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1 Introduction to Kapten Mobility
1.1 Introduction
Kapten Mobility is primarily a navigation device designed for visually impaired people using GPS satellite-positioning system incorporated in. Kapten Mobility is fully accessible thanks to its vocal man machine interface, which implements speech recognition and voice synthesizer.
Kapten Mobility is more than a simple GPS navigator. It will make your journey easier and will facilitate your mobility thanks to its rich-content features such as geo localization, navigation, and map discovery.
Moreover, Kapten will allow you to memorize your preferred points of interest in order to guide you there whenever you want. Such point of interest is called K-Tag.
In addition, Kapten Mobility incorporates two multimedia functions: MP3 music player and Daisy format audio book reader.
1.2 Disclaimer
Please listen carefully this message.
The Kapten Mobility, using GPS system, is dedicated for pedestrians, but can also be used in car.
During a navigation cession with Kapten Mobility, we invite you to respect carefully warnings described herein.
Whatever your travel mode, navigation instructions given by Kapten should not exempt you from respecting strictly the rules and regulations and adapt a responsible behavior.
Your attention should be focused primarily on your way: stay alert and attentive during your trip and respect other users, which may be pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and motorists.
Finally, use common sense before obeying an instruction to Kapten Mobility navigation instructions. Scrupulously observe the signals and the geometry of the sidewalks and streets. If you are unable to take the path indicated by Kapten Mobility, it will automatically recalculate your route with your new position.
Please note that Kapten Mobility embeds GPS technology. The accuracy of your position is derived; in one hand, the quality of the GPS signal, which depends heavily on the environment where you are and how you carry your phone; and in other hand, depends on digital mapping. Thus we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the navigation instructions.
Thank you for respecting these guidelines.
1.3 Various technologies used in Kapten Mobility
It includes several advanced technologies:
Geo localized digital map,
Speaker independent speech recognition,
Voice synthesizer with text to speech capability,
Multi-transport navigation engine including pedestrian, public transport and car navigation;
Geo localized public transport database,
MP3 reader,
And, Audio book reader.
Following paragraphs describe the way the above technologies are used in Kapten Mobility.
1.3.1 GPS GPS, which stands for Global Positioning System, is most used satellite-positioning system.
Kapten Mobility’s navigation engine combines GPS satellite information and digital map data in order to guide you between two geographical points or addresses.
Depending on navigation mode, Kapten Mobility’s navigation engine applies different algorithms and generates appropriate navigation announcements for guidance.
1.3.2 Voice recognition Speech recognition allows user to dictate by voice commends to Kapten Mobility. Such
commands are used for:
Select a function,
Navigate in user interface menus,
Enter destination address,
Interact with Kapten Mobility.
User shall dictate such entries by using either Kapten Mobility’s microphone or microphone of headphones.
1.3.3 Voice synthesizer Voice synthesis is a technique to create human voice from any text. It also called TEXT TO
SPEECH technology.
Combination of speech recognition and voice synthesis together brings a new way of interaction for Kapten Mobility’s men machine interface.
1.3.4 MP3 reader MP3 is an audio format for storing sound or music, without audible loss of quality to the human
Kapten Mobility uses an MP3 player to play music files stored in its storage space.
1.3.5 Audio book reader Kapten Mobility uses an audio book reader compatible with Daisy standards using HTML
format or MP3 stored in Kapten Mobility’s memory space.
1.4 Box content
The Kapten Mobility box consists of:
The Kapten Mobility A USB cable that allows you to connect Kapten Mobility to a computer in order to download multimedia content and update its firmware A wall charger that allows you to charge the battery A necklace that allows you to attach and carry your Kapten Mobility either the top or bottom of the product A headset with two headphones, a microphone and a push-to-talk button
1.5 Getting started
1.5.1 Charging the battery Before using Kapten for the first time, you need to charge Kapten Mobility’s battery.
To do this connect the USB cable to your product and plug the other end of the wall charger contained in the box.
Charge your Kapten Mobility for 7 hours before you start using the product.
1.5.2 Start Kapten Mobility To start Kapten Mobility, press 3 seconds on the button at the top right corner of the front
panel. The product will start by reminding you instructions for use and safety.
