Junos OS Release 19.4R3 User Manual

Release Notes: Junos®OS Release 19.4R3 for
the ACX Series, cRPD, EX Series, JRR Series,
Junos Fusion, MX Series, NFX Series, PTX
Series, QFX Series, SRX Series, vMX, vRR, and
22 April 2021
Introduction | 12
Junos OS Release Notes for ACX Series | 12
What's New | 13
What's New in Release 19.4R3 | 13
What’s Changed in 19.4R2-S2 | 14
What's New in Release 19.4R2 | 14
What's New in Release 19.4R1 | 16
What's Changed | 21
What’s Changed in 19.4R3 | 21
What’s Changed in 19.4R2 | 21
What’s Changed in 19.4R1 | 22
Known Limitations | 22
General Routing | 23
Open Issues | 24
General Routing | 24
Platform and Infrastructure | 27
Virtual Chassis | 27
Resolved Issues | 27
Resolved Issues: 19.4R3 | 28
Resolved Issues: 19.4R2 | 29
Resolved Issues: 19.4R1 | 30
Documentation Updates | 33
Feature Guides Are Renamed As User Guides | 33
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 33
Upgrade and Downgrade Support Policy for Junos OS Releases | 34
Junos OS Release Notes for cRPD | 35
What’s New | 35
What's Changed | 35
Known Limitations | 35
Open Issues | 36
Resolved Issues | 36
Junos OS Release Notes for EX Series Switches | 36
What's New | 37
What's New in 19.4R3 | 37
What's New in 19.4R2 | 37
What's New in 19.4R1 | 38
What's Changed | 47
What's Changed in 19.4R3 | 48
What's Changed in 19.4R2 | 48
What's Changed in 19.4R1 | 49
Known Limitations | 50
Platform and Infrastructure | 50
Open Issues | 51
Infrastructure | 51
Interfaces and Chassis | 52
Layer 2 Features | 52
Platform and Infrastructure | 52
Routing Protocols | 53
Virtual Chassis | 54
Resolved Issues | 54
Resolved Issues: 19.4R3 | 55
Resolved Issues: 19.4R2 | 57
Resolved Issues: 19.4R1 | 60
Documentation Updates | 65
Feature Guides Are Renamed As User Guides | 66
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 66
Upgrade and Downgrade Support Policy for Junos OS Releases | 66
Junos OS Release Notes for JRR Series | 67
What's New | 68
What’s New in 19.4R3 Release | 68
What’s New in 19.4R2 Release | 68
What’s New in 19.4R1 Release | 68
What's Changed | 69
Known Limitations | 70
Open Issues | 70
Resolved Issues | 71
Resolved Issues: 19.4R3 | 71
Resolved Issues: 19.4R2 | 71
Resolved Issues: 19.4R1 | 71
Documentation Updates | 72
Feature Guides Are Renamed As User Guides | 72
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 73
Upgrade and Downgrade Support Policy for Junos OS Releases | 73
Junos OS Release Notes for Junos Fusion Enterprise | 74
What’s New | 75
What’s Changed | 75
Known Limitations | 76
Open Issues | 76
Junos Fusion for Enterprise | 76
Resolved Issues | 77
Resolved Issues: Release 19.4R3 | 77
Resolved Issues: Release 19.4R2 | 78
Resolved Issues: Release 19.4R1 | 78
Documentation Updates | 78
Feature Guides Are Renamed As User Guides | 78
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 79
Basic Procedure for Upgrading Junos OS on an Aggregation Device | 79
Upgrading an Aggregation Device with Redundant Routing Engines | 81
Preparing the Switch for Satellite Device Conversion | 82
Converting a Satellite Device to a Standalone Switch | 83
Upgrade and Downgrade Support Policy for Junos OS Releases | 83
Downgrading from Junos OS | 84
Junos OS Release Notes for Junos Fusion Provider Edge | 85
What's New | 85
What's Changed | 86
Known Limitations | 86
Open Issues | 87
Resolved Issues | 87
Resolved Issues: 19.4R3 Release | 88
Resolved Issues: 19.4R2 Release | 88
Resolved Issues: 19.4R1 Release | 88
Documentation Updates | 88
Feature Guides Are Renamed As User Guides | 89
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 89
Basic Procedure for Upgrading an Aggregation Device | 90
Upgrading an Aggregation Device with Redundant Routing Engines | 92
Preparing the Switch for Satellite Device Conversion | 93
Converting a Satellite Device to a Standalone Device | 94
Upgrading an Aggregation Device | 96
Upgrade and Downgrade Support Policy for Junos OS Releases | 97
Downgrading from Junos OS Release 19.4 | 97
Junos OS Release Notes for MX Series 5G Universal Routing Platform | 98
What's New | 98
What’s New in 19.4R3 Release | 99
What’s New in 19.4R2 Release | 99
What’s New in 19.4R1 Release | 101
What's Changed | 121
What’s Changed in 19.4R3-S3 Release | 121
What’s Changed in 19.4R3-S2 Release | 122
What’s Changed in 19.4R3 Release | 122
What’s Changed in 19.4R2-S1 Release | 124
What’s Changed in 19.4R2 Release | 124
What’s Changed in 19.4R1 Release | 125
Known Limitations | 129
EVPN | 129
General Routing | 129
Interfaces and Chassis | 131
Platform and Infrastructure | 131
Routing Protocols | 132
Open Issues | 132
Class of Service (CoS) | 133
EVPN | 133
Forwarding and Sampling | 133
General Routing | 134
Infrastructure | 142
Interfaces and Chassis | 142
Layer 2 Features | 143
MPLS | 143
Network Address Translation (NAT) | 144
Network Management and Monitoring | 144
Platform and Infrastructure | 144
Routing Protocols | 146
Services Applications | 147
VPNs | 148
Resolved Issues | 148
Resolved Issues: 19.4R3 | 149
Resolved Issues: 19.4R2 | 158
Resolved Issues: 19.4R1 | 170
Documentation Updates | 191
Advanced Subscriber Management Provider | 192
Feature Guides Are Renamed As User Guides | 192
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 192
Basic Procedure for Upgrading to Release 19.4 | 193
Procedure to Upgrade to FreeBSD 11.x based Junos OS | 193
Procedure to Upgrade to FreeBSD 6.x based Junos OS | 196
Upgrade and Downgrade Support Policy for Junos OS Releases | 198
Upgrading a Router with Redundant Routing Engines | 198
Downgrading from Release 19.4 | 199
Junos OS Release Notes for NFX Series | 199
What’s New | 200
What's New in Release 19.4R3 | 200
What's New in Release 19.4R2 | 200
What's New in Release 19.4R1 | 201
