JVC VN-V26U, VN-V25U User Manual 2

IP Camera
This document provides a description of protocols and API of VN-V25/26.
Refer Readme file in the CD-ROM for updated information.
2008.1.19. JVC
Version Date Updates
1.00 2007/11/1 First release.
1.01 2007/11/27 Model Name in JPEG is corrected from VN-V25 to VN-V25U. Description about disconnect of 11th alarm client is corrected.
1.02 2008/1/19 "boudary" in JPEG stream is deleted. Sample value of gamma is corrected. "type=VN-V25" in MPEG-4 is corrected as "type=VN­V25U". APIs of VN-V26U are added.
Custom Application Software Development Guide
VN-V25/26 can be used from a custom application software by utilizing the API and protocols
for VN-V25/26. The following operations are possible.
Getting JPEG from VN-V25/26.
Getting MPEG-4 from VN-V25/26.
Getting Alarm from VN-V25/26.
Getting or changing VN-V25/26 settings.
Sending Multicast from VN-V25/26.
Getting Audio from VN-V26.
Sending Audio to VN-V26.
Customization of VN-V25/26's built-in viewer.
Customization of VN-V26's built-in audio client.
1. Getting JPEG from VN-V25/26 via HTTP
2. Getting MPEG-4 from VN-V25/26 via HTTP
3. API to Search VN-V25/26
4. Getting Alarm from VN-V25/26 via TCP
5. Using API that Requires Basic Authentication
6. API for Getting/Changing Parameters of VN-V25/26
7. Getting Audio from VN-V26 via HTTP
8. Sending Audio to VN-V26 via HTTP
9. List of Protocols and Port Numbers Used with VN-V25/26
10. Customizing VN-V25/26's Built-in Viewer
11. Customizing VN-V26's Built-in Audio Client
12. FAQ
This document describes APIs of VN-V25/26. Differences of VN-V25 and VN-V26 are as below.
  Function      VN-V25      VN-V26 Low Lux Easy Day&Night B&W Mode (True Day&Night) Audio Server none Mic is embedded Audio Output none Audio Output Terminal
1. Getting JPEG from VN-V25/26 via HTTP
1.1. Basic Procedures
1) The client establishes a TCP connection to port number 80.
2) The client sends out API.
GET /api/video?encode=jpeg&framerate=30 HTTP/1.1<CRLF> Host:<CRLF><CRLF>
Note <CRLF> denotes the line feed code (
0x0D, 0x0A
3) VN-V25/26 returns HTTP response.
Example of VN-V26
HTTP/1.1 200 OK<CRLF> Connection: close<CRLF> Content-Length: 27616<CRLF>
Content-type: image/jpeg<CRLF>
Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 07:33:12 GMT<CRLF>
Server: JVC VN-V26 Network Camera<CRLF> x-vnv26_response: encode=jpeg&framerate=30&framesize=vga<CRLF><CRLF>
4) VN-V25/26 sends out JPEG data after returning HTTP response.
JPEG files will be sent out continuously after HTTP response. HTTP Response and JPEG data sent out by VN-
V25/26 are as follows.
Details of JPEG file format is explained later.
5) When the client wants to stop current JPEG transmission, the client disconnects TCP80.
VN-V25/26 does not accept further API via current TCP that is used for JPEG transmission. To change parameter,
disconnect current TCP to stop the JPEG transmission, connect new TCP, and send API with new parameter.
1.2. API Format
Unlike APIs for getting/setting parameters, Accept line is not required. Basic authentication is also not necessary.
GET /api/video?encode=jpeg&framerate=30 HTTP/1.1<CRLF> Host:<CRLF><CRLF>
Parameter value is indicated using =. Do not insert space before and after =.
Example framerate=1
Parameters are segmented using &. Do not insert space before and after &.
Example encode=jpeg&framerate=30
There is no need to specify all parameters. Default values will be used for parameters that are not specified.
HTTP Response
JPEG (No. 1)
JPEG (No. 2)
GET APIspace space HTTP/1.1
Host: space IP Address of VN-V25
0x0D 0x0A 0x0D 0x0A
0x0D 0x0A
Parameter Description
encode For specifying compression format. For example, specify as encode=jpeg to get JPEG.
framerate For specifying the frame rate. For example, specify as framerate=5 to get at 5 fps. Specify as framerate=-
5 to get at 1/5 fps, or in other words, 1 frame in 5 seconds. Selection range is as follows.
