Karel EVM38S, EVM48, EVM48S, EVM128, EVM128S Technical Reference And User's Manual

38 S
48 S
128 S
Version Table
MS SERIES EVM - TTKK - VER. AAC – 27.09.2007
KAREL reserves the right to make modifications in product features specified in this document for development and improvement purposes without prior notice. Individual products may possess characteristics different from those that have been mentioned in this document, due to their differences in software and hardware versions.
The chapters that take place in this guide have been created in order to present detailed technical information to people who need hardware­based technical information about the Auto Attendant (ACD – Automatic Call Distributor) and the Voice Mail modules of the MS-series exchanges, and in order to give information about programming and utilizing the modules. By this way, one could understand the abilities of the modules, how they will be operated in accordance with customer demands and things that should be done in order to operate the modules in full performance.
The first chapter - “Technical Introduction” – It contains technical information about the hardware and software structures of the modules. Information in this chapter, for which knowledge in mechanics, electricity and electronics may be prerequisite, aims to introduce structure of the EVM modules.
The second chapter – “Installation” – It explains the installation methods of each EVM module separately. This chapter must be read definitely before the installation by the personnel who will perform the installation.
The third chapter – “Programming” – It gives short information about the software features that will enrich functions of the EVM modules and that could be applied to meet daily communication needs of customers more comprehensively.
The fourth chapter – “User Features” – It contains the details of the information to use the EVM modules, as well as the details of the user features in order to meet daily communication needs in the easiest and the most efficient ways. We strongly recommend you to examine the entire features that take place in that chapter beforehand in order to use your EVM in the most effective way.
The Last chapter – “Accessories” – gives short information about the EVM-FL and EVM-DL modules which are attached on EVM modules to increase the record capacities of them.
Best Regards,
TECHNICAL INTRODUCTION...................................................................1
GENERAL INTRODUCTION OF THE EVM MODULES.................................1
EVM48 and EVM48S:.............................................................................15
EVM-FL AND EVM-DL EXPANSION MODULES:..................................19
Voice Mail Facilities Authority:.............................................................21
Auto Attendant (ACD) Automatic Activation:.......................................22
Weekly Automatic Services:.................................................................22
ACD Single-Key Access:.......................................................................23
Erasing The Entire ACD Messages:.....................................................24
Recording ACD Messages:...................................................................25
Defining Specific Entry Messages:.......................................................31
Message Playback:...............................................................................32
Erasing A Single Message:...................................................................33
Ring Count Time-Out For DISA/ACD Lines:.........................................33
ACD Message Gain:...............................................................................34
THE SYSTEM MESSAGE FEATURES........................................................35
Erasing The Entire System Messages:................................................35
Recording A System Message:.............................................................36
System Message Playback:..................................................................40
Erasing A Single System Message:......................................................40
The System Message Gain:..................................................................41
THE VOICE MAIL MESSAGE FEATURES..................................................42
SUMMARY: PUTTING THE EVM INTO SERVICE...................................42
USER FEATURES..................................................................................45
CALL CONTROL SERVICES......................................................................45
Temporary Absent Message (8648):....................................................45
Permanent Absent Message (737):......................................................46
Leaving A Message To An Extension (82):...........................................49
Listening To New Messages (8646):....................................................50
Listening To The Entire Messages (8645):...........................................51
Reminder Service With Message (8389):.............................................53
Alarm Service With Message (83879):.................................................54
Listening To Messages Left For You With Assistance Of The Operator
External Call Record:............................................................................56
Leaving A Message To An Absent Extension With Assistance Of The
THE SERVICES RELATED TO THE OPERATOR........................................59
ACD Activation (8741):...........................................................................59
Night Mode Auto-Reply:.......................................................................60
Listening To Messages In The Auto-Reply Mode:...............................61
The Night Service - Message Announcement Only (858):..................62
Reminder Service With Message (83889):...........................................63
Erasing Messages (86499 & 86490):....................................................64
(EXTENSION) ACCESS (DISA)...................................................................66
Leaving A Message To An Extension Over A DISA Line:.....................66
Listening To Messages Left For You Over A DISA Line (8646):..........66
Line Access Through A Call Over A DISA Line:...................................68
Selective Line Access Through A Call Over A DISA Line:...................69
EVM Modules of the MS Series Technical Introduction and User’s Guide
The EVM modules are the optional Auto Attendant (ACD- Automatic Call Distributor) and voice recording systems that are utilized in MS-series exchanges of MS38S and higher capacity.
