Kärcher Ringler RI 311 W2G, Ringler RI 311 W2E Original Operating Manual

Ringler GmbH Robert-Bosch-Straße 4–8 Fon +49 (0)7171-94 888-0 info@ringler.kaercher.com 73550 Waldstetten [Germany] Fax +49 (0)7171-94 888-28 www.ringler-gmbh.de
Translation of the Original Operating Manual RI 311 W2G / W2E
 
Date of Delivery:
2015-12-10 GBR
Copyright by Ringler GmbH Robert-Bosch-Straße 4-8 73550 Waldstetten GERMANY
1 Safety Instructions ................................................................................................................................. 7
1.1 Terms ................................................................................................................................................. 7
1.1.1 Operation ....................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1.2 Maintenance .................................................................................................................................. 7
1.1.3 Qualified Staff ................................................................................................................................ 7
1.2 Symbols ............................................................................................................................................. 7
1.3 General safety information ................................................................................................................. 9
2 Delivery, internal transportation, unpacking ..................................................................................... 10
2.1 Delivery ............................................................................................................................................ 10
2.2 Internal transport .............................................................................................................................. 10
2.2.1 Dimensions and weight ................................................................................................................ 10
2.3 Unpacking ........................................................................................................................................ 10
2.4 Packaging material .......................................................................................................................... 10
2.5 Storage conditions ........................................................................................................................... 11
2.5.1 Information for storage ................................................................................................................. 11
3 Appliance description .......................................................................................................................... 12
3.1 Intended Use ................................................................................................................................... 12
3.1.1 Dust class "L" ............................................................................................................................... 12
3.1.2 Dust class "M" .............................................................................................................................. 12
3.2 Non-Intended Use ............................................................................................................................ 13
3.2.1 Dust class "L" ............................................................................................................................... 13
3.2.2 Dust class "M" .............................................................................................................................. 13
4 Layout and function ............................................................................................................................. 14
4.1 Main dimensions .............................................................................................................................. 14
4.2 Technical Data RI 311 ..................................................................................................................... 14
4.3 Technical Data ................................................................................................................................. 14
5 Main components ................................................................................................................................. 15
5.1 Components RI 311 W .................................................................................................................... 15
5.2 Function Description Industrial Extractor/deduster .......................................................................... 16
6 Initiation ................................................................................................................................................. 17
6.1 Initial operation of the chip ............................................................................................................... 17
7 Operation ............................................................................................................................................... 18
7.1 Operation ......................................................................................................................................... 18
7.1.1 Two-stage switch ......................................................................................................................... 18
7.2 Suction process ............................................................................................................................... 18
7.3 Filter cleaning .................................................................................................................................. 18
7.3.1 Manual filter cleaning ................................................................................................................... 18
7.4 Emptying the collection container .................................................................................................... 19
7.5 Emptying Versions ........................................................................................................................... 19
7.5.1 Emptying by forklift (A) ................................................................................................................. 19
7.5.2 Emptying by crane (B) ................................................................................................................. 19
7.5.3 Emptying into underfloor conveyor (C) ........................................................................................ 19
8 Troubleshooting and fault elimination ............................................................................................... 20
8.1 Safety instructions ........................................................................................................................... 20
8.2 Initial fault elimination measures ..................................................................................................... 21
9 Maintenance/Repair.............................................................................................................................. 22
9.1 Maintenance regulations .................................................................................................................. 22
9.2 Maintenance intervals table ............................................................................................................. 24
9.3 Cleaning ........................................................................................................................................... 24
9.4 Disassembly of the suction turbine .................................................................................................. 25
9.4.1 Changing the carbon brushes ...................................................................................................... 25
9.5 Installation instructions for Valvo ring core on AC drive units ......................................................... 26
