Junos OS Release 17.2R1 User Manual

Release Notes: Junos®OS Release 17.2R1 for
the ACX Series, EX Series, MX Series, NFX
Series, PTX Series, QFX Series, and Junos
Fusion Junos OS 17.2R1 Release Notes
3 September 2020


Junos OS Release Notes for ACX Series | 12
New and Changed Features | 13
Hardware | 14
Interfaces and Chassis | 14
Management | 14
Network Management and Monitoring | 14
Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) | 15
Routing Protocols | 15
Software Installation and Upgrade | 15
Timing and Synchronization | 15
Changes in Behavior and Syntax | 16
Interfaces and Chassis | 17
Management | 17
Known Behavior | 18
High Availability (HA) and Resiliency | 18
Known Issues | 19
Layer 2 Features | 19
Resolved Issues | 19
Documentation Updates | 20
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 20
Upgrade and Downgrade Support Policy for Junos OS Releases | 21
Product Compatibility | 22
Hardware Compatibility | 22
Junos OS Release Notes for EX Series Switches | 23
New and Changed Features | 23
Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) (RADIUS) | 24
EVPNs | 25
Layer 3 Features | 25
Management | 27
Multicast | 27
Network Management and Monitoring | 27
System Management | 27
Changes in Behavior and Syntax | 28
IP Tunneling | 28
Management | 28
Known Behavior | 29
High Availability (HA) and Resiliency | 30
Known Issues | 30
General Routing | 31
High Availability (HA) and Resiliency | 31
Infrastructure | 31
Junos Fusion Enterprise | 31
Platform and Infrastructure | 31
Virtual Chassis | 32
Resolved Issues | 32
Resolved Issues:17.2R1 | 33
Documentation Updates | 34
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 34
Upgrade and Downgrade Support Policy for Junos OS Releases | 35
Product Compatibility | 35
Hardware Compatibility | 36
Junos OS Release Notes for Junos Fusion Enterprise | 36
New and Changed Features | 37
Interfaces and Chassis | 38
Layer 2 Features | 38
Changes in Behavior and Syntax | 39
Known Behavior | 40
Known Issues | 40
Resolved Issues | 41
Documentation Updates | 41
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 42
Basic Procedure for Upgrading Junos OS on an Aggregation Device | 42
Upgrading an Aggregation Device with Redundant Routing Engines | 44
Preparing the Switch for Satellite Device Conversion | 44
Converting a Satellite Device to a Standalone Switch | 46
Upgrade and Downgrade Support Policy for Junos OS Releases | 48
Downgrading from Release 17.2 | 48
Product Compatibility | 50
Hardware and Software Compatibility | 50
Hardware Compatibility Tool | 50
Junos OS Release Notes for Junos Fusion Data Center | 51
New and Changed Features | 51
Junos Fusion Data Center | 52
Hardware | 53
Class of Service (CoS) | 53
High Availability (HA) and Resiliency | 53
Interfaces | 53
Layer 2 Protocols | 58
Layer 3 Protocols | 59
Multicast Protocols | 60
Network Management and Monitoring | 62
Routing Policy and Firewall Filters | 63
Storage | 63
Software Installation and Upgrade | 64
Software Licensing | 65
Changes in Behavior and Syntax | 66
Junos Fusion | 66
Known Behavior | 67
Junos Fusion Data Center | 67
Known Issues | 68
Junos Fusion | 68
Resolved Issues | 69
Resolved Issues: 17.2R1 | 69
Documentation Updates | 69
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 70
Basic Procedure for Upgrading an Aggregation Device | 71
Preparing the Switch for Satellite Device Conversion | 72
Autoconverting a Switch into a Satellite Device | 75
Manually Converting a Switch into a Satellite Device | 78
Configuring a Switch into a Satellite Device Before Connecting It to a Junos Fusion
Topology | 80
Configuring Satellite Device Upgrade Groups | 81
Converting a Satellite Device to a Standalone Device | 82
Upgrade and Downgrade Support Policy for Junos OS Releases | 85
Downgrading from Release 17.2R1 | 85
Product Compatibility | 86
Hardware Compatibility | 86
Junos OS Release Notes for Junos Fusion Provider Edge | 87
New and Changed Features | 88
Class of Service (CoS) | 88
Junos Fusion | 88
Changes in Behavior and Syntax | 89
Known Behavior | 90
Known Issues | 90
Resolved Issues | 91
Documentation Updates | 91
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 92
Basic Procedure for Upgrading an Aggregation Device | 92
Upgrading an Aggregation Device with Redundant Routing Engines | 94
Preparing the Switch for Satellite Device Conversion | 95
Converting a Satellite Device to a Standalone Device | 96
Upgrading an Aggregation Device | 98
Upgrade and Downgrade Support Policy for Junos OS Releases | 99
Downgrading from Release 17.2 | 99
Product Compatibility | 100
Hardware Compatibility | 100
Junos OS Release Notes for MX Series 5G Universal Routing Platforms | 101
New and Changed Features | 101
Hardware | 102
Class of Service (CoS) | 103
EVPNs | 104
Forwarding and Sampling | 106
General Routing | 107
High Availability (HA) and Resiliency | 108
Interfaces and Chassis | 109
Layer 2 VPN | 112
Management | 112
MPLS | 114
Multicast | 115
Network Management and Monitoring | 116
Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) | 118
Routing Policy and Firewall Filters | 119
Routing Protocols | 119
Services Applications | 121
Software Defined Networking (SDN) | 123
Subscriber Management and Services | 124
Virtual Chassis | 131
Changes in Behavior and Syntax | 132
EVPNs | 132
Forwarding and Sampling | 133
High Availability (HA) and Resiliency | 135
Interfaces and Chassis | 135
IP Tunneling | 138
Management | 138
MPLS | 139
