Juniper EX9208 Hardware Guide

EX9208 Switch Hardware Guide




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The information in this document is current as of the date on the title page.


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Table of Contents

AbouttheDocumentation | xiv

Documentation and Release Notes | xiv

Using the Examples in This Manual | xiv

Merging a Full Example | xv

Merging a Snippet | xvi

Documentation Conventions | xvi

Documentation Feedback | xix

Requesting Technical Support | xix

Self-Help Online Tools and Resources | xx

Creating a Service Request with JTAC | xx


EX9208SystemOverview | 22

EX9208 Switch Hardware Overview | 22

Benefits | 23

Software | 23

Chassis Physical Specifications | 23

Host Subsystem | 24

Line Cards | 25

Cooling System | 26

Power Supplies | 26

EX9208 Switch Configurations | 27

EX9208 Switch Hardware and CLI Terminology Mapping | 30

Chassis Physical Specifications of an EX9208 Switch | 35

Field-Replaceable Units in an EX9200 Switch | 38

EX9208Chassis | 40

Understanding EX9208 Switch Component and Functionality Redundancy | 40

Craft Interface in an EX9200 Switch | 42

Host Subsystem LEDs | 44

Fan LEDs | 44


Power Supply (PEM) LEDs | 45

Switch Fabric LEDs and Control Buttons | 45

Line Card LEDs and Control Buttons | 46

Alarm LEDs and Alarm Cutoff Button | 46

Alarm Relay Contacts | 47

Midplane in an EX9200 Switch | 48

Cable Management Brackets in an EX9208 Switch | 50

EX9208CoolingSystem | 51

Fan Tray | 51

Airflow Direction in the EX9208 Switch Chassis | 52

EX9208PowerSystem | 53

AC Power Supply in an EX9208 Switch | 53

AC Power Supply Description | 54

AC Power Supply Configurations | 55

AC Power Supply Specifications for EX9208 Switches | 56

AC Power Cord Specifications for an EX9208 Switch | 57

AC Power Supply LEDs in an EX9208 Switch | 59

DC Power Supply in an EX9208 Switch | 60

DC Power Supply Description | 61

DC Power Supply Configurations | 61

DC Power Supply Specifications for EX9208 Switches | 62

DC Power Supply LEDs in an EX9208 Switch | 63

Power Requirements for EX9200 Switch Components | 64

EX9200HostSubsystem | 65

Host Subsystem in an EX9200 Switch | 66

Routing Engine Module in an EX9200 Switch | 67

Routing Engine Module LEDs in an EX9200 Switch | 70

Switch Fabric Module in an EX9200 Switch | 73

Switch Fabric Module LEDs in an EX9200 Switch | 76

EX9200-SF3 Module in an EX9200 Switch | 77

EX9200-SF3 Components and Features | 78

EX9200-SF3 LEDs | 79

EX9200-SF3 Fabric Bandwidth Performance and Redundancy | 79


EX9200-SF3 Maximum Power Consumption per Ambient Temperature and CB Slot | 81

Interoperability with Existing Hardware | 82

EX9200-SF3 Unsupported Functions and Capabilities from Legacy Swith Fabric

Modules | 83

EX9200LineCards | 83

Line Card Model and Version Compatibility in an EX9200 Switch | 84

EX9200-2C-8XS Line Card | 87

Line Card Models | 87

Line Card Components | 88

EX9200-4QS Line Card | 89

Line Card Models | 89

Line Card Components | 90

EX9200-6QS Line Card | 90

Line Card Models | 90

Line Card Components | 91

EX9200-MPC Line Card | 93

Line Card Models | 93

Line Card Components | 94

EX9200-12QS Line Card | 96

