JVC VN-H57U Series, VN-H37U Series Instructions Manual

How to read the manual
Contents of this manual
This manual explains how to set up the PC to confi gure the camera settings and how to connect the camera to the PC. Our company holds the copyright of this manual.This manual may not be reprinted or reproduced either in part or in whole without the prior consent of the company. Windows and Internet Explorer are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Product names of other companies described in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective companies. Symbols such asTM, ®, © are omitted in this manual. Design, specifi cations and other contents described in this manual are subject to change without prior notice for purposes of improvement. Instructions for installing this camera can be found in "Instructions (Installation)". For image and network settings, please refer to the "Instructions (Setting)" of the supplied CD-ROM. For the latest information, please refer to the "README" fi le in the CD-ROM supplied with this product. The supplied CD-ROM disk contains the "Instructions (Setting)" (pdf), "API Guide" (pdf), "JVC-VN-SearchTool", "JVC-VN­IPSettingTool" and "README" (txt) fi les.
Symbols in this manual
: Operational precautions are provided.
: Limitations related to functions and use, and other helpful information are provided.
: Reference pages or reference items are shown.
IP address setup procedure * This item is based on Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 8.0.
Set the IP address of the camera in the following steps.
Set the IP address of the PC used for confi guring camera settings.
Setup of the IP address of
the PC used for settings
Set up the Internet Explorer to connect the camera to the PC.
Setup of Internet Explorer
Connect the camera to the PC used for confi guring camera settings.
Connection of the camera
to the PC
Call the [Basic Setting1] setting window, and set the [IP Setting] to "DHCP Disable" or "DHCP Enable".
IP address setting for the
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Step 1 Setup of the IP address of the PC used for settings
The camera is assigned the "DHCP Disable" (the DHCP client function is Off) during shipment. The camera is fi rst started up using the following IP address. Set the IP address of the PC correctly so that you can communicate with the following. (For example, set the IP address to "" and the subnet mask to "".)
If multiple cameras are turned on simultaneously in the same LAN environment, access attempts may fail due to IP address duplication. Set up an IP address by either using the JVC-VN-IPSettingTool (included on the supplied CD-ROM) or turning the power supply of each camera on separately to avoid duplication.
IP address of the camera (factory default)
IP Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway None
Step 2 Setup of Internet Explorer
Launch Internet Explorer on the PC.
If proxy settings are enabled in Internet Explorer,
disable them as follows:
Select [Tools] - [Internet Options] - [Connections] - [LAN Settings] in this order.
2 From the [Local Area Network (LAN) Settings] window, select
[Proxy server] and uncheck the [Use a proxy server for your LAN] box.
Uncheck this box.
If the active script of Internet Explorer is disabled,
follow the steps shown below to enable it.
Select [Tools] - [Internet Options] - [Security] - [Trusted sites].
2 Click the [Trusted sites] button, and uncheck the [Require server
verifi cation (https:) for all sites in this zone] box.
3 Add the URL of the camera to the zone. If you use the camera with
factory defaults, add the following URL to the zone. 4 Select [Tools] - [Internet Options] - [Security] - [Trusted sites], and
click [Custom Level].
5 From the [Security Settings] window, select [Scripting] and set the
[Active scripting] to [Enable].
Select [Enable].
If ActiveX controls and plug-ins of Internet Explorer
are disabled, follow the steps shown below to enable them.
Select [Tools] - [Internet Options] - [Security], and click [Trusted sites].
2 Click [Custom Level] to open the [Security Settings] window. 3 Set all options of [ActiveX controls and plug-ins] to [Enable]. Also, select [Miscellaneous] and set [Allow Script-initiated windows
without size or position constraints] to [Enable].
Select [Enable].
Disable pop-up block.
If the pop-up block is "enabled" in Internet Explorer, you will not be able to connect the camera.In this case, set the pop-up block to "Disable" using the following steps.
1 Select [Tools] - [Pop-up Blocker] - [Turn Off Pop-up Bloker], and all sites are permitted. 2 To allow only speci c sites such as this unit, select [Tools] - [Pop-up Blocker] - [Turn on Pop-up
3 Select [Tools] - [Pop-up Blocker] - [Pop-up Blocker Settings] to open the [Pop-up Blocker Settings]
window. In the opened window, add the address of the camera as a permitted Web site address.
If plug-in tools are included in Internet Explorer, disable the pop-up block
function of these plug-ins tools as well.
Enable [Every time I visit the webpage].
If checking for newer versions of pages stored by Internet Explorer is not set to "Every time I visit the webpage", you cannot perform white spot correction. (
"Instructions (Setting)") In that case, follow the
procedure below to set checking for newer versions of stored pages to "Every time I visit the webpage".
