Kaliho Technology Development K968 User Manual

User Manual
User Manual
Model name: K968
Brand name: KALIHO
User Manual
CONTENTS ................................................... 2
1 . KEYPAD OPERATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 3
USING MEMORY CARD AS U DISK .................................................................................................... 4
BLUETOOTH ...................................................................................................................................... 7
AIL ………………………………………………………………………………………………9
IALLING ......................................................................................................................................... 11
MESSAGING .................................................................................................................................... 16
CONTACTS ...................................................................................................................................... 19
INTERNET EXPLORER ...................................................................................................................... 22
RECORDER .................................................................................................................................... 23
LOCK ……………………………………………………………………………………………..25
ACULATOR ................................................................................................................................... 26
AMERA ........................................................................................................................................ 27
IMAGES ......................................................................................................................................... 30
MUSIC ............................................................................................................................... 33
CALENDER .................................................................................................................................... 35
RADIO ..................................................................................................................................... 36
ETTINGS ....................................................................................................................................... 37
NOTICES FOR THE USE OF PHONE .................................................................................................. 42

1 . Keypad Operations

Keys Functions home
Press this button to return home from any application or interface. Press it to open recently opened application window. Press it to start the menu which allows you to perform actions in the current
interface or options’ menu.
Press it to return to the previous interfaceor to close dialog box options’
menunotification panel or the keypad.
Press it to open the phone’s menuthen you could choose to lock the screen
turn off the phoneor set it to the silent mode .
Press it to increase the volume Press it to turn the phone to vibration mode from the sile nt m ode.
User Manual
down Press it to decrease the volume. P-Serson Cover it, and then the p hone’s backlight will turn off
front camera Entering the camer a i nt er f ace , sw it ched to the front camera can photo yourself.
User Manual

2. Using Memory Card as U Disk

If you want to se nd music, p ictures or other files to th e phone’ s memory card from the computer ,you should set memory card as u disk first.
Set memory card as u disk
1) Connect the pho ne to the com puter with US B cable. T he notificat ion icon wil l appear in the st atus bo x.
2) Use USB mobile transmission line will connected to the computer
3) In the notific ation pan el, touch US B is connected th en touch“Open the US B Stora ge Device”
2After the connection can be directly in the PC check images captured on camera
Notice: different PC operating system to how to operate to normal use the U disk.
1 WIN7 Can directly use 2 XP update windows media player to 11 3 Install wpdmtp.inf driver 4 Vista
Notice :On the PC operation assistant tool s uch as mobile phone, Must be open the USB debugging.
User Manual


Wi-Fi provides as far as 300f eet (100M) range of wireless network access. If you use cell phone to connect wifi , you should connect t o the wireles s access point or 「hot spots」.
Notices:The availability and coverage of Wi-Fi signal depend on the number, infrastructure and other
objects penetrated by the signal.
Open Wi-fi and to connect to the wireless n et work
1) Press home>menuthen touch settings>wifi and internet
2) Select the wi-fi box,to open Wi-Fi. Phone w ill automatic ally scan for available wire less networks.
3) Touch W i-Fi settings. Then a list of Wi-Fi network will show the founded network name and security settings. (open network or WEP、WPA/WPA2 with password).If you enable the n ot ification in Wi-Fi settings, The status
box will show this icon (
) when open available wirel ess network founded.
4) Touch one of the Wi-Fi choices to connect the network . When you choose open network, phone will connect to it automatically. If you choose WEPWPA/WPA2 with password, you should type the password first, then touch to connect it.
Notices:when the phone is connected to the wireless network,
The status bo x will show th is Wi-F i icon
, and the approximate signal strengthen ( the numbe r of lit bars).I f touch the co nnected network,will display the n ame of Wi—Fi network, status, speed, signal, strength, security, informat ion and IP address.
If you want to delet e the wirel ess settings, please touch “ not reserv e” as in the right pict ure. If you w ant to connect to this network, you should re-enter these settings.
Unless you choos e not to r eserve t he networ k, otherw ise, t here is no n eed to re-enter the correspond ing pa ssword w hen next time connecting to the previously encrypted wirel ess network. Wi-Fi will search automatically, that is, phone needn’ t to perform addition al steps t o connect Wi-Fi netw orks.
User Manual
Unless you choose not to reserve the network with password, otherwise, there is no need to re-enter the correspond ing password when next time connecting to the previously encrypted wireless network. Wi-Fi will search automatically, that is, phone needn’t to pe rform addit ional step s to conne ct Wi-Fi networks.
Connect to other Wi-Fi netw orks
1) In the interface of wireless and network, touch Wi-Fi settings. The founded W i-Fi network s will show on the Wi-Fi network list.
2) T ouch other Wi-F i networks, and then you can co nnect to this network.
Notices:in addition, you can surf the internet via GPRS. We default that the GPRS in SIM1 is opened
after started, users can select manually ,the specific location is “settings>wireless and internet>data connection”,touch “SIM1、SIM2no data conne ction”when the dot turns green, it’s already opened

