JVC VN-X35UL - Network Camera, VN-X35U Maintenance Manual

Lens Settings of VN-X35U
Lens type option and lens adjustment are added to VN-X35U from Version 2.02. In factory settings, TAMRON lens is chosen and lens control is adjusted to TAMRON lens. To use FUJINON lens, please change lens settings as following.
Lens settings are available on Basic Setting2 page or Maintenance page. See INSTRUCTIONS(Settings) to open those pages.
Basic Setting2 page
Maintenance page
Choosing Lens Type
Basic Setting2 page: Choose lens type and click OK button. Maintenance page: Choose lens type and click Apply button.
Lens Type 1(TAMRON) : Choose the item to use TAMRON lens.
2(FUJINON) : Choose the item to use FUJINON lens.
Adjusting Lens Control
Shoot bright and white object. Click Execute button and wait a while. (It takes about 10-15 seconds for the adjustment.) When the adjustment is completed, following message is displayed. "Lens adjustment is completed."
If error message, "Please shoot bright object, and try it again." is displayed, shot object is too dark. Please shoot brighter and whiter object and click Execute button again.
To reset the adjustment to factory setting, click Initialize button of Lens Adjustment.
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