Line Card Models | 97

Line Card Components | 98

EX9200-15C Line Card | 99

Line Card Models | 99

Line Card Components | 101

EX9200-15C Power Requirements | 101

EX9200-15C LEDs | 102

Cables and Connectors | 102

EX9200-32XS Line Card | 103

Line Card Models | 103

Line Card Components | 104

EX9200-40T Line Card | 104

Line Card Models | 104

Line Card Components | 105


EX9200-40F Line Card | 106

Line Card Models | 106

Line Card Components | 107

EX9200-40F-M Line Card | 107

Line Card Models | 107

Line Card Components | 108

EX9200-40XS Line Card | 109

Line Card Models | 109

Line Card Components | 110

Line Card LED in an EX9200 Switch | 111

Network Port LEDs on Line Cards in an EX9200 Switch | 111

Modular Interface Card LED in an EX9200 Switch | 112

Configuring Rate Selectability on an EX9200-12QS Line Card to Enable Different Port

Speeds | 113

Configuring Rate Selectability at the PIC Level | 113

Configuring Rate Selectability at the Port Level | 115


SitePreparationChecklistforanEX9208Switch | 119

EX9208SiteGuidelinesandRequirements | 120

Environmental Requirements and Specifications for EX Series Switches | 121

General Site Guidelines | 126

Site Electrical Wiring Guidelines | 126

Clearance Requirements for Airflow and Hardware Maintenance for an EX9208 Switch | 127

Rack Requirements | 129

Cabinet Requirements | 130

Power Requirements for EX9200 Switch Components | 131

Grounding Cable and Lug Specifications for EX9200 Switches | 133

Grounding Points Specifications for an EX9200 Switch | 133

Grounding Cable Lug Specifications for an EX9200 Switch | 134


Grounding Cable Specifications for an EX9200 Switch | 134

EX9200NetworkCableandTransceiverPlanning | 135

Pluggable Transceivers Supported on EX9200 Switches | 135

Understanding EX Series Switches Fiber-Optic Cable Signal Loss, Attenuation, and

Dispersion | 136

Signal Loss in Multimode and Single-Mode Fiber-Optic Cable | 136

Attenuation and Dispersion in Fiber-Optic Cable | 137

Calculating the Fiber-Optic Cable Power Budget for EX Series Devices | 138

Calculating the Fiber-Optic Cable Power Margin for EX Series Devices | 138

EX9200ManagementCableSpecificationsandPinouts | 140

Management Cable Specifications | 140

Console Port Connector Pinout Information | 141

USB Port Specifications for an EX Series Switch | 142

RJ-45 Management Port Connector Pinout Information | 142

RJ-45 to DB-9 Serial Port Adapter Pinout Information | 143


UnpackingandMountingtheEX9208Switch | 145

Unpacking the EX9200 Switch | 145

Unpacking a Line Card Used in an EX9200 Switch | 147

Parts Inventory (Packing List) for an EX9208 Switch | 148

Register Products—Mandatory to Validate SLAs | 150

Installing and Connecting an EX9208 Switch | 151

Installing a Mounting Shelf in a Rack or Cabinet for an EX9208 Switch | 151

Moving the Mounting Brackets for Center-Mounting an EX9200 Switch | 154

Mounting an EX9200 Switch on a Rack or Cabinet Using a Mechanical Lift | 156

Mounting an EX9208 Switch on a Rack or Cabinet Without Using a Mechanical Lift | 160

ConnectingtheEX9208toPower | 162

Connect Earth Ground to an EX Series Switch | 162

Parts and Tools Required for Connecting an EX Series Switch to Earth Ground | 163