9.6 Disassembly of the bag-type filter ................................................................................................... 27
9.7 Changing the filter cloth for the bag-type filter ................................................................................. 28
9.7.1 Work steps for pocket filter change ............................................................................................. 29
9.7.2 Circuit diagram for W1G / W1E / W1E-N / W1E-T, single-motor version .................................. 31
9.7.3 Circuit diagram for W2G / W2G-N / W2G-T / W2E, twin-motor version ..................................... 31
9.8 Warnings on the suction device ....................................................................................................... 32
9.8.1 Warning sign for devices in class "L" ........................................................................................... 32
9.8.2 Warning sign for devices in class "M" .......................................................................................... 32
9.8.3 Marking: Vacuum cleaner ............................................................................................................ 32
9.8.4 Type sign ..................................................................................................................................... 32
9.9 Measurement of the A-weighted sound pressure level ................................................................... 33
9.10 Wear parts list .................................................................................................................................. 34
10 Decommissioning, storage ................................................................................................................. 35
11 Disposal ................................................................................................................................................. 36
12 Spare Parts List .................................................................................................................................... 37
12.1 Industrial Extractor Type RI 311 ...................................................................................................... 37
12.2 Industrial Extractor Type RI 311 ...................................................................................................... 37
12.3 Exploded Drive unit W2G / W2E (3400228-X-ZB)........................................................................... 38
12.3.1 Parts list Drive unit W2G / W2E (3400228-X-ZB) ................................................................... 39
12.4 Exploded fan EKO 86/2 .................................................................................................................. 40
12.4.1 Parts list fan EKO 86/2 ............................................................................................................ 40
12.5 Exploded fan EKO 87/3 .................................................................................................................. 41
12.5.1 Parts list fan EKO 87/3 ............................................................................................................ 41
12.6 Exploded two-stage switch with cable set W2G / W2E / W3G ........................................................ 42
12.7 Exploded two-stage switch with cable set W2G / W2E / W3G ........................................................ 42
12.8 Collectoin Container Type RI 311 (2201058) .................................................................................. 43
12.8.1 Spare Parts List Collection Container Type RI 311 (2201058) ............................................... 43
12.9 Spare parts list/drawing filter pocket filter 1.75m² cat."L" as or "M" as, (2350201/2350111) .......... 44
12.10 Spare parts list/drawing filter pocket filter 1.75m² cat."L" as or "M" as, (2350201/2350111) ...... 44
12.11 Spare parts list/drawing hand shaker for pocket filter (2380188) .............................................. 45
12.12 Spare parts list/drawing hand shaker for pocket filter (2380188) .............................................. 45
12.13 Spacer rake for pocket filter 1.75/3.2/5.2m², (2381000), (2381001), (2381002) ......................... 46
12.14 Spacer rake for pocket filter 1.75/3.2/5.2m², (2381000), (2381001), (2381002) ......................... 46
12.15 Construction kit hand emptying flap (3240194) ........................................................................... 47
12.16 Construction kit hand emptying flap (3240194) ........................................................................... 47
12.17 Spare Parts List Suction hose DN 40, all Types (2600484-Z) .................................................... 48
12.17.1 Spare Parts List Suction hose DN 40, all Types (2600484-Z) ................................................ 48
12.18 Spare Parts List Suction hose DN 50, all Types (2600398-Z) .................................................... 49
12.18.1 Spare Parts List Suction hose DN 50, all Types (2600398-Z) ................................................ 49
12.18.2 Spare Parts List Suction hose DN 70, all Types ...................................................................... 50
12.18.3 Spare Parts List Suction hose DN 70, all Types ...................................................................... 50
12.19 Accessories List ........................................................................................................................... 51
13 EEC-Declaration of Conformity ........................................................................................................... 52
14 Index ...................................................................................................................................................... 53
Pos: 1.1 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshi nweise/Kapitelüberschrift 1 Angaben zur Sicherheit @ 0\mod_1261 472663260_131.docx @ 973 @ 1 @ 1
Safety Instructions
Safety Instructions
Significance of the Operating Manual
This Operating Manual is part of the supplied product. The Operating Manual remains valid throughout the product's lifetime, provided that no
technical changes are made. If the product is sold, the Operating Manual must be handed over to the next owner or user.
This information must be read before first commissioning.
WARNING - Read the instructions before using the machine
CE marking The CE marking means "Communautés Européennes". It is the external symbol which states that a product fulfils the requirements imposed on the manufacturer by the European
1 Safety Instructions
Pos: 1.2 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshi nweise/Kapitelüberschrift 2 Begriffe @ 0\mod_1261472746655_1 31.docx @ 980 @ 2 @ 1
1.1 Terms
Pos: 1.3 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshi nweise/Begriffe-Betrieb @ 0\mod_1261486420512_131.docx @ 10 40 @ 3 @ 1
1.1.1 Operation
includes installation, initiation (placing at disposal for usage), operation (handling, connection,
Pos: 1.4 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshi nweise/Begriffe-Instandhaltung @ 0\mod_1261486704783_131.d ocx @ 1046 @ 3 @ 1
1.1.2 Maintenance
Pos: 1.5 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshi nweise/Begriffe- qualifiziertes Personal @ 0\mod_126148682925 3_131.docx @ 1052 @ 3 @ 1
1.1.3 Qualified Staff
Pos: 1.6 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshi nweise/Kapitelüberschrift 2 Symbole @ 0\mod_1261473167732_13 1.docx @ 987 @ 2 @ 1
1.2 Symbols
Pos: 1.7 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshi nweise/Signalwort-Feld "Hinweis" @ 0\mod_1261404960439_131.d ocx @ 905 @ @ 1
Pos: 1.8 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshi nweise/Text zu Hinweissymbol @ 0\mod_1261477345812_131.doc x @ 1014 @ @ 1
Pos: 1.9 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshi nweise/Signalwort-Feld "Vorsicht" @ 0\mod_1261404898171_131 .docx @ 899 @ @ 1
disconnection, etc.)
