Juniper System Management and Monitoring User Manual

System Management and Monitoring
User Guide
Juniper Networks, Inc. 1133 Innovaon Way Sunnyvale, California 94089 USA 408-745-2000
Juniper Networks, the Juniper Networks logo, Juniper, and Junos are registered trademarks of Juniper Networks, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks, service marks, registered marks, or registered service marks are the property of their respecve owners.
Juniper Networks assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies in this document. Juniper Networks reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publicaon without noce.
System Management and Monitoring User Guide
Copyright © 2021 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
The informaon in this document is current as of the date on the tle page.
Juniper Networks hardware and soware products are Year 2000 compliant. Junos OS has no known me-related limitaons through the year 2038. However, the NTP applicaon is known to have some diculty in the year 2036.
The Juniper Networks product that is the subject of this technical documentaon consists of (or is intended for use with) Juniper Networks soware. Use of such soware is subject to the terms and condions of the End User License Agreement ("EULA") posted at hps:// By downloading, installing or using such soware, you agree to the terms and condions of that EULA.

Table of Contents

About This Guide | ix
Manage and Monitor
System Sengs | 2
Specifying the Physical Locaon of the Switch | 2
Modifying the Default Time Zone for a Router or Switch Running Junos OS | 3
Conguring Junos OS to Extend the Default Port Address Range | 4
Conguring Junos OS to Select a Fixed Source Address for Locally Generated TCP/IP Packets | 5
Reboong and Halng a Device | 6
Hostnames | 8
Conguring the Hostname of a Device by Using a Conguraon Group | 8
Mapping the Hostname of the Switch to IP Addresses | 10
Example: Conguring the Name of the Switch, IP Address, and System ID | 10
Understanding and Conguring DNS | 11
DNS Overview | 11
Conguring a DNS Name Server for Resolving Hostnames into Addresses | 12
Congure ICMP Features | 16
Protocol Redirect Messages | 16
Disable the Roung Engine Response to Mulcast Ping Packets | 18
Disable Reporng IP Address and Timestamps in Ping Responses | 18
Congure Junos OS to Ignore ICMP Source Quench Messages | 19
Rate Limit ICMPv4 and ICMPv6 Trac | 20
Rate Limit ICMPv4 and ICMPv6 Error Messages | 20
Alarms | 22
System Alarms | 23
Conguring Junos OS to Determine Condions That Trigger Alarms on Dierent Interface
Types | 23
System-Wide Alarms and Alarms for Each Interface Type | 24
System Troubleshoong | 27
Saving Core Files Generated by Junos OS Processes | 27
Viewing Core Files from Junos OS Processes | 28
Device Monitoring | 28
Monitoring System Properes | 29
Monitoring System Process Informaon | 32
Monitoring Interfaces | 33
Other Tools to Congure and Monitor Devices Running Junos OS | 35
Passive Monitoring | 36
Understanding Passive Monitoring | 37
Example: Conguring Passive Monitoring on QFX10000 Switches | 38
Requirements | 38
Overview | 38
Conguraon | 39
Vericaon | 42
How to Locate a Device or Port Using the Chassis Beacon | 45
Turning On the Chassis Beacon For the Default Interval | 46
Turning On the Chassis Beacon For a Specied Interval | 47
Conguraon Statements
checksum | 51
compress-conguraon-les (System) | 53
domain-name | 54
domain-search | 56
enhanced-hash-key | 57
ethernet (Alarm) | 66
hardware-mestamp | 67
host-name | 68
inet (enhanced-hash-key) | 70
inet6-backup-router | 73
inet6 (enhanced-hash-key) | 75
internet-opons | 78
lcd-menu | 83
locaon | 85
locaon (System) | 87
max-conguraons-on-ash | 90
menu-item | 91
no-mulcast-echo | 97
no-ping-record-route | 98
no-ping-me-stamp | 99
no-redirects (IPv4 Trac) | 101
oponal | 103
passive-monitor-mode | 104
ports | 106
ports | 108
power | 109
processes | 112
saved-core-context | 115
saved-core-les | 116
stac-host-mapping | 118
me-format | 120
me-zone | 122
traceopons (Layer 2 Learning) | 125
traceopons (SBC Conguraon Process) | 129
use-imported-me-zones | 131
Operaonal Commands
clear log | 137
clear chassis display message | 139
clear system commit | 143
clear system reboot | 146
request chassis beacon | 151
request chassis cb | 155
request chassis fabric plane | 160
request chassis fpc | 164
request chassis pic | 172
request chassis roung-engine master | 179
request system halt | 187
request system logout | 196
request system power-o | 198
request system reboot | 205
set chassis display message | 216
set date | 221
show chassis alarms | 223
show chassis beacon | 251
show chassis environment | 254
show chassis environment fpc | 373
show chassis environment pem | 456
show chassis environment power-supply-unit | 478
show chassis environment psu | 480
show chassis environment roung-engine | 482
show chassis ethernet-switch | 494
show chassis fan | 547
show chassis rmware | 566
show chassis fpc | 587
show chassis fabric fpcs | 647
show chassis fabric map | 688
show chassis fabric plane | 699
show chassis fabric plane-locaon | 741
show chassis fabric sibs | 753
show chassis fabric summary | 773
show chassis hardware | 785
show chassis lcd | 807
show chassis led | 828
show chassis locaon | 844
show chassis mac-addresses | 850
show chassis pic | 859
show chassis roung-engine | 897
show chassis temperature-thresholds | 928
show chassis zones | 968
show forwarding-opons enhanced-hash-key | 980
show host | 988
show interfaces diagnoscs opcs | 991
show subscribers | 1001
show system alarms | 1053
show system audit | 1058
show system buers | 1070
show system cercate | 1080
show system commit | 1084
show system connecons | 1089
show system core-dumps | 1099
show system directory-usage | 1119
show system rmware | 1126
show system reboot | 1130
show system soware | 1136
show system stascs | 1141
show system storage | 1159
show system upme | 1169
show system virtual-memory | 1177
show version | 1190
start shell | 1198
test conguraon | 1200