SpecialInstructionstoFollowBeforeConnectingEarthGroundtoanEXSeriesSwitch | 167


Connecting Earth Ground to an EX Series Switch | 168

Connecting AC Power to an EX9208 Switch | 169

Powering On an AC-Powered EX9200 Switch | 171

Connecting DC Power to an EX9208 Switch | 173

Powering On a DC-Powered EX9200 Switch | 178

ConnectingtheEX9200toExternalDevices | 180

Connecting an EX9200 Switch to a Network for Out-of-Band Management | 180

Connecting an EX9200 Switch to a Management Console or an Auxiliary Device | 181

Connecting the EX9200 Switch to an External Alarm-Reporting Device | 183

ConnectingtheEX9200totheNetwork | 184

Install a Transceiver | 184

Connect a Fiber-Optic Cable | 187

ConfiguringJunosOSontheEX9200 | 188

EX9200 Switch Default Configuration | 188

Connecting and Configuring an EX9200 Switch (CLI Procedure) | 189


RoutineMaintenanceProceduresforEX9200Switches | 195

MaintainingtheEX9200CoolingSystem | 195

Removing a Fan Tray from an EX9200 Switch | 195

Installing a Fan Tray in an EX9200 Switch | 197

Maintaining the Fan Tray in EX9200 Switches | 199

Maintaining the Air Filter in EX9200 Switches | 202

MaintainingtheEX9208PowerSystem | 202

Removing an AC Power Supply from an EX9208 Switch | 203

Installing an AC Power Supply in an EX9208 Switch | 205

Removing a DC Power Supply from an EX9208 Switch | 206

Installing a DC Power Supply in an EX9208 Switch | 209

Maintaining Power Supplies in EX9200 Switches | 210

MaintainingtheEX9200HostSubsystem | 211

Taking the Host Subsystem Offline in an EX9200 Switch | 212

Removing an RE Module from an EX9200 Switch | 213


Installing an RE Module in an EX9200 Switch | 215

Upgrading an EX9200-SF to an EX9200-SF2 | 217

Preparing the EX9200 Switch for an EX9200-SF2 Upgrade | 217

Powering Off the Switch | 218

Removing a Routing Engine from an EX9200-SF Module | 218

Replacing the EX9200-SF with the EX9200-SF2 | 218

Installing a Routing Engine into an EX9200-SF2 | 219

Powering On the Switch | 219

Completing the EX9200-SF2 Upgrade | 220

Upgrading to an EX9200-SF3 | 221

Preparing the EX9200 Switch for an EX9200-SF3 Upgrade | 222

Powering Off the Switch | 222

Removing a Routing Engine from an SF Module | 222

Replacing the EX9200-SF or EX9200-SF2 with the EX9200-SF3 | 223

Installing a Routing Engine into an EX9200-SF3 | 223

Powering On the Switch | 223

Completing the EX9200-SF3 Upgrade | 224

Removing an SF Module from an EX9200 Switch | 225

Installing an SF Module in an EX9200 Switch | 227

Maintaining the Host Subsystem in EX9200 Switches | 230

MaintainingtheEX9200LineCards | 234

Handling and Storing Line Cards | 235

Holding a Line Card | 235

Storing a Line Card | 239

Maintaining Line Card Cables | 240

Unpacking a Line Card Used in an EX9200 Switch | 240

Removing a Line Card from an EX9200 Switch | 241

Installing a Line Card in an EX9200 Switch | 244

Removing a MIC from an EX9200-MPC Line Card | 246

Installing a MIC in an EX9200-MPC Line Card | 249

MaintainTransceivers | 254

Remove a Transceiver | 255

Remove a QSFP28 Transceiver | 258


Install a Transceiver | 260

Install a QSFP28 Transceiver | 262

MaintainingAlarmRelayWire | 264

Disconnecting the Alarm Relay Wires from the Craft Interface in an EX9200 Switch | 264

Connecting the Alarm Relay Wires to the Craft Interface in an EX9200 Switch | 265

MaintainFiber-OpticCables | 266

Connect a Fiber-Optic Cable | 267

Disconnect a Fiber-Optic Cable | 268

How to Handle Fiber-Optic Cables | 268

MaintainingtheEX9208CableManagementBrackets | 269

Installing Cable Management Brackets on an EX9208 Switch | 269

Removing Cable Management Brackets from an EX9208 Switch | 271

RemovinganEX9208fromaRackorCabinet | 271

Powering Off an EX9200 Switch | 271

Removing an EX9200 Switch from a Rack or Cabinet Using a Mechanical Lift | 272

Removing an EX9208 Switch from a Rack or Cabinet Without Using a Mechanical Lift | 273