What's Changed | 202
What’s Changed in 19.4R3 Release | 202
What’s Changed in 19.4R2 Release | 203
What’s Changed in 19.4R1 Release | 203
Known Limitations | 203
High Availability | 204
Platform and Infrastructure | 204
Open Issues | 204
Platform and Infrastructure | 205
Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) | 205
Resolved Issues | 205
Resolved Issues: 19.4R3 | 206
Resolved Issues: 19.4R2 | 206
Resolved Issues: 19.4R1 | 208
Documentation Updates | 210
Feature Guides Are Renamed As User Guides | 211
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 211
Upgrade and Downgrade Support Policy for Junos OS Releases | 211
Basic Procedure for Upgrading to Release 19.4 | 212
Junos OS Release Notes for PTX Series Packet Transport Routers | 213
What's New | 214
What's New in 19.4R3 | 214
What's New in 19.4R2 | 214
What's New in 19.4R1 | 215
What's Changed | 221
What's Changed in 19.4R3-S2 | 222
What's Changed in 19.4R3 | 222
What's Changed in 19.4R2 | 222
What's Changed in 19.4R1 | 223
Known Limitations | 225
General Routing | 225
MPLS | 226
Open Issues | 226
General Routing | 227
MPLS | 229
Routing Protocols | 229
Resolved Issues | 229
Resolved Issues: 19.4R3 | 230
Resolved Issues: 19.4R2 | 231
Resolved Issues: 19.4R1 | 232
Documentation Updates | 235
Feature Guides Are Renamed as User Guides | 235
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 236
Basic Procedure for Upgrading to Release 19.4 | 236
Upgrade and Downgrade Support Policy for Junos OS Releases | 239
Upgrading a Router with Redundant Routing Engines | 240
Junos OS Release Notes for the QFX Series | 241
What's New | 241
What's New in Release 19.4R3 | 242
What's New in Release 19.4R2 | 242
What's New in Release 19.4R1 | 242
What's Changed | 254
What’s Changed in 19.4R3 | 254
What’s Changed in 19.4R2 | 255
What’s Changed in 19.4R1 | 256
Known Limitations | 258
Layer 2 Features | 258
Layer 2 Ethernet Services | 258
Network Management and Monitoring | 258
Platform and Infrastructure | 259
Routing Protocols | 259
Open Issues | 260
EVPN | 260
Infrastructure | 260
Interfaces and Chassis | 261
Junos Fusion Provider Edge | 261
Layer 2 Features | 261
MPLS | 261
Platform and Infrastructure | 261
Routing Protocols | 263
Virtual Chassis | 264
Resolved Issues | 264
Resolved Issues: 19.4R3 | 265
Resolved Issues: 19.4R2 | 268
Resolved Issues: 19.4R1 | 274
Documentation Updates | 280
Feature Guides Are Renamed As User Guides | 281
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 281
Upgrading Software on QFX Series Switches | 282
Installing the Software on QFX10002-60C Switches | 284
Installing the Software on QFX10002 Switches | 284
Upgrading Software from Junos OS Release 15.1X53-D3X to Junos OS Release
15.1X53-D60, 15.1X53-D61.7, 15.1X53-D62, and 15.1X53-D63 on QFX10008 and QFX10016 Switches | 285
Installing the Software on QFX10008 and QFX10016 Switches | 287
Performing a Unified ISSU | 291
Preparing the Switch for Software Installation | 292
Upgrading the Software Using Unified ISSU | 292
Upgrade and Downgrade Support Policy for Junos OS Releases | 294
Junos OS Release Notes for SRX Series | 295
What’s New | 296
Release 19.4R3 New and Changed Features | 296
Release 19.4R2 New and Changed Features | 296
Release 19.4R1 New and Changed Features | 296
What's Changed | 304
What's Changed in 19.4R3 | 305
What’s Changed in Release 19.4R2-S4 | 305
What’s Changed in Release 19.4R2 | 305
What’s Changed in Release 19.4R1 | 306
Known Limitations | 310
Application Layer Gateways (ALGs) | 311
Class of Service (CoS) | 311
Flow-Based and Packet-Based Processing | 311
J-Web | 311
Platform and Infrastructure | 312
Routing Policy and Firewall Filters | 312
Switching | 312
VPNs | 312
Open Issues | 313
ATP Cloud | 314
Chassis Clustering | 314
Flow-Based and Packet-Based Processing | 314
Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDP) | 314
J-Web | 315
Platform and Infrastructure | 315
Routing Policy and Firewall Filters | 315
VPNs | 315
Resolved Issues | 317
Resolved Issues: 19.4R3 | 317
Resolved Issues: 19.4R2 | 319
Resolved Issues: 19.4R1 | 323
Documentation Updates | 330
Feature Guides Are Renamed As User Guides | 330
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 330
Upgrade and Downgrade Support Policy for Junos OS Releases and Extended End-Of-Life
Releases | 331
Junos OS Release Notes for vMX | 331
What’s New | 332
What's Changed | 332
Known Limitations | 332
Open Issues | 332
Platform and Infrastructure | 333
Resolved Issues | 333
CLI | 333
Platform and Infrastructure | 333
Licensing | 334
Upgrade Instructions | 334
Junos OS Release Notes for vRR | 334
What’s New | 335
What's Changed | 335
Known Limitations | 335
Open Issues | 336
Resolved Issues | 336
Junos OS Release Notes for vSRX | 336
What’s New | 337
Release 19.4R3 New and Changed Features | 337
What's Changed | 337
Management | 338
Known Limitations | 338
J-Web | 338
Platform and Infrastructure | 339
Unified Threat Management (UTM) | 339
User Access and Authentication | 339
Open Issues | 339
VPNs | 340
Resolved Issues | 340
Application Security | 340
CLI | 341
Flow-Based and Packet-Based Processing | 341
Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDP) | 341
J-Web | 341
Platform and Infrastructure | 341
Routing Policy and Firewall Filters | 342
Unified Threat Management (UTM) | 342
VPNs | 342
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 342
Upgrading Software Packages | 343
Validating the OVA Image | 348
Upgrading Using ISSU | 349
Licensing | 349
Compliance Advisor | 350
Finding More Information | 350
Documentation Feedback | 350
Requesting Technical Support | 352
Self-Help Online Tools and Resources | 352
Creating a Service Request with JTAC | 353
Revision History | 353


