Juniper Internet Router M160 Hardware Manual

M160 Internet Router
Hardware Guide
Juniper Networks®, Inc.
1194 North Mathilda Avenue
Sunnyvale, California
Part Numb er : 530-007250-01, Revision 5
This product includes the Envoy SNMP Engine, developed by Epilogue Technology, an Integrated Systems Company. Copyright © 1986-1997, Epi logue Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. This program and its documentation were developed at private expense, and no part of them is in the public domain.
This product includes memory allocation software developed by Mark Moraes, copyright © 1988, 1989, 1993, University of Toronto.
This product includes FreeBSD sof tware developed by the Un iversity of Californ ia, Berkeley, and its contributors. A ll of t he documentation and software included in the 4.4BSD and 4.4BS D-Lite Releases is copyrighted by the Regents of the U niversity of California . Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994. The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
GateD software copyright © 1995, the Regents of the University. All rights reserved. Gate Daemon wa s originated and developed through release
3.0 by Cornell University an d its collaborators. Gat ed is based on Kirton’s EGP, UC Berkeley’s routing daemon (routed), and DCN’s HELLO routing protocol. Development of Gated has been supported in part by the National Scien ce Foundation. Portions of the GateD software copyright © 1988, Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Portions of the GateD software copyright © 1 991, D. L. S. Associates.
This product includes software developed by Maker Com munications, Inc., Copyright © 1996, 1997, Maker Communications, Inc.
Juniper Networks, the Juniper Networks logo, NetScreen, NetScreen Technologies, the NetScreen logo, N et Screen-Global Pro, ScreenOS, and GigaScreen are registered trademarks of Juniper Networks, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
The following are trademarks of Juniper Networks, Inc.: ERX, ESP, E-series, Instant Virtual Extranet, Internet Processor, J2300, J4300, J6300, J-Protect, J-series,J-Web,JUNOS,JUNOScope,JUNOScript,JUNOSe,M5,M7i,M10,M10i,M20,M40,M40e,M160,M320,M-series,MMD,NetScreen-5GT, NetScreen-5XP, NetScreen-5XT, NetScreen-25, NetScreen-50, NetScreen-204, NetScreen-208, NetScreen-500, NetScreen-5200, NetScreen-5400, NetScreen-IDP 10, NetScreen-IDP 100, NetScreen-ID P 500, NetScreen-Remote Secur ity Client, NetScreen-Remote V P N Client, NetScreen-SA 1000 Series, NetScreen-SA 3000 Series, NetScreen-SA 500 0 Series, NetScreen-SA Central Manager, NetScreen Secure Access, NetScreen-SM 3000, NetScreen-Security Manager, NMC-RX, SD X , Stateful Signatu re, T320 , T640, T-series, and TX Matrix. All other tradem ar ks, service marks, registered trademarks, or registered service marks are the property of their respective owners. All specifications are subject to change without notice.
Juniper Networks assumes no responsibility for any inacc u racies in this document. Ju niper Networks reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publication without notice.
Copyright © 2005, Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
M160 Internet Router Hardware Guide
Copyright © 2005, Juniper Ne twor ks, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Writing: Sheila Nolte, Tony Mauro, J erry Isaac Editing: Stella Hackell Illustration: Faith Bradford Cover Design: Edmonds Design
Revision History 25 February 2005—530-007250-01 Revision 5. Correct DC power illustration and replacement procedure. 12 November 2004—530-007250-01 Revision 4. Revised fuse replacement procedure. 30 June 2003—530-007250-01 Revision 3. Corrected and added component information. 15 October 2002—530-007250-01 Revision 2. Incorporated updated technical infor mation; synchronized with M40e I nternet Router Ha rdware G uide. 15 March 2002—530-007250-01 Revision 1. Incorporated updated technical information. 15 October 2001—Incorporated updated technical information. 15 May 2001—Adopted new template. 28 February 2001—Incorporated u pdated technical in form ation. 31 August 2000— Incorporated updated technical information. 31 March 2000—First edit ion.
The information in this document is current as of the date listed in the revision history.
Juniper Networks assumes no respo nsibility for any inaccuracies in this document. Juniper Networks reserves the right to change, mo dify, transfer or otherwise revise this publication without notice.
Products made or sold by Juniper Netw orks (including the ERX-310, ERX-705, ERX-710, ERX-1410, ERX-1440, M5, M7i, M10, M10i, M20, M40, M40e, M160, M320, and T320 routers, T640 routing node, and the JUNOS and SDX -300 software) or c omponents th ereof might be covered by one or more of the following patents that are owned by or licensed to Juniper Networks: U.S. Patent Nos. 5,473,599, 5,905 ,725, 5,909,4 40, 6,192,051, 6,333 ,650, 6,359,479, 6,406,312, 6,429,706, 6,459,579, 6,493,347, 6,538,518, 6,538,899, 6,552,918, 6,567,902, 6,578,186, and 6,590,785.
Juniper Networks h ardware and software products are Year 2000 comp liant. The JUNOS software has no known time-related limitations th rough the year
2038. However, the NTP application is known to have some difficulty in the year 2036.
End User License Agreement
1. The Parties. The parties to this Agreement are Juniper Networks, Inc. and its subsidiaries (collectively "Juniper"), and the person or organization that originally purchased from Juniper or an autho rized Juniper reseller the applicable license(s) for use of the Software ("Customer") (col lectively, the "Parties").
2. The Software. In this Agreement, "Software" means the program modules and features of the Juniper or Juniper-supplied software, and updates and releases of such software, for which Customer has paid the applicable license or support fees to Junipe r or an authorized Jun iper reseller.
3. License Grant. Subject to payment of the applicable fees and the limitations and restrictions set forth herein, Juniper grants to Customer a non-exclusive and non-transferable lic e nse, without right to sublicense, to use the Software, in executable form only, s ubject to the following use restrictions:
a. Customer shall use th e Software solely as embedded in, and for execution on, Jun iper equipment originally p urchased by Customer from Juniper or an authorized Juniper reseller, unless the applica ble Juniper documentation expressly permits installation on non-Juniper equipme nt.
b. Customer shall use the Software on a single hardware chassis having a single processing unit, or as many chassis or processing units for which Cus tomer has paid the applicable licens e fees.
c. Other Juniper documentation for the Software (such as product purchase docu me nts, documents accompanying the product, t he Software user manual(s), Juniper’s website for the Software, or messages displayed by the Software) may spe cify limits to Customer’s use of the Software. Such limits m ay restrict use to a maximum number of seats, co ncur rent users, sessions, subscribers, nodes, or transactions, or require the purchase of separate licenses to us e particular features, functionalities, or capabilities, or provide temporal or geographical limits. Customer’s use of the Software shall be subject to all such limitations and purchase of all applicable licenses.