TroubleshootingEX9200Components | 277

Troubleshooting the Cooling System in an EX9200 Switch | 277

Troubleshooting Power Supplies in an EX9200 Switch | 278

Troubleshooting Line Cards in EX9200 Switches | 279

Troubleshooting Traffic Drops on EX9200-6QS Line Cards | 282

Understand Alarm Types and Severity Levels on EX Series Switches | 282

Chassis Component Alarm Conditions on EX9200 Switches | 284

Backup Routing Engine Alarms | 289

Monitor System Log Messages | 291

Troubleshoot Temperature Alarms in EX Series Switches | 296



ReturninganEX9208ChassisorComponents | 302

Returning an EX9200 Switch or Component for Repair or Replacement | 302

Locating the Serial Number on an EX9208 Switch or Component | 303

Listing the Switch and Components Details with the CLI | 303

Locating the Serial Number ID Label on an EX9200 Switch Chassis | 306

Locating Serial Number ID Labels on FRU Components | 307

Contact Customer Support to Obtain Return Material Authorization | 310

Packing an EX9200 Switch or Component | 310

Packing an EX9200 Switch | 311

Packing EX9200 Switch Components for Shipping | 312


GeneralSafetyGuidelinesandWarnings | 316

DefinitionsofSafetyWarningLevels | 317

QualifiedPersonnelWarning | 320

WarningStatementforNorwayandSweden | 321

FireSafetyRequirements | 321

Fire Suppression | 321

Fire Suppression Equipment | 321

InstallationInstructionsWarning | 323

ChassisandComponentLiftingGuidelines | 323

RestrictedAccessWarning | 325

RampWarning | 327

Rack-MountingandCabinet-MountingWarnings | 328

GroundedEquipmentWarning | 334


RadiationfromOpenPortAperturesWarning | 335

LaserandLEDSafetyGuidelinesandWarnings | 336

General Laser Safety Guidelines | 336

Class 1 Laser Product Warning | 337

Class 1 LED Product Warning | 338

Laser Beam Warning | 339

MaintenanceandOperationalSafetyGuidelinesandWarnings | 339

Battery Handling Warning | 341

Jewelry Removal Warning | 342

Lightning Activity Warning | 344

Operating Temperature Warning | 345

Product Disposal Warning | 347

GeneralElectricalSafetyGuidelinesandWarnings | 348

ActiontoTakeAfteranElectricalAccident | 349

PreventionofElectrostaticDischargeDamage | 350

ACPowerElectricalSafetyGuidelines | 351

ACPowerDisconnectionWarning | 353

DCPowerElectricalSafetyGuidelines | 354

DCPowerDisconnectionWarning | 355

DCPowerGroundingRequirementsandWarning | 357

DCPowerWiringSequenceWarning | 359

DCPowerWiringTerminationsWarning | 362

MultiplePowerSuppliesDisconnectionWarning | 365

TNPowerWarning | 366

AgencyApprovalsforEXSeriesSwitches | 366


Switches | 367


ComplianceStatementsforEMCRequirementsforEXSeriesSwitches | 368

Canada | 368

Taiwan | 369

European Community | 369

Israel | 370

Japan | 370

Korea | 370

United States | 371

FCC Part 15 Statement | 371

Nonregulatory Environmental Standards | 371

ComplianceStatementsforAcousticNoiseforEXSeriesSwitches | 372




Documentation and Release Notes | xiv

Using the Examples in This Manual | xiv

Documentation Conventions | xvi

Documentation Feedback | xix

Requesting Technical Support | xix

Use this guide to install hardware and perform initial software configuration, routine maintenance, and troubleshootingfortheEX9208switch.Aftercompletingtheinstallationandbasicconfigurationprocedures covered in this guide, refer to the Junos OS documentation for information about further software configuration.