4. Bluetooth

Turn on B luetooth or s et the phone can be detect ed
1) Press home>menu, the touch sett ings.
2) Touch wireless and internet, then cho ose Blueto oth box to open the Bluet ooth fun ction. Af ter st arted, the st atu s
User Manual
box will show this icon (
). Touch “scan for devices”t he it start s to scan for all devices w ithin range.
3) Touch Bluetooth settings, all the devices founded will display in the list under the icon. select the box “can be detected”, set it to be detected, the other Bluetooth devices will be able to find the phone.
importantthe ma xi m um detecting time of the phone is 2 minutes.
Pairing and connection of Bl uet oot h headset
1) Press home>menu, then touch settings.
2)Touch wireless and internet>Bluetooth settings, then select Bluetooth box, then your phone will scan
for the Bluetooth devices within range ,and show the founded devices in the list under t he icon.
a. If the list can’t find your equipment, touch scanning equipment to re-scan it. b. Make sure that the devices want ed ar e under the detected mode.
3) Touch headset in the equipment list to finish the connection.
Notices:generally Bluetooth devices need password to be paired, often use0000as the default
password.4)The pairing and connecting status will show under the headset in the Bluetooth devices list.
When the headset connected t o your phone, the st atus box w ill show t his icon
means connected.
Then you can use the headset t o ma ke or r eceive callings.
User Manual
Cut the connection to the Bl uet oot h
1) Press home>menu>settings>wireless and inter net >Bluetooth settings.
2) In the list of Bluetooth equipment , t ouch or tap and hold the connected hand-free hea dset .
3) Press and select “cancel the pairing”.
Bluetooth proximity sensor
After pairing the two device,you can test out the signal is strong or weak by the Bluetooth proximity sensor device
User Manual


5.1 Gmail
Create an electronic mail account
Select mail> settings. You can activate or edit existing e-mail accounts as well as create a new e-mail
a. Select mail, Google account sett ing interface appears. Then touch‘next step’> cr eat e account>enter
namelast name and e-mail account.
b. Google servers determine whet her t he name can be used, if so, new interface appears prompt ing e nter password, then judge t he password’ security, users who doesn’t meet the req uirements need to re-enter the password.
c. Successfully register a new Gmail account, a messenger created automatically for testing.
Loading mail account
a. Open Gmail skip introd uct ion screen>loading interface appears >select lo ad b. Enter name, password then load
E-mail account initializat ion ,prompting “login successful” All Google accounts will be synchron ized.
Creating and sending , mails
When creating mails, select mail > creating mails. Enter the address(recipient)theme and contents. Press
MENU you could ‘append’ ‘ Add Cc/Bcc’, select send or discarded.
Receive mails
There is tone for new mails, in the status box will show this button
P ress Me nu >‘ refresh’ refre sh and
update the number of the unread mails in a proper way.
Delete mails
When loading a mail accountif you want to delete ityou need to restore fact or y settings . When loading a
second oneyou could pr ess t he menu button to delete it.
Noticesmany functions depend on Gmail Accountfor exampleElectronic MarketGoogle TalkSync
Contact and Calendar.
5.2 Email
Load Email.
c. Open network connection d. In setting the account interface, input the correct email address and passw ord and clic k next mobi le
phone automatically complete the sending and receiving server Settings. Pop-up mail find frequency, and user Settin gs int erface, complete Settings, click next.
e. For account creation name, the editor of the law that ema il user name, and click next. Complete set,
synchronous mailbox.
Create and send Email
When creating mails, select mails > create mails. Enter the address(recipient)theme and contents.
Press MENU you could ‘append’‘Add Cc/Bcc’, select send or discarded or save as draft.
User Manual
Check the Email files
Click on the bottom folder options, list all folder options
User Manual


