Kangaroo E-PUMP Instructions Manual

(adapted from Kangaroo ePump Instructions for Use Manual)
Battery Life:
o 15 hours @125ml per hour o 8 hour recharge time will recharge while plugged in and running.
24 Hou Memory: r
o Pump will retain settings and volume to be delivered even if pump is turned off
Operating Range: 1-400ml in 1ml increments E Pump Tubing: 13ml in tubing
1. ON/OFF:
o To power on, press POWER button on right hand corner of control panel o To power off, hold the POWER button for countdown 3,2,1 until the pump display turns off. Then release
because if held too long it will turn back on.
2. Keep or Clear Prior Pump Settings: Immediately after powering up the pump, if the prior feed or flush settings
were not cleared, 2 options are given:
o KEEP SETTINGS - to start with the same settings that were most recently programmed into the
pump. Any of the previously-programmed settings can be modified, if needed. The feed volume
totals, “mL FED” (Continuous Feed Mode) or “BOLUSES FED” (Intermittent Feed Mode) and “mL FLUSH” are also maintained
o CLEAR SETTINGS - to reset all settings and feed totals to zero. It will then be necessary to program
all settings before running the pump.
Note: The feed totals (“mL FED,” “BOLUSES FED,” “mL FLUSH”) can be cleared at any time, and without
clearing the pump settings, by doing the following:
Start the pump RUNNING  PressHOLD  PressCLEAR VOLUME the pump will then show LOAD A SET or, if the Pump Set is already loaded, it will show SET
3. Load Feeding Set:
a. Open Blue door, load set. (Do not overstretch tubing)
o Use new ePump Feeding Set Only. o No more Drip Chamber! o Hang Height 18 inches: in order to achieve proper accuracy, the bottom of the feeding set
container must be 18 inches above the top of the feeding pump.
b. Screen shows CLEAR SETTINGS/KEEP SETTINGS (Choose an Option)
o Keep settings = same patient, same prescription o Clear Setting = resets all settings and feed totals to zero
4. Adjust Feed
o FEED RATE (This is the icon to adjust the rate) o Select Feed Rate and press ENTER (a value must be entered) o FEED VTBD (Volume to be delivered) o Select Volume to be delivered and press ENTER (This is optional only if you want to use this feature) o After these have been entered press DONE to ensure the settings are saved
5. Prime Pump:
o Press AUTO PRIME until it shows Autoprime is complete. o Then press HOLD TO PRIME FEED to complete priming (this will bring the formula to the end of the
o Press DONE
6. Press RUN when ready to start.
7. To Stop, press HOLD button (This will hold for 10 minutes before it alarms). If you would like to extend the hold, press RESUME IN __ MIN (this will automatically stop the pump for 30 minutes and then it will restart
CC.12.10A BC Children’s Hospital Child & Youth Health Policy and Procedure Manual Page 1 of 2
May 1
, 2012 Refer to online version – Print copy may not be current – Discard after use
(adapted from Kangaroo ePump Instructions for Use Manual)
o Press RUN to restart pump at anytime
8. To clear feed totals (“mL FED,” “BOLUSES FED,” “mL FLUSH”) without clearing the pump settings, do the
i. while pump RUNNING
ii. Press HOLD
iv. the pump will then show LOAD A SET or, if the Pump Set is already loaded, it will show SET
9. KTO: Keep tube open, this feature can be programmed to keep tube from occluding. Settings 5 – 240 minutes in
5 minute intervals. Approximately 1 mL fluid in 1 hour.
10. Lock Feature: While pump is running hold 3
o Unlock: Hold 3
11. More: Options
o Buzzer/Alarm Buzzer increase or decrease volume o History/maximum of 72 hour past history o Languages/do not adjust o Continuous/Intermittent. Most feeds in hospital will be Continuous
button until the lock icon appears
button until lock icon disappears
12. Rinse out Bag, use pump to rinse the bag. Use the AUTO PRIME or HOLD TO PRIME options.
Error/Warning/Information Screens and Troubleshooting
o HOLD ERROR: appears if the pump has been in HOLD mode, without input, for more than 10 minutes. o ROTOR ERROR: appears during RUNNING or PRIMING, when the pump has detected an unusual
operating condition for the rotor. Generally results from a problem with the Pump Set tubing around the
rotor. Check that the Pump Set is not damaged, and re-load the tubing. Press CONTINUE.
o FLOW ERROR: Downstream occlusion: occlusion in pump-patient line below pump o FEED OR FLUSH ERROR: Upstream occlusion: Empty Bag or occlusion in bag-pump line above pump o PUMP SET DISLODGED: Pump Set not properly loaded in pump o BATTERY LOW: Indicates that the battery must be recharged immediately. o SYSTEM ERROR: General Error caused by many factors: return pump to Biomedical Engineering o FEEDING COMPLETE information screen appears after completion of the programmed feeding. Turn
pump off.
o The Pump Set usage warning indicator (SET USE >24 HRS) will blink on the RUNNING screen if a Pump
Set has been used for 24 or more hours. It is recommended to replace Pump Sets after this length of usage. This icon is only an informational message and does not require immediate action.
o If troubleshooting reveals a problem with pump supplies (i.e. bag, tubing), complete product complaint
form and retain affected supplies to ensure follow-up by manufacturer
CC.12.10A BC Children’s Hospital Child & Youth Health Policy and Procedure Manual Page 2 of 2
May 1
, 2012 Refer to online version – Print copy may not be current – Discard after use