The foregoing license is not transferable or a ssignable by C us tomer. No license is granted herein to any user wh o did not or iginally purchase the applicable license(s) for the Software from Juniper or an authorized Jun iper reseller.
4. Use Prohibitions. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the license provided herein does not permit the Customer to, and Customer agrees not to and sha ll not: (a) modify, unbundle, reverse engineer, or create derivative works based on the Sof tware; (b) make unauthorized copies of the Software (except as necessary for backup purposes); (c) rent, transfer, or grant any rights in and to any copy of the Software, in any form, to any third party; (d) remove any proprietary notices, labels, or marks on or in any copy of the Software; (e) distribute any copy of the Software to any third party, including as may be embedded in Juniper equipment sold in the second hand market; (f) use any ’locked’ or key-restricted feature, function, or capability without first purchasing the applicable license(s) and obtaining a valid key from Juniper, even if such feature, function, or capability is enabled without a key; (g) dist rib ute any key for the Software provided by Juniper to any third party; (h ) use the Software in any manner that extends or is broader than the uses pu rchased by Customer from Juniper or an authorized Juniper reseller; (i) use the Software on non-Juniper equipment where the Juniper do cumentation does not expressly permit installation on non-Junipe r equipment; (j) use the Soft ware (or make it available for use) on Juniper equipment that the Customer did not originally purchase from Juniper or an auth or ized Juniper reseller; or (k) use the Software in any m anner other t han as expressly provided herein.
5. Audit. Customer shall maintain accurate records as necessary to verify compliance with this Agreement. Upon request by Juniper, Customer shall furnish such records to Juniper and certify its compliance with this Agreement.
6. Confidentiality. The Parties agree that aspects of the Software and associat ed documentation a re the confidential property of Jun iper. As such, Customer shall exercise all reasonable commercial efforts to maintain the Software and associated documentation in confidence, which at a minimum includes restricting a ccess to the Software to Cu stomer employees and contractors having a need to use the Software.
7. Ownership. Juniper and Juniper’s licensors, respectively, retain ownership of all right, title, and interest (including copyright) in and to the Software, associated documentation, and all copies of the Software. Nothing in this Agreem ent constitutes a transfer or conveyance of any right, title, or interest in the Software or associated documentation, or a sale of the Software, associated docume ntation, or copies of the Software.
8. Warranty, Limitation of Liability, Disclaimer of Warranty. If th e Software is distributed on physical media (such as CD), Juniper warrants for 9 0 days from delivery th at the media on which the Software is delivered will be free of defects in material and workmanship under normal use. This limited warranty extends only to the Customer. Except as may be expressly provided in separate documentation from Juniper, no other warranties apply to the Software, and the Software is otherwise provided AS IS. Customer assumes all risks arising from use of the Software. Customer’s sole remedy and Juniper’s entire liability under this li m ited warranty is that Juniper, at its option, will repair o r replace the media containing the Software, or provide a refund, provided that Customer makes a proper warranty claim to Juniper, in writing, within the warranty period. Nothing in this Agreement shall give rise to any obligation to supp ort the Software. Any such support shall be governed by a separate, written agreement. To the maximu m extent permitted by law, Juniper shall not be liable for any liability for lost profits, loss of data or costs or procurement of substitute goods or services, or for any special, indirect, or consequential d amages arising out of this Agreement, the Software, or any Juniper or Juniper-supplied software. I n no event shall Juniper be li able for damages a rising from u nauthorized or improper use of any Juniper or Juniper-supplied software.
9. Termination. Any breach of this Agreement or failure by C ustome r to pay any applicable fees due shall result in automatic termination of the license granted herein. Upon such termination, Customer shall destroy or return to Juniper a ll copies of the Software and related documentation in Customer’s possession o r control.
10. Taxes. All license fees for the Software are exclusive of taxes, withholdings, duties, or levies (collecti vely "Taxes"). Customer shall be responsible for paying Taxes arising from the purchase of the licens e, or importation or use of the Sof twa re.
11. Export. Customer agrees to comply with all applicable export laws and restrictions and regulations of any United States and any applica ble foreign agency or authority, and not to export or re-export the Software or any direct product thereof in violation of any such restrictions, laws o r regulations, or without all n e cess ary approvals. C ustomer shall be liable for any such violations. The version of th e Software supplied to you may contain encryp tion or other capabilities restricting your ability to export the Software without an export license.
12. Commercial C omputer Softw are. The Software is "commercial comput e r software" and is provided with restricted rights. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the United States government is subject to restrictions set forth in this Agreement and as provided in DFARS 227.7201 through 227.7202-4, FAR 12.212, FAR 27.405(b)(2), FAR 52.227-19, or FAR 52.227-14(ALT III) as applicable.
13. Miscellaneous. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without reference to its conflicts of laws principles. For any disputes arising u nder this Agreemen t, the Parties hereby consent to the personal and exclusive jurisdictio n of, and venue in, the state an d federal courts within Santa Clara County, California. This Agreement constitutes t he entire and sole agreement between Jun iper and the C ustome r with respect to the Software, and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements relating to the Software, whether oral or written (including any inconsistent terms contained in a purchase order), except th at the terms of a separate written agreement executed by an authorized Juniper representative an d Customer shall govern to the extent such t e rms are inco ns is tent or conflict with terms contained herein. No modification to this Agreeme nt nor any waiver of any rights hereunder shall be effective u nless expressly assented to in writing by the party to be charged. If any por tio n of this Agreement is held invalid,the Parties agree that such invalidity shall not affect th e validity of the remainder of this Agreement.
