Kapsys Kapten Plus Instruction Manual

Section 1: Introducing kapten plus.
This section introduces kapten plus. The chapters described in this section are: 1: A brief presentation of kapten plus 2 : The technology used 3 : A technical overview of kapten plus
Chapter 1: A brief presentation of kapten plus. Kapten plus is a mobile navigation system based on satellite geolocation (GPS). Its operation is essentially based on voice recognition and through a full voice interface. Kapten plus is so much more than a "simple GPS sat nav" system. You can take advantage of its smart features while on the move, in particular location positioning, route guidance, exploration and map reading functions. With Kapten plus, you can also save your favourite locations for future reference.
Chapter 2: The technology used Despite its small size - barely bigger than a credit card - kapten plus contains an impressive range of advanced technologies: a GPS navigation system with a map of France; a speech synthesis system; a multiparty voice-recognition system; an MP3 player; an FM radio receiver; a USB connection.
The paragraphs below provide a brief description of this technology and how it is applied in kapten plus.
GPS. The GPS system is the first satellite geolocation system in the world. The navigation engine of the kapten plus is based on GPS satellite data and map-based data which guide the user from a geographical point A to a geographical point B. Kapten plus' navigation engine applies a certain number of navigation rules, depending on the user's navigation mode.
Voice recognition and speech synthesis. Voice recognition allows the user to give commands orally to the system being used, rather than manually entering them in via a tactile interface. Use the voice recognition in kapten plus for: 1: selecting a function you wish to activate and navigating through the corresponding voice menus; 2: entering a destination; 3: choosing from between different music-selection criteria: album title, artist, song. You can voice instructions directly into the microphone on kapten plus' headset.
Speech synthesis is an IT sound synthesis technique for creating artificial oral pronunciation of any text. Kapten plus associates speech synthesis and voice recognition to form a vocal interface between the device and the user.
MP3 player MP3 is an audio format for storing sound without any loss of sound quality audible to the human ear. Kapten plus utilizes an MP3 player for reading music files saved in its storage space.
FM receiver Kapten plus utilizes an FM receiver to pick up radio broadcasts, wherever the user happens to be at the time.
USB connection Kapten plus includes a USB interface with two functions: 1: Connecting locally to a computer: kapten plus is regarded as a storage device (slightly similar to a USB flash drive) The user can then drag and drop any type of file from the computer to kapten plus; 2: Internet connection via a computer: in this configuration, kapten plus connects to the Kapsys Internet site (www.kapsys.com) via the computer. Users can then synchronise their personal data and purchase additional contents to download to kapten plus (maps and audio­guides).
Kapten plus utilizes a USB 2.0 Full Speed connection.
Chapter 3: A technical overview of kapten plus.
Paragraph 1: Pack contents Your kapten plus comes with the following: a USB cable; A headset kit; an amplified mini loudspeaker including battery. An audio cable to connect the mini LS to Kapten plus. A USB cable to connect the mini LS to a USB power supply system: USB pc link or USB mains charger link. The installation guide.
The USB cable supplied with kapten plus is a micro USB. It is used for:
1) recharging the battery of your kapten plus ;
2) connecting kapten plus to mykapsys, the user's personal web space to manage content and download extra data (maps, audio guides, K-tags) ;
3) download additional contents and updates using the kapmanager application.
Note: You can charge your kapten plus by plugging to a USB supply system or to a pc with a USB port. A USB mains charger is also proposed as an option on www.kapsys.com, under easystore section.
To connect the USB cable to your computer:
1) Plug the USB cable micro B-type connector into the kapten plus socket;
2) Plug the USB cable A-type connector into your computer's socket.
The headset
The headset includes a microphone and a Speak button, and enables the vocal interface between the user and kapten plus. It allows the user to: hear the voice menus associated to each function - GPS, MP3, FM and free navigation, -state a choice; send voice instructions to kapten plus. follow navigation instructions; listen to the radio and music.
To connect the headset:
1) Plug the 2.5 male jack of your headset into the socket on your kapten plus;
2) Place the headphones in your ears and press one of the functions briefly to check that you can hear the sound correctly.
Paragraph 2: Technical characteristics
- Size: 74 x 44 x 13 mm;
- Weight: 50 g;
- Autonomy: approx. 4hrs 30 in operation mode.
Section 2: Interacting with kapten plus.
This section describes how to interact with kapten plus via its various interfaces: vocal interface and touch interface Here we introduce the central notion of the voice menu and explain the possible modes of interaction between the user and kapten plus. The following sections are dealt with: 1: Interacting vocally with kapten plus; 2: Familiarising yourself with kapten plus’ buttons and other interfaces;
Chapter 1: Interacting vocally with kapten plus. User / kapten plus interaction are possible through the touch interface made up of buttons and a vocal interface.