1 Select [Tools] - [Internet Options] - [General] - [Temporary Internet
Files] - [Settings] - [Every time I visit the webpage].
Select [Every time I visit the webpage]
VN-H37U/H57U Series
(IP Address Settings)
Operating Environments
Recommended PC Specifi cations
OS : Windows 7 Professional (SP1)/Windows Vista Business (SP2)/
Windows XP Home Edition (SP3)/Windows XP Professional (SP3) CPU : Intel Core 2 Duo, 3GHz or higher Memory capacity : 2 GB or more Free hard disk space : 512 MB or more of free space Display and video card : 1600 x 1200 pixels or more, True Color (24 bit or 32 bit), VRAM 1GB or more
recommended Web browser : Internet Explorer
Windows XP : Version 6.0
Windows Vista : Version 7.0
Windows 7 : Version 8.0
The operation of any Web browser other than Internet Explorer is not reliable. The Built-in Viewer consists of the ActiveX software components. When you use the Built-in Viewer in the fi rst time, the ActiveX software is installed. However, the installation may be rejected by the anti-virus software settings.If this occurs, change the anti-virus software settings.
LAN environments
10BASE-T/100BASE-TX network interconnected using IEEE 802.3-compliant switching hubs IEEE 802.3af-compliant switching hub when PoE is used IGMPv2-compliant network when multicast is in use Category 5 or higher grade LAN cable while being connected
Step 3 Connection of the camera to the PC
Launch Internet Explorer.
Enter the IP address of the camera (for example, the factory default of "").
2 Click [Î].
The Built-in Viewer of the camera is displayed.
If the IP address of the camera is not known
You cannot set up or change the IP address of the camera from the PC even if the IP address of the camera is not known. You can identify the IP address in the following ways.
Access the "TOOL_E" folder of the supplied CD-ROM disk, and search for the camera in the LAN using the "JVC-VN-SearchTool" of this folder. * For the "JVC-VN-SearchTool" details, please open the "README" fi le in the [TOOL_E] folder.
Enter the user name and password (to log in as the administrator).
1 Enters a user name. (The factory default is "admin") 2 Enters a password. (The factory default is "jvc") 3 Click [OK].
If the [Security Information] window appears, click [Yes] to proceed.
Step 4 IP address setting for the camera
Click [Details] of the Built-in Viewer.
The [Basic Setting1] screen appears.
1 Specify the [IP Setting].
When selecting "DHCP Disable":
Select "DHCP Disable" for the [IP Setting] option. Then, enter required values in [IP Address], [Subnet Mask], and [Default Gateway].
When selecting "DHCP Enable":
The "DHCP Disable" (the DHCP client function is off) is set as factory default. To assign an IP address from the DHCP server, connect the camera to the LAN where the DHCP server exists. Set the [IP Setting] of the camera to "DHCP Enable" and click [OK].
Set the DHCP server so that the same IP address is always assigned to the MAC address of the camera, using the DHCP server. The connection may fail if the above settings are not made.
2 Select the [Time Zone]. Set up the IP address if required. 3 Click [OK].
For detailed network settings, consult your network administrator. If you enter the following URL in the address bar of Internet Explorer, you can log in with administrator privileges proceeding 2 in step 3 and you can directly access the [Basic Setting1] page without going through the Built-in Viewer. Example: If a [Security Warning] window appears, click [Yes] to proceed.
When the confi rmation window opens, click [OK].
The camera restarts with the new IP address. The camera takes about 90 seconds to restart.
As the IP address of the camera is changed, you may not be able to access the camera from the PC you have been using. If you access the camera from the same PC, set the IP address of the PC accordingly.
If the display or confi guration of the open window appears strange, check the PC settings as follows:
Select [Start] - [Control Panel] - [Appearance and Personalization]
Select [Display] - [Adjust screen resolution]
Check that [Resolution] is set to [Monitor size (recommended)].
Otherwise, change the setting to [Monitor size (recommended)] and
press the [OK] button.
In [Display Settings], press the [Keep changes] button.
Advanced camera settings and operation
In addition to the above basic settings, you can set the advanced camera functions using Internet Explorer and Built-in Viewer as follows.
Camera setting using Internet Explorer
Confi gure the picture quality and alarm settings using Internet Explorer. * For details, refer to the "Instructions (Setting)" of the supplied CD-ROM disk.
Operating the Built-in Viewer
* For details about the Built-in Viewer, refer to "Built-in Viewer Operations" section in the "Instructions (Setting)"
of the supplied CD-ROM disk.
LST1270-001B© 2012 JVC KENWOOD Corporation