACE ....................................................................... 48
4.1. System tray icon .................................................................................................. 48
4.2. The context menu................................................................................................ 49
4.3. Main program window......................................................................................... 50
4.4. Program settings window.................................................................................... 53
CHAPTER 5. GETTING STARTED.............................................................................. 55
5.1. What is the protection status of the computer?.................................................. 55
5.1.1. Protection indicators ..................................................................................... 56
5.1.2. Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations component status.......... 59
5.1.3. Program performance statistics ................................................................... 60
5.2. How to scan your computer for viruses .............................................................. 61
5.3. How to scan critical areas of the computer......................................................... 61
5.4. How to scan a file, folder or disk for viruses ....................................................... 62
5.5. How to train Anti-Spam ....................................................................................... 63
5.6. How to update the program ................................................................................ 64
5.7. What to do if protection is not running ................................................................ 64
CHAPTER 6. PROTECTION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM............................................ 66
6.1. Stopping and resuming protection on your computer ........................................ 66
6.1.1. Pausing protection........................................................................................ 67
6.1.2. Stopping protection....................................................................................... 68
6.1.3. Pausing / stopping protection components and tasks................................. 68
6.1.4. Restoring protection on your computer........................................................ 69
6.1.5. Shutting down the program .......................................................................... 70
Table of Contents 5
6.2. Types of malicious programs to be monitored ................................................... 70
6.3. Creating a trusted zone ....................................................................................... 71
6.3.1. Exclusion rules.............................................................................................. 72
6.3.2. Trusted applications...................................................................................... 77
6.4. Starting tasks under another profile.................................................................... 81
6.5. Configuring Scheduled Tasks and Notifications................................................. 82
6.6. Power options...................................................................................................... 84
6.7. Advanced Disinfection Technology .................................................................... 85
CHAPTER 7. FILE ANTI-VIRUS ................................................................................... 86
7.1. Selecting a file security level ............................................................................... 87
7.2. Configuring File Anti-Virus................................................................................... 88
7.2.1. Defining the file types to be scanned ........................................................... 88
7.2.2. Defining protection scope............................................................................. 91
7.2.3. Configuring advanced settings..................................................................... 92
7.2.4. Restoring default File Anti-Virus settings ..................................................... 95
7.2.5. Selecting actions for objects......................................................................... 95
7.3. Postponed disinfection ........................................................................................ 97
CHAPTER 8. MAIL ANTI-VIRUS .................................................................................. 99
8.1. Selecting an email protection level ................................................................... 100
8.2. Configuring Mail Anti-Virus................................................................................ 102
8.2.1. Selecting a protected email group.............................................................. 102
8.2.2. Configuring email processing in Microsoft Office Outlook......................... 104
8.2.3. Configuring email scans in The Bat! .......................................................... 105
8.2.4. Restoring default Mail Anti-Virus settings .................................................. 107
8.2.5. Selecting actions for dangerous email objects .......................................... 107
CHAPTER 9. WEB ANTI-VIRUS ................................................................................ 110
9.1. Selecting the web security level........................................................................ 111
9.2. Configuring Web Anti-Virus............................................................................... 113
9.2.1. Setting a scan method................................................................................ 113
9.2.2. Creating a trusted address list.................................................................... 114
9.2.3. Restoring default Web Anti-Virus settings ................................................. 115
9.2.4. Selecting responses to dangerous objects................................................ 116
CHAPTER 10. PROACTIVE DEFENSE .................................................................... 117
10.1. Proactive Defense settings .............................................................................119
6 Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations 6.0
10.1.1. Activity control rules.................................................................................. 121
10.1.2. Office Guard.............................................................................................. 124
10.1.3. Registry Guard.......................................................................................... 126 Selecting registry keys for creating a rule ......................................... 128 Creating a Registry Guard rule.......................................................... 129
CHAPTER 11. ANTI-SPY............................................................................................ 132
11.1. Configuring Anti-Spy ....................................................................................... 134
11.1.1. Creating Popup Blocker trusted address list ........................................... 134
11.1.2. Banner ad blocking list ............................................................................. 136 Configuring the standard banner ad blocking list ............................. 136 Banner ad white lists.......................................................................... 137 Banner ad black lists.......................................................................... 138
11.1.3. Creating an Anti-Dialer trusted number list.............................................. 138
CHAPTER 12. PROTECTION AGAINST NETWORK ATTACKS............................ 140
12.1. Selecting an Anti-Hacker security level ..........................................................142
12.2. Application rules .............................................................................................. 143
12.2.1. Creating rules manually............................................................................ 145
12.2.2. Creating rules from template.................................................................... 146
12.3. Packet filtering rules ........................................................................................147
12.4. Fine-tuning rules for applications and packet filtering .................................... 149
12.5. Ranking rule priority......................................................................................... 153
12.6. Rules for security zones.................................................................................. 153