1.5.3 GPS signal acquisition The Kapten Mobility uses GPS technology as a positioning system. Therefore it must be used
outdoors in an open area with good visibility of the sky, without being fully handhold to avoid degrading the GPS signal reception. Note that the preferred way of carrying the product is put it in a pocket or using necklace.
At first use, Kapten Mobility can take 5 to 15 minutes to find its position. Once the position is found you should then hear the message: "GPS reception is up”
1.6 Embedded User Help
The current document is made available to you through audio book reader.
Moreover, at any time, you can use the contextual help of Kapten Mobility by performing a long press the play button, or using the voice command "I need help."
2 Interact with Kapten Mobility
This part explains how to interact with Kapten Mobility through its interfaces using either keypad or speech recognition technology.
It introduces to voice menu concept and explains different possibilities when using Kapten Mobility.
2.1 Keypad
For the rest of this document, "keypad" refers to set of buttons on the front panel of Kapten Mobility. All the keys have a symbol in relief. The keypad keys trigger different actions depending on whether pressing a key is short or long. A long press means at least holding the key for 3 seconds. These actions will decry specifically later in the document.
The keyboard is divided into three zones.
- "On Off" button
- Navigation keys
- Function buttons
2.1.1 « On off » key The “On Off” button is located at the top right of the front panel, and is symbolized by a small
A long press on this button can turn on or off Kapten Mobility.
A short press allows you to access to setup menu of Kapten Mobility.
2.1.2 Navigation keys These 5 navigation keys are located at the upper part of the front panel. There is one central
key and four surrounding keys. The central key is marked with a raised circle.
They are dedicated to menu navigation for Kapten Mobility. These keys may have different actions depending on the feature being used. These differences will be underlined for each feature in the following paragraphs.
- The "K" key or validation key: Located in the center of navigation keys, it is symbolized by the Kapsys logo,
- The “Play, Pause" key: Positioned at 12 o’clock, it is symbolized by a triangle and a vertical bar,
- The "Stop" key: Positioned at 6 o’clock, it is symbolized by a square,
- The "Previous" key: Positioned at 9 o’clock, it is symbolized by a left arrow symbol,
- The "Next" key: Positioned at 3 o’clock, it is symbolized by a right arrow symbol.
Note : long press on “K” key lists all Point of Interest around your current location.
2.1.3 Function keys The function keypad includes five dedicated buttons at the lower part of the front panel. They
are spread over two rows separated by a horizontal bar: above the bar, there is a row of three buttons and below, a row of two buttons.
These five keys activate various features of Kapten Mobility.
"Navigation" button: Located at the left of top row and is symbolized by a diamond. This key allows you to access to the navigation function of Kapten Mobility
"Where am I?" or " Free navigation " button: Located at the center of top row and is symbolized by a triangle. A short press on this key allows you to know your current position. A long press will activate free navigation function.
"K Tag" button. Located at the right of top row and is symbolized by a cross. This key allows you to manage your K Tag’s.
"MP3" button. Located at the left of bottom row and is symbolized by a circle. This key allows you to access the MP3 player.
"Audio Book" button. Located at the right of the bottom row and is symbolized by a star. This key allows you to access the audio book player.
2.2 Other buttons
2.2.1 Volume control buttons Located on the left edge of the device, both up and down buttons allow you respectively
increase or decrease the volume of Kapten Mobility.
2.2.2 Voice control button Located on the right edge, the push-to-talk button, called also Automatic Speech Recognition
button or ASR as well, allows you to activate the voice recognition of Kapten Mobility and interact vocally.
2.2.3 Reset button Located on the lower edge, this little button allows you to reset Kapten Mobility in case of
2.3 Connections
Kapten Mobility is composed of three connectors:
Mini USB connector located on the bottom edge: The USB connector allows to recharge the battery and also to connect to a computer.
Micro SD connector for memory card located on the right edge: The additional micro SD card can increase the memory capacity of Kapten Mobility for multimedia content,
Audio jack connector located on the top edge of Kapten Mobility: This allows you to connect the headphones as an accessory.
2.4 Headphones
Headphones provided with Kapten Mobility feature an integrated microphone and a push-to­talk button. When headphones are connected, they replace the microphone, the loudspeaker and push-to-talk button integrated to Kapten Mobility.
2.5 Interaction through menus
To activate one of the Kapten Mobility’s features, you start to press one of the function keys such as Navigation, K-Tag, MP3 or Audio Book. The corresponding vocalized menu is then activated. Each menu is composed of a list of items. When activated, Kapten Mobility will announce the menu title and the first item of the menu.