About This Guide

Use this guide to manage and monitor Juniper switches with the Junos OS command line-interface.

Manage and Monitor

System Sengs | 2
Hostnames | 8
Understanding and Conguring DNS | 11
Congure ICMP Features | 16
Alarms | 22
System Troubleshoong | 27
Device Monitoring | 28
Passive Monitoring | 36
How to Locate a Device or Port Using the Chassis Beacon | 45
System Sengs
Specifying the Physical Locaon of the Switch | 2
Modifying the Default Time Zone for a Router or Switch Running Junos OS | 3
Conguring Junos OS to Extend the Default Port Address Range | 4
Conguring Junos OS to Select a Fixed Source Address for Locally Generated TCP/IP Packets | 5
Reboong and Halng a Device | 6
Specifying the Physical Locaon of the Switch
To specify the physical locaon of the switch, specify the following opons for the locaon statement at the [edit system] hierarchy level:
building enclose it in quotaon marks (" ").
—Number of feet above sea level.
—Name of the building, 1 to 28 characters in length. If the string contains spaces,
—Two-leer country code.
—Floor in the building.
—Long-distance service area.
—Latude in degree format.
—Longitude in degree format.
—First six digits of the phone number (area code and exchange).
—Bellcore Horizontal Coordinate.
—Rack number.
—Postal code.
—Bellcore Vercal Coordinate.
The following example shows how to specify the physical locaon of the switch:
[edit system]
location {
altitude feet;
building name;
country-code code;
floor number;
hcoord horizontal-coordinate;
lata service-area;
latitude degrees;
longitude degrees;
npa-nxx number;
postal-code postal-code;
rack number;
vcoord vertical-coordinate;
Example: Conguring the Name of the Switch, IP Address, and System ID