Junos OS runs on the following Juniper Networks®hardware: ACX Series, EX Series, M Series, MX Series,
NFX Series, PTX Series, QFabric systems, QFX Series, SRX Series, T Series, JRR Series, and Junos Fusion.
These release notes accompany Junos OS Release 19.4R3 for the ACX Series, cRPD, EX Series, JRR Series, Junos Fusion, MX Series, NFX Series, PTX Series, QFX Series, SRX Series, vMX, vRR, and vSRX. They describe new and changed features, limitations, and known and resolved problems in the hardware and software.
Feature Guides Are Renamed As User Guides—Starting with Junos OS 19.4R1, we renamed our Feature
Guides to User Guides to better reflect the purpose of the guides. For example, the BGP Feature Guide is now the BGP User Guide. We didn’t change the URLs of the guides, so any existing bookmarks you have will continue to work. To keep the terminology consistent on our documentation product pages, we renamed the Feature Guides section to User Guides. To find documentation for your specific product, check out this link.
New In Focus Guide—Starting on Junos Release 19.4, we are introducing a new document called In
Focus that provides details on the most important features for the release in one place. We hope this document will quickly get you to the latest information about Junos features. Let us know if you find this information useful by sending email to techpubs-comments@juniper.net.
Important Information:
Upgrading Using ISSU on page 349
Licensing on page 349
Compliance Advisor on page 350
Finding More Information on page 350
Documentation Feedback on page 350
Requesting Technical Support on page 352

Junos OS Release Notes for ACX Series

What's New | 13
What's Changed | 21
Known Limitations | 22
Open Issues | 24
Resolved Issues | 27
Documentation Updates | 33
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 33
These release notes accompany Junos OS Release 19.4R3 for the ACX Series. They describe new and changed features, limitations, and known and resolved problems in the hardware and software.
You can also find these release notes on the Juniper Networks Junos OS Documentation webpage, located at https://www.juniper.net/documentation/product/en_US/junos-os.

What's New

What's New in Release 19.4R3 | 13
What’s Changed in 19.4R2-S2 | 14
What's New in Release 19.4R2 | 14
What's New in Release 19.4R1 | 16
Learn about new features introduced in the Junos OS main and maintenance releases for ACX Series routers.

What's New in Release 19.4R3

There are no new features or enhancements to existing features for ACX Series Junos OS Release 19.4R3.

What’s Changed in 19.4R2-S2

General Routing
Support for gigether-options statement (ACX5048, ACX5096)—Junos OS supports the gigether-options
statement at the edit interfaces interface-name hierarchy on the ACX5048 and ACX5096 routers. Previously, support for the gigether-statement was deprecated. See gigether-options and

