Kambrook Size Select KBM300 Instruction Booklet

Instruction Booklet
Size Select
Bread Maker
Kambrook - Australia
Building 2, Port Air Industrial Estate 1A Hale Street Botany NSW 2019 Australia Customer Service Line 1300 139 798 Customer Service Fax 1800 621 337
Due to continual improvement in design or otherwise, the product you purchase may differ slightly from the illustration in this book. Issue D11
Kambrook - New Zealand
Private Bag 94411 Botany, Manukau Auckland 2163 New Zealand Customer Service Line/ Spare Parts 0800 273 845 Customer Service Fax 0800 288 513
Kambrook Recommends p4 Safety First
Know Your Bread Maker p6
Operating Your Bread Maker p7
Beginner’s Guide To p10 Baking Your First Loaf
Weighing and Measuring with p14 Your Bread Maker
The Vital Ingredients p15
Hints and Tips for Better p19 Bread Making
Questions and Answers p21
Control Panel Messages p23
Care, Cleaning and Storage p24
Troubleshooting Guide p26
Recipes p30
Please retain your instruction book for future use.
In the event that you need some assistance with your Kambrook appliance, please contact our Customer Service Department on 1300 139 798 (Australia) or 0800 2738 45 (New Zealand). Alternatively, visit us on our website at www.kambrook.com.au or www.kambrook.co.nz
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Kambrook Recommends Safety First
IMPORTANT: Please retain your instruction book for future use.
At Kambrook, we believe that safe performance is the first priority in any consumer product, so that you, our valued customer can confidently use and trust our products. We ask that any electrical appliance that you use be operated in a sensible fashion with due care and attention placed on the following important operating instructions.
Important Safeguards For Your Kambrook Bread Maker
• Careful ly read all instr uction s before ope rating t he Kambroo k Bread Ma ker for the fir st time an d save for f uture reference.
• Remove and s afely di scard any packagi ng materia l and promotiona l label s before using the bread m aker for the first ti me.
• To elimin ate a choki ng hazard for young child ren, remove a nd safely d iscard the protective cove r fitted to the power plu g of this ap pliance.
• Do not plac e the brea d maker nea r the edge of a be nch or tab le duri ng operat ion. Ensure th e surface is level , clean a nd free of water, flour a nd other s ubstan ces. Vib ration durin g the knea ding cycles may ca use the appli ance to move s lightl y.
• Do not use t he bread ma ker on a sink drain board.
• Do not plac e the brea d maker on o r near a hot gas or e lectri c burner, o r where it cou ld touch a hea ted oven. Pos ition th e appliance at a mini mum dis tance of 20cm away f rom walls. T his will help preve nt the possibi lity of disco lourati on due to radiated he at.
• Always operate the bread maker on a stable and heat-resistant surface. Do not use on a cloth-covered surface, near curtains or other flammable materials.
• Always en sure the bread make r is prope rly asse mbled b efore conne cting to a power outlet an d operating. Fol low the in struct ions provided i n this book.
• The brea d maker is n ot intende d to be operated by m eans of an externa l timer or separa te remote contro l system.
• The lid a nd outer s urface m ay get hot when the app lianc e is operat ing.
• The temp erature of a ccess ible surfa ces may be h igh when the app liance is operati ng.
• Do not touch h ot surfa ces. All ow the bread maker to coo l down before c leaning any part s.
• Steam vent s are very hot durin g bakin g. Do not plac e anyth ing on top of t he bread maker.
• Do not cover th e air vents w hen the b read maker is i n use.
• Use oven mi tts whe n removing the hot brea d pan and t he bread o r jam from th e pan.
• Take care when p ouring jam from t he bread pan as th e jam is ex tremely hot.
• Do not plac e any ingre dients directly i nto the bakin g chamb er. Place ing redients into the bread pa n only.
• Do not plac e finger s or hands insi de the bread ma ker whil e in operat ion. Avoid contact wi th moving p arts.
• Ensure th at the bread maker i s switche d off and the n unplu gged fro m the power ou tlet when not in u se and before clea ning or storin g.
Important Safeguards For All Electrical Appliances
• Carefully read a ll instructi ons before operati ng the applian ce and save for futu re reference.
• Remove and safely d iscard all packa ging materia l and promotiona l label s before using the app lianc e for the fir st time.
• Fully unwind t he power cord b efore use.
• Do not let the power cord h ang over th e
edge of a be nch or tab le, touch h ot surfa ces or becom e knotted .
