Juniper EX8208 Hardware Guide

EX8208 Switch Hardware Guide




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The information in this document is current as of the date on the title page.


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Table of Contents

AbouttheDocumentation | xiii

Documentation and Release Notes | xiii

Using the Examples in This Manual | xiii

Merging a Full Example | xiv

Merging a Snippet | xv

Documentation Conventions | xv

Documentation Feedback | xviii

Requesting Technical Support | xviii

Self-Help Online Tools and Resources | xix

Creating a Service Request with JTAC | xix


EX8208SystemOverview | 21

EX8208 Switch Hardware Overview | 21

Benefits of the EX8208 Switch | 22

Software | 22

Chassis Physical Specifications, LCD Panel, and Backplane | 22

Routing Engines and Switch Fabric | 23

Line Cards | 24

Cooling System | 25

Power Supplies | 26

EX8208 Switch Configurations | 27

EX8208 Switch Hardware and CLI Terminology Mapping | 29

Chassis Physical Specifications of an EX8208 Switch | 33

Field-Replaceable Units in an EX8208 Switch | 35

EX8208Chassis | 37

Understanding EX8208 Switch Component and Functionality Redundancy | 37

Hardware Components That Provide Redundancy | 37

Routing Engine and Control Redundancy | 38


Switch Fabric Redundancy | 39

Slot Numbering for an EX8208 Switch | 40

Slot Numbering for SRE and SF Module Slots and Line Card Slots | 40

Slot Numbering for the Power Supply Slots | 42

LCD Panel in an EX8200 Switch | 43

LCD Panel Modes | 44

LCD Panel Menus | 45

Backplane in an EX8208 Switch | 49

Chassis Status LEDs in an EX8200 Switch | 50

Network Port LEDs in an EX8200 Switch | 51

EX8208CoolingSystem | 53

Fan Tray | 54

Airflow Direction in the EX8208 Switch Chassis | 55

EX8200PowerSystem | 56

AC Power Supply in an EX8200 Switch | 56

AC Power Supply Description | 57

N+1 Redundancy Configuration of AC Power Supplies | 59

N+N Redundancy Configuration of AC Power Supplies | 60

AC Power Supply LEDs in an EX8200 Switch | 63

AC Power Specifications for EX8200 Switches | 65

AC Power Cord Specifications for an EX8200 Switch | 66

DC Power Supply in an EX8200 Switch | 70

DC Power Supply LEDs in an EX8200 Switch | 72

DC Power Specifications for EX8200 Switches | 75

Grounding Cable and Lug Specifications for EX8200 Switches | 76

EX8208HostSubsystem | 78

Switch Fabric and Routing Engine (SRE) Module in an EX8208 Switch | 78

SRE Module LEDs in an EX8208 Switch | 80

Switch Fabric (SF) Module in an EX8208 Switch | 81

SF Module LEDs in an EX8208 Switch | 82


EX8200LineCards | 83

Line Card Model and Version Compatibility in an EX8200 Switch | 84

8-port SFP+ Line Card in an EX8200 Switch | 86

Line Card Models | 87

Line Card Components | 87

40-port SFP+ Line Card in an EX8200 Switch | 88

Line Card Models | 89

Line Card Components | 90

Line Card Ports | 90

EX8200-2XS-40P Line Card | 92

Line Card Models | 92

Line Card Components | 93

Line Card Ports | 93

EX8200-2XS-40T Line Card | 94

Line Card Models | 95

Line Card Components | 95

Line Card Ports | 96

EX8200-48PL Line Card | 97

Line Card Models | 97

Line Card Components | 98

Line Card Ports | 98

EX8200-48TL Line Card | 99

Line Card Models | 100

Line Card Components | 100

Line Card Ports | 100

48-Port SFP Line Card in an EX8200 Switch | 101

Line Card Models | 102

Line Card Components | 102

48-Port RJ-45 Line Card in an EX8200 Switch | 103

Line Card Models | 104

Line Card Components | 104

Line Card LEDs in an EX8200 Switch | 105



SitePreparationChecklistforanEX8200Switch | 108

EX8208SiteGuidelinesandRequirements | 109

Environmental Requirements and Specifications for EX Series Switches | 110

General Site Guidelines | 115

Site Electrical Wiring Guidelines | 115

Clearance Requirements for Airflow and Hardware Maintenance for an EX8208 Switch | 116