What's New in Release 19.4R2

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Support for DHCPv6-PD on EVPN IRB synchronization between multiple PE routers (ACX 5448,
ACX5448-M and ACX5448-D)—Starting in Junos OS Release 19.4R2, you can use DHCPv6 prefix delegation (DHCPv6-PD) to automate the delegation of IPv6 prefixes to a requesting router on EVPN IRB. DHCPv6 prefix delegation is configured on EVPN IRB and provides IPv6 prefixes to the requesting clients, instead of the unique address. The DHCPv6-PD server acts as a provider edge (PE) router that provides the delegates through the relay (PE router) operating in the EVPN instance.
If one PE router fails, appropriate DHCPv6-PD state is made available for the remaining PE routers participating in the DHCP-PD process for the given VLAN. This is done using automatic synchronization of DHCPv6-PD states between multiple PE routers connected to the same Ethernet Segment Identifier (ESI) through EVPN BGP messages.
Support for DHCP Option 82 over EVPN (ACX5448, ACX5448-M and ACX5448-D)—Starting in Junos
OS Release 19.4R2, we have inserted Option 82 flags in the DHCP packets for enhanced security when the packet is sent to the server. The provider edge router that is part of the EVPN instance acts as the relay agent and inserts these flags to the DHCP packets.
DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 relay of packets uses this process. With the introduction of EVPN IRB, the relay agent uses the IRB interface with EVPN for forwarding the requests and replies to and from the client or the server instead of using the default routing.
Support for persistent storage of DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 bindings over EVPN IRB (ACX5448, ACX5448-M
and ACX5448-D)—Starting in Junos OS Release 19.4R2, ACX5448, ACX5448-M and ACX5448-D routers, when configured to function as a DHCP relay agent, can also be configured to preserve the DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 subscriber bindings across reboots. Existing bindings are written to a local file in /var/preserve. After reboot, the binding table is populated with the contents of the file and the router identifies each subscriber that was on the deleted interface, and resumes normal packet processing for subscribers when the interface is restored. To preserve the subscriber binding information, enable the perisistent-storage statement under the [edit system services dhcp-local-server] hierarchy.
[See Preserving Subscriber Binding Information and DHCPv6 Relay Agent Overview.]
Multicast with IGMP or MLD snooping across VLANs for EVPN-MPLS (ACX5448)—Starting in Junos OS
Release 19.4R2, ACX5448 routers support inter-VLAN multicast forwarding with IGMP or MLD snooping in an EVPN over MPLS network as follows:
Multicast sources are external to the EVPN instance in a Layer 3 Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM)
All provider edge (PE) devices in the EVPN instance connect to a PIM gateway router in the PIM
domain using Layer 3 interfaces, and send PIM join messages toward the PIM rendezvous point (RP) for their receivers that want to join a multicast group.
The PIM gateway router forwards traffic for the multicast group from the external sources to all PE
devices in the EVPN instance.
On each PE device, you configure IRB interfaces with PIM in distributed designated router (DDR)
mode. The PE device uses these IRB interfaces only to forward or route the multicast traffic on one or more VLANs to interested receivers locally (on its own device), rather than to send traffic out to other PE devices in the EVPN-MPLS network.
You can configure IGMP or MLD snooping in one or more routing instances of type evpn.
You must configure all VLANs on all PE devices.
Receivers in an EVPN instance can be single-homed to one PE device or multihomed to multiple PE
devices in all-active mode. Peer PE devices for an EVPN segment synchronize IGMP or MLD state information by using BGP EVPN Type 7 and Type 8 (Join Sync and Leave Sync Route) messages.
The PE devices support IGMPv2 and IGMP snooping with any-source multicast (ASM) [(*,G)].
The PE devices support MLDv1, MLDv2, and MLD snooping as follows:
By default when you enable MLD snooping, the PE devices process MLDv1 and MLDv2 reports
only in ASM (*,G) mode. They discard MLDv2 source-specific multicast (SSM) (S,G) reports.
If you enable MLD snooping with the SSM-only processing option (set evpn-ssm-reports-only at
the [edit routing-instance instance-name protocols mld-snooping] hierarchy level), the PE devices process MLDv2 reports as SSM (S,G) only. They discard MLDv1 or MLDv2 ASM (*,G) reports. We also recommend that you configure MLDv2 on all IRB interfaces used for inter-VLAN routing in this case.
PE devices can’t process both ASM and SSM reports together.
[See Overview of Multicast Forwarding with IGMP or MLD Snooping in an EVPN-MPLS Environment.]
Multicast with IGMP or MLD snooping within VLANs for EVPN-MPLS (ACX5448, ACX5448-M, and
ACX5448-D)—Starting in Junos OS Release 19.4R2, ACX5448 routers support intra-VLAN multicast forwarding with IGMP or MLD snooping in an EVPN over MPLS network as follows:
The multicast sources and receivers must be within an EVPN instance. You can configure IGMP or
MLD snooping for one or more routing instances of type evpn.
Receivers can be single-homed to one provider edge (PE) device or multihomed to multiple PE devices
(in all-active mode only).
The PE devices support IGMPv2 and IGMP snooping with any-source multicast (ASM).
The PE devices support MLDv1, MLDv2, and MLD snooping in intra-VLAN configurations as follows:
By default with MLD snooping enabled, the PE devices can process MLDv1 ASM (*,G) reports but
discard MLDv2 reports.
With MLD snooping enabled, if you configure all interfaces that receive multicast traffic with MLDv2,
the PE devices can process both MLDv1 and MLDv2 reports in ASM (*,G) mode, but they discard MLDv2 source-specific multicast (SSM) (S,G) reports.
You must configure each VLAN on all PE devices in an EVPN instance.
The PE devices flood multicast source traffic on a VLAN into the EVPN instance to reach all other PE
devices. When they receive the traffic from the EVPN network, the PE devices use snooping information to forward the traffic only to the interested listeners in the VLAN.
Multihoming peer PE devices for an Ethernet segment (ES) exchange BGP EVPN Type 7 and Type 8
(Join Sync and Leave Sync Route) messages to synchronize the IGMP or MLD state information. When they receive multicast traffic from the EVPN core, the designated forwarder (DF) PE device forwards the traffic only to interested receivers based on IGMP snooping reports and Type 7 routes.
[See Overview of Multicast Forwarding with IGMP or MLD Snooping in an EVPN-MPLS Environment.]
Support for IRB and IRBv6 on EVPN-MPLS networks (ACX5448)—Starting with Junos OS Release
19.4R2, you can configure EVPN with IRB or IRBv6 over an EVPN-MPLS network to extend Layer 2 connectivity across data centers. Both EVPN type 2 (MAC/IP Advertisement) and EVPN type 5 (IP Prefix Advertisement) routes are supported.
[See EVPN with IRB Solution Overview.]
Support for EVPN E-Tree service (ACX5448)—Starting in Junos OS 19.4R2, you can configure an Ethernet
VPN Ethernet Tree (E-Tree) service on ACX5448 routers.
[See EVPN-ETREE Overview.]