There is two different ways to navigate in menus:
Either through navigation keys,
Or enter vocally your choice.
2.5.1 Interact with navigation keys Each voice menu is a list of voice synthesized items where you can select with “K” key while
browsing them using “Next” and “Previous” keys as described herein after.
In a menu, you can use any of the following keys:
Voice Control or ASR button Allows to enter an order vocally
Short press on « Next » key Goes to next item of the list
Short press on « Previous » key Goes to previous item of the list
Short press on « K » key Allows to select the current item of the list
Long press on « Previous » key Allows to return to the previous menu
Short press on « Stop » key Allows to exit the current function
Short press on « Play, Pause » key Repeats the menu title and current item of
Long press on « Play, Pause » key Activates contextual help
2.5.2 Interact vocally Now let interest in how you can activate each menu item using speech recognition through
voice commends.
A voice command is an order vocally entered by the using the microphone in response to the voice menu as described above. It also says that user 'dictates his/her choice'.
Before entering your command, press ASR key, wait the beep then dictate your choice such as an item of active menu.
corresponding to one of the menu items
the list
A voice command is pronounced aloud into the integrated microphone or microphone of your headphones.
To increase the efficiency of speech recognition by Kapten Mobility, we recommend:
To speak into the microphone in a clear voice,
About 10 centimetres or four inches from the microphone,
Speak after the beep,
And preferably in a quiet environment.
2.6 Interacting with Kapten Mobility using keywords
The keywords are phrases or simple words you can dictate to Kapten Mobility. They allow you to either interrogate like battery status or ask Kapten Mobility to perform certain actions such as change the navigation mode.
Certain keywords, as given in the following paragraph, can be entered anytime independently whether a function is activated, others can be used only within the active function. Such keywords will be discussed within dedicated paragraph to function.
To interact with Kapten Mobility through keywords:
Make a short press on ASR key either on Kapten Mobility or on headphones;
Dictate the keyword after the beep.
2.6.1 Generic keywords Following keywords can be used anytime regardless of the current active function.
Need Help Launches contextual help.
Keyword Indicates available keywords.
GPS Activates navigation menu.
Activate free navigation Activates free navigation.
Stop free navigation Stops the free navigation mode.
MP3 Activates MP3 menu.
Audio book Activates audio book menu.
Parameters Activates parameter menu.
K TAG Activates K Tag menu.
Where am I? Indicates your current position.
POI around Indicates Point of interest of any category around your
current position.
Repeat Repeats the last message announced.
GPS Signal Indicates the quality of GPS signal.
Battery level? Indicates the battery level in percentages.
What time is it? Indicates time of the day.
Volume down Decrease the audio level.
Volume up Increase the audio level.
Current position Indicates attitude and longitude in degrees, minutes
and seconds and the altitude.
Speed limit Indicates the speed limit of the road on which you are.
Current speed Indicates the speed at which you are driving.
Praying time Indicates next praying hour (Arabic version only).
2.6.2 « Navigation » related keywords The following keywords are only valid when Kapten is in Navigation mode.
Next Instruction Indicates next navigation instruction.
Last Instruction Repeats last navigation instruction.
Current destination Indicates the current destination.
Switch to public transport Activates public transport roadbook in pedestrian
Resume navigation Exits from roadbook mode and resumes navigation to
Current Navigation mode Indicates the current navigation mode.
Switch to Pedestrian mode
Switch to Car mode Switches to car navigation mode without re-entering
Remaining distance Indicates the remaining distance until destination point
Arrival time Indicates the remaining time until destination point
Roadbook Activates roadbook during a navigation
Stop navigation Stops the current navigation
2.6.3 « MP3 » related keywords The following keywords are only valid when using MP3 reader.
What am I listening to? Indicates information about the current track
Next title Advances to the next track
Previous title Returns to the previous track
Play all tracks Plays all tracks of your music stored in Kapten Mobility
Start random mode Starts reading tracks randomly
Switches to pedestrian navigation mode without re­entering the destination address.
the destination address.
Stop random mode Stops reading tracks randomly
Stop music Stops MP3 player
2.6.4 « Audio book» related keywords The following keywords are only valid when using audio book reader.
