Juniper MX10008 Quick Start Guide

Quick Start Guide



Quick Start Description | 1

Step 1–Preparing the Site for the MX10008 | 2

Step 2–Unpacking the MX10008 | 4

Step 3–Mounting the router Chassis | 6

Step 4–Installing Line Cards | 14

Step 5–Installing the Front Panel | 17

Step 6–Connecting Power to the Chassis | 19

Step 7–Connecting to the Network | 30

Step 8–Performing Initial Configuration | 31

Safety Warnings Summary | 33


This Quick Start contains information you need to install and configure the MX10008 router. For complete installation instructions, see the MX10008UniversalRoutingPlatformHardwareGuide.

WARNING: This guide contains a subset of MX10008 safety information. For the complete list of safety warnings for the MX10008, see the MX10008UniversalRoutingPlatformHardwareGuide.

Use the following steps to install an MX10008.




Rack-Mounting Requirements | 2

Clearance Requirements | 3

Cooling and Airflow Requirements | 3

The MX10008 router is a rigid sheet-metal router-chassis that houses the other hardware components such as routing and control boards (RCBs), switch fabric boards (SFBs), power supplies, fan trays, and line cards. The router chassis ships inacardboardboxthathasatwo-layerwoodenpalletbase. Therouterchassisisboltedtothepalletbase. Youcaninstall an MX10008 router in a standard 19 in. (483 mm) equipment rack by using the supplied rack-mounting kit and the front-mounting bracket that is attached to the chassis.

Before you install the MX10008, make sure the site meets all of the power, cooling, and clearance requirements. See the site preparation guidelines and power requirements in the MX10008UniversalRoutingPlatformHardwareGuide.


The MX10008 router chassis is designed to be installed in standard 19-in. wide four-post racks that are spaced at 1 U (1.75 in. or 4.45 cm) increments.

You can stack three MX10008 chassis in a four-post rack if:

The rack is 39 U or greater.

The rack meets the strength requirements to support the weight.

The facility can provide adequate power and cooling.

Ensurethattherackrailsarespacedwidelyenoughtoaccommodatetherouterchassis’externaldimensions. Theouter edges of the front-mounting brackets extend the chassis width to 19 in. (48.26 cm).

Ensure that the rack is strong enough to support the weight of the router and cabling.

Ensure that the spacing of rails and adjacent racks allows for proper clearance around the router and rack.



Forthecoolingsystemtofunctionproperly,theairflowaroundthechassismustbeunrestricted.Youmustallowsufficient clearance around the installed chassis for cooling and maintenance (see Figure 1).


24 in. (61 cm)









Clearance required



Front mounting flange

for maintenance

















32.0 in.


(81.3 cm)

flange width)


5.1 in. (13 cm)

Cable management depth

6.1 in. (15.5 cm)

Front panel depth

12 in. (30.5 cm) For airflow

24 in. (61 cm)

Clearance required for maintenance


17.4 in.

(44.2 cm)

7 in. (17.78 cm) Power cable depth

12 in.(30.5 cm) For airflow

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If you are mounting an MX10008 in a rack with other equipment, ensure that the exhaust from other equipment does not blow into the intake vents of the chassis.


The cooling system in an MX10008 chassis consists of dual fan trays and dual fan tray controllers.

The air intake to cool the chassis is located on the port (line card) side of the chassis. Air flows into the chassis from the portsintheRoutingandControlBoards(RCBs)andlinecards,throughtheswitchfabricboards(SFBs),andexitsfromthe fan trays and the power supplies. This airflow is called port-to-FRU cooling or airflow out (AFO). See Figure 2.




Side view


Fan tray controllers

Control boards












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Port s


Follow these guidelines:

For the cooling system to function properly, the airflow around the chassis must be unrestricted.

If you are mounting an MX10008 in a rack with other equipment, ensure that the exhaust from other equipment does not blow into the intake vents of the chassis.

Leave at least 24 in. (61 cm) both in front of and behind the MX10008 for service personnel to remove and install hardware components. To be NEBS GR-3160 compliant, allow at least 30 in. (76.2 cm) in front of the rack and 24 in. (61 cm) behind the rack.