Network Management and Monitoring | 139
Routing Protocols | 140
Services Applications | 141
Subscriber Management and Services | 141
User Interface and Configuration | 142
Known Behavior | 143
General Routing | 145
High Availability (HA) and Resiliency | 145
Network Management and Monitoring | 145
Interfaces and Chassis | 145
User Interface and Configuration | 145
Software Defined Networking (SDN) | 146
Subscriber Management and Services | 146
Known Issues | 147
Class of Service (CoS) | 148
EVPNs | 148
Forwarding and Sampling | 148
General Routing | 148
Infrastructure | 151
Interfaces and Chassis | 151
Layer 2 Features | 151
Layer 2 Ethernet Services | 151
MPLS | 152
Multicast | 152
Network Management and Monitoring | 152
Platform and Infrastructure | 152
Routing Protocols | 153
Services Applications | 154
Subscriber Access Management | 154
VPNs | 154
Resolved Issues | 154
Resolved Issues: 17.2R1 | 155
Documentation Updates | 164
Subscriber Management Access Network Guide | 165
Subscriber Management Provisioning Guide | 165
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 166
Basic Procedure for Upgrading to Release 17.2 | 166
Upgrading from Junos OS (FreeBSD 6.1) to Junos OS (FreeBSD 10.x) | 167
Upgrading from Junos OS (FreeBSD 6.1) to Junos OS (FreeBSD 6.1) | 169
Upgrade and Downgrade Support Policy for Junos OS Releases | 171
Upgrading a Router with Redundant Routing Engines | 171
Downgrading from Release 17.2 | 172
Product Compatibility | 173
Hardware Compatibility | 173
Junos OS Release Notes for NFX Series | 174
New and Changed Features | 174
Hardware | 175
Juniper Device Manager | 176
Junos Control Plane | 177
vSRX | 179
Changes in Behavior and Syntax | 179
Known Behavior | 180
Juniper Device Manager | 180
Known Issues | 181
Infrastructure | 181
IPsec | 181
Juniper Device Manager | 181
Junos Control Plane | 183
vSRX | 184
Resolved Issues | 185
Juniper Device Manager | 185
Junos Control Plane | 185
Documentation Updates | 186
Release Notes | 186
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 187
Upgrade and Downgrade Support Policy for Junos OS Releases | 187
Upgrading Using Unified ISSU | 187
Upgrading a Router with Redundant Routing Engines | 188
Basic Procedure for Upgrading to Release 17.2 | 188
Product Compatibility | 191
Hardware Compatibility | 192
Junos OS Release Notes for PTX Series Packet Transport Routers | 192
New and Changed Features | 193
Hardware | 194
Class of Service (CoS) | 195
Forwarding and Sampling | 196
General Routing | 196
High Availability (HA) and Resiliency | 196
Interfaces and Chassis | 197
IPv6 | 201
Layer 2 Features | 201
Layer 3 Features | 201
Management | 202
MPLS | 205
Multicast | 207
Network Management and Monitoring | 207
Routing Policy and Firewall Filters | 208
Routing Protocols | 209
Security | 211
Services Applications | 211
Software Installation and Upgrade | 211
User Interface and Configuration | 211
VPNs | 212
Changes in Behavior and Syntax | 213
Interfaces and Chassis | 213
Management | 214
Known Behavior | 215
Hardware | 216
High Availability (HA) and Resiliency | 216
Known Issues | 217
General Routing | 217
Platform and Infrastructure | 218
Resolved Issues | 218
Resolved Issues: 17.2R1 | 219
Documentation Updates | 220
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 220
Basic Procedure for Upgrading to Release 17.2 | 220
Upgrade and Downgrade Support Policy for Junos OS Releases | 223
Upgrading Using Unified ISSU | 224
Upgrading a Router with Redundant Routing Engines | 224
Product Compatibility | 225
Hardware Compatibility | 225
Junos OS Release Notes for the QFX Series | 226
New and Changed Features | 226
Hardware | 227
Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) (RADIUS) | 228
Class of Service (CoS) | 228
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) | 229
EVPNs | 229
Infrastructure | 231
Interfaces and Chassis | 231
IPv4 | 233
IPv6 | 233
Layer 2 Features | 233
Layer 3 Features | 234
Management | 234
MPLS | 237
Multicast | 238
Network Management and Monitoring | 239
Port Security | 240
Routing Protocols | 241
Security | 243
Services Applications | 244
Software Defined Networking (SDN) | 244
Software Installation and Upgrade | 245
Software Licensing | 245
System Management | 245
VLAN Infrastructure | 246
Changes in Behavior and Syntax | 247
Class of Service (CoS) | 248
Management | 248
Known Behavior | 249
High Availability (HA) and Resiliency | 250
Virtual Chassis | 250
Known Issues | 250
General Routing | 251
High Availability (HA) and Resiliency | 252
Infrastructure | 252
Interfaces and Chassis | 252
IPsec | 252
Layer 2 Features | 252
MPLS | 252
Open vSwitch Database Management Protocol (OVSDB) | 253
OpenFlow | 253
Platform and Infrastructure | 253
Routing Protocols | 254
Resolved Issues | 254
General Routing | 255
Layer 2 Features | 255
Routing Protocols | 256
Documentation Updates | 256
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 257
Upgrading Software on QFX Series Switches | 257
Installing the Software on QFX10002 Switches | 259
Performing an In-Service Software Upgrade (ISSU) | 259
Preparing the Switch for Software Installation | 260
Upgrading the Software Using ISSU | 260
Product Compatibility | 263
Hardware Compatibility | 263
Third-Party Components | 264
Upgrading Using Unified ISSU | 264
Compliance Advisor | 264
Finding More Information | 264
Requesting Technical Support | 265
Self-Help Online Tools and Resources | 265
Opening a Case with JTAC | 266
Revision History | 266