30, 25, 15, 10, 7.5, 6, 5, 3, 2, 1, 0, -2, -3, -5, -10, -15, -20, -30, -60
When the parameter is specified as framerate=0, VN-V25/26 sends 1 frame of JPEG data, and disconnect the TCP
1.3. Response
When API is successfully received
VN-V25/26 will return 200 OK. Content-length indicates file size of first JPEG in bytes. The x-vnv25_response line
indicates actual parameter.
Example of VN-V26
HTTP/1.1 200 OK<CRLF> Connection: close<CRLF> Content-Length: 27616<CRLF>
Content-type: image/jpeg<CRLF>
Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 07:33:12 GMT<CRLF>
Server: JVC VN-V26 Network Camera<CRLF> x-vnv26_response: encode=jpeg&framerate=30&framesize=vga<CRLF><CRLF>
1.4. Restrictions
Access restriction
VN-V25/26 has access restriction feature that enables to deny access from a specific IP address. If JPEG is requested
from the IP address of access restriction, VN-V25/26 disconnects the TCP connection after API is sent.
Restriction by maximum bitrate of VN-V25/26
The maximum bitrate of VN-V25/26 is about 20 Mbps.
Number of clients
The maximum number of clients that can get JPEG stream depends on encode settings and requests from client. Refer
the instruction manual for detailed information.
1.5. JPEG File Format Sent Out by VN-V25/26
JPEG file from VN-V25/26 is JFIF compliant and consist of the following.
Start Code
Application Segment
Comment Segment 1
Comment Segment 2 (reserved)
DHT Huffman Table
DQT Quantization Table
DRI Restart Interval
SOF Frame Information
Data Start Segment
End Code
The following information is stored in the comment segment 1. Each item has a fixed length.
Item Size Example Note
Version Information
9 JVC V1.0
Indicates the version of information stored in the comment segment.
File Size
18 size = 123456
Indicates JPEG size in bytes.
13 width = 640
Width of JPEG.
14 height = 480
Height of JPEG.
Model Name
18 type = VN-V25U
Name of model that created the JPEG.
(reserved) 12 reverse = 0 (reserved)
Time Stamp
70 timestamp =
20071014130509123 UTC
Indicates the time when the JPEG is created. This is made up of the year/month/day, hour/minute/second, millisecond and timezone code.
(reserved) 13 alarm = 00000000 (reserved)
Camera ID
50 camera = input01
Stores camera information set at VN-V25/26.
Motion Detect Setting
11 motion = 1
Specified as 1 when the motion detect is ON.
Motion Detect Result
7 md = 1
Specified as 1 if motion is detected at the time when JPEG is created.
Number of Bytes of Following Motion Detect Items
18 motion_size = 10 Indicates size of "motion_bit" and "md_bit" items in
Mask Settings for Motion Detect
24 motion_bit =
00000000000000000 000
Indicates Mask settings for 80 blocks in binary data.
(Not ASCII code.) If the bit is 0, the block is masked. If the bit is 1, the block is not masked.
Motion Detect Result of Each Block
20 md_bit =
00000000000000000 000
Indicates motion detect results for 80 blocks in binary data. (Not ASCII code.) If the bit is 0, the block
detected motion. If the bit is 1, the block did not detect motion.
Item names and values, excluding the version information that does not include =, are stored in the following format.
Example: When width=640, the 13-byte area will be written as follows.
2. Getting MPEG-4 from VN-V25/26 via HTTP
2.1. Basic Procedures
1) The client establishes a TCP connection to port number 80.
2) The client sends out API.
GET /api/video?encode=mpeg4 HTTP/1.1<CRLF> Host:<CRLF><CRLF>
Note <CRLF> denotes the line feed code (
0x0D, 0x0A
3) VN-V25/26 returns HTTP response.
Example of VN-V25
HTTP/1.1 200 OK<CRLF> Connection: close<CRLF>
Content-Type: video/mp4v-es<CRLF>
Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 07:33:12 GMT<CRLF>
Server: JVC VN-V25 Network Camera<CRLF> x-vnv25_response: encode=mpeg4&framerate=15&framesize=vga<CRLF><CRLF>
4) VN-V25/26 sends out MPEG-4 data after returning HTTP response.