What's New in Release 19.4R1

SPRING support for EVPN (ACX5448)—Starting in Junos OS Release 19.4R1, you can use Source Packet
Routing in Networking (SPRING) as the underlay transport in EVPN on ACX5448 routers. SPRING tunnels enable routers to steer a packet through a specific set of nodes and links in the network.
To configure SPRING, use the source-packet-routing statement at the [edit protocols isis] hierarchy level.
[See Understanding Source Packet Routing in Networking (SPRING).]
Support for EVPN features on new hardware (ACX5448)—Starting with Release 19.4R1, Junos OS
supports the following EVPN features:
ARP/NDP proxy and suppression with proxy MAC responses. [See EVPN Proxy ARP and ARP
Suppression, and Proxy NDP and NDP Suppression.]
EVPN with segment routing (SPRING). [See Understanding Source Packet Routing in Networking
EVPN E-LAN services over MPLS, including support for VLAN-based and VLAN-bundles services. [See
EVPN Overview and Overview of VLAN Services for EVPN.]
EVPN multihoming active/active. [See EVPN Multihoming Overview.]
Support for EVPN routing policies (ACX5448, EX4600, EX4650, EX9200, MX Series, QFX Series, and
vMX)—Starting in Junos OS Release 19.4R1, Junos OS has expanded routing policy support to include the creation and application of policy filters specific to EVPN routes. You can create policies and apply policy filters to import and export EVPN routes at the routing-instance level or at the BGP level. Junos OS supports the following matching criteria for EVPN routes:
Route distinguisher ID
NLRI route type
EVPN Ethernet tag
BGP path attributes
Ethernet Segment Identifier
MAC Address on EVPN route type 2 routes
IP address on EVPN route type 2 and EVPN route type 5 routes
Extended community
[See Routing policies for EVPN.]
General Routing
Support for full inheritance paths of configuration groups to be built into the database by default (ACX
Series, MX Series, PTX Series, and SRX Series)—Starting with Junos OS Release 19.4R1, the persist-groups-inheritance option at the [edit system commit] hierarchy level is enabled by default. To
disable this option, use no-persist-groups-inheritance.
[See commit (System).]
Support for gigether-options statement (ACX5048, ACX5096)—Junos OS supports the gigether-options
statement at the edit interfaces interface-name hierarchy on the ACX5048 and ACX5096 routers. Previously, support for the gigether-statement was deprecated. See gigether-options and
Junos OS XML API and Scripting
Automation script library upgrades (ACX Series, EX Series, MX Series, PTX Series, QFX Series, and SRX
Series)—Starting in Junos OS Release 19.4R1, devices running Junos OS that support the Python extensions package include upgraded Python modules. Python scripts can leverage the upgraded versions of the following modules:
idna (2.8)
jinja2 (2.10.1)
jnpr.junos (Junos PyEZ) (2.2.0)
lxml (4.3.3)
markupsafe (1.1.1)
ncclient (0.6.4)
packaging (19.0)
paho.mqtt (1.4.0)
pyasn1 (0.4.5)
yaml (PyYAML package) (5.1)
[See Overview of Python Modules Available on Devices Running Junos OS.]
Python 3 support for commit, event, op, and SNMP scripts (ACX Series, EX Series, MX Series, PTX
Series, QFX Series, and SRX Series)—Starting in Junos OS Release 19.4R1, you can use Python 3 to execute commit, event, op, and SNMP scripts on devices running Junos OS. To use Python 3, configure the language python3 statement at the [edit system scripts] hierarchy level. When you configure the language python3 statement, the device uses Python 3 to execute scripts that support this Python version and uses Python 2.7 to execute scripts that do not support Python 3 in the given release.
The Python 2.7 end-of-support date is January 1, 2020, and Python 2.7 will be EOL in 2020. The official upgrade path for Python 2.7 is to Python 3. As support for Python 3 is added to devices running Junos OS for the different types of onbox scripts, we recommend that you migrate supported script types from Python 2 to Python 3, because support for Python 2.7 might be removed from devices running Junos OS in the future.
[See Understanding Python Automation Scripts for Devices Running Junos OS.]
Support for Topology Independent Loop-Free Alternate, advertising MPLS labels, and configuring SRGB
for SPRING for ISIS and OSPF (ACX5448-D and ACX5448-M)—Starting with Junos OS Release 19.4R1, ACX5448-D and ACX5448-M router supports topology independent (TI)-loop-free alternate (LFA), advertise MPLS labels (ISIS, OSPF), and segment routing global block (SRGB) for SPRING (ISIS, OSPF).
[See Understanding Topology-Independent Loop-Free Alternate with Segment Routing for IS-IS,
Understanding Source Packet Routing in Networking (SPRING).]
Support for Ethernet OAM and Metro Ethernet services over segment routing (ACX5448-D, ACX5448-M,
MX Series)—Starting with Junos OS Release 19.4R1, ACX5448-D, ACX5448-M and MX Series routers support Ethernet OAM and Metro Ethernet services over segment routing.
[See Understanding Adjacency Segments, Anycast Segments, and Configurable SRGB in SPRING for IS-IS Protocol, Understanding Topology-Independent Loop-Free Alternate with Segment Routing for IS-IS, Ethernet OAM Connectivity Fault Management .]
Routing Protocols
Support for configurable SRGB used by SPRING in OSPF protocols (ACX5448)— Starting in Junos OS
Release 19.4R1, you can configure the segment routing global block (SRGB) range label used by segment routing. Labels from this range are used for segment routing functionality in OSPF domain.
The SRGB is a range of the label values used in the segment routing. Prior to Junos OS Release 19.4R1, you could not configure the range for the SRGB block.
Locally you can configure srgb start-label <label-range> index-range <index-range> command under [edit protocols ospf source-packet-routing] hierarchy or globally under [edit protocols mpls label-range] hierarchy.
Following are the SRGB precedences for OSPF protocol:
Local SRGB
Global SRGB
Node-segment implementation of 256 label block
Unnumbered interface support for IS-IS and OSPFv2 with topology-independent loop-free alternate
(ACX Series, MX Series and PTX Series)—Starting in Junos OS Release 19.4R1, you can enable IPv4 processing on a point-to-point interface without assigning it an explicit IPv4 address. The router borrows the IPv4 address of another Ethernet or loopback interface already configured on the router and assigns it to the unnumbered interface to conserve IPv4 addresses.
To enable IPv4 processing for unnumbered interfaces include unnumbered-address source at the [edit interfaces [name] unit [name] family inet] hierarchy level.
[See Configuring an Unnumbered Interface.]
System Logging
Improved intermodule communication between FFP and MGD (ACX Series, EX Series, MX Series, PTX
Series, QFX Series, and SRX Series)—Starting in Junos OS Release 19.4R1, intermodule communication is improved to enhance software debugging. To enhance error messages with more context, the exit conditions from libraries have been updated as follows:
Additional information is now logged for MGD-FFP intermodule communication.
Commit errors that previously were only shown onscreen are now logged.
We provide a new operational command, request debug information, to speed up the initial information-gathering phase of debugging.
[See request debug information.]
Software Defined Networking (SDN)
Tunnel templates for PCE-initiated segment routing LSPs (ACX Series)—Starting in Junos OS Release
19.4R1, you can configure a tunnel template for Path Computation Element (PCE)-initiated segment routing LSPs and apply it through policy configuration. These templates enable dynamic creation of segment routing tunnels with two additional parameters – Bidirectional forwarding detection (BFD) and LDP tunneling.
With the support for tunnel configuration, the LSPs that you would configure statically can now be automatically created from the PCE, thereby providing the benefit of reduced configuration on the device.
[See Understanding Static Segment Routing LSP in MPLS Networks.]
What's Changed | 21
Known Limitations | 22
Open Issues | 24
Resolved Issues | 27
Documentation Updates | 33
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 33

What's Changed

What’s Changed in 19.4R3 | 21
What’s Changed in 19.4R2 | 21
What’s Changed in 19.4R1 | 22
Learn about what changed in the Junos OS main and maintenance releases for ACX Series routers.

