8 Using the Integrated Bluetooth®
Option 70
Bluetooth drivers and profiles ..........................................70
Identify the power status of Bluetooth using Wireless
Manager .............................................................................71
Create a Bluetooth partnership
Bluetooth virtual COM ports
Set up an outgoing Bluetooth COM port
Set up an incoming Bluetooth COM port .....................79
9 Supported Bluetooth® Profiles 82
Serial Port Profile (SPP) .....................................................83
Dial-Up Networking (DUN) Profile .................................86
Human Interface Device (HID) Profile ..........................89
Object Push Profile (OPP) or beaming
10 Caring for Your Field PC 94
Storing your Field PC and battery packs .......................94
Protecting the touchscreen ..............................................96
Protecting the Field PC against mechanical shock
... 97
Battery warnings
Equipment warnings ...........................................................99
Using the Field PC in extreme temperatures ..............99
Cleaning the Field PC ..................................................... 100
Repairing the Field PC
.................................................... 102
Disposing of the Field PC and battery packs
............ 102
11 Troubleshooting and Service
Tips 104
Troubleshooting tips ......................................................... 104
Preparing for a service center call .................................107
12 Information for Software
Developers 110
Programming documentation ........................................110
Software Development Kit (SDK) .................................110
Software development tools ..........................................110