JVC VN-H217VPU Specification

JVC Professional Products Company
1700 Valley Road
Wayne, New Jersey 07470
(800) 582-5825
This product specification is based on recognized industry standards for project documentation found within the Construction Specification Institute (CSI) Project Resource Manual – CSI Manual of Practice [5th Edition], MasterFormat™ [2004 Edition], SectionFormat™ [1997 Edition] and PageFormat™ [1999 Edition].
This specification is based on JVC model VN-H217U/VN-H217VPU and may be used as a manufacturer based proprietary specification or edited to a performance based specification. Optional text is presented in brackets [ ]; delete optional text as required in final project documentation. Specifier Notes are intended to provide information and guidance relative to the specific product or system ensuring proper configuration, performance and operation; delete these notes in final project documentation.
Section 28 23 29
Video Surveillance Remote Devices and Sensors
1.01 SUMMARY A. Section includes: One third inch CMOS Internet Protocol (IP) surveillance camera capable of dual
codec/dual resolution stream output with automatic color to black and white switching, and wide dynamic range by image adaptation technology.
B. Related Requirements:
Specifier Note: Projects may vary in scope and complexity; as such it is important to identify those sections which may have an impact on system operation or integrity. Closed circuit television systems often interface or integrate with other building systems. Within certain projects communication and electrical cabling may often be related to requirements found in the overall building wiring requirements. Edit or revise those sections as required for specific project or are specification practices. It is important these sections be reviewed and addressed if the project warrants or are specification practices. Contact a JVC Representative for further assistance.
1. 26 05 19 Low-Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables
2. 26 41 23 Lighting Protection, Surge Arrestors and Suppressors
3. 26 55 53 Security Lighting
4. 26 56 00 Exterior Lighting
Specifier Note: The convergence of IT Infrastructures and Network Video technology may often require the integration of equipment enclosures and related hardware typically found in data center environments. Edit or revise those sections as required for specific project or are specification practices
© Copyright 2011 Victor Company of Japan, Limited. All rights reserved. “JVC” is the trademark or registered trademark of Victor Company of Japan.
All non-metric weights and measures are approximate. Features and specifications are subject to change with out notice.
MasterFormat, SectionFormat and PageFormat are trademarks of the Construction Specification Institute.
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Section 28.23.29 Video Surveillance Remote Devices and Sensors
5. 27 11 16 Communication Cabinets, Racks, Frames and Enclosures
6. 27 21 00 Data Communication Network Equipment
7. 27 22 00 Data Communication Hardware
C. Multi-Section Requirements:
Specifier Note: Product(s) in this section require interface to or integration with other closed circuit television components to operate as a complete system. As projects vary in scope and complexity; it is important to identify those sections which may require product integration, have an impact on system operation or infrastructure integrity. Edit or revise those sections which may apply to a specific project. Contact a JVC Representative for further assistance.
1. 01 61 13 Software Licensing Requirements
2. 01 86 33 Electronic Safety and Security Performance Requirements
3. 28 01 20 Operation and Maintenance of Electronic Surveillance
4. 28 05 00 Common Work Results for Electronic Safety and Security
5. 28 06 20 Schedules for Electronics Surveillance
6. 28 08 00 Commissioning of Electronic Safety and Security Systems
7. 28 13 33.33 Access Control Interfaces to Video Surveillance
8. 28 16 33.33 Intrusion Detection Interfaces to Video Surveillance
9. 28 23 13 Video Surveillance Control and Management Systems
10. 28 23 16 Video Surveillance Monitoring and Supervisory Devices
11. 28 23 19 Digital Video Recorders and Analog Recording Devices
12. 28 23 26 Video Surveillance Remote Positioning Equipment
13. 28 23 23 Video Surveillance Infrastructure
1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. National Television System Committee - NTSC (North America) B. Joint Photographic Experts Group – JPEG C. Motion Joint Photographic Experts Group - MJPEG D. Moving Picture Experts Group - MPEG E. Underwriters Laboratory – UL F. Federal Communications Commission – FCC G. Interference Causing Equipment Standard – ICES (Canada) H. Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers - IEEE I. International Standards Organization – ISO J. International Electrotechnical Commission -IEC K. Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS)
© Copyright 2011, Victor Company of Japan, Limited. All rights reserved. “JVC” is the trademark or registered trademark of Victor Company of Japan.
All non-metric weights and measures are approximate. Features and specifications are subject to change with out notice.
MasterFormat, SectionFormat and PageFormat are trademarks of the Construction Specification Institute.
