Jura Capresso 13637 User Manual

IMPRESSA XJ9 Professional Instructions for Use
JURA Type 683
For your safety: read and understand manual before use.
Table of contents
IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS 4 Control elements 8 1 Preparing and using for the first time 10
JURA on the Internet ....................................................................................................................................10
Settings by the JURA service technician ...................................................................................................10
Setting up the machine ..............................................................................................................................10
Filling the water tank ....................................................................................................................................11
Filling the bean container ............................................................................................................................11
First-time use ................................................................................................................................................ 12
Determining the water hardness ..............................................................................................................15
Adjusting the grinder ..................................................................................................................................15
Connecting milk ...........................................................................................................................................16
2 Preparation 17
Ways of preparing a beverage ...................................................................................................................18
Espresso and coffee .....................................................................................................................................18
Preparing two specialty coffees .................................................................................................................19
Latte macchiato, cappuccino .....................................................................................................................19
Warm milk and milk foam .........................................................................................................................20
Ground coffee .............................................................................................................................................. 20
Permanently setting the amount of water for the cup size .................................................................21
Hot water ...................................................................................................................................................... 22
3 Daily operation 23
Switching on ................................................................................................................................................23
Daily maintenance ...................................................................................................................................... 23
Switching off ................................................................................................................................................24
4 Permanent settings in programming mode 25
Enabling and disabling programming mode .........................................................................................26
Product settings ..........................................................................................................................................27
Enable or disable one-off settings ...........................................................................................................28
Enabling and disabling product selector view .......................................................................................29
Enabling and disabling products .............................................................................................................30
Maintenance settings .................................................................................................................................30
Setting the water hardness ........................................................................................................................31
Energy-saving mode ..................................................................................................................................32
Automatic switch-off .................................................................................................................................. 33
Unit for amount of water ...........................................................................................................................33
Restore factory settings .............................................................................................................................34
Language ......................................................................................................................................................35
Background color ........................................................................................................................................35
Querying information ................................................................................................................................36
Table of contents
5 Maintenance 37
Rinsing the machine ...................................................................................................................................38
Rinsing the cappuccino frother ................................................................................................................38
Cleaning the cappuccino frother ..............................................................................................................39
Dismantling and rinsing the cappuccino frother ..................................................................................40
Inserting and activating the filter .............................................................................................................40
Changing the filter .......................................................................................................................................41
Cleaning the machine ................................................................................................................................42
Descaling the machine ..............................................................................................................................44
Cleaning the bean container .....................................................................................................................46
Descaling the water tank ...........................................................................................................................47
6 Display messages 48 7 Troubleshooting 49 8 Transport and environmentally friendly disposal 51
Transport/ Emptying the system ..............................................................................................................51
Disposal ..........................................................................................................................................................51
9 Technical data 52 10 Index 53 11 JURA contact details/ Legal information 56
Symbol description
This is the safety alert symbol. lt is used to alert you to potential personal injury hazards. Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or death. DANGER indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
CAUTION, used with the safety alert symbol, indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
NOTICE NOTICE is used to address practices not related to personal injury.
Symbols used
Prompt to take action. This symbol means that you are being prompted to perform some action.
Information and tips to make it even easier to use your IMPRESSA.
‘Espresso’ Display message
When usi ng elect ri cal app li ances, b asic safet y precau ti ons shal l always be fol lowed , t o reduce the ri sk of f ire, elec tr ic sho ck, and/o r injury to persons, including the following:
Z Re a d al l i n s t r u c t i o n s. Z Do not t ouch hot surf aces. Use hand les or knobs. Z To p r o t e c t a g a i n s t f i r e , e l e c t r i c s h o c k a n d i n j u r y t o p e r so n s , d o
not immerse power cord, plugs, or body of machine in water or other liquid.
Z Close supervision is necessary when any appliance is used by
or near children.
Z Unp lug from ou tl et w hen not in use and bef ore cl eaning.
Al low t o co ol b ef or e pu t t i ng o n o r t ak in g of f p ar t s, and b ef or e cleaning the ap pli ance.
