Juniper Midsize Campus Design Using Mist Wired Reference Manual

Juniper Midsize Campus Design Using Mist Wired Reference Manual


Midsize Campus Design Using Mist Wired





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Reference Architecture Midsize Campus Design Using Mist Wired Assurance

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Table of Contents


Overview:MidsizeCampusSolutionUsingMistWiredAssurance | 6

Introduction | 6

Framework | 6

MidsizeCampusSolutionReferenceArchitectureforMistWiredAssurance | 8

Access Module | 8

Wired Access | 8

Wireless Access | 9

Aggregation Module | 10

Edge Module | 11

Edge Firewall | 11

Edge Router | 12

DeployingMidsizeCampuswithMistWiredAssurance | 13

Policy Orchestration | 13

Security | 15

Quality of Service | 15

High Availability | 16

High Availability at Layer 2 | 17

Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) | 17

Virtual Chassis | 18

High availability at Layer 3 | 19

Configure the SRX Series Device | 20

Connecting the SRX and Juniper EX Series Switch | 23

Configure the EX Series Switch in the Juniper Mist Cloud | 27

How to Activate a Brownfield Switch | 29

Troubleshooting | 31

Day 1: Use a Template-Based Configuration with Device and Port Profile | 32

Wireless Configuration on the Juniper Mist Cloud | 43

Additional SSID Configuration | 48


Conclusion | 52



Reference Architecture for a Midsize Campus Using Mist Wired Assurance

Overview: Midsize Campus Solution Using Mist Wired Assurance | 6

Midsize Campus Solution Reference Architecture for Mist Wired Assurance | 8

Deploying Midsize Campus with Mist Wired Assurance | 13





Introduction | 6

Framework | 6


Campus networks are constantly evolving and growing at a rapid rate. No longer merely comprised of homogenousdesktopsandprinters,acampusnowincludesanarrayofIPdevices:phones,JuniperAccess Points, tablets, and more. Knowledge workers can work anywhere, as their access permits. Providing a consistentexperience,regardlessofhoworwheretheuserconnects,canincreasetheoverallproductivity. Organizations must build a network that can provide flexibility while protecting critical data from unauthorized access.


The Juniper Networks Midsize Campus solution is built upon a standard solution architectural approach. Thebaselinearchitectureisbasedonaseriesofbuildingblocks,builtbyJuniperNetworks,thataremeant to address the entire network.

For the Midsize Campus Solution Reference Architecture using Mist Wired Assurance, the following modules are detailed:




Each of the modules take into consideration the following elements and design requirements:

Policy orchestration

Network management



Quality of service (QoS)

High availability (HA) and resiliency

Figure 1 on page 7 illustrates the solution modules and the design considerations described in this reference architecture.


SRX Series Router

Collapsed Core






EX2300/ EX3400 / EX4300

Mist AP








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Access Module | 8

Aggregation Module | 10

Edge Module | 11

The solution reference architecture was designed using a modular approach. Each of the design modules are described in detail in the following sections.


The access module is comprised of:

Wired access

Wireless access


Inacampusnetwork,accessswitchesprovidenetworkconnectivitytoendusersbyconnectingIP-enabled devicessuchasdesktops,phones,andprinters. Accesslayerswitchestypicallyresideinthewiringclosets of each floor in each physical campus facility.

Design recommendations for the access module are:

Portdensity—Neededforclientconnection,aswellasanuplinktotheaggregation/corelayerstoreduce the client-to-uplink oversubscription ratio

Scalability—On a need-to-grow basis to help reduce capital and operating expenditures

Flexibility—Ability to enable port density and scalability regardless of where the physical infrastructure is located

High availability (HA)—Redundant path, always-on power, and nonstop forwarding


Power over Ethernet (PoE)—Ability to enable services to devices such as phones, video endpoints, and JuniperAccessPointswithoutextrapowercabling,reducingcapitalexpendituresandsimplifyingcabling infrastructure

Quality of service (QoS)—Classification, marking, and prioritization of traffic flows

Segmentation—Ability to maintain separation of traffic when needed

Security infrastructure integration—Access control to prevent unauthorized users and devices

Theaccesslayerservesasthepathwaytoallnetworkservices. Thislayerbecomesaprimaryboundaryof access control for security requirements as well. Virtualization capabilities, such as virtual LANs (VLANs) andvirtualrouters,areimportantforsupportingrequiredsegmentationoftheaccesslayernetwork.Virtual chassisprovidestheflexibilityandscalabilitytosupportconnectivitythroughouttheclosetwhilesimplifying management. In addition, integrating network security with unified access control is another important aspect. As a first line of defense, security controls such as broadcast storm control, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) snooping, and Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) spoofing protection should be enabled to prevent service disruption to authorized clients. With increasing use of multicast applications,itisalsoimportanttoconsiderenablingmulticastfeaturessuchasInternetGroupManagement Protocol (IGMP) snooping and Multicast Routing Protocol (MRP) support.