12.7. Firewall mode .................................................................................................. 156
12.8. Configuring the Intrusion Detection System................................................... 157
12.9. List of network attacks detected...................................................................... 158
12.10. Blocking and allowing network activity ......................................................... 161
CHAPTER 13. PROTECTION AGAINST UNWANTED E-MAIL ..............................163
13.1. Selecting an Anti-Spam sensitivity level ......................................................... 165
13.2. Training Anti-Spam.......................................................................................... 166
13.2.1. Training Wizard......................................................................................... 167
13.2.2. Training with outgoing emails................................................................... 167
13.2.3. Training using your email client................................................................ 168
13.2.4. Training using Anti-Spam reports ............................................................ 168
13.3. Configuring Anti-Spam .................................................................................... 170
Table of Contents 7
13.3.1. Configuring scan settings ......................................................................... 170
13.3.2. Selecting spam filtration technologies...................................................... 171
13.3.3. Defining spam and potential spam factors .............................................. 172
13.3.4. Creating white and black lists manually................................................... 173 White lists for addresses and phrases .............................................. 174 Black lists for addresses and phrases............................................... 175
13.3.5. Additional spam filtration features ............................................................ 177
13.3.6. Mail Dispatcher ......................................................................................... 179
13.3.7. Actions for spam....................................................................................... 180
13.3.8. Configuring spam processing in Microsoft Office Outlook ...................... 180
13.3.9. Configuring spam processing in Outlook Express (Windows Mail)........ 183
13.3.10. Configuring spam processing in The Bat!.............................................. 184
CHAPTER 14. SCANNING FOR VIRUSES ON THE COMPUTER......................... 187
14.1. Managing virus scan tasks.............................................................................. 188
14.2. Creating a list of objects to scan ..................................................................... 188
14.3. Creating virus scan tasks................................................................................ 190
14.4. Configuring virus scan tasks ........................................................................... 191
14.4.1. Selecting a security level.......................................................................... 192
14.4.2. Specifying the types of objects to scan.................................................... 193
14.4.3. Restoring default scan settings ................................................................ 195
14.4.4. Selecting actions for objects..................................................................... 196
14.4.5. Additional virus scan settings ................................................................... 198
14.4.6. Setting up global scan settings for all tasks............................................. 199
15.1. The EICAR test virus and its variations .......................................................... 200
15.2. Testing File Anti-Virus ..................................................................................... 202
15.3. Testing Virus scan tasks .................................................................................203
CHAPTER 16. PROGRAM UPDATES....................................................................... 205
16.1. Starting the Updater ........................................................................................206
16.2. Rolling back to the previous update................................................................ 207
16.3. Creating update tasks .....................................................................................207
16.4. Configuring update settings ............................................................................ 208
16.4.1. Selecting an update source...................................................................... 209
16.4.2. Selecting an update method and what to update.................................... 211
8 Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations 6.0
16.4.3. Configuring connection settings............................................................... 213
16.4.4. Update distribution.................................................................................... 215
16.4.5. Actions after updating the program.......................................................... 216
CHAPTER 17. ADVANCED OPTIONS ...................................................................... 217
17.1. Quarantine for potentially infected objects...................................................... 218
17.1.1. Actions with quarantined objects.............................................................. 219
17.1.2. Setting up Quarantine............................................................................... 221
17.2. Backup copies of dangerous objects.............................................................. 222
17.2.1. Actions with backup copies ...................................................................... 222
17.2.2. Configuring Backup settings .................................................................... 224
17.3. Reports ............................................................................................................ 224
17.3.1. Configuring report settings ....................................................................... 227
17.3.2. The Detected tab ...................................................................................... 227
17.3.3. The Events tab.......................................................................................... 228
17.3.4. The Statistics tab ...................................................................................... 229
17.3.5. The Settings tab........................................................................................ 230
17.3.6. The Macros tab......................................................................................... 231
17.3.7. The Registry tab ....................................................................................... 232
17.3.8. The Phishing Sites tab.............................................................................. 233
17.3.9. The Popup Windows tab .......................................................................... 233
17.3.10. The Banner Ads tab ............................................................................... 234
17.3.11. The Dial Attempts tab............................................................................. 235
17.3.12. The Network Attacks tab ........................................................................ 235
17.3.13. The Banned Hosts tab ........................................................................... 236
17.3.14. The Application Activity tab ....................................................................237
17.3.15. The Packet Filtering tab.......................................................................... 237
17.3.16. The Established Connections tab .......................................................... 238
17.3.17. The Open Ports tab ................................................................................ 240
17.3.18. The Traffic tab......................................................................................... 240
17.4. General information about the program ......................................................... 241
17.5. Managing licenses........................................................................................... 242
17.6. Technical Support ........................................................................................... 244
17.7. Creating a monitored port list.......................................................................... 245
17.8. Checking encrypted connections.................................................................... 247
17.9. Configuring the Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations interface.. 249