Junos OS runs on the following Juniper Networks®hardware: ACX Series, EX Series, MX Series, PTX Series, QFabric systems, QFX Series, SRX Series, and Junos Fusion.
These release notes accompany Junos OS Release 17.2R1 for the ACX Series, EX Series, Junos Fusion Enterprise, Junos Fusion Data Center, Junos Fusion Provider Edge, MX Series, PTX Series, and QFX Series. They describe new and changed features, limitations, and known and resolved problems in the hardware and software.

Junos OS Release Notes for ACX Series

New and Changed Features | 13
Changes in Behavior and Syntax | 16
Known Behavior | 18
Known Issues | 19
Resolved Issues | 19
Documentation Updates | 20
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 20
Product Compatibility | 22
These release notes accompany Junos OS Release 17.2R1 for the ACX Series. They describe new and changed features, limitations, and known and resolved problems in the hardware and software.
You can also find these release noteson the Juniper Networks Junos OS Documentation webpage, located at https://www.juniper.net/documentation/software/junos/.

New and Changed Features

Hardware | 14
Interfaces and Chassis | 14
Management | 14
Network Management and Monitoring | 14
Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) | 15
Routing Protocols | 15
Software Installation and Upgrade | 15
Timing and Synchronization | 15
This section describes the new features or enhancements to existing features in Junos OS Release 17.2R1 for ACX Series Universal Metro Routers.


Support for fixed and tunable DWDM Optics, 1GE and 10GE BIDI Optics (ACX Series)—Starting in
Junos OS Release 17.2R1, ACX Series Universal Metro Routers support fixed and tunable 1-Gigabit Ethernet and 10-Gigabit Ethernet BIDI DWDM optics.