Rack Requirements | 118

Cabinet Requirements | 119

Power Requirements for EX8208 Switch Components | 120

Calculating Power Requirements for an EX8208 Switch | 121

Calculating the Power Consumption of Your EX8208 Switch Configuration | 122

Calculating System Thermal Output for Your EX8208 Switch Configuration | 124

Calculating the Number of Power Supplies Required for Your EX8208 Switch

Configuration | 124

EX8200NetworkCableandTransceiverPlanning | 128

Pluggable Transceivers Supported on EX8200 Switches | 128

SFP+ Direct Attach Copper Cables for EX Series Switches | 129

Cable Specifications | 130

List of DAC Cables Supported on EX Series Switches | 130

Standards Supported by These Cables | 131

Understanding EX Series Switches Fiber-Optic Cable Signal Loss, Attenuation, and

Dispersion | 131

Signal Loss in Multimode and Single-Mode Fiber-Optic Cable | 131

Attenuation and Dispersion in Fiber-Optic Cable | 132

Calculating the Fiber-Optic Cable Power Budget for EX Series Devices | 132

Calculating the Fiber-Optic Cable Power Margin for EX Series Devices | 133

EX8200ManagementCableSpecificationsandPinouts | 135

Management Cable Specifications | 135

Console Port Connector Pinout Information | 136

USB Port Specifications for an EX Series Switch | 136

RJ-45 Management Port Connector Pinout Information | 137

RJ-45 to DB-9 Serial Port Adapter Pinout Information | 138



UnpackingandMountingtheEX8208Switch | 140

Unpacking an EX8200 Switch | 140

Unpacking a Line Card Used in an EX8200 Switch | 143

Parts Inventory (Packing List) for an EX8208 Switch | 144

Register Products—Mandatory to Validate SLAs | 147

Installing and Connecting an EX8208 Switch | 147

Installing Adjustable Mounting Brackets in a Rack or Cabinet for an EX8200 Switch | 148

Installing the Power Cord Tray in a Rack or Cabinet for an EX8200 Switch | 151

Mounting an EX8208 Switch on a Rack or Cabinet | 154

Mounting an EX8208 Switch on a Rack or Cabinet Using a Mechanical Lift | 157

Mounting an EX8208 Switch on a Rack or Cabinet Without Using a Mechanical Lift | 159

ConnectingtheEX8200toPower | 164

Connect Earth Ground to an EX Series Switch | 164

Parts and Tools Required for Connecting an EX Series Switch to Earth Ground | 165

