We would like to welcome you as a user of LandMark Mobile,
a GPS Receiver Utility
is designed to serve as the interface between a GPS receiver
connected to a Juniper Systems Field PC, and an application
Recognizing the need of custom and third party application
soware for real-time GPS data streams, Juniper Systems
has developed LandMark Mobileto manage the GPS receiver
connectivity functions.
GPS services used by eld personnel include:
Oset capabilities on marked waypoints
Tracking prescribed routes
Marking (recording) location and elevation of specic points
LandMark Mobile runs concurrently with your main data
collection and processing programs. By using a “Hot Key”, your
GPS data are forwarded to your primary application.
If you have any questions or comments about LandMark Mobile
aer reviewing this manual, please feel free to contact Juniper
Systems at (435) 753-1881, or visit our website at:
soware program. LandMark Mobile
6 LandMark Mobile User’s Manual
Connects with a wide variety of GPS receivers using the
NMEA data streams.
Multiple data interfaces to other programs running
concurrently. Shared memory, data exchange le, and wedging
your GPS data into other programs using a Hot Key are options
for data interface.
Sky plot and satellite signal strength bars keep you informed
of GPS status and quality.
Navigation screen allows you to select To and From waypoints.
Features include: a compass ring depicting direction of travel;
an arrow designating direction to destination; and data elds
showing distance to go, speed, track, and bearing along with
cross-track error.
Multiple user selectable waypoint les, 256 waypoints per le.
The number of waypoint les are only limited by the available
data storage on the eld computer.
Marking waypoint feature provides the option to average a
user specied number of x readings.
Hot key, user specied, for triggering a Mark at any point in
time; this key remains hot regardless of which application is
Seable serial interface parameters, supporting GPS receiver
input through any of the hardware COM ports, including
User selectable datums and display units (statute, metric,
standard (U.S. feet), nautical).
Diagnostics dialogue screen that displays received NMEA data
strings, which are helpful when connecting a GPS receiver.
Toggle Icon connects / disconnects any Field PC Com Port.
Bluetooth Com Port usage auto detection, loads Bluetooth
receiver by default if set as a “favorite.”
Bluetooth auto reconnect, LandMark Mobile automatically trys
to reconnect up to three times when a Bluetooth connection is
LandMark Mobile User’s Manual 7
Software License Agreement
Manufacturer Agreement
This Soware License Agreement is between the end-user
and the manufacturer (Juniper Systems, Inc.) Please read the
following terms and conditions before using LandMark Mobile.
This agreement supersedes any prior agreement, wrien or oral.
Granting of License
The manufacturer grants, under the following terms and
conditions, a non-exclusive license to use the LandMark Mobile
Juniper Systems, Inc. retains the title to and ownership of the
soware plus any copies made of the soware.
Software Use
The soware is authorized for use on the Juniper Systems Field
PC. You can use the soware on one Field PC at a time per
licensed copy. You may make one copy of the soware to be
stored as a backup.
The LandMark Mobile soware is copyrighted by Juniper
Systems, Inc. You may not rent, lease, lend, sub-license, modify, or
disassemble these programs. The associated documentation may
not be copied without wrien permission.
This License is in eect until terminated. It will be terminated
under the following conditions:
You destroy all copies of the soware and documentation.
You return all copies of the soware and documentation to
Juniper Systems, Inc.
You fail to comply with any provisions of the License Agreement.
Acceptance or Disagreement
Use of the soware in any manner indicates your acceptance and
acknowledgment of the terms and conditions of this agreement.
If you do not agree with any of the terms and conditions, do
not use the soware. Return the disk and documentation to
the manufacturer. If the soware was installed on the Field PC
device at the factory, you must delete it.