17.10. Rescue Disk .................................................................................................. 250
Table of Contents 9
17.10.1. Creating a rescue disk............................................................................ 251
17.10.2. Using the rescue disk ............................................................................. 253
17.11. Using additional services .............................................................................. 254
17.11.1. Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations event notifications.... 254 Types of events and notification delivery methods......................... 255 Configuring email notification .......................................................... 257 Configuring event log settings......................................................... 258
17.11.2. Self-Defense and access restriction ......................................................259
17.11.3. Resolving conflicts with other applications ............................................ 261
17.12. Importing and exporting Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations
settings .............................................................................................................261
17.13. Resetting to default settings.......................................................................... 262
PROMPT .................................................................................................................. 264
18.1. Activating the application................................................................................. 265
18.2. Managing program components and tasks.................................................... 266
18.3. Anti-virus scans ...............................................................................................269
18.4. Program updates............................................................................................. 273
18.5. Rollback settings ............................................................................................. 274
18.6. Exporting settings............................................................................................ 275
18.7. Importing settings ............................................................................................ 276
18.8. Starting the program........................................................................................ 276
18.9. Stopping the program...................................................................................... 276
18.10. Obtaining a Trace File................................................................................... 277
18.11. Viewing Help.................................................................................................. 277
18.12. Return codes from the command line interface ........................................... 278
19.1. Modifying, repairing, and removing the program using Installation Wizard... 279
19.2. Uninstalling the program from the command prompt..................................... 281
CHAPTER 20. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS............................................... 283
APPENDIX A. REFERENCE INFORMATION........................................................... 285
A.1. List of files scanned by extension..................................................................... 285
A.2. Possible file exclusion masks ........................................................................... 287
A.3. Possible threat exclusion masks ......................................................................288
10 Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations 6.0
A.4. Overview of settings in setup.ini ....................................................................... 289
APPENDIX B. KASPERSKY LAB............................................................................... 291
APPENDIX C. LICENSE AGREEMENT .................................................................... 293
As information technology has rapidly developed and penetrated many aspects of human existence, so the number and range of crimes aimed at breaching information security has grown.
Cyber criminals have shown great interest in the activities of both state structures and commercial enterprises. They attempt to steal or disclose confidential information, which damages business reputations, disrupts business continuity, and may impair an organization's information resources. These acts can do extensive damage to assets, both tangible and intangible.
It is not only big companies who are at risk; individual users can also be attacked. Criminals can gain access to personal data (for instance, bank account and credit card numbers and passwords), or cause a computer to malfunction. Some types of attacks can give hackers complete access to a computer, which can then be used as part of a “zombie network” of infected computers to attack servers, send out spam, harvest confidential information, and spread new viruses and Trojans.
In today’s world, it is widely acknowledged that information is a valuable asset that should be protected. At the same time, information must be accessible to those who legitimately require it (for instance, employees, clients and partners of a business). Hence, the need to create a comprehensive information security system, which must take account of all possible sources of threats, whether human, man-made, or natural disasters, and use a complete array of defensive measures, at the physical, administrative and software levels.
1.1. Sources of Threats
A person, a group of people, or phenomena unrelated to human activity can threaten information security. Following from this, all threat sources can be put into one of three groups:
The human factor. This group of threats concerns the actions of people with authorized or unauthorized access to information. Threats in this group can be divided into:
External, including cyber criminals, hackers, internet scams, unprincipled partners, and criminal organizations.
12 Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations 6.0
Internal, including the actions of company staff and users of home PCs. Actions taken by this group could be deliberate or accidental.
The technological factor. This threat group is connected with technical problems – use of obsolete or poor-quality software and hardware to process information. This can lead to equipment failure and often to data loss.
The natural-disaster factor. This threat group includes the whole range of events caused by nature and independent of human activity.
All three threat sources must be accounted for when developing a data security protection system. This User Guide focuses on the area that is directly tied to Kaspersky Lab’s expertise – external threats involving human activity.
1.2. How threats spread
As modern computer technology and communications tools develop, hackers have more opportunities for spreading threats. Let’s take a closer look at them:
The Internet
The Internet is unique, since it is no one’s property and has no geographical borders. In many ways, this has promoted the development of web resources and the exchange of information. Today, anyone can access data on the Internet or create their own webpage.
However, these very features of the worldwide web give hackers the ability to commit crimes on the Internet, and make the hackers difficult to detect and punish.
Hackers place viruses and other malicious programs on Internet sites and disguise them as useful freeware. Furthermore, scripts that run automatically when you open certain web pages can execute dangerous actions on your computer, including modifying the system registry, stealing personal data, and installing malicious software.
By using network technologies, hackers can attack remote PCs and company servers. These attacks can cause parts of your system to malfunction, or could provide hackers with complete access to your system and thereby to the information stored on it. They can also use it as part of a zombie network.
Lastly, since it became possible to use credit cards and e-money through the Internet in online stores, auctions, and bank homepages, online scams have become increasingly common.
Threats to Computer Security 13
Your intranet is your internal network, specially designed for handling information within a company or a home network. An intranet is a unified space for storing, exchanging, and accessing information for all the computers on the network. This means that if one computer on the network is infected, the others are at great risk of infection. To avoid such situations, both the network perimeter and each individual computer must be protected.