If you have any questions about this agreement, co ntact Juniper Networks at the following address:
Juniper Networks, Inc. 11 9 4 N o r t h M a t hi l d a Av e n u e Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA Attn: Contracts Administrato r
Table of Contents
Part 1
About This Guide
Objectives ...... ................ ................ .................. ................ ...xix
Audience.. ................ ................ ................ ................ ...........xix
Documentation Conventions ......................................................xix
List of Technical Publications ... ................ ................ ................ ...xxi
Documentation Feedback........................................................ xxiii
Requesting Support............................................................... xxiii
Product Overview
Chapter 1 System Overview .. 3
System Description...................................................................3
Field-Replaceable Units (FRUs) ....... ................ ................ ...............4
System Redundancy..................................................................4
Safety Requirements, Warnings, and Guidelines...................................5
Chapter 2
Hardware Component Overview .. 7
Packet Forwarding Engine ..........................................................11
Physical Interface Cards (PICs)................................................ 13
PIC Components ..... ................ ................ ................ ..... 14
Flexible PIC Concentrators (FPCs) ............................................ 14
FPC Components............. ................ ................ ............. 16
FPC Types.................................................................. 17
Packet Forwarding Engine Clock Generators (PCGs) ........................ 18
PCG Components ......................................................... 19
Switching and Forwarding Module (SFM) ............... ................ ..... 19
SFM Components ......................................................... 20
Host Module.. ................ ................ ................ .................. ..... 22
Routing Engine.................................................................23
Routing Engine Components............................................. 24
Miscellaneous Control Subsystem (MCS)..................................... 25
MCS Components......................................................... 26
Craft Interface........ ................ ................ ................ ............... 27
Alarm LEDs and Alarm Cutoff/Lamp Test Button............................ 28
LCD and Navigation Buttons ............. ................ ................ ..... 29
LCD Idle Mode............................................................. 29
LCD Alarm Mode.......................................................... 30
Table of Contents v
M160 Internet Router Hardware Guide
Connector Interface Panel (CIP) .. ................ ................ ................ . 32
Power System ....................................................................... 35
Cooling System ..................................................................... 39
Cable Management System..... ................ ................ ................ ... 41
Host Module LEDs .............. ................ ................ ............... 31
FPC LEDs and Offline Button ................................................. 31
Routing Engine Management Ports........................................... 33
BITS Input Ports ................................................................ 34
Alarm Relay Contacts.......................................................... 34
Power Supply................................................................... 36
Circuit Breaker Box ............. ................ ................ ............... 38
Cooling System Components ................................................. 40
Airflow through the Chassis...................................................40
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
JUNOS Internet Software Over view .. 43
Routing Engine Software Components............... ................ ............. 43
Routing Protocol Process ......................................................44
IPv4 Routing Protocols.................................................... 44
IPv6 Routing Protocols.................................................... 46
Routing and Forwarding Tables .......................................... 47
Routing Policy ............................................................. 47
VPNs ............................................................................ 48
Interface Process...................... ................ ................ ......... 49
Chassis Process ................................................................49
SNMP and MIB II Processes ................................................... 49
Management Process..... ................ ................ ................ ..... 49
Routing Engine Kernel......................................................... 49
Tools for Accessing and Configuring the Software ............................... 50
Tools for Monitoring the Software ................................................. 50
Software Upgrades............. ................ ................ ................ ..... 50
System Architecture Overview .. 51
Packet Forwarding Engine Architecture........................................... 51
Data Flow through the Packet Forwarding Engine ....... ................ ... 52
Routing Engine Architecture....................................................... 53
Routing Engine Functions.. .................. ................ ................ . 54
Part 2
Initial Installation
Chapter 5 Preparing for Router Installation .. 59
Rack Requirements .............. ................ ................ ................ ... 59
Clearance Requirements for Airflow and Hardware Maintenance ......... ..... 62
Routing Node Environmental Specifications ...... ................ ............... 62
Fire Safety Requirements .......................................................... 63
vi Table of Contents
Rack Size and Strength ............. ................ ................ ........... 60
Spacing of Mounting Holes.................................................... 61
Connection to Building Structure ........ ................ ................ ..... 62
Table of Contents
Fire Suppression ............................................................... 63
Fire Suppression Equipment .................................................. 64
Power Guidelines, Requirements, and Specifications ............................ 64
Site Electrical Wiring Guidelines.............................................. 65
Distance Limitations for Signaling ....................................... 65
Radio Frequency Interference............................................ 65
Electromagnetic Compatibility .............. ................ ............. 65
Router Power Requirements . ................ .................. ............... 65
Chassis Grounding .............. .................. ................ ............. 67
Power, Connection, and Cable Specifications................................ 67
Network Cable Specifications and Guidelines ... ................ ................ . 70
Fiber Optic and Network Cable Specifications ....... ................ ....... 71
Signal Loss in Multimode and Single-Mode Fiber-Optic Cable ............. 71
Attenuation and Dispersion in Fiber-Optic Cable .. ................ ......... 71
Calculating Power Budget for Fiber-Optic Cable.............................72
Calculating Power Margin for Fiber-Optic Cable............................. 73
Attenuating to Prevent Saturation at SONET/SDH PICs ..................... 74
Routing Engine Interface Cable and Wire Specifications ........................ 74
Site Preparation Checklist.......................................................... 75
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Unpacking the Router.. 77
Tools and Parts Required........................................................... 77
Unpacking the Router .............................................................. 77
Installing the Router Using a Mechanical Lift .. 81
Tools and Parts Required ................... ................ ................ ....... 81
Installing the Chassis Using a Mechanical Lift.................................... 81
Installing the Router without a Mechanical Lift .. 83
Tools and Parts Required ................... ................ ................ ....... 84
Removing Components from the Chassis ........................................ 84
Removing the Power Supplies ....... ................ ................ ......... 86
Removing the Rear Component Cover ....................................... 86
Removing the SFMs... ................ ................ ................ ......... 87
Removing the MCSs ........................................................... 88
Removing the PCGs................. ................ ................ ........... 89
Removing the Routing Engines ............................................... 90
Removing the Rear Upper Impeller Assembly............................... 91
Removing the Rear Lower Impeller Assembly............................... 92
Removing the Fan Tray ........................................................ 93
Removing the FPCs ....... ................ ................ ................ ..... 94
Removing the Front Impeller Assembly ..................................... 96
Installing the Chassis into the Rack ............................................... 97
Reinstalling Components into the Chassis ........................................ 99
Reinstalling the Front Impeller Assembly...................................100
Reinstalling the FPCs ............. ................ ................ ............ 101
Reinstalling the Fan Tray .....................................................102
Reinstalling the Rear Lower Impeller Assembly ............................103
Reinstalling the Rear Upper Impeller Assembly ............................104
Reinstalling the Routing Engines ........ ................ ................ ....105
Reinstalling the PCGs ............. ................ ................ ............106
