Juniper Systems Handstrap kit Archer 2 User Manual

replacement instructions
Contents of Hand Strap Replacement Kit:
Instruction sheet
Tools required
 Scissors
Small needle-nosed pliers
Removing the hand strap
1. Remove the top bumper from the Archer2.
2. Remove the hand strap from the Archer2 by cutting the old strap on both sides of the stylus holder.
3. Pull the cut hand strap through the latches on the top and bottom of the Archer2.
4. Once the end is through the latch, pull the end through the latch with the pliers.
5. Pull the hand strap back through the latch to seat the strap in the latch.
6. Position the battery door above the Archer2 so that the open side faces the Archer2 and the latch facing up.
7. Insert the other sewn end of the hand strap into the latch of the battery door.
8. Pull the end through the strap with the needle-nosed pliers.
P/N: 24074.00 Copyright December 2013, Juniper Systems, Inc. Information is subject to change without notice. Juniper Systems and Archer2 are trademarks of Juniper Systems, Inc.
tel: 435.753.1881
1132 W. 1700 N. Logan, UT 84321
Installing the new hand strap
1. Place the new hand strap on top of the Archer2 with the loop of the stylus holder pointing toward the Juniper logo.
9. Pull the hand strap back through the latch to seat the strap in the latch.
10. Flip the battery door over the Archer2 and secure the door in place.
2. Flip the hand strap lengthwise toward the top of the Archer2.
3. Push the sewn end of the hand strap into the top latch of the Archer2.
11. Replace the top bumper.
12. For additional instructions, visit http://­Rugged-Handheld-Computers/ products/Archer-2/Videos.