Since the overwhelming majority of computers have email client programs installed, and since malicious programs exploit the contents of electronic address books, conditions are usually right for spreading malicious programs. The user of an infected computer might unknowingly send infected emails to friends or coworkers who in turn send more infected emails. For example, it is common for infected file documents to go undetected when distributed with business information via a company’s internal email system. When this occurs, more than a handful of people are infected. It might be hundreds or thousands of company workers, together with potentially tens of thousands of subscribers.
Beyond the threat of malicious programs lies the problem of electronic junk email, or spam. Although not a direct threat to a computer, spam increases the load on email servers, eats up bandwidth, clogs up the user’s mailbox, and wastes working hours, thereby incurring financial harm.
In addition, hackers have begun using mass mailing programs and social engineering methods to convince users to open emails, or click on a link to certain websites. It follows that spam filtration capabilities are valuable for several purposes: to stop junk email; to counteract new types of online scans, such as phishing; to stop the spread of malicious programs.
Removable storage media
Removable media (floppies, CD-ROMs, and USB flash drives) are widely used for storing and transmitting information.
Opening a file that contains malicious code and is stored on a removable storage device can damage data stored on the local computer and spread the virus to the computer’s other drives or other computers on the network.
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1.3. Types of Threats
There are a vast number of threats to computer security today. This section will review the threats that are blocked by Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations.
This category of malicious programs spreads itself largely by exploiting vulnerabilities in computer operating systems. The class was named for the way that worms crawl from computer to computer, using networks and email. This feature allows worms to spread themselves very rapidly.
When a worm penetrates a computer, it scans for the network addresses of other computers that are locally accessible, and sends a burst of self­made copies to these addresses. In addition, worms often utilize data from email client address books. Some of these malicious programs occasionally create working files on system disks, but they can run without any system resources except RAM.
Viruses are programs that infect other files, adding their own code to them to gain control of the infected files when they are opened. This simple definition explains the fundamental action performed by a virus – infection.
Trojans are programs that carry out unauthorized actions on computers, such as deleting information on drives, making the system hang, stealing confidential information, and so on. This class of malicious program is not a virus in the traditional sense of the word, because it does not infect other computers or data. Trojans cannot break into computers on their own. They are spread by hackers, who disguise them as regular software. The damage that they inflict can greatly exceed that done by traditional virus attacks.
Recently, worms have been the commonest type of malicious program damaging computer data, followed by viruses and Trojans. Some malicious programs combine features of two or even three of these classes.
Adware comprises programs that are included in software, unknown to the user, which is designed to display advertisements. Adware is usually built into software that is distributed free. The advertisement is situated in the program interface. These programs also frequently collect personal data on the user and send it back to their developer, change browser
Threats to Computer Security 15
settings (start page and search pages, security levels, etc.) and create traffic that the user cannot control. This can lead to a security breach and to direct financial losses.
This software collects information about a particular user or organization without their knowledge. Spyware often escapes detection entirely. In general, the goal of spyware is to:
Trace user actions on a computer;
Gather information on the contents of your hard drive; in such
cases, this usually involves scanning several directories and the system registry to compile a list of software installed on the computer;
Gather information on the quality of the connection, bandwidth, modem speed, etc.
Riskware includes software that has not malicious features but could form part of the development environment for malicious programs or could be used by hackers as auxiliary components for malicious programs. This program category includes programs with backdoors and vulnerabilities, as well as some remote administration utilities, keyboard layout togglers, IRC clients, FTP servers, and all-purpose utilities for stopping processes or hiding their operation.
Another type of malicious program that is similar to adware, spyware, and riskware are programs that plug into your web browser and redirect traffic. The web browser will open different web sites than those intended.
Joke software does not do any direct damage, but displays messages stating that damage has already been done or will be under certain conditions. These programs often warn the user of non-existent dangers, such as messages that warn of formatting the hard drive (although no formatting actually takes place) or detecting viruses in uninfected files.
These are utilities that are used to conceal malicious activity. They mask malicious programs to keep anti-virus programs from detecting them. Rootkits modify basic functions of the computer’s operating system to hide both their own existence and actions that the hacker undertakes on the infected computer.
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Other dangerous programs
These are programs created to, for instance, set up denial of service (DoS) attacks on remote servers, hack into other computers, and programs that are part of the development environment for malicious programs. These programs include hack tools, virus builders, vulnerability scanners, password-cracking programs, and other types of programs for cracking network resources or penetrating a system.
Hacker attacks
Hacker attacks can be initiated either by hackers or by malicious programs. They are aimed at stealing information from a remote computer, causing the system to malfunction, or gaining full control of the system's resources. You can find a detailed description of the types of attacks blocked by Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations in section 12.9, on pg. 158.
Some types of online scams
Phishing is an online scam that uses mass emailings to steal confidential
information from the user, generally of a financial nature. Phishing emails are designed to resemble informative emails from banks and well-known companies to the greatest extent possible. These emails contain links to fake websites created by hackers to mimic the site of the legitimate organization. On this site, the user is asked to enter, for example, his credit card number and other confidential information.
Dialers to pay-per-use websites – type of online scam using unauthorized use of pay-per-use Internet services, which are commonly pornographic web sites. The dialers installed by hackers initiate modem connections from your computer to the number for the pay service. These phone numbers often have very high rates and the user is forced to pay enormous telephone bills.