Interfaces and Chassis

Support for Ethernet ring protection switching (ACX Series, ACX500, ACX5000)—Starting in Junos OS
Release 17.2R1, ACX Universal Metro Routers support Ethernet ring protection switching (G.8032v2). With the G.8032v2 capability, the ACX Series routers support manual commands (force switch, manual switch, and clear commands) and interconnection of multiple Ethernet rings without virtual channels. ERPS on the ACX5000 line of routers supports Aggregated Ethernet (AE) interfaces.
[See Ethernet Ring Protection Switching Overview]


Support for device family and release in Junos OS YANG modules (ACX Series)—Starting in Junos OS
Release 17.2, Junos OS YANG modules are specific to a device family, and each module’s namespace includes the module name, device family, and Junos OS release string. Furthermore, each juniper-command module uses its own unique module name as the module’s prefix. Device families include junos, junos-es, junos-ex, and junos-qfx.
[See Understanding Junos OS YANG Modules.]

Network Management and Monitoring

Support for sFlow agent (ACX5000)—Starting in Junos OS Release 17.2R1, ACX5000 line of routers
supports sFlow agent. sFlow is a statistical sampling based network monitoring protocol for high speed switched or routed networks. The sFlow monitoring system consists of an sFlow agent (embedded in a switch or router or in a stand alone probe) and a central data collector, or sFlow analyzer.
sFlow technology uses the following two sampling mechanisms:
Packet-based sampling—Samples one packet out of a specified number of packets from an interface
enabled for sFlow technology.
Time-based sampling—Samples interface statistics at a specified interval from an interface enabled
for sFlow technology.
Adaptive sampling—Monitors the overall incoming traffic rate on the device and provides feedback
to the interfaces to dynamically adapt their sampling rate to traffic conditions.
[See Overview of sFlow Technology and Configuring sFlow Technology.]

Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM)

Support for ITU-T Y.1731 ETH-LM, ETH-SLM, and ETH-DM on aggregated Ethernet interfaces (ACX
Series, ACX5000)—Starting in Junos OS release 17.2R1, you can configure ITU-T Y.1731 standard-compliant Ethernet loss measurement (ETH-LM), Ethernet synthetic loss measurement (ETH-SLM), and Ethernet delay measurement (ETH-DM) capabilities on aggregated Ethernet (AE) interfaces. These performance monitoring functionalities are supported on ACX Series and ACX5000 line of routers.
[See Understanding Ethernet OAM Link Fault Management for ACX Series Routers]

Routing Protocols

Support for IS-IS flooding groups (ACX5000)—Starting with Junos OS Release 17.2R1, you can configure
flooding groups with IS-IS on the ACX5000 line of routers. This feature limits link-state PDU flooding over IS-IS interfaces. An LSP that is not self-originated is flooded only through the interface belonging to the flood group that has the configured area ID in the LSP. This helps minimize the routes and topology information, thus ensuring optimal convergence. You can segregate both level 1 and level 2 networks into flood groups by using area IDs as tags to identify a flood group. Configure interfaces with specific area IDs to modify the flooding behavior as per your requirements.
To enable IS-IS flooding groups, include the flood-group flood-group-area-ID statement at the [edit protocols isis interface] hierarchy level.
[See Understanding IS-IS Flood Group]

Software Installation and Upgrade

Support for In-Service Software Upgrade (ACX5000)—Starting with Junos OS Release 17.2R1, Junos
OS for ACX5000 Universal Metro Routers supports ISSU, the ability to do software upgrades between two different software releases with minimal disruption to network traffic and no disruptions in the control plane. As a prerequisite, you need to have the graceful Routing Engine switchover (GRES), nonstop active routing (NSR), and nonstop bridging (NSB) enabled in the routing engine to support ISSU on ACX5000 line of routers.
[See Understanding In-Service Software Upgrade (ISSU) in ACX5000 Series Routers]

Timing and Synchronization

Support for PHY timestamping in boundary clock mode (ACX Series)—Starting in Junos OS Release
17.2R1, ACX Series Universal Metro Routers supports timestamping at the physical layer, also known
as PHY timestamping, in boundary clock mode. To enable PHY timestamping on ACX Series routers, configure clock-mode as boundary clock at the [edit protocols ptp] hierarchy level.
[See Configuring Precision Time Protocol Clocking]
Support for defect and event management and SNMP get and walk management for timing (ACX
Series)—Starting in Junos OS Release 17.2R1, the ACX Universal Metro Routers supports defect and event management capabilities for timing features. Defects and events are notified in the form of SNMP traps.
The ACX Universal Metro Routers also supports SNMP get, get-next, and walk management capabilities for the timing features. These capabilities are enabled through the PTP MIB and SyncE MIB objects.
[See Understanding Timing Defects and Event Management on ACX Series and Understanding SNMP
MIB for Timing on ACX Series ]
Changes in Behavior and Syntax | 16
Known Behavior | 18
Known Issues | 19
Resolved Issues | 19
Documentation Updates | 20
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 20
Product Compatibility | 22