Z Do not operat e any app liance wi th a damaged cor d or pl ug or
af ter the app li ance m alf un ct io ns, or has been dam aged i n any manner. Return appliance to the nearest authorized service facility for examination, repair or adjustment.
Z Th e u se o f an acce ssor y at t ach m ent no t r ec om m en ded b y t he
app li ance m anuf act ur er m ay r esul t in fi re, el ect ri c shock , or injury to persons.
Z Do not use out door s. Z Do not let t he cord hang over t he edge of a t abl e or count er,
or touch hot surfaces.
Z Do not pl ace on or near a hot gas or elect ric burner, or in a
heated oven.
Z Al way s at t ach p l ug t o app l ia nce f i rst , t hen pl u g cor d i n t o t he
wall out let . To disconnect , t urn any cont rol t o ‘ OFF’ t hen remove plug from wall outlet.
Z Do not use appl iance for ot her t han int ended use. Z Use ext reme caut ion when di spensi ng hot st eam, hot wat er
or hot coffee.
Z Fo r h o u s e h o l d u s e o n l y.
Fo l l o w t h e b a s i c s a f e t y
Pa ss t h e m o n t o a n y s u b s e q u e n t u s e r .
Th e ap pl i an ce i s d esi gn ed an d i n t en ded f or h ou seh ol d us e on l y. I t shal l o nl y be used f or co ff ee pr eparat i on an d t o heat mi l k a nd wat er, accor di ng t o t hese in st ru ct ions. Use fo r any ot her pur pose wi ll be deemed improper. JURA Elektroapparate AG cannot accept any responsibility for the consequences of improper use.
Pe o p l e , i n c l u d i n g c h i l d r e n , w h o
Z do not have the physical, sensory or mental capabilities t o use
the appliance safely or
Z are i nexper ien ced or l ack kn owl edge i n h ow to use t he appl i -
ance safel y must be supervised by a responsible person when using it, or must be instructed in how to use it correctly.
Z Th e po wer co r d i s pr o vi d ed t o r ed uce t he r i sk r esu l t i ng f r om
becoming entangled in or tripping over a long cord.
Z Th e co rd sh al l be a rr an ge d so t h at i t wi l l n ot d r ape ov er t he
cou nt er t op or t able t op wh ere it can b e pul led on by chil dren
or tripped over.
Z Th is ap pl i an ce ha s a 3- pi n g r ou n ded pl u g. As a saf et y f eat ur e,
this plug will fit in a polarized outlet only one way.
Z If t he plug does not fit fully in the outlet, reverse the plug. If it
st i ll do es n ot fi t , co nt ac t a qu ali f i ed el ect r ici an.
Z Do not m odif y t he plug in any way or att empt t o defeat t his
saf et y f eat ur e.
Do NOT use ext ension cords. If t he user chooses to use an extension cord,
Z the marked electrical rating of the extension cord shall be at
least as great as the electrical rating of the appliance, and
Z if the appliance is of the grounded type, the extension cord
shal l b e a gr ou nd i ng t y pe 3- wi re cor d, an d
Z the longer cord shall be arranged so that it will not drape over
the counter top or tabletop where it can be pulled on by chil-
dren or tripped over.
To r e d u c e t h e r i sk o f f i r e o r e l ec t r i c sh o c k , D O N O T r e m o v e a n y s e r ­vice covers. DO NOT modif y t he appliance in any way that is not described in these instructions. NO user serviceable part s included. Re p ai r M US T b e d o n e b y a u t h o r i z e d p e r so n n e l o n l y .
Intended use
Sp e c i a l p o w er co r d s e t
In the event of signs of damage, for example if t here is a smell of burning, unplug t he machine immediately from out let and contact JURA customer service.
This appliance is for household use. Any servicing other than clean­ing and user maintenance shall be performed by an authorized ser­vice representative:
Z Do not immerse base i n wat er or t ry t o di sassemble. Z Do not put t he app liance or any indi vidual part s i n t he di sh-
Z Ch e c k v o l t a g e t o b e su r e t h a t t h e vo l t a g e i n d i ca t ed o n t h e
name plate complies with your volt age.