Intrusive advertising
This includes popup windows and banner ads that open when using your web browser. The information in these windows is generally not of benefit to the user. Popup windows and banner ads distract the user from the task and take up bandwidth.
Spam is anonymous junk email, and includes several different types of content: adverts; political messages; requests for assistance; emails that ask one to invest large amounts of money or to get involved in pyramid schemes; emails aimed at stealing passwords and credit card numbers, and emails that ask to be sent to friends (chain letters).
Threats to Computer Security 17
Spam significantly increases the load on mail servers and the risk of loosing important data.
Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations uses two methods for detecting and blocking these threat types:
Reactive – this method searches for malicious files using a threat signature database that is regularly updated. At least one virus infection is necessary to implement this method – in order to add threat signature to the database and distribute database update.
Proactive – in contrast to reactive protection, this method is based not on analyzing the object’s code but on analyzing its behavior in the system. This method is aimed at detecting new threats that are still not defined in the signatures.
By employing both methods, Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations provides comprehensive protection for your computer from both known and new threats.
From this point forward, we will use the term "virus" to refer to malicious and dangerous programs. The type of malicious programs will only be emphasized where necessary.
1.4. Signs of Infection
There are a number of signs that a computer is infected. The following events are good indicators that a computer is infected with a virus:
Unexpected messages or images appear on the screen, or unusual sounds are played;
The CD/DVD-ROM tray opens and closes unexpectedly;
The computer arbitrarily launches a program without your assistance;
Warnings pop up on the screen about a program attempting to access the
Internet, even though you initiated no such action;
There are also several typical traits of a virus infection through email:
Friends or acquaintances tell you about messages from you that you never sent;
Your inbox houses a large number of messages without return addresses or headers.
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It must be noted that these signs can arise from causes other than viruses. For example, in the case of email, infected messages can be sent with your return address but not from your computer.
There are also indirect indications that your computer is infected:
Your computer freezes or crashes frequently;
Your computer loads programs slowly;
You cannot boot up the operating system;
Files and folders disappear or their contents are distorted;
The hard drive is frequently accessed (the light blinks);
The web browser program (e.g., Microsoft Internet Explorer) freezes or
behaves unexpectedly (for example, you cannot close the program window).
In 90% of cases, these indirect systems are caused by malfunctions in hardware or software. Despite the fact that such symptoms rarely indicate infection, we recommend that, upon detecting them, you are recommended to run a complete scan of your computer (see 5.2 on pg. 61).
1.5. What to do if you suspect
If you notice that your computer is behaving suspiciously…
1. Don’t panic! This is the golden rule: it could save you from losing important data.
2. Disconnect your computer from the Internet or local network, if it is on one.
3. If the computer will not boot from the hard drive (the computer displays an error message when you turn it on), try booting in safe mode or with the emergency operating system boot disk that you created when you installed the operating system.
4. Before doing anything else, back up your work on removable storage media (floppy, CD/DVD, flash drive, etc.).
5. Install Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations, if you have not done so already.
6. Update the program’s threat signatures and application modules (see
5.6 on pg. 64). If possible, download the updates off the Internet from a
Threats to Computer Security 19
different, uninfected, computer, for instance at a friend’s, an Internet café, or work. It is better to use a different computer since, when you connect an infected computer to the Internet, there is a chance that the virus will send important information to hackers or spread the virus to the addresses in your address book. That is why if you suspect that your computer has a virus, you should immediately disconnect from the Internet. You can also get threat signature updates on floppy disk from Kaspersky Lab or its distributors and update your signatures using the disk.
7. Select the security level recommended by the experts at Kaspersky Lab.
8. Start a full computer scan (see 5.2 on pg. 61).
1.6. Preventing Infection
Not even the most reliable and deliberate measures can provide 100% protection against computer viruses and Trojans, but following such a set of rules significantly lowers the likelihood of virus attacks and the level of potential damage.
One of the basic methods of battling viruses is, as in medicine, well-timed prevention. Computer prophylactics involve a rather small number of rules that, if complied with, can significantly lower the likelihood of being infected with a virus and losing data.
The basic safety rules are given below. By following them, you can avoid virus attacks.
Rule No. 1: Use anti-virus software and Internet security programs. To do so:
Install Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations as soon as possible.
Regularly update the program’s threat signatures (see 5.6 on pg. 64). You should update the signatures several times per day during virus outbreaks. In such situations, the threat signatures on Kaspersky Lab’s update servers are updated immediately.
Select the security settings recommended by Kaspersky Lab for your computer. You will be protected constantly from the moment the computer is turned on, and it will be harder for viruses to infect your computer.
Select the settings for a complete scan recommended by Kaspersky Lab, and schedule scans for at least once per week. If you have not installed Anti-Hacker, we recommend that you do so to protect your computer when using the Internet.
Rule No. 2: Use caution when copying new data to your computer:
20 Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations 6.0
Scan all removable storage drives, for example floppies, CDs/DVDs, and flash drives, for viruses before using them (see 5.4 on pg. 62).