includes control and attendance (inspections, revisions), maintenance and repair (detection of errors and their elimination).
are employees authorised by the person responsible for the security of the installation to carry out the operations required in each case and who are able to recognise and avoid possible dangers by reason of their training, experience and instructions as well as their knowledge of relevant norms, prescriptions, accident-prevention rules and working conditions.
Denotes information that does not relate to personal injuries. This information contains additional directions or general hints.
Pos: 1.10 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshin weise/Text zu Vorsichtssymbol @ 0\mod_1261475623349_131. docx @ 1000 @ @ 1
Dangerous situation, which could result in minor to moderate injury if it is not avoided. This information must be regarded strictly to avoid damages to the installation or environment!
Pos: 1.11 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshin weise/Signalwort-Feld "Warnung" @ 0\mod_1261404807286_13 1.docx @ 893 @ @ 1
Pos: 1.12 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshin weise/Text zu Warnsymbol, Allgemein @ 0\mod_12614754346 12_131.docx @ 994 @ @ 1
Dangerous situation, which could result in serious injury or death if it is not avoided.
Pos: 1.13 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshin weise/Signalwort-Feld "Gefahr" @ 0\mod_1261404709797_131.d ocx @ 887 @ @ 1
Pos: 1.14 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshin weise/Text zu Gefahrensymbol @ 0\mod_1261477187354_131.d ocx @ 1007 @ @ 1
Dangerous situation, which will definitely result in serious injury or death if it is not avoided.
Pos: 1.15 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshin weise/Hinweis Bedeutung der Betriebsanleitung @ 0\mod_12 61470697948_131.docx @ 960 @ @ 1
Pos: 1.16 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshin weise/Hinweis Lesesymbol @ 0\mod_1261405473678_131.docx @ 911 @ @ 1
Pos: 1.17 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshin weise/Hinweis WARNUNG - Vor Benutzung der Maschine @ 4\m od_1358500046626_131.docx @ 37492 @ @ 1
Pos: 1.18 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshin weise/Hinweis CE-Zeichen @ 0\mod_1261407630923_131.doc x @ 953 @ @ 1
Only use with safety shoes (acc. to EN ISO 20345)
Only use with work gloves
Respiratory protection (EN 149:2001)
Use protective clothing (acc. to EN 13982-1)
Use protective glasses (acc. to DIN EN 166 1349-BT)
Before starting work remove the plug from the wall socket!
Disconnect before starting work
While operating electrical machines, certain parts of them are inevitable alive dangerously or under mechanical stress.
Hand injury warning sign!
Recycling symbol
This information must be observed in order to preserve the environment!
Pos: 1.19 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshin weise/Hinweis Sicherheitsschuhe @ 0\mod_1261406516446_1 31.docx @ 925 @ @ 1
Pos: 1.20 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshin weise/Hinweis Arbeitshandschuhe @ 0\mod_1261407294655 _131.docx @ 932 @ @ 1
Pos: 1.21 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshin weise/Hinweis Atemschutz @ 4\mod_1358754071540_131.docx @ 37562 @ @ 1
Pos: 1.22 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshin weise/Hinweis Schutzkleidung benutzen @ 4\mod_135884904 5279_131.docx @ 37727 @ @ 1
Pos: 1.23 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshin weise/Hinweis Schutzbrille benutzen @ 4\mod_13588670322 29_131.docx @ 37738 @ @ 1
Safety Instructions
Pos: 1.24 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshin weise/Hinweis Netzstecker ziehen @ 0\mod_1261407392098_ 131.docx @ 939 @ @ 1
Pos: 1.25 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshin weise/Hinweis Vor Beginn der Arbeiten freischalten @ 4\mod_13 62652119939_131.docx @ 41545 @ @ 1
Pos: 1.26 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshin weise/Hinweis elektrische Spannung @ 0\mod_126140762803 9_131.docx @ 946 @ @ 1
Pos: 1.27 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshin weise/Warnung vor Handverletzungen @ 4\mod_136197769919 8_131.docx @ 40751 @ @ 1
Pos: 1.28 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheits hinweise/Hinweis Recyclingsymbol @ 0\mod_1261489835239_13 1.docx @ 1060 @ @ 1
Pos: 2 /0 Allgemeines/Seitenumbruch @ 0\mod_1265272007940_0.docx @ 2191 @ @ 1
Safety Instructions
While operating electrical machines, certain parts of them are inevitable alive dangerously or under mechanical stress.