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Section 28.23.29 Video Surveillance Remote Devices and Sensors
Specifier Note: Closed Circuit Television systems are often installed in multiple phases, similar to certain electrical components. It is important to schedule these phases in conjunction with construction phases. Improperly run wires or undesirable mounting locations may degrade system performance, and, may void the manufacturer’s warranty.
A. Coordination: Ensure Closed Circuit Television System installation is fully coordinated with
provisions of Division 1, section 01 31 00 – Project Management and Coordination
B. Scheduling: Ensure pre-installation of cabling, mounting hardware and equipment installation is
fully coordinated with Division 1, Section 01 32 00 – Construction Progress Documentation
1. Building envelop must be substantially completed and HVAC systems installed and
operationally prior to final equipment installation
1.04 SUBMITTALS A. General: In compliance with Conditions of the Contract and Division 1, Section 01 33 00
Submittal Procedures
B. Product and technical data:
1. Manufacturers technical data sheets and bulletins
2. Manufacturers installation and operation manuals
3. Manufacturer Maintenance data
4. Spare parts list and recommended hardware a. Recommended maintenance contract
C. Shop Drawings:
1. Wiring diagrams
2. Equipment placement locations
3. Schedules and tables: Product quantity and placement
Specifier Note: When comparing/choosing digital video security equipment, many products may be derivatives of consumer electronics. The following language ensures the Owner the proper equipment is being used for the intended purpose.
1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The system shall be manufactured for the intended purpose in a commercial / industrial, 24 hour
day, 7 days per week, and 365 days per year operating environment
B. Manufacturer Qualifications:
1. Obtain [products] [systems] from a manufacturer experienced in the engineering, production
and support of closed circuit television systems, and, with sufficient production capability to meet the required project schedule
2. Manufacturer capable of providing field representation during design, installation and
commissioning of systems
© Copyright 2011, Victor Company of Japan, Limited. All rights reserved. “JVC” is the trademark or registered trademark of Victor Company of Japan.
All non-metric weights and measures are approximate. Features and specifications are subject to change with out notice.
MasterFormat, SectionFormat and PageFormat are trademarks of the Construction Specification Institute.
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Section 28.23.29 Video Surveillance Remote Devices and Sensors
Specifier Note: Regulations specific to this section vary by geographic location and Owner requirements. Coordinate article below with Local Authority Having Jurisdiction and/or Owner for requirements. Edit or revise article below as required for a specific project or specifiers practice.
C. Regulatory Requirements:
1. Video Compression: a. MPEG-4: Part 10 Advanced Video Coding (High Profile) – ISO/IEC 14496-10 b. MPEG-4: Part 2 - ISO/IEC 14496-2 c. MJPEG
2. Emission / Immunity: a. FCC Part 15, Subpart B, Class A Digital Device
3. Transmission: a. Ethernet: IEEE 802.3 / 802.3u / 802.3af
4. Safety: a. UL Listed 60950-1
5. Ingress Protection: a. IEC IP66
6. Environmental Sustainability: a. RoHS Directive Compliant
1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Division 1, Section 01 61 00 Common Product Requirements and the
manufacturers recommended procedures for receiving and protection of the equipment
B. Storage and Protection: Store materials protected from exposure to extreme or harmful
environmental conditions and at temperature and humidity levels recommended by the manufacturer:
1. Deliver individual components in the manufacturers original packaging and labeling
2. Prevent physical damage, soiling or wetting
3. Provide secure storage prior to and during installation
1.07 PROJECT/SITE CONDITIONS A. Environmental Requirements:
1. Site should be substantially enclosed and secure prior to installation of hardware
2. Environmental systems should be in place and operational
3. Deliver materials onsite at least 24 hours prior to installation to allow materials to reach
temperature and humidity equilibrium
1.08 WARRANTY A. Provide original equipment manufacturers warranty documentation for acceptance by the Owner
Specifier Note: Coordinate sub-paragraph below with manufacturers warranty policies and procedures if different from General Conditions, specifically Division 01, Section 01 78 36 - Warranties
1. Warranty Period: [specify term] commencing with the Date of Substantial Completion
© Copyright 2011, Victor Company of Japan, Limited. All rights reserved. “JVC” is the trademark or registered trademark of Victor Company of Japan.
All non-metric weights and measures are approximate. Features and specifications are subject to change with out notice.
MasterFormat, SectionFormat and PageFormat are trademarks of the Construction Specification Institute.
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