This chapter will: 1: introduce the concept of voice menus and voice commands; 2: present the various modes of interaction which are possible between the user and kapten plus; 3: describe the headset, which makes this interaction possible.
Paragraph 1: The fundamentals of vocal interaction.
Voice interaction between the user and kapten plus is based on voice menus in the four functions (navigation, music, radio, free navigation).
Let’s start with the voice menu concept.
Voice menus are lists of choices offered by kapten plus after the user has activated a particular function
Examples of voice menus When the user launches the GPS navigation function, the first step is to choose a navigation mode; kapten plus will then propose various input data of available destinations. New address ; favourites ; last trips ; contacts ; Ktag; point of interest ; visits ; public transport; routes; itinerary from A to B; map reading.
For each voice menu proposed, the user must choose from the list of options. Users can make their selection either by:
- voice command, by stating one of the previously suggested options into the headset microphone after the beep;
- touch command, using kapten plus' buttons.
Let’s describe the voice command concept A voice command is a command which is spoken into the headset microphone in response to a voice menu. We also say that the user "states their selection". Depending on the mode of interaction chosen by the user, the command may be stated: 1: at the end of the menu, after you hear the beep; 2: within the menu, after interrupting it by a short press on the headset button; 3: spontaneously, outside of the voice menu, by pronouncing a key-word for example. For this last mode, please refer to paragraph 3 of this section: Interacting using key-words.
A voice command is stated out loud into the headset microphone Small tip: To make the voice command understood correctly by kapten plus, it is recommended to speak clearly into the microphone in an area with little background noise.
Examples of voice commands. Following the previous example, the user, a pedestrian in this case, replies to Kapten plus' voice menu by stating their choice of navigation mode after the beep: \voice=Sebastien\pedestrian \voice=Virginie\
Kapten plus then goes to a second menu and the user selects the type of destination: \voice=Sebastien\new address \voice=Virginie\
Note: The vocal interaction is based on vocal exchange between Kapten plus and the user: kapten plus proposes a list of options or asks a question and the user makes a selection from the list or replies to the question.
This paragraph describes the touch command. A touch command is sent to kapten plus by pressing one of the keys described in Chapter 2 in this section, under: Familiarising yourself with Kapten plus buttons and sockets), Note: Touch commands are used in particular in confined areas as an alternative to voice commands.
Paragraph 2: Navigating in a voice menu.
When navigating in a voice menu, you may use the voice commands or touch commands, or both. If you only use the voice commands, please wait for a beep before stating your choice. Once you are familiar with your kapten plus, you may also interrupt the list of options by pressing the mike button and stating immediately your choice. You may also use the touch commands. In this case, please use the fast forward and rewind keys to browse the menus, and press the K key to confirm your selection. You may refer to chapter 2 in this section to find out about the kapten plus’ buttons and keys.
Paragraph 3: Interacting using key-words
Kapten plus key-words are phrases or single words that the user can say to kapten plus to: 1: enquire about the status of the battery, the time, current position, current destination etc. ­we call these "question key-words"; 2: to request certain actions, like change destination, turn up the volume, activate the radio or save a favourite item for example - we call these "action key-words".
You can pronounce certain key-words regardless of the current function. Others can only be used when a specific function is activated. To interact with kapten plus using a key-word: Press the headset button at any time, then pronounce the key-word.
First: question key-words
Please find below the complete list of question key words, as well as the answers or actions from your kapten plus:
General question key-words. \voice=Sebastien\Key-word? \voice=Virginie\Says the list of available key words. \voice=Sebastien\I need some help? \voice=Virginie\Launches voice help based on the kapten plus Quick Start Guide. \voice=Sebastien\Battery? \voice=Virginie\Indicates the battery charge level in percentage. \voice=Sebastien\GPS signal level? \voice=Virginie\Gives the list of accessible satellites. \voice=Sebastien\What time is it? \voice=Virginie\Says the time. \voice=Sebastien\Where am I? \voice=Virginie\Gives the address of your current location. \voice=Sebastien\Speed limit? \voice=Virginie\Gives the speed limit for the road you are driving on. \voice=Sebastien\ Current speed? \voice=Virginie\Gives your current speed. \voice=Sebastien\Compass calibration? \voice=Virginie\Allow to calibrate the compass, for more details see www.Kapsys.com Support area \voice=Sebastien\Compass? \voice=Virginie\Gives your direction. \voice=Sebastien\Version number \voice=Virginie\Gives the embedded software release number.