HTTP Response and MPEG-4 stream sent out by VN-V25/26 are as follows.
name =space space value (stuffed with 0x00)
fixed length for each item
w i d t h = 6 4 0 0x00 0x00
HTTP Response
VOP of MPEG-4 (No. 1)
VOP of MPEG-4 (No. 2)
Details of MPEG-4 stream is explained later.
5) When the client wants to stop current MPEG-4 transmission, the client disconnects TCP80.
VN-V25/26 does not accept further API via current TCP that is used for JPEG transmission. To change parameter,
disconnect current TCP to stop the MPEG-4 transmission, connect new TCP, and send API with new parameter.
2.2. API Format
Unlike APIs for getting/setting parameters, Accept line is not required. Basic authentication is also not necessary.
GET /api/video?encode=mpeg4 HTTP/1.1<CRLF> Host:<CRLF><CRLF>
Parameter value is indicated using =. Do not insert space before and after =.
Parameter Description
encode For specifying compression format. For example, specify as encode=mpeg4 to get MPEG-4.
2.3. Response
When API is successfully received
VN-V25/26 will return 200 OK. The x-vnv25_response line indicates actual parameter.
Example of VN-V25
HTTP/1.1 200 OK<CRLF> Connection: close<CRLF>
GET APIspace space HTTP/1.1
Host: space IP Address of VN-V25
0x0D 0x0A 0x0D 0x0A
0x0D 0x0A
Content-Type: video/mp4v-es<CRLF>
Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 07:33:12 GMT<CRLF>
Server: JVC VN-V25 Network Camera<CRLF> x-vnv25_response: encode=mpeg4&framerate=30&framesize=vga<CRLF><CRLF>
2.4. Restrictions
Access restriction
VN-V25/26 has access restriction feature that enables to deny access from a specific IP address. If MPEG-4 is
requested from the IP address of access restriction, VN-V25/26 disconnects the TCP connection after API is sent.
Restriction by maximum bitrate of VN-V25/26
The maximum bitrate of VN-V25/26 is about 20 Mbps.
Number of clients
The maximum number of clients that can get MPEG-4 stream depends on encode settings and JPEG clients. Refer the
instruction manual for detailed information.
2. MPEG-4 Stream Format Sent Out by VN-V25/26
MPEG-4 stream from VN-V25/26 is MPEG-4 Part 2(ISO/IEC 14496-2) compliant, level 3 of simple profile. It is a
sequence of I-VOPs, or I-VOPs and P-VOPs.
I-VOP: Intra frame compressed data
P-VOP: Inter frame compressed data with previous frame
Ratio of I-VOP and P-VOP depends on I-Frame interval setting. Encode page of Web has the setting.
First VOP can be I-VOP or P-VOP. If client want to decode from I-VOP, please skip P-VOP and wait first I-VOP.
Example of MPEG-4 stream
HTTP Response
There are VOL, Userdata1, GOV and Userdata2 before each I-VOP.
Data Structure before I-VOP
Item Note VOL VOL of MPEG-4 Video
GOV GOV of MPEG-4 Video
Data Structure of Userdata2
Item Example Note Start Code 0x000001B2 Start code of userdata in MPEG-4 Video Product Name type = VN-V25U Product Name Timestamp timestamp =
Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Millisedond, and Time zone
Camera ID camera = Camera01 Camera ID that user can define
3. API to Search VN-V25/26
VN-V25/26 in LAN can be searched by broadcast packet that includes this API.
Search VN-V25/26 in LAN
Protocol Send udp packet with following text in UDP payload to destination port number 80. Source port number
can be any value.
Response VN-V25/26 that received this packet sends udp packet to the source port number of the search packet.
UDP payload of response packet has model name, IP address, and subnet mask. VN-V25/26 waits 0-0.7 second
before sending response to avoid too many responses are sent in short period from many VN-V25/26s.
Response Example system.id=VN-V25U( OK<CRLF>
4. Getting Alarm from VN-V25/26
4.1. Procedure
1) The client establishes a TCP connection to port number 32040.