SpecialInstructionstoFollowBeforeConnectingEarthGroundtoanEXSeriesSwitch | 169

Connecting Earth Ground to an EX Series Switch | 170

Connecting AC Power to an EX8200 Switch | 171

Connecting DC Power to an EX8200 Switch | 174

Powering On an EX8200 Switch | 180

ConnectingtheEX8200toExternalDevices | 182

Connect a Device to a Network for Out-of-Band Management | 182

Connect a Device to a Management Console Using an RJ-45 Connector | 183

Connecting an EX8200 Switch to a Modem | 184

Setting the Serial Console Speed for the Switch | 185

Configuring the Modem | 186

Connecting the Modem to the Console Port | 187

ConnectingtheEX8200totheNetwork | 188

Install a Transceiver | 189

Connect a Fiber-Optic Cable | 191


ConfiguringJunosOSontheEX8200 | 193

EX8200 Switch Default Configuration | 193

Connecting and Configuring an EX Series Switch (CLI Procedure) | 194

Connecting and Configuring an EX Series Switch (J-Web Procedure) | 198

Configuring the LCD Panel on EX Series Switches (CLI Procedure) | 202

Disabling or Enabling Menus and Menu Options on the LCD Panel | 203

Configuring a Custom Display Message | 204

DashboardforEXSeriesSwitches | 205

Graphical Chassis Viewer | 206

System Information Panel | 208

Health Status Panel | 211

Capacity Utilization Panel | 215

Alarms Panel | 216

File System Usage | 216

Chassis Viewer | 216


MaintainingtheEX8208CoolingSystem | 235

Removing a Fan Tray from an EX8208 Switch | 235

Installing a Fan Tray in an EX8208 Switch | 237

MaintainingtheEX8200PowerSystem | 238

Removing an AC Power Supply from an EX8200 Switch | 239

Installing an AC Power Supply in an EX8200 Switch | 240

Removing a DC Power Supply from an EX8200 Switch | 243

Installing a DC Power Supply in an EX8200 Switch | 245

MaintainingtheEX8200PowerCordTray | 247

Removing the Power Cord Tray from a Rack or Cabinet for an EX8200 Switch | 248

Installing the Power Cord Tray in a Rack or Cabinet for an EX8200 Switch | 248


MaintainingtheEX8208HostSubsystem | 251

Taking the SRE Module Offline in an EX8208 Switch | 251

Taking an SRE Module Offline in a Switch with Redundant SRE Modules | 251

Taking an SRE Module Offline in a Switch With One SRE Module | 252

Removing an SRE Module from an EX8208 Switch | 253

Installing an SRE Module in an EX8208 Switch | 255

Taking the SF Module Offline in an EX8208 Switch | 257

Removing an SF Module from an EX8208 Switch | 257

Installing an SF Module in an EX8208 Switch | 259

MaintainingtheEX8200LineCards | 261

Handling and Storing Line Cards | 262

Holding a Line Card | 262

Storing a Line Card | 266

Maintaining Line Card Cables | 267

Unpacking a Line Card Used in an EX8200 Switch | 267

Removing a Line Card from an EX8200 Switch | 268

Installing a Line Card in an EX8200 Switch | 271

MaintainTransceivers | 275

Remove a Transceiver | 275

Remove a QSFP28 Transceiver | 279

Install a Transceiver | 281

Install a QSFP28 Transceiver | 283

MaintainFiber-OpticCables | 285

Connect a Fiber-Optic Cable | 285

Disconnect a Fiber-Optic Cable | 286

How to Handle Fiber-Optic Cables | 287

RemovinganEX8208fromaRackorCabinet | 288

Powering Off an EX8200 Switch | 289

Removing an EX8208 Switch from a Rack or Cabinet | 290

Removing an EX8208 Switch from a Rack or Cabinet Using a Mechanical Lift | 292

Removing an EX8208 Switch from a Rack or Cabinet Without Using a Mechanical Lift | 294