8 LandMark Mobile User’s Manual
10 First Time LandMark Mobile Installation
16 Additional LandMark Mobile Installations
18 Uninstalling LandMark Mobile
First Time LandMark Mobile Installation
To install LandMark Mobile on your Field PC, it must be installed
to your desktop PC rst. Once installed on your desktop PC,
LandMark Mobile is installed on your Field PC through an
ActiveSync connection between your handheld and your PC.
Note: In this manual, when ActiveSync connection is discussed it is
synonymous with Windows Mobile Device Center (WMDC) on a
Windows Vista™ Desktop.
Step 1: Installing LandMark Mobile on the desktop PC
To install LandMark Mobile on your Field PC, complete the
following steps:
1. Establish an ActiveSync or WMDC connection between your
desktop PC and your Field PC.
2. Place the LandMark Mobile CD-ROM into the CD drive of
your desktop PC. If it does not auto start, navigate to your
CD drive and tap on LandMark Mobile_install.exe to begin
installation. The installation wizard automatically starts up
with the LandMark Mobile Setup: License Agreement screen.
3. Click on the I Agree buon to continue with the installation
process. Note: You must agree with the License Agreement to
use LandMark Mobile.
4. Select the Installation Options you want from the LandMark
Mobile Setup: Installation Options screen. The installation
options are described below.
The LandMark Mobile option is selected by default and cannot be
unselected. This installs the LandMark Mobile application and
the User’s Manual on your desktop PC.
10 LandMark Mobile User’s Manual
The Soware Development Kit (SDK) option is selectable. This
option installs the SDK in the SDK folder where LandMark
Mobile is installed on your desktop PC. The SDK is used by
program developers.
The Start Menu Shortcuts option is selectable. This option places
a LandMark Mobile folder in the Programs folder of your Start
Menu. Inside the LandMark Mobile folder is the LandMark
Mobile Uninstall program and the LandMark Mobile User’s
Note: Acrobat Reader is required to open the User’s Manual .pdf.
5. Select the location on your desktop PC that you want
LandMark Mobile installed. The LandMark Mobile folder
created in the Program Files folder on your desktop PC is the
default location. Click on the Install buon to install to the
default location.
If you want the LandMark Mobile folder placed in a dierent
location, click on the Browse buon and select the location
where you want LandMark Mobile installed. Then click on
the Install buon.
LandMark Mobile User’s Manual 11
6. Wait until LandMark Mobile installs on your desktop PC. The
LandMark Mobile Setup: Installing screen appears showing a
progression bar as the application installs.
Aer a install destination is conrmed, the following message
box pops up on the desktop PC. Select OK:
The following screen appears on your desktop PC to conrm that
the installation of LandMark Mobile is complete.
Installation of LandMark Mobileon the Desktop PC is complete.
If the Field PC is not connected to the desktop PC through
ActiveSync or WMDC, the following message box appears:
This screen indicates that the next time your Field PC connects to
the desktop PC that the installation of LandMark Mobile to the
Field PC will be completed. Click on the OK buon.
12 LandMark Mobile User’s Manual
On your Field PC you will see one of the following two screens.
Screen 1
This Screen 1 directs you to nish the installation on the device.
Proceed to Step 2: Installing LandMark Mobile on the Field PC to
complete the step.
Note: This screen only appears if you have additional memory (SD card
or other card) installed on your Field PC.
Screen 2
This Screen 2 is the LandMark mobile Registration screen.
Proceed to Step 2: Installing LandMark Mobile|LandMark Mobile
Registration Screen. to complete the installation.
LandMark Mobile User’s Manual 13
Step 2: Installing LandMark Mobile on the Field PC
Once LandMark Mobile is installed on your desktop PC, the
installation process continues on the Field PC. LandMark Mobile
is installed on to the Field PC from the desktop PC through an
ActiveSync or WMDC connection. The following steps are done
on your Field PC.
With this screen on your Field PC, verify that “Device” is Selected
and then select install.
Aer the installation of LandMark Mobile is completed on your
Field PC, the Registration screen appears.
