WLM1200-RMTS™Quick Start Guide
Reset button
UID button
Power button
Verify Appliance Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Setup Location Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
WLM1200-RMTS Appliance Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Forgotten Password Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
This guide provides a description of prerequisite procedures required to insta ll and begin using
WLM1200-RMTS hardware and software. The WLM1200-RMTS provides a server with pre-installed
RingMaster software. This appliance provides a server platform having a suitable configuration and
capability to efficently run the included RingMaster Services software.
Verify Appliance Package
Quick Start Guide
Figure 1–1. WLM1200-RMTS Front Panel
Verify that the appliance kit includes:
Two-page hardware setup guide with illustrated rack installation instructions.
A power cord.
Fasteners to install the appliance into a rack.
The appropriate rack assembly — a 19-inch rack rail bracket assembly or telco style rack assembly
2 Verify Appliance Package Copyright © 2011, Juniper Networks, Inc.

WLM1200-RMTS™Quick Start Guide
Serial Interface
Ethernet Connectors
Setup Location Requirements
The appliance is rated for 100-240V, 5A max, at 50/60 Hz.
Select a setup location with proper temperature control an d adequa te floor loading cap acity fo r the curre nt
installation and for future growth.
Install near appropriate AC outlets and Ethernet hubs or individual jacks.
Leave enough clearance (25 inches in the front and 30 inches in the back of the rack) to allow access to
appliance components and to allow for sufficient airflow.
WLM1200-RMTS Appliance Setup
Figure 1–2. WLM1200-RMTS Rear Panel
Hardware Setup
1. Connect Ethernet cable(s) to the network interface port( s) on the rear of the app liance to your network.
2. Connect the power cable and turn the appliance on with the front panel power button.
3. Connect the provided Serial Cable to the appliance and a computer running appropriate terminal
emulation software (like Hyperterm or Minicom).
Use the null modem serial cable included in the WLM1200-RM package.
Software Setup
Initial configuration of the platform from the seral port is performed as follows:
1. Connect a serial terminal (or terminal emulator on a PC to the Serial Interface connector on the rear
panel of the appliance.
2. Wait (pressing no keys) while the appliance boots up and then presents the following message:
Trapeze Networks RM-200 Platform
amnesiac-nnnnnn login:
where nnnnnn is a number sequence such as 3343e6
Type the username admin
The response message is:
Last login: (Date) on tty1
Copyright © 2011, Juniper Networks, Inc. Verify Appliance Package 3

WLM1200-RMTS™Quick Start Guide
Trapeze Networks RM-200 Platform
RingMaster configuration wizard
Do you want to use the wizard for initial configuration?
Type: y and <Enter>.
3. The response message is:
Step 1: Hostname? [amnesiac-nnnnnn]
4. Type a name for this platform, such as: rm200a1
5. The response message is:
Step 2: Use DHCP on eth0 interface?
6. If you wish to use DHCP, type: y and <Enter>. If not, type n and Enter and go to step 9.
7. The response message (for y and <Enter>) is:
Step 3: Admin password (Enter to leave unchanged)?
8. Go to step 13.
9. If you do NOT wish to use DHCP, type: n and <Enter>.
10. The response message (for n and <Enter>) is:
Step 3: Use zeroconf on eth0 interface? [no]
11. Type: <Enter>.
12. The response message (for <Enter>) is a series of steps where you to enter values, including:
Step 4: Primary IP address? (enter a value)
Step 5: Netmask? (enter a value)
Step 6: Defult gateway? (enter a value)
Step 7: Primary DNS server? (enter a value)
Step 8: domain name? (enter a value)
Step 9: Admin password (Enter to leave unchanged)? (<Enter>)
Step 9: Confirm admin password? (<Enter>)
Go to step 19.
13. Type Enter to leave unchanged or type a new password and go to step xx.
14. The response message (for <Enter>) is:
Step 3: Confirm admin password?
15. Type:
16. The response message (for <Enter>) is:
You have entered the following information:
1. HostnameL rm200a1
2. Use DHCP on eth0 interface: yes
3. Admin password (enter to leave unchanged): (unchanged)
4 Verify Appliance Package Copyright © 2011, Juniper Networks, Inc.