RemovingaBatteryfromanEX8208SwitchforRecycling | 296



TroubleshootingEX8200Components | 299

Understand Alarm Types and Severity Levels on EX Series Switches | 299

Chassis Component Alarm Conditions on EX8200 Switches | 300

Check Active Alarms with the J-Web Interface | 311

Monitor System Log Messages | 312

Troubleshooting an EX8200 Line Card’s Failure to Power On | 317

Troubleshoot Temperature Alarms in EX Series Switches | 320


ReturninganEX8200ChassisorComponents | 326

Returning an EX8200 Switch or Component for Repair or Replacement | 326

Locating the Serial Number on an EX8200 Switch or Component | 327

Listing the Switch and Components Details with the CLI | 327

Locating the Serial Number ID Label on an EX8200 Switch Chassis | 330

Locating Serial Number ID Labels on FRU Components | 331

Contact Customer Support to Obtain Return Material Authorization | 339

Packing an EX8200 Switch or Component | 340

Packing an EX8200 Switch | 340

Packing EX8200 Switch Components for Shipping | 343

Packing a Line Card Used in an EX8200 Switch | 344


GeneralSafetyGuidelinesandWarnings | 347

DefinitionsofSafetyWarningLevels | 348

QualifiedPersonnelWarning | 351

WarningStatementforNorwayandSweden | 352

FireSafetyRequirements | 352

Fire Suppression | 352

Fire Suppression Equipment | 352

InstallationInstructionsWarning | 354

ChassisandComponentLiftingGuidelines | 354


RestrictedAccessWarning | 356

RampWarning | 358

Rack-MountingandCabinet-MountingWarnings | 359

GroundedEquipmentWarning | 365

RadiationfromOpenPortAperturesWarning | 366

LaserandLEDSafetyGuidelinesandWarnings | 367

General Laser Safety Guidelines | 367

Class 1 Laser Product Warning | 368

Class 1 LED Product Warning | 369

Laser Beam Warning | 370

MaintenanceandOperationalSafetyGuidelinesandWarnings | 370

Battery Handling Warning | 372

Jewelry Removal Warning | 373

Lightning Activity Warning | 375

Operating Temperature Warning | 376

Product Disposal Warning | 378

GeneralElectricalSafetyGuidelinesandWarnings | 379

ActiontoTakeAfteranElectricalAccident | 380

PreventionofElectrostaticDischargeDamage | 381

ACPowerElectricalSafetyGuidelines | 382

ACPowerDisconnectionWarning | 384

DCPowerElectricalSafetyGuidelines | 385

DCPowerDisconnectionWarning | 386

DCPowerGroundingRequirementsandWarning | 388

DCPowerWiringSequenceWarning | 390

DCPowerWiringTerminationsWarning | 393

MultiplePowerSuppliesDisconnectionWarning | 396


TNPowerWarning | 397

AgencyApprovalsforEXSeriesSwitches | 397


Switches | 398

ComplianceStatementsforEMCRequirementsforEXSeriesSwitches | 399

Canada | 399

Taiwan | 400

European Community | 400

Israel | 401

Japan | 401

Korea | 401

United States | 402

FCC Part 15 Statement | 402

Nonregulatory Environmental Standards | 402

ComplianceStatementsforAcousticNoiseforEXSeriesSwitches | 403




Documentation and Release Notes | xiii

Using the Examples in This Manual | xiii

Documentation Conventions | xv

Documentation Feedback | xviii

Requesting Technical Support | xviii

Use this guide to install hardware and perform initial software configuration, routine maintenance, and troubleshootingfortheEX8208switch.Aftercompletingtheinstallationandbasicconfigurationprocedures covered in this guide, refer to the Junos OS documentation for information about further software configuration.


To obtain the most current version of all Juniper Networks® technical documentation, see the product documentation page on the Juniper Networks website at

Iftheinformationinthelatestreleasenotesdiffersfromtheinformationinthedocumentation,followthe product Release Notes.

Juniper Networks Books publishes books by Juniper Networks engineers and subject matter experts. These books go beyond the technical documentation to explore the nuances of network architecture, deployment, and administration. The current list can be viewed at


If you want to use the examples in this manual, you can use the loadmerge or the loadmergerelative command. These commands cause the software to merge the incoming configuration into the current candidateconfiguration.Theexampledoesnotbecomeactiveuntilyoucommitthecandidateconfiguration.


If the example configuration contains the top level of the hierarchy (or multiple hierarchies), the example is a fullexample. In this case, use the loadmerge command.

If the example configuration does not start at the top level of the hierarchy, the example is a snippet. In thiscase,usetheloadmergerelative command.Theseproceduresaredescribedinthefollowingsections.


To merge a full example, follow these steps:

1.From the HTML or PDF version of the manual, copy a configuration example into a text file, save the file with a name, and copy the file to a directory on your routing platform.