When the icon of internet server appears in the screen, you could dial or receive call ings. The signal bar on
the top right corner show the str engt h of network signal (the maximum with 4 signal bars) .
Star t dialing
Open application’ s m ai n me nu>dial. You could choose SIM1 or SIM2 to do the dialing.
At the dialing Keboard enter the phone numberand then click the diali ng key , after that,you should choose one SIM card or internet call. If needed to call the extension,you could cli ck the “dial pad” in the bottom of the screen to op en the interfa ce or press menu key to select “ delay 2 seco nds”an d then e nter the number of the extension.
The dialup keyboard input number, click Menu can IP dial-up or speed dial
Video call: video call us ually refers to the I nternet and mobil e Internet based on ( 3 G Internet) end, thro ugh
the phone between the speech of the real-time transmission and image (user of bust, photographs, items, etc.)
of a way to communicate. Onl y 3 G to support this function. Input a num ber click video dial-up, eac h other
answers the phone after both can through camera for video calls.
User Manual
Telephone calls in the call log
Every telephone number called and recei ved in“SIM1SIM2”will reserved in phone’s menu of call log. On
the top left of every call re cor d will show“SIM1 or SI M 2”
All numbers in the call log can be dialed by clicking the button ”dial” on the right side of the screen. When number list appearingcli ck i t to catch detailspress it for long you could dial via “SIM1 or SIM 2”
meanwhile you can edit, delete, sa ve the number or do other operations.
Receive callings
When calling comestop left will show from which SIM cardpress“Answer ” and slide towards right until the
middle button, then you can receive callings.
Proximity sensor
According to the dist ance between phone and human body ,it will adjust automatically the switch of th e bac klight.
During the call, close t he phone t o the e ar, the backlight will turn of f auto matica lly,which could save batt eries
and prevent inadvertently touching.
Refuse to answer the pho ne
a. When standby, calling comes,press “refuse”button and slide towards left side until the middle button,
then you could refuse the cal ling.
b. When using,calling comes,click on t he “ r ef use” button to refuse the calling.
Two-way call/multiparty call(conference call)
Noticesthis function needs that SIM card open multiparty call featur es.
1) Already exist a call in the phone
2) Click“Add calls”dial another call(or receive another callphone default open ” call waitin g”settings–dialing settings–other dialing set t ings), after both connected,could view the
status of calling.
User Manual
3select“combine call”– you can combine two calls into one way. 4)after multiparty call connected ,you could separate the calls or han g up on e of them v ia“the
small arrow of conference ca ll”.
Telephone recording
During the callmore>start recordyou cou ld record the dialog of the call.
1settings>set other func tions of the c all in the di aling sett ings,for exampleCall Transfer– after all
the settings finished and t ur ned onyou could transfer the call to a certain num ber.
2In settings>dialing settings >other dialing settingsopen “call wa iting”.After turned onyou can receive another call when already exist oneThe answering and rejecting functions are just like the ordinary phone.
Video call
When you use video call,e nsure to inst a ll 3G SIM car d. in the dia ling inter face,ent er number s ,then pres s
the symbol
,so that complete the video call.
User Manual
The second way to use video call
Open the menu of applications>contacts, press one contact of the contacts,then press long the phone
number,and select the” video call”.
Call setting s
V oi ce Call
oice Mail:The voice mailbox in setting in the input voicemail number.
2) IP prefix numberSetting the different of SIM cards IP prefix numbers
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