Implementation Support
Service Description Document – October 2010
Table of Contents
1.Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 2
2.Eligibility and Purchasing ............................................................................................................... 2
3.Service Features and Deliverable Description ............................................................................... 2
4.Customer Responsibilities ............................................................................................................. 2
5.Availability ...................................................................................................................................... 3
6.Scope ............................................................................................................................................. 3
7.Glossary ......................................................................................................................................... 3
© Juniper Networks, Inc. 1
Implementation Support - Service Description Document – October 2010
1. Introduction
Implementation Support Services (“Services”) are described in this Services Description for Services delivered by Juniper Networks to Juniper Care Plus customer or Juniper Operate Specialist (“Customer”).
Juniper Networks’ Implementation Support Services provide remote engineering assistance on critical network changes such as migration, software upgrades, and feature rollout. The Juniper Networks engineer will work with Customer to identify the information about the network change implementation via knowledge transfer and will be able a ssist by analyzing events experienced during the change and providing recommendations.
2. Eligibility and Purchasing
Services are available only to End User who holds a valid Juniper Care Plus contract or Juniper Operate Specialist who holds a valid Advanced Partner Support contract or Advanced Customer Support contract. Services may be purchased using consulting credits.
3. Service Features and Deliverable Description
As part of the Services, Juniper Networks will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide Customer with the followin g:
3.1. Network Change Implementation Support
Juniper Networks engineers are available during the network change implementation window to assist the Customer with any questions, concerns or experienced problems during the implementation.
Assign a designated Juniper Networks engineer to address any question, concern or issue raised by the Customer during network change implementation.
Diagnose and troubleshoot remotely on unforeseen issues that may happen during implementation if escalated by the Customer.
Recommend solutions to any identified issues and provide support for any proposed solution implementation.
Transition any outstanding issues to Service manager for follow-up and escalation to engineering and Juniper
Networks technical support teams following change control maintenance window.
3.2. Post Network Change Review
Juniper Networks engineers discuss the network change with the Customer to assess the success and possible ar eas of improvement following changes if appropriate.
Setup and coordinate a post network change review with the Customer to discuss the network change compared with the original goal and agree changes to the plan for future changes if the review highlights areas requiring additional change.
4. Customer Responsibilities
Juniper Networks’ obligation to provide the applicable Services is conditional upon Customer meeting the following obligations. The provision of the Services assumes that Customer will:
4.1. Provide remote connection to their network to enable Juniper Networks engineer to provide diagnostic on
potential issues escalated during implementation.
4.2. Provide a written notification at least fourteen days (14 days) in advance of the network change.
4.3. Contact the designated Service Manager to confirm the Juniper Networks resource availability to support the
scheduled implementation.
990336 – October 2010 Juniper Networks, Inc.
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