For example, copy the following configuration to a file and name the file ex-script.conf. Copy the ex-script.conf file to the /var/tmp directory on your routing platform.

system { scripts {

commit {

file ex-script.xsl;




interfaces { fxp0 {

disable; unit 0 {

family inet {






2.Merge the contents of the file into your routing platform configuration by issuing the loadmerge configuration mode command:


user@host# loadmerge/var/tmp/ex-script.conf load complete



To merge a snippet, follow these steps:

1.From the HTML or PDF version of the manual, copy a configuration snippet into a text file, save the file with a name, and copy the file to a directory on your routing platform.

For example, copy the following snippet to a file and name the file ex-script-snippet.conf. Copy the ex-script-snippet.conf file to the /var/tmp directory on your routing platform.

commit {

file ex-script-snippet.xsl; }

2.Movetothehierarchylevelthatisrelevantforthissnippetbyissuingthefollowingconfigurationmode command:


user@host# editsystemscripts

[edit system scripts]

3.Merge the contents of the file into your routing platform configuration by issuing the loadmerge relative configuration mode command:

[edit system scripts]

user@host# loadmergerelative/var/tmp/ex-script-snippet.conf load complete

For more information about the load command, see CLI Explorer.


Table 1 on page xvi defines notice icons used in this guide.








Informational note

Indicates important features or instructions.



Indicates a situation that might result in loss of data or hardware






Alerts you to the risk of personal injury or death.


Laser warning

Alerts you to the risk of personal injury from a laser.



Indicates helpful information.


Best practice

Alerts you to a recommended use or implementation.

Table 2 on page xvi defines the text and syntax conventions used in this guide.






Represents text that you type.

To enter configuration mode, type



the configure command:



user@host> configure

Fixed-width text like this


Represents output that appears on the terminal screen.

Introducesoremphasizesimportant new terms.

Identifies guide names.

Identifies RFC and Internet draft titles.

user@host> showchassisalarms

No alarms currently active

A policy term is a named structure that defines match conditions and actions.


RFC 1997, BGPCommunities Attribute


Table2:TextandSyntaxConventions (continued)




Represents variables (options for


which you substitute a value) in


commands or configuration




Configure the machine’s domain name:


root@# setsystemdomain-name domain-name


Represents names of configuration


statements, commands, files, and


directories; configuration hierarchy


levels; or labels on routing platform



To configure a stub area, include the stub statement at the [edit protocolsospfareaarea-id] hierarchy level.

The console port is labeled


< > (angle brackets)

Encloses optional keywords or



| (pipe symbol)

Indicates a choice between the


mutually exclusive keywords or




The set of choices is often enclosed


in parentheses for clarity.

stub<default-metric metric>;


(string1 | string2 | string3)

# (pound sign)

[ ] (square brackets)

Indention and braces ( { } )

; (semicolon)



same line as the configuration


statement to which it applies.




substitute one or more values.

community-ids ]

Identifies a level in the configuration



routing-options {


static {

Identifies a leaf statement at a

route default {

configuration hierarchy level.

nexthop address;











Table2:TextandSyntaxConventions (continued)






Represents graphical user interface



(GUI) items you click or select.




To cancel the configuration, click




> (bold right angle bracket)

Separates levels in a hierarchy of



menu selections.

select Protocols>Ospf.


We encourage you to provide feedback so that we can improve our documentation. You can use either of the following methods:

Online feedback system—Click TechLibrary Feedback, on the lower right of any page on the Juniper Networks TechLibrary site, and do one of the following:

Click the thumbs-up icon if the information on the page was helpful to you.

Click the thumbs-down icon if the information on the page was not helpful to you or if you have suggestions for improvement, and use the pop-up form to provide feedback.

E-mail—, URL or page number, and software version (if applicable).