Only use with safety shoes (acc. to EN ISO 20345)
Pos: 3.1 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshi nweise/Sicherheitsinformationen Wechselstrom-Geräte/Überschrift: Allgemeine Sicherheitsinformationen @ 0\mod_1269504752362 _131.docx @ 3486 @ 2 @ 1
1.3 General safety information
Pos: 3.2 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshi nweise/Signalwort-Feld "Warnung" @ 0\mod_1261404807286_131. docx @ 893 @ @ 1
Pos: 3.3 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshi nweise/Hinweis elektrische Spannung @ 0\mod_1261407628039 _131.docx @ 946 @ @ 1
Pos: 3.4 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshi nweise/Sicherheitsinformationen Wechselstrom-Geräte/Aufgrund ihr er funktionell bedingten elektrischen @ 0\mod_1269504589175_13 1.docx @ 3480 @ @ 1
Due to their electrical and mechanical functional properties, machines can cause severe injuries
and damage to property. This particularly applies in the event of incorrect use, operation or
Pos: 3.5 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshi nweise/Sicherheitsinformationen Wechselstrom-Geräte/Alle elektrisc hen und mechanischen Tätigkeiten @ 4\mod_1361281988815_1 31.docx @ 39784 @ @ 1
Pos: 3.6 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshi nweise/Sicherheitsinformationen Wechselstrom-Geräte/Vor dem G ebrauch muss die Bedienperson mit Informationen,... @ 4\mod_1 361284388040_131.docx @ 39794 @ @ 1
Pos: 3.7 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshi nweise/Sicherheitsinformationen Wechselstrom-Geräte/Alle Hinweis e und Angaben auf den Maschinen müssen beachtet werden @ 0\ mod_1269504980970_131.docx @ 3498 @ @ 1
Pos: 3.8 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshi nweise/Sicherheitsinformationen Wechselstrom-Geräte/Die ein wandfreie und sichere Nutzung dieser Maschine setzt @ 0\mod_126950 5050240_131.docx @ 3504 @ @ 1
Pos: 3.9 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshi nweise/Sicherheitsinformationen Wechselstrom-Geräte/Dieses G erät ist nicht dafür bestimmt....... @ 4\mod_1361284957242_131.doc x @ 39812 @ @ 1
Pos: 3.10 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshin weise/Der Betrieb des Geräts ist nur auf bis zu 10° geneigtem Untergr und mit ausreichender Tragfähigkeit z @ 6\mod_1401894237 321_131.docx @ 60427 @ @ 1
Pos: 3.11 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshin weise/Signalwort-Feld "Vorsicht" @ 0\mod_1261404898171_13 1.docx @ 899 @ @ 1
maintenance, or in the event of unauthorized interventions!
All electrical work must be performed by a qualified electrician. All mechanical work must be carried
out according to instructions (see Maintenance / Repair). The device may be operated only by qualified personnel who have read and understood the operating instructions.
The operator must be provided with information, instructions and training on the materials to be
absorbed, including a secure procedure for removal of the absorbed material, before use.
All notes and data on the machines must be observed! Faultless and safe use of this machine includes correct transport and storage, as well as operation
in accordance with regulations and careful maintenance!
This device is not intended for being used by persons (including) with limited physical, sensory or
mental skills or lack of experience and/or lack of knowledge except if they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or were instructed in how to use the device by this person. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device.
Operation of the device is only permitted on underground sloping no more than 10° and with sufficient load-bearing capacity.
Pos: 3.12 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshin weise/Hinweis Sicherheitsschuhe @ 0\mod_1261406516446_1 31.docx @ 925 @ @ 1
Pos: 3.13 /6 Inbetriebnahme/Gliedmaßen h erausziehen @ 6\mod_1401955740123_131.docx @ 60484 @ @ 1
Do not place any limbs between parts to be joined during assembly of the machine parts. When
Pos: 3.14 /6 Inbetriebnahme/Spänesaug er/Netzanschlussleitungen überprüfen @ 0\mod_126934998070 5_131.docx @ 3197 @ @ 1
moving the parts, pull limbs from tightening spaces in time.