2) When motion is detected from the video image of VN-V25/26, or when there are changes to the alarm input (make
or break), VN-V25/26 will send out alarm information in the following format. The first 2 lines indicate the current
alarm input status (make or break). The following 1 line indicates whether motion has been detected.
3) The client can disconnect TCP32040 to end the alarm acquisition.
4.2. Restrictions
Maximum number of clients
The maximum number of clients that may acquire alarm is 10. When a 11th client establishes TCP connection to port
number 32040, VN-V25/26 disconnects the TCP connection.
Additionally, VN-V25/26 will also check whether the TCP connection is maintained at regular intervals. VN-V25/26
will disconnect the TCP connection if syn exchange is not performed in 10 minutes.
Note: API for getting alarm is not restricted by the access restriction function.
5. Using API that Requires Basic Authentication
Basic authentication is required for APIs which are explained in Section 6. This section provides general explanation
of those APIs.
5.1. Procedure
1) The client establishes a TCP connection to port number 80.
2) The client sends API.
API has following structure.
The following is an example of API for Getting subnet mask of VN-V25/26.
GET space API Characters
Accept: text/plain (or text/html)space
Host: space IP Address of VN-V25 0x0D 0x0A
Authorization: Basic space Encoded User Name and Password 0x0D 0x0A 0x0D 0x0A
space HTTP/1.1 0x0D 0x0A
0x0D 0x0A
GET /api/param?network.interface.subnetmask HTTP/1.1<CRLF> Accept: text/plain<CRLF> Host:<CRLF> Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46dm4tdjJ4<CRLF><CRLF>
Specify the response format by Accept line. Plain text response is returned when this is specified as text/plain. HTML
response is returned when text/html is specified. HTML response is returned when Accept is not specified.
These APIs for getting/setting parameters are protected by basic authentication. Authorization line needs to include
encoded username and password. There are 3 types of usernames, namely admin, operator and user. Available APIs
are different for each username. Join the user name and the password using a colon, Base64 encode this character
string and enter this in the Authorization line.
For example, when
User name admin
Password vn-v2x
then the character string joining the user name and the password with a colon is:
Base64 encoding of this string yields YWRtaW46dm4tdjJ4. Enter this in the Authorization line. Default password for
each username is vn-v2x.
3) VN-V25/26 returns a response to the client. In the following example, current subnet mask is In
addition, is followed by & and 200 OK, indicating that getting parameter is successful.
Example of VN-V25
HTTP/1.1 200 OK<CRLF> Connection: close<CRLF> Content-Length: 80<CRLF> Content-type: text/plain<CRLF> Date: Fri, 13 MAY 2005 07:33:12 GMT<CRLF> Server: JVC VN-V25 API Server<CRLF> network.interface.subnetmask= OK<CRLF>
4) The client disconnects TCP80 to end the use of API.
Note: APIs for getting/setting parameters are not restricted by the access restriction function.
6. API for Getting/Changing Parameters of VN-V25/26
This section provides description of APIs for getting/changing parameters of VN-V25/26. Make use of the API
explained in this section in the way as mentioned in Section 5
6.1. General
(1) Getting parameter
Specify API in GET line according to the format below when getting a parameter from VN-V25/26.
It is possible to get multiple parameters at a time. Connect parameters with &. Do not insert space before and after &.
The upper limit of this character string is 1024 bytes. The maximum number of parameters that can be acquired at a
time is 15. Status settings, i.e.
network.interface.status, network.dns.status, network.ntp.status, etc., can not
acquired at a time.
When acquisition is successfully completed, values will be shown in the body of HTTP response, followed by
"&200 OK" message.
ParamA.ParamB.ParamC=Data&200 OK
When an error occurs, an error code will be returned instead of indicating a value in the body of HTTP response.
ParamA.ParamB.ParamC&401 Unauthorized
When multiple gettings are performed at one time, a response will be returned for each setting.
ParamA.ParamB.ParamC&200 OK<CRLF> ParamA.ParamB.ParamD&200 OK<CRLF>
(2) Setting parameter
Specify API in GET line according to the format below when setting a parameter for VN-V25/26.
Parameter values are indicated using =. Do not insert space before and after =.