Each EVM module possesses permanent message capacity. However, that capacity can be increased by employing auxiliary expansion modules when necessary. These modules are called EVM-FL (Flash Memory) and EVM-DL (DRAM Memory).
Recording of the messages to be used for the ACD are done into the non­volatile memories (Flash Memory) on the EVM modules, so that those messages are not erased in case of any blackout. On the other hand, the voice mail messages that are to be recorded into the voice mail message boxes allocated to the extensions are stored in the volatile memories (DRAM Memory), hence, they are erased during a blackout.
The ACD and voice mail message boxes are present in all EVM modules. In addition to those, the feature of the system messages is also present in EVM128S and EVM224S modules only, in order to present additional services to users. Thanks to the system messages, users are informed by voice mail messages about statuses of their phones and the authorizations they have been granted for several services. The system messages are saved into the non-volatile memories as well, and they are not erased in case of any blackout, either.
EVM Modules of the MS Series Technical Introduction and User’s Guide
There are several message boxes for different tasks depending on the structure of the EVM module:
1. There are either 24 or 64 message boxes depending on the structure of the EVM module, in order to direct parties calling from outside. Those have been referred to as ACD Messages within this guide. The message boxes reserved for the ACD Messages have been numbered from 00 to 63 for the EVM128S and EVM224S modules, and from 00 to 23 for the other modules. The ACD Messages are the ones that assist parties calling from outside to reach the extensions or the services directly, which they wish.
2. In order for the users to leave voice mail messages for each other, there is enough memory on the EVM128S and EVM224S modules to store 34 minutes of messages in total. As for the other EVM modules, DRAM memory can be constituted by installing the EVM-DL card on the module. Those have been referred to as Voice Mail Messages within this guide. The Voice Mail Messages feature includes any kind of message leaving, message receiving, message listening and message recording operation.
3. There are 64 voice mail message boxes on the EVM128S and EVM224S modules, in order to inform users about the statuses of their phones. Those have been referred to as the System Messages within the guide. The message boxes reserved for the System Messages have been numbered from 000 to 063. The system messages are the ones that inform the extensions in the system about the changes which occur in the statuses of their phones due to features they make use of or activate, or they are the ones that direct the parties which access the system from outside, without assistance of the operator.
The EVM Modules offer different capacity and service options in different models. Those have been explained in detail below, for each module:
EVM Modules of the MS Series Technical Introduction and User’s Guide
EVM38S is an external module employed in MS38S and MS38-ISDN exchanges.
The illustration below gives information about the structure of EVM38S:
That module, which has a single voice channel, can serve a single user at a time.
Thanks to the two minutes (130 secs) of Flash Memory capacity it has, it functions as the auto attendant (Automatic Call Distributor). Since no DRAM memory is present on it as factory default, the voice mail message feature becomes available only by adding an EVM-DL.
The module comes in a plastic box. There exist 5 capacity expansion slots on the card. Two of them are used for EVM-FL, and three of them for EVM-DL.
EVM Modules of the MS Series Technical Introduction and User’s Guide
EVM38S consists of the parts below:
- EVM38S module,
- EVM38S connection cable,
- EVM38S converter cable (It is employed in exchanges of certain versions only).
- Mounting template,
- Anchor plugs and screws, two from each of them, which are to be used to mount the module onto the wall.
- Plastic holders that are used to connect the EVM38S module to other AK38 boxes, if there is any.
Dimensions: 25.4 cm x 13.5 cm x 7.9 cm Weight: ~0.5 kg
EVM Modules of the MS Series Technical Introduction and User’s Guide
EVM48 is an integrated module that can be used in the exchanges MS48 and MS48-ISDN.
The illustration below gives information about the structure of EVM48:
That module, which has two voice channels, can serve two users simultaneously.