To obtain the most current version of all Juniper Networks® technical documentation, see the product documentation page on the Juniper Networks website at

Iftheinformationinthelatestreleasenotesdiffersfromtheinformationinthedocumentation,followthe product Release Notes.

Juniper Networks Books publishes books by Juniper Networks engineers and subject matter experts. These books go beyond the technical documentation to explore the nuances of network architecture, deployment, and administration. The current list can be viewed at


If you want to use the examples in this manual, you can use the loadmerge or the loadmergerelative command. These commands cause the software to merge the incoming configuration into the current candidateconfiguration.Theexampledoesnotbecomeactiveuntilyoucommitthecandidateconfiguration.


If the example configuration contains the top level of the hierarchy (or multiple hierarchies), the example is a fullexample. In this case, use the loadmerge command.

If the example configuration does not start at the top level of the hierarchy, the example is a snippet. In thiscase,usetheloadmergerelative command.Theseproceduresaredescribedinthefollowingsections.


To merge a full example, follow these steps:

1.From the HTML or PDF version of the manual, copy a configuration example into a text file, save the file with a name, and copy the file to a directory on your routing platform.

For example, copy the following configuration to a file and name the file ex-script.conf. Copy the ex-script.conf file to the /var/tmp directory on your routing platform.

system { scripts {

commit {

file ex-script.xsl;




interfaces { fxp0 {

disable; unit 0 {

family inet {






2.Merge the contents of the file into your routing platform configuration by issuing the loadmerge configuration mode command:


user@host# loadmerge/var/tmp/ex-script.conf load complete



To merge a snippet, follow these steps:

1.From the HTML or PDF version of the manual, copy a configuration snippet into a text file, save the file with a name, and copy the file to a directory on your routing platform.

For example, copy the following snippet to a file and name the file ex-script-snippet.conf. Copy the ex-script-snippet.conf file to the /var/tmp directory on your routing platform.

commit {

file ex-script-snippet.xsl; }

2.Movetothehierarchylevelthatisrelevantforthissnippetbyissuingthefollowingconfigurationmode command:


user@host# editsystemscripts

[edit system scripts]

3.Merge the contents of the file into your routing platform configuration by issuing the loadmerge relative configuration mode command:

[edit system scripts]

user@host# loadmergerelative/var/tmp/ex-script-snippet.conf load complete

For more information about the load command, see CLI Explorer.


Table 1 on page xvii defines notice icons used in this guide.








Informational note

Indicates important features or instructions.



Indicates a situation that might result in loss of data or hardware






Alerts you to the risk of personal injury or death.


Laser warning

Alerts you to the risk of personal injury from a laser.



Indicates helpful information.


Best practice

Alerts you to a recommended use or implementation.

Table 2 on page xvii defines the text and syntax conventions used in this guide.






Represents text that you type.

To enter configuration mode, type



the configure command:



user@host> configure

Fixed-width text like this


Represents output that appears on the terminal screen.

Introducesoremphasizesimportant new terms.

Identifies guide names.

Identifies RFC and Internet draft titles.

user@host> showchassisalarms

No alarms currently active

A policy term is a named structure that defines match conditions and actions.


RFC 1997, BGPCommunities Attribute


Table2:TextandSyntaxConventions (continued)




Represents variables (options for


which you substitute a value) in


commands or configuration




Configure the machine’s domain name:


root@# setsystemdomain-name domain-name


Represents names of configuration


statements, commands, files, and


directories; configuration hierarchy


levels; or labels on routing platform



To configure a stub area, include the stub statement at the [edit protocolsospfareaarea-id] hierarchy level.

The console port is labeled


< > (angle brackets)

Encloses optional keywords or



| (pipe symbol)

Indicates a choice between the


mutually exclusive keywords or




The set of choices is often enclosed


in parentheses for clarity.

stub<default-metric metric>;


(string1 | string2 | string3)

# (pound sign)

[ ] (square brackets)

Indention and braces ( { } )

; (semicolon)



same line as the configuration


statement to which it applies.




substitute one or more values.

community-ids ]

Identifies a level in the configuration



routing-options {


static {

Identifies a leaf statement at a

route default {

configuration hierarchy level.

nexthop address;











Table2:TextandSyntaxConventions (continued)






Represents graphical user interface



(GUI) items you click or select.