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EX8208 System Overview

EX8208 System Overview | 21

EX8208 Chassis | 37

EX8208 Cooling System | 53

EX8200 Power System | 56

EX8208 Host Subsystem | 78

EX8200 Line Cards | 83




EX8208 Switch Hardware Overview | 21

EX8208 Switch Configurations | 27

EX8208 Switch Hardware and CLI Terminology Mapping | 29

Chassis Physical Specifications of an EX8208 Switch | 33

Field-Replaceable Units in an EX8208 Switch | 35



Benefits of the EX8208 Switch | 22

Software | 22

Chassis Physical Specifications, LCD Panel, and Backplane | 22

Routing Engines and Switch Fabric | 23

Line Cards | 24

Cooling System | 25

Power Supplies | 26

Juniper Networks EX8208 Ethernet Switches provide high performance, scalable connectivity, and carrier-classreliabilityforhigh-densityenvironmentssuchascampus-aggregationanddata-centernetworks. TheEX8208switchisamodularsystemthatprovideshighavailabilityandredundancyforallmajorhardware components, including Routing Engines, switch fabric, fan tray (redundant fans), and power supplies.

YoucanformanEX8200VirtualChassisbyconnectingindividualEX8200switchestoanXRE200External RoutingEngine.AVirtualChassisismultipleswitchesconnectedtogetherthatoperateasasinglenetwork entity.


You can manage EX8208 switches using the same interfaces that you use for managing other devices running the Juniper Networks Junos operating system (Junos OS)—the command-line interface (CLI), the J-Web graphical interface, and the Network and Security Manager (NSM).


Support for Virtual Chassis—EX8208 switches support Virtual Chassis technology. You can configure EX8200 switches in a Virtual Chassis and manage and operate them as a single network entity by using the XRE200 External Routing Engine.

Highcapacity—Withatotalcapacityofupto6.2Terabitspersecond(Tbps),EX8208isapowerfulmodular platform that delivers the performance, scalability, and high availability required for high-density data center, campus aggregation, and core switching environments.

Support for Juniper Networks Service Now solution—EX8200 switches support the Juniper Networks ServiceNowsolution,acomprehensivesetoftoolsthatenableJuniperNetworksJ-CareTechnicalService offerings to automate the delivery of tailored, proactive network intelligence and support services.


The Juniper Networks EX Series Ethernet Switches run Junos OS, which provides Layer 2 and Layer 3 switching, routing, and security services. The same Junos OS code base that runs on EX Series switches also runs on all Juniper Networks M Series, MX Series, and T Series routers and SRX Series Services Gateways.


The EX8208 switch is 14 rack units (14 U) in size (1/3 rack). Three EX8208 switches can fit in a standard 42 U rack. Each EX8208 switch is designed to optimize rack space and cabling. See Figure 1 on page 23.

Juniper EX8208 Hardware Guide








status LEDs



Line cards

SRE0 module

SF module

SRE1 module

Line cards

Fan tray

AC power supplies

<![if ! IE]>


Lift handle

TheEX8208switchhasachassis-levelLCDpanelthatdisplaysRoutingEngineandswitchfabricstatusas well as chassis components’ alarm information for rapid problem identification. The LCD panel provides auser-friendlyinterfaceforperforminginitialswitchconfiguration,rollingbackaconfiguration,orrestoring the switch to its default settings. See LCDPanelinanEX8200Switch.

The EX8208 chassis backplane distributes the data, control, and management signals to various system components along with distributing power throughout the system.

See “Chassis Physical Specifications of an EX8208 Switch” on page 33.


Switching functionality, system management, and system control functions of an EX8208 switch are performed by a Switch Fabric and Routing Engine (SRE) module. See “Switch Fabric and Routing Engine (SRE) Module in an EX8208 Switch” on page 78. An SRE module contains a Routing Engine and switch fabric. The SRE modules are field-replaceable units (FRUs) that are installed in the front of the chassis in


the slots labeled SRE0 and SRE1. See “Slot Numbering for an EX8208 Switch” on page 40. A base configurationEX8208switchhasoneSREmodule.AredundantconfigurationEX8208switchhasasecond SRE module. See “EX8208 Switch Configurations” on page 27.