Reinstalling the MCSs..... ................ ................ ................ ....107
Table of Contents vii
M160 Internet Router Hardware Guide
Reinstalling the SFMs ......... ................ ................ ................ 108
Reinstalling the Rear Component Cover .... ................ ................ 109
Reinstalling the Power Supplies.................... ................ ..........109
Part 3
Connecting the Router and Performing Initial Configuration .. 111
Tools and Parts Required.......................................................... 111
Connecting the Router to Management and Alarm Devices ......... .......... 112
Connecting to a Network for Out-of-Band Management................... 114
Connecting to a Management Console or Auxiliary Device ............... 114
Connecting to an External Alarm-Reporting Device .......................115
Connecting PIC Cables ............................................................ 115
Providing Power to the Router........ ................ ................ ............ 117
Connecting Power to the Router... ................ ................ .......... 117
Powering On the Router...................................................... 119
Configuring the JUNOS Internet Software ......... ................ ..............121
Hardware Maintenance, Replacement, and Troubleshooting Procedures
Chapter 10 Maintaining Hardware Components .. 127
Routine Maintenance Procedures ............ ................ ................ ....127
Maintaining Cooling System Components.......................................127
Maintaining the Air Filter................. ................ ................ ....128
Removing the Air Filter...... ................ ................ ............128
Cleaning the Air Filter ...................................................129
Installing the Air Filter ...................................................129
Maintaining the Fan Tray and Impellers ...................... ..............130
Maintaining Host Module Components..........................................131
Maintaining Packet Forwarding Engine Components......... ................ ..132
Maintaining FPCs ............... ................ ................ ..............133
Maintaining PICs and PIC Cables............................................134
Maintaining the PCGs.........................................................135
Maintaining SFMs ......... ................ ................ .................. ..136
Maintaining Power Supplies .............. ................ ................ ........137
Chapter 11
viii Table of Contents
Replacing Hardware Components.. 139
Tools and Parts Required..........................................................139
Replacing the CIP and Routing Engine Interface Port Cables ...... ............141
Replacing Cooling System Components . ................ ................ ........148
Removing the CIP.............................................................141
Installing the CIP.... ................ ................ ................ ..........143
Replacing Connections to Routing Engine Interface Ports.................145
Replacing the Management Ethernet Cable............................146
Replacing the Console or Auxiliary Cable ...... .................. ......146
Replace Alarm Relay Wires........ ................ ................ ......147
Replacing the Fan Tray ........... ................ ................ ............148
Table of Contents
Removing the Fan Tray ................ ................ ................ ..148
Installing the Fan Tray ...................................................149
Replacing the Front Impeller Assembly............... ................ ......150
Removing the Front Impeller Assembly................................151
Removing the Craft Interface from the Front Impeller Assembly ... .152
Installing the Craft Interface on the Front Impeller Assembly........153
Installing the Front Impeller Assembly............. ................ ....154
Replacing the Rear Lower Impeller Assembly ..............................154
Removing the Rear Lower Impeller Assembly......... ................155
Installing the Rear Lower Impeller Assembly ..........................155
Replacing the Rear Upper Impeller Assembly ..............................156
Removing the Rear Upper Impeller Assembly............... ..........157
Installing the Rear Upper Impeller Assembly ..........................158
Replacing Host Module Components ............................................159
Replacing an MCS.............................................................159
Removing an MCS........................................................159
Installing an MCS............... ................ ................ ..........161
Removing and Insert the PC Card ...........................................163
Removing the PC Card........... ................ ................ ........163
Insert the PC Card........................................................164
Replacing a Routing Engine ..................................................165
Removing a Routing Engine.............................................165
Installing a Routing Engine.. ................ ................ ............168
Replacing Packet Forwarding Engine Components ... ................ ..........169
Replacing an FPC .............................................................169
Removing an FPC ........................................................170
Installing an FPC ......... ................ ................ ................172
Replacing a PCG...............................................................176
Removing a PCG .........................................................176
Installing a PCG...........................................................178
Replacing a PIC ...............................................................179
Removing a PIC .... ................ ................ ................ ......179
Installing a PIC ...........................................................181
Replace PIC Cables ...........................................................185
Removing a PIC Cable ........... ................ ................ ........185
Installing a PIC Cable ....................................................186
Replacing an SFM.............................................................188
Removing an SFM........................................................188
Installing an SFM... ................ ................ ................ ......189
Replace an SFP.............. ................ ................ ................ ..190
Removing an SFP ........................................................190
Installing an SFP..........................................................191
Replacing Power System Components...........................................193
Replacing the Circuit Breaker Box ........... ................ ................193
Removing the Circuit Breaker Box......................................193
Installing the Circuit Breaker Box ............. ................ ..........195
Replacing a Power Supply ....................................................197
Removing a Power Supply............... ................ ................197
Installing a Power Supply................................................199
Disconnecting and Connecting Power ......................................200
Disconnecting Power from the Router.... ................ ..............200
Connecting Power to the Router ...... ................ ................ ..202
Replacing a Fuse..............................................................204
Table of Contents ix
M160 Internet Router Hardware Guide
Chapter 12 Troubleshooting Hardware Components .. 207
Overview of Troubleshooting Resources... ................ ................ ......207
Troubleshooting the Cooling System ......... ................ ................ ....212
Troubleshooting Packet Forwarding Engine Components......................213
Troubleshooting the Power System........... ................ ................ ....215
Command-Line Interface .....................................................207
LEDs ...........................................................................208
LEDs on the Craft Interface..............................................208
LEDs on Hardware Components........ ................ ................209
Chassis and Interface Alarm Messages.. ................ ................ ....209
Blown Fuse Indicators ........................................................ 211
Juniper Networks Technical Assistance Center ... ................ ..........212
Troubleshooting FPCs............... ................ ................ ..........214
Troubleshooting PICs ..... ................ ................ .................. ..215
All LEDs on Both Supplies Are Off................... ................ ........215
All LEDs on One Supply Are Off or LED States Are not Correct...........216
Part 4
Appendix A Safety and Regulatory Compliance Information.. 221
Definition of Safety Warning Levels..............................................221
Safety Guidelines and Warnings ..................................................222
General Safety Guidelines and Warnings............ ................ ........224
Qualified Personnel Warning ................ ................ ............225
Restricted Access Area Warning ........................................225
Preventing Electrostatic Discharge Damage ...........................226
Electrical Safety Guidelines and Warnings ..................................227
General Electrical Safety Guidelines ....................................229
DC Power Electrical Safety Guidelines..................................229
Copper Conductors Warning ...........................................230
DC Power Disconnection Warning......................................231
DC Power Grounding Requirements and Warning.....................232
DC Power Wiring Sequence Warning...................................233
DC Power Wiring Terminations Warning...............................234
Grounded Equipment Warning...................... ................ ....235
In Case of Electrical Accident ...........................................236
Midplane Energy Hazard Warning .......... .................. ..........236
Multiple Power Supplies Disconnection Warning......................236