Modifying the Default Time Zone for a Router or Switch Running Junos OS

The default local me zone on the router or switch is UTC (Coordinated Universal Time, formerly known as Greenwich Mean Time, or GMT).
• To modify the local me zone, include the me-zone statement at the [edit system] hierarchy level:
[edit system]
time-zone (GMT hour-offset | time-zone);
You can use the GMT
is 0. You can congure this to be a value from –14 to +12.
opon to set the me zone relave to UTC (GMT) me. By default,
You can also specify the
value as a string such as PDT (Pacic Daylight Time) or WET
(Western European Time), or specify the connent and major city.
NOTE: Junos OS complies with the POSIX me-zone standard, which is counter-intuive to the way me zones are generally indicated relave to UTC. A me zone ahead of UTC (east of the Greenwich meridian) is commonly indicated as GMT +n; for example, the Central European Time (CET) zone is indicated as GMT +1. However, this is not true for POSIX me zone designaons. POSIX indicates CET as GMT-1. If you include the set system me-zone GMT+1 statement for a router in the CET zone, your router me will be set to one hour behind GMT, or two hours behind the actual CET me. For this reason, you might nd it easier to use the POSIX me-zone strings, which you can list by entering set system me-zone ?.
For the me zone change to take eect for all processes running on the router or switch, you must reboot the router or switch.
The following example shows how to change the current me zone to America/New_York:
user@host# set system me-zone America/New_York
user@host# show
system {
time-zone America/New_York;
Understanding NTP Time Servers
Updang the IANA Time Zone Database on Junos OS Devices
Conguring Junos OS to Extend the Default Port Address Range
By default, the upper range of a port address is 5000. You can increase the range from which the port number can be selected to decrease the probability that someone can determine your port number.
• To congure Junos OS to extend the default port address range, include the source-port statement at the [edit system internet-opons] hierarchy level:
[edit system internet-options]
source-port upper-limit upper-limit;
is the upper limit of a source port address and can be a value from 5000 through
Congure TCP Opons
Congure ARP Learning and Aging Opons
Conguring Junos OS to Select a Fixed Source Address for Locally Generated TCP/IP Packets
By default, the source address included in locally generated Transmission Control Protocol/IP (TCP/IP) packets, such as FTP trac, and in User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and IP packets, such as Network Time Protocol (NTP) requests, is chosen as the local address for the interface on which the trac is transmied. This means that the local address chosen for packets to a parcular desnaon might change from connecon to connecon based on the interface that the roung protocol has chosen to reach the desnaon when the connecon is established. If mulple equal-cost next hops are present for a desnaon, locally generated packets use the lo0 address as a source.
• To congure the soware to select a xed address to use as the source for locally generated IP packets, include the default-address-selecon statement at the [edit system] hierarchy level:
[edit system]
If you include the default-address-selecon statement in the conguraon, the Junos OS chooses the system default address as the source for most locally generated IP packets. The default address is usually an address congured on the lo0 loopback interface. For example, if you specied that SSH and telnet use a parcular address, but you also have default-address selecon congured, the system default address is used.
Reboong and Halng a Device
To reboot the switch, issue the request system reboot command.
user@switch> request system reboot ?
Possible completions:
<[Enter]> Execute this command
all-members Reboot all virtual chassis members
at Time at which to perform the operation
both-routing-engines Reboot both the Routing Engines
fast-boot Enable fast reboot
hypervisor Reboot Junos OS, host OS, and Hypervisor
in Number of minutes to delay before operation
local Reboot local virtual chassis member
member Reboot specific virtual chassis member (0..9)
message Message to display to all users
other-routing-engine Reboot the other Routing Engine
| Pipe through a command
user@switch> request system reboot
Reboot the system ? [yes,no] (no) yes
Rebooting switch
NOTE: Not all opons shown in the preceding command output are available on all QFX Series,
OCX Series, and EX4600 switches. See the documentaon for the request system reboot command for details about opons.
NOTE: When you issue the request system reboot hypervisor command on QFX10000 switches, the reboot takes longer than a standard Junos OS reboot.
Similarly, to halt the switch, issue the request system halt command.
CAUTION: Before entering this command, you must have access to the switch’s console port in order to bring up the Roung Engine.
user@switch> request system halt ?
Possible completions:
<[Enter]> Execute this command
all-members Halt all virtual chassis members
at Time at which to perform the operation
backup-routing-engine Halt backup Routing Engine
both-routing-engines Halt both Routing Engines
in Number of minutes to delay before operation
local Halt local virtual chassis member
member Halt specific virtual chassis member (0..9)
message Message to display to all users
other-routing-engine Halt other Routing Engine
| Pipe through a command
NOTE: When you issue this command on an individual component in a QFabric system, you will
receive a warning that says “Hardware-based members will halt, Virtual Junos Roung Engines will reboot.” If you want to halt only one member, use the member opon. You cannot issue this command from the QFabric CLI.
Issuing the request system halt command on the switch halts the Roung Engine. To reboot a Roung Engine that has been halted, you must connect through the console.
clear system reboot
request system halt
request system power-o
Connecng a QFX Series Device to a Management Console
Disable Reporng IP Address and Timestamps in Ping Responses