What am I listening to? Indicates the title of the current audio book
Book information Indicates information about the current audio book
Next Section Advances to the next section
Previous Section Returns to the previous section
Book duration Indicates the remaining time until the end of the book
Stop reading Stops audio book
2.7 Alphanumerical character entry or virtual keypad
2.7.1 Description Kapten Mobility implements an alphanumeric input mode available only for entering a city
name, a street name or street number. This input method is useful when speech recognition does not give satisfaction.
To select a city for example, simply enter the first letters of the city using virtual keypad then exit from entry mode with long press on “K” key. Kapten Mobility then provides you a list of city names containing these characters. Please note, more you enter characters, shorter the list will be.
2.7.2 How to use virtual keypad The following keys are used to enter alphanumerical words:
Push to talk button Allows you to enter vocally an
Long press on « K » key Enters to or exits from alphanumerical
Short press on « Next» key Indicates next character
Short press on « Previous» key Indicates previous character
Long press on « Next» key Toggles between letters and numbers
Short press on « K » key Select the current character
Long press on « Previous» key Discard the last entered character
Short press on « Play, Pause » key Spells the entered characters
Short press on « Stop» key Exits from the menu (?)
Long press on « Play, Pause » key Activates the contextual help
2.8 Features activation
A feature can be activated
Either by using voice command, enter vocally the feature you would like to activate
(GPS, MP3, KTAG or Audio Book)
alphanumerical character
entry mode
Either by pressing a feature key.
To activate feature, the following keys can be used:
Push to talk button Allow you to enter your choice vocally
Short press on « K » key Repeat the last massage played
Long press on “K” key Search all Point of interest around your
Short press on “Navigation” key Activate navigation menu
Long press on “Navigation” key Activate the navigation menu with default
Short press on “Free Nav” key Indicate your current location
Long Press on “Free Nav” key Enable or disable free navigation mode
Short Press on “Ktag” key Activate Ktag menu
Long press on “Ktag” key Create a Ktag with your current location
Short press on “MP3” key Activate MP3 menu
Long press on “MP3” key Start MP3 player with the last listened song
Short press on “Audio Book” key Activate audio book menu
Long press on “Audio Book” key Start Audio book with the last listened book
Long press on “Play, Pause” key Activate contextual help
3 Navigation function
navigation mode (pedestrian or car)
3.1 Before you start navigation with Kapten Mobility
Please listen carefully this message.
The Kapten Mobility navigation device, using GPS system, is dedicated for pedestrians, but can also be used in car.
During a navigation cession with Kapten Mobility, we invite you to respect carefully warnings described herein.
Whatever your travel mode, navigation instructions given by Kapten Mobility should not exempt you from respecting strictly the rules and regulations and adapt a responsible behavior.
Your attention should be focused primarily on your way: stay alert and attentive during your trip and respect other users, which may be pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and motorists.
Finally, use common sense before obeying an instruction to Kapten Mobility navigation instructions. Scrupulously observe the signals and the geometry of the sidewalks and streets. If you are unable to take the path indicated by Kapten Mobility, it will automatically recalculate your route with your new position.
Please note that this software uses the GPS embedded in your Smartphone. The accuracy of your position is derived; in one hand, the quality of the GPS signal, which depends heavily on the environment where you are and how you carry your phone; and in other hand, depends on digital mapping. Thus we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the navigation instructions.
Thank you for respecting these guidelines.
3.2 Launching GPS navigation
The GPS navigation function can be activated:
Either by pressing on "Navigation" button located at the left of top row of function keypad and is symbolized by a diamond,
Or by « GPS » keyword.
Note that a long press on the "Navigation" button is a shortcut allowing you to access directly to enter a destination in the default navigation mode as defined in settings.
3.3 Different navigation modes
You can select your navigation mode from the following list:
« Pedestrian Navigation »: navigation suitable for pedestrian use including public transports when available;
« Car Navigation »: navigation suitable for in-car use;
« Map Discovery »: allow you to read your Kapten Mobility’s digital map and virtually move­cross intersection, while giving you a description of each of the intersections;
« Public Transport »: allow you to list the road book between two public stations such as subway, tramway or train;
« Track »: allow you to record a route, name it then play later.