Power Disconnection Warning ................ ................ ..........237
TN Power Warning .......................................................238
Installation Safety Guidelines and Warnings................................239
Chassis Lifting Guidelines ...............................................239
Installation Instructions Warning ........... ................ ............239
Rack-Mounting Requirements and Warnings ........ ................ ..240
Ramp Warning ..... ................ ................ ................ ......244
Laser and LED Safety Guidelines and Warnings ............................244
General Laser Safety Guidelines.........................................245
Class 1 Laser Product Warning................ ................ ..........245
Class 1 LED Product Warning ..... ................ ................ ......245
x Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Laser Beam Warning................. ................ ................ ....246
Radiation From Open Port Apertures Warning ........................247
Maintenance and Operational Safety Guidelines and Warnings .. .. .. ....247
Battery Handling Warning...............................................248
Jewelry Removal Warning ......... ................ ................ ......249
Lightning Activity Warning .... .................. ................ ........250
Operating Temperature Warning........................................251
Product Disposal Warning...............................................252
Agency Approvals..................................................................253
Compliance Statements for EMC Requirements .............. ................ ..254
European Community ........................................................254
Japan ............. ................ ................ ................ ..............254
United States .... ................ ................ ................ ..............254
Appendix B
Appendix C
Contacting Customer Support and Returning Hardware .. 255
Locating Component Serial Numbers ...... ................ ................ ......255
CIP Serial Number ID Label.... ................ ................ ..............257
Craft Interface Serial Number ID Label......................................257
DC Power Supply Serial Number ID Label .... ................ ..............258
FPC Serial Number ID Label .................................................259
MCS Serial Number ID Label.................................................259
PCG Serial Number ID Label .................................................260
PIC Serial Number ID Label.... ................ ................ ..............260
Routing Engine Serial Number ID Label.....................................261
SFM Serial Number ID Label .................................................262
Contacting Customer Support ....................................................262
Information You Might Need to Supply to JTAC............... ..............263
Return Procedure ..................................................................263
Tools and Parts Required ................... ................ ................ ......264
Packing the Routing Node for Shipment.........................................265
Packing Components for Shipment ...... ................ ................ ........267
Cable Connector Pinouts.. 269
RJ-45 Connector Pinouts for the Routing Engine ETHERNET Port.............269
DB-9 Connector Pinouts for the Routing Engine AUXILIARY and CONSOLE
Ports ................................................................................270
RJ-48 Cable Pinouts for E1 and T1 PICs ....... ................ ................ ..270
X.21 and V.35 Cable Pinouts for EIA-530 PIC ......... ................ ..........273
Fast Ethernet 48-port Cable Pinouts ..... ................ ................ ........274
Part 5
Table of Contents xi
M160 Internet Router Hardware Guide
xii Table of Contents
List of Figures
Figure 1: Front of Chassis ... ................................................. .................... 8
Figure 2: Rear of Chassis with Component Cover in Place ............................ ......... 9
Figure 3: Rear of Chassis with Component Cover Removed .......... ........................ 10
Figure 4: Midplane................................. .............................................. 13
Figure 5: Front of Chassis with Four-PIC FPC Installed in Slot FPC0.......................... 15
Figure 6: FPC1 and FPC2............... ............................................ ............. 18
Figure 7: Packet Forwarding Engine Clock Generator.......................................... 19
Figure 8: Switching and Forwarding Module ...................... ............................. 21
Figure 9: Routing Engine............... ............................................ ............. 25
Figure 10: Miscellaneous Control Subsystem................................................... 27
Figure 11: Craft Interface.......... ........................................... ................... 28
Figure 12: LCD in Idle Mode ................................. ................................... 30
Figure 13: LCD in Alarm Mode......... ............................................ ............. 30
Figure 14: Connector Interface Panel........ ........................................... ........ 33
Figure 15: Routing Engine Interface Ports for Host Module 0 .............................. .. 34
Figure 16: Alarm Relay Contacts and BITS Input Ports ........... ............................. 35
Figure 17: Original Power Supply.................................................. ............. 37
Figure 18: Enhanced Power Supply............................... .............................. 37
Figure 19: Circuit Breaker Box .................................... .............................. 39
Figure 20: Airflow through the Chassis ............................................ ............. 41
Figure 21: Cable Management System ...... ........................................... ........ 41
Figure 22: System Architecture ......................................... ........................ 51
Figure 23: Packet Forwarding Engine Components and Data Flow ........................... 53
Figure 24: Routing Engine Architecture ..................... ................................... 54
Figure 25: Control Packet Handling for Routing and Forwarding Table Updates ........... .. 55
Figure 26: Typical Center-Mount Rack.................................. ........................ 61
Figure 27: Chassis Dimensions and Clearance Requirements................................. 62
Figure 28: Power and Grounding Cable Lug ....................................... ............. 67
Figure 29: Typical Source Cabling to the Router ....................... ........................ 68
Figure 30: Power and Grounding Cable Connections....... ................................... 70
Figure 31: Unpacking the Router ................. .............................................. 79
Figure 32: Removing a Power Supply ............................ .............................. 86
Figure 33: Removing an SFM ................................ ................................... 88
Figure 34: Removing an MCS................ ........................................... ........ 89
Figure 35: Removing a PCG....................................... .............................. 90
Figure 36: Removing a Routing Engine............................ ............................. 91
Figure 37: Removing the Rear Upper Impeller Assembly .. ................................... 92
Figure 38: Removing the Rear Upper Impeller Assembly .. ................................... 92
Figure 39: Removing the Rear Lower Impeller Assembly ........................ ............. 93
Figure 40: Removing the Fan Tray................................................. ............. 94
Figure 41: Removing an FPC................................................. ................... 96
Figure 42: Removing the Front Impeller Assembly.................................... ........ 97
Figure 43: Attaching the Lifting Handle ................................ ........................ 98
Figure 44: Installing the Chassis in a Rack .................. ................................... 99
Figure 45: Reinstalling the Front Impeller Assembly ............................. ............101
Figure 46: Reinstalling an FPC.... ........................................... ..................102
Figure 47: Reinstalling the Fan Tray ......................... ..................................103
Figure 48: Reinstalling the Rear Lower Impeller Assembly....... ............................104
Figure 49: Reinstalling the Rear Upper Impeller Assembly............ .......................105
List of Figu re s xiii
M160 Internet Router Hardware Guide
Figure 50: Rei Figure 51: Rei Figure 52: Rein Figure 53: Rein Figure 54: Rein Figure 55: Rein Figure 56: Rout Figure 57: Rout Figure 58: Conso Figure 59: Attac Figure 60: Conne Figure 61: Removi Figure 62: Removi Figure 63: Instal Figure 64: Removi Figure 65: Install Figure 66: Routing Figure 67: Etherne Figure 68: Serial P Figure 69: Removin Figure 70: Install Figure 71: Removing Figure 72: Removing
nstalling the Rear Upper Impeller Assembly...................................105
nstalling a Routing Engine .................................... ..................106
stalling a PCG ..... ........................................... ..................107
stalling an MCS .............................. ..................................108
stalling an SFM......... ................................................. .......109
stalling a Power Supply................................................. ....... 110
ing Engine Management Ports and Alarm Relay Contacts ........... ....... 113
ing Engine Ethernet Cable Connector ................................. ....... 114
le and Auxiliary Serial Port Connector .......................... ............ 115
hing Cable to a PIC............... ............................................ . 117
cting Power and Grounding Cables .. ....................................... 119
ng the Air Filter............................................................ .129
ng the Filter from the Air Filter Cover.................................... .129
