Real protection for the virtual space. What is Kaspersky™ A n t i - V i ru s Business Optimal?
Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus Business Optimal is one of the latest technological
achievements of Kaspersky Lab. The package is developed to provide the fullscale data-protection for small and medium size corporate networks containing
up to 100 workstations and mostly using uniform operation systems.
Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus Business Optimal is an optimal set of anti-virus tools
that can be configured to meet your specific requirements. Depending on your
network configuration and the operating systems you use the package may be
supplied with various components. It means that with Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus
Business Optimal every customer may choose anti-virus solution that ideally
meets his (her) specific system requirements while at the same time significantly decreases costs of implementation and use of the anti-virus system.
Anti-virus software products in the Business Optimal package provide the reliable control over all virus propagation sources in your system: they are used
on workstations (DOS, Windows 95/98/Me, Windows 2000/NT/XP Workstation, OS/2, Linux, Solaris), file servers (Windows NT Server, Linux, Novell
NetWare, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, BSDi) and e-mail gateways (MS Exchange
Server, Lotus Notes, Sendmail, Qmail, Postfix, Exim). Powerful and easy-touse protection management tools allow for centralized deployment and administration of your data-protection system.
Regardless of the components you choose, we provide you with round-theclock anti-virus technical support by phone and e-mail.
1.2. Components
What c o m p o ne n t s t h e K a s p e r s ky™ A n t i - V i ru s Business
Optimal package includes?
Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus Business Optimal includes the following main compo-
• Protection for workstations — Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus for Windows
95/98/Me, Windows 2000/NT/XP Workstation, OS/2
and Linux.
• Protection for file servers — Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus for Windows
2000/NT Server, Netware, UNIX (FreeBSD/OpenBSD/BSDi, Solaris)
and Linux.
• Protection for mail systems — Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus for Microsoft
Exchange, Lotus Notes, Postfix, Exim, Sendmail and Qmail.
• Centralized deployment and management of the package components - Kaspersky™ Administration Kit
The customer is free to order any of the Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus Business Optimal components that will provide comprehensive anti-virus protection of all
main elements of his (her) network: workstations, file servers and mail systems.
depending on the type of supplied package
Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus for OS/2 is not included in the standard Business
Optimal package and may be supplied on additional customer request.
The supplied package may include separate components for the selected operational environments as well as any combination of those three components
for different operating systems.
If later you decide to transfer your network to some other platforms or to add
new network elements, you may order (for an extra payment) corresponding
components that will be integrated (guaranteed) into your existing copy of
Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus Business Optimal3.
From our retail dealers you may buy the following standard packages of Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus Business Opti mal:
1) Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus Business Optimal: Protection for
workstations running Windows 95/98/Me, Windows
2000/NT/XP, 5 and 10 licenses.
2) Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus Business Optimal: Protection for file
servers running Windows 2000/NT, 1 li cense.
Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus Business Optimal: Protection for file
servers running Novell Netware, 1 license.
4) Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus Business Optimal: Protection for file
servers running FreeBSD/BSDi/OpenBSD/Solaris, 1 li cense.
5) Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus Business Optimal: Protection for file
servers running Linux, 1 license.
1.3. Information in this book
Issues that we discuss in this documentation.
This book is divided into the following chapt ers:
For details about how to purchase new components for your existing copy of
Kaspersky™ Anti-Virus Business Optimal refer to the local partner of Kaspersky Lab or directly to our company.