To control the navigation mode, the following buttons can be used:
Push to talk button Allow you to enter your choice vocally
Short press on « Next» key Indicates next item of the list
Short press on « Previous» key Indicates previous item of the list
Short press on « K » key Selects the item
Long press on « Previous» key Returns to previous menu
Short press on « Stop» key Exits from menu
Short press on « Play, Pause » key Repeats the title of the menu and current
Long press on « Play, Pause » key Activates the contextual help
3.4 Pedestrian navigation
In pedestrian navigation mode your journey to destination will be optimized accordingly.
You can modify certain parameters of route calculation in paragraph called « Pedestrian Navigation Parameters » at the end of this document.
If any public transport network may be used during your journey, Kapten Mobility will prompt you. If you accept to use public transport then the route calculation will include public transports if available.
3.5 Car navigation
In car navigation mode your journey to destination is optimized for car use only.
You can modify certain parameters of route calculation in paragraph called « Car Navigation Parameters » at the end of this document.
item from the list
3.6 Selecting the destination
Enter vocally your destination or select an item from the following list:
« New address»: Defines a destination address,
« Last destinations»: Allows you to select one of your last destinations memorized automatically,
« Favourites »: Allows you to select one of your favourite destination from your favourites list,
« Contacts »: Allows you to select your destination from your Contact list;
« KTAG »: Allows you to select your destination from your KTAG list;
« Point of Interests»: Allows you to select your destination from your Point of Interest list provided by Map Provider;
« Itinerary»: Calculates and allows you to brows the Roadbook between starting and destination points;
To enter a destination, the following buttons can be used:
Push to talk button Allows you to enter your choice vocally from
the list
Short press on « Next» key Indicates next item of the list
Short press on « Previous» key Indicates previous item of the list
Short press on « K » key Selects the item
Long press on « Previous» key Returns to previous menu
Short press on « Stop» key Exits from menu
Short press on « Play, Pause » key Repeats the title of the menu and current
item from the list
Long press on « Play, Pause » key Activates the contextual help
3.6.1 Navigate to « new address » The various stages of entering a new address are as follow:
Select country map (available only with multiple country configuration)
Select state or region (if needed. Depends on country)
Select city name.
Select street name.
And select street number. Country Map selection Enter vocally the country of your destination or select from the list of maps available in your
Kapten Mobility.
To choose a country map, the following buttons can be used:
Push to talk button Allows you to enter the country name
Short press on « Next» key Indicates next item of the list
Short press on « Previous» key Indicates previous item of the list
Short press on « K » key Selects the item
Long press on « Previous» key Returns to previous menu
Short press on « Stop» key Exits from menu
Short press on « Play, Pause » key Repeats the title of the menu and current
item from the list
Long press on « Play, Pause » key Activates the contextual help State or Region name selection Enter vocally the state or region name of your destination or select the state or region name
from the list.
To choose the state or region, the following buttons can be used:
Push to talk button Allows you to enter the state or region
Short press on « Next» key Indicates next item of the list
Short press on « Previous» key Indicates previous item of the list
Short press on « K » key Selects the item
Long press on « Previous» key Returns to previous menu. Or returns to
Long press on « Next» key Selects automatically the state or region
Short press on « Stop» key Exits from menu
country map selection in case of multiple country configuration.
corresponding to your current position.
Short press on « Play, Pause » key Repeats the title of the menu and current
Long press on « Play, Pause » key Activates the contextual help City name selection Enter vocally the city name of your destination or select city name from the list.
By default, the proposed list of cities consists of the city of your current position and the last selected cities.
To choose the city name, the following buttons can be used:
Push to talk button Allows you to enter the city name
Long press on « K » key Switches to alphanumerical entry mode
Short press on « Next» key Indicates next item of the list
Short press on « Previous» key Indicates previous item of the list
Short press on « K » key Selects the item
Long press on « Previous» key Returns to previous menu. Or returns to
item from the list
country map selection in case of multiple country configuration.
Long press on « Next» key Selects the city corresponding to your
current position.
Short press on « Stop» key Exits from menu
Short press on « Play, Pause » key Repeats the title of the menu and current
item from the list
Long press on « Play, Pause » key Activates the contextual help Street name selection Enter vocally the street name of your destination or select street name from the list.
By default, the proposed list of street names consists of last street name selected in the city and « city center » item.
To improve voice recognition of street names, it is necessary to pronounce the street name as a whole. Example: pronounce « Broadway Avenue » and not just « Broadway».