Changes in Behavior and Syntax

Interfaces and Chassis | 17
Management | 17
This section lists the changes in behavior of Junos OS features and changes in the syntax of Junos OS statements and commands from Junos OS Release 17.2R1 for the ACX Series Universal Metro Routers.

Interfaces and Chassis

Support for logical interfaces—ACX5048 and ACX5096 routers do not support configuring more than
1000 logical interfaces.


Junos OS YANG module namespace and prefix changes (ACX Series)—Starting in Junos OS Release
17.2, Junos OS YANG modules are specific to a device family, and each module’s namespace includes the module name, device family, and Junos OS release string. Furthermore, each juniper-command module uses its own unique module name as the module’s prefix. In earlier releases, Junos OS YANG modules used only a unique identifier to differentiate the namespace for each module, and the prefix for all juniper-command modules was jrpc.
Device families include junos, junos-es, junos-ex, and junos-qfx. The Junos OS YANG extension modules, junos-extension and junos-extension-odl, use the junos device family identifier in the namespace, but the modules are common to all device families.
[See Understanding Junos OS YANG Modules.]
Changes to the rfc-compliant configuration statement (ACX Series)—Starting in Junos OS Release 17.2,
Junos OS YANG modules are specific to a device family, and each module’s namespace includes the module name, device family, and Junos OS release string. If you configure the rfc-compliant statement at the [edit system services netconf] hierarchy level and request configuration data in a NETCONF session on a device running Junos OS Release 17.2 or later, the NETCONF server sets the default namespace for the <configuration> element in the RPC reply to the same namespace as in the corresponding YANG model.
[See Configuring RFC-Compliant NETCONF Sessions and rfc-compliant.]
New and Changed Features | 13
Known Behavior | 18
Known Issues | 19
Resolved Issues | 19
Documentation Updates | 20
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 20
Product Compatibility | 22

Known Behavior

High Availability (HA) and Resiliency | 18
This section lists known behavior, system maximums, and limitations in hardware and software in Junos OS Release 17.2R1 for the ACX Series.
For the most complete and latest information about known Junos OS defects, use the Juniper Networks online Junos Problem Report Search application.

High Availability (HA) and Resiliency

Residual and baseline statistics loss from ISSU—Using ISSU to upgrade to Junos OS Release 17.2R1 or
later will result in a loss of residual and baseline statistics for interfaces, interface set specific statistics, and BBE subscriber service statistics because of an update to the statistics database.
[See Unified ISSU System Requirements.]
New and Changed Features | 13
Changes in Behavior and Syntax | 16
Known Issues | 19
Resolved Issues | 19
Documentation Updates | 20
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 20
Product Compatibility | 22

Known Issues

Layer 2 Features | 19
This section lists the known issues in hardware and software in Junos OS Release 17.2R1 for the ACX Series Universal Metro Routers.
For the most complete and latest information about known Junos OS defects, use the Juniper Networks online Junos Problem Report Search application.

Layer 2 Features

Under certain scenarios, if VPLS instances and Layer 3 NNI interfaces are deleted in the same commit,
then a traffic duplication is observed for the VPLS traffic. To avoid such instances, it is recommended to delete or deactivate the Layer 3 NNI interfaces and VPLS instances in separate commits. PR1260156
New and Changed Features | 13
Changes in Behavior and Syntax | 16
Known Behavior | 18
Resolved Issues | 19
Documentation Updates | 20
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 20
Product Compatibility | 22

Resolved Issues

There are no fixed issues in Junos OS 17.2R1 for ACX Series.
For the most complete and latest information about known Junos OS defects, use the Juniper Networks online Junos Problem Report Search application.
New and Changed Features | 13
Changes in Behavior and Syntax | 16
Known Behavior | 18
Known Issues | 19
Documentation Updates | 20
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 20
Product Compatibility | 22

Documentation Updates

There are no errata or changes in Junos OS Release 17.2R1 for the ACX Series documentation.
New and Changed Features | 13
Changes in Behavior and Syntax | 16
Known Behavior | 18
Known Issues | 19
Resolved Issues | 19
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 20
Product Compatibility | 22

Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions

Upgrade and Downgrade Support Policy for Junos OS Releases | 21
This section contains the upgrade and downgrade support policy for Junos OS for the ACX Series Universal Metro Routers. Upgrading or downgrading Junos OS might take several minutes, depending on the size and configuration of the network.
For information about software installation and upgrade, see the Installation and Upgrade Guide.