• To protect against e lectri c shock , do not immer se the power c ord, power p lug or appli ance in wa ter or any oth er liqu id, unles s it is recommende d in the cleanin g instr uction s.
• The applia nce is not inte nded for use by perso ns (incl uding childre n) with reduced physica l, sensory or m ental cap abili ties, or lack of ex perien ce and knowledg e, unles s they have been given s upervisi on or instr uction c oncern ing use o f the app liance , by a perso n respon sible fo r their safety.
• Children sho uld be su pervised to en sure tha t they do not pl ay with the appl iance.
• It is recommend ed to inspect the a pplia nce regula rly. Do not use t he appl iance if t he power sup ply cord, p lug, connector o r appli ance be comes da maged i n anyway. Return th e entire ap pliance to the nea rest author ised Kambrook Se rvice C entre for examina tion and/or repa ir.
• Any maintenanc e other tha n cleaning shoul d be perfo rmed at an autho rised Kambrook S ervice Centre.
• This appli ance is fo r house hold us e only. Do not use t his app liance for other t han its intende d use. Do not u se in movi ng vehicl es or boats . Do not use outdoor s. Misu se may
cause i njury.
• The install ation of a res idual current d evice (safety s witch) is re commen ded to provi de addit ional sa fety protection whe n usin g electr ical ap plian ces. It is a dvisable that a saf ety switc h with a rated re sidua l operati ng current not exceedi ng 30mA be instal led in the electr ical circ uit sup plying the app lianc e. See your el ectric ian for profess ional a dvice
• Always turn the a ppliance to the O FF posit ion, swi tch off at t he power out let and unp lug at the power outl et when the appli ance is n ot in use.
• Before cleani ng, alwa ys turn th e appliance to the OFF po sitio n, switch of f at the power outlet, un plug at the power out let and remove the powe r cord, if detachabl e, from the app lianc e and all ow all par ts to cool.
• Do not place thi s appli ance on o r near a heat sou rce, suc h as hot plate, oven or heaters .
• Position the a ppliance at a mi nimum distan ce of 20cm away from wa lls, cu rtain s and othe r heat or ste am sens itive material s and provi de adeq uate spa ce above an d on all sid es for air circula tion.
• Do not imme rse the bread pan i n water. Doing so m ay interfere with t he free movement of t he shaf t. Wash o nly the in terior of the brea d pan.
• Do not leave t he lid standing o pen for extend ed perio ds of time.
• Always en sure the kneadi ng blad e is removed from t he base of the baked l oaf prior to s licin g.
• Keep the bre ad maker c lean. Fo llow the clean ing ins tructi ons provi ded in th is book.
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The LCD Screen shows firstly a setting (1-11) and crust colour (light, medium or dark) selected, then automatically changes to show the total time for the setting. When the START/STOP button is pressed to commence operation, the time displayed (in hours and minutes) is the time remaining until the selected setting is completed.
Press this button to select one of the 11 automatic settings available. These settings are listed on page 8 under “Bread, Loaf and Dough Settings”. Each time the menu button is pressed, the setting is changed and the number of the Preset Setting will be displayed on the LCD screen along with the corresponding time to complete the setting.
Press the CRUST button to select the 3 crust colours available for the bread settings only. The colour selected is indicated on the LCD Screen with a ‘-‘ over the crust colour.
LIGHT crust colour MEDIUM crust colour DARK crust colour Rapid – This is not a colour setting but a rapid version of the Preset Setting. This is
only available for Preset Settings 1-3. Please note the colon [ : ] will begin to flash to indicate that the Setting has
The Bread Maker features a combined START/STOP button. To START: Press the START/STOP button to commence the selected program. To STOP: To stop and cancel the program in mid-cycle the START/STOP button must be pressed down and held for approx. 2 seconds until the beep sounds and the LCD Screen is reset. DO NOT PRESS THE START/STOP BUTTON when checking the bread as this will cancel the program. The machine will not continue to operate in the selected program.
Know Your Bread Maker
1. Easy view window
2. Cool touch housing
3. 11 easy touch programs
4. Easy touch programming
5. Loaf weight 450g/680g/900g
6. LCD display
7. Preset timer
8. Crust selection: Light, Medium
and Dark
Not Shown
• Automatic keep warm for 1 hour
• Non-stick baking pan and
kneading blade
Operating Your Bread Maker
The Control Panel
The Control Panel is designed to perform several functions and is activated by switching the Bread Maker on at the power outlet. The LCD Screen indicates the setting and crust colour selection then the completion time for the setting. The various buttons are used to set the functions and to start or stop the bread maker. The buttons should be pressed firmly. A soft beep sound is made as each button is pressed.