To choose the street name, the following buttons can be used:
Push to talk button Allows you to enter the street name
Long press on « K » key Switches to alphanumerical entry mode
Short press on « Next» key Indicates next item of the list
Short press on « Previous» key Indicates previous item of the list
Short press on « K » key Selects the item
Long press on « Previous» key Returns to previous menu.
Long press on « Next» key Selects the city center as your destination.
Short press on « Stop» key Exits from menu
Short press on « Play, Pause » key Repeats the title of the menu and current
Long press on « Play, Pause » key Activates the contextual help Street number selection Enter vocally the street number into the proposed range of available number of your
destination or switch to alphanumerical mode.
Note: if the selected street has no available number into the map data, this step will be automatically scripted.
If you do not want to enter a specific street number, you can select « Any Number » item from the list.
To choose the street number, the following buttons can be used:
Push to talk button Allows you to enter the street number
Long press on « K » key Switches to alphanumerical entry mode
Short press on « Next» key Indicates next item of the list
item from the list
Short press on « Previous» key Indicates previous item of the list
Short press on « K » key Selects the item
Long press on « Previous» key Returns to previous menu.
Long press on « Next» key Selects “Any Number” of the street as
Short press on « Stop» key Exits from menu
Short press on « Play, Pause » key Repeats the title of the menu and current
Long press on « Play, Pause » key Activates the contextual help Public Transport Confirm vocally the use of public transport when calculating your route by pronouncing Yes or
You can use the following buttons:
Push to talk button Allows you to enter vocally Yes or No
Short press on « Next» key Indicates next item of the list
Short press on « Previous» key Indicates previous item of the list
Short press on « K » key Selects the item
Long press on « Previous» key Returns to previous menu
Short press on « Stop» key Exits from menu
destination point.
item from the list
Short press on « Play, Pause » key Repeats the title of the menu and current
Long press on « Play, Pause » key Activates the contextual help
3.6.2 Navigate to « Last Destinations » Enter vocally the complete address of one of your «Last Destinations» or select from the list of
your last destinations.
To choose one of your Last Destinations you can use following buttons:
Push to talk button Allow you to select one of your last
Short press on « Next» key Indicates next item of the list
Short press on « Previous» key Indicates previous item of the list
Short press on « K » key Selects the item
Long press on « Previous» key Returns to previous menu
Short press on « Stop» key Exits from menu
Short press on « Play, Pause » key Repeats the title of the menu and current
item from the list
destinations by pronouncing the complete address as entered first time.
item from the list
Long press on « Play, Pause » key Activates the contextual help
You can delete your last destination list. To delete, please refer to « Parameter » section.
3.6.3 Navigate to « Favorite » Enter vocally the name of one of your «Favorite» addresses or select from the list of your
favorite addresses.
To create a « Favorite », please refer to K-Tag section.
To choose one of your Favorites you can use following buttons:
Push to talk button Allow you to select one of your favorites by
Short press on « Next» key Indicates next item of the list
Short press on « Previous» key Indicates previous item of the list
Short press on « K » key Selects the item
Long press on « Previous» key Returns to previous menu
Short press on « Stop» key Exits from menu
Short press on « Play, Pause » key Repeats the title of the menu and current
Long press on « Play, Pause » key Activates the contextual help
3.6.4 Navigate to « Contact » Enter vocally the name of your « Contact » or select one from the proposed list.
pronouncing the name attached to the Favorite.
item from the list
To create a « Contact », please refer to section K-Tag.
To choose one of your Contacts you can use following buttons:
Push to talk button Allow you to select one of your Contacts by
Short press on « Next» key Indicates next item of the list
Short press on « Previous» key Indicates previous item of the list
Short press on « K » key Selects the item
Long press on « Previous» key Returns to previous menu
Short press on « Stop» key Exits from menu
Short press on « Play, Pause » key Repeats the title of the menu and current
Long press on « Play, Pause » key Activates the contextual help
3.6.5 Navigate to « K-Tag » Select category of « K-Tag » Enter vocally the category of « K-Tag » or select one from the proposed list.
pronouncing the name attached to.
item from the list
To create a « K-Tag », please refer to section K-Tag.
To select a category of K-Tag you can use the following buttons:
Push to talk button Allow you to select K-Tag category by
pronouncing K-Tag category name.
Short press on « Next» key Indicates next item of the list
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