ling the Air Filter............................ ..................................130
ng the CIP ........................... .......................................143
ing the CIP....................... ............................................ .144
Engine Interface Ports and Alarm Relay Contacts ..... ..................145
t Cable Connector............. ............................................ .146
ort Connector.................. .............................................147
g the Fan Tray ...................................... .......................149
ing the Fan Tray . ........................................... ..................150
the Front Impeller Assembly ............................... ............152
the Screws along the Top Front Edge of the Front Impeller
Assembly................ ............................................ .......................153
Figure 73: Removing Figure 74: Installi Figure 75: Removing t Figure 76: Installin Figure 77: Removing t Figure 78: Removing t Figure 79: Installing Figure 80: Installing Figure 81: Removing a Figure 82: Installing Figure 83: Removing th Figure 84: Insert the P Figure85: RemovingaRo Figure 86: Installing a Figure 87: Removing an F Figure 88: Installing a Figure 89: Connecting Fi Figure90: RemovingaPCG Figure 91: Installing a P Figure92: RemovingaPIC Figure 93: Installing a PI Figure 94: Connecting Fib Figure 95: Connecting Fib Figure 96: Removing an SF Figure 97: Installing an S Figure 98: Small Form Fact Figure 99: Removing the Ci Figure 100: Installing th Figure 101: Removing a Powe Figure 102: Rear of Power Su
the Craft Interface .......................... ............................153
ng the Front Impeller Assembly.......... ..................................154
he Rear Lower Impeller Assembly ............. .......................155
g the Rear Lower Impeller Assembly .............................. .......156
he Rear Upper Impeller Assembly ........ ............................157
he Rear Upper Impeller Assembly ........ ............................158
the Rear Upper Impeller Assembly ......... ............................158
the Rear Upper Impeller Assembly ......... ............................159
n MCS .......... ................................................. .......161
an MCS ................................. ..................................162
e PC Card ...................................... .......................164
C Card .......... ............................................ ............165
uting Engine................................. .......................167
Routing Engine....... ........................................... .......169
PC............................................ .......................172
n FPC.................................. ..................................175
ber-Optic Cable to a PIC ..................... .......................176
............................. .......................................177
CG .. ............................................ .......................179
.............................. .......................................181
C.................... ........................................... .......184
er-Optic Cable to a PIC ..................... .......................184
er-Optic Cable to a PIC ..................... .......................187
M .......... ............................................ ............189
FM ............................................ .......................190
or Pluggable (SFP) ......... .......................................190
rcuit Breaker Box..................... ............................195
e Circuit Breaker Box.......... .......................................197
r Supply ...................................... ..................198
pply Showing Midplane Connectors............... ............199
xiv List of Figures
List of Figures
Figure 103: Installing a Power Supply .................................. .......................200
Figure 104: Disconnecting Power Cables.......................... ............................202
Figure 105: Connecting Power and Grounding Cables. .......................................204
Figure 106: Fuse Locations in the Fuse Box ....................................... ............206
Figure 107: Fuse Locations in the Fuse Box ............ ....................................... 211
Figure 108: Placing a Component into an Electrostatic Bag................ ..................227
Figure 109: Serial Number ID Label ......................... ..................................256
Figure 110: CIP Serial Number ID Label ..................................... ..................257
Figure 111: Craft Interface Serial Number ID Label ......... ..................................258
Figure 112: DC Power Supply Serial Number ID Label................................. .......258
Figure 113: FPC Serial Number ID Label .......................................... ............259
Figure 114: MCS Serial Number ID Label............................................... .......260
Figure 115: PCG Serial Number ID Label .............. .......................................260
Figure 116: PIC Serial Number ID Label ..................... ..................................261
Figure 117: Routing Engine 333 Serial Number ID Label... ..................................261
Figure 118: Routing Engine 600 Serial Number ID Label... ..................................262
Figure 119: SFM Serial Number ID Label ................................... ..................262
Figure 120: EIA-530 PIC..... ................................................. ..................273
Figure 121: Fast Ethernet 48-port PIC....... ........................................... .......275
Figure 122: VHDCI to RJ-21 Cable ................................ .............................275
List of Figures xv
M160 Internet Router Hardware Guide
xvi List of Figures
List of Tables
Table 1: Notice Icons ......................... ........................................... ........ xx
Table 2: Text and Syntax Conventions............................ .............................. xx
Table 3: Juniper Networks Technical Documentation ...... ...................................xxi
Table 4: Field-Replaceable Units ............................. .................................... 4
Table 5: Chassis Physical Specifications ..................................... ................... 11
Table 6: States for PCG LEDs ..................................... .............................. 19
Table 7: States for SFM LEDs................................. ................................... 22
Table 8: States for MCS LEDs ........................... ........................................ 27
Table 9: Alarm LEDs and Alarm Cutoff/Lamp Test Button .................................. .. 29
Table 10: States for Host Module LEDs ...................... ................................... 31
Table 11: States for FPC LEDs ..................... ............................................ ..32
Table 12: States for Power Supply LEDs .................... ................................... 37
Table 13: Electrical Specifications for Power Supply ................................... ........ 38
Table 14: Spacing of Holes on Front Support Post and Center-Mounting Bracket ............ 61
Table 15: Routing Node Environmental Specifications ................ ........................ 63
Table 16: Component Power Requirements ................ ................................... 66
Table 17: DC Power and Grounding Cable Specifications...................................... 69
Table 18: Estimated Values for Factors Causing Link Loss ....... ............................. 73
Table 19: Cable and Wire Specifications for Routing Engine Management and Alarm
Interfaces ................................ ........................................... ........ 75
Table 20: Site Preparation Checklist .............................. .............................. 75
Table 21: Generic Inventory of Router Components Installed in Chassis ..................... 79
Table 22: Router Component Weights ............ ............................................ .. 83
Table 23: FPC Removal Checklist ............................ ................................... 94
Table 24: Tools and Parts Required .......................... ..................................140
Table 25: Fuse Specifications............................................ .......................206
Table 26: Chassis Alarm Messages........................... ..................................209
Table 27: SONET/SDH Interface Alarm Messages............................................. 210
Table 28: RJ-45 Connector Pinout.................................................. ............269
Table 29: DB-9 Connector Pinout...... ............................................ ............270
Table 30: RJ-48 Connector to RJ-48 Connector (Straight) Pinout . ............................270
Table 31: RJ-48 Connector to RJ-48 Connector (Crossover) Pinout...........................271
Table 32: RJ-48 Connector to DB-15 Connector (Straight) Pinout ............................272
Table 33: RJ-48 Connector to DB-15 Connector (Crossover) Pinout................... .......272
Table 34: DB-25 Connector to V.35 Connector Pinout ................. .......................273
Table 35: DB-25 Connector to DB-15 (X.21) Connector Pinout............. ..................274
Table 36: RJ-21 Pin Assignments.. ........................................... ..................275
List of Tables xvii
M160 Internet Router Hardware Guide
xviii List of Tables
About This Guide
Objectives on page xix
Audience on page xix
Documentation Conventions on page xix
List of Technical Publications on page xxi
Documentation Feedback on page xxiii
Requesting Support on page xxiii
This manual describes hardware installation and basic troubleshooting procedures for the Juniper Networks M160 Internet router. It explains how to prepare your site for router installation, unpack and install the hardware, power on the router, perform initial software configuration, and perform routine maintenance. After completing the installation and basic configuration procedures covered in this manual, refer to the JUNOS Internet software configuration guides for information about further JUNOS software configuration.
