Cuda SJ-15 Series Operator’s Manual 9.801-128.0 - V
How To Use This Manual
Date of Purchase:
Serial Number:
Phone Number:
Sales Representative:
This manual contains the following sections:
•How to Use This Manual
•Parts List
The HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL section will tell you
how to find important information for ordering correct
repair parts.
Parts may be ordered from authorized dealers. When
placing an order for parts, the machine model and
machine serial number are important. Refer to the
MACHINE DATA box which is filled out during the
installation of your machine. The MACHINE DATA box
is located on the inside of the front cover of this manual.
The model and serial number of your machine is
located on the back of the machine.
The SAFETY section contains important information
regarding hazardous or unsafe practices of the
machine. Levels of hazards are identified that could
result in product damage, personal injury, or severe
injury resulting in death.
The OPERATIONS section is to familiarize the operator
with the operation and function of the machine.
The MAINTENANCE section contains preventive maintenance to keep the machine and its components in
good working condition. They are listed in this general
•Oil Removal
•Sludge Removal
•Spray Arm
•Detergent and Additives
•Automatic Water Fill
•Caster Wheel
•Small Parts Basket
•Service Tray
•Tool Basket with Cleaning Tools
•Wastewater Drum Evaporator
•Alignment Tool
The PARTS LIST section contains assembled parts
illustrations and corresponding parts list. The parts lists
include a number of columns of information:
•REF – column refers to the reference number
on the parts illustration.
•PART NO. – column lists the part number for
the part.
•QTY – column lists the quantity of the part used
in that area of the machine.
•DESCRIPTION – column is a brief description
of the part.
•NOTES – column for information not noted by
the other columns.
NOTE: If a service or option kit is installed on your
machine, be sure to keep the KIT INSTRUCTIONS
which came with the kit. It contains replacement parts
numbers needed for ordering future parts.
NOTE: The manual part number is located on the
lower right corner of the front cover.
Cuda SJ-15 Series Operator’s Manual 9.801-128.0 - V
Introduction & Safety Information
Thank you for purchasing a CUDA SJ-15.
This manual covers the operation and maintenance of
the SJ-15 Parts Washer. All information in this manual
is based on the latest product information available at
the time of printing.
CUDA reserves the right to make changes at any time
without incurring any obligation.
Owner/User Responsibility:
The owner and/or user must have an understanding of
the manufacturer’s operating instructions and warnings
before using this CUDA machine. Warning information
should be emphasized and understood. If the operator
is not fluent in English, the manufacturer’s instructions
and warnings shall be read to and discussed with the
operator in the operator’s native language by the
purchaser/owner, making sure that the operator
comprehends its contents.
Owner and/or user must study and maintain for future
reference the manufacturers’ instructions.
Save these Instructions
This manual should be considered a permanent part of
the machine and should remain with it if machine is
When ordering parts, please specify model and serial
number. Use only identical replacement parts.
This machine is to be used only by trained
Cuda SJ-15 Series Operator’s Manual 9.801-128.0 - V
General Safety Information
WARNING: To reduce the risk of
injury, read operating instructions carefully before using.
le risque de blessures, lire
attentivement les instructions
de fonctionnement avant
1.Read the owner’s manual thor-
oughly. Failure to follow instructions could cause a malfunction of the parts washer
and result in death, serious bodily injury and/or
property damage.
WARNING: This equipment incorporates electrical
parts that tend to produce arcs or sparks. Therefore, when located in a garage, it should be
installed 18" (457mm) or more above the floor.
AVERTISSEMENT: Cet équipement comprend des
pièces comme des interrupteurs à rupture brusque
ou des pièces semblables qui ont tendance à
produire des arcs ou des étincelles. Par
conséquent, lorsque l'appareil se trouve dans un
garage, il devrait se trouver dans une pièce ou une
enceinte prévue à cet effet ou devrait être installé à
18 cm (457 po) ou plus du sol.
WARNING: This is a heated
parts cleaner. Use only
nonflammable, noncombustible, water-based cleaning
compounds in this machine. Do
not fill or contaminate with any
flammable or combustible
material such as gasoline,
alcohol, mineral spirits, etc.
Drain parts to be cleaned of any
combustible or flammable
material before placing inside cabinet. Failure to
observe this warning will create an extremely
hazardous condition.
AVERTISSEMENT: Ceci est un nettoyant pour les
pièces chauffées. Utiliser uniquement des produits
de nettoyage à base d'eau, ininflammable et non
combustible dans cette. Ne pas remplir ou
contaminer avec une substance inflammable ou
combustible comme de l'essence, de l'alcool, de
l'essence minérale, etc. Drainer les pièces à
nettoyer de toute substance combustible ou
inflammable avant de les placer à l'intérieur de
l'armoire.Le non-respect de cet avertissement
créera une condition extrêmement dangereuse.
DANGER: Keep water away
from electric wiring or fatal
electric shock may result.
Garder le jet d'eau à
l'écart de tout câblage électrique
ou des chocs électriques mortels
pourraient survenir.
2.All installations must comply
with local codes. Contact your
electrician, plumber, utility
company or the selling dealer for specific details.
Install the machine in compliance with the National
Electric Code. Connect to a properly sized lockable
disconnect and ground machine using the
grounding stud inside the main electrical panel.
3. Do not locate this machine in the vicinity of any
flammable vapor, liquids or solids.
4. To protect the operator from electrical shock, the
machine must be electrically grounded. It is the
responsibility of the owner to connect this machine
to a grounded receptacle of proper voltage and
amperage ratings. Do not touch machine with wet
hands or while standing in water. Always disconnect the power before servicing.
5. Do not touch machine with wet hands or while
standing in water. Always disconnect the power
before servicing.
6. Never make adjustments on machine while it is in
operation except those prescribed in this manual.
WARNING: Use extreme caution
when opening the door of this
parts washer. Hot water/
detergent vapors will be
emitted. Stand Back! Hot
cleaning solution could cause
serious injury.
Faire preuve
d'extrême prudence au moment
d'ouvrir le volet de cette partie de
la laveuse. De l'eau chaude/des
vapeurs de détergent seront émises. Se tenir à l'écart!
Une solution de nettoyage chaude haute pression
pourrait causer des blessures graves.
7. Before servicing the machine, refer to all safety
data sheets (SDS’s) on the material identified in
the waste stream. You must comply with all
Cuda SJ-15 Series Operator’s Manual 9.801-128.0 - V
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