Conguring the Hostname of a Device by Using a Conguraon Group | 8
Mapping the Hostname of the Switch to IP Addresses | 10
Example: Conguring the Name of the Switch, IP Address, and System ID | 10
The hostname of a Junos OS or Junos OS Evolved device is its idencaon. A network device must have its identy established to be accessible on the network. That is perhaps the most important reason to have a hostname, but a hostname has other purposes.
The soware uses the congured hostname as part of the command prompt and to prepend log les and other accounng informaon. The hostname is also used anywhere else when knowing the device identy is important. For these reasons, we recommend hostnames be descripve and memorable.
You can congure the hostname at the [edit system] hierarchy level, a procedure shown in
Device’s Unique Identy for the Network
system] hierarchy level, you can use a conguraon group, as shown in this procedure. This is a recommended best pracce for conguring the hostname, especially if the device has dual Roung Engines. This procedure uses groups called re0 and re1 as an example.
NOTE: Starng with Junos OS Release 13.2R3, if you congure hostnames that are longer than the CLI screen width, regardless of the terminal screen width seng, the commit operaon occurs successfully. Even if the terminal screen width is less than the hostname length, commit is successful.
In Junos OS releases earlier than Release 13.2R3, if you congured such hostnames by using the
width was less than the length of the hostname by using the set cli screen-width statement, a foreign le propagaon (p) failure error message is displayed when you aempt to commit the conguraon. In such a case, because of the p failure, the commit operaon does not complete
the Hostname of a Device by Using a Conguraon Group
Conguring a
. Oponally, instead of conguring the hostname at the [edit
statement at the [edit system] hierarchy level and the the terminal screen
and you cannot recover the router unless you make the modicaon in the backend in the juniper.conf.gz le and commit the change from the shell prompt.
To set the hostname using a conguraon group:
1. Include the host-name statement in the conguraon at the [edit groups
hierarchy level.
The name value must be less than 256 characters.
[edit groups group-name system]
host-name hostname;
For example:
[edit groups re0 system]
root@# set host-name san-jose-router0
[edit groups re1 system]
root@# set host-name san-jose-router1
2. If you used one or more conguraon groups, apply the conguraon groups, substung the
appropriate group names.
For example:
user@host# set apply-groups [re0 re1]
3. Commit the changes.
root@# commit
The hostname subsequently appears in the device CLI prompt.

Mapping the Hostname of the Switch to IP Addresses

To map a hostname of a switch to one or more IP addresses, include the inet statement at the [edit system stac-host-mapping
[edit system]
static-host-mapping {
hostname {
inet [ addresses ];
alias [ aliases ];
] hierarchy level:
is the name specied by the host-name statement at the [edit system] hierarchy level.
For each host, you can specify one or more aliases.
Conguring a DNS Name Server for Resolving Hostnames into Addresses
Conguring a Device’s Unique Identy for the Network
Example: Conguring the Name of the Switch, IP Address, and System ID
The following example shows how to congure the switch name, map the name to an IP address and alias, and congure a system idener:
user@switch# set system host-name switch1
user@switch# set system stac-host-mapping switch1 inet
user@switch# set system stac-host-mapping switch1 alias sj1
user@switch# set system stac-host-mapping switch1 sysid 1921.6800.1077
user@switch# show
system {
host-name switch-sj1;
static-host-mapping {
switch-sj1 {
alias sj1;
sysid 1921.6800.1077;
Understanding and Conguring DNS
DNS Overview | 11
Conguring a DNS Name Server for Resolving Hostnames into Addresses | 12