TheSwitchFabric(SF)module,workingwiththeSREmodule,providesthenecessaryswitchingfunctionality to a base configuration EX8208 switch. The SF module is installed in the front of the chassis in the slot labeledSF. Inaredundantconfiguration,theSFmoduleprovidesfull2+1switchfabricredundancytothe switch. See “Switch Fabric (SF) Module in an EX8208 Switch” on page 81.

The EX8208 switch can also be connected to an XRE200 External Routing Engine. An XRE200 External Routing Engine is used to connect multiple EX8200 switches into a Virtual Chassis. See XRE200External RoutingEngineHardwareOverview.


The EX8208 switch features eight horizontal line card slots and supports line rate for each line card. The line cards in EX8200 switches combine a Packet Forwarding Engine and Ethernet interfaces on a single assembly. Line cards are FRUs that can be installed in the line card slots labeled 0 through 7 on the front of the switch chassis. See “Slot Numbering for an EX8208 Switch” on page 40. All line cards are hot-removable and hot-insertable.

Twelve line cards are available for EX8200 switches. The extra-scale line card models provide larger IPv4 and IPv6 route table sizes than the non-extra-scale models to store more unicast routes.

Table 3 on page 24 shows the model numbers and descriptions of the line cards available for EX8200 switches.




Additional Information


8-port SFP+ line card




on page 86


8-port SFP+ line card, extra-scale




on page 86


40-port SFP+ line card

“40-port SFP+ Line Card in an EX8200



Switch” on page 88


40-port SFP+ line card, extra-scale

“40-port SFP+ Line Card in an EX8200



Switch” on page 88


40-port PoE+ with 4-port SFP and

“EX8200-2XS-40P Line Card” on page 92


2-port SFP+ line card



Table3:LineCardsAvailableforEX8200Switches (continued)




Additional Information


40-port RJ-45 with 4-port SFP and

“EX8200-2XS-40T Line Card” on page 94


2-port SFP+ line card



48-port PoE+ 20 Gbps line card

“EX8200-48PL Line Card” on page 97


48-port RJ-45 20 Gbps line card

“EX8200-48TL Line Card” on page 99


48-port RJ-45 line card

“48-Port RJ-45 Line Card in an EX8200



Switch” on page 103


48-port RJ-45 line card, extra-scale

“48-Port RJ-45 Line Card in an EX8200



Switch” on page 103


48-port SFP line card




on page 101


48-port SFP line card, extra-scale




on page 101

NOTE: Werecommendthatyoudonotinstallextra-scalelinecardmodelsandnon-extra-scale models in the same switch or Virtual Chassis. If you install extra-scale line cards in a switch or Virtual Chassis that has non-extra-scale models installed, the IPv4 and IPv6 route table sizes defaulttothoseofthenon-extra-scalemodelsandyouwillnotgetthebenefitoftheincreased table sizes of the extra-scale models.

You will experience these decreased route table sizes in a Virtual Chassis even when the non-extra-scale line cards are installed in one member switch and the extra-scale line cards are installed in another member switch.


ThecoolingsysteminanEX8208switchconsistsofahot-removableandhot-insertableFRUfantray.The fan tray contains 12 fans. The fan tray installs vertically on the left front of the chassis and provides side-to-side chassis cooling. See “EX8208 Cooling System” on page 53.



Power supplies for the EX8208 switch are fully redundant, load-sharing, and hot-removable and hot-insertable (FRUs. Each EX8208 switch chassis can hold up to six AC or DC power supplies.

Table 4 on page 26 shows the details of the power supplies available for EX8208 switches.


Power Supply

Input Voltage

Output Power

2000 W AC

Low-voltage line (100-120 VAC)

1200 W


High-voltage line (200-240 VAC)

2000 W

3000 W AC

Low-voltage line (100-120 VAC)

Not supported


High-voltage line (200-240 VAC)

3000 W

2000 W DC

-40 VDC through -72VDC

2000 W

Only two AC power supplies (provided) are required to power on the base AC configuration switch. The redundantACconfigurationshipswithsixACpowersuppliestoprovidethecapacitytopowerthesystem using N+1 or N+N power redundancy. See “AC Power Supply in an EX8200 Switch” on page 56 and “EX8208 Switch Configurations” on page 27.

