Juniper Upgrading Control Center from Version 2.34 User Manual

Juniper Upgrading Control Center from Version 2.34 User Manual

Upgrading Control Center from Version 2.34







Table of Contents

n r c n

Scenario A: Upgrade of Ubuntu 16.04 to Ubuntu 18.04

Scenario B: Fresh Ubuntu 18.04 ns


r b s




n r c n

This document concerns upgrading of Paragon c v Assurance Control Center from version 2.34 to a later version.

The upgrade entails special procedures as it involves upgrading the Ubuntu OS from 16.04 to 18.04. The document covers two scenarios:

• Upgrade of Ubuntu 16.04 (with Control Center installed) to Ubuntu 18.04.

• Fresh ns n of Ubuntu 18.04 followed by ns n of Control Center and transfer of backup data from an old Control Center instance to the new instance.

For other upgrades, please refer to the Upgrade Guide.

Scenario A: Upgrade of Ubuntu 16.04 to Ubuntu 18.04

• Begin by disabling the apache2 and netrounds-callexecuter services:

sudo systemctl disable apache2 netrounds-callexecuter

• Stop all Paragon c v Assurance services:

sudo systemctl stop "netrounds-*" apache2 openvpn@netrounds

• Take backups of Paragon c v Assurance product data.

NOTE: This is the backup procedure described in the Lifecycle Management Guide, chapter Backing Up Product Data, only more br y worded.

Run these commands:

# Back up the PostgreSQL database

pg_dump --help


pg_dump -h localhost -U netrounds netrounds > ncc_postgres.sql

#(Alternatively, to save in binary format:)

#pg_dump -h localhost -U netrounds -Fc netrounds > ncc_postgres.binary

#Back up OpenVPN keys

sudo tar -czf ncc_openvpn.tar.gz /var/lib/netrounds/openvpn

#Note: Be sure to store these in a safe place.

#Back up RRD files (metrics data)

#Check the file size before compressing the RRDs. Use of the tar command is not

#recommended if the RRDs are larger than 50 GB; see note below.

du -hs /var/lib/netrounds/rrd

sudo tar -czf ncc_rrd.tar.gz /var/lib/netrounds/rrd

NOTE: The pg_dump command will ask for a password which can be found in /etc/ netrounds/netrounds.conf under "postgres database". The default password is "netrounds".

NOTE: For a large-scale setup (> 50 GB), making a tarball of the RRD

s might take too long,

and taking a snapshot of the volume can be a b

r idea. Possible s

ns for doing this

include: using a

system that supports snapshots, or taking a snapshot of the virtual volume

if the server is running in a virtual environment.

• Check the integrity of the database using the supplied script

WARNING: If this script outputs warnings, do not

m the database m



procedure described "below" on page 4. Contact Juniper support by n a



s s

r n r n s


r q

s n s

r (supplying the output from the

script) to have the problems with the database resolved before you proceed with the
















• Take backups of the Control Center c n
















For example:

sudo cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/netrounds-ssl.conf /etc/apache2/sites-


• Upgrade Ubuntu to version 18.04. A typical upgrade procedure is as follows (adapted from



b n c m

n c

v r R




To upgrade on a server system:

Install update-manager-core if it is not already installed.

Make sure the Prompt line in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades is set to 'lts' (to ensure


that the OS is upgraded to the 18.04, the next LTS version

r 16.04).


Launch the upgrade tool with the command sudo do-release-upgrade.


Follow the on-screen ns r c ns As far as Paragon c v

Assurance is concerned, you can


keep the defaults throughout. (It may of course happen that you need to make

r n


choices for reasons unrelated to Paragon c v Assurance.)


Once Ubuntu has been upgraded, reboot the system. Then perform the following steps:

Upgrade PostgreSQL.

• Update PostgreSQL database

s from version 9.5 to version 10:






sudo pg_dropcluster 10

main --stop

# Shut down server and completely


delete cluster# "main"

version 10

(this prepares for the upgrade# in the


next command)





sudo pg_upgradecluster

9.5 main


# Upgrade cluster "main" version 9.5


to latest# available version (10)




sudo pg_dropcluster 9.5 main


# Completely delete cluster "main"


version 9.5










• Remove the outdated version of PostgreSQL:

sudo apt purge postgresql-9.5 postgresql-client-9.5 postgresql-contrib-9.5

• Update Paragon c v Assurance packages.

Compute the checksum for the tarball containing the new Control Center version and verify that it is equal to the SHA256 checksum provided on the download page:

sha256sum paa-control-center_${CC_VERSION}.tar.gz

• Unpack the Control Center tarball:

export CC_VERSION=<enter new version here>

tar -xzf netrounds-control-center_${CC_VERSION}.tar.gz

• Install new Control Center packages:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install ./netrounds-control-center_${CC_VERSION}/*.deb

• Remove the obsolete packages:

NOTE: It is vital to remove these packages.

# Test Agent Lite support

sudo apt purge netrounds-agent-login

# Unsupported jsonfield package

sudo apt remove python-django-jsonfield

• Run the database m r n

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