Kantech KT-NCC Quick Configuration Manual

Network Communications Controller
Quick Configuration Guide
Purpose of this Document
This Quick Setup Guide is intended for users who are already familiar with Kantech products and have some knowledge of network configuration.
This document is aimed at describing the configuration steps required to establish communication between EntraPass Global Edition and one or several KT-NCC communication controllers, taking into account your environment and your network architecture. Note that this document does not replace the reference guide that came with the KT-NCC communication controller and the EntraPass Global Edition software.
Reference Documents
The following documents are reference documents for EntraPass Global Edition and the KT-NCC communications controller:
KT-NCC Network communication controller, Installation Manual, DN1611.
EntraPass Global Edition Reference Manual DN1316.
How to Migrate to the KT-NCC DN1661.
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Table of Contents
Purpose of this Document ........................................................................................................ 1
Reference Documents .............................................................................................................. 1
Table of Contents ..........................................................................................................2
Introduction ..................................................................................................................3
How to Proceed ....................................................................................................................... 3
Network Architectures ..................................................................................................4
Local Area Network (LAN) Architecture ..................................................................................... 4
Possible LAN Configurations ....................................................................................................4
Wide Area Network (WAN) Architecture .................................................................................... 7
Network Configuration Scenario ...................................................................................8
Default KT-NCC Parameters ..................................................................................................... 8
KT-NCC Connections Diagram ................................................................................................ 9
Flash Patterns of the LED Indicator .........................................................................................10
Table of Communication Timings .............................................................................................10
Before Connecting and Configuring the KT-NCC .......................................................................11
Configuring a Static IP Address (LAN) ........................................................................ 12
To Configure a Static Address (LAN) .......................................................................................12
Initializing the KT-NCC in Factory Reset Mode .....................................................................13
Connecting the KT-NCC to the Network ...............................................................................13
Assigning the KT-NCC Static IP Address .............................................................................13
Registering the KT-NCC on the EntraPass Global Edition Server ..........................................16
Configuring the KT-NCC in EntraPass Global Edition ........................................................... 16
Verifying the Connection Status ..........................................................................................19
Configuring the EntraPass DHCP IP Address (LAN) ...................................................20
To configure an EntraPass DHCP Address (LAN) .....................................................................20
Initializing the KT-NCC in Factory Reset Mode .....................................................................20
Registering the KT-NCC to the EntraPass Global Edition Server ...........................................21
Activating the EntraPass DHCP ...........................................................................................22
Configuring the KT-NCC in EntraPass Global Edition ........................................................... 22
Connecting the KT-NCC to the Network ...............................................................................23
Verifying the Connection Status ..........................................................................................25
Configuring a Enterprise DHCP IP Address (LAN) .....................................................26
To configure a Enterprise DHCP address (LAN) .......................................................................26
Initializing the KT-NCC in Factory Reset Mode .....................................................................26
Connecting the KT-NCC to the Network ...............................................................................27
Registering the KT-NCC to the EntraPass Global Edition Server ...........................................27
Configuring the KT-NCC in EntraPass Global Edition ........................................................... 28
Verifying the Connection Status ..........................................................................................31
WAN Network .............................................................................................................. 32
Configuring a DHCP Address (WAN) ........................................................................................33
Initializing the KT-NCC in Factory Reset Mode .....................................................................33
Port Forwarding ................................................................................................................. 33
Connecting the KT-NCC ...................................................................................................... 33
Registering the KT-NCC to the EntraPass Global Edition Server ...........................................34
Entering Router Parameters on the Server ........................................................................... 35
Configuring the KT-NCC in EntraPass Global Edition ........................................................... 35
Verifying the Connection Status ..........................................................................................37
My Network Configuration ...........................................................................................38
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How to Proceed
Before you start installing KT-NCC hardware, you have to determine the configuration that best corresponds to your network architecture. This information is crucial for the good operation of the Kantech products that you will install. We suggest that you contact the Network Administrator of the site where you will install the KT-NCC so that he can provide you with all network information that is essential for the good operation of the KT-NCC.