Upgrade and Downgrade Support Policy for Junos OS Releases

Support for upgrades and downgrades that span more than three Junos OS releases at a time is not provided, except for releases that are designated as Extended End-of-Life (EEOL) releases. EEOL releases provide direct upgrade and downgrade paths—you can upgrade directly from one EEOL release to the next EEOL release even though EEOL releases generally occur in increments beyond three releases.
You can upgrade or downgrade to the EEOL release that occurs directly before or after the currently installed EEOL release, or to two EEOL releases before or after. For example, Junos OS Releases 14.1,
14.2, 15.1 and 16.1 are EEOL releases. You can upgrade from Junos OS Release 14.1 to Release 15.1 or even from Junos OS Release 14.1 to Release 16.1. However, you cannot upgrade directly from a non-EEOL release that is more than three releases ahead or behind. For example, you cannot directly upgrade from Junos OS Release 12.1 (a non-EEOL release) to Junos OS Release 13.2 or directly downgrade from Junos OS Release 13.2 to Junos OS Release 12.1.
To upgrade or downgrade from a non-EEOL release to a release more than three releases before or after, first upgrade to the next EEOL release and then upgrade or downgrade from that EEOL release to your target release.
For more information about EEOL releases and to review a list of EEOL releases, see
For information about software installation and upgrade, see the Installation and Upgrade Guide.
New and Changed Features | 13
Changes in Behavior and Syntax | 16
Known Behavior | 18
Known Issues | 19
Resolved Issues | 19
Documentation Updates | 20
Product Compatibility | 22

Product Compatibility

Hardware Compatibility | 22

Hardware Compatibility

To obtain information about the components that are supported on the devices, and the special compatibility guidelines with the release, see the Hardware Guide for the product.
To determine the features supported on ACX Series routers in this release, use the Juniper Networks Feature Explorer, a Web-based application that helps you to explore and compare Junos OS feature information to find the right software release and hardware platform for your network. Find Feature Explorer at https://pathfinder.juniper.net/feature-explorer/.
Hardware Compatibility Tool
For a hardware compatibility matrix for optical interfaces and transceivers supported across all platforms, see the Hardware Compatibility tool.
New and Changed Features | 13
Changes in Behavior and Syntax | 16
Known Behavior | 18
Known Issues | 19
Resolved Issues | 19
Documentation Updates | 20
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 20

Junos OS Release Notes for EX Series Switches

New and Changed Features | 23
Changes in Behavior and Syntax | 28
Known Behavior | 29
Known Issues | 30
Resolved Issues | 32
Documentation Updates | 34
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 34
Product Compatibility | 35
These release notes accompany Junos OS Release 17.2R1 for the EX Series. They describe new and changed features, limitations, and known and resolved problems in the hardware and software.
You can also find these release notes on the Juniper Networks Junos OS Documentation webpage, located at https://www.juniper.net/documentation/software/junos/.

New and Changed Features

Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) (RADIUS) | 24
EVPNs | 25
Layer 3 Features | 25
Management | 27
Multicast | 27
Network Management and Monitoring | 27
System Management | 27
This section describes the new features and enhancements to existing features in Junos OS Release 17.2R1 for the EX Series.
NOTE: The following EX Series switches are supported in Release 17.2R1: EX4300, EX4600,
and EX9200.
NOTE: In Junos OS Release 17.2R1, J-Web is supported on the EX4300 and EX4600 switches
in both standalone and Virtual Chassis setup.
The J-Web distribution model being used provides two packages:
Platform package—Installed as part of Junos OS; provides basic functionalities of J-Web.
Application package—Optionally installable package; provides complete functionalities of
For details about the J-Web distribution model, see Release Notes: J-Web Application Package
Release 17.2A1 for EX4300 and EX4600 Switches.

Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) (RADIUS)

Authentication order with priority (EX4300 switches)—Starting in Junos OS Release 17.2R1, you can
configure EX4300 switches not to trigger re-authentication for a client that has been authenticated using MAC RADIUS authentication or captive portal authentication. If the switch receives an EAP-Start message from an authenticated client, the switch typically responds with an EAP-Request message, which triggers re-authentication using 802.1X authentication. You can use the eapol-block statement to configure the switch to ignore EAP-Start messages sent by a client that has been authenticated using MAC RADIUS authentication or captive portal authentication, and maintain the existing authentication session for the client.
[See Understanding Authentication on Switches.]
Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP) for MAC RADIUS authentication (EX4300
switches)—Starting in Junos OS Release 17.2R1, you can configure the Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP) as the authentication method for MAC RADIUS authentication. PEAP is a protocol that encapsulates EAP packets within an encrypted and authenticated Transport Layer Security (TLS) tunnel. The inner authentication protocol, used to authenticate the client's MAC address inside the tunnel, is the Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol version 2 (MS-CHAPv2). The encrypted exchange of information inside the tunnel ensures that user credentials are safe from eavesdropping.
[See Understanding Authentication on Switches.]


EVPN Proxy ARP and ARP Suppression (EX9200 switches)—Starting with Junos OS Release 17.2R1,
EX9200 switches that function as provider edge (PE) devices in an Ethernet VPN-MPLS (EVPN-MPLS) or Ethernet VPN-Virtual Extensible LAN (EVPN-VXLAN) environment support proxy Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) and ARP suppression. The proxy ARP and ARP suppression capabilities are enabled by default. For both features to work properly, the configuration of an integrated and routing (IRB) interface on the PE device is required.
IRB interfaces configured on a PE device deliver ARP requests from both local and remote customer edge (CE) devices. When a PE device receives an ARP request from a CE device, the PE device searches its media access control (MAC)-IP address bindings database for the requested IP address. If the PE device finds the MAC-IP address binding in its database, it responds to the request. If the device does not find the MAC-IP address binding, it swaps the source MAC address in the request with the MAC address of the IRB interface on which the request was received and sends the request to all interfaces.
Even when a PE device responds to an ARP request, ARP packets might still be flooded across the WAN. ARP suppression prevents this flooding from occurring.
[See EVPN Proxy ARP and ARP Suppression.]

Layer 3 Features

Port-based LAN broadcast traffic forwarding (port helpers) for multiple destination servers (EX4300
switches and EX4300 Virtual Chassis)—Starting in Junos OS Release 17.2R1, you can configure port helpers on EX4300 switches and EX4300 Virtual Chassis on a per-port basis for multiple destination
servers. Port helpers are port-based filters that listen on configured UDP ports for incoming LAN broadcast traffic, and forward those packets to configured destination servers as unicast traffic. Configure port helper filters using the forwarding-options helpers port port-number configuration statement with any of the following scopes:
Global—Match incoming broadcast traffic on any interface for a configured port, and forward the
traffic to the configured server:
set forwarding-options helpers port port-number server server-ip-address
VLAN-specific—Match incoming broadcast traffic on an IRB interface for a configured port, and forward
the traffic to the configured server:
set forwarding-options helpers port port-number interface irb-interface-name server server-ip-address
Interface-specific—Match incoming broadcast traffic on a Layer 3 interface for a configured port, and
forward the traffic to the configured server:
set forwarding-options helpers port port-number interface interface-name server server-ip-address
[See Configuring Port-based LAN Broadcast Packet Forwarding.]


Support for device family and release in Junos OS YANG modules (EX Series)—Starting in Junos OS
Release 17.2, Junos OS YANG modules are specific to a device family, and each module’s namespace includes the module name, device family, and Junos OS release string. Furthermore, each juniper-command module uses its own unique module name as the module’s prefix. Device families include junos, junos-es, junos-ex, and junos-qfx.
[See Understanding Junos OS YANG Modules.]


Support for static multicast route leaking for VRF and virtual-router instances (QFX5100 and EX4300 switches)—Starting in Junos OS Release 17.2R1, you can configure your switch to share IPv4 multicast
routes among different virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) instances or different virtual-router instances. On EX4300 switches, multicast route leaking is supported only when the switch functions as a line card in a Virtual Chassis, not as a standalone switch. Only multicast static routes with a destination-prefix length of /32 are supported for multicast route leaking. Only Internet Group Management Protocol version 3 is supported. To configure multicast route leaking for VRF or virtual-router instances , include the next-table routing-instance-name.inet.0 statement at the [edit routing-instances
routing-instance-name routing-options static route destination-prefix/32] hierarchy level. For routing–instance-name, include the name of a VRF or virtual-router instance. This feature was previously
introduced in Junos OS Release 14.X53-D40.
[See Understanding Multicast Route Leaking for VRF and Virtual-Router Instances.]