Fig. 1
LCD Screen
15 hour Preset Timer
The Bread Maker has a preset timer control up to 15 hours on Basic (Preset Setting 1), French (Preset Setting 2), Whole Wheat (Preset Setting 3) and Sweet (Preset Setting 4). After selecting a Preset Setting press the [ + ] or [ ] buttons to increase or decrease the countdown time. For example if you press the [ ] button it will indicate 15 hours, each time the button is pressed it will decrease in increments of 10 minutes. If you press the [ + ] button it will add 10 minute increments up to 15 hours. Please not that the Time displayed on the LCD screen will include the Preset Setting Cooking time and the delay i.e 4:00 (Setting Time) + 11:00 (Delay) = 15:00 (total).
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When the bread maker is switched on the LCD Screen will show 1 BASIC bread, MEDIUM crust colour. For a DARK or LIGHT Crust colour, press the CRUST button once for DARK, three times for LIGHT. For rapid setting, press the CRUST button twice. The [
] symbol will be displayed above RAPID on the LCD screen. For
the RAPID function, use a 680g loaf recipe for the specified Preset Setting.
Press the MENU button once and the LCD Screen will show 2 FRENCH Bread, MEDIUM crust colour. For a DARK or LIGHT Crust colour, press the CRUST button once for DARK, three times for LIGHT. For rapid setting, press the CRUST button twice. The [
] symbol will be displayed above RAPID on the LCD screen. For
the RAPID function, use a 680g loaf recipe for the specified Preset Setting.
Press the MENU button twice and the LCD Screen will show 3 WHOLE WHEAT bread, MEDIUM crust colour. For a DARK or LIGHT crust colour, press CRUST button once for DARK, three times for LIGHT. For rapid setting, press the CRUST button twice. The [
] symbol will be displayed above RAPID on the LCD screen. For the
RAPID function, use a 680g loaf recipe for the specified Preset Setting.
Press the MENU button three times and the LCD Screen will show 4 SWEET bread, MEDIUM crust colour. For a DARK or LIGHT crust colour, press CRUST button once for DARK, three times for LIGHT.
Press the MENU button four times and the LCD Screen will show 5 SUPER RAPID.
Press the MENU button five times and the LCD Screen will show 6 GLUTEN FREE.
Press the MENU button six times and the LCD Screen will show 7 LOAF, MEDIUM crust colour For a DARK or LIGHT crust colour, press CRUST button once for DARK, three times for LIGHT.
Press the MENU button seven times and the LCD Screen will show 8 DOUGH. Crust selection is not available on this setting.
This setting takes 1 hour 30 minutes to complete. Remove the dough from the bread maker, hand shape, allow to rise again in a warm area then bake in a conventional oven.
Press the MENU button eight times and the LCD Screen will show 9 PIZZA DOUGH Crust selection is not available on this setting.
Press the MENU button nine times and the LCD Screen will show 10 JAM Crust selection is not available on this setting.
Press the MENU button ten times and the LCD Screen will show 11 MORE Crust selection is not available on this setting.
This setting is designed to allow extra baking of up to 1 hour if required.
Setting 1: Basic
Setting 2: French
Setting 3: Whole Wheat
Setting 4: Sweet
Setting 5: Rapid
Setting 6: Gluten Free
Setting 7: Loaf
Setting 8: Dough
Setting 9: Pizza Dough
Setting 10: Jam
Bread and Dough Settings
Operating Your Bread Maker continued
Power Interruption Protection
The Bread Maker has a in-built Power Interruption Protection system. If the power is interrupted for 7 minutes or less (by a power failure or accidentally switching off at the power outlet), the program will be automatically resumed when the power is restored.
Using the MORE Setting
The MORE setting of the Bread Maker gives more versatility to your bread making. MORE setting is useful when wishing to:
• Extend the baking time if a darker or crisper loaf crust is required.
• Crispen loaves already baked and cooled.
• Rewarm loaves already baked and cooled.
• Delay baking a finished dough.
• Melt or crispen toppings.
1. Place the dough or bread into the bread pan and insert into the bread maker.
2. Press the MENU button ten times and the LCD Screen will show 11 and then change automatically to 1:00.
3. Press START/STOP button to commence operation. The MORE setting will bake for 1 hour. This time cannot be altered. If the total hour is not required remove the bread after sufficient time had elapsed and press the START/STOP button to stop operation.