Make sure that the power supply cord is not damaged by being run over, crushed, tugged etc.. Stop the industrial vacuum cleaner immediately if necessary!
The power supply cord must be regularly inspected for signs of damage or ageing!
Connectors of power supply cords must at least be splash-proof!
Pos: 3.15 /6 Inbetriebnahme/Spänesaug er/Die Inbetriebnahme ohne Filter oder einem beschädigten Filter ist nicht zulässig @ 0\mod_1269350986591_131.docx @ 3227 @ @ 1
Starting without a filter or with a damaged filter is not allowed
Pos: 3.16 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshin weise/Sicherheitsinformationen Wechselstrom-Geräte/Das Saugg erät darf nicht betrieben werden, wenn an Verschlüssen @ 0\ mod_1269505708187_131.docx @ 3510 @ @ 1
The suction device must not be operated if wear is detected on fasteners or mounting brackets.
Pos: 3.17 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshin weise/Sicherheitsinformationen Wechselstrom-Geräte/Service A dressse Ringler @ 0\mod_1269505846364_131.docx @ 3516 @ @ 1
Please arrange for a service immediately, or send the industrial vacuum cleaner for repair to:
Ringler GmbH
Abt. Service
Robert-Bosch-Straße 4-8
73550 Waldstetten
Pos: 4.1 /2 Verpackung, Transport, Lager ung/Anlieferung, innerbetrieblicher Transport, Auspacken @ 0\ mod_1261397580765_131.docx @ 840 @ 1 @ 1
Tel: ++49-7171-94888-23
Delivery, internal transportation, unpacking
L (mm)
approx. 900
W (mm)
approx. 800
H (mm)
approx. 1800
Weight with packaging (kg)
approx. 130
Recycling symbol
This information must be observed in order to preserve the environment!
2 Delivery, internal transportation, unpacking
Pos: 4.2 /2 Verpackung, Transport, Lager ung/Anlieferung @ 0\mod_1261401230055_131.docx @ 853 @ 2 @ 1
2.1 Delivery
Unload the scope of delivery on level ground with sufficiently sized industrial trucks.
Pos: 4.3 /2 Verpackung, Transport, Lager ung/Innerbetrieblicher Transport @ 0\mod_1261401337747_1 31.docx @ 860 @ 2 @ 1
2.2 Internal transport
Transport scope of supply to the site of setup secured against movement or tipping with a sufficiently sized industrial truck.
Pos: 4.4 /2 Verpackung, Transport, Lager ung/Überschrift: Abmessungen und Gewicht @ 0\mod_1269507 946238_131.docx @ 3536 @ 3 @ 1
2.2.1 Dimensions and weight
Pos: 4.5 /2 Verpackung, Transport, Lager ung/Tabelle: Abmessungen und Gewicht RI 311 W2G/W2E @ 3 \mod_1352902311486_131.docx @ 34058 @ @ 1
Pos: 4.6 /2 Verpackung, Transport, Lager ung/Auspacken @ 0\mod_1261401340912_131.docx @ 867 @ 2 @ 1
2.3 Unpacking
Make sure that no components are left in the packaging. Scope of delivery: -Suction device
-Technical Manual
Pos: 4.7 /2 Verpackung, Transport, Lager ung/Verpackungsmaterial @ 0\mod_1261401408372_131.doc x @ 874 @ 2 @ 1
2.4 Packaging material
Pos: 4.8 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshi nweise/Hinweis Recyclingsymbol @ 0\mod_1261489835239_131.d ocx @ 1060 @ @ 1
The packaging materials must be disposed of in accordance with the valid legal requirements. Correct disposal of this product (electrical waste) (applicable in the countries of the European Union
and other European countries with a separate collection system) The identification on the product and on the associated literature states that it must not be disposed of along with normal domestic waste at the end of its service life. Please dispose of this device separately from other waste, in order to prevent damage to the environment or to human health through uncontrolled waste disposal. Please recycle this device, in order to promote sustainable re­use of material resources. Private users should contact the dealer from whom they purchased the product or the competent authorities, in order to find out how they can recycle the device in an environmentally­friendly manner. Commercial users should contact their supplier. This product must not be disposed of along with other commercial waste.