EVM Modules of the MS Series Technical Introduction and User’s Guide
Thanks to the two minutes (130 secs) of Flash Memory capacity it has, it functions as the auto attendant (Automatic Call Distributor). Since no DRAM memory is present on it as factory default, the voice mail message feature becomes available only by adding an EVM-DL.
The module has been designed in a structure so that it can be directly integrated onto the exchange. There exist 5 capacity expansion slots on the card. Two of them are used for EVM-FL, and three of them for EVM-DL.
EVM48 is presented to the user together with the brass card holders to be used during mounting.
Dimensions: 18 cm x 8.8 cm x 3.2 cm Weight: ~0.2 kg
EVM Modules of the MS Series Technical Introduction and User’s Guide
EVM48S is an integrated module that can be used in MS48S exchanges. The illustration below gives information about the structure of EVM48S:
That module, which has two voice channels, can serve two users simultaneously.
Thanks to the two minutes (130 secs) of Flash Memory capacity it has, it functions as the auto attendant (Automatic Call Distributor). Since no DRAM memory is present on it as factory default, the voice mail message feature becomes available only by adding an EVM-DL.
EVM Modules of the MS Series Technical Introduction and User’s Guide
The module has been designed in a structure so that it can be directly integrated onto the exchange. There exist 5 capacity expansion slots on the card. Two of them are used for EVM-FL, and three of them for EVM-DL.
EVM48S is presented to the user together with the brass card holders to be used during mounting.
Dimensions: 18 cm x 8.8 cm x 2 cm Weight: ~0.2 kg
EVM Modules of the MS Series Technical Introduction and User’s Guide
EVM128 is an integrated module that can be used in MS128 exchanges. The illustration below gives information about the structure of EVM128:
That module, which has two voice channels, can serve two users simultaneously.
EVM Modules of the MS Series Technical Introduction and User’s Guide
Thanks to the two minutes (130 secs) of Flash Memory capacity it has, it functions as the auto attendant (Automatic Call Distributor). Since no DRAM memory is present on it as factory default, the voice mail message feature becomes available only by adding an EVM-DL.
The module has been designed in a structure so that it can be directly integrated onto the exchange. There exist 5 capacity expansion slots on the card. Two of them are used for EVM-FL, and three of them for EVM-DL.
EVM128 is presented to the user together with the brass and plastic card holders to be used during mounting, as well as with the CPUKON128 card and the cable to be used for connection.
Dimensions: 18 cm x 8.8 cm x 1 cm Weight: ~0.2 kg
EVM128S is an integrated module that can be used in MS128 exchanges. The illustration below gives information about the structure of EVM128S:
That module, which has four reading and four recording channels, makes it possible for four persons to record messages and four persons to listen to messages simultaneously.
EVM Modules of the MS Series Technical Introduction and User’s Guide
There is a Flash Memory on it with a capacity of 6 minutes. Four minutes of that capacity is used for the ACD service (Since two languages are supported, two minutes for each language). and two minutes of it for the system message recording. Besides, the module includes a DRAM memory that can store 34 minutes of messages, so that it serves the users with voice mail message boxes. By this way, any extension with the necessary authorization can leave message for the party s/he calls, as if there is an answering machine on the phone of that party.
The module has been designed in a structure so that it can be directly integrated onto the exchange. There exist 6 capacity expansion slots on the card. Two of them are used for EVM-FL, and four of them for EVM-DL.
Dimensions: 26 cm x 21.3 cm x 3.3 cm Weight: ~0.3 kg
EVM224S is an integrated module that can be used in MS224 exchanges. The illustration below gives information about the structure of EVM224S:
That module, which has four reading and four recording channels, makes it possible for four persons to record messages and four persons to listen to messages simultaneously.
EVM Modules of the MS Series Technical Introduction and User’s Guide
There is a Flash Memory on it with a capacity of 6 minutes. Four minutes of that capacity is used for the ACD service (Since two languages are supported, two minutes for each language). and two minutes of it for the system message recording. Besides, the module includes a DRAM memory that can store 34 minutes of messages, so that it serves the users with voice mail message boxes. By this way, any extension with the necessary authorization can leave message for the party s/he calls, as if there is an answering machine on the phone of that party.