Z Never use war m or hot wat er t o f il l t he wat er cont ai ner. Use
col d wat er o nly.
Z Ke e p y o u r h a n d s a n d t h e c o r d a w a y f r o m h o t p a r t s o f t h e
app li ance dur in g o perat ion .
Th er e i s a r i sk of sca ld s or bu r ns o n t h e spo u t s and t he c app u cci n o frother / nozzle.
Z Ke e p c h i l d r e n a w a y . Z Do not touch any hot part s. Use t he handl es or knobs pro-
Z En s u r e t h a t t h e ca p p u c c i n o f r o t h e r / n o z z l e i s co r r ec t l y f i t t e d
and cl ean. If i ncor rect ly fi tt ed or i f t hey becom e bl ocked , t he
cappucci no frot her or it s par ts m ight come o ff.
Z Never cl ean wit h scou ri ng po wder s o r hard i m plem ent s. Z En s u r e t h a t t h e v e n t i l at i o n s l o t s a r e n o t c o v e r e d . Z Never p ull ou t t he dri p t ray dur ing t he b rewi ng pr ocess. On ly
pull t he drip tray when the display instructs you or when the
app li ance is r eady for u se.
Z Never f il l i nst an t co ff ee, choco lat e m ix et c. i nt o t he b ean con -
tainer or ground coffee funnel (filler funnel for ground coffee).
It will damage the functioning of the brewing chamber.
Z Never f il l sug ar coat ed cof fee beans in to t h e b ean con tai ner.
In case of doubt, call your dealer.
(or you wi l l voi d your
warranty protection):
Z Never f il l any t hi ng o ther t han co ff ee beans i nt o th e bean co n-
tainer (no chocolate, no rice, no nuts, no spices, nothing other
than roasted coffee beans).
Z Never fi l l f rozen beans int o t he b ean cont ai ner. I f you st ore
beans in the freezer, let t hem thaw 3 to 4 hours before filling
them into the bean container.
Z Never fi ll any thi ng bu t f resh, col d an d cl ean wat er i nt o the
water t ank, except when decalci f ying.
Z Never use m ineral or car bon ated wat er. Yo u can use t ap wat er,
bott led wat er, spring water and reverse osmosis wat er.
Z Never do any thi ng wi t h t he m achi ne whi ch i s not descr ib ed i n
these instructions. In case of doubt, call your dealer.
Control elements
Control elements
1 Bean container with aroma preservation
2 Water tank cover 3 Water tank 4 Height-adjustable cappuccino frother 5 Coffee grounds container 6 Drip tray 7 Cup platform
8 Filler funnel for ground coffee 9 Storage compartment cover 10 Grinder adjustment switch 11 Measuring spoon for ground coffee 12 Hot-water nozzle 13 Height- and width-adjustable coffee spout
Control elements
31 2
Top of the machine
1 Q On/Off button 2 g Rotary Switch 3 O P button (programming)
4 Display 5 Buttons (button function depends on
what is shown in the display)
Back of the machine
1 Power switch 2 Power cord
3 Port (under cover)
1 Preparing and using for the first time
1 Preparing and using for the first time
Visit us on the Internet.
On the JURA website (www.jura.com) you will find interesting and up-to-date information on your IMPRESSA and on every aspect of coffee.
The following settings can only be made by the JURA service techni­cian:
Setting the filter capacity
You can also obtain the following optional accessories for your IMPRESSA from your JURA service partner:
Coffee grounds disposal function set
Drip drain set
Permanent water connection kit
Payment system and other accessories
If the machine is not lifted properly, it may be damaged.
T Do not lift the machine by the bean container. T Only lift the machine by gripping it underneath, in the recesses
on the left and right sides of the machine.
When setting up your IMPRESSA, please note the following:
Place the IMPRESSA on a horizontal surface that is not sensi-
tive to water.
Choose a spot for your IMPRESSA which protects the machine
against overheating. Ensure that the ventilation slots are not
JURA on the Internet
Settings by the JURA service technician
Setting up the machine
1 Preparing and using for the first time
Daily maintenance of the machine and hygiene when handling milk, coffee and water are key to a perfect coffee result in the cup every time. You should therefore change the water daily.