It is possible to perform multiple settings at a time. Connect parameters with &. Do not insert space before and after
The upper limit of this character string is 1024 bytes. The maximum number of parameters that can be set at a time is
15. Status settings, i.e.
network.interface.status, network.dns.status, network.ntp.status, etc., can not be
acquired at a time.
Response will be in the following format.
ParamA.ParamB.ParamC&200 OK
An error code will be returned when setting is not properly performed. Example:
ParamA.ParamB.ParamC&401 Unauthorized
When multiple settings are performed at one time, a response will be returned for each setting.
ParamA.ParamB.ParamC&200 OK<CRLF> ParamA.ParamB.ParamD&200 OK<CRLF>
6.2. Camera
These APIs are related to camera settings. Same functions are shown on the Camera page of the WEB setting page.
Refer to the instruction manual for details on the Camera page.
Saving Changes of Camera Settings
Example of response
canera.status&200 OK
Interpretation Save or cancel changes to camera settings. Specify save or restore. By status=save, changes to
camera settings are saved. If not saved, the changes are restored by power off of VN-V25/26. By status=restore,
changes to camera settings are restored.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting Camera ID stored in JPEG from VN-V25/26
Example of response
camera.id=VN-V25&200 OK
Response example when setting field is left blank camera.id
=&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire Camera ID comment. This comment is stored in comment segment of JPEG. The Camera
ID is used as sender's display name of alarm mail. If you want to
set sender's mail address, s
ee "
Setting Sender
Mail Address for VN-V25/26".
Example of response
camera.id=Camera01&200 OK
Sender Camera
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Camera ID in JPEG from VN-V25/26
Example when setting as blank
Example of response
camera.id&202 Accepted(camera.status=save)
Interpretation Change the camera ID stored in comment segment of JPEG. Maximum size is 40 bytes.
To set as blank, specify as %00(0x25, 0x30, 0x30).
To use space, specify as %20(0x25, 0x32, 0x30). If you want to set "Comment In JPEG" for example, specify
as follows.
The Camera ID is used as sender's display name of alarm mail. If you want to
set sender's mail address, s
Setting Sender Mail Address for VN-V25/26".
Example of setting
The change is saved by the API, camera.status=save. If the change is not saved, the setting is restored by reboot.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting Monitor Type from VN-V25/26
Example of response
camera.image.monitortype=lcd1&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire the monitor type setting. Value is custome, lcd1, lcd2 or crt. When lcd1, lcd2 or crt is set,
enhance band setting and gamma setting are ignored.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Monitor Type for VN-V25/26
Example of setting a value
Example of response
camera.image.monitortype&202 Accepted(camera.status=save)
Interpretation Change the monitor type setting. Specify custome, lcd1, lcd2 or crt. Selecting lcd1 or lcd2 can
improve image on LCD display. Selecting crt can improve image on CRT monitor. When lcd1, lcd2 or crt is set,
enhance band setting and gamma setting are ignored. The change is saved by the API, camera.status=save. If the
change is not saved, the setting is restored by reboot.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting Black level from VN-V25/26
Example of response
camera.image.pedestal=50&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire black level setting. Range of pedestal is between 0 to 100, and it is mapped to 3 internal
levels. The larger the value, the brighter will be the black.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Black level for VN-V25/26
Example of setting a value
Example of 1 step change
Example of response
camera.image.pedestal&202 Accepted(camera.status=save)
Interpretation Change pedestal setting. Specify 0 to 100, "+" or "-". The value is mapped to 3 internal levels. It
becomes brighter 1 step by specifying "+", darker 1 step by specifying "-". The change is saved by the API,
camera.status=save. If the change is not saved, the setting is restored by reboot.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting Gamma from VN-V25/26
Example of response
camera.image.gamma=0.45&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire gamma setting. Value of gamma is
1, 0.6, 0.55, 0.5, 0.45, 0.4, 0.35, or 0.3
. Default
value is 0.45.
When lcd1, lcd2 or crt is set to monitor type, gamma setting is ignored.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Gamma for VN-V25/26
Example of setting a value
Example of 1 step change
Example of response
camera.image.gamma&202 Accepted(camera.status=save)
Interpretation Change gamma setting. Specify
1, 0.6, 0.55, 0.5, 0.45, 0.4, 0.35, 0.3
, "+" or "-". It becomes
darker 1 step by specifying "+", brighter 1 step by specifying "-". The change is saved by the API,
camera.status=save. If the change is not saved, the setting is restored by reboot.