14 LandMark Mobile User’s Manual
LandMark Mobile Registration Screen
LandMark Mobile is a licensed application and requires a Serial
Number and Registration Key to completely activate the program.
You can run LandMark Mobile in Demo mode by tapping the
Demo buon. The registration screen is shown below in portrait
or landscape format dependent on the orientation of your Field
PC screen.
Note: Tapping on the Registration screen causes busy symbol to disappear.
The Name box is used to identify who purchased the program.
This can be either an individual or a company name.
Serial Number
The Serial Number is located on the Serial Number label located
on the LandMark Mobile CD-ROM case. The serial number is a
unique number for this licensed copy of LandMark Mobile..
Registration Key
The Registration Key is located on the Serial Number label located
on the LandMark Mobile CD-ROM case.
Aer you have entered the required information, tap on the OK
key. LandMark is now fully installed and registered on your Field
PC and is ready to use.
LandMark Mobile User’s Manual 15
LandMark Mobile DEMO Mode
LandMark Mobile oers a Demo Mode allowing you the
opportunity to evaluate LandMark Mobile prior to purchase.
Click on the DEMO buon to activate Demo mode.
Demo mode allows the user full use of LandMark Mobile for
multiple 20 minute periods. Once the 20 minutes expires, a popup window appears indicating the 20 minute evaluation session
is over.
Tapping on the OK buon or the X in the top right corner of this
window saves the LandMark Mobile les you are working on and
closes down the LandMark Mobile application.
Additional LandMark Mobile Installations
Once LandMark Mobile has been installed on your desktop PC
it does not need to be reinstalled each time you want to install
LandMark Mobile on additional Field PC’s. You will need a
separate Serial Number and Registration Key for each additional
Field PC installation.
To install LandMark Mobile onto a Field PC from a desktop PC
that already has LandMark Mobile installed on it, complete the
following steps:
1. Establish an ActiveSync connection between the Field PC and
desktop PC.
16 LandMark Mobile User’s Manual
2. Click on the Tools option in ActiveSync and tap on Add/
Remove Programs.
The Add/Remove Programs screen appears with a list of items on
your desktop PC that are available to install on the Field PC.
3. Select the Juniper System LandMark Mobile option so a
checkmark appears next to option.
LandMark Mobile User’s Manual 17
4. Click on the OK buon to proceed with the installation.
Aer an install destination is conrmed, the following
message box pops up:
This screen directs you to nish the installation on the Field
5. Click on OK and proceed to Step 2: Installing LandMark Mobile
on the Field PC to complete the installation.
Uninstalling LandMark Mobile
The following instructions are device specic and describe the
steps to uninstall LandMark Mobile from your desktop PC and
Field PC.
Uninstalling LandMark Mobile from the Desktop PC
To uninstall LandMark Mobile from your desktop PC, perform
one of the following procedures:
Click on the Start buon and go to Seings | Control Panel.
Double-click on the Add/Remove Programs icon. Select LandMark
Mobile and click on the Remove buon. This path can vary
depending on desktop OS and actual view (Classic or other)
being used.
Click on the Start buon and go to Programs | LandMark Mobile
| Uninstall. Follow the directions in the uninstall wizard.
Uninstalling LandMark Mobile from the Field PC
To uninstall LandMark Mobile from your Field PC, perform the
following procedure:
Tap on the Start buon and go to Seings | System. Tap on the
Remove Programs icon. Select Juniper Systems Inc. LandMark
Mobile and tap on the Remove buon.
18 LandMark Mobile User’s Manual
LandMark Mobile
20 Introduction and Operation
24 GPS Status Screen
31 Navigation Screen
34 Configuration Screen
48 Waypoint Screen
Introduction and Operation
Aer LandMark Mobile is installed, you can operate it in the
eld or oce. This chapter describes the operation, screens, and
specic features of the program.