NOTE: Always ensure that there is enough dough or bread in the bread pan when it is inserted in the Bread Maker during a baking cycle or when the MORE setting is selected.
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The following instructions are to be used when making B read or Dough recipes from the recipe section of this book.
All recipes use local ingredients and Australian Standard Metric Measuring tools (cup, spoons and weighing scales) for accuracy in producing a 450g, 680g or 900g loaf of bread. The actual weight of the baked loaf will vary depending on the weight of raw ingredients used.
Remove and safely discard any packaging materials and promotional labels before using the Bread Maker for the first time.
Step 1: Open the Lid and Remove the Bread Pan
Open the lid and remove the bread pan from the Bread Maker by holding, twisting the bread pan and lifting straight up.
Always remove the bread pan from the Bread Maker before adding ingredients to ensure ingredients are not spilt into the baking chamber and the element.
Before using for the first time, we recommend that the inside of the bread pan and the kneading blades are washed with warm soapy water, rinsed and dried thoroughly. Do not
immerse the bread pan in water.
Step 2: Insert the Kneading Blade
It is important that the kneading blade is properly inserted on the shaft in the base of the bread pan by aligning the flat edge on the inside of the kneading blade with the flat side of the shaft. If the blade is not inserted correctly the ingredients may not be mixed and kneaded properly.
Step 3: Add Ingredients Into the Bread Pan
It is IMPORTANT that the ingredients are added in the correct order listed in the recipe and that the ingredients are measured and weighed accurately or the dough may not mix correctly or rise sufficiently.
All ingredients should be at room temperature 20-25°C. Ingredients should be added in the following order:
1. Liquid ingredients
2. Fat/Oil
3. Dry ingredients: salt, sugar, flour
4. Yeast
NOTE: Mound the flour into the pan, make a small hollow in the centre and place the yeast there. If the yeast contacts the water before the kneading, the bread may not rise well.
Step 4: Return the Bread Pan to the Bread Maker
Insert the bread pan into the Bread Maker as follows:
1. Place the bread pan into the baking chamber and locate the drive mechanism of the pan directly onto the drive mechanism in the baking chamber.
Beginner’s Guide To Baking Your First Loaf
2. Push the bread pan down firmly and turn until it clicks in position.
Step 5: Close the Lid
It is not recommended to open the lid during operation except to check the consistency of the dough and add additional ingredients in the kneading cycle, or to glaze and add seeds to the top of the loaf in the baking cycle refer below.
Step 6: Plug in the Bread Maker
Insert the power plug into a 230V or 240V power outlet. Switch on at the power outlet.
The LCD Screen will display 1 (BASIC) then automatically change to show the total time 3:25 for the setting (BASIC bread, MEDIUM crust). A red light will illuminate beside the MENU panel.
Step 7: Select the Bread Setting and Crust Colour
Press the MENU button until the LCD Screen indicates the number of the required setting.
The symbol ‘-‘ will also show above the setting in the LCD Screen when a bread Setting is selected.
Press the CRUST button once to select DARK crust or three times to select LIGHT crust.
The crust selection is available on bread settings 1-4.
Step 8: Start the Bread Maker
Press the START/STOP button to commence operation. The total setting time will appear on the LCD screen. The setting time will count down in one minute increments. The colon between the hour and the minutes displayed will flash throughout the kneading, rising and baking cycles.
The kneading cycles commence. During the kneading cycles beeps will sound indicating the correct time to add other ingredients.
Add-In Ingredient Beeper
The Bread Maker features an ‘Add-In Ingredient Beeper’ which operates in the BASIC, RAPID, SWEET, FRENCH, WHOLE WHEAT and DOUGH settings. The Bread Maker will sound 10 beeps at approximately 8 minutes before the end of the second kneading cycle, indicating the time to add any additional fruit, nuts, herbs, chocolate, etc. required or as specified in the recipes.
The addition of ingredients at this time assists with keeping fruits, etc. whole, rather than being mashed through the dough making it heavy.
Open the lid, gradually add the additional ingredients to the dough as it is kneading. Take care not to drop the ingredients over the side of the bread pan into the baking chamber, as these may burn and smoke during the baking cycle. Close the lid.
NOTE: Do not press the stop button to add ingredients as this will cancel the selected program.
The rising cycles begin when the kneading cycles end and the dough will start to rise. During the rising cycles, the dough will be degassed twice by the blade moving at the end of the first and second rising cycles. The dough rises fully in the third rising cycle.
The baking cycle commences when rising cycles end. The dough may rise a little more at this time due to the increasing heat expanding the gasses entrapped in the dough.
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