To cancel the configuration, click




> (bold right angle bracket)

Separates levels in a hierarchy of



menu selections.

select Protocols>Ospf.


We encourage you to provide feedback so that we can improve our documentation. You can use either of the following methods:

Online feedback system—Click TechLibrary Feedback, on the lower right of any page on the Juniper Networks TechLibrary site, and do one of the following:

Click the thumbs-up icon if the information on the page was helpful to you.

Click the thumbs-down icon if the information on the page was not helpful to you or if you have suggestions for improvement, and use the pop-up form to provide feedback.

E-mail—, URL or page number, and software version (if applicable).


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EX9208 System Overview | 22

EX9208 Chassis | 40

EX9208 Cooling System | 51

EX9208 Power System | 53

EX9200 Host Subsystem | 65

EX9200 Line Cards | 83




EX9208 Switch Hardware Overview | 22

EX9208 Switch Configurations | 27

EX9208 Switch Hardware and CLI Terminology Mapping | 30

Chassis Physical Specifications of an EX9208 Switch | 35

Field-Replaceable Units in an EX9200 Switch | 38



Benefits | 23

Software | 23

Chassis Physical Specifications | 23

Host Subsystem | 24

Line Cards | 25

Cooling System | 26

Power Supplies | 26

Juniper Networks EX9208 Ethernet Switches provide high performance, scalable connectivity, and carrier-classreliabilityforhigh-densityenvironmentssuchascampus-aggregationanddata-centernetworks. The EX9208 switch has a throughput of up to 4.8 terabits per second (Tbps) or up to 240 gigabits per second (Gbps) per slot full duplex. The EX9208 switch is a modular system that provides high availability and redundancy for all major hardware components, including Routing Engine modules (RE modules), Switch Fabric modules (SF modules), fan tray (redundant fans), and power supplies.

You can manage EX9208 switches by using the same interfaces that you use for managing other devices running the Juniper Networks Junos operating system (Junos OS)—the CLI, the Network and Security Manager (NSM), and Junos Space.



Simplifiednetworkarchitecture—EX9208switchesdeliverasimple,secure,virtualizednetworkenvironment that increases business agility. They are ideal for simplifying campus, data center, and combined campus and data center network environments by collapsing network layers. In a multichassis link aggregation (MC-LAG)configurationinthecampus,youcanuseEX9208switchestoeliminateSpanningTreeProtocol (STP); they collapse the core and aggregation layers, thereby simplifying the network architecture and networkoperations.Inadatacenter,youcanuseEX9208switchestocollapsecoreandaggregationlayers. Incombinedcampusanddatacenterenvironments,EX9208switchesconsolidatenetworklayerstosimplify the network architecture and operations.

MACsecsupport—EX9200-40F-MandEX9200-40XSlinecardsandEX9200-20F-MICforEX9200-MPC line card supports IEEE 802.1AE MACsec with AES-256 bit encryption, ensuring link-layer data confidentiality, data integrity, and data origin authentication.


JuniperNetworksEXSeriesEthernetSwitchesrunJunosOS,whichprovidesLayer2andLayer3switching, routing, and security services.


The EX9208 switch is eight rack units (8 U) in size. Five EX9208 switches can fit in a standard 48 U rack. Each EX9208 switch is designed to optimize rack space and cabling. See Figure 1 on page 23,

Figure 2 on page 24, and Figure 3 on page 24.


Craft interface panel

Front-mounting flange

ESD point




Line cards



<![if ! IE]>



Air intake

Juniper EX9208 Hardware Guide





Switching and routing functionality, system management, and system control functions of an EX9208 switchareperformedbythehostsubsystem.ThehostsubsystemconsistsofaRoutingEnginefunctioning together with a Switch Fabric.


