Quick Start Guide for UEi HUB Tools v2
Download and install the UEi HUB App
Open the App and navigate to the
appropriate Tools Connection Screen for the
tool you wish to connect.
Tap the tool box icon on the Ref Side display
to connect to WPP1, WPC2 and WOT2 tools.
Tap the tool box icon on the Air Side display
to connect to WHP1 tools.
Tap the tool box icon on the Vac display to
connect to WVG2 tools.
Power on the HUB Tools and wait until you
see the flashing green LED.

WOT2, WVG2, WPP1 – Press and hold
Power button for 1 second.
WHP1 – Press the probe release and extend
the sensing probe 90° or 180° until it locks
in place.
WPC2 – Open the clamp jaw by placing a
cylinder with a diameter larger than 9mm in
the jaw.
In the App you will see the tools appear in
the “Nearby Tools list”.

If tools are missing tap the refresh icon and
the list will refresh.
Touch and Drag a tool from the “Nearby
Tool list” to an appropriate assignment slot
(Match the tool icon to the slot you wish to
assign it to.”
To see tool values and associated calculated
values return to the Display Screen by
tapping the back button.
You can swipe between the Vacuum,
Refrigerant and Air side displays.
You are now ready to monitor live
measurements from your UEi HUB tools.