To begin using LandMark Mobile, from the Today screen
select Start | Programs | LandMark Mobile icon. A splash screen
displaying LandMark Mobile A GPS Receiver Utility and the version
number are displayed for two seconds. The program opens to one
the following two screens.
The le screen is typical of a portrait display on the Archer Field
PC while the screen on the right is typical of a landscape display
on the Allegro MX.
Screen Selection
The initial program screen allows you to select between the
dierent operations that LandMark Mobile oers.
Menu= Drop Down Menu= Waypoint Screen
= GPS Screen
= Navigation Screen= Mark
= Conguration Screen
Note: The program can be used in landscape or portrait mode. The
information will be the same but the screen layout varies.
20 LandMark Mobile User’s Manual
= Connect
Keyboard Options
To navigate through LandMark Mobile, use a stylus with the
touch screen. You may also use the circular directional key
located in the center of the keyboard for limited navigation
within each action screen.
The Menu option is available on the GPS, Navigation, and Waypoint
screen. Tap on Menu to activate the following drop-down menu.
Portrait DisplayLandscape Display
LandMark Mobile User’s Manual 21
The About option opens a pop-up screen that displays the
LandMark Mobile version number and date the version was
Note: Landscape display screen shots are used through the rest of this
document. Portrait displays will contain the same basic content in a
slightly dierent layout.
GPS Connect/ GPS Disconnect
This option connects or disconnects the GPS receiver through a
Bluetooth connection.
Waypoint Files
Selecting waypoint le opens the following menu where you can
open an existing waypoint le or create a new one.
22 LandMark Mobile User’s Manual
Selecting tools opens the following menu which allows the user
to convert a waypoint le or jump to the mark point screen. We
recommend that if you need to convert a waypoint le, that you
do so only aer the waypoint le is completed and all necessary
data is collected.
Tap on Screens to activate the following drop-down menu.
Note: These screens and the mark point may also be accessed by tapping
on the icons located in the task bar.
Tapping on the GPS option opens the GPS screen.
Tapping on the Nav option opens the Navigation screen.
Tapping on the Cong option opens the Conguration screen.
Way Pts
Tapping on the Way Pts option opens the Waypoint screen.
LandMark Mobile User’s Manual 23
The Exit option exits out of the LandMark Mobile program. Aer
selecting Exit you receive the following conrmation screen:
Tap on Yes to continue to Exit out of LandMark Mobile or tap on No to cancel the Exit process.
GPS Status Screen
The GPS status screen displays a skyplot that shows the position
of each satellite transmiing GPS data. This screen also helps you
determine how accurate the GPS readings are. To display the GPS
Screen, complete one of the following steps:
Tap on the GPS icon located in the task bar.
Select Menu | Screens | GPS
The Skyplot is on the upper le side of the screen and displays
the approximate locations of the visible GPS satellites. Your
position is located at the center of the inner circle. The outer circle
represents the at or horizon of where you are standing. The
24 LandMark Mobile User’s Manual
inner circle represents the area above you, this circle has a 60
degree incline from the outer circle.
When a satellite rises above the horizon, the GPS receiver can then
receive a positioning signal from the satellite. The satellite then
appears in the skyplot section of the GPS screen. GPS readings are
more accurate when the satellites are more scaered across the sky.
The right side of the GPS status screen displays a bar graph
showing the relative satellite signal strengths. Each satellite
is assigned an SV number (space vehicle or satellite vehicle
number). These numbers appear to the le of their corresponding
signal strength bars. A boxed number indicates which particular
satellite is being used to determine the GPS position.
Note: Only active satellites are displayed on the bar graph, but all
viewable satellites are displayed in the Skyplot. The scroll bar on the
right of the graph box allows you to view all displayed satellites.
Latitude, longitude, elevation, and position quality values are
shown below the skyplot section of the GPS screen. The PDOP
(Position Dilution of Precision) and EHE (Estimated Horizontal
position Error) values are shown under the bar graphs.
LandMark Mobile User’s Manual 25
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