The redundant DC configuration ships with four DC power supplies. The dual inputs of the DC supplies provide direct support for N+N power redundancy. The redundant configuration also provides sufficient capacity for N+1 redundancy in most configurations; if necessary, up to two additional DC supplies can be added to the system. See “DC Power Supply in an EX8200 Switch” on page 70 and “EX8208 Switch Configurations” on page 27.

CAUTION: Mixingdifferenttypesofpowersupplies(ACandDC)inthesamechassis is not supported.





Table 5 on page 27 lists the seven sample hardware configurations for an EX8208 switch—base (AC), redundant (AC and DC versions), and fully loaded chassis (AC and DC versions)—and the components included in each configuration.


base(ACwith3000WACpowersupplies),redundant(ACwith2000WACpowersupplies),andredundant (DC).



Switch Configuration

Configuration Components


Chassis with backplane


One fan tray


One Switch Fabric and Routing Engine (SRE) module


One Switch Fabric (SF) module


Two 2000 W AC power supplies


Two power cords


Eight line card cover panels


Four power supply cover panels

Baseconfiguration(ACwith3000WACpowersupplies) Chassis with backplane

One fan tray

One Switch Fabric and Routing Engine (SRE) module

One Switch Fabric (SF) module

Two 3000 W AC power supplies

Two power cords

Eight line card cover panels

Four power supply cover panels

Redundant configuration (AC with 2000 W AC power supplies)

Chassis with backplane

One fan tray

Two SRE modules

One SF module

Six 2000 W AC power supplies

Six power cords

Eight line card cover panels


Table5:EX8208SwitchHardwareConfigurations (continued)

Switch Configuration

Redundant configuration (DC)

Fully loaded chassis configuration (AC with 2000 W AC power supplies)

Fully loaded chassis configuration (AC with 3000 W AC power supplies)

Fully loaded chassis configuration (DC)

Configuration Components

Chassis with backplane

One fan tray

Two SRE modules

One SF module

Four 2000 W DC power supplies

16 DC power cable lugs

Eight line card cover panels

Chassis with backplane

One fan tray

Two SRE modules

One SF module

Six 2000 W AC power supplies

Six power cords

Eight line cards

Chassis with backplane

One fan tray

Two SRE modules

One SF module

Six 3000 W AC power supplies

Six power cords

Eight line cards

Chassis with backplane

One fan tray

Two SRE modules

One SF module

Six 2000 W DC power supplies

24 DC power cable lugs

Eight line cards

NOTE: You can install up to eight line cards (any combination of line cards) in the switch.


NOTE: Line cards are not part of the base or redundant configuration. You must order them separately.

NOTE: If you want to purchase additional power supplies (AC or DC) for your switch configuration, you must order them separately.


This topic describes the hardware terms used in EX8208 switch documentation and the corresponding terms used in the Junos OS command line interface (CLI). See Table 6 on page 29.





Item In


Item (CLI)


Value (CLI)





Switch chassis

“Chassis Physical





Specifications of an





EX8208 Switch” on





page 33









Switch” on page 49


Table6:CLIEquivalentsofTermsUsedinDocumentationforEX8208Switches (continued)



Item In


Item (CLI)

Description(CLI) Value (CLI)



CB (n)

One of the

n is a value in the range



of 0–2.






in the CLI if more than



one control board (CB) is



installed in the chassis.



CB0 and CB1 are always



SRE modules.

CB2 is always the SF module.

The switch does not have actual control boards; see the followingentriesforthe equivalent item on the switch:

Switch Fabric and

“Switch Fabric and

Routing Engine (SRE)

Routing Engine (SRE)


Module in an EX8208


Switch” on page 78

Switch Fabric (SF)

“Switch Fabric (SF)


Module in an EX8208


Switch” on page 81

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