Treat emails with caution. Do not open any files attached to emails unless you are certain that you were intended to receive them, even if they were sent by people you know.
Be careful with information obtained through the Internet. If any web site suggests that you install a new program, be certain that it has a security certificate.
If you are copying an executable file from the Internet or local network, be sure to scan it with Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations.
Use discretion when visiting web sites. Many sites are infected with dangerous script viruses or Internet worms.
Rule No. 3: Pay close attention to information from Kaspersky Lab.
In most cases, Kaspersky Lab announces a new outbreak long before it reaches its peak. The likelihood of the infection in such a case is low, and once you download the threat signature updates, you will have plenty of time to protect yourself against the new virus.
Rule No. 4: Do not trust virus hoaxes, such as prank programs and emails about
infection threats.
Rule No. 5: Use the Windows Update tool and regularly install Windows
operating system updates.
Rule No. 6: Buy legitimate copies of software from official distributors.
Rule No. 7: Limit the number of people who are allowed to use your computer.
Rule No. 8: Lower the risk of unpleasant consequences of a potential infection:
Back up data regularly. If you lose your data, the system can fairly quickly be restored if you have backup copies. Store distribution floppies, CDs, flash drives, and other storage media with software and valuable information in a safe place.
Create a Rescue Disk (see 17.10 on pg. 250) that you can use to boot up the computer, using a clean operating system.
Rule No. 9: Regularly inspect the list of installed programs on your computer. To
do so, open Install/Remove Programs in the Control Panel, or open the Program Files directory. You may discover software here that was installed on your computer without your knowledge, for example, while you were using the Internet or installing a different program. Programs like these are almost always potentially dangerous.
Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations 6.0 heralds a new generation of data security products.
What really sets Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations 6.0 apart from other software, even from other Kaspersky Lab products, is its multi-faceted approach to data security.
2.1. What’s new in Kaspersky Anti-
Virus for Windows Workstations
Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations 6.0 has a new approach to data security. The program’s main feature is that it combines and noticeably improves the existing features of all the company’s products in one security solution. The program provides protection against viruses, spam attacks, hacker attacks, unknown threats, phishing, and rootkits.
You will no longer need to install several products on your computer for overall security. It is enough simply to install Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations 6.0.
Comprehensive protection guards all incoming and outgoing data channels. All of the program’s components have flexible settings that enable Kaspersky Anti­Virus for Windows Workstations to adapt to the needs of each user. Configuration of the entire program can be done from one location.
Let’s take a look at the new features in Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations.
New Protection Features
Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations protects you both from known malicious programs, and from programs still unknown. Proactive Defense (see Chapter 10 on pg. 117) is the program’s key advantage. It analyzes the behavior of applications installed on your computer,
22 Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations 6.0
monitoring changes to the system registry, tracking macros, and fighting hidden threats. The component uses a heuristic analyzer to detect and record various types of malicious activity, with which actions taken by malicious programs can be rolled back and the system can be restored to its state prior to the malicious activity.
The program protects the computer against rootkits and dialers, blocks banner ads, popup windows, and malicious scripts downloaded from web pages, and detects phishing sites.
File Anti-Virus technology has been improved to lower the CPU load and increase the speed of file scans. iChecker™ and iSwift™ help achieve this. By operating this way, the program rules out scanning files twice.
The scan process now runs as a background task, enabling the user to continue using the computer. If there is a competition for system resources, the virus scan will pause until the user’s operation is completed and then resumes at the point where it left off.
Critical areas of the computer, which if infected would seriously affect data quality or security, are given their own separate task. This task can be configured to run automatically every time the system is started.
Protection for email systems against malicious programs and spam has been significantly improved. The program scans these protocols for emails containing viruses and spam:
IMAP, SMTP, POP3, regardless of which email client you use
NNTP (virus scan only), regardless of the email client
Regardless of the protocol (MAPI, HTTP) when using plug-ins
for MS Outlook and The Bat!
Special plug-ins are available for the most common mail clients, such as Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express (Windows Mail), and The Bat! These place email protection against both viruses and spam directly in the mail client.
Anti-Spam now has a training mode, based around the iBayes algorithm, which learns by monitoring how you deal with email. It also provides maximum flexibility in configuring spam detection – for instance, you can create black and white lists of addressees and key phrases that mark email as spam.
Anti-Spam uses a phishing database, which can filter out emails designed to obtain confidential financial information.
The program filters inbound and outbound traffic, traces and blocks threats from common network attacks, and lets you use the Internet in Stealth Mode.
Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations 6.0 23
When using a combination of networks, you can also define which networks to trust completely and which to monitor with extreme caution.
The user notification function (see 17.11.1 on pg. 254) has been expanded for certain events that arise during program operation. You can select the method of notification yourselves for each of these event types: e-mails, sound notifications, pop-up messages.
Scanning has been added for data transmitted across secure SSL connections.
The program has added self-defense features, including protection against unauthorized remote administration tools and password-protected program settings. These features help keep malicious programs, hackers, and unauthorized users from disabling protection.