You can install either one or two host subsystems in the slots labeled 0 and 1 in the front panel of the chassis.Abase-configurationEX9208switchhasonehostsubsystem.Aredundant-configurationEX9208 switchhasasecondhostsubsystem.Formoreinformation,see“EX9208SwitchConfigurations”onpage27.


TheEX9208switchhassixhorizontallinecardslotsandsupportslinerateforeachlinecard.Thelinecards in EX9208 switches combine a Packet Forwarding Engine and Ethernet interfaces in a single assembly. Line cards are field-replaceable units (FRUs) that you can install in the line card slots—labeled 0 through 5—onthefrontoftheswitchchassis.Alllinecardsarehot-removableandhot-insertable.Table3onpage25 lists the line cards available for EX9208 switches.




Additional Information


A line card with two 100-Gigabit

“EX9200-2C-8XS Line Card” on page 87


Ethernet ports and eight 10-Gigabit



Ethernet ports



A line card with four 40-Gigabit

“EX9200-4QS Line Card” on page 89


Ethernet ports



A line card with six 40-Gigabit

“EX9200-6QS Line Card” on page 90


Ethernet ports and 24 10-Gigabit



Ethernet ports



A modular line card that accepts any

“EX9200-MPC Line Card” on page 93


of the following MICs:












A line card with six 40-Gigabit

“EX9200-12QS Line Card” on page 96


Ethernet rate-selectable ports, each



of which can house transceivers



line card with 15 rate-selectable

“EX9200-15C Line Card” on page 99


ports. All ports can operate at



10-Gbps, 25-Gbps, 40-Gbps, or



100-Gbps speeds



A line card with 32 10-Gigabit

“EX9200-32XS Line Card” on page 103


Ethernet ports



Table3:LineCardsAvailableforEX9208Switches (continued)




Additional Information


A line card with 40

“EX9200-40T Line Card” on page 104


10/100/1000BASE-T ports that



support RJ-45 connectors



A line card with 40 1-Gigabit

“EX9200-40F Line Card” on page 106


Ethernet ports



A line card with 40 1-Gigabit

“EX9200-40F-M Line Card” on page 107


Ethernet ports with Media Access






A line card with 40 10-Gigabit

“EX9200-40XS Line Card” on page 109


Ethernet ports with Media Access






each of which can house 10-gigabit



small form-factor pluggable plus



(SFP+) transceivers



The cooling system in an EX9208 switch is a field-replaceable unit (FRU). It consists of a hot-removable andhot-insertablefantray. Thefantraycontainssixfans. Thefantrayinstallsverticallyontherightback of the chassis and provides side-to-side chassis cooling. See “EX9208 Cooling System” on page 51.


Power supplies for the EX9208 switch are fully redundant, load-sharing, and hot-removable and hot-insertable FRUs. Each EX9208 switch chassis can hold up to four AC or DC power supplies.

Table 4 on page 26 shows the details of the power supplies available for EX9208 switches.


Power Supply

Input Voltage

Output Power

2520 W AC

Low-voltage line (100–120 VAC)

1167 W


High-voltage line (200–240 VAC)

2050 W

2400 W DC

–40 VDC through –70 VDC

2400 W to 2600 W


A base-configuration EX9208 switch ships with three low-line (100–120 VAC) or two high-line (200–240 VAC) AC power supplies. An AC-powered, redundant-configuration EX9208 switch ships with fourlow-line(100–120VAC)orfourhigh-line(200–240VAC)ACpowersupplies. See “ACPowerSupply in an EX9208 Switch” on page 53.

A DC-powered, redundant-configuration EX9208 switch ships with four DC power supplies. See “DC Power Supply in an EX9208 Switch” on page 60.

CAUTION: Do not mix AC and DC power supplies in the same chassis.