Milk, sparkling mineral water or other liquids can damage the water tank or the machine.
T Only fill the water tank with fresh, cold water.
T Open the water tank cover.
T Remove the water tank and rinse it with cold water.
T Fill the water tank with fresh, cold water and reinsert the
T Close the water tank cover.
The bean container has an aroma preservation cover. This will ensure that your coffee beans retain their aroma for longer.
Coffee beans which have been treated with additives (e.g. sugar), ground coffee or freeze-dried coffee will damage the grinder.
T Only use untreated coffee beans to fill the bean container.
T Remove the aroma preservation cover.
T Remove any dirt or foreign objects from inside the bean
T Fill the bean container with coffee beans and close the
aroma preservation cover.
Filling the water tank
Filling the bean container
1 Preparing and using for the first time
If the machine is operated with a defective power cord, there is a danger of potentially fatal electric shock.
T Never use a machine which is damaged. T Never use a machine which has a defective power cord.
E The water volume is given as standard in ‘oz’. You can change
this setting to ‘ml’ in programming mode (see Chapter 4 ‘Per-
manent settings in programming mode – Unit for amount of
When using the machine for the first time, you can choose whether you want to operate IMPRESSA with or without the CLEARYL Pro Blue filter cartridge. If the water hardness is 10°dH or more, we rec­ommend using the filter cartridge. If you do not know the hardness of your water, you can find this out first (see Chapter 1 ‘Preparing and using for the first time – Determining the water hardness’).
Precondition:The water tank and bean container have been filled.
T Insert the power plug into a power socket.  3T Switch on the IMPRESSA using the power switch on the back
of the machine.
Q T Press the On/Off button to switch the IMPRESSA on.
The display shows the languages you can choose from.
E To display more languages, press the
‘Next’ button (bottom
T Press the button that corresponds to the language you want,
‘English’. ‘Saved’ appears briefly on the display to confirm the setting. ‘Filter’
E Now decide whether you want to operate your IMPRESSA with
or without a CLEARYL Pro Blue filter cartridge.
First-time use
1 Preparing and using for the first time
Milk, sparkling mineral water or other liquids can damage the water tank or the machine.
T Only fill the water tank with fresh, cold water.
T Press the
‘Active’ button.
T Press the
‘Save’ button. ‘Saved’ appears briefly on the display. ‘Insert filter’
T Remove and empty the water tank. T Open the filter holder and insert the filter cartridge into the
water tank, exerting slight pressure.
T Close the filter holder. It will click into place audibly.
E After two months, the filter will cease to work. Set the date on
the date plate on the filter holder in the water tank.
T Fill the water tank with fresh, cold water and reinsert the
T Place a receptacle under the cappuccino frother, the coffee
spout and the hot-water nozzle.
T Press the
‘Next’ button. ‘Filter is beingrinsed.’, water flows out of the hot-water noz-
E You can interrupt rinsing of the filter at any time by pressing
any button. Press the Rotary Switchk to continue rinsing of the filter.
E The water may be slightly discolored. This is not harmful to
health and does not affect the taste.
Rinsing of the filter stops automatically.
‘System is filling.’, the system fills up with water. Water flows
out of the cappuccino frother and the hot-water nozzle. The operation stops automatically.
‘Welcome to JURA’ ‘Machine is rinsing.’
, the machine rinses. The operation stops
‘Please select product:’ appears on the display.
Your IMPRESSA is ready for use.
E The display shows the products you can prepare.
Activating the filter
1 Preparing and using for the first time
Milk, sparkling mineral water or other liquids can damage the water tank or the machine.
T Only fill the water tank with fresh, cold water.
T Press the
‘Inactive’ button.
T Press the
‘Save’ button. ‘Saved’ appears briefly on the display. ‘Water hardness’
E If you do not know the hardness of your water, you must find
this out first (see Chapter 1 ‘Preparing and using for the first time – Determining the water hardness’).
T Press the
< or > button to set the water hardness.
T Press the
‘Save’ button. ‘Saved’ appears briefly on the display. ‘Welcome to JURA’ ‘Please press the Rotary Switch.’