What’s Changed in 19.4R3

Routing Protocols
Advertising /32 secondary loopback addresses to Traffic Engineering Database (TED) as prefixes (ACX
Series, EX Series, MX Series, PTX Series, QFX Series, and SRX Series)—In Junos OS Release, multiple loopback addresses export into lsdist.0 and lsdist.1 routing tables as prefixes. This eliminates the issue of advertising secondary loopback addresses as router-ids instead of prefixes. In earlier Junos OS releases, multiple secondary loopback addresses in TED were added into lsdist.0 and lsdist.1 routing tables as part of node characteristics and advertised them as the router-id.

What’s Changed in 19.4R2

There are no changes in behavior of Junos OS features and changes in the syntax of Junos OS statements and commands in Junos OS Release 19.4R2 for ACX Series routers.

What’s Changed in 19.4R1

General Routing
Support for full inheritance paths of configuration groups to be built into the database by default (ACX
Series, MX Series, PTX Series, and SRX Series)—Starting with Junos OS Release 19.4R1, the persist-groups-inheritance option at the [edit system commit] hierarchy level is enabled by default. To
disable this option, use no-persist-groups-inheritance.
[See commit (System).]
Routing Protocols
XML RPC equivalent included for the show bgp output-scheduler | display xml rpc CLI command (ACX
Series, EX Series, MX Series, PTX Series, QFX Series, and SRX Series)—Starting in Junos OS Release
19.4R1, we have included an XML RPC equivalent for the show bgp output-scheduler | display xml rpc CLI command. In Junos OS releases before Release 19.4R1, the show bgp output-scheduler | display xml rpc CLI command does not have an XML RPC equivalent.
[See show bgp output-scheduler.]
What's New | 13
Known Limitations | 22
Open Issues | 24
Resolved Issues | 27
Documentation Updates | 33
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 33

Known Limitations

General Routing | 23
Learn about known limitations in Junos OS Release 19.4R3 for ACX Series routers. For the most complete and latest information about known Junos OS defects, use the Juniper Networks online Junos Problem
Report Search application.

General Routing

All PTP packets go to the best-effort queue instead of the network control queue. This is because of
the limitation on Qumran where DSCP values are not preserved. PR1361315
ACX6360 Junos telemetry interface or telemetry infrastructure does not support the interface-filtering
capability. Therefore, after you enable a particular sensor for telemetry, it is turned on for all the interfaces.
When a timing configuration and the corresponding interface configuration are flapped for multiple
times in iteration, PTP is stuck in "INITIALIZE" state where the ARP for the neighbor is not resolved. In issue state, BCM hardware block get into inconsistency state, where the lookup is failing. PR1410746
The port LEDs glowing during system/vmhost halt state is the expected behavior across all ACX Series
platforms. Even the system LED glows during halt state. PR1430129
If L2VPN sessions have OAM control-channel option set to router-alert-label, the no-control-word
option in L2VPN shouldn't be used for BFD sessions to come up. PR1432854
The IFL statistics in ACX5448, will display the full packet size similar to the behavior in ACX5000 series.
With an asymmetric network connection, EX: 10G Macsec port connected to a 10GbE channelized port,
high and asymmetric T1 and T4 time errors introduce a high two-way time error.This introduces different CF updates in forward and reverse paths. PR1440140
With the MACsec feature enabled and introduction of traffic, the peak-to-peak value varies with the
percentage of traffic introduced. Find the maximum and mean values of the Time errors with different traffic rates(two-router scenario). Can have maximum value jumps as high as 1054ns with 95% traffic, 640ns with 90% traffic, and 137ns with no traffic. PR1441388
ACX Series platforms do not support directly associating a policer in an a logical interface. The association
needs to be achieved using "filters" only. In this case, "family any" filter can be configured. Also, the ACX5448 hardware ASIC does not support "egress policing". Egress shaping (H-QoS at the logical-interface level) can be used instead. PR1446376
ACX Series routers support only 900 joins of IGMPv3 users per second. PR1448146
This is hardware limitation and this is expected behavior on ACX5448. The mac-ageing on ACX5448
will not be at the granularity of per second. Ageing is at the granularity of an ageing cycle. Ageing cycle is defined as 1/6th of the age configured. Only 16000 entries can be aged in each ageing cycle. Meaning that if we have more than 16000 entries ageing in an ageing cycle, only 16000 will be aged out. Rest would be aged out in the subsequent cycles. 16000 can be achieved in ideal scenario when we don't have another learning event in the same cycle. Also, this number can vary in the event of more load on the system. This is a hardware limitation. PR1509590
What's New | 13
What's Changed | 21
Open Issues | 24
Resolved Issues | 27
Documentation Updates | 33
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 33

Open Issues

General Routing | 24
Platform and Infrastructure | 27
Virtual Chassis | 27
Learn about open issues in Junos OS Release 19.4R3 for ACX Series routers. For the most complete and latest information about known Junos OS defects, use the Juniper Networks online Junos Problem Report
Search application.