NOTE: Thechassisismaximallyprotectedinsidetheshippingbox.Donotunpackituntilyouarereadytobegin installation.

Ensure that you have the following parts and tools available to unpack the MX10008:

A 13/32 in. (10 mm) open-end wrench or socket wrench to remove the bracket bolts from the shipping pallet

A box cutter or packing knife to slice open the nylon straps and tape that seal the crate and boxes

The chassis ships in a cardboard box that has a two-layer wooden pallet base with foam cushioning between the layers. The router chassis is bolted to the pallet base.

The shipper has the option to either ship the front panel separately or to ship along with the chassis. If the front panel arrives with the chassis, set aside the front panel box until you are ready to verify the contents of the order.


To unpack the chassis (see Figure 3):







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1.Move the shipping box to a staging area as close to the installation site as possible. While the chassis is bolted to the pallet, you can use a forklift or pallet jack to move it. Make sure there is enough space to remove components from the chassis.

2.Position the shipping box with the arrows pointing up.

3.Slice the nylon straps with the box cutter that hold the shipping boxes to the pallet.

4.Lift the shipping box off the chassis.

5.Remove the cardboard accessory box.

6.Remove the foam padding from the top of the box.

7.Remove the plastic cover from the router chassis.

8.Use a 13/32 in. (10 mm) open-end or socket wrench to remove the four sets of bracket bolts that secure the chassis

to the shipping pallet (see Figure 4).

Juniper MX10008 Quick Start Guide



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9.Unpack the accessory box and lay out the contents so that they are ready for use.

10.Verify that your order includes all appropriate parts.

11.Store the brackets and bolts inside the accessory box.

12.Save the shipping box and packing materials in case you need to move or ship the router at a later time.



Installing the Mounting Hardware | 7

Mounting the MX10008 Using a Mechanical Lift | 8

Manually Mounting an MX10008 | 11

To install the MX10008, first install the mounting hardware and then perform one of these two procedures:



Installthemountinghardwareontherackbeforeinstallingtherouter.MX10008comeswithafour-piecesetofmounting brackets that supports the chassis in the rack.

NOTE: Two-post installation racks are not supported.

The four mounting bracket pieces are:

1 left front mounting bracket. The bracket is labeled LEFTFRONT on the side of the bracket that faces the interior of the rack, near the holes for attaching the bracket to the rack.

1 right front mounting bracket. The bracket is labeled RIGHTFRONT on the side of the bracket that faces the interior of the rack, near the holes for attaching the bracket to the rack.

2rearmountingbrackets. Thesebracketsarelabeled REARonthesideofthebracketthatfacestheinterioroftherack, near the holes for attaching the bracket to the rack. The rear brackets are interchangeable; you can use either of the rear brackets with the right or left front-mounting bracket.

Ensure that you have the following parts and tools available to install the mounting brackets:

A Phillips (+) screwdriver, number 1, 2, or 3, depending on the size of your rack-mounting screws

A Phillips (+) screwdriver, number 2, to install the screws that connect the rear-mounting and front-mounting brackets

16 mounting screws appropriate for your rack to attach the 4 mounting bracket pieces to the rack

When you install the mounting brackets, the adjustable portion of the brackets overlap. Use the overlap area to adjust thetotalbracketlengthtofitanyofthefourstandardracksizes:19in. (483mm),23.62in. (600mm),30in. (762mm),or 31.5 in. (800 mm).

To install the mounting brackets in a four-post rack:

1.Remove the mounting brackets from the accessory box.

2.Decide where to place the chassis in the rack. If the rack is empty, mount the router in the lowest possible location. See “Rack-Mounting Requirements” on page 2.

3.Position the left front adjustable mounting bracket at the desired position in the left side of the rack and line up its front screw holes with the holes in the rack. Use four mounting screws appropriate for your rack to attach the left front bracket to the rack.