Table5onpage27 liststhehardwareconfigurationsforanEX9208switch—base(AC)andredundant(AC and DC versions)—and the components included in each configuration.


Switch Configuration


(base configurationwith 2520 W AC power supplies)


First Junos OS

Configuration Components


Chassis with craft interface and midplane


One EX9200-SF3 module

One EX9200-RE2 module

One fan tray

Three 2520 W AC power supplies

Blank panels for the line card slots

Blank panel for the empty power supply slot


Chassis with craft interface and midplane


(redundant configuration with

Two EX9200-SF3 modules


Two EX9200-RE2 modules


2520 W AC power supplies)


One fan tray

Four 2520 W DC power supplies

Blank panels for line card slots


Table5:EX9208SwitchHardwareConfigurations (continued)




First Junos OS

Switch Configuration

Configuration Components



Chassis with craft interface and midplane


(redundant configuration with

Two EX9200-SF3 modules


Two EX9200-RE2 modules


2520 W AC power supplies)


One fan tray

Four 2520 W AC power supplies

Blank panels for line card slots


(base configuration with 2520 W AC power supplies)

Chassis with craft interface and midplane


One EX9200-SF2 module

One EX9200-RE2 module

One fan tray

Three 2520 W AC power supplies

Blank panels for the line card slots

Blank panel for the empty power supply slot


Chassis with craft interface and midplane


(redundant configuration with

Two EX9200-SF2 modules


Two EX9200-RE2 modules


2520 W AC power supplies)



One fan tray



Four 2520 W DC power supplies



Blank panels for line card slots



Chassis with craft interface and midplane


(redundant configuration with

Two EX9200-SF2 modules


Two EX9200-RE2 modules


2520 W AC power supplies)


One fan tray

Four 2520 W AC power supplies

Blank panels for line card slots


Table5:EX9208SwitchHardwareConfigurations (continued)



First Junos OS

Switch Configuration

Configuration Components



(base configuration with 2520 W AC power supplies)

Chassis with craft interface and midplane


One EX9200-SF2 module

One EX9200-RE module

One fan tray

One air filter kit

Three 2520 W AC power supplies

One EX9200-SF module cover panel

Six line card cover panels

Blank panels for empty power supply slots


Chassis with craft interface and midplane


(redundant configuration with

Two EX9200-SF2 modules


Two EX9200-RE modules


2520 W AC power supplies)



One fan tray



One air filter kit



Four 2520 W AC power supplies



Six line card cover panels



Chassis with craft interface and midplane


(redundant configuration with

Two EX9200-SF2 modules


Two EX9200-RE modules


2400 W DC power supplies)


One fan tray

One air filter kit

Four 2400 W DC power supplies

Six line card cover panels


(base configuration with 2520 W AC power supplies)

Chassis with craft interface and midplane


One EX9200-SF module

One EX9200-RE module

One fan tray

One air filter kit

Three 2520 W AC power supplies

One EX9200-SF module cover panel

Six line card cover panels

Blank panels for empty power supply slots


Table5:EX9208SwitchHardwareConfigurations (continued)




First Junos OS

Switch Configuration

Configuration Components



Chassis with craft interface and midplane


(redundant configuration with

Two EX9200-SF modules


Two EX9200-RE modules


2520 W AC power supplies)



One fan tray



One air filter kit



Four 2520 W AC power supplies



Six line card cover panels



Chassis with craft interface and midplane


(redundant configuration with

Two EX9200-SF modules


Two EX9200-RE modules


2400 W DC power supplies)


One fan tray

One air filter kit

Four 2400 W DC power supplies

Six line card cover panels

NOTE: You can install up to six line cards (in any combination) in the switch.

NOTE: Line cards are not part of the base or redundant configuration. You must order them separately.

NOTE: Power cords and additional power supplies (AC or DC) must be purchased separately.


This topic describes the hardware terms used in EX9208 switch documentation and the corresponding terms used in the Junos OS CLI. See Table 6 on page 31.

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