General Routing

Loopback status is not shown for OT interfaces on CLI (available from vty only). PR1358017
The SD (Signal Degrade) threshold is normally lower than the SF threshold (that is, so that as errors
increase, SD condition is encountered first). For the ACX6360 optical links there is no guard code to prevent the user from setting the SD threshold above the SF threshold which would cause increasing errors to trigger the SF alarm before the SD alarm. This will not cause any issues on systems with correctly provisioned SD/SF thresholds. PR1376869
Enhancement is needed for FRR BER threshold SNMP support. PR1383303
On ACX6360/PTX10001 router, Tx power cannot be configured using + sign. PR1383980
The switchover time observed was more than 50 minutes under certain soak test conditions with an
increased scale with a multiprotocol multirouter topology. PR1387858
The ccc logs are not compressed after rotation. PR1398511
A jnxIfOtnOperState trap notification is sent for all ot-interfaces. PR1406758
On ACX 1000/2000/4000/5048/5096 platforms, after a new child IFL with VLAN and filter is added
on an aggregated Ethernet physical interface or if the VLAN ID of a child logical interface is changed with filter, traffic over the aggregated Ethernet physical interface might get filtered with that filter on the child logical interface. For example, ae-0/0/0 is a physical interface and ae-0/0/0.100 is a logical interface. PR1407855
Layer 2 rewrite is happening on regular bridge domain and VLAN interfaces, although there are some
service dependencies (VPLS in this case) due to which, the egress interface map table is not updated properly with the Layer 2 rewrite map ID; as a result, the rewrite does not work. PR1414414
On ACX5048/ACX5096 platforms, traffic loss and SNMP slow response issues could be seen where an
optic transceiver is removed and inserted back to the same interface. Manually restarting Packet Forwarding Engine might also trigger this defect. PR1418696
On an ACX5000 platform, high CPU usage by the fxpc process might be seen under a rare condition if
parity errors are detected in devices. This issue has no direct service/traffic impact. However, because CPU utilization is high during this issue, there are some side effects. For example, the issue could impact time-sensitive features such as BFD. PR1419761
On an ACX5448, the request system reboot command triggers a reboot on the host (Linux) instead of
just being limited to Junos OS. PR1426486
The em2 interface configuration causes FPC to crash during initialization and FPC does not come online.
After deleting the em2 configuration and restarting the router, FPC comes online. PR1429212
Protocols get forwarded when using a nonexisting SSM map source address in IGMPv3 instead of pruning.
This is a day 1 design issue, and needs a design solution. PR1435648
Timing on 1G, performance is not at par compared with 10G, compensation is done to bring the mean
value under class-A but the peak-to-peak variations are high and can go beyond 100ns. It has a latency variation with peak to peak variations of around 125ns-250ns(that is, 5-10% of the mean latency introduced by the each phy which is of around 2.5us) without any traffic. PR1437175
Memory leaks are expected in this release. PR1438358
ACX Series routers support only 900 joins of IGMPv3 users per second. PR1448146
Drop profile maximum threshold may not be reached when the packet size is other than 1000 bytes.
This is due to the current design limitation. PR1448418
In some cases when there is a failure of the I2C daemon, this might result in riofeb crash on ACX5448.
IPv6 BFD sessions when configured below 100ms was getting flapped which will not after this bug.
On the PTX10001/ACX6360 platforms, the unionfs filesystem may get full on vmhost, this bacause
there is a mail package in the WRlinux 8 continue to fill the mail logs into the unionfs filesystem. This issue will cause the router to hand and bring traffic down. PR1470217
On PTX1000/ACX6360 Series platforms, the vmhost disk usage might keep increasing due to an incorrect
sensor path. PR1480217
ACX platforms - BFD over L2VPN/ L2Circuit will not work due to ACX platforms' SDK upgrade to version
6.5.16. PR1483014
On PTX1000/PTX10001/ACX6360 Series platforms, the port mirror will not work when the port-mirroring
is configured with firewall filter. PR1491789
When the DF interface is flapped, the traffic is doubled. As the current Non-DF also forwards the traffic
in EVPN Multihoming scenario. Work around is to clear the multicast route, with that the issue won't be seen. PR1502411
ACX6360: Observed core-ripsaw-node-aftd-expr. PR1504717
MPLS : mpls_lsp check is failing while verifying basic lsp_retry_limit After the fix for PR-1487532, we
reset the src_address of the lsp to 0 (if src_address is not configured) whenever it changes its state from Up to down. So when the ingress-lsp goes to down state, we are resetting it to 0. The script is failing because the script is checking for src_address to be present for the ingress-lsp session. Script change is required. PR1505474
In PTP environment some vendor devices acting as slave expecting announce messages at an interval
of -3 (8pps) from upstream master device. As of today announce message are configurable in range of 0 to 3. To support the above requirement engineering provided a hidden cli knob "set protocol ptp master announce-interval -3". In the networks/design where we have this requirement we can configure the hidden cli otherwise regular cli which is in the range (0 to 3) can be configurable. Both the cli knobs are mutually exclusive, commit error is expected if both are configured. This new change is applicable to ACX platforms only excluding ACX5000. PR1507782
CLI mentioned in workaround is required when same User MAC is configured on both EVPN DH routers.
After link connection flap between the PHP node and the egress PE node, the VRF traffic which supposed
to PHP and sent only with VPN label out to egress PE, would wrongly tagged with both MPLS label and VPN label. PR1512821
Interface not coming up with Auto-negotiation setting between ACX1100 and QFX/MX/ACX as other
end. PR1523418
This classifier display got blocked due to PR 1353828, where they are blocking the classifier display
function as ACX supports only IFD based classification. PR1531413
The CLI output of chassis network-services is not reflecting the configured mode though the configured
mode is correctly programmed in Kernel. PR1538869
Ospf neighbor state is INIT instead of expected FULL. PR1543667

Platform and Infrastructure

The CFM remote MEP not coming up after configuration or remains in Start state. PR1460555

Virtual Chassis

ACX5000 reports false parity error messages like soc_mem_array_sbusdma_read. The ACX5000 SDK
can raise false alarms for parity error messages like soc_mem_array_sbusdma_read. This is a false positive error message. PR1276970
What's New | 13
What's Changed | 21
Known Limitations | 22
Resolved Issues | 27
Documentation Updates | 33
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 33

Resolved Issues

Resolved Issues: 19.4R3 | 28
Resolved Issues: 19.4R2 | 29
Resolved Issues: 19.4R1 | 30
Learn which issues were resolved in the Junos OS main and maintenance releases for ACX Series routers.
For the most complete and latest information about known Junos OS defects, use the Juniper Networks online Junos Problem Report Search application.