First, determine the architecture of the site and the corresponding configuration scenario. Next, you should:
assemble the network information required to configure the KT-NCC;
register and configure the KT-NCC in EntraPass Global Edition.
We have divided this manual so that, as soon as you determine the pertaining type of architecture and environment, you can follow the configuration instructions that correspond to your environment before connecting additional components.
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Network Architectures
There are two types of network architectures: Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN). Each of these types of architecture has various possible configurations. In addition, you will notice that there are two constants in LAN and WAN network configuration: assigning the IP address for communication between the controllers and the server by assigning a fixed address or by letting the DHCP server to assign a dynamic IP address. We suggest that you carefully read the following section in order to correctly select the scenario that best matches the environment where you will install the KT-NCC.
Local Area Network (LAN) Architecture
A local network enables users to communicate, exchange data and share resources in an internal network. A local network can be made up of a server and one or several controllers connected to the server through a hub or switch. Whatever the case, an IP address has to be assigned so that the KT-NCC controllers and the EntraPass server can communicate. When the EntraPass server is used, a static or DHCP address can be assigned to establish the communication. When the Enterprise server is used, the DHCP server assigns a dynamic IP address.
Possible LAN Configurations
There are three possible ways of configuring the KT-NCC in EntraPass Global Edition:
Static IP Address: You will use this type of configuration in an environment where the Network
Administrator will determine the IP addresses for communication between the EntraPass server and the KT-NCC controller. The IP address will be configured using the KT-NCC Web Configuration tool.
EntraPass DHCP IP Address: You will use this type of configuration in an environment where the
EntraPass DHCP server assigns the reserved IP addresses automatically for communication with the KT-NCC controller(s). The IP address will be configured directly in the EntraPass Global Edition software.
Note: You will use the EntraPass DHCP server only when there are no other DHCP servers on the local
Enterprise DHCP IP Address: You will use this type of configuration in an environment where the
Enterprise DHCP server will assign IP addresses automatically for communication with the KT-NCC controller(s).
Note: Figure 1 on page 5 shows a LAN architecture with a static IP address; figure 2 shows a LAN
architecture with an EntraPass DHCP server. Figure 3 on page 6 shows a LAN architecture with a Enterprise DHCP server.
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EntraPass Server
Figure 1: Local Network with EntraPass Server for Static IP Address
EntraPass DHCP Server
Figure 2: Local Network with EntraPass DHCP Server
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EntraPass Server
Enterprise DHCP Server already installed
Figure 3: Local Network with Enterprise DHCP Server
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Wide Area Network (WAN) Architecture
A wide area network is generally deployed on a long geographic distance and connects two or several local networks. The wide area network may use public networks to communicate and transmit data between the distant networks.
In a WAN, IP addresses can be reserved or the server could be left to assign IP addresses automatically (DHCP).
Note: We prefer the use of a static IP address for the KT-NCC since the routers have to be configured
to forward ports with static addresses.
When sites that are distant from the network are protected by routers, a public address will be used for communication between the EntraPass server and the remote KT-NCC controller(s). The supplier of the public network or the Network Administrator should be able to provide you with this public IP address.
Figure 4 shows an example of an architecture in a WAN network.
EntraPass Server
Router #1 Router #2
Figure 4: Wide Area Network (WAN)
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Network Configuration Scenario
In the previous section, we determined that there are two types of network architecture: LAN and WAN, and that, for every type of architecture, we can either assign reserved IP addresses or let the DHCP server assign addresses dynamically. Now that you have determined the appropriate configuration scenario, and before proceeding with the installation and configuration of the KT-NCC and the EntraPass Global Edition, you have to assemble the network information that is required to configure the KT-NCC controller. To facilitate the task for you, we have prepared diagrams to illustrate every configuration scenario presented in the previous section. We have thus included a blank page and a table at the end of the manual that you can use to insert your specific configuration if it does not match the models shown.
Note: Please note that information such as the IP address entered in all dialog boxes in this manual
are fictional. They are used only as examples.
It is important at this stage, if you have not already done so, to contact the Network Administrator where the KT-NCC will be installed to obtain as much information as possible so that you can enter it in the diagram that matches your network environment. We suggest that you always have a copy of the diagram close by, and keep a copy with your KT-NCC controller.
