Leave the system constantly switched on - to be ready for instant use!
Refer to the Users manual whenever in doubt.
Filling the Water Mattress
• Fill the Water Mattress with warm water (about 350C). Fill to the Max H2O level mark +1- 2 cm. Check by holding
the Water Mattress upright. Add Kanmed Clean Water Tablets.
• Write the expiry date on the Water Mattress. (one year forward)
• There must be no air in the Water Mattress. Place the Water Mattress on a flat surface. Grip the open mattress hole
to lift the mattress and press all air bubbles out. Lower the hole and close it properly.
• Check the Water Mattress daily for leaks.
Using the Kanmed Gel Mattress
• If the Gel Mattress mode is selected, note that the heat transfer is less than that of water. Also note that the actual
Gel surface temperature may vary from the displayed temperature setting.
Inserting the Heating Pad and selected mattress into the Kanmed Baby Nest
• Place the selected mattress upside down on a flat surface. Insert the Heating Pad in the pocket with its printed text
towards the mattress. Turn the mattress over again.
• Insert the mattress with Heating Pad into the Nest pocket. Use the opening in the head end of the Nest to assist in
fitting the Nest to the mattress.
• You can use the BW3 without the Kanmed Baby Nest but it simplifies the positioning of the baby.
Preparing the bed
• Ensure that the bed has drain-holes in the bottom (when the Water Mattress is used).
• Place the BabyWarmer nest package on the bed mattress.
• Protect the Nest with a sheet that is soft but not thick.
Connecting the Control Unit
• Connect the mains power cable at the bottom of the Control Unit and hang it over the small hook.
• Connect the Heating Pad at the back of the Control Unit. Be gentle, and fit the connector the correct way. Tighten
the connector screws gently.
• Place and secure the Control Unit in a safe place where the display can be clearly seen.
• Press the start button on the front panel and observe that the self test performs correctly.
• During the self test, check that the correct mattress mode (H2O or GEL) is set. Change mode if required.
Placing the baby
• Only when the desired temperature is reached (green smiley-indication), should you place the baby on the
• Position the lightly dressed baby (nappy, long arm T-shirt, bare legs (and a cap on very small ones)) on its back in
the Nest. Other positions are subject to approval from authorised staff and local protocols.
• Adjust the Nest size by pulling the string. Hide the string under the mattress.
• Cover the baby with suitable cover, such as 1-3 layers of soft cotton blankets.
Temperature setting
• All babies are individuals and their temperature must be controlled frequently until you are familiar with the baby’s
reaction to the set temperature. Overheating is often caused by covering the baby too much.
• When the Water Mattress is used, 370C- 37,50C is a good starting temperature for slightly hypothermic babies and
for babies weighing about 1000g.
• 36.50C - 370C is the most common temperature for babies weighing more than 1200g
• As the baby’s weight increases, the temperature is primarily controlled by changing the number of blankets that
cover the baby and secondly by changing the set temperature.
• When the lightly dressed and covered baby is maintaining body temperature with a Water Mattress temperature of
about 35.5 - 360C, then the baby is probably ready for a standard cot that has no additional warming.
• If the Gel Mattress is being used, try setting the temperature to 37-380C in order to compensate for the heat loss in
the Gel Mattress. Otherwise the same operating instructions apply, but beware of the reduced warming efficiency of
the Gel Mattress. Connecting a skin type temp sensor to the unit may be helpful in obtaining the right temperature.
• Wash the re-usable Kanmed Nest at maximum 900C. Preferably 600C. Tumble dry it. Kanmed recommends changing
the Baby Nest once a year.
• Disinfect the surface of the Mattress, the Control Unit, Gel Mattress and the Heating Pad.
• Check the water level in the Water Mattress frequently and remove any air. Replace the Water Mattress once a
• See the user’s manual for further maintenance instructions and periodical safety checks.