Pos: 5.1 /2 Verpackung, Transport, Lager ung/Lagerbedingungen, Hinweis zur Lagerung @ 0\mod_12634 72277994_131.docx @ 1350 @ 23 @ 1
Delivery, internal transportation, unpacking
2.5 Storage conditions
2.5.1 Information for storage
Should the industrial exhauster not be operated for a longer period of time, so it has to be stored in dry, dust and vibrationless rooms. Temperature T: -10…+40°C Humidity: max. 85%
Pos: 6.1 /3 Beschreibung der Maschine, Verwendung/Gerätebeschreibung-Überschrift @ 0\mod_1261493 001970_131.docx @ 1076 @ 1 @ 1
Appliance description
3 Appliance description
Pos: 6.2 /3 Beschreibung der Maschine , Verwendung/Überschrift: Bestimmungsgemäße Verwendung @ 1\ mod_1335181714405_131.docx @ 11500 @ 2 @ 1
3.1 Intended Use
Pos: 6.3 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshi nweise/Signalwort-Feld "Hinweis" @ 0\mod_1261404960439_131.d ocx @ 905 @ @ 1
Pos: 6.4 /3 Beschreibung der Maschine, Verwendung/Gerät, das in betriebsbereitem Zustand ausgeliefert (Nass für mobile Geräte) @ 4\mod_1360571564880_131.docx @ 3 9432 @ @ 1
This device, which has been delivered ready for operation, is designed as a wet and dry vacuum cleaner for commercial and industrial applications e.g. in hotels, schools, hospitals, factories,
shops, offices and rent transactions. It is particularly suitable for vacuuming up chips, granulate, silt
Pos: 6.5 /3 Beschreibung der Maschine, Verwendung/Die Maschine darf nur betrieben werden, wenn alle Filter ric htig eingesetzt und unbeschädigt sind @ 4\mod_1361286 688952_131.docx @ 39834 @ @ 1
Pos: 6.6 /3 Beschreibung der Maschine, Verwendung/Bei Schaum- oder Flüssigkeitsaustritt sofort abschalt en! @ 0\mod_1269510877136_131.docx @ 3568 @ @ 1
Pos: 6.7 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshi nweise/Signalwort-Feld "Warnung" @ 0\mod_1261404807286_131. docx @ 893 @ @ 1
Pos: 6.8.1 /3 Beschreibung der Maschine , VerwendungÜberschrift: Staubklasse "L" @ 2\mod_13452071 06541_131.docx @ 20618 @ 3 @ 1
3.1.1 Dust class "L"
and non-flammable liquids.
The machine may only be operated when all filters installed correctly and undamaged.
Switch off immediately if foam or liquid escapes!
Pos: 6.8.2 /3 Beschreibung der Maschine , VerwendungGeeignet für trockene, gesundheitsgefährliche, nicht brennbare Stäube nach Staubklasse L @ 2\mod_1344406097 881_131.docx @ 20190 @ @ 1
Observe warning sign on the device!
The device is suitable for dusts hazardous to health and not flammable with workplace limit >1mg/m³ according to dust class L (max. permeability <1%) according to DIN EN
Pos: 6.9.1 /3 Beschreibung der Maschine , Verwendung/Überschrift: Staubklasse "M" @ 2\mod_1345207 107097_131.docx @ 20627 @ 3 @ 1
60335-2-69 Annex AA:2010.
3.1.2 Dust class "M"
Pos: 6.9.2 /3 Beschreibung der Maschine , Verwendung/ Staubklasse „M“ beinhaltet die St aubklasse „L“. @ 3\mod _1350479497308_131.docx @ 31982 @ @ 1
Dust class "M" contains dust class "L".
Pos: 6.9.3 /3 Beschreibung der Maschine , Verwendung/Geeignet für trockene, gesundheitsgefährliche, nicht brennbare Stäube nach Staubklasse M @ 2\mod_134440633 1161_131.docx @ 20198 @ @ 1
Observe warning sign on the device!
The device is suitable for dusts hazardous to health and not flammable with workplace limit
0.1mg/m³ according to dust class M (max. permeability <0.1%) according to DIN EN
Pos: 6.10 /0 Allgemeines/Seitenumbruc h @ 0\mod_1265272007940_0.docx @ 2191 @ @ 1
60335-2-69 Annex AA:2010.