Default KT-NCC Parameters
You will use the following parameters when configuring the KT-NCC.
Ethernet Port #1
MAC Addresses
Ethernet Port #1 is DHCP and is used to connect the KT-NCC to the EntraPass server.
Ethernet Port #1 is configured in DHCP mode by default. It is advisable to always use the default value
18710. However, in an environment where you would have to do port forwarding and where you have to
configure several KT-NCCs on the same network segment, ensure that every KT-NCC has a unique port number in order to avoid IP address conflicts.
MAC Address is found on the top right, under Ethernet Port #1 of the KT-NCC printed circuit. (See
Figure 5: KT-NCC Connections Diagram on page 9.)
Ethernet Port #2
Static IP Address
Subnet Mask
MAC Addresses
Ethernet Port # 2 is used to configure the KT-NCC using the KT-NCC Web Configuration tool. It can
also be used to connect TCP/IP sites.
MAC Address is found on the top right, under Ethernet Port #2 of the KT-NCC printed circuit. (See
Figure 5: KT-NCC Connections Diagram on page 9.)
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KT-NCC Connections Diagram
The KT-NCC connections diagram in Figure 5 below shows the top section of the KT-NCC printed circuit. The diagram shows you the key items to which we will be referring when configuring the KT-NCC in the EntraPass Global Edition software.
It contains Ethernet Ports #1 and #2 on the top right, the RS-232 connection port on the top left, MAC addresses #1 and #2 under the corresponding Ethernet ports, as well as the Vital indicator (LED), under the RS-232 connection.
Ethernet Network
Ethernet Port #1
RS-232 Connection
Vital LED light
MAC Address #1
MAC Address #2
Ethernet Port #2
For further information on the installation of the KT-NCC, please refer to the KT-NCC Manual - Network Communications Controller, Installation Manual DN1611.
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Reset button
Figure 5: KT-NCC Connections Diagram
Flash Patterns of the LED Indicator
A blue LED indicator has been placed on the KT-NCC printed circuit enabling you to see the various states of the system. The indicator is located on top of the circuit, under the RS-232 connection
(See Figure 5: KT-NCC Connections Diagram on page 9.)
Pulses Description Patterns
1 flash/sec KT-NCC is communicating with the server.
Fast flashes KT-NCC is no longer communicating with the server.
Steady on
(15-30 sec)
Quick flashes
(May last from
15-30 sec)
Quick flashes
(May last up to
90 sec.)
1 long flash/sec KT-NCC is in factory reset mode.
4 flashes on per
sec/1 sec
steady off
KT-NCC is starting up.
KT-NCC is in hard reset mode.
Table of Communication Timings
A communication timing parameter can be configured for the KT-NCC in a WAN architecture. This parameter determines the communication frequency (latency period) between the EntraPass server and the KT-NCC. This parameter will be adjusted based on the complexity and size of the network. For example, when the network architecture is simple, a communication timing will be set to faster. On the other hand, when the network architecture is large and complex a slower communication timing will be more appropriate. It is important for the communication timing to be well configured in order to avoid communication breakdowns. Once more, we suggest that you consult the Network Administrator in order to measure the complexity of the network architecture where you will install the KT-NCC.
The communication timing parameter is found in the Gateway dialog, under the EntraPass Global Edition.
Table 1: Vital LED Flash Patterns
Ethernet Port #1 tab of the
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Parameter Communication timing
Very fast Latency period: max 300 ms
Fast Latency period: max 800 ms
Average Latency period: max 1500 ms
Slow Latency period: max 2500 ms
Ver y slow Latency period: max 4000 ms
Extremely slow Latency period: max 6000 ms
Table 2: KT-NCC Communication Timings
Before Connecting and Configuring the KT-NCC
Before connecting the KT-NCC to the Entrapass network, ensure that you have version 3.17 or later of
the EntraPass Global Edition software.
Use an appropriate network cable (minimum CAT-5) to connect the KT-NCC to the network that houses
the EntraPass server Global Edition.
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