In a campus environment, Juniper Access Points provide network access to end-user devices like access switches. With increased wireless performance and proliferation of mobile devices, wireless connectivity isbecomingtheprimarymodeofaccessonthecampusnetwork.Bothreal-timeandbandwidth-demanding applications are running over wireless networks. However, the user expects the same level of network services(security,QoS,accessibility,andHA)aswithawiredconnection. Wirelessaccessmustberobust and reliable to deliver these demands.

In a Mist enabled wireless LAN (WLAN) design, only the Juniper Access Point is required for access. The Juniper Access Point transmits a radio frequency (RF) signal on a configured set of channels. Wireless clients then associate with the AP to establish a wireless connection. An 802.1Q trunk for the AP to the access switch is configured so that wireless traffic enters the wired network directly on access switches. This WLAN approach can provide comparable performance to a wired connection; however, it is not scalable because each individual Juniper Access Point must be configured manually.

Without a centralized component that can control and store critical information, several challenges can arise.Forinstance,asusersroamfromJuniperAccessPointtoJuniperAccessPoint,theymightexperience servicedisruptions. AsawirelessclientassociateswithaJuniperAccessPoint,thenearestJuniperAccess Point recognizes the client information and establishes a network connection. If the client roams outside the RF coverage of the associated Juniper Access Point, the client will experience a dropped connection and then attempt to re-associate with the next nearest Juniper Access Point. Managing RF spectrum on a per Juniper Access Point basis becomes cumbersome, where one Juniper Access Point might impede uponanotherJuniperAccessPoint’ssignal,orinothercasesnotcarryenoughsignalatall. Roguewireless


devices can also become an issue, since it becomes burdensome to locate when unauthorized wireless clients enter the network without a centralized authentication point.


The aggregation layer aggregates connections and traffic flows from multiple access layer switches and wireless networks to provide high-density connectivity to the campus core.

Design recommendations for the aggregation module are:


High-performance and throughput


Network services integration

QoS support

Full N + 1 or N + N hardware redundancy

Control plane redundancy

Ability to upgrade the software while in-service

Ability to combine physical chassis into a single, logical control plane

Aggregation layer switches must offer high-density ports to provide maximum scalability, along with wire-rateforwardingformaximumthroughput. Also,anon-blockingarchitectureattheaggregationlayer is important to minimize the oversubscription ratio, because a large number of client connections are supportedthroughthesedevices. Therefore,itiscriticaltohaveHAhardwareandsoftwarefeaturesthat deliverreliabilityandrobustness.Fordevice-levelredundancy,theaggregationhardwareshouldbedeployed in pairs. The primary function of the aggregation layer infrastructure is to provide high throughput and non-blocking switching/routing fabric. The dynamic routing protocol support, high-performance control plane, and high-capacity data plane are important features of aggregation layer devices.

Inamidsizeenterprisecampus,theaggregationlayerisnotasdistributedastheaccesslayer,whichmakes it easier to place your security defenses and introduce segmentation using virtual routers or VLANs to containthreats.TrafficcontrolwithQoScapabilities,suchasmultiplequeues,queuecapacity,andintegration help run real-time applications and prioritize critical applications appropriately. For multicast applications support, Multicast Routing Protocol (MRP) and efficient multicast replication techniques are important in aggregation layer devices.

The aggregation switch has the primary responsibility of multiplexing a large set of access ports into a smallersetofportsthatcanbeconsumedbythecoreswitch. Becausetheaggregationswitchmultiplexes ahighnumberofaccessports,thescalerequirementsincreaselinearlyforeveryaccessportitaggregates. Forexample,ifanaccessswitchsupports10,000MACaddressesandtheaggregationswitchconsolidated


100accessswitches,thetotalMACscalerequiredattheaggregationswitchis10,000x100=1,000,000 MAC addresses.


The edge module is the gateway for remote access to the campus network. Also, the edge module aggregates, inspects, and encapsulates all traffic coming in and out of campus core to the Internet. The edge is viewed as the primary path for all campus network egress and ingress.