NOTE: For additional information about Juniper Networks Internet routers and the Physical Interface Cards (PICs) they support—either corrections to or information that might have been omitted from this guide—see the hardware release notes at
This guide is designed for network administrators who are installing and maintaining a Juniper Networks router or preparing a site for router installation. To use this guide, you need a broad understanding of networks in general, the Internet in particular, networking principles, and network configuration. Any detailed discussion of these concepts is beyond the scope of this guide.
Documentation Conventions
Table 1 defines the notice icons used in this guide.
Documentation Conventions xix
M160 Internet Router Hardware Guide
Table 1: Notice Icons
Icon Meaning Description
Informational note Indicates important features or
Indicates a situation that might result in loss of data or hardware damage.
War ning
Alerts you to the risk of personal injury or death.
Table 2 defines the text and syntax conventions used in this guide.
Table 2: Text and Syntax Conventions
Convention Description Examples
Represents text that you type. T o enter configuration mode, type the
Bold sans serif typeface
Fixed-width typeface
Italic typeface
Italic sans serif typeface
Sans serif typeface Represents names of configuration
< > (angle brackets) Enclose optional keywords or variables. stub <default-metric metric >;
Represents output that appears on the terminal screen.
Introduces important new terms.
Identifies book names.
Identifies RFC and Internet draft titles.
Represents variables (options for which you subst configuration statements.
statements, commands, files, and directories; IP addresses; configuration hierarchy levels; or labels on routing platform components.
Indicates a choice between the mutually exclusive keywords or variables on either side of the symbol. The set of choices is often enclosed in parentheses for clarity.
itute a value) in commands or
configure command:
user@host> configure
user@host> show chassis alarms No alarms currently active
Apolicy term is a named structure that defines match conditions and actions.
JUNOS System Basics
Configuration Guide
RFC 1997, BGP Communities Attribute
Configure the machine’s domain name:
[edit] root@# set system domain-name
To configure a stub area, include the stub statement at the [edit protocols ospf area area-id] hierarchy level.
The console port is labeled
broadcast | multicast
( string1 | string2 | string3 )
xx Documentation Conventions
Convention Description Examples
# (pound sign) Indicates a comment specified on the
[](squarebrackets) Encloseavariableforwhichyoucan
Indention a nd braces ( { } )
; (semicolon) Identifies a leaf statement at a
J-Web GUI Conventions
Bold typeface Represents J-Web graphical user
same line as the configuration statement to which it applies.
substitute one or more values.
Identify a level in the configuration hierarchy.
configuration hierarchy level.
interface (GUI) items you click or select.
rsvp { # Required for dynamic MPLS only
community name members [ community-ids ]
[edit] routing-options {
static {
route default {
In the Logical Interfaces box, select All Interfaces.
About This Guide
nexthop address ; retain;
> (bold right angle bracket) Separates levels in a hierarchy of J-Web
List of Technical Publications
Table 3 lists the software and hardware guides and release notes for Juniper Networks routing platforms that use the JUNOS Internet software and describes the contents of each book.
Table 3: Juniper Networks Technical Documentation
Book Description
JUNOS for J-series, M-series, and T-series Routing Platforms Configuration Guides
Feature Guide
System Basics
Network Interfaces and Class of Service
MPLS Applications
Provides a several of the most complex features in the JUNOS software.
Provides an overview of the JUNOS software and describes how to install and upgrade the software. This manual also describes how to configure system management functions and how to configure the chassis, including user accounts, passwords, and redundancy.
Provides an overview of the network interface and class-of-service functions of the JUNOS software and describes how to configure the network interfaces on the router.
Provides an overview of traffic engineering concepts and describes how to configure traffic engineering protocols.
detailed explanation and configuration examples for
To cancel the configuration, click Cancel.
In the configuration editor hierarchy, select Protocols>Ospf.
List of Technical Publications xxi
M160 Internet Router Hardware Guide
Book Description
Multicast Protocols
Network Management
Policy Framework
Routing Protocols
Services Interfaces
JUNOS References
Network and Services Interfaces Command Reference
Protocols, Class of Service, and System Basics Command Reference
System Log Messages Reference
JUNOScript API D ocumentation
JUNOScript API Guide
JUNOScript API Configuration Reference
JUNOScript API Operational Reference
JUNOS Comprehensive Index a nd Glossar y
Comprehensive Index and Glossary
Hardware Documentation
Hardware Guide
PIC Guide
JUNOScope Documentation
JUNOScope Software User Guide
Provides an overview of multicast concepts and describes how to configure multicast routing protocols.
Provides an overview of network management concepts and describes how to configure various network management features, such as SNMP, accounting options, and cflowd.
Provides an overview of policy concepts and describes how to configure routing policy, firewall filters, and forwarding options.
Provides an overview of routing concepts and describes how to configure routing, routing instances, and unicast routing protocols.
Provides an overview of the services interfaces functions of the JUNOS software and describes how to configure the services interfaces on the router.
Provides an overview and describes how to configure Layer 2 and Layer 3 virtual private networks (VPNs), virtual private LAN service (VPLS), and Layer 2 circuits. Provides configuration examples.
Describes the JUNOS Internet software operational mode commands you use to monitor and troubleshoot network and services interfaces on Juniper Networks routing platforms.
Describes the JUNOS Internet software operational mode commands y
ou use to monitor and troubleshoot most aspects of
Juniper Networks routing platforms.
Describes how to access and interpret system log messages generated by JUNOS software modules and provides a reference page for each message.
Describes how to use the JUNOScript application programming interface (API) to monitor and configure Juniper Networks routers.
Provides reference pages for the configuration tags in the JUNOScript API.
Provides reference pages for the operational tags in the JUNOScript API.
Provides a complete index of all JUNOS Internet software books and the JUNOScript API Guide. Also provides a comprehensive glossary .
Describes how to install, maintain, and troubleshoot routers and router components. Each platform has its own hardware guide.
Describes the router Physical Interface Cards (PICs). Each router platform has its own PIC guide.
Describes the JUNOScope software graphical user interface (GUI), how to install and administer the software, and how to use the
are to manage router configuration files and monitor router
softw operations.
xxii List of Technical Publications
Book Description
J-series Services Router Documentation
J-series Services Router User Guide
Release Notes
JUNOS Internet Software Release Notes
Hardware Release Notes
JUNOScope Software Release Notes
J-series Services Router Release Notes
Contains instructions for installing, configuring, and managing a J-series Services Router. The guide explains how to prepare your site for installation, unpack and install the hardware, power on the router, configure secure routing, monitor network operations, and perform routine maintenance.