Network Management and Monitoring

SNMP support for monitoring tunnel statistics (EX Series)—Starting in Junos OS Release 17.2R1, SNMP
MIB jnxTunnelStat supports monitoring of tunnel statistics for IPV4 over IPV6 tunnels. This is a new enterprise-specific MIB, Tunnel Stats MIB, that currently displays three counters: tunnel count in rpd, tunnel count in Kernel, and tunnel count in the Packet Forwarding Engine. This MIB can be extended to support other tunnel statistics. The MIB is defined in jnx-tunnel-stats.txt. This MIB is attached to jnxMibs.

System Management

Dynamic Power Management in EX9200 Switches—Starting with Junos OS Release 17.2R1, EX9200
switches support dynamic power management. See System Services on EX9200 Switches.
Changes in Behavior and Syntax | 28
Known Behavior | 29
Known Issues | 30
Resolved Issues | 32
Documentation Updates | 34
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 34
Product Compatibility | 35

Changes in Behavior and Syntax

IP Tunneling | 28
Management | 28
This section lists the changes in behavior of Junos OS features and changes in the syntax of Junos OS statements and commands from Junos OS Release 17.2R1 for the EX Series.

IP Tunneling

Deprecated no-path-mtu-discovery configuration option for ipip6 tunnels—Starting in Junos OS Release
17.2R1, the no-path-mtu-discovery configuration statement in the [edit interfaces ip-fpc/pic/port unit logical-unit-number tunnel] and [edit interfaces gr-fpc/pic/port unit logical-unit-number tunnel]
hierarchies is no longer available for ipip6 tunnels.


Changes to the rfc-compliant configuration statement (EX Series)—Starting in Junos OS Release 17.2R1,
Junos OS YANG modules are specific to a device family, and each module’s namespace includes the module name, device family, and Junos OS release string. If you configure the rfc-compliant statement at the [edit system services netconf] hierarchy level and request configuration data in a NETCONF session on a device running Junos OS Release 17.2R1 or later, the NETCONF server sets the default
namespace for the <configuration> element in the RPC reply to the same namespace as in the corresponding YANG model.
[See Configuring RFC-Compliant NETCONF Sessions and rfc-compliant.]
Junos OS YANG module namespace and prefix changes (EX Series)—Starting in Junos OS Release
17.2R1, Junos OS YANG modules are specific to a device family, and each module’s namespace includes the module name, device family, and Junos OS release string. Furthermore, each juniper-command module uses its own unique module name as the module’s prefix. In earlier releases, Junos OS YANG modules used only a unique identifier to differentiate the namespace for each module, and the prefix for all juniper-command modules was jrpc.
Device families include junos, junos-es, junos-ex, and junos-qfx. The Junos OS YANG extension modules, junos-extension and junos-extension-odl, use the junos device family identifier in the namespace, but the modules are common to all device families.
[See Understanding Junos OS YANG Modules.]
New and Changed Features | 23
Known Behavior | 29
Known Issues | 30
Resolved Issues | 32
Documentation Updates | 34
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 34
Product Compatibility | 35

Known Behavior

High Availability (HA) and Resiliency | 30
This section lists known behavior, system maximums, and limitations in hardware and software in Junos OS Release 17.2R1 for the EX Series.
For the most complete and latest information about known Junos OS defects, use the Juniper Networks online Junos Problem Report Search application.

High Availability (HA) and Resiliency

Residual and baseline statistics loss from ISSU—Using unified ISSU to upgrade to Junos OS Release
17.2R1 or later will result in a loss of residual and baseline statistics for interfaces, interface set specific statistics, and BBE subscriber service statistics because of an update to the statistics database.
[See Unified ISSU System Requirements.]
New and Changed Features | 23
Changes in Behavior and Syntax | 28
Known Issues | 30
Resolved Issues | 32
Documentation Updates | 34
Migration, Upgrade, and Downgrade Instructions | 34
Product Compatibility | 35

Known Issues

General Routing | 31
High Availability (HA) and Resiliency | 31
Infrastructure | 31
Junos Fusion Enterprise | 31
Platform and Infrastructure | 31
Virtual Chassis | 32
This section lists the known issues in hardware and software in Junos OS Release 17.2R1 for the EX Series.
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