Juniper Systems Mesa Addendum User Manual

Non-incendive Mesa Rugged Notepad
Non-incendive Approval
The non-incendive Mesa Rugged Notepad™ from Juniper Systems, Inc. is MET Laboratory approved Non-Incendive Class I Div 2 per approval standard UL 1604 CSA 213 in the U.S. and Canada.
The non-incendive Mesa may be used in hazardous locations where ignitable
concentrations of ammable gases,
vapors or liquids are not part of the normal environment but can become so under unusual circumstances.
Model MSA Series Electrical Rating +12VDC, 1.5A Battery Type Li-Ion (
batteries specied
in the Mesa Owner’s Manual, P/N 20545)
Class, Division, Groups
Class I Division 2 Groups A, B, C, D T4
only use the
Using the Mesa Rugged Notepad in a Hazardous Location
The following rules must be followed to maintain the MET Laboratory approved non-incendive standard and to prevent the possibility of serious injury.
Warning: Explosion hazard – In hazardous locations:
 Do not dock the Mesa
 Do not change or charge batteries
 Do not insert or remove cards
 Do not connect or disconnect any
device or cable
In hazardous locations the connector protector and battery doors must be in place as indicated below:
Read This Document
Read this document to learn how to safely operate the non-incendive Mesa Rugged Notepad in potentially hazardous locations.
This addendum is a supplement to the owner’s manual that came with the Mesa. Refer to the owner’s manual for details on how to use the Mesa.
Note: The Mesa Owner’s Manual is also available on our website at
P/N 23339-00. Copyright December 2011, Juniper Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Information is subject to change without notice. Mesa Rugged Notepad is a trademark of Juniper Systems, Inc.
Avertissement : risque d’explosion – Dans des zones dangereuses:
 N’amarrez pas l’unité, ne changez pas et
ne chargez pas les batteries, n’insérez et ne retirez pas de cartes et n’établissez ni ne rompez aucune connexion
 Les caches de protection des ports et
des batteries doivent toujours rester installés
tel: 435.753.1881
1132 W. 1700 N. Logan, UT 84321
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