The edge module is comprised of:

Edge firewall

Edge router


An edge firewall provides perimeter security services such as traffic inspection, access policies, network address translation (NAT), and IPSec. All traffic leaving out of and arriving into the campus must pass through the edge firewall. This is enforced through physically cabling the edge firewall between the edge routers and core switch as well as the capability to permit and deny certain types of traffic.

The edge firewall must address the following security and tunneling considerations:

Ability to create granular firewall filters that can inspect Layer 2 through Layer 4 traffic

Support unicast reverse path forwarding modes: loose, strict, and VRF

Support SSH



To resolve IP address conflicts and bridge IPv6 islands, the edge firewall must support a wide variety of Network Address Translation (NAT) protocols:

Basic NAT44



Twice NAT44


To provide HA and reliable services, edge firewalls support clustering with active/passive failover. In active/passivefailoveronefirewallnoderemainsactiveandhandlesallcontrolplaneprocessinganddata


plane forwarding. In the event of a failure, the secondary node takes over and then becomes the primary node.


An edge router connects the campus network to the service provider for Internet access. HA must be a priority at the edge router, because the router serves as the primary connection between the campus networkandtheInternet.ItisalsoconsideredthefirstlineofdefenseforattackscomingfromtheInternet.

Ability to limit what type of traffic can access the control plane

Abilitytodeterminespecifictypesofingresscontrolplanetrafficandenforcepacketspersecond(PPS) limitations

Ability to police traffic to a certain bandwidth and penalizing excess traffic by changing the forwarding class or simply discarding the traffic

Ability to create granular firewall filters that can inspect Layer 2 through Layer 4 traffic

Support unicast reverse path forwarding (URPF) modes: loose, strict, and VRF

Full N + 1 or N + N hardware redundancy

Control plane redundancy

Ability to upgrade the software while still remaining in-service

Link aggregation

Loop-free alternates

Default gateway redundancy

TherearevariousnetworkprotocolscomingfromtheInternettotheedgerouter. Thefollowingprotocol families must be supported on the edge router:





The edge router must also support widely deployed routing protocols. The following routing protocols must be supported on the edge router:

Static routes










Policy Orchestration | 13

Security | 15

Quality of Service | 15

High Availability | 16

High Availability at Layer 2 | 17

Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) | 17

Virtual Chassis | 18

High availability at Layer 3 | 19

Configure the SRX Series Device | 20

Connecting the SRX and Juniper EX Series Switch | 23

Configure the EX Series Switch in the Juniper Mist Cloud | 27

How to Activate a Brownfield Switch | 29

Troubleshooting | 31

Day 1: Use a Template-Based Configuration with Device and Port Profile | 32

Wireless Configuration on the Juniper Mist Cloud | 43

Additional SSID Configuration | 48

Conclusion | 52


With the proliferation of mobiles devices and ubiquitous Internet availability, employees and guest users needtoconnecttothecampusnetwork,regardlessifwhethertheyareonthepremisesorworkingremotely. Users likewise need connect using corporate devices as well as their own (BYOD), all with the same level


of security and access experience. These requirements demand role-based policy orchestration. Indeed, policy orchestration and access control are two of the more critical elements in delivering a secure infrastructure for the midsize enterprise campus solution because they provide a comprehensive suite of featuresfordeviceconnectivityandsecurity.Whenusersconnecttothenetwork,thepolicyorchestration engine must:

Identify the user and the role of the user.

Authenticate and authorize the user.

Identify whether or not the client device of the user is company-owned or BYOD.

Identify the type of OS running on the client devices (MAC OSX, PC Windows, or other).

Quarantine the device if necessary.

Detect the location of the entry point.

Detect traffic encryption requirements.

Provide accountability of user access (for example, report the number of attempts and success rate).

Likewise, the access control must provide:

Guest access control.

Layer 2 access control (802.1X, MAC authentication).

MAC authorization and device profiling.

Protection against MAC spoofing.

Monitoring and containment of unauthorized connections.

Role-based access control.


This Midsize Campus solution uses Mist Wired Assurance and supports both user parameters and device MACs for access control. Using a mix of user-based and MAC-based authentication methods provides scale, as does the use of a dedicated LDAP back-end server.


fromcorporateusers,so,forexample,theycanenterthenetworkwithoutacorporatedeviceorsupplicant. DUA (Device/User/Application) Profiles determine the number of devices (with MAC association) and number of users including guests. In this example, we assumed guest access users will make up about 10 percent of total users.