GPS mode related question key words \voice=Sebastien\Where do we go? \voice=Virginie\Indicates the destination
\voice=Sebastien\Arrival time? \voice=Virginie\Says the estimated time of arrival. \voice=Sebastien\Distance? \voice=Virginie\Indicates the remaining distance to travel \voice=Sebastien\Next instruction? \voice=Virginie\Gives the next navigation instruction. \voice=Sebastien\Previous instruction? \voice=Virginie\Repeats the previous navigation instruction \voice=Sebastien\Available maps? \voice=Virginie\Indicates the countries and cities maps available in the kapten plus. \voice=Sebastien\Navigation mode? \voice=Virginie\ Indicates the standard navigation mode. \voice=Sebastien\Current Position? \voice=Virginie\Gives latitude and longitude coordinates in degrees, minutes and seconds, and altitude in meters. \voice=Sebastien\Route map? \voice=Virginie\In Navigation mode, you are given instructions for each portion of the route up to the final destination.
MP3 mode related question key-words. \voice=Sebastien\What am I listening to? \voice=Virginie\Says the title of the song and the artist’s name.
Please find below the list of action key words.
\voice=Sebastien\Volume up! \voice=Virginie\Turns the volume up or down \voice=Sebastien\ Volume down! \voice=Sebastien\Parking! \voice=Virginie\Memorises the user's geographical position and saves it in Car favourites \voice=Sebastien\Record home! \voice=Virginie\Memorises the user's geographical position and saves it in Home favourites \voice=Sebastien\Record office! \voice=Virginie\Memorises the user's geographical position and saves it in Office favourites \voice=Sebastien\K-tag! \voice=Virginie\Automatically creates a K-tag \voice=Sebastien\Voice adjustment \voice=Virginie\you can speed up or slow down the voice synthesis speed using the "Next" or "Back" keys. \voice=Sebastien\Plane mode activation! \voice=Virginie\Activates the flight mode and disables GPS receiver. \voice=Sebastien\Plane mode deactivation! \voice=Virginie\Disables the flight mode and reactivates GPS receiver. \voice=Sebastien\Activate speed camera! \voice=Virginie\Activates the listed speed camera warnings in navigation or non navigation mode. \voice=Sebastien\Deactivate speed camera! \voice=Virginie\Deactivates the speed camera warnings. \voice=Sebastien\Switch kapten plus off! \voice=Virginie\Switches the device off.
List of action key words for GPS function.
\voice=Sebastien\GPS! \voice=Virginie\ starts the voice menu for address input. \voice=Sebastien\Avoid highways! \voice=Virginie\Recalculates the current itinerary to avoid highways Note: Available only in navigation mode. \voice=Sebastien\Avoid tolls! \voice=Virginie\ recalculates the current itinerary to avoid tolls. Note: Available only in navigation mode.
\voice=Sebastien\Take highways \voice=Virginie\ Recalculates the navigation to include highways. \voice=Sebastien\Take tolls! \voice=Virginie\ recalculates the navigation to include tolls. \voice=Sebastien\Switch to pedestrian mode! \voice=Virginie\Allows to switch navigation mode (i.e. from car to pedestrian) for the current destination address. \voice=Sebastien\Switch to bicycle mode! \voice=Sebastien\Switch to motorbike mode! \voice=Sebastien\Switch to car mode! \voice=Sebastien\Stop navigation! \voice=Virginie\To stop the navigation in progress. \voice=Sebastien\Start route! \voice=Virginie\ Starts saving the route. \voice=Sebastien\Stop route! \voice=Virginie\Stops saving the route.
List of key words for MP3.
\voice=Sebastien\MP3! \voice=Virginie\ to access the MP3 menu. \voice=Sebastien\Same genre music! \voice=Virginie\Plays tracks of the same style \voice=Sebastien\More of this artist!\voice=Virginie\Plays tracks from the same artist. \voice=Sebastien\Play whole album!\voice=Virginie\Plays current album right through. \voice=Sebastien\Play all the music! \voice=Virginie\Plays all the music stored on kapten plus. \voice=Sebastien\Next title! \voice=Virginie\ Plays the next title after the current song. \voice=Sebastien\Previous title! \voice=Virginie\Plays the previous title after the current song. \voice=Sebastien\Random! \voice=Virginie\Activates random play mode. \voice=Sebastien\Deactivate random mode! \voice=Virginie\Deactivates random play mode. \voice=Sebastien\Stop the music! \voice=Virginie\ Stops current track.
List of action key words for FM function.
\voice=Sebastien\FM! \voice=Virginie\To access the FM menu. \voice=Sebastien\Stop the radio! \voice=Virginie\FM function stopped. \voice=Sebastien\New station! \voice=Virginie\Dictate name of the radio station you want to hear. \voice=Sebastien\New frequency! \voice=Virginie\Dictate frequency you want to hear.
For example for 103,5 MHz, says: \voice=Sebastien\"103 dot 5". \voice=Virginie\
The last action key word applies to Dictaphone mode. \voice=Sebastien\Dictaphone mode! \voice=Virginie\To record, listen to or delete a voice memo.
Paragraph 4: The headset
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