Resolved Issues: 19.4R3

General Routing
Policer discarded count is also shown incorrectly to the enq count of the interface-Queue But Traffic
Behavior is fine as expected. PR1414887
gigether-options configuration statement enabled again under interface hierarchy. PR1430009
While performing repeated power-off/power-on of device, we see SMBUS Transactions timeout.
The links may not come up when 100-Gigabit Ethernet interface is channelized to 4x25-Gigabit Ethernet
interfaces. PR1479733
Memory utilization enhancement on ACX Series platforms. PR1481151
The packets might not get processed on the interfaces after unified ISSU. PR1483959
FPC might crash on ACX5448 platform. PR1485315
The queue statistics are not as expected after configuring the IFD and logical interface shaping with the
transmit rate and scheduler-map. PR1488935
ACX5448 chassis mac-address and label mac-address may not match. PR1489034
IEEE 802.1p Priority and DEI values in locally generated VLAN-based IP packets may be changed when
sourced from IRB interface on ACX5000. PR1490966
VPLS flood gorups results in IPv4 traffic drop after core interface flap. PR1491261
LACP control packets may be dropped due to high CPU utilization in ACX5048/ACX5096. PR1493518
During speed mismatch, QSFP28/QSFp+ the optics/cables may or may not work. PR1494600
Outbound SSH connection flap or memory leak issue might be observed when pushing configuration
to ephemeral database with high rate. PR1497575
ACX5448 EXP rewrite is not working for L3VPN sends all traffic with incorrect EXP. PR1500928
The error message mpls_extra NULL might be seen during MPLS route add/change/delete operation.
SFW sessions might not get updated on ms interfaces in ACX500. PR1505089
PIC slot may be shut down less than 240 seconds due to the over-temperature start time is handled
incorrectly. PR1506938
BFD flapping with the error ACX_OAM_CFG_FAILED: ACX Error (oam):dnx_bfd_l3_egress_create :
Unable to create egress object after random time interval. PR1513644
In ACX platforms, the loopback filter cannot take more than 2 TCAM slices. PR1513998
The VM process generates a core file while running stability test in a multidimensional scenario.
L2ALD crash is seen during stability test with traffic on scaled set-up. PR1517074
IPV6 neighbor state change causes "Local Outlif" to leak by two values leads to
DNX_NH::dnx_nh_tag_ipv4_hw_install errors. PR1519372
The show class-of-service interface does not show classifier information on ACX Series devices.
The statement vlan-id-list may not work as expected on the ACX5448/ACX710 platforms. PR1527085
Memory leak in Local OutLif in VPLS/CCC topology. PR1532995
Interfaces and Chassis
FPC crash might be observed with inline mode CFM configured. PR1500048
Routing Protocols
The BGP route-target family might prevent the route reflector from reflecting Layer 2 VPN and Layer
3 VPN routes. PR1492743
The rpd might report 100% CPU usage with BGP route damping enabled. PR1514635
The l2circuit neighbor might be stuck in RD state at one end of MC-LAG peer. PR1498040
The rpd crash could be seen in certain conditions after deleting l2circuit configuration. PR1502003

Resolved Issues: 19.4R2

General Routing
On ACX5000, MacDrainTimeOut and bcm_port_update failed: Internal error. PR1284590
On ACX5048 and ACX5096 platforms, high CPU for fxpc processes might be observed on class-of-service
configuration changes on interfaces. PR1407098
Drift messages in ACX2200, which is a PTP hybrid (PTP + Synchronous Ethernet) device. PR1426910
ACX5448-D interfaces support: The input bytes value in the show interfaces extensive is not in par
with older ACX or MX. PR1430108
The l2cpd process might crash and generate a core file when interfaces are flapping. PR1431355
Fans on an ACX5448-M might not be running at the correct speed. PR1448884
ACX5048 SNMP polling is stalled after the link is flapped or the SFP transceiver is replaced, and
ACX_COS_HALP(acx_cos_gport_sched_set_strict_priority:987): Failed to detach logs is seen. PR1455722
ACX5448-D and ACX5448-M devices do not display airflow information and temperature sensors as
expected. PR1456593
[interface] [generic] [ACX] not able to add more than 16 links in a LAG. PR1463253
RED drop on interface is seen even when there is no congestion. PR1470619
CoS: Egress queue statistics are not applicable to ae interfaces on ACX5048. PR1472467
dcpfe core files are generated when you disable and then enable MACsec through Toby scripts.
ACX5448 Layer2 VPN with interface ethernet-ccc input-vlan-map/output-vlan-map might cause traffic
to be silently dropped. PR1485444
LSP (primary/standby) does not Act/Up after routing or rpd restart. PR1494210
Interfaces and Chassis
MC-AE interface might display unknown status if the subinterface is added as part of the VLAN on the
peer MC-AE node. PR1479012
Layer 2 Ethernet Services
Member links state might be asychronized on a connection between PE and CE devices in an EVPN A/A
scenario. PR1463791
BGP session might keep flapping between two directly connected BGP peers because of the incorrect
TCP-MSS in use. PR1493431

Resolved Issues: 19.4R1

General Routing
On ACX5000 MacDrainTimeOut and bcm_port_update failed: Internal error error is seen. PR1284590
bcmDPC task is high even though Interuppt START_BY_START flag is set to 0. PR1329656
The AE interface with LACP stays down after the router reboots if link-speed is configured. PR1357012
On ACX Series devices, the LED on the GE interface goes down when speed 10M is added. PR1385855
Link Fault Signaling (LFS) doesn not work on ACX5448 10-, 40-, and 100-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces.
The optic comes with Tx enabled by default. Because the port is administratively disabled, the port is
stopped. However, because the port has not been started, it does not disable Tx. PR1411015
The ACX5448:40G FEC on ACX5448, which is FEC enabled by default, must be aligned with the MX
and QFX platforms, where FEC is NONE. PR1414649
On the ACX5448-X:SKU and ACX5448-D, 96000 ARPs get populated. However, only 47000 NH entries
are present. Around 50 percent of packet drop is observed. PR1426734
Chassisd might crash with unsupported hcos configuration when an MX104 is used as a fusion aggregation
device. PR1430076
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