Appliance description
Pos: 6.11 /3 Beschreibung der Maschine, Verwendung/Überschrift: Nicht bestimmungsgemäße Verwendung @ 1\mod_1335941486446_131.docx @ 12040 @ 2 @ 1
3.2 Non-Intended Use
Pos: 6.12 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshin weise/Signalwort-Feld "Hinweis" @ 0\mod_1261404960439_131. docx @ 905 @ @ 1
Pos: 6.13 /3 Beschreibung der Maschine, Verwendung/Personen- und Sachschäden, nicht bestimmungsge mäße Verwendung @ 4\mod_1361974611424_131.docx @ 407 32 @ @ 1
For all personal injuries and material damages, which are caused by a not -asdirected-
use, the operator and not the manufacturer of the machine is
Pos: 6.14 /3 Beschreibung der Maschine, Verwendung/Einsatz im Freien nicht gestattet! @ 6\mod_140292 7556366_131.docx @ 61608 @ @ 1
Pos: 6.15 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheitshin weise/Signalwort-Feld "Warnung" @ 0\mod_1261404807286_13 1.docx @ 893 @ @ 1
Pos: 6.16 /3 Beschreibung der Maschine, Verwendung/Nicht geeignet für brennbare Stäube @ 4\mod_136 1865721690_131.docx @ 40592 @ @ 1
Pos: 6.17 /3 Beschreibung der Maschine, Verwendung/Nicht geeignet für brennbare Flüssigkeiten @ 4\mo d_1360573519166_131.docx @ 39443 @ @ 1
Pos: 6.18 /3 Beschreibung der Maschine, Verwendung/Nicht in explosionsgefährdeten Räumen zugelassen! @ 0\mod_1269511242762_131.docx @ 3587 @ @ 1
Pos: 6.19 /1 Grundlegende Sicherheits hinweise/Signalwort-Feld "Gefahr" @ 0\mod_1261404709797_131 .docx @ 887 @ @ 1
Pos: 6.20 /3 Beschreibung der Maschine, Verwendung/Bei nicht bestimmungsgemäßer Verwendung besteht Explosions- und Brandgefahr @ 1\mod_1335941594717_131.doc x @ 12048 @ @ 1
Pos: 6.21.1 /3 Beschreibung der Maschin e, VerwendungÜberschrift: Staubklasse "L" @ 2\mod_1345207 106541_131.docx @ 20618 @ 3 @ 1
3.2.1 Dust class "L"
responsible for !
May not be used outdoors!
This device is not suitable for taking up and extracting combustible dusts.
This device is not suitable for taking up and extracting flammable liquids (flammable, highly
flammable, highly flammable hazardous substances according to Directive 67/548/EEC) (Flash Point under 55°C) as well as mixtures of combustible dusts with flammable liquids.
The vacuum cleaner is not approved for operation in potentially explosive areas!
With improper use may cause explosion and fire!
Pos: 6.21.2 /3 Beschreibung der Maschin e, VerwendungNicht geeignet für Staubklasse M und H @ 2\mo d_1345205305674_131.docx @ 20609 @ @ 1
The device is not suitable for dust class M and H.
Pos: 6.21.3 /3 Beschreibung der Masc hine, Verwendung/Nicht geeignet für krebserregende Gefahrstoffe g emäß GefStoffV, TRGS @ 8\mod_1424100115484_131.docx @ 784 70 @ @ 1
Observe warning sign on the device!
The device is not suitable for carcinogenic hazardous substances purs. to GefStoffV §10,
Pos: 6.21.4 /3 Beschreibung der Maschin e, VerwendungNicht geeignet für Asbest @ 2\mod_134484222280 5_131.docx @ 20352 @ @ 1
Pos: 6.22.1 /3 Beschreibung der Maschin e, VerwendungÜberschrift: Staubklasse "M" @ 2\mod_13452071 07097_131.docx @ 20627 @ 3 @ 1
TRGS 905 or TRGS 906.
The device is not suitable for asbestos pursuant to TRGS 519.
3.2.2 Dust class "M"
Pos: 6.22.2 /3 Beschreibung der Maschin e, VerwendungNicht geeignet für Staubklasse H @ 2\mod_1344 840346272_131.docx @ 20343 @ @ 1
The device is not suitable for dust class H.
Pos: 6.22.3 /3 Beschreibung der Maschin e, Verwendung/Nicht geeignet für krebserregende Gefahrstoffe ge mäß GefStoffV, TRGS @ 8\mod_1424100115484_131.docx @ 784 70 @ @ 1
Observe warning sign on the device!