T Place a receptacle under the cappuccino frother and another
under the hot-water nozzle.
k T Press the Rotary Switch.
‘System is filling.’, the system fills up with water. Water flows
out of the cappuccino frother and the hot-water nozzle. The operation stops automatically.
‘Welcome to JURA’ appears on the display. ‘Machine is heating.’ ‘Please press the Rotary Switch.’
, the Rotary Switch lights up.
T Place a receptacle under the coffee spout.
kT Press the Rotary Switch.
‘Machine is rinsing.’, the machine rinses. The operation stops
‘Please select product:’ appears on the display.
Your IMPRESSA is ready for use.
E The display shows the products you can prepare.
Deactivating the filter
1 Preparing and using for the first time
You can find out what the water hardness is by using the Aquadur® test strip supplied as standard.
T Hold the test strip briefly (for 1 second) under flowing water.
Shake off the water.
T Wait for about one minute. T You will then be able to read the degree of water hardness
from the discoloration of the Aquadur® test strip and the description on the packaging. You can now adjust the water hardness.
The water hardness can be adjusted on a continuous scale between 1° dH and 30° dH.
Level Display German
Degree (°dH)
Degrees of general hardness (°dGH)
Parts per million (ppm)
Indicator Strip number of ‘reddish’ fields
Not active – Very soft water <3 <3 < 53.4 None Soft water > 4 > 4 > 71 1 Hard water > 8.4 > 8.4 > 150 2 Very hard water > 14 > 14 > 250 3
If you adjust the consistency of grind when the grinder is not oper­ating, the grinder adjustment switch could be damaged.
T Only adjust the consistency of grind when the grinder is run-
You can adjust the grinder on a continuous scale to suit the degree of roast of your coffee.
The consistency of grind is correct if the coffee flows regularly from the coffee spout. In addition a fine, thick crema forms.
Example:Proceed as follows to change the consistency of grind during the preparation of an espresso.
T Open the storage compartment cover. T Place a cup under the coffee spout.
Determining the water hardness
Adjusting the grinder
1 Preparing and using for the first time
T Press the ‘Espresso’ button.
The grinder starts up.
‘Espresso’ is displayed.
T Turn the grinder adjustment switch to the desired position
while the grinder is running. The espresso is prepared and the consistency of grind is adjusted.
T Close the storage compartment cover.
Your IMPRESSA creates fine, creamy, feather-light milk foam with a perfect consistency. The most important requirement for frothing milk is a milk temperature of 39–46 °F (48°C). We would therefore recommend using a milk cooler.
T Attach the milk pipe to the cappuccino frother. To do this,
attach the end of the milk pipe to the connector on the left­hand side of the cappuccino frother.
T Connect the other end of the milk pipe to a milk cooler.
Connecting milk
2 Preparation
2 Preparation
Hot coffee, hot steam and hot water can cause scalding. Scalding is a serious burn.
T Use extreme care when handling hot liquid or steam. T Allow liquid to cool down before drinking. T In the event of scalding, rinse affected area with cold water
and seek medical attention.
T Keep children AWAY.
E You ca n sto p p rep ara tio n o f a spec ial ty coff ee, speci alt y c off ee
with milk or hot water at any time. Just press any button.
E During the grinding operation you can select the coffee
strength of individual products by turning the Rotary Switchg: ; (extra-mild), ;; (mild), ;;; (normal), ;;;; (strong) or ;;;;; (extra-strong).
E During preparation, you can change the preset amount of
water by turning the Rotary Switch g or pressi ng the
<’ and
> buttons.
E You can follow the current status of preparation on the display. E The water volume is given as standard in ‘oz’. You can change
this setting to ‘ml’ in programming mode (see Chapter 4 ‘Per­manent settings in programming mode – Unit for amount of water’).
In programming mode you can enable or disable one-off settings during preparation (see Chapter 4 ‘Permanent settings in program- ming mode – Enable or disable one-off settings’).
You can make permanent settings for all products in programming mode (see Chapter 4 ‘Permanent settings in programming mode – Product settings’).
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