When lcd1, lcd2 or crt is set to monitor type, gamma setting is ignored.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting Enhance Band from VN-V25/26
Example of response
camera.image.enhance.band=high&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire enhance band setting. Value of enhance band is high or low.
When lcd1, lcd2 or crt is set to monitor type, enhance band setting is ignored.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Enhance Band for VN-V25/26
Example of setting a value
Example of response
camera.image.enhance.band&202 Accepted(camera.status=save)
Interpretation Change enhance band setting. Specify high or low. The change is saved by the API,
camera.status=save. If the change is not saved, the setting is restored by reboot.
When lcd1, lcd2 or crt is set to monitor type, enhance band setting is ignored.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting Enhance from VN-V25/26
Example of response
camera.image.enhance=50&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire enhance setting. Range of enhance is between 0 to 100, and it is mapped to 11 internal
levels. The larger the value, the sharper will be the image.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Enhance for VN-V25/26
Example of setting a value
Example of 1 step change
Example of response
camera.image.enhance&202 Accepted(camera.status=save)
Interpretation Change enhance setting. Specify 0 to 100, "+" or "-". The value is mapped to 11 internal levels. It
becomes sharper 1 step by specifying "+", softer 1 step by specifying "-". The change is saved by the API,
camera.status=save. If the change is not saved, the setting is restored by reboot.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting Color Level from VN-V25/26
Example of response
camera.image.color=50&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire color level value. Range of color level is between 0 to 100. The value is mapped to 11
internal levels. The larger the value, the stronger will be the color.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Color Level for VN-V25/26
Example of setting a value
Example of 1 step change
Example of response
camera.image.color&202 Accepted(camera.status=save)
Interpretation Change color level value. Specify 0 to 100, "+" or "-". The value is mapped to 11 internal levels.
The larger the value, the stronger will be the color. It becomes stronger 1 step by specifying "+", softer 1 step by
specifying "-". The change is saved by the API, camera.status=save. If the change is not saved, the setting is restored
by reboot.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting AGC from VN-V25/26
Example of response
camera.image.brightnesss=autoL&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire AGC setting. "manual", "autoL", "autoM" or "autoH" is returned.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting AGC for VN-V25/26
Example of response
camera.image.brightness&202 Accepted(camera.status=save)
Interpretation Change AGC setting. Specify "manual", "autoL", "autoM" or "autoH". The change is saved by the
API, camera.status=save. If the change is not saved, the setting is restored by reboot.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting Limit of Sense Up from VN-V25/26
Example of response
camera.image.senseup_limit=0&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire limit of sense up. 0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 or 62 is returned. 0 means sense up is disabled. Other
numbers mean frame number of sense up.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Limit of Sense Up for VN-V25/26
Example of response
camera.image.senseup_limit&202 Accepted(camera.status=save)
Interpretation Change limit of sense up. Specify 0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 62, "+" or "-". It becomes bigger 1 step by
specifying "+", smaller 1 step by specifying "-". The change is saved by the API, camera.status=save. If the change is
not saved, the setting is restored by reboot.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting ALC priority from VN-V25/26
Example of response
camera.auto_exposure.priority=motion&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire ALC priority. ALC priority decides what is used first for auto exposure. "motion" or
"quality" is returned. In case of "motion", AGC is used before using sense up. In case of "quality", sense up is used
before using AGC.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting ALC priority for VN-V25/26
Example of response
Interpretation Change ALC priority. ALC priority decides what is used first for auto exposure. Specify "motion"
or "quality". In case of "motion", AGC is used before using sense up. In case of "quality", sense up is used before
using AGC. The change is saved by the API, camera.status=save. If the change is not saved, the setting is restored by
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting Shutter Speed from VN-V25/26
Example of response
camera.shutter=60&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire shutter speed setting. "auto", 30, 50, 60, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 10000 or
"flickerless" is returned. For example, 60 means shutter speed 1/60. In case of "flickerless", the shutter speed that
avoids flicker is selected automatically.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Shutter Speed for VN-V25/26
Example of setting a value
Example of 1 step change
Example of response