DNS Overview

DNS Components | 12
DNS Server Caching | 12
A Domain Name System (DNS) is a distributed hierarchical system that converts hostnames to IP addresses. The DNS is divided into secons called zones. Each zone has name servers that respond to the queries belonging to their zones.
This topic includes the following secons:
DNS Components
DNS includes three main components:
• DNS resolver: Resides on the client side of the DNS. When a user sends a hostname request, the resolver sends a DNS query request to the name servers to request the hostname's IP address.
• Name servers: Processes the DNS query requests received from the DNS resolver and returns the IP address to the resolver.
• Resource records: Data elements that dene the basic structure and content of the DNS.
DNS Server Caching
DNS name servers are responsible for providing the hostname IP address to users. The TTL eld in the resource record denes the period for which DNS query results are cached. When the TTL value expires, the name server sends a fresh DNS query and updates the cache.
Conguring the TTL Value for DNS Server Caching
Conguring a DNS Name Server for Resolving Hostnames into Addresses
Domain Name System (DNS) name servers are used for resolving hostnames to IP addresses.
Before you begin, congure your name servers with the hostname and an IP address for your Juniper Networks device. It does not maer which IP address you assign as the address of your device in the name server, as long it is an address that reaches your device. Normally, you would use the management interface IP address, but you can choose the loopback interface IP address, or a network interface IP address, or even congure mulple addresses on the name server.
For redundancy, it is a best pracce to congure access to mulple name servers. You can congure a maximum of three name servers. The approach is similar to the way Web browsers resolve the names of a Web site to its network address. Addionally, the soware enables you to congure one or more domain names, which it uses to resolve hostnames that are not fully qualied (in other words, the domain name is missing). This is convenient because you can use a hostname in conguring and operang the soware without the need to reference the full domain name. Aer adding name server
addresses and domain names to your conguraon, you can use DNS resolvable hostnames in your
conguraons and commands instead of IP addresses.
Oponally, instead of conguring the name server at the [edit system] hierarchy level, you can use a conguraon group, as shown in this procedure. This is a recommended best pracce for conguring the
name server.
Starng in Junos OS Release 19.2R1, you can route trac between a management roung instance and DNS name server. Congure a roung instance at the [edit system name-server
hierarchy level and the name server becomes reachable through this roung instance.
NOTE: This management roung instance opon is not supported for SRX Series devices.
To enable a management roung instance for DNS, congure the following:
user@host# set system management-instance
user@host# set routing-instances mgmt_junos description description
user@host# set system name-server server-ip-address routing-instance mgmt_junos
If you have congured the name server using a conguraon group, use the [edit groups
system name-server] hierarchy level, which is a recommended best pracce for conguring the name
To congure the device to resolve hostnames into addresses:
1. Reference the IP addresses of your name servers.
[edit groups group-name system]
name-server {
The following example shows how to reference two name servers:
[edit groups global system]
user@host# set name-server
user@host# set name-server
user@host# show
name server {;;
2. (Oponal) Congure the roung instance for DNS.
The following example shows how to congure the roung-instance for one of the name servers:
[edit groups global system]
user@host# set name-server roung-instance mgmt_junos
Remember to also congure the following:
management-instance statement at the [edit system] hierarchy level
roung-instance statement at the [edit roung-instances] hierarchy level.
3. (Oponal) Congure the name of the domain in which the device itself is located.
This is a good pracce. The soware then uses this congured domain name as the default domain name to append to hostnames that are not fully qualied.
[edit system]
domain-name domain-name;
The following example shows how to congure the domain name:
[edit groups global system]
user@host# set domain-name
user@host# show
4. (Oponal) Congure a list of domains to be searched.
If your device can reach several dierent domains, you can congure these as a list of domains to be searched. The soware then uses this list to set an order in which it appends domain names when searching for the IP address of a host.
[edit groups global system]
domain-search [ domain-list ];
The domain list can contain up to six domain names, with a total of up to 256 characters.
The following example shows how to congure two domains to be searched. This example congures the soware to search the domain and then the domain and then the domain when aempng to resolve unqualied hosts.
[edit groups global system]
domain-search [ ]
5. If you used a conguraon group, apply the conguraon group, substung global with the
appropriate group name.
user@host# set apply-groups global
6. Commit the conguraon.
user@host# commit
7. Verify the conguraon.
If you have congured your name server with the hostname and an IP address for your device, you can issue the following commands to conrm that DNS is working and reachable. You can either use the congured hostname to conrm resoluon to the IP address or use the IP address of your device to conrm resoluon to the congured hostname.
user@host> show host
user@host> show host
For example:
user@host> show host has address
user@host> show host domain name pointer
name-server (System Services)
Understanding Hostnames
DNSSEC Overview
Congure ICMP Features
Protocol Redirect Messages | 16
Disable the Roung Engine Response to Mulcast Ping Packets | 18
Disable Reporng IP Address and Timestamps in Ping Responses | 18
Congure Junos OS to Ignore ICMP Source Quench Messages | 19
Rate Limit ICMPv4 and ICMPv6 Trac | 20
Rate Limit ICMPv4 and ICMPv6 Error Messages | 20
Learn more about how to congure Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) features.