You can also create a rescue disk, with which you can reboot your operating system after a virus outbreak and scan your computer for malicious code.
New Program Interface Features
The new Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations interface makes the program’s functions clear and easy to use. You can also change the program’s appearance by using your own graphics and color schemes.
The program regularly provides you with tips as you use it: Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations displays informative messages on the level of protection, accompanies its operation with hints and tips, and includes a thorough Help section.
New Program Update Features
This version of the program debuts our improved update procedure: Kaspersky Anti-Virus automatically checks the update source for updates. If it finds new updates, Anti-Virus downloads them and installs them on the computer.
The program downloads updates incrementally, ignoring files that have already been downloaded. This lowers the download traffic for updates by up to 10 times.
Updates are downloaded from the most efficient source.
You can choose not to use a proxy server, by downloading program
updates from a local source. This noticeably reduces the traffic on the proxy server.
The program has an update rollback feature that can return to the previous version of the signatures, if the threat signatures are damaged or there is an error in copying.
24 Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations 6.0
A tool has been added to Updater that copies updates to a local folder to give other computers on the network access to them. This cuts down on Internet traffic.
2.2. The elements of Kaspersky
Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations Defense
Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations is designed with the sources of threats in mind. In other words, a separate program component deals with each threat, monitoring it and taking the necessary action to prevent malicious effects of that threat on the user's data. This makes the Security Suite flexible, with user­friendly options for each of the components to fit the needs of a specific user or a business as a whole.
Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations includes:
Protection Components (see 2.2.1 on pg. 24) that comprehensively defend all channels of data transmission and exchange on your computer in real-time mode.
Virus Scan Tasks (see 2.2.2 on pg. 26) that virus-check the computer’s memory and file system, as individual files, folders, disks, or regions.
Support Tools (see 2.2.3 on pg. 27) that provide support for the program and extend its functionality.

2.2.1. Protection components

These protection components defend your computer in real time:
File Anti-Virus
A file system can contain viruses and other dangerous programs. Malicious programs can remain inactive in your file system for years after one day being copied from a floppy disk or from the Internet, without showing themselves at all. But you need only act upon the infected file, and the virus is instantly activated.
File Anti-virus is the component that monitors your computer’s file system. It scans all files that are being opened, executed or saved on your computer and all connected disk drives. Each time a file is accessed, Kaspersky Anti-Virus intercepts it and scans the file for known viruses. If a file cannot be disinfected for any reason, it will be deleted, with a copy of
Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations 6.0 25
the file either saved in Backup (see 17.2 on pg. 222), or moved to Quarantine (see 17.1 on pg. 218).
Mail Anti-Virus
Email is widely used by hackers to spread malicious programs, and is one of the most common methods of spreading worms. This makes it extremely important to monitor all email.
The Mail Anti-Virus component scans all incoming and outgoing email on your computer. It analyzes emails for malicious programs, only granting the addressee access to the email if it is free of dangerous objects.
Web Anti-Virus
By opening various web sites on the Internet, you risk infecting your computer with viruses installed on it with scripts that are stored on the web pages. You also risk download a dangerous file to your computer.
Web Anti-Virus is specially designed to combat these risks, by intercepting and blocking scripts on web sites if they pose a threat, and by thoroughly monitoring all HTTP traffic.
Proactive Defense
With every new day, there are more and more malicious programs. They are becoming more complex, combining several types, and the methods they use to spread themselves change, they become harder and harder to detect.
To detect a new malicious program before it has time to do any damage, Kaspersky Lab has developed a special component, Proactive Defense. It is designed to monitor and analyze the behavior of all installed programs on your computer. Kaspersky Anti-Virus decides, based on the program’s actions: is it potentially dangerous? Proactive Defense protects your computer both from known viruses and from new ones that have yet to be discovered.
Programs that display unwanted advertising (for example, banner ads and popup windows), programs that call numbers for paid Internet services without user authorization, remote administration and monitoring tools, joke programs, etc. have become increasingly common.
Anti-Spy traces and blocks these actions on your computer. For example, the component blocks banner ads and popup windows, blocks programs that attempt autodialing, and analyzes web pages for phishing content.
26 Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations 6.0
Hackers will use any potential hole to invade your computer, whether it is an open port, data transmissions between computers, etc.
The Anti-Hacker component protects your computer while you are using the Internet and other networks. It monitors inbound and outbound connections, and scans ports and data packets.
Although not a direct threat to your computer, spam increases the load on email servers, fills up your email inbox, and wastes your time, thereby representing a business cost.
The Anti-Spam component plugs into your computer’s email client program, and scans all incoming email for spam subject matter. The component marks all spam emails with a special header. Anti-Spam can be configured to process spam as you like (auto delete, move to a special folder, etc.).

2.2.2. Virus scan tasks

In addition to constantly monitoring all potential pathways for malicious programs, it is extremely important to periodically scan your computer for viruses. This is necessary to detect malicious programs that were not previously discovered by the program because, for instance, its security level was set too low.
Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations configures, by default, the following virus-scan tasks:
Critical Areas
Scans all critical areas of the computer for viruses. This includes system memory, programs loaded on startup, boot sectors on the hard drive, and the Microsoft Windows system directories. The task aims to detect active viruses quickly without fully scanning the computer.
My Computer
Scans for viruses on your computer with a thorough inspection of all disk drives, memory, and files.
Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations 6.0 27
Startup Objects
Scans for viruses in all programs that are loaded automatically on startup, plus RAM and boot sectors on hard drives.
There is also the option to create other virus-scan tasks and create a schedule for them. For example, you can create a scan task for email databases once per week, or a virus scan task for the My Documents folder.

2.2.3. Program tools

Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations includes a number of support tools, which are designed to provide real-time software support, expanding the capabilities of the program and assisting you as you go.
In order to be prepared for a hacker attack, or to delete a virus or some other dangerous program, Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations needs to be kept up-to-date. The Updater component is designed to do exactly that. It is responsible for updating the Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations threat signatures and program modules.
The update distribution feature can save threat signature and application module updates retrieved from Kaspersky Lab update servers in a local folder. It then grants other computers on the network access to them to conserve on Internet bandwidth.
Data Files
Each protection component, virus search task, and program update creates a report as it runs. The reports contain information on completed operations and their results. By using the Reports feature, you will remain up-to-date on the operation of all Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations components. Should problems arise, the reports can be sent to Kaspersky Lab, allowing our specialists to study the situation in greater depth and help you as quickly as possible.
Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations sends all files suspected of being dangerous to a special Quarantine area, where they are stored in encrypted form to avoid infecting the computer. You can scan these objects for viruses, restore them to their previous locations, delete them, or manually add files to Quarantine. Files that are found not to be infected upon completion of the virus scan are automatically restored to their former locations.
The Backup area holds copies of files disinfected and deleted by the program. These copies are created in case you either need to restore the
28 Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations 6.0
files, or want information about their infection. These backup copies are also stored in an encrypted form to avoid further infection.
You can manually restore a file from Backup to the original location and delete the copy.
Rescue Disk
Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations can create a Rescue Disk, which provides a backup plan if system files are damaged by a virus attack and it is impossible to boot the operating system. By using the Rescue Disk in such a case, you can boot your computer and restore the system to the condition prior to the malicious action.
All registered Kaspersky Anti-Virus users can take advantage of our technical support service. To learn where exactly you can get technical support, use the Support feature.
Using these links, you can go to a Kaspersky Lab user forum and a list of frequently asked questions that may help you resolve your issue. In addition, by completing the form on the site, you can send Technical Support a message on the error or failure in the operation of the application.
You will also be able to access Technical Support on-line, and, of course, our employees will always be ready to assist you with Kaspersky Anti­Virus by phone.
2.3. Hardware and software system
For Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations 6.0 to run properly, your computer must meet these minimum requirements:
General Requirements:
50 MB of free hard drive space
CD-ROM drive (for installing Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows
Workstations 6.0 from an installation CD)
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher (for updating threat signatures and program modules through the Internet)
Microsoft Windows Installer 2.0
Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations 6.0 29
Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows Me, Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 (Service Pack 6a):
Intel Pentium 300 MHz processor or faster (or compatible)
64 MB of RAM
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional (Service Pack 4 or higher), Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition, Microsoft Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 1 or higher), Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition:
Intel Pentium 300 MHz processor or compatible
128 MB of RAM
Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows Vista x64:
Intel Pentium 800 MHz 32-bit (x86)/ 64-bit (x64) or faster (or compatible)
512 MB of RAM
2.4. Software packages
You can purchase the boxed version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations from our resellers, or download it from Internet shops, including the eStore section of www.kaspersky.com
If you buy the boxed version of the program, the package will include:
A sealed envelope with an installation CD containing the program files
A license key, included with the installation package or on a special
diskette, or an application activation code on the CD slip.
A User Guide
The end-user license agreement (EULA)
Before breaking the seal on the installation disk envelope, carefully read through the EULA.
If you buy Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations from an online store, you copy the product from the Kaspersky Lab website (Downloads Product
Downloads). You can download the User Guide from the Downloads Documentation section.
You will be sent a license key or activation code by email after your payment has been received.
30 Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations 6.0
The End-User License Agreement is a legal agreement between you and Kaspersky Lab that specifies the terms on which you may use the software you have purchased.
Read the EULA through carefully.
If you do not agree with the terms of the EULA, you can return your boxed product to the reseller from whom you purchased it and be reimbursed for the amount you paid for the program. If you do so, the sealed envelope for the installation disk must still be sealed.
By opening the sealed installation disk, you accept all the terms of the EULA.
2.5. Support for registered users
Kaspersky Lab provides its registered users with an array of services to make Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Workstations more effective.
When the program has been activated, you become a registered user and will have the following services available until the license expires:
New versions of the program free of charge
Consultation on questions regarding installation, configuration, and
operation of the program, by phone and email
Notifications on new Kaspersky Lab product releases and new viruses (this services is for users that subscribe to Kaspersky Lab news mailings)
Kaspersky Lab does not provide technical support for operating system use and operation, or for any products other than its own.
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