camera.shutter&202 Accepted(camera.status=save)
Interpretation Change shutter speed setting. Specify "auto", 30, 50, 60, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 10000 or
"flickerless", "+" or "-". To set 1/60 for example, specify 60. It becomes shorter 1 step by specifying "+", longer 1
step by specifying "-". The change is saved by the API, camera.status=save. If the change is not saved, the setting is
restored by reboot.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting Easy Day and Night from VN-V25 (VN-V25 Only)
Example of response
camera.image.brightness.highgain=off&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire Easy Day and Night setting. "on" or "off" is returned.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Easy Day and Night for VN-V25 (VN-V25 Only)
Example of response
camera.image.brightness.highgain&202 Accepted(camera.status=save)
Interpretation Change Easy Day and Night setting. Specify "on" or "off". The change is saved by the API,
camera.status=save. If the change is not saved, the setting is restored by reboot.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting B&W Mode (True Day&Night) from VN-V26 (VN-V26 Only)
Example of response
camera.image.true_daynight=color&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire B&W mode setting. "color", "bw", "autoH", "autoM" or "autoL" is returned. "color"
enables IR filter and image becomes color. "bw" disables IR filter and image becomes black and white. When the
setting is "autoH", "autoM" or "autoL", IR filter is enabled or disabled according to image brightness. To use
"autoH", "autoM" or "autoL", set AGC to "autoH".
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting B&W Mode (True Day&Night) for VN-V26 (VN-V26 Only)
Example of response
camera.image.true_daynight&202 Accepted(camera.status=save)
Interpretation Change B&W mode setting. Specify "color", "bw", "autoH", "autoM" or "autoL". "color" enables
IR filter and image becomes color. "bw" disables IR filter and image becomes black and white. When the setting is
"autoH", "autoM" or "autoL", IR filter is enabled or disabled according to image brightness. To use "autoH", "autoM"
or "autoL", set AGC to "autoH". The change is saved by the API, camera.status=save. If the change is not saved, the
setting is restored by reboot.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting Auto Exposure Reference from VN-V25/26
Example of response
camera.auto_exposure.reference=0&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire auto exposure reference. A number from -9 to 6 is returned. When the number is bigger,
image becomes brighter.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Auto Exposure Reference for VN-V25/26
Example of response
Interpretation Change auto exposure reference. Specify a number from -9 to 6, or "+", "-". When the number is
bigger, image becomes brighter. The change is saved by the API, camera.status=save. If the change is not saved, the
setting is restored by reboot.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting White Balance from VN-V25/26
Example of response
camera.image.white_balance=auto&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire white balance setting. "auto" or "manual" is returned.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting White Balance for VN-V25/26
Example of response
camera.image.white_balance&202 Accepted(camera.status=save)
Interpretation Change white balance setting. Specify "auto" or "manual". If "op_auto" is specified, one push auto
white balance control is done, and setting becomes "manual". The change is saved by the API, camera.status=save. If
the change is not saved, the setting is restored by reboot.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting R-Gain of White Balance from VN-V25/26
Example of response
camera.image.white_balance.r=s85&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire R-gain of white balance setting. s0 to s255 is returned. The s before number means "step".
Default value is s85.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting R-Gain of White Balance for VN-V25/26
Example of response
camera.image.white_balance.r&202 Accepted(camera.status=save)
Interpretation Change R-gain white balance setting. Specify s0 to s255. The s before number means "step".
Default value is s85.The change is saved by the API, camera.status=save. If the change is not saved, the setting is
restored by reboot.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting B-Gain of White Balance from VN-V25/26
Example of response
camera.image.white_balance.b=s219&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire B-gain of white balance setting. s0 to s255is returned. The s before number means "step".
Default value is s219.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting B-Gain of White Balance for VN-V25/26
Example of response
camera.image.white_balance.b&202 Accepted(camera.status=save)
Interpretation Change B-gain white balance setting. Specify s0 to s255. The s before number means "step". D
efault value is s219.The change is saved by the API, camera.status=save. If the change is not saved, the setting is
restored by reboot.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting Back Light Compensation from VN-V25/26
Example of response
camera.image.blc=off&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire Back Light Compensation setting. "off", "a", "b", "c" or "d" is returned. Refer the
instruction manual for detailed information of "a", "b", "c" and "d".