Protocol Redirect Messages

Understanding Protocol Redirect Messages | 17
Disable Protocol Redirect Messages | 17
ICMP redirect, also known as protocol redirect, is a mechanism used by switches and routers to convey roung informaon to hosts. Devices use protocol redirect messages to nofy the hosts on the same data link of the best route available for a given desnaon. All EX series switches support sending protocol redirect messages for both IPv4 and IPv6 trac.
NOTE: Switches do not send protocol redirect messages if the data packet contains roung informaon.
Understanding Protocol Redirect Messages
Protocol redirect messages inform a host to update its roung informaon and to send packets on an alternate route. Suppose a host tries to send a data packet through a switch S1 and S1 sends the data packet to another switch, S2. Also, suppose that a direct path from the host to S2 is available (that is, the host and S2 are on the same Ethernet segment). S1 then sends a protocol redirect message to inform the host that the best route for the desnaon is the direct route to S2. The host should then send packets directly to S2 instead of sending them through S1. S2 sll sends the original packet that it received from S1 to the intended desnaon.
Refer to RFC-1122 and RFC-4861 for more details on protocol redirecng.
Disable Protocol Redirect Messages
By default, devices send protocol redirect messages for both IPv4 and IPv6 trac. For security reasons, you may want to disable the device from sending protocol redirect messages.
To disable protocol redirect messages for the enre device, include the no-redirects or no-redirects- ipv6 statement at the [edit system] hierarchy level.
• For IPv4 trac:
[edit system]
user@host# set no-redirects
• For IPv6 trac:
[edit system]
user@host# set no-redirects-ipv6
To re-enable the sending of redirect messages on the device, delete the no-redirects statement (for IPv4 trac) or the no-redirects-ipv6 statement (for IPv6 trac) from the conguraon.
To disable protocol redirect messages on a per-interface basis, include the no-redirects statement at the [edit interfaces
• For IPv4 trac:
[edit interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number]
user@host# set family inet no-redirects
• For IPv6 trac:
[edit interfaces interface-name unit logical-unit-number]
user@host# set family inet6 no-redirects
] hierarchy level.
Disable the Roung Engine Response to Mulcast Ping Packets
By default, the Roung Engine responds to ICMP echo requests sent to mulcast group addresses. By conguring the Roung Engine to ignore mulcast ping packets, you can prevent unauthorized persons
from discovering the list of provider edge (PE) devices in the network.
To disable the Roung Engine from responding to these ICMP echo requests, include the no-
multicast-echo statement at the [edit system] hierarchy level:
[edit system]
Disable Reporng IP Address and Timestamps in Ping Responses
When you issue the ping command with the record-route opon, the Roung Engine displays the path of the ICMP echo request packets and the mestamps in the ICMP echo responses by default. By conguring the no-ping-record-route and no-ping-mestamp opons, you can prevent unauthorized persons from discovering informaon about the provider edge (PE) device and its loopback address.
You can congure the Roung Engine to disable the seng of the record-route opon in the IP header of the ping request packets. Disabling the record-route opon prevents the Roung Engine from recording and displaying the path of the ICMP echo request packets in the response.
To congure the Roung Engine to disable the seng of the record route opon, include the no-ping-
record-route statement at the [edit system] hierarchy level:
[edit system]
To disable the reporng of mestamps in the ICMP echo responses, include the no-ping-time-stamp opon at the [edit system] hierarchy level:
[edit system]
Congure Junos OS to Ignore ICMP Source Quench Messages
By default, the device reacts to Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) source quench messages. To ignore ICMP source quench messages, include the no-source-quench statement at the [edit system
internet-options] hierarchy level:
[edit system internet-options]
To stop ignoring ICMP source quench messages, use the source-quench statement:
[edit system internet-options]
Rate Limit ICMPv4 and ICMPv6 Trac
To limit the rate at which ICMPv4 or ICMPv6 messages can be generated by the Roung Engine and sent to the Roung Engine, include the appropriate rate liming statement at the [edit system
internet-options] hierarchy level.
• For IPv4:
[edit system internet-options]
icmpv4-rate-limit bucket-size bucket-size packet-rate packet-rate
• For IPv6:
[edit system internet-options]
icmpv6-rate-limit bucket-size bucket-size packet-rate packet-rate