The device is not suitable for carcinogenic hazardous substances purs. to GefStoffV §10,
Pos: 6.22.4 /3 Beschreibung der Maschin e, VerwendungNicht geeignet für Asbest @ 2\mod_134484222280 5_131.docx @ 20352 @ @ 1
Pos: 7.1 /4 Aufbau und Funktion, Technisc he Daten/Aufbau und Funktion @ 0\mod_1263203845612_131. docx @ 1120 @ 1 @ 1
TRGS 905 or TRGS 906.
The device is not suitable for asbestos pursuant to TRGS 519.
Layout and function
Sound pressure level LpA according IEC 60704-2-1
Uncertainty KpA
Protection class
Ambient temperature
-15°C to +40°C
Intake temperature medium
max. +40°C
Installation altitude
max. 1000m over NN
Voltage/ Power intake
220-240V / 11,8A
220-240V / 9,0A
Air displacement volume
Protection type
4 Layout and function
Pos: 7.2 /4 Aufbau und Funktion, Technisc he Daten/Überschrift: Hauptmaße @ 1\mod_1288959443995_1 31.docx @ 6980 @ 2 @ 1
4.1 Main dimensions
Pos: 7.3 /4 Aufbau und Funktion, Technisc he Daten/Ringler Industriesauger und fahrbare Entstauber werden in betriebsbereitem Zustand ausgeliefert. @ 1\mod_1288959 524159_131.docx @ 6987 @ @ 1
Ringler industrial vacuum cleaners and mobile dust collectors are delivered in operational condition
Pos: 7.4 /4 Aufbau und Funktion, Technisc he Daten/RI/Zeichnung RI 311-W2G/W2E Hauptmaße (99001 24) @ 3\mod_1352903256774_0.docx @ 34132 @ @ 1
Pos: 7.5 /4 Aufbau und Funktion, Technisc he Daten/RI/neue Technische Daten/Technische Daten RI 311 @ 9\mod_1429788823010_131.docx @ 92291 @ 2 @ 1
4.2 Technical Data RI 311
Pos: 7.6 /4 Aufbau und Funktion, Technisc he Daten/RI/neue Technische Daten/Technische Daten W2E/W2G @ 8\mod_1424180404385_131.docx @ 78671 @ 2 @ 1
4.3 Technical Data
Pos: 8.1 /5 Anlagenbeschreibung, Bedi enungs- und Anzeigeelemente, Betriebsarten/Hauptkomponenten, Kapitelüberschrift @ 0\mod_1263387349738_131.docx @ 1276 @ 1 @ 1
Main components
Collection container
Drive part
Crane lugs
Rotary handle
Sliding handle
Shaker device
Caster stop
Emptying lever
Suction socket
5 Main components
Pos: 8.2 /5 Anlagenbeschreibung, B edienungs- und Anzeigeelemente, Betriebsarten/RI/Überschrift: Best andteile RI 311 W @ 3\mod_1352903882411_131.docx @ 34198 @ 2 @ 1
5.1 Components RI 311 W
Pos: 8.3 /5 Anlagenbeschreibung, Bedi enungs- und Anzeigeelemente, Betriebsarten/RI/Zeichnung Hauptbes tandteile RI 311 W2G/W2E @ 3\mod_1352903814593_0.docx @ 34165 @ @ 1
Pos: 8.4 /5 Anlagenbeschreibung, Bedi enungs- und Anzeigeelemente, Betriebsarten/RI/Tabelle zu Zeichn ung Hauptkomponenten RI 311 W2G/W2E/W3G @ 3\mod_13529 03881721_131.docx @ 34187 @ @ 1
Pos: 8.5 /5 Anlagenbeschreibung, Bedi enungs- und Anzeigeelemente, Betriebsarten/RI/Funktions Beschrei bung Industriestaubsauger @ 2\mod_1344415725045_131.docx @ 20240 @ 2 @ 1
Main components
5.2 Function Description Industrial Extractor/deduster
The industrial extractor/deduster is a mobile device. A turbine in the drive unit generates a vacuum. The raw air is sucked in through the nozzle and the suction hose. Heavy particles drop directly down at the input into the collection container because of gravity. Smaller particles and dust are separated at the surface of the filter material when passing through the area filter. The pure air that was cleaned in this manner is blown back into the working room through the suction turbines and the muffler exhaust hose. The cooling air for the suction turbines is sucked in at the aid inlets at the hood and flows along the motor. This heated air then escapes again into the working room at various air gaps at the hood.
Pos: 9.1 /6 Inbetriebnahme/Inbetriebnah me, Kapitelüberschrift @ 0\mod_1263481987997_131.docx @ 13 62 @ 1 @ 1
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