Dec. 26th, 2017
Federal Communications Commission
7435 Oakland Mills Road
Columbia, MD 21046
Attn: Reviewing Engineer
RE: Request for Class II Permissive Change on FCC ID: K44431501
To Whom It May Concern:
JVC KENWOOD Corporation is submitting an application for FCC Class II Permissive Change to the
X-5300-K5, NX-5300-K6, NX-5300-F5 and NX-5300-F6 UHF Digital TRANSCEIVER (FCC ID:
<Date of Grant>
・Original: Aug. 07, 2014
・C2PC: Oct. 17, 2014
・C2PC: Feb. 18, 2015
・C2PC: Aug. 12, 2016
The changes filed under this application are:
・Add FCC Rule Part 22 and Part 74 to the existing emission designator.
・There are no changes to the hardware, circuits and software.
Please contact me if you require any additional information.
Tamaki Shimamura
Communications Systems Division
JVC KENWOOD Corporation
1-16-2, Hakusan, Midori-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, 226-8525 Japan