The module has been designed in a structure so that it can be directly integrated onto the exchange. There exist 6 capacity expansion slots on the card. Two of them are used for EVM-FL, and four of them for EVM-DL.
Dimensions: 24.8 cm x 25.6 cm x 2.5 cm Weight: ~0.3 kg
- EVM38S is compatible with MS38S R40 and later, and the entire versions of MS38-ISDN. The software characteristics mentioned in the guide are compatible with the exchange software versions of 3.11A and later.
- EVM48 is compatible with MS48 K72 and later and with the entire versions of MS48-ISDN. The software characteristics mentioned in the guide are compatible with the exchange software versions of 3.11A and later.
- EVM48S is compatible with the entire versions of MS48S.
- EVM128 is compatible with MS128 M10 and later CPU128. The software characteristics mentioned in the guide are compatible with the exchange software versions of 3.11A and later.
- EVM128S is compatible with MS128 3.11A and later software.
- EVM224S is compatible with MS224 3.11A and later software.
EVM Modules of the MS Series Technical Introduction and User’s Guide
Installation of EVM38S starts with the mounting of the plastic box of the module on the wall. For this:
1) Front cover of the EVM38S plastic box is opened by pressing the small holes on the side faces with a screwdriver or with a similar tool that is thin, but with a dull point, and by pulling the cover toward front at the same time.
2) The location where the module will be mounted is determined by making use of the mounting template that comes with the module and the screw spots are marked. (A location close to the exchange should be chosen for the installation by taking the length of the EVM38S connection cable into consideration, while this operation is being fulfilled).
3) The anchor plugs are driven into the wall at the marked spots without deviating from the actual points.
4) The screws are so driven to leave 7mm-portion of their heads out of the wall. (Heights of the screw heads can be checked by the edge of the mounting template).
5) The module is hung by letting the screw heads pass through the pear holes at the back cover of it.
6) The front cover of the module is replaced after the cable connection is completed.
Important note : If the EVM38S module will operate together with MS38S R40Ga or an exchange of an earlier version, then the EVM38S converter cable must be used.
The free and of the cable of the exchange, whose wall mounting has been completed, is connected to the EVM connector of the exchange, and the system setup becomes complete.
The exchange must be off during that operation.
EVM Modules of the MS Series Technical Introduction and User’s Guide
EVM Modules of the MS Series Technical Introduction and User’s Guide
Installation of the EVM48 / EVM48S module becomes complete by attaching the connectors on it to the connectors on the backplane of the exchange as in the way shown in the illustration below. The module is fixed by the brass card holder that comes with the module.
The exchange must be off during that operation. When it is turned on, the two LEDs on EVM48 / EVM48S blink alternatively and they are turned off when the exchange becomes ready to operate.
EVM Modules of the MS Series Technical Introduction and User’s Guide
The EVM128 module is placed on the MS128 exchange by employing the plastic card holders that have been given for the installation in the way shown in the illustration below. Its cable is attached as the MS128 connector on the card is plugged into the input socket of the EVM module of the CPUKON card that is on the exchange.
The exchange must be off during that operation. When it is turned on, the two LEDs on EVM128 blink alternatively and they are turned off when EVM128 becomes ready to operate.
EVM Modules of the MS Series Technical Introduction and User’s Guide
The EVM128S module, unlike EVM128, has been designed to be installed in the rightmost of the card slots within the exchange structure. During the installation, the card is placed in the rightmost slot and pushed into the rack so that the connector at the back face of the card is plugged into its correspondent on the backplane of the exchange. In the meantime, the fixing latch on the front plastic cover is fixed to the upper rack piece.
When the LED on the front face of the card begins to blink upon turning on the exchange, the card is ready for use.
EVM Modules of the MS Series Technical Introduction and User’s Guide
EVM224S has been designed to be installed in the rightmost of the card slots within the MS224 structure. During the installation, the card is placed in the rightmost slot and pushed into the rack so that the connector at the back face of the card is plugged into its correspondent on the backplane of the exchange. In the meantime, the fixing latch on the front plastic cover is fixed to the upper and lower rack pieces.
When the LED on the front face of the card begins to blink upon turning on the exchange, the card is ready for use.
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