Provide a summary of new features for a particular software release. Software release notes also contain corrections and updates to published JUNOS and JUNOScript manuals, provide information that might have been omitted from the manuals, and describe upgrade and downgrade procedures.
Describe the available documentation for the router platform and summarize known problems with the hardware and accompanying software. Each platform has its own release notes.
Contain corrections and updates to the published JUNOScope manual, provide information that might have been omitted from the manual, and describe upgrade and downgrade procedures.
Briefly describe Services Router features, identify known hardware problems, and provide upgrade and downgrade instructions
About This Guide
Documentation Feedback
We encourage you to provide feedback, comments, and suggestions so that we can improve the documentation. You can send your comments to, or fill out the documentation feedback form at If you are using e-mail, be
sure to include the following information with your comments:
Document name
Document part number
Page number
Software release version
Requesting Support
For technical support, open a support case using the Case Manager link at or call 1-888-314-JTAC (within the United States) or
1-408-745-9500 (outside the United States).
Requesting Support xxiii
M160 Internet Router Hardware Guide
xxiv Requesting Support
Part 1
Product Overview
System Overview on page 3
Hardware Component Overview on page 7
JUNOS Internet Software Overview on page 43
System Architecture Overview on page 51
Product Overview 1
2 Product Overview
Chapter 1
System Overview
This chapter provides an overview of the Juniper Networks M160 Internet router, discussing the following topics:
System Description on page 3
Field-Replaceable Units (FRUs) on page 4
System Redundancy on page 4
Safety Requirements, Warnings, and Guidelines on page 5
System Description
The M160 Internet router is a complete routing system that provides SONET/SDH, ATM, Ethernet , and channelized interfaces for large networks and network applications, such as those supported by Internet service providers (ISPs). Application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs), a definitive part of the router design, enable the router to forward data at the high speeds demanded by current network media.
The router accommodates up to eight Flexible PIC Concentrators (FPCs), which can each be configured with a variety of network media types, altogether providing up to 32 OC-12/STM-4, 32 OC-48/STM-16, or eight OC-192/STM-64 ports per system. The router height of 35 in. (89 cm) enables stacked installation of two M160 systems in a single floor-to-ceiling rack, for increased port density per unit of floor space.
The router’s maximum aggregate throughput is 160 gigabits per second (Gbps) simplex or 80 Gbps full duplex. The router provides very high throughput for any combination of Physical Interface Cards (PICs) that does not exceed 3 Gbps on an FPC1 or 10 Gbps on an FPC2. A combination that exceeds these numbers is supported, but constitutes oversubscription.
The router architecture cleanly separates control operations from packet forwarding operations, which helps to eliminate processing and traffic bottlenecks. Control operations in the rout er are performed by the Routing Engine, which runs JUNOS Internet software to handle routing protocols, traffic engineering, policy, policing, monitoring, and configuration management. Forwarding operations in the router are performed by t he Packet Forwarding Engine, which consists of hardware , including ASICs, designed by Juniper Networks.
System Description 3
M160 Internet Router Hardware Guide
Field-Replaceable Units (FRUs)
Field-replaceable units (FRUs) are router components that can be replaced at the customer site. Replacing most FRUs requires minimal router downtime. The router uses the following types of FRUs:
Hot-removableandhot-insertableFRUs—Youcanremoveandreplacethese components without powering down the router or disrupting the routing functions.
Hot-pluggable FRUs—You can remove and replace these components without powering down the router, but the routing functions of the system are interrupted when the component is removed.
Table 4 lists the FRUs for the M160 router.
Table 4: Field-Replaceable Units
Hot-Removable and Hot-Insert
Air filter
Fan tray (located behind the cable management system)
Flexible PIC Concentrator (FPC)
Physical Interface Card (PIC)
Power supply
Small form factor pluggable (SFP)
able FRUs
For FRU replacement instructions, see “Replacing Hardware Components” on page 139.
System Redundancy
The router is designed so that no single point of failure can cause the entire system to fail. The following hardware components contribute to system redundancy:
Miscellaneous Control Subsystem (MCS)
Packet Forwarding Engine Clock Generator (PCG)
Routing Engine
Switching and Forwarding Module (SFM)
ble FRUs
FRUs That Require Powering Down the Rou
Circuit breaker box
Connector Interface Panel (CIP)
Cooling system—When the temperature inside the router is below the acceptable maximum, the cooling system’s components function at less than full speed. If the temperature becomes excessive—for example, because a cooling system component is removed—the MCS automatically increases the speed of the remaining components t o reduce the temperature. The cooling
4 System Redundancy
System Overview
system can function at the higher speed indefinitely. For more information, see Cooling System on page 39.
Host module (Routing Engine and MCS functioning together)—The router can have one or two host modules. If two host modules are installed, one (the master) is active and the other is in standby mode. If the master host module (or either of its components) is removed from the chassis, the standby host module becomes active. The Routing Engine and MCS must reside in adjacent slots and be fully operational for the host module to function. For more information, see Host Module on page 22.
PCG—The router has two PCGs. Both PCGs send their clock s ignals to the other Packet Forwarding Engine components, along with a signal that indicates which clock is the master. If one PCG fails, the other PCG becomes the master system clock. For more information, see “Packet Forwarding Engine Clock Generators (PCGs)” on page 18.
Power supply—The router has two load-sharing, fully redundant power supplies to distribute DC power to the other components. If one power supply fails, the second power supply can provide full power to the router’s components indefinitely. For more information, see Power System on page 35.
SFM—The router can have up to fo ur interconnected SFMs. If one SFM fails, the switching and forwarding functions of the failed module are distributed among the remaining SFMs. Total bandwidth is reduced by 1/ n ,where n is the total number of SFMs installed in the router. For example, in a system with four S FMs, each SFM provides one-fourth of the forwarding capacity. For more information, see “Switching and Forwarding Module (SFM)” on page 19.
In the base configuration, the router has one host module and multiple SFMs, PCGs, power supplies, and cooling system components.
Safety Requirements, Warnings, and Guidelines
To avoid harm to yourself or the router as you install and maintain it, you need to follow the guidelines for working with and near electrical equipment, as well as the safety procedures for working with Internet routers. For a discussion of how to make the installation site a safe environment, see “Preparing for Router Installation” on page 59. For a list of safety warnings, see “Safety and Regulatory Compliance Information” on page 221 and particularly “Electrical Safety Guidelines and Warnings” on page 227. However, pr oviding an exhaustive set of guidelines for working with electrical equipment is beyond the scope of this manual.
Safety Requirements, Warnings, and Guidelines 5
M160 Internet Router Hardware Guide
6 Safety Requirements, Warnings, and Guidelines
+ 282 hidden pages