UseInterfaceforMetadataAccessPoint(IF-MAP)protocolforsessioninformationtransferstothesecure access server in real time. (IF-MAP is an open standard protocol that communicates information about sessions, roles, access zones, and other elements between clients to the server as a federation.)



active/activehighavailability(notethatactive/passivesetupcanlimitperformance,butyoucanuseload balancing to help scale nonclustered nodes and increase performance.)

You can also use additional services or service modules in the same chassis to support remote access servicesandnetworkaccesscontrol(NAC)policyservicesaspartofanoverallsecuritystrategymanaged by a security management server.


Robust security is important to the campus environment. This includes perimeter security, which must provide stateful firewall protection ingress and egress to the campus network as well as protect all traffic within the various silos of the campus network. Part of the security posture for the solution is also to providerole-basedaccesscontrol(RBAC)tothenetwork,includingAAAinconjunctionwith802.1x,which provides an endpoint access authentication model.

Additional device security should be associated to headless network devices, such as printers and video surveillancecameras,toprovidetheabilitytopreventMACspoofingattemptswiththesetypesofdevices which have the inability to provide traditional AAA credentials.

Access security posture for the Campus solution should allow authenticated endpoints to be dynamically allocated to different VLANs automatically. Activation and transmission of firewall filters and VLAN assignments should be supported on access switches with a policy provided by an authentication server. If the authentication server cannot be reached, switches will support an authorization failed policy, in whichdevicesaresettoanon-authenticatedstate. Authenticatedportswillremainauthenticatedforthe duration of the connected session until the device is disconnected (either physically or logically) or the policy has timed out. The switch ports will also provide a method to grant trusted access to resources, while denying non-authenticated devices or providing only limited access to a remediation service.


Quality of service (QoS) is an essential design category for maintaining application and user real-time performancemonitoring(RPM)andensuringconsistentperformanceofthenetwork.AlthoughtheMidsize Enterprise Campus solution reference architecture is designed for high bandwidth services with gigabit Ethernet or 10GE links, QoS should be considered mandatory for any campus deployment, regardless of bandwidth,foranyinterfaceoraccesspointwiththepotentialforcongestionorcontentionforresources.

QoSpoliciesareimplementedforper-hop-behavior(PHB),meaningthateachdeviceshouldbeconfigured toensureconsistentend-to-endpolicyenforcement.AlthoughQoSpoliciesareimplementedasPHB,QoS


should be considered end-to-end and flow through the entire campus in order to correctly adhere to the RPMs of the specific applications and campus policies.

Figure 2 on page 16 illustrates the QoS classification used in the validated reference architecture.


SRX Series Router

Collapsed Core






















Mist AP






Multifield classifiers



Rewrite Rules




BA Classifiers




Rate Limiting




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QoSpoliciesarefirstestablishedbysettingthetrustboundariesandtherelationshipsofmarkingthetraffic inthecampusnetwork.Forthisreferencearchitecture,trustedrelationships(trustedinter-switchpolicies) areestablishedattheaggregationandcorelayersofthenetwork.Inatrustedrelationship,theclassifications andmarkingsofthetrafficdonotrequirearewriteoraninspection.However,queuingandpolicingpolicies shouldbeconsideredattheingressandegressofallinter-switchlinks.WANpolicies(bothtothecorporate WANandtotheInternet)canbeconstrainedbylowerbandwidthaccesslinks(lessthan100MB)andthus requireaQoSpolicywithqueuingandpolicingappliedtomaintainRPMs . Dependingontheinboundand outbound QoS policy for the campus, WAN links can have different levels of trust associated with the interface.Theaccesslayershouldbeconsidereduntrusted.Attheaccesslayer,QoSaccesspoliciesinclude queuing,policing,classification,marking,andrewritingforingresstraffic.BasedonthecampusQoSpolicy, somedevicesmaybeconsideredtrusted,suchasanIPphone,whichwouldreceiveitsmarkingpolicyfrom the corporate IP PBX. WLAN QoS policies are configured at the WLAN controller, which provides the campus administrator the ability to trust the client DSCP through the wireless connection.

For more information on setting up QoS from the Juniper Mist portal, see: QoS for Switches


Highavailability(HA)andresiliencyisessentialformaintainingconnectivityandavoidingservicedisruption. The expectation in this Midsize Enterprise Campus Solution Reference Architecture is to ensure uninterrupted (sub-second recovery) access, including during voice and video sessions, in the event of

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