Rate Limit ICMPv4 and ICMPv6 Error Messages

Why to Rate Limit ICMPv4 and ICMPv6 Error Messages | 21
How to Rate Limit ICMPv4 and ICMPv6 Error Messages | 21
By default, ICMP error messages for non-l-expired IPv4 and IPv6 packets are generated at the rate of 1 packet per second (pps). You can adjust this rate to a value that you decide provides sucient informaon for your network without causing network congeson.
NOTE: For l-expired IPv4 or IPv6 packets, the rate for ICMP error messages is not congurable. It is xed at 500 pps.
Why to Rate Limit ICMPv4 and ICMPv6 Error Messages
An example use case for adjusng the rate limit is a data center providing web services. Suppose this data center has many servers on the network that use jumbo frames with an MTU of 9100 bytes when they communicate to hosts over the Internet. These other hosts require an MTU of 1500 bytes. Unless maximum segment size (MSS) is enforced on both sides of the connecon, a server might reply with a packet that is too large to be transmied across the Internet without being fragmented when it reaches the edge router in the data center.
Because TCP/IP implementaons oen have Path MTU Discovery enabled by default with the dont­fragment bit set to 1, a transit device will drop a packet that is too big rather than fragmenng it. The device will return an ICMP error message indicang the desnaon was unreachable because the packet was too big. The message will also provide the MTU that is required where the error occurred. The sending host should adjust the sending MSS for that connecon and resend the data in smaller packet sizes to avoid the fragmentaon issue.
At high core interface speeds, the default rate limit of 1 pps for the error messages may not be enough to nofy all the hosts when there are many hosts in the network that require this service. The consequence is that outbound packets are silently dropped. This acon can trigger addional retransmissions or back-o behaviors, depending on the volume of requests that the data center edge router is handling on each core-facing interface.
In this situaon, you can increase the rate limit to enable a higher volume of oversized packets to reach the sending hosts. (Adding more core-facing interfaces can also help resolve the problem.)
How to Rate Limit ICMPv4 and ICMPv6 Error Messages
Although you congure the rate limit at the [edit chassis] hierarchy level, it is not a chassis-wide limit. Instead, the rate limit applies per interface family. This means, for example, that mulple physical interfaces congured with family inet can simultaneously generate the ICMP error messages at the congured rate.
NOTE: This rate limit takes eect only for trac that lasts 10 seconds or longer. The rate limit is not applied to trac with a shorter duraon, such as 5 seconds or 9 seconds.
• To congure the rate limit for ICMPv4, use the icmp statement:
[edit chassis]
user@host# set icmp rate-limit
Starng in Junos OS Release 19.1R1, the maximum rate increased from 50 pps to 1000 pps.
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