4.Positiononeoftherearbracketsattheleftrearoftherackonthesamelevelastheleftfrontbracket,sothattherear bracketoverlapswiththeleftfrontbracket.Thescrewholesforconnectingthefrontandrearbracketsshouldoverlap. Use four mounting screws appropriate for your rack to attach the rear bracket to the rack.

5.Connect left front and rear brackets (see Figure 5):

a. Insert six of the screws provided with the mounting brackets into the overlapping bracket holes.


b. Hand-tighten the screws fully (to 12–16 in.-lb torque) using a number 2 Phillips screwdriver.






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1Front-adjustable mounting brackets

2Rear-adjustable mounting brackets

6.Position the right front-adjustable mounting bracket at the desired position in the right side of the rack opposite the installedleftfrontbracket,sothatitisonthesameracklevelastheleftbracket. Iftherightandleftfrontbracketsare not on the same level, the chassis will rest at an angle in the rack instead of resting flat and level. Line up the right bracket's front screw holes with the holes in the rack. Use four mounting screws appropriate for your rack to attach the right front bracket to the rack.

7.Positiontheotherrearbracketattherightrearoftherackonthesamelevelastherightfrontbracket,sothattherear bracketoverlapswiththerightfrontbracket.Thescrewholesforconnectingthefrontandrearbracketsshouldoverlap. Use four mounting screws appropriate for your rack to attach the rear bracket to the rack.

8.Connect the right front and rear brackets (see Figure 5):

a.Insert six of the screws provided with the mounting brackets into the overlapping bracket holes.

b.Tighten the screws fully (to 12–16 in.-lb torque) using a number 2 Phillips screwdriver.


Because of the router's size and weight, we strongly recommend using a mechanical lift to install the MX10008.


CAUTION: Donotinstalllinecardsinthechassisuntilafteryoumountthechassissecurelyonarack or cabinet.

CAUTION: Before mounting the router on a rack or cabinet, have a qualified technician verify that therackorcabinetisstrongenoughtosupporttherouter'sweightandisadequatelysupportedatthe installation site.

Ensure that you have the following parts and tools available to install the router:

A mechanical lift rated for 500 lbs. (226.8 kg)

14 mounting screws appropriate for your rack

A Phillips (+) screwdriver, number 2 or number 3, depending on the size of your rack-mounting screws

CAUTION: Ifyouareinstallingmorethanonerouterinarackorcabinet,installthefirstrouteratthe bottom of the rack.

To install the router using a mechanical lift (see Figure 6):

1.Ensure that the rack or cabinet is placed in its permanent location and is secured to the building. Ensure that the installation site allows adequate clearance for both airflow and maintenance. For details, see “Cooling and Airflow Requirements” on page 3.

2.Load the router onto the lift, making sure it rests securely on the lift platform.



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3.Using the lift, align the router in front of the rack, centering it in front of the mounting brackets.

4.Lift the chassis approximately 0.75 in. (1.9 cm) above the surface of the mounting brackets. Align the chassis as close as possible to the mounting brackets.

5.Carefully slide the chassis onto the adjustable mounting brackets until the front-mounting brackets attached to the chassis contact the rack rails. The mounting brackets ensure that the holes in the front-mounting brackets align with the holes in the rack rails. See Figure 7.



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6.Move the lift away from the rack.

7.Install a mounting screw into each of the open front-mounting holes aligned with the rack, starting from the bottom.

8.Visually inspect the alignment of the router. If the router is installed properly in the rack, all the mounting screws on one side of the rack are aligned with the mounting screws on the opposite side and the router is level.

9.After ensuring that the router is aligned properly, tighten the screws.


If you cannot use a mechanical lift to install the router (the preferred method), you can install it manually.

CAUTION: Thechassisweighsapproximately145lb(66kg)withonlythefantraycontrollersinstalled. Lifting the chassis and mounting it in a rack or cabinet requires at least three people. Make sure the chassis is empty (contains only the backplane) before you lift it.

The chassis has two handles that are designed for subtle positioning of the chassis. Do not lift the chassis by the handles.

CAUTION: Beforefront-mountingtherouterinarack,haveaqualifiedtechnicianverifythattherack is strong enough to support the router's weight and is adequately supported at the installation site.

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