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Back Light Compensation for VN-V25/26
Format of setting ON
Example of response
camera.image.blc&202 Accepted(camera.status=save)
Interpretation Change Back Light Compensation setting. Specify "off", "a", "b", "c" or "d". Refer the instruction
manual for detailed information of "a", "b", "c" and "d". The change is saved by the API, camera.status=save. If the
change is not saved, the setting is restored by reboot.
Allowed users admin, operator
6.3. Encoding
These APIs are related to JPEG or MPEG-4 encoding. These are equivalent to the features on the Encoding page of
the WEB setting page. Refer to the instruction manual for details on the Encoding page.
Saving Changes of Encode Settings for VN-V25/26
or /api/param?encode(2).status=save
Example of response
encode(1).status&200 OK
Interpretation Save changes to encode settings. All JPEG and MPEG-4 settings are saved. If not saved, the
changes are restored by power off of VN-V25/26.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting JPEG Frame Size from VN-V25/26
Example of response
encode(1).framesize=vga&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire JPEG frame size setting. "vga" or "qvga" is returned.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting JPEG Frame Size for VN-V25/26
Example of response
encode(1).framesize&202 Accepted(encode(1).status=save)
Interpretation Change JPEG frame size. Specify "vga" or "qvga". File size setting is changed automatically when
frame size is changed. If frame size is changed from vga to qvga, file size is changed to third part of original size. If
frame size is changed from qvga to vga, file size is changed to three times size.
When frame size of JPEG and MPEG-4 are same, privacy masking is available for both compression. When they are
not same, compression on QVGA can have privacy masking.
The change is saved by the API, encode(1).status=save. If the change is not saved, the setting is restored by reboot.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting JPEG Rate Control Setting from VN-V25/26
Example of response
encode(1).cbr_mode=afs&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire the rate control setting of JPEG. Quantization table is fixed in the case of vfs
(VariableFileSize). In the case of afs (AverageFileSize), bit rates are controlled such that the average size of multiple
files remains constant.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting JPEG Rate Control for VN-V25/26
Example of response
encode(1).cbr_mode&202 Accepted(encode(1).status=save)
Interpretation Change rate control of JPEG. Rate control can be set to vfs or afs. In vfs (VariableFileSize),
quantization table is fixed. In afs (AverageFileSize), average file size of multiple JPEGs is controlled to be constant.
The change is saved by the API, encode(1).status=save. If the change is not saved, the setting is restored by reboot.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting JPEG File Size Setting from VN-V25/26
Example of response
encode(1).quality=40k&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire the file size setting of JPEG. If the response is 40k for example, the setting is 40KB.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting JPEG File Size Setting for VN-V25/26
Example of response
encode(1).quality&202 Accepted(encode(1).status=save)
Interpretation Change the file size setting of JPEG. The unit of set values is in KB. VN-V25/26 will perform rate
control with this file size as the target.
When frame size is VGA, setting between the range of 10k to 100k is possible. When frame size is QVGA, setting
between the range of 3k to 33k is possible.
When VFS (VariableFileSize) is specified for rate control at the WEB setting page, 7 levels will be available for
selection. Each of these choices corresponds to the file sizes as follows.
Level File Size Setting for VGA File Size Setting for QVGA
1 80k 27k 2 60k 20k 3 40k 13k 4 30k 10k
5 25k 8k 6 20k 7k
7 15k 5k
When rate control is set to vfs and a file size that is not stated above is specified, the closest choice will be displayed
on the WEB setting page. The change is saved by the API, encode(1).status=save. If the change is not saved, the
setting is restored by reboot.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting MPEG-4 Frame Size from VN-V25/26
Example of response
encode(2).framesize=vga&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire MPEG-4 frame size setting. "vga" or "qvga" is returned.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting MPEG-4 Frame Size for VN-V25/26
Example of response
